LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#793: Transition

Chapter 794 transition( big chapter asked monthly ticket) 第794章转折(大章求月票) At present when the golden ray vanishes from two people instantly, the sound of fierce shivering avalanche spread to two people ear banks. 当金色光芒从两人眼前消失的刹那,剧烈的颤抖崩塌的声音就传入了两人的耳畔。 The Lehne both feet steps in the ground, looks surrounding grotesquely and gaudily, is twisting various strange brilliance jet black spaces, somewhat is suddenly vacant. 莱娜双脚踩在地上,看着周围光怪陆离,扭曲着各种各样奇异光辉的的漆黑空间,一时间有些茫然。 The vibration vocal cord of thundering the bricks and stones are pounding to fall the sound in ground from transmit in all directions, entire space as if fierce swaying. 轰鸣的震动声带着砖石砸落在地面上的声音从四面八方传来,整个空间似乎都在剧烈的摇晃。 Here is we comes in that church hall, in the side church crashes, here did not have the unusual strength support, must collapse probably.” “这里是我们进来那个教堂大厅,里侧教堂崩塌以后,这里没有了超凡力量支撑,大概也要塌了。” With the wristband slight vibration sound, a weak sound resounds in her behind, walks toward front, there has a wall, crushed that wall to be able to go out, here did not have the eternal ray strength to bless, the crushing wall should be very easy.” 伴随着手环轻微的震动声,一个虚弱的声音在她身后响起,“往前面走,那里有堵墙,击碎了那堵墙应该能出去,这里没有了永恒光芒的力量庇佑,击碎墙应该很容易。” Good!” “好!” Under the sky falls the bricks and stones to be getting more and more, Lehne does not have the time to hesitate, she puts out a hand to tow the ground the inner and outer coffin, is preparing to proceed, actually felt heavy resistance transmits. 天空中掉落下的砖石越来越多,莱娜也没有时间犹豫,她伸手拖起地上的棺椁,正准备往前,却感觉一股沉重的‘阻力’传来。 But also without she turned head, the strength on hand suddenly one light. 紧接着,还没等她回头,手上的力量就骤然一轻。 Taking advantage of surrounding twists the dim brilliance, she saw the hand that stains the blood will place the golden broadsword on inner and outer coffin to raise, the knife point is well-grounded. 借着周围扭曲朦胧的光辉,她看到一只沾满鲜血的手将原本放在棺椁上的金色大刀提了起来,刀尖着地。 Just made her feel heavy strength, overwhelming majorities came from this golden broadsword. 刚刚让她感到‘沉重’的力道,绝大多数都来自于这把金色的大刀。 All right, I can grasp.” “没事,我可以拿住。” He Ao before she opens the mouth, said in a low voice. 何奥在她开口之前,就低声说道。 Hears these words, Lehne has not hesitated, she drags the inner and outer coffin of ground to forward rapidly, the black throwing knife departed from her palm, changes to the jet black flowing light, the front surface hits together to the front darkness. 听到这句话,莱娜也没有迟疑,她拖着地上的棺椁飞速向前,黑色的飞刀从她手心飞出,化作一道漆黑的流光,迎面撞向了前方的黑暗。 Bang- 轰- With is getting quicker and quicker, that heavy/thick brick wall that the black flowing light dances in the air back and forth was crushed rapidly, breaks open a giant opens the mouth. 伴随着黑色流光来回飞舞的越来越快,那厚重的砖墙迅速被击碎,破开一个巨大的开口。 The radiant star light sprinkles this jet black space following the shatter bricks and stones from the outside quiet sky. 璀璨的星光顺着破碎的砖石从外面静谧的天空中洒进这片漆黑的空间。 Crushed stone that falls from the hall roof like rainstorm generally pouring, hits in two people of action. 从大厅屋顶落下来的碎石如同暴雨一般倾盆而下,打在行动的两人身上。 Lehne's speed is quick, 2-3 had rushed to the jaw opening, leaps. 莱娜的速度很快,2-3就已经冲到了开口处,一跃而出。 