LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#792 Part 1: In the side church avalanche, returns to the surface world ultra-large(

The radiant brilliance explodes brightly in the entire jet black space, that bunch twines in the together arm like the flimsy generally by tearing into shreds easily, changes to the dust in scattering darkness. 璀璨的光辉在整个漆黑的空间里炸亮,那一团团缠绕在一起的手臂如同薄纸一般被轻易的撕碎,化作流散黑暗中的尘埃。 That was shining platform the brilliance is suddenly gloomy, but as platform under the brilliant ray this brilliance gloom, starts to melt from the edge like the snow and ice of melting generally. 那原本照耀着‘平台’的光辉骤然暗淡,而光辉照耀下的平台随着这光辉的暗淡,也如同融化的冰雪一般从边缘开始消融。 The entire jet black space, in this flash, shivered fiercely. 整个漆黑的空间,在这一瞬间,剧烈的颤抖了起来。 In space that this shivers, Serat showed the rude facial expression for the first time, he turns head to look to He Ao, in the look is flooding inconceivable. 在这颤抖的空间中,塞拉特第一次露出了失态的神情,他扭头看向何奥,眼神中充斥着不可思议。 At this moment the region of his waist abdomen had turned into the opening of nihility completely, that radiant golden color takes him as the target brilliance, after penetrating his body, penetrates brilliance that in the darkness in that arm group twisted. 此刻他腰腹部的区域已经完全变成了虚无的开孔,那璀璨的金色光辉就是以他为攻击对象,在击穿他的身体之后,击穿了黑暗中那手臂团中扭曲的光辉。 This by the huge empty wound that the brilliance sunglow creates, although tempered many Serat's strengths, but cannot kill Serat. 这被光辉日冕造成的巨大的空洞伤口虽然削弱了许多塞拉特的力量,但并没有能杀死塞拉特。 However in the He Ao god knows in the field of vision, that place empty position energy circuit is completely stave. 不过在何奥的神识视野中,那处空洞的位置能量回路已经完全破碎了。 This means that Serat had lost his so-called does not die the body. 这意味着,塞拉特已经失去了他所谓的‘不死’之身。 He, bright blood strip. 他,亮血条了。 „!!!” “啊啊啊啊!!!” Serat angrily roars, lifts the left arm to pound without hesitation to the He Ao surface gate. 塞拉特怒吼一声,毫不犹豫抬起左臂就向何奥的面门砸来。 The strength that two people remain now are not many, this time, was the final life-and-death fight. 两人现在所剩的力量都不多,这一次,是最后的生死之战了。 He Ao turns over/stands up to stop doing, was actually hit by Serat's returning elbow, to has started to melt platform flying upside down that to go. 何奥翻身抽手,却被塞拉特的回肘击中,向已经开始融化的平台倒飞而去。 The Serat vertical step leaps, pounds to the fist again to He Ao. 塞拉特纵步跃出,再次一记冲拳砸向何奥 He Ao is sideways to evade, then shakes hand the fist, a fist thump on Serat shoulder, Serat body, He Ao seizes the opportunity, both hands to become fist, two chop to hit. 何奥侧身躲过,然后握手成拳,一拳捶在塞拉特肩膀上,塞拉特身子一顿,何奥抓住机会,双手成拳,两相劈打。 Serat receives the hand to return immediately keeps off, but also receives the instance of hand in him, He Ao jumps to jump, a right hook hit his left side temples again. 塞拉特立刻收手回挡,而也就在他收手的瞬间,何奥纵身跃起,一记右勾拳再次击中了他左侧的太阳穴。 With the blood of splash, He Ao stops doing to change rapidly, a straight punch joins, when Serat bids good-bye both sides the interception, upfront thump above Serat eye socket. 伴随着飞溅的鲜血,何奥迅速抽手变招,一记直拳接上,在塞拉特分手拦截两侧的时候,正面捶在塞拉特眼窝之上。 Serat body was stroked the retreat, the eye socket surroundings filled a blood, then he looked at a not far away to insert in the sword of ground, without hesitation, flushed away toward the position of sword. 