LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#794: Huge shadow

Chapter 795 huge shadow( big chapter asked monthly ticket) 第795章巨大阴影(大章求月票) What is that?” “那是什么?” Hasn't registered the equipment?” “未登记设备?” Dropping angel machine armor?” “一台堕天使机甲?” How in this city to have dropping angel machine armor?” “这座城市里怎么会有堕天使机甲?” Radar detecting behind this/should machine armor has the vehicles far away from the trace, is incompatible, suspects for labelling temporarily not well-known the seventh influence with the eternal old teachings catholicism vehicles style ‚’.” “雷达检测到该机甲后方有车辆远离痕迹,与永恒旧教车辆风格不符,怀疑为标注暂不知名的‘第七势力’。” Indoor the machine armor control, the internal channel resounds all kinds of sounds. 机甲操控室内,内部频道响起各种各样的声音。 Can collect this/should vehicles image?” “能否采集到该车辆影像?” During an ice-cold and serious middle-aged male voice inserted chatted. 一个冰冷且严肃的中年男声插入了聊天当中。 „It is not able to collect, this/should vehicles are intending to avoid our optical observation installment, according to the way judged, this/should vehicles will soon drive into the downtown area, the city disturbance is excessively strong, after the flowing vehicles mix, may lose its tracing.” “无法采集,该车辆在有意避开我方光学观测装置,根据路径判断,该车辆即将驶入闹市区,城市干扰过强,与流动车辆混合后,可能会丢失其追踪。” Before said that examines the vehicles trace the sound to say immediately. 之前说检测到车辆痕迹的声音立刻接话。 C1 , C 2 traces that car(riage),” “C1,C2去追踪那辆车,” The middle-aged male voice told slowly, Team B and Team C remaining three machine armor followed I, first solved this dropping angel, person who then solved the following eternal old teachings catholicism.” 中年男声缓缓吩咐道,“B组和C组剩下的三台机甲跟着我,先解决这台堕天使,再解决下面的永恒旧教的人。” Team leader, do you want to act personally?” “队长,你要亲自出手?” The communication frequency resounds a surprised sound immediately. 通讯频道立刻响起了一个惊讶的声音。 Opposite party, since remains, definitely has the skill,” “对方既然留下来,肯定是有本事的,” Middle-aged male voice tranquil saying, keeps the strength is to us, to his disrespect.” 中年男声平静的说道,“留力是对我们,也是对他的不尊重。” Ha, team leader elite machine armor soldier, but federal Central Armed Force draws back, you are willing to act, the opposite affirmed, perhaps we did not have the opportunity of participation.” “哈哈哈,队长可是联邦中央军退下来的精锐机甲战士,你愿意出手,对面肯定死了,我们恐怕连参与的机会都没有了。” Is laughing the sound inserted chatted. 一个大笑着的声音插入了聊天中。 Here is the battlefield, do not despise your any enemy.” “这里是战场,不要轻视你们任何一个敌人。” Middle-aged male voice tranquil met one, but he does not have really to refute that laughter, but then said, prepares the ground-to-air artillery, pours the triangle formation, first long-distance range saturated fire, weakens the opposite party strength, simultaneously the plasma artillery thermal energy storage, our are many, first use remote precision advantage.” 中年男声平静的接了一句,不过他没有真的反驳那个笑声,而是接着说道,“准备好对空炮,倒三角阵型,先远距离饱和射击,削弱对方实力,同时等离子炮蓄能,我们人数多,优先利用远程火力优势。” Good!” “好!” In the communication frequency transmitted accordingly. 通讯频道里传来了应声。 Team leader respected opinion,” “队长高见,” Meanwhile, the communication frequency some sounds say immediately, perhaps that fellow was bombed by our waves frightens, on scared shitless running far ha!” 与此同时,通讯频道立刻有声音说道,“那家伙说不定被咱们这波投弹一吓,就屁滚尿流的跑远了哈哈哈!” Hick who this group has not seen the world, even if really lets their manipulator armor, perhaps is also at sixes and sevens, you have a look at his movement to be stiff, even the anti-aircraft artillery has not opened, perhaps now has been scared.” “这帮没见过世面的土包子,哪怕真的让他们操作机甲,恐怕也是乱七八糟,你看看他的动作还僵着,连防空炮都没有开,说不定现在已经吓傻了。” Immediately has the sound to echo to say. 