At this moment they bishop hall eight buildings in surface layer world, opposite of this damaged wall, happen to have a six short building. 此刻他们在表层世界的主教堂八楼,这面被破损的墙壁对面,正好有一栋只有六层的矮楼。 Lehne brings He Ao and inner and outer coffin, flew over the street in this instantaneously. 莱娜带着何奥和棺椁,在这瞬间飞越了街道。 Then hit to little building wall. 然后撞向了小楼的墙壁。 Bang- 砰- The golden broadsword inserted in the wall bearing wall, along with stone of splash, two people two coffins stable in hanging on little building wall. 金色的大刀插入了墙壁内部的承重墙中,伴随着飞溅的石块,将两人两棺稳定在的挂在了小楼的墙壁上。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- With a thundering fierce sound, after two people, the church construction that stands tall and erect huge, along with mist and dust of scattering, like by innumerable blasting explosive each scrap, loudly collapsing. 伴随着一阵轰鸣的剧烈声响,在两人身后,那庞大高耸的教堂建筑,伴随着流散的烟尘,如同被无数炸药将每一层都炸碎一样,轰然垮塌。 Several meters high smog was also splashed. 数米高的烟雾也随之被溅起。 But also when this smog starts, He Ao tore into shreds Lehne to tie up own bandage, held Lehne's wrist/skill, the arm makes an effort suddenly, the inner and outer coffin flings Lehne Lehne is raising together to little building roof. 而也在这烟雾乍起的时候,何奥撕碎了莱娜捆住自己的绑带,抓住莱娜的手腕,手臂猛然用力,将莱娜连带着莱娜提着的棺椁一同甩向了小楼的楼顶。 Meanwhile, he draws out the back knight sword, inserts the wall surface, then draws out to submerge the wall surface too many golden color broadswords suddenly, grips the hand of knight sword to make an effort fiercely. 与此同时,他拔出背后骑士剑,插进墙面,然后骤然拔出没入墙面太多的金色大刀,握住骑士剑的手猛地用力。 The powerful inertia had his body to draw out the knight sword, let his form and sword crossed the nighttime skies under crowd of star together, fell above little building rooftop. 强大的惯性带着他的身躯拔出了骑士剑,让他的身影和刀剑一起翻过群星下的夜空,落在了小楼的天台之上。 „-” “咳-” He coughs lightly, inserted the scabbard the knight sword, turned head to look that has collapsed one pile of scattering ruins church to the one side. 他轻咳一声,将骑士剑插回了剑鞘,扭头看向一旁已经坍塌成一堆散落的废墟的教堂。 The eternal esoteric buddhism priest and wear casual attire of some wear white priest long gowns the attack personnel of eternal old teachings catholicism crawled from the ruins. 一些穿着白色祭司长袍的永恒密教祭司和穿着便装的永恒旧教的进攻人员从废墟中爬了出来。 They have not as if done had anything clearly, mutually confronting, has not been starting the new fight temporarily. 他们双方似乎都没有搞明白发生了什么,互相对峙着,暂时没有开启新的战斗。 However is very obvious, the population and strength of eternal old teachings catholicism must get the advantage, that side the eternal esoteric buddhism almost everyone is wounded. 不过很显然,永恒旧教的人数和实力要更占优势,永恒密教那一边几乎人人带伤。 The person of eternal esoteric buddhism can also refuse to budge with the aid of the terrain advantage of church, but the church collapses now suddenly bewilderedly, not only this levelled their advantage, but also created the huge blow to their morale. 原本永恒密教的人还可以借助教堂的地形优势僵持,但是现在教堂突然莫名其妙垮塌了,这不光抹平了他们的优势,还对他们的士气造成了巨大打击。 The person of eternal old teachings catholicism seized the chance to surround them. 永恒旧教的人趁机把他们包围了起来。 Your these heresy believers, your heresy beliefs suffered the penalty of gods finally,” “你们这些异端教徒,你们的异端信仰终于遭受神明的惩罚了,” Lead the person of eternal old teachings catholicism laughs saying that your churches do not have, certainly was the great gods saw your dirty behaviors finally, lowered the disciplinary punishment of destruction, your times of death to!” 