塞拉特身子被击打后退,眼眶周围弥漫了一圈鲜血,然后他看了一眼不远处插在地上的刀剑,毫不犹豫,向着刀剑的位置冲去。 When just the hand-held heavy nine points of golden broadswords, his support force and heavy/thick blade potential can in the knight sword to He Ao hand form the advantage, but at this moment on the pure fists and feet, he has not beaten He Ao. 在刚刚手持沉重的九环金色大刀的时候,他依靠力量和厚重的刀势是能对何奥手中的骑士剑形成优势的,而此刻在纯粹的拳脚上,他已经不敌何奥了。 Sees him to charge into the sword, He Ao also without hesitation, the flying leaps, lateral blocks before his body. 看到他冲向刀剑,何奥也毫不犹豫,飞身跃出,侧向拦在他的身前。 Here is near from the sword, after being moved places the inner and outer coffin in platform is also near. 这里距离刀剑近,距离被移动后放在平台上的棺椁也近。 Serat lifts a hand fist to pound to He Ao, He Ao takes advantage of opportunity to be sideways, while Serat hits memorizes to him, both hands hold his shoulder, takes advantage of opportunity again advances. 塞拉特抬手一拳砸向何奥,何奥顺势侧身,在塞拉特打空背对着他的同时,双手抓住他的肩膀,再次顺势向前一推。 Meanwhile, his both hands slide, when Serat was pushed the space and time is flushing forward, gripped Serat's right hand. 与此同时,他双手下滑,在塞拉特被推着时空向前冲的时候,握住了塞拉特的右手。 Then He Ao grips Serat right hand wrist/skill, flares-out Serat elbow, another hand elbow finds out, from rear beats fiercely to Serat's elbow joint. 然后何奥一手握住塞拉特右手手腕,将塞拉特手肘拉直,另一只手手肘探出,从后方猛地捶向塞拉特的肘关节。 Bang- 砰- With a clear sound, Serat this hand was beaten directly. 伴随着一声清脆的声响,塞拉特这只手被直接捶断。 „!!!” “啊!!!” Serat pain roars. 塞拉特痛吼一声。 However the He Ao movement has not stopped, his, the body of Serat leans forward took advantage of opportunity backward backward face upwards to retreat. 但是何奥的动作还没有停下,他向后一拉,塞拉特原本前倾的身躯顺势向后仰退。 At this moment, Serat was away from inserts is near in the golden broadsword of ground. 此刻,塞拉特距离插在地上的金色大刀已经非常近了。 However He Ao has not grasped the opportunity of blade to him. 然而何奥并没有给他握刀的机会。 He is sideways to lift the fist, the vision is gazing at Serat, as if passed through Serat's body, gazes at Serat is placing behind parents' inner and outer coffin. 他侧身抬拳,目光注视着塞拉特,又仿佛穿过了塞拉特的身躯,注视着塞拉特身后摆放着的父母的棺椁。 The innumerable mood collect in his chest, condenses in he profound jet black eyes pupil. 无数情绪汇集在他的心口,又凝聚在他幽深漆黑的眼眸中。 Then he without hesitation, the waist drives the shoulder, the shoulder to drive the fist, a fist runs out, pounds on Serat's chest. 然后他毫不犹豫,腰带动肩,肩带动拳,一拳冲出,砸在塞拉特的胸口上。 With a clear sound, Serat body, but he has not responded, He Ao has pounded the fist on his chest to take advantage of opportunity a spin, erupts two strengths. 伴随着一声清脆的声响,塞拉特身子一顿,但是他还没有反应过来,何奥的已经砸在他胸口上的拳头顺势一旋,将二段力道爆发。 The rib of his chest struck off instantaneously, following the fist potential, pierced his heart, pierced center his chest energy aggregate point. 他胸口的肋骨被瞬间击断,顺着拳势,刺穿了他的心脏,也刺穿了他胸口正中的能量汇集点。 The whole world as if in this short moment peaceful, is only left over the small youngster heavy/thick respite sound. 整个世界仿佛都在这短暂的片刻里安静了下来,只剩下小少年厚重喘息声。 He Ao slowly receives to reach behind the back, retrocedes half step, is gazing at Serat. 何奥缓缓的收回手,后退半步,注视着塞拉特。 You are unable prevents eternal god country “你无法・・・阻止・・・永恒神国・・・” The blood overflows from Serat's mouth, the energy of scattering destroyed his body finally, he stares the big eye, the body goes like one mud generally backward but actually, pours by the golden nine points of broadswords. 