LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#792 Part 2: In the side church avalanche, returns to the surface world ultra-large(

Will actually be polluted since side church process, that disc cannot help you counter-balance the pollution, I can see, it as if in an unusual way, ‚’ stored up pollution,” “进入里侧教堂过程中其实会遭受污染,那个圆盘并不能帮你抵消污染,我能看到,它似乎以一种奇特的方式,把‘污染’储存了起来,” The weak sound continues saying that you, if dials the indicator, the pollution of these storage can with this pollution same place, erupt time instantaneously, you are not the eternal ray follower, supports these pollution.” 身后虚弱的声音继续说道,“你如果把指针拨回,那些储存的污染会和这一次的污染一起,瞬间爆发,你不是永恒光芒的信徒,撑不过这些污染。” We “那我们・・・” Lehne stares, she did not have other to leave here method. 莱娜一愣,她没有其他离开这里的方法了。 With this.” “用这个。” The small hand who stains the blood extended from her back, in the hand appears a phalanx fossil that is glittering the light golden light. 一只沾满鲜血的小手从她后背伸了出来,手中浮现一个闪烁着淡淡金光的指骨化石。 You know how this does use?” “你知道这个怎么用?” Lehne stares. 莱娜一愣。 Un.” “嗯。” He Ao tranquil raising the head, looks to the top of the head the overlap room empty shadow. 何奥平静的抬起头,看向头顶已经重重迭迭的房间虚影。 He when asked how eyeglasses man thing uses, eyeglasses man already this knocking at a door stone the usage recalled. 他在问眼镜男人这个东西怎么用的时候,眼镜男人已经将这个‘叩门石’的用法都回忆了一遍。 Strict, this is not true knocking at a door stone, only of eternal old teachings catholicism use eternal ray strength duplication subfield, therefore He Ao has not obtained the information of unusual goods. 严格来说,这并不是真正的‘叩门石’,只永恒旧教利用永恒光芒力量复制的一个‘子体’,所以何奥没有得到超凡物品的信息。 In this subfield also the use opportunity, can cross the side church, brings back to the surface world them. 这个‘子体’还有一次使用机会,可以横穿里侧教堂,将他们带回表层世界。 The application method is also very simple, gives the strength that the eternal ray grants to affect this knocking at a door stone on the line. 使用方法也很简单,给出一点永恒光芒赐予的力量影响这个叩门石就行。 This quite therefore special the follower who encryption, lets this goods eternal ray can use. 这相当于是一个特殊的‘加密’,让这个物品只有永恒光芒的信徒才能使用。 Although He Ao is not the eternal ray follower, but he obtains eternal ray influence method. 何奥虽然不是永恒光芒的信徒,但是他有获得‘永恒光芒’影响的方法。 He is gaining ground, gazes at these by some stable mechanism slowed down collapse speed the room empty shadow, in the hand seems to be grasped the knocking at a door stone, opens the mouth slowly, 他抬着头,注视着那些似乎被某种稳定机制减缓了‘崩溃速度’的房间虚影,手中握着叩门石,缓缓开口, Attermo comes!” “阿特莫来耶!” Beyond the endless space and time, the vast infinite vision has swept this dark space together instantaneously, endless praise sound in the He Ao ear bank crack. 无尽时空之外,一道浩瀚无穷的目光瞬间扫过这处黑暗的空间,无尽的赞颂声在何奥的耳畔炸响。 Then was grasped to erupt the radiant brilliance by He Ao in the palm knocking at a door pebble body instantaneously. 而那被何奥握在手心的叩门石子体瞬间爆发出璀璨的光辉。 The spirit regards in the field of vision, in these darkness in the distortion design in brilliance that’ walks randomly, receives had just swept vision stimulation, is suddenly wild. 灵视视野中,那些黑暗中在扭曲图案中游走的‘光辉’,受到刚刚扫过的‘目光’的刺激,骤然狂暴起来。 In the sky is maintaining room empty shades with every effort not shatter stable mechanism instantaneous collapse, rooms same bloom in the jet black space like the silent smoke and fire. 天空中尽力‘维持着’一个个房间虚影不破碎的‘稳定机制’瞬间崩溃,一个个房间如同无声的烟火一样在漆黑的空间中绽放。 The innumerable illusory shadows run out from these shatter rooms, cheering in the darkness, then dissipates. 无数虚幻的阴影从那些破碎的房间中冲出,在黑暗中‘欢呼’,然后消散。 Meanwhile, in this chaotic darkness, liberation from room the shadow as if saw He Ao, then they crashed in the darkness again. 与此同时,在这混乱的黑暗中,一些从房间中‘解放’的阴影仿佛看见了何奥,然后他们再次冲进了黑暗中。 Quick, the Daoist canon as if received some hauling in the blood-color illusory images of these collapse room deep places together, before drawing in the He Ao body, instantaneously. 很快,一道道藏在那些崩溃房间深处的血色幻影仿佛受到了某种牵引,瞬间收拢到了何奥身前。 Then these brilliance are ordinary like the flowing light, submerged the paper butterfly on He Ao shoulder naturally. 然后这些光辉如同流光一般,自然而然的没入了何奥肩上的纸蝴蝶。 On the knocking at a door stone the golden ray flashed past, covered two people with the surrounding goods, vanished in darkness that instantaneously, in this piece cracked rapidly. 叩门石上金色光芒一闪而过,笼罩了两人和周围的物品,瞬间消失在了这片飞速崩裂的黑暗中。 The quick 6000 character ultra-large chapters, asked a bill daily. 快六千字超大章,日常求个票票。
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