领头的永恒旧教的人哈哈大笑道,“你们的教堂已经没有了,一定是伟大的神明终于看到了你们肮脏的行为,降下了毁灭的惩戒,你们的死期到了!” His laughter reverberation in the jet black space, can obviously see, because of his these words, the followers of these eternal esoteric buddhism as if came under more further morale attack. 他的笑声回荡在漆黑的空间里,可以明显看到,因为他这句话,那些永恒密教的信徒似乎受到了更进一步的士气打击。 He Ao the vision has not stayed, in this continues to both sides of war on, but raised the head, looks to the nighttime sky of distant place. 何奥并没有将目光停留在这持续对战的双方身上,而是抬起头去,看向远处的夜空。 In that nighttime sky deep place, as if transmits the sound that the propeller thundered. 在那那夜空深处,仿佛传来了推进器轰鸣的声响。 He Ao lifts wristband, reads message that on wristband received. 何奥抬起手环,翻看了一下手环上收到的消息。 Just returned to the surface world to start from just him, restores the signal wristband to spring the recent news unceasingly. 从刚刚他刚回到表层世界开始,恢复信号的手环就不断弹出新消息。 He remembers vaguely the person attack of eternal old teachings catholicism as if brought light business signal shield, now looks like, that signal shield should be destroyed. 他依稀记得永恒旧教的人进攻的时候似乎带了小型商用的信号屏蔽器,现在看来,那个信号屏蔽器应该已经被摧毁了。 „Is your present condition good?” “你现在状态还好么?” Lehne walked, looks He Ao that the whole body is bathed in blood. 莱娜走了过来,看着浑身浴血的何奥 It‘s nothing issue ,” “没什么问题,咳,” He Ao coughs lightly, is leaning on the body with the golden broadsword, looked at a nighttime sky of distant place, our trails were just covered by the sound of building collapsing, below these followers should not discover us, we must first leave here.” 何奥轻咳一声,用金色大刀拄着身体,看了一眼远处的夜空,“刚刚我们的踪迹被大楼垮塌的动静掩盖了,下面那些信徒应该没有发现我们,我们得先离开这里。” He turns around rapidly, looks to little building back, a jet black all-terrain vehicle slowly drives from the rear tunnel. 他迅速转过身去,看向小楼的背面,一辆漆黑的越野车正缓缓的从后方的巷道中驶来。 Rides that car(riage) to walk,” “坐那辆车走,” He Ao looked at a Lehne, refers to black all-terrain vehicle that drove, that car(riage) can lead you to leave here.” 何奥看了一眼身旁的莱娜,指了指那辆驶来的黑色越野车,“那辆车会带你离开这里。” Lehne stares, turns head to look to He Ao, suddenly has not responded. 莱娜一愣,扭头看向何奥,一时间没有反应过来。 But He Ao turn head looks at the inner and outer coffin in platform. 何奥则回头看着平台上的棺椁。 These two inner and outer coffins as if are in the goods of side church, collapses in side church, they do not have the strength to support, fast decayed. 这两具棺椁似乎都是里侧教堂的物品,伴随着里侧教堂崩溃,它们没有力量支撑,正在快速的腐朽。 However He Ao brings these two inner and outer coffins to come out, wants taking advantage of them, when the shuttle space protects in the confusion parents' skeleton, now these two inner and outer coffins are useless, moreover because will expose the target conspicuously. 不过何奥带着这两个棺椁出来,也只是想借它们在穿梭空间的时候保护一下混乱中父母的尸骸而已,现在这两个棺椁已经没用了,而且还会因为过于显眼而暴露目标。 He Ao puts out a hand, according to covers in the coffin, he puts out a hand, tries to shove open the coffin lid, when advances half, the body of his whole person, had not actually covered this coffin all of a sudden shoves open completely. 何奥伸出手去,按在棺材盖上,他伸出手去,试图推开棺材盖,在推到一半的时候,他整个人的身子却顿了一下,一下子没有把这个棺材盖完全推开。 Coffin and suction between inner and outer coffin has not strengthened, even because of inner and outer coffin decayed reason, but also weakened a point. 