立刻有声音附和道。 Perhaps in that simply does not have the pilot, is the even control handle enough, maintains machine the kid of armor action by the auto-adapted cruise.” “说不定那里面根本没有驾驶员,是个连操纵杆都够不到的,靠自适应巡航维持机甲行动的小屁孩。” Also the sound said with a smile, dropping angel machine armor in fact was Jane/simple equal/match the version of our hell apostle, flexible was flexible, but can he anti- under this wave of hail of bullets really not say, perhaps the first wave of hail of bullets discarded directly.” 又有一个声音笑道,“堕天使机甲实际上就是咱们地狱使徒的简配版,灵活是灵活了,但是他能不能抗下这波弹雨还真不好说,说不定第一波弹雨就直接报废了。” Ha.” “哈哈哈。” The entire communication frequency filled with the cheerful atmosphere. 整个通讯频道充满了欢快的气氛。 Sound reverberation that under the gloomy nighttime sky, mechanical muzzles lift in buildings. 暗淡的夜空下,一个个机械炮口抬起的声音回荡在一座座的楼宇之间。 The entire only machine armor formation actually also has very far distance from dropping angel machine armor, but that muzzle spout the strong flame. 整只机甲编队其实距离堕天使机甲还有很远的距离,但是那一个个炮口已经喷涌出了浓烈的火焰。 The bright flame scattered the surrounding darkness in the flash. 明亮的火光在一瞬间驱散了周围的黑暗。 The cloud that shell that innumerable have the tail flame like flame, camouflaged the entire sky. 无数带着尾焰的炮弹如同火焰的云彩,遮蔽了整个天空。 So huge barrage attack naturally also attracted the two groups of troops of eternal esoteric buddhism and eternal old teachings catholicism that confronts, their vacant raising the head, look that these are similar to the hot cloud to be the same, has the terrifying and crossed the shell of their top of the head depressing. 如此庞大的弹幕攻击自然也吸引了正在对峙的永恒密教和永恒旧教的两拨人马,他们茫然的抬起头,看着那些如同火云一般,带着恐怖和压抑越过了他们头顶的炮弹。 But in their not far away, behind that little building. 而在他们不远处,那栋小楼后方。 Huge pure white machine armor in in the air float, he gazes at the hail of bullets that these shops are sprinkling to come, lifted in the hand the pure white great sword. 巨大的纯白的机甲在空中悬浮,他注视着那些铺洒而来的弹雨,抬起了手中纯白的巨剑。 Bang- 轰- With fierce bellow and propeller spraying, but the huge tail flame, the white shadow of standing tall and erect same has flown the top of the head of eternal ray follower like the flowing light. 伴随着剧烈的轰鸣声和推进器喷射而出的巨大尾焰,高耸的白色阴影如同流光一样飞过了永恒光芒信徒的头顶。 He is going against these dense and numerous hails of bullets, crashed in curtain of night most deep place. 他逆着那些密密麻麻的弹雨,冲进了夜幕最深处。 Team leader!!!” “队长!!!” The intercom channel heard the panic-stricken cry, that machine armor!!! He!!! He flushed!!! Quite quick! He before my body!” 内部通讯频道传来了惊恐的叫声,“那个机甲!!!他!!!他冲过来了!!!好快!他到我身前了!” Don't be upset!” “不要慌!” The middle-aged male voice loudly exclaims immediately, in the future will draw back, introduces the formation him, surrounds him!!!” 中年男声立刻大吼道,“往后退,把他引入阵型内部,把他包围起来!!!” However his sound has not transmitted to the pilot ear of that machine armor. 但是他的声音并未传达到那台机甲的驾驶员耳朵里。 Bang- 轰- With the bellow of huge explosion, the flame flash of rushing was similar to lights the nighttime sky first round of fireworks to jump to shoot generally. 伴随着巨大的爆炸的轰鸣声,澎湃的火焰一瞬间如同点燃了夜空的第一发焰火一般迸射而出。 A white great sword appears from the flame , is grasping pure white machine armor of great sword across the raging fire of that flaming combustion, in the field of vision of organic armor appears the shape in the surroundings. 一柄白色的巨剑从火焰中浮现,紧接着,手持着巨剑的纯白机甲穿过那熊熊燃烧的烈火,在周围所有机甲的视野中显现出形状来。 How possibly “怎么可能・・・” A shocking sound reverberation in the communication frequency, his machine armor so will be how flexible.” 