鲜血从塞拉特的口中溢出,流散的能量最后摧毁了他的身体,他瞪大眼睛,身体如同一团烂泥一般向后倒去,倒在金色的九环大刀旁边。 He Ao silent looks that his body falls down, looks to attach the soul little dissipation in his body, looks that his body changes to the nihility rapidly the darkness. 何奥沉默的看着他的身躯倒在地上,看着附着在他身躯上的灵魂一点点消散,看着他身躯迅速化作虚无的黑暗。 Serat's ability as if the eternal ray is very intimate, therefore the strength of his big probability use eternal ray, oneself and this church bound, so long as the church exists, he will not die in the church forever. 塞拉特的能力似乎和永恒光芒很亲近,所以他大概率利用永恒光芒的力量,将自己和这座教堂绑定了起来,只要教堂存在,他在教堂中就永不会死去。 But now, after he dies, the eternal ray starts to take his price. 而现在,在他死后,永恒光芒开始取走他的代价。 He Ao tranquil crosses him gradually to dissipate the corpse that draws out the ground the sword, then raised the head, looks to the surroundings dark space. 何奥平静的越过他逐渐消散的尸体,拔出地上的刀剑,然后抬起头去,看向周围黑暗的空间。 In regards in the field of vision spirit, the rays of innumerable scattering like losing the immobilization were common, in covering entirely distortion ray darkness crazy patrolling. 在灵视视野中,无数流散的光芒如同失去了钳制一般,在布满扭曲光芒的黑暗中疯狂的游弋。 With entire space fierce shivering, room empty shadow appears in the He Ao field of vision, is recent to He Ao, is that is hanging corpse innumerably good food room. 伴随着整个空间剧烈的颤抖,一道道‘房间’虚影出现在何奥的视野中,其中离何奥最近的,就是那个挂着无数‘尸体’的‘美食房’。 This moment this room is shivering fiercely, little shatter, these are hanging the skinny corpse on ceiling, was being swallowed by the endless darkness. 此刻这个房间正在剧烈的颤动着,一点点破碎,那些悬挂在天花板上的干瘦尸体,也正在被无尽的黑暗所吞噬。 In dim illusory image in darkness, these swallowed corpse has not struggled, instead calmly waits for the room to be stave. 在黑暗中朦胧的幻影中,那些被吞噬的尸体并没有挣扎,反而静静地等待着房间破碎。 Does not know whether induced anything, these corpses also turn around, looked that to direction that He Ao was. 不知是否感应到了什么,那些尸体同时转过身来,看向何奥所在的方向。 These rotten fierce cheeks are wriggling, opens mouth slowly, high and low is opening and closing. 那些腐烂狰狞的脸颊蠕动着,缓缓张开嘴,上下开合着。 In the darkness is unable to relay the sound, but He Ao saw clearly their shape of the mouth. 黑暗中无法传达声音,但是何奥看清楚了他们的口型。 Thanks ‘谢谢’ He Ao is gazing at them, nods to them gently. 何奥注视着他们,对他们轻轻点头。 He looks that the entire room was shattered, looks at the bridle of that wrap/sets on skeleton neck, loosening one after another, along with the skeleton extrication form same place, melts in the gloomy darkness. 他看着整个房间破碎,看着那套在尸骸脖子上的吊绳,一个接一个的松开,伴随着尸骸解脱身影一起,融进暗淡的黑暗中。 But disappearance along with this room, the room empty shades appeared one after another, overspread that infinite darkness. 而伴随着这个房间的消失,一个又一个的房间虚影接连出现,铺满了那无穷的黑暗。 Finally, He Ao lowers the head, inserts the knight sword recycles the good scabbard, is dragging the golden broadsword, moves toward that two had been moved inner and outer coffin. 最终,何奥低下头,将骑士剑插回收好的剑鞘,然后拖着金色大刀,走向那两个被移动过的棺椁。 This golden broadsword is Serat condenses with own strength, along with Serat's dying, in dissipation slowly. 这金色大刀是塞拉特用自己的力量凝聚而成的,伴随着塞拉特的死去,也在缓缓的消散。 