棺材盖本身和棺椁之间的吸力并没有加强,甚至因为棺椁腐朽的原因,还变弱了一点。 However he was too at this moment weak, even him from storm sea is weaker. 但是他此刻太虚弱了,甚至于比他从风暴海中回来的时候还要虚弱。 Although there are Ellis unceasingly restores the body to him, but high-intensity overdraws and use unrestricted strength, has made his entire body be exhausted. 虽然有艾莉丝不断的给他修复身体,但是高强度透支和使用超限力量,已经让他的整个躯体疲惫不堪。 So long as he gives up the intention force of will actuating the body forcefully, he faints at this moment immediately on the ground. 只要他放弃用意志力强行驱动身体,他此刻就会立刻晕倒在地上。 Even if he is supporting the body, still can only erupt a strength in a short time, for a long time acts, can only maintain the ability to act of average person reluctantly. 即便他强撑着身子,也只能在短时间内爆发一点力量,长时间行动,只能勉强维持普通人的行动能力。 Lehne sees that immediately comes up, helping him shove open the coffin board. 莱娜见状,立刻上来,帮着他推开了棺材板。 He Ao looked down one to lie down in the inner and outer coffin as if fell asleep mother, the silent moment, then put out a hand, promoted nearby coffin lid. 何奥低头看了一眼躺在棺椁里仿佛睡着了的母亲,沉默片刻,然后又伸出手去,推动了旁边的棺材盖。 Lehne follows to help in him silently behind. 莱娜默不作声的跟着在他身后的帮忙。 In loses the strength of side church to maintain, two coffins cover not like in side church equally float, but falls toward side, falls on the ground. 失去里侧教堂的力量维持,两个棺材盖都没有如同在里侧教堂里一样悬浮,而是向着旁边滑落,掉在地上。 He Ao gazes in the inner and outer coffin are lying down two people, fell into the short peace. 何奥注视着棺椁里躺着的两个人,陷入了短暂的安静。 Under the curtain of night cold wind slightly is swaying scattered his sends the wisp. 夜幕下微微的冷风吹拂着他零散的发缕。 Also stroked Lehne's red hair, 也拂起了莱娜的红发, Your parents are the noble good people,” “你父母都是高尚的好人,” Gazes in the inner and outer coffin is lying down the couple, Lehne sighs in a soft voice, is only this world is too bad.” 注视着棺椁里躺着的夫妻,莱娜轻声叹息一声,“只是这个世界太糟。” When hears Lois this name, she guessed correctly the He Ao status. 早在听到‘伊洛’这个名字的时候,她就猜到了何奥的身份。 Actually their you have not imagined is so good,” “其实他们并没有你想象中的那么好,” The He Ao tranquil gaze the person's shadow in inner and outer coffin, in the profound pupil is flowing the star light, 何奥平静的注视着棺椁中的人影,幽深的瞳孔里流淌着星光, My mother often can with the father, because family's expenses quarrelled, her often/common and I said that father is too low, causes family's burden and pressure that made the income of company is very big. “我母亲时常会和父亲因为家里的开销吵架,她常和我说父亲把公司的收益做的太低,导致家里的负担和压力都很大。 Quarrelled each time, she will hide in the room cries, then the father will buy her the mango small cake that likes eating, making me knock the gate to deliver. “每次吵完架,她都会躲在房间里哭,然后父亲会去买一个她最喜欢吃的芒果小蛋糕,让我敲开门送进去。 She always meets eats the cake, said me and father is father and son birds of a feather. “她总是会边吃蛋糕,边说我和父亲是‘父子俩一路货色’。 In the worst that time, father more than once has thought acts the company low price, is drawing cash, forever leaves this city. “在最糟糕的那段时间,父亲不止一次的想过把公司低价出手,然后拿着钱,永远离开这座城市。 At that time I lay down in my small coffin, looks that he depends on on the desk slantingly, smoking.” “那时候我就躺在我的小棺材里,看着他斜靠着办公桌上,一支又一支的抽烟。” He puts out a hand, towed parents' remains, they are not inborn but purely noble person, two average people but who struggle in this city.” 