一个震惊的声音回荡在通讯频道里,“他的机甲怎么会这么灵活。” Re-equips the dropping angel, the opposite is a very strong machine armor pilot, do not have a low opinion of the enemy!!! Plasma artillery!” “是改装堕天使,对面是一个很强的机甲驾驶员,不要轻敌!!!等离子炮!” The middle-aged male voice made a sound again in the communication frequency, left side machine armor will draw back in the future, right side machine armor proceeded, hauled in him the encirclement ring!!!” 中年男声再次响在了通讯频道里,“左侧的机甲往后退,右侧机甲往前,把他拉进包围圈里!!!” …… ・・・・・・ He Ao cannot hear these machine armor internal the sounds of transmissions, he stands before the flame of spout, is gazing at hell apostle machine armor before body. 何奥听不到这些机甲内部的传达的声音,他站在喷涌的火焰之前,注视着身前的地狱使徒机甲。 Here altogether is 11 machine armor, two machine armor have been separated from the team, as to bypass him, traces him behind already the black all-terrain vehicle that leaves. 这里一共是十一台机甲,两台机甲已经脱离队伍,似乎想要绕过他,追踪他身后已经离开的黑色越野车。 But remaining nine machine armor, composed a but actually triangle formation, in front of this formation attacks the position, behind in supports the position, generally speaking, as support generally is the commander of team, at rear area. 而剩下的九台机甲,组成了一个倒三角阵型,这种阵型前面是攻击位,中后方是支援位,一般来说,作为支援的一般是队伍的指挥官,处在中后方。 But rear this moment formation, is hell apostle machine armor that spread the red pattern painting. 而此刻阵型最后面的,是一架涂了红色花纹涂装的地狱使徒机甲。 When according to Vian learning machine armor control obtains the knowledge that from private teacher there, the painting of federal most machine armor does not spread casually. 按照维安学习机甲操控时从私人教官那里得到的知识,联邦绝大多数机甲的涂装都不是随便涂的。 Only then that type displays heroically in the battlefield, struck to kill incessantly a elite machine armor pilot of powerful unusual animals, has the qualifications to spread the colored pattern painting in own machine armor. 只有那种在战场上表现英勇,曾经击杀过不止一头强大异兽的精锐机甲驾驶员,才有资格在自己的机甲上涂上彩色花纹涂装。 When He Ao looks to that red painting machine armor, that machine armor as if also detected that his vision, turned around, looks to him. 而在何奥看向那那台红色涂装机甲的时候,那台机甲似乎也察觉到了他的目光,同时转过身来,看向他。 Meanwhile, surrounding machine armor in rapid is also surrounding He Ao. 与此同时,周围的机甲也正在迅速将何奥围拢起来。 Human until now overwhelming majorities battlefield actual goal, most of the time only then one, that is finds the way to introduce own encirclement ring the enemy, then realizes in overall or some regions to bully few. 人类迄今为止绝大多数‘战阵’的实际目的,大多数时候只有一个,那就是想办法把敌人引入自己的包围圈,然后在整体或者部分区域内实现‘以多欺少’。 Radiant but the brilliance of burning hot has delimited the sky, that is the plasma artillery in the trace that in the night stays behind. 璀璨而炙热的光辉划过天空,那是等离子炮在黑夜中留下的痕迹。 He Ao has not chosen toward the flank breaks through, but raised the white great sword, charged into directly red painting machine armor of most core position in the entire battlefield. 何奥并没有选择向着外侧突破,而是提起白色巨剑,径直冲向了在整个战阵中最核心位置的红色涂装机甲。 The brilliance of plasma artillery from his body bank, like prisoner's cage that’ brilliance form, tries to detain his step. 一道道等离子炮的光辉从他身侧飞过,如同一道道光辉形成的‘囚笼’,试图圈禁他的步伐。 However these cannot hinder his step slightly. 但是这些丝毫未能阻碍他的步伐。 But after a round of brilliance salvo, recent hell apostle machine armor also rushed to front of He Ao dropping angel machine armor, lifts the black great sword to divide to his chest. 而在一轮光辉齐射之后,最近的地狱使徒机甲也冲到了何奥的堕天使机甲面前,举着黑色的巨剑劈向他的胸口。 The He Ao direct control propeller whole person translates toward the right side, then grips the great sword, raises bottom-up. 