However perhaps is because must enhance its quality, concentrates the solid sincerer reason it, the speed of its dissipation is very slow. 但是或许是因为要提升其品质,将其凝实的更加厚重的原因,其消散的速度很慢。 He Ao places on the broadsword father's inner and outer coffin, from platform towed father's edge of inner and outer coffin, towed the platform dead center. 何奥将大刀放在父亲的棺椁上,将父亲的棺椁从平台的边缘拖了下来,拖到了平台正中心。 Then went also to tow the dead center of platform mother's inner and outer coffin. 然后去把母亲的棺椁也拖到了平台的正中心。 These two inner and outer coffins are approaching the edge position of platform, with platform melting, the darkness must swallow these two inner and outer coffins. 这两个棺椁都在靠近平台的边缘位置,随着平台的‘融化’,黑暗已经要将这两个棺椁吞噬。 Holds in strength in addition, the He Ao speed is quick, almost completed these movements suddenly. 在力量加持下,何奥的速度很快,几乎眨眼间就完成了这些动作。 Then he is raising the golden broadsword, has turned around, looks to distance center not far lying down in the eyeglasses man of ground. 然后他提着金色大刀,转过身,看向距离中心处不远的躺在地上的眼镜男人。 This moment eyeglasses man still gripped the white sunglow stubbornly, but at that sunglow could not have condensed, even if instant brilliance. 此刻眼镜男人仍旧死死的握住白色的日冕,但是那日冕上已经凝聚不出哪怕刹那的光辉。 He also stares the big eye, is gazing at He Ao. 他同时也瞪大眼睛,注视着何奥 In that penetrated Serat, but no wound to He Ao time, he had realized, all these finished. 早在那一下击穿了塞拉特,但是没有伤到何奥的时候,他就已经意识到,这一切都结束了。 He has not struggled to crawl, but is gazing at He Ao, is hoarse was saying, little fellow, we could cooperate, you looked, I helped you solve Serat, we had common enemy 他没有挣扎着爬起来,而是注视着何奥,沙哑着说道,“小家伙,我们或许可以合作,你看,我帮你解决了塞拉特,我们有共同的敌人・・・” He looked up one as in the inner and outer coffin, is covering the throat, red hair female who cannot speak, vision slightly. 他抬头看了一眼依旧在棺椁里,捂着喉咙,不能说话的红发女子,目光微顿。 Coughs “咳咳咳・・・” Red hair female instantaneously fierce cough, deep attracted several tones, as if affects the strength of her throat to remove. 红发女子瞬间剧烈的咳嗽起来,深深的吸了几口气,似乎影响她喉咙的力量已经去除。 She dug up the inner and outer coffin that started to shiver fiercely, the flying has been leaping, jumped. 她扒着已经开始剧烈颤抖的棺椁,飞身一跃,跳了出来。 The eyeglasses man looks at He Ao, loosened hand that grips the red hair women's throwing knife, the goods that is similar to the phalanx fossil appear in his hands, I can lead you to leave, believes me 眼镜男人将视线转向何奥,松开了握住红发女子飞刀的手,一个类似于指骨化石的物品出现在他的手中,“我可以带你们离开,相信我・・・” But He Ao is only the tranquil gaze he. 何奥只是平静的注视着他。 Actually from the beginning, him knows that this eyeglasses man is feigning death. 其实早在一开始,他就知道这个眼镜男人在装死。 Perhaps Serat is unable accurately to analyze that the life and death of eyeglasses man, regarding can see the He Ao of energy circuit and soul, this is not the issue. 塞拉特或许无法准确的判断眼镜男人的生死,对于能看见能量回路和灵魂的何奥来说,这并不是什么问题。 However He Ao has not brought to light the eyeglasses man to feign death directly, but got up a mark to the eyeglasses man. 不过何奥并没有直接挑明眼镜男人在装死,而是给眼镜男人上了一个标记。 Ultra recalled that after promoting the B level, read the effect of heart to enter one step, various trains of thought that therefore the eyeglasses man's in mind in feigning death flashed through, many straight transmissions He Ao mind. 超忆在晋升B级之后,读心的效果更进了一步,所以眼镜男人在装死的时候脑海中闪过的各种思绪,有不少直接传达到了何奥的脑海。 