他伸出手去,将父母的遗体拖了起来,“他们不是什么天生纯粹而高尚的人,只是在这座城市挣扎的两个普通人。” He raised the head, holds the remains, looks to Lehne, all-terrain vehicle can lead you to go to establish the good destination.” 他抬起头,扶着遗体,看向莱娜,“越野车会带你们前往设定好的目的地。” He actually guessed correctly very early in the morning Lehne's status, in the eternal esoteric buddhism material of Kate Villa he obtains, there is a fragmentary material about dead tree bar. 他其实一早猜到了莱娜的身份,在他获得的凯特别墅的永恒密教资料里,有关于枯树酒吧的零星资料。 He most starts not to know that Lehne comes to the bishop hall to make anything. 他只是最开始并不知道莱娜来主教堂做什么。 Lehne stares, understood that the meaning in He Ao words, she looks at He Ao, „don't you walk together?” 莱娜一愣,理解到了何奥话里的意思,她看着何奥,“你不一起走吗?” The distant in the air brilliance is getting more and more near, the spirit that hide jet black machine armor in curtain of night like from the hell, appears from the nighttime sky. 远方空中的光辉越来越近,一具具潜藏在夜幕里的漆黑机甲如同来自地狱的幽灵,从夜空中浮现。 Must some people remain to bring up the rear.” “总得有人留下来断后。” He Ao smiles is visiting her, hands over the remains in hand. 何奥微笑着看着她,将手中的遗体递过去。 Lehne stares, looks at him dull, „your gave me them?” 莱娜一愣,呆呆的看着他,“你就这样・・・把他们给我了?” He Ao is gaining ground, is gazing at her, in the profound vision seems reflecting the radiant group star, 何奥抬着头,注视着她,幽深的目光中仿佛倒映着璀璨的群星, I believe you.” “我相信你。” This sound is very slow, brings some weak exhausted, actually exceptionally clear. 这声音很慢,带着些许虚弱的疲惫,却异常的清晰。 The sound of thundering resounds in two people top of the heads, a huge pure white shadow covered two people form. 轰鸣的声响在两人的头顶响起,一个巨大的纯白阴影遮盖了两人的身影。 Huge pure white machine armor falls slowly, stops behind little building, the jet-type propeller brings flap flap the strong winds blow the youngster was stained with the blood send the wisp, blew him by the blood-stained clothing, swayed the red hair that the female rippled 巨大的纯白机甲缓缓下落,停在小楼后方,喷射式推进器带来的猎猎狂风吹起了少年沾血的发缕,也吹起了他被鲜血染红的衣衫,也吹拂起女子荡漾的红发 She is gazing at He Ao, as if in gazing in He Ao eye, finally, she is putting out a hand received He Ao to hold the remains, 她注视着何奥,又似乎在注视着何奥眼中的自己,最终,她伸手接过了何奥扶着的遗体, Good!” “好!” With one clear and simple commitment, she without hesitation, brings two remains, bypassed float in in the air huge machine armor, jumps to leap, jumps to front short that a yet higher goal, the form vanishes in the curtain of night. 伴随着一声清脆而简单的‘承诺’,她毫不犹豫,带着两具遗体,绕过了悬浮在空中的巨大机甲,纵身一跃,跳向前方较矮的那一层楼,身影消失在夜幕中。 Buzz- 嗡- Gazes at Lehne to go far away, the fierce vibration sound transmits from wristband, He Ao connected the wristband call. 注视着莱娜远去,剧烈的震动声从手环上传来,何奥接通了手环的电话。 I established the machine armor automatic navigation to the position that you sent,” “我把机甲自动导航设定到你发来的位置了,” Did sound sound in the curtain of night, you see that machine armor?” 维莉的声音响在夜幕中,“你看到那台机甲了吗?” He Ao raised the head, looks that pure white machine armor to the sky, said in a soft voice, saw.” 何奥抬起头,看向天空中那台纯白的机甲,轻声道,“看到了。” But at the same time, that pure white machine armor also further falls, floats in in the air, aims at the position that the position of chest He Ao stands now. 而与此同时,那台纯白的机甲也进一步下落,浮在空中,将胸口的位置对准何奥现在所站立的位置。 