何奥直接操纵推进器整个人向着右侧平移,然后握住巨剑,从下向上一提。 The pure white great sword on diagonal has cut this machine armor, along with the fierce explosion flame, He Ao continues to proceed. 纯白的巨剑斜向上切过了这台机甲,伴随着剧烈的爆炸火焰,何奥继续往前。 But at this time, organic armor flushed from the right. 而这个时候,又有机甲从右方冲了上来。 He Ao control machine armor grips the great sword, controls the propeller jet braking, from the sky stopped the step forcefully, then lifts the sword transverse cutting, cuts off right side machine armor directly around the middle. 何奥操控机甲握住巨剑,控制推进器反推,硬生生在空中止住了步伐,然后抬剑横切,直接将右侧的机甲拦腰斩断。 From the sky along with giant flame that blooms, pure white machine armor while passing through flame lifted the left hand. 伴随着在空中绽放的巨大火焰,纯白的机甲在穿过火焰的同时抬起了左手。 - 嘣- The radiant brilliance jumps to shoot from the plasma artillery of left hand, an artillery is lifting the plasma artillery to aim at his machine armor to penetrate not far away one. 璀璨的光辉从左手的等离子炮上迸射而出,一炮将不远处一个正在抬起等离子炮对准他的机甲击穿。 Then he turns head, lifts the right hand, a small-scale laser cannon springs from the right hand small arm, bursts out instantaneously dazzlingly brilliance. 然后他回过头来,抬起右手,一个小型激光炮从右手小臂下弹出,瞬间迸发出耀眼光辉。 This laser cannon is normal dropping angel machine armor will not provide, seems like new changing support. 这个激光炮是正常堕天使机甲不会配备的,看起来是维莉新加的改装件。 Right He Ao another machine armor that lifts the plasma artillery does not seem to think right side He Ao also the laser cannon, the scalding hot laser shot the muzzle of that plasma artillery, detonated the ion-cluster in muzzle instantaneously, the flame of explosion covered entire machine armor. 何奥右侧的另一台抬起等离子炮的机甲似乎并没有想到何奥右侧还有一个激光炮,灼热的激光射进了那等离子炮的炮口,瞬间引爆了炮口中的离子团,爆炸的火焰覆盖了整个机甲。 Destroyed machine armor wreckage flies down to fall, falls into the city below darkness. 被摧毁的机甲残骸向下飞落,落入下方黑暗中的城市里。 But at this time, before the He Ao form also finally arrived in machine armor of red painting . 而这个时候,何奥的身影也终于抵达了红色涂装的机甲前。 Put in an appearance to destroy my five machine armor, by your strength, should not be the quiet obscure individual.” “一个照面摧毁了我五台机甲,以你的实力,不应该是寂寂无名之辈。” The huge sound spreads from hell apostle machine armor of red painting, machine armor lifts both hands, drew out the back in the back two black great swords. 巨大的声音从红色涂装的地狱使徒机甲中传出,机甲抬起双手,拔出了背在背后的两把黑色巨剑。 This machine armor is to also change to install equipment armor. 这台机甲也是改装机甲。 He Ao has not spoken, but was control machine armor both hands gripped the white great sword, he unnecessary physical strength has not spoken now. 何奥没有说话,而是操控机甲双手握住了白色巨剑,他现在并没有多余的气力来说话了。 In fact, he controls the control handle only to promote now reluctantly, remaining depends upon Eve to act according to him to promote the computed result that the scope of control handle conducts, further control machine armor action. 事实上,他现在控制操纵杆都只能勉强的推动一点,剩下的依靠夏娃根据他推动操纵杆的幅度进行的计算结果,进一步操控机甲行动。 Red painting machine armor sees He Ao not to reply, both hands lift the sword, the propeller jumps instantaneously projects the dazzling brilliance, brings to fly toward He Ao his body. 红色涂装机甲见何奥没有回复,双手抬剑,身后的推进器瞬间迸射出耀眼的光辉,将他的身体带着向着何奥飞来。 Strict, purely compared with the strength, the dropping angel definitely is inferior to the hell apostle, especially refitted hell apostle. 严格来说,纯比力量,堕天使肯定是不如地狱使徒的,特别是改装后的地狱使徒。 Facing red painting machine armor that having the powerful strength is flushing, He Ao has not chosen to meet the tough head-on with toughness, but is sideways to flash, evaded the attack of red painting machine armor. 