And has the effect and ability of brilliance sunglow. 其中就有光辉日冕的效果和能力。 Therefore his deliberately Laserra approach body war, gives the eyeglasses man created to be able double play opportunity, then when he hesitates, revised his choice with changed/easy thought. 所以他刻意拉塞拉特进近身战,给了眼镜男人创造出了可以‘双杀’的‘机会’,然后在他犹豫的时候,用易思修改了他的选择。 From this, the strength of He Ao use eyeglasses man and brilliance sunglow, destroyed that seemed like constructs this church core the distortion ray. 由此,何奥利用眼镜男人和光辉日冕的力量,摧毁了那似乎是构筑成这座教堂核心的扭曲光芒。 However after ultra recalls is promoted, is easy to think of the effect of revision decision to be as if more secret. 不过超忆晋级之后,‘易思’修改决定的效果似乎更加隐秘了。 Under the eyeglasses man severe wound diverts attention, does not seem to realize the decision that he just made, does not stem from own conscience. 眼镜男人重伤分心之下,似乎并没有意识到他刚刚做出的决定,并非出自于自己的‘本心’。 Naturally this also had the possibility it to be partial in directly with him attack at that time is related, changed/easy thought was only when he hesitated, pushed. 当然这也有可能和他当时本身就更偏向于‘直接’攻击有关,易思只是在他犹豫的时候,推了一把。 Naturally, He Ao will not tell him these, but lowers the head, said in a soft voice, my name was Lois.” 当然,何奥并不会把这些告诉他,而是低着头,轻声说道,“我叫伊洛。” The eyeglasses man stares, does not know why He Ao proposes this. 眼镜男人一愣,不知道何奥为什么提这个。 Then two inner and outer coffins that his vision has swept the floor, before recalling He Ao, words that spoke, realized anything instantaneously. 然后他目光扫过地上的两具棺椁,回想起何奥之前所说的话,瞬间意识到了什么。 He hears He Ao to continue saying that „the wooden sign that that you want portrays the eye, where I know.” 紧接着,他就听到何奥继续说道,“你想要的那个刻画着眼睛的木牌,我知道在哪里。” In this instantaneous, the eyeglasses man as if felt itself just to be stepped on the broken heart to resume the beat by Serat suddenly. 在这瞬间,眼镜男人仿佛感受到了自己刚刚被塞拉特踩碎的心脏都在一刹那间恢复了跳动。 The innumerable trains of thought flash through in his mind, but he controlled the mood, said fast, 无数思绪在他脑海中闪过,但是他还是控制住了情绪,快速说道, Lois, I thought that were you Novis's child? “伊洛,我想起来了,你是诺维斯的孩子? Is the wooden sign that „ you said what? In fact, I am your parents' friend, we come today specially, knows your parents were held under duress by these heresy followers, brings home your parents' skeleton, but we have not thought that will meet you here. “你说的木牌是什么?事实上,我是你父母的朋友,我们今天特意来,就是知道了你父母被这些异端信徒挟持,来带你父母的尸骸回家的,只是我们没想到会在这里遇见你。 Little fellow, we are the same places.” “小家伙,我们是一起的。” The voice falls, his full contain anticipates looks at He Ao. 话音落下,他满含期待的看着何奥 The He Ao vision is motionless, tranquil gaze he. 何奥目光一动不动,平静的注视着他。 He does not know the person who actually eternal old teachings catholicism must look for anything, but Novis, can make the thing that this cults covet not many, with unusual related, only then that rescued a Lois life, is hiding the wooden sign of secret watcher talent sequence. 他其实不知道永恒旧教的人到底要找什么,但是诺维斯一家,能让这种邪教觊觎的东西并不多,最和超凡相关的,只有那个救了伊洛一命的,隐藏着隐秘观者天赋序列的木牌。 Therefore he mentioned the wooden sign directly, cheated an eyeglasses man. 所以他直接提到了木牌,诈了一下眼镜男人。 Has not thought that cheated the thing directly. 没想到直接诈出了东西。 The eyeglasses man said that anything is actually unimportant, his many trains of thought that passed laid aside mark feed back on him to He Ao. 