Machine armor has induced to your position, your voice is not a little right, were you injured?” “机甲已经感应到你的位置了,你声音有点不对,你受伤了?” With voice, the cockpit door of machine armor chest opens, reveals inside spacious cockpit. 伴随着维莉的声音,机甲胸口的驾驶舱门打开,露出里面空旷的驾驶舱。 It‘s nothing major problem.” “没什么大问题。” He Ao one step, is raising the golden broadsword forward, jumped in machine armor cockpit, is a little weak.” 何奥向前一步,提着金色大刀,跳进了机甲驾驶舱,“就是有点虚弱。” Therefore exactly had anything “所以到底是发生了什么・・・” Some sound doubts, I felt that your present situation is very dangerous? Besieges the eternal esoteric buddhism to be related with how many organizations that you said? What accident/surprise had/left?” 维莉的声音有些疑惑,“我感觉你现在情况很危险?和你说的几个组织围攻永恒密教有关?是出了什么意外吗?” Joint industry back punctured FBI.” “联合工业背刺了联邦调查局。” The He Ao controlling distribution trend stage, said step by step slowly. 何奥一步步走向控制台,缓缓说道。 He held together Li to arrange machine armor in the former association to provide against contingencies, but truly uses now. 他在之前联系维莉安排机甲是为了以防万一,不过现在确实用到了。 „?” “啊?” One ignorant. 维莉一懵。 Joint industry and eternal esoteric buddhism seem like the secret ally,” “联合工业和永恒密教似乎是秘密盟友,” Before He Ao arrives at the control bench, FBI that will see from wristband will just issue his mail brief broad saying, the development of situation was somewhat unexpected, but has not surpassed his estimate, 何奥走到控制台前,将刚刚从手环上看到的联邦调查局发给他的邮件简要概括的说出,情况的发展有些出乎意料,但是并没有太超出他的预估, „Before ten minutes, FBI when besieges the eternal esoteric buddhism principal force with the joint industry, the commission army corps that was united the industry attack, the person of eternal esoteric buddhism seized the chance to break through surrounding, beat the army of FBI with the joint industry.” “十分钟前,联邦调查局在和联合工业围攻永恒密教主力部队的时候,被联合工业的佣兵团袭击,永恒密教的人趁机突破了包围,和联合工业一起击溃了联邦调查局的部队。” He Ao has kept the reminder to FBI, although he is also unascertainable, but obviously FBI chief was very careful, therefore this FBI, although was routed, but had not been encircled and annihilated. 何奥给联邦调查局留过提醒,虽然他也不能确定,但是很显然联邦调查局局长上心了,所以这次联邦调查局虽然被击溃,但是并没有被包围歼灭。 Telephone that fell into was silent for a very long time. 电话那头陷入了久久沉默。 As if a long time, voice had conveyed from the telephone, now what therefore you must face is 仿佛过了很长一段时间,维莉的声音才从电话中传来,“所以你现在要面临的是・・・” Is the joint industry supports the machine armor army of eternal esoteric buddhism Lord church.” “是联合工业来支援永恒密教主教堂的机甲部队。” He Ao looked in profound darkness gradually to reveal that hell apostle machine armor of figure, the hand according to confirmed the biological information on the control bench, gained the control jurisdiction of this pure white dropping angel machine armor. 何奥看了一眼幽深黑暗中逐渐显露出身形的一台台地狱使徒机甲,手按在控制台上验证生物信息,获取了这台纯白的堕天使机甲的控制权限。 With sound that the machinery rotates, the opened cabin door is closed rapidly. 伴随着机械转动的声音,打开的舱门迅速关闭。 Then he lifts the hand, cancelled the long-distance automatic cruise system, transferred the entire machine armor control system manual. 然后他抬起手,取消了远程自动巡航系统,将整个机甲控制系统转为了手动。 Sorry.” “抱歉。” Telephone that hears one to sigh gently. 电话那头传来一声轻轻叹息。 