面对带着强大力道冲来的红色涂装机甲,何奥并没有选择硬碰硬,而是侧身一闪,躲过了红色涂装机甲的攻击。 But red painting machine armor also draws support from the propeller change direction on arm immediately, the hand is grasping the double sword, is up and down, interlocks diagonal to brandish in the He Ao direction. 而红色涂装机甲也立刻借助手臂上的推进器改变方向,手握着双剑,一上一下,交错斜向向着何奥的方向抡来。 Meanwhile, muzzles stretch out from the armor of red painting machine armor, aim at dropping angel machine armor of He Ao control. 与此同时,一道道炮口从红色涂装机甲的装甲下伸出,对准何奥操控的堕天使机甲。 The fight and human of machine A enormous difference of fight, lies on machine armor brings various types of propellers, can from the sky use the propeller to transform the build at will, rather than the human fight, needs from the different places with the strength, to use various special skills likely, can change the body position. 机甲的战斗与人类的战斗的一个极大的不同之处,就在于机甲身上带着各种推进器,可以在空中使用推进器随意变换体型,而不是像人类战斗,需要从不同的地方借力,使用各种特殊技巧,才能改变身体位置。 Sometimes, the fight operation of machine armor be more cunning than flexibly the movement that the human body can achieve. 有些时候,机甲的战斗操作要比人体所能做到的动作更加刁钻灵活。 But facing the cunning attack that red painting machine armor raids up and down, He Ao these has not dodged time, but is the great sword downward, met this attack hardly. 而面对红色涂装机甲上下袭来的刁钻攻击,何奥这一次并没有闪避,而是巨剑向下,硬接了这一次攻击。 Red painting machine armor does not seem to expect He Ao to meet these to attack hardly, in fact, he opens the muzzle, to frighten He Ao, making He Ao dodge. 红色涂装机甲似乎没有料到何奥会硬接这一下攻击,实际上,他打开炮口,就是为了吓何奥,让何奥闪避。 His machine armor abdomen re-equipped a model of plasma main artillery, hides under the abdomen armor, at this moment the thermal energy storage has been completed. 他的机甲腹部改装了一款等离子主炮,藏在腹部装甲下,此刻已经蓄能完成。 His double sword deactivation the right side space, is compels He Ao to dodge toward the left side, this just will enter his plasma artillery fire range. 他的双剑卡死了右侧的空间,就是逼何奥向着左侧闪避,这样就会刚好进入他的等离子炮射击范围。 He will not turn on the armor, but is directly under the armor covers launches the plasma artillery, that piece of armor designs time, some plans that faces this situation, can penetrate from the interior easily. 他不会打开装甲,而是直接在装甲掩盖下发射等离子炮,那一片的装甲本身设计的时候,就有面对这种情况的打算,很容易就能从内部击穿。 However He Ao this keeping off makes his plan fail completely. 但是何奥这一挡让他的计划完全落了空。 Under the fierce hit, pure white dropping angel machine armor flies to draw back backward, simultaneously the anti-aircraft artillery in dropping angel machine armor springs, burst out the shell to stick a red painting machine armor face instantaneously. 在剧烈的撞击之下,纯白的堕天使机甲向后飞退,同时堕天使机甲上的防空炮弹出,瞬间迸发炮弹糊了红色涂装机甲一脸。 Quick, on the radar of red painting machine armor saw that dropping angel machine armor flew to hell apostle machine armor of not far away, arrived at the same place with that machine armor dogfight, fell into behind a building. 很快,红色涂装机甲的雷达上就看到堕天使机甲飞向了不远处的一台地狱使徒机甲,和那台机甲缠斗到一起,落入了一栋大楼后面。 Red painting machine armor also no longer hid at this moment, had the plasma artillery on hand, aimed at that building, simultaneously the armor of his lower abdomen position also opened, revealed inside thermal energy storage the good plasma main artillery. 红色涂装机甲此刻也不再隐藏,起了手上的等离子炮,对准了那栋大楼,同时他小腹位置的装甲也打开,露出了里面蓄能已好等离子主炮。 The next second, a huge form runs out from the building. 下一秒,一个巨大的身影从大楼后方冲出。 Radiant brilliance bursts out from the plasma artillery of right hand suddenly, penetrates hell apostle machine armor that was thrown to fly. 璀璨的光辉的从右手的等离子炮中骤然迸发而出,击穿了被扔飞出来的地狱使徒机甲。 