眼镜男人说什么其实并不重要,他的许多思绪,都通过了放置在他身上的‘标记’反馈给了何奥 This lets He Ao, when asked has problems, actually obtained the much information. 这让何奥在问出问题的时候,其实就获得了很多信息。 The eternal old teachings catholicism comes the person truly for the wooden sign of that secret watcher, but this eyeglasses man does not know that this wooden sign is useful, only knows is very important, old teachings catholicism leader requests him to bring back the wooden sign. 永恒旧教来人确实是为了那个隐秘观者的木牌,不过这个眼镜男人也不知道这个木牌有什么用,只知道很重要,旧教的‘领袖’要求他必须要取回木牌。 When the He Ao thinking, the eyeglasses man also somewhat stared by He Ao is scared, he just prepared to open the mouth again, He Ao squatted, took down that phalanx fossil from his hand. 而在何奥思索的时候,眼镜男人也被何奥盯得有些发毛,他刚准备再次开口,何奥就蹲了下来,从他手中取下了那个指骨化石。 How this does use?” “这个怎么用?” He looks to the man, asked fast. 他看向男人,快速问道。 He when grips this stone, has not obtained the information cue of unusual goods. 他在握住这个石头的时候,并没有获得超凡物品的信息提示。 This goods that are we organizes,” man smiled one awkwardly, cannot leak . Moreover the follower of this eternal ray can use, but I can lead you, believes me.” “这个是我们组织的物品,”男人尴尬的笑了一声,“并不能外传,而且这个只有永恒光芒的信徒可以使用,但是我可以把你们带出去,相信我。” He Ao looked at his one eyes, put out a hand also to take the brilliance sunglow of his another hand, this did give me?” 何奥看了他一眼,伸手把他另一只手的光辉日冕也拿了下来,“这个给我?” The eyeglasses man realized that just reply as if made He Ao some not believe he, his complexion changed, finally gently nod, „.” 眼镜男人意识到刚刚的回答似乎让何奥有些‘不相信他’了,他面色微变,最终轻轻点头,“可以。” He Ao looked up his one eyes, never expected that he complied was so refreshed, therefore nods, sincere saying, thanks.” 何奥抬头看了他一眼,没想到他答应的这么爽快,于是点点头,诚恳的说道,“谢谢。” Then he has turned around, no longer responds the eyeglasses man, in the fierce vibration, puts out a hand two inner and outer coffins by the same place. 然后他转过身,不再搭理眼镜男人,在剧烈的震动中,伸手去将两个棺椁靠在一起。 The red hair female lowers the head, surveillance the eyeglasses man of ground. 红发女子则低着头,‘监视’着地上的眼镜男人。 The eyeglasses man gazes at the He Ao back, the vision is narrowing the eyes. 眼镜男人注视着何奥的背影,目光微眯。 The innumerable trains of thought flash through in his mind. 无数思绪在他脑海中闪过。 He had detected that He Ao does not believe him, this child is young, but is not easily swindled. 他已经察觉到何奥并不相信他,这个孩子年纪小,但是并不好骗。 His vision has swept on the He Ao shoulder already completely the flood white paper butterfly. 他目光扫过何奥肩上已经完全泛白的纸蝴蝶。 That seems this child with strength the origin, now, this strength has exhausted, moreover this child injures perhaps and heavy, as the time passes by, will be only weaker. 那似乎就是这个孩子所‘借力’的来源,现在,这力量已经耗尽了,而且这个孩子伤的恐怕并不轻,随着时间过去,只会更虚弱。 If he is this child, will certainly not have his unable to trust the dangerous character to leave, usage that but does everything possible to draw out that knocking at a door stone. 如果他是这个孩子,就一定不会带着他自己这个无法信任危险人物离开,而是想方设法套出那块叩门石的用法。 No, they can come, not necessarily without the method that other leave. 不,他们能进来,未必没有其他离开的方法。 That red hair female is not strong, oneself just showing weakness, as if made them think that own present is weak, so long as the movement were quick enough, that red hair female initiated the reminder radically without enough time. 