You have what are good to apologize,” “你有什么好道歉的,” The He Ao slow sound said, your anything right does not have, cannot issue the order to the joint industry,” 何奥缓声说道,“你啥权利没有,又不能对联合工业下达命令,” His vision is tranquil, „, moreover this is a good deed, now, who we further make clear our enemies are.” 他目光平静,“而且这是一件好事,现在,我们进一步搞清楚了我们的敌人是谁。” „” “・・・・・・” In the telephone broadcast the somewhat breathless voice, what although said is the fact, but you cannot in a moment of pleasant to hear I also lent you to use well machine armor, this was the strong re-equipping dropping angel that I did with great difficulty!” 电话里传来了维莉有些气急败坏的声音,“虽然说的是事实,但你这个人说话就不能好听点吗・・・我还把机甲借给你用了好吧,这可是我好不容易搞来的超强改装款堕天使!” Good good, thanks the proprietress.” “好的好的,谢谢老板娘。” He Ao nods, opens out button on the control bench rapidly. 何奥点点头,迅速一个个拨开控制台上的按钮。 I am not the weapon shop proprietress!!!” “我不是武器店老板娘!!!” Immediately investigates the correct path. 维莉的立刻纠正道。 Un un, the proprietress said right.” “嗯嗯,老板娘说得对。” He Ao nods. 何奥点点头。 Telephone that sound that broadcasts clenched jaws. 电话那头传来了吱嘎吱嘎咬牙切齿的声音。 Crossed some little time, that sound regarded hears He Ao to construct slowly moves the sound of control handle difficultly, peaceful, said in a low voice, needed the long-distance control?” 过了好一会儿,那声音视乎听到了何奥缓慢建艰难拨动操纵杆的声音,安静了下来,低声道,“需要远程操控吗?” Then after the brief idle time, the master of sound seemed to think that these words have the different meanings, immediately adds, I am not worried about your body, if you technology is not good, caused to break down my machine armor, I am not the blood owe.” 然后在短暂的停歇之后,声音的主人似乎觉得这句话有歧义,立刻补充道,“我不是担心你的身体啊,你要是技术不好,把我的机甲搞坏了,那我不是血亏。” He Ao will moisten wristband of blood to take down from the wrist/skill slowly, the connection hands-on armor control bench, then his tranquil saying, believes me.” 何奥缓缓将沾血的手环从手腕上取下来,连接上机甲控制台,然后他平静的说道,“相信我。” Telephone that stopped, finally said slowly, that good.” 电话那头停顿了一下,最后缓缓说道,“那好吧。” Then her voice lowered, does not need to care about machine armor, I am not short of money, at the worst does one again attention security.” 然后她声音放低了一些,“也不用太在意机甲,我不缺钱,大不了再搞一台・・・・・・注意安全。” Good.” “好。” A He Ao hand gets hold of the control handle, gently nod. 何奥一只手握紧操纵杆,轻轻点头。 He put out a hand to hang up the telephone. 他伸手挂断了电话。 Eve.” “夏娃。” He Ao another hand also got hold of the control handle, shouts in a low voice. 何奥另一只手也握紧了操纵杆,低声喊道。 Dropping angel molding machine armor house-keeping operation system loading successfully,” “堕天使型机甲辅助操作系统加载成功,” The gentle female voice reverberation indoor the entire operation, all equipment is ready.” 温柔的女声回荡在整个操作室内,“所有设备准备就绪。” That makes us have a look at the limit of this machine armor! „ “那就让我们看看这台机甲的极限吧!“ He Ao exhausts the physical strength, draws the control handle suddenly. 何奥用尽气力,骤然拉动操纵杆。 The brilliance that originally extinguish, starts from control bench, spreads to the entire handling room rapidly. 一道道原本熄灭的光辉,从控制台开始,迅速蔓延到整个操作室。 A figure of colossus appears on the radar of machine armor indistinctly. 一个庞然大物的身形隐隐约约出现在机甲的雷达上。 Under the radiant group star, pure white machine armor is facing that jet black machine armor, puts out a hand, bang drew out the back in the back great sword. 在璀璨的群星下,纯白色的机甲面对着那一台台漆黑的机甲,伸出手去,轰的一声拔出了背在背后的巨剑。 () ()
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