But in another quarter that this crackle of gunfire resounds, has the pure white form to run out from another side of building together. 而在这炮声响起的另一刻,一道带着纯白的身影从大楼的另一侧冲出。 Carves the insect small technique. 雕虫小技。 The red paints the pilot corners of the mouth to select, plasma artillery instantaneous open fire of machine armor abdomen shot at that second machine armor. 红色涂装驾驶员嘴角微挑,机甲腹部的等离子炮瞬间开炮射向了那第二台机甲。 This opens fire he not to wait for the machine armor main engine twice regarding the accurate analysis of opposite party machine armor, the opposite is the true expert, when the machine armor main engine results analysis comes out, he had possibly been killed by the opposite party. 这两次开炮他都并没有等机甲主机对于对方机甲的确切分析,对面是真正的高手,等到机甲主机分析结果出来,他可能都已经被对方干掉了。 Why however does not know, in his heart somewhat is always anxious. 但是不知为何,他心中总有些不安。 Illuminates second machine armor in the brilliance of plasma artillery the instance, his complexion instantaneously changes. 在等离子炮的光辉照亮第二台机甲的瞬间,他面色瞬间一变。 That is not dropping angel machine armor, but is holding blown up hell apostle machine armor of dropping angel machine armor pure white big sword. 那并不是一台堕天使机甲,而是抱着堕天使机甲纯白大剑的被炸毁的地狱使徒机甲。 When 什么时候・・・ In his mind flashes through suddenly together brilliance, remembered just that to be hit the plasma artillery to explode by the laser cannon falls into the machine armor wreckage between buildings. 他脑海中骤然闪过一道光辉,想起了刚刚那个被激光炮击中等离子炮而爆炸落入楼宇间的机甲残骸。 However at this moment all already late. 但是此刻一切都已经晚了。 A pure white form has emerged from the building, and held up the plasma artillery on hand. 一个纯白的身影已经从大楼后方浮出,并举起了手上的等离子炮。 The radiant brilliance across the nighttime sky, jumps together shoots, but in plasma bombing the cab of red painting machine armor, penetrated the energy battery after cab. 一道璀璨的光辉穿过夜空,迸射而出等离子炮击中了红色涂装机甲的驾驶室,击穿了驾驶室后的能源电池。 Bang- 轰- With a thundering loud sound, flower of the giant flame from the sky blooms. 伴随着一声轰鸣的巨响,一朵巨大的火焰之花在空中绽放。 But in He Ao not far away from He Ao near machine armor while He Ao open fire, raises the black great sword to clash immediately. 而在何奥不远处距离何奥较近的一台机甲在何奥开炮的同时,就立刻提着黑色巨剑冲了过来。 He Ao is sideways to flash through, under shining of sky flame, on arm huge propeller full-power output, in a boxing machine armor chest, the right hand prepared the good laser cannon to erupt suddenly, penetrated the cab instantaneously. 何奥侧身闪过,在天空火焰的照耀下,手臂上巨大的推进器全功率输出,一拳击中了机甲胸口,右手准备好的激光炮骤然爆发,瞬间击穿了驾驶室。 With flame of another blasting open, He Ao figure downward, picked up ground originally Pungka in wreckage white great sword. 伴随着又一朵炸裂的火焰,何奥身形向下,捡起了地上原本卡在残骸身上的白色巨剑。 But at this time, he saw in the corner of not far away street, a young boy in rags is hiding behind a window of breakage, careful poked head in toward here. 而在这个时候,他看到不远处街道的角落里,一个衣衫褴褛的小男孩正躲在一个破损的窗户后面,小心的朝着这边探头。 He Ao controls machine armor finger to place machine on the lip of armor, to he made one breathing out hand signal. 何奥操控着机甲手指放在机甲的嘴唇上,对他做了一个‘嘘’的手势。 The young boy is gazing at all these dull, then his careful nod, retracted behind the window. 小男孩呆呆的注视着这一切,然后他小心的点点头,缩回了窗户后面。 But He Ao stands up, the propeller full power of latter bearing erupts, charged into the sky like the flowing light together. 何奥则站起身,后背上的推进器全功率爆发,如同一道流光冲向了天空。 At this moment in the air also remains Shimosandan machine armor, two pursue all -terrain vehicle, just saw the potential to not to travel directly. 此刻空中还剩下三台机甲,两台去追越野车,一台刚刚见势不对就直接跑路了。 What both sides go is the different directions. 双方前往的是不同的方向。 But He Ao wrecking was just quick including the red painting machine armor machine armor squad time movement, basically only then red painting machine armor and he encountered shortly, the time of actual fight is very short. 而刚刚何奥击毁包括红色涂装机甲的机甲小队时候动作很快,基本上只有红色涂装机甲和他短暂的交锋了一下,实际战斗的时间很短。 Therefore two pursue machine armor of all-terrain vehicle not to walk is too far, now also some have not even responded, instead is that escaping machine armor from the beginning on the full-power flight, now has run did not have the shadow quickly. 所以两台去追越野车的机甲并没有走太远,现在甚至还有些没反应过来,反而是那台逃跑的机甲一开始就全功率飞行,现在已经跑的快没影了。 He Ao charges into that two machine armor that without hesitation pursues all -terrain vehicle, after flashing through plasma artillery of two flustered launches, the sword light such as the flowing light has delimited the bodies of two machine armor generally. 何奥毫不犹豫冲向那两台追越野车的机甲,在闪过两道慌张发射的等离子炮之后,剑光如流光一般划过两台机甲的身躯。 With two thundering explosive sounds, pure white machine armor passed through from the flame, looked at that escaping machine armor. 伴随着两声轰鸣的爆炸声,纯白的机甲从火焰中穿过,看了一眼那台逃跑的机甲。 The direction that machine armor escapes is the direction that they come, but at this moment on the radar of dropping angel machine armor cab, a huge monster is staying in that direction in the air, letting the person is unable to neglect its exists. 那个机甲逃去的方向正是他们过来的方向,而此刻在堕天使机甲驾驶室的雷达上,一个庞然巨物正停留在那个方向的空中,让人无法忽视其存在。 Now, the people of FBI should also in that side. 现在,联邦调查局的人应该也在那边。 On the cab screen shone the information that Eve sent , all -terrain vehicle had mixed in the stream of vehicles successfully, was out of the danger. 驾驶室屏幕上亮起了夏娃发来的信息,越野车已经成功混入了车流,脱离了危险。 He Ao is controlling machine armor, looks to that dark deep place, has delimited the sky like the flowing light together. 何奥操控着机甲,看向那黑暗深处,如同一道流光划过天空。 Book «dragon clan who pushes a friend: Retired god of death, going to work slaughter dragon» 推一本朋友的书《龙族:退休死神,上班屠龙》 My name was river Shouyun, age is 17 years old, was the student of official orchid middle school, right, was the god of death of retirement. 我叫江守云,年龄17岁,是仕兰中学的学生,哦对,还是个退休的死神。 I 6 : 00 am on vacation from school every day, in Internet cafe oppressive oppressive scapegoat Lu Ming non-, eight points is punctual. 我每天六点放学,在网吧虐一虐受气包路明非,八点准时到家。 After going home, makes two hours of element to inspire and contemplate, 10 : 00 pm goes to bed, before resting, drinks one cup of hot milk and ensure rests the foot eight hours, does not keep any weary and pressure. 回家后做两个小时的素振和冥想,晚上 10 点上床,睡前喝一杯热牛奶,保证睡足八个小时,不留任何疲劳和压力。 Every weekend tutors the schoolwork to Su Xiao qiang, reduces and solves the confession offensive of rich woman ingeniously, simultaneously guaranteed the mood of donor is joyful. 每周末给苏晓樯辅导功课,巧妙化解富婆的告白攻势,同时保证金主的心情愉悦。 My dream is to maintain the calm and steady livelihood, my cutting mortal form blade said that I am very normal. 我的梦想是维持安稳的生活,就连我的斩魄刀都说我很正常。 Until that day, I sat that Maybach under clear/pain Zihang the invitation, said gods the fellow is raising a crotch, is riding an eight full horse, kept off before us, must grant us the eternal life and strength...... 直到那天,我在楚子航的邀请下坐上那辆迈巴赫,自称“神明”的家伙提着一根树杈子,骑着一匹八足马,挡在我们面前,要赐予我们永生和力量…… - -- This is a union god of death, empty, the laborer of dragon clan strength, starting today is the boss, squeezes others to the story that oneself work. 这是一个结合死神、虚、龙族力量的打工仔,从今天开始当老板,压榨别人给自己打工的故事。 () ()
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