那个红发女子并不强,自己刚刚的示弱,似乎让他们认为自己现在已经非常的虚弱了,只要动作够快,那个红发女子根本来不及发起提醒。 With the thought that the flowing light flashes through generally, the eyeglasses man puts out a hand slowly, drew out beforehand Serat to insert his body suddenly, golden lance that has not dissipated completely. 伴随着流光一般闪过的念头,眼镜男人缓缓伸出手去,骤然拔出了之前塞拉特插进他身体,还未完全消散的金色长矛。 Is inferior to who strikes the first blow has the advantage. 不如先下手为强。 The golden lance aimed at the back of He Ao. 金色的长矛对准了何奥的后背。 But red hair female who at this time, has looked at the eyeglasses man immediately opens the mouth, is small 而这个时候,一直看着眼镜男人的红发女子立刻张口,“小・・・” The radiant golden flowing light flashes past. 璀璨的金色流光一闪而过。 Turning around He Ao puts down the golden broadsword in hand, looked at an eyeglasses man to fly in the in the air head, looked at the blood that on a golden broadsword flowed, then looked up to opening mouth, has not said the red hair female of first syllable. 转过身来的何奥放下手中的金色大刀,看了一眼眼镜男人飞在空中的头颅,又看了一眼金色大刀上流淌的鲜血,然后抬头看向张开嘴,还未说完第一个音节的红发女子。 The red hair female is gazing at He Ao awkwardly, closed the mouth slowly, then put out a hand, picked up ground own black throwing knife. 红发女子尴尬的注视着何奥,缓缓合上了嘴巴,然后伸出手,捡起了地上自己的黑色飞刀。 Bang- 砰— The head of eyeglasses man pounds on the ground, has the unbelievable facial expression, tumbled in the darkness. 眼镜男人的头颅砸在地上,带着难以置信的神情,滚落进了黑暗里。 His most energy aggregate points were destroyed by Serat, only then on the neck is also left over last, cut off by a He Ao blade. 他身上大部分能量汇集点都被塞拉特摧毁了,只有脖子上还剩下最后一个,被何奥一刀斩断了。 good work.” “辛苦了。” He Ao looks at the red hair female, the nod, then he returns the golden broadsword to the inner and outer coffin on gently, rips the clothes of eyeglasses man, becomes the banding continually, the back passes away, tries to bind together two inner and outer coffins. 何奥看着红发女子,轻轻点头,然后他把金色大刀放回到棺椁上,把眼镜男人的衣服撕下来,连成条带,背过身去,试图将两个棺椁绑在一起。 The paper butterfly on his shoulder has turned into the white thoroughly, the wing opened, as if lost the mystical. 他肩上的纸蝴蝶已经彻底变成了白色,翅膀张开,仿佛失去了神异。 But opens along with the paper butterfly wing, He Ao imposing manner also in rapid drop, dries up. 而伴随着纸蝴蝶翅膀张开,何奥身上的气势也在迅速的回落,枯竭。 He puts out a hand, wants to be in the bandage the same place, however is drawing the flash of bandage, his body slope forward, fell wearily on the ground, the aura, as if fell into the stupor. 他伸出手去,想要将绑带系在一起,但是在拉动绑带的一瞬间,他身子向前倾斜,摔在了地上,气息委顿了下去,似乎陷入了昏迷。 The red hair female looks at this sudden one dull. 红发女子呆呆的看着这突然一幕。 She is gazing at He Ao, after the short stop, she looks up to that two must be bound together inner and outer coffin. 她注视着何奥,在短暂的停顿之后,她抬头看向那两个要被绑在一起的棺椁。 She lifted the throwing knife on hand slowly. 她缓缓抬起了手上的飞刀。 Jet black wristband because of her lifting hand, shone the screen, was fixed in the home page short note shone above wristband, 漆黑的手环因为她的抬手,亮起了屏幕,一个被固定在首页的‘便签’在手环上方亮起, [ Two corpses, 50 million] [两具尸体,五千万] Her vision stopped the moment, gripped the throwing knife in hand, trend that step by step falls down, already completely by the young youngster of blood incarnadine body. 她目光停顿了片刻,握住了手中的飞刀,一步步的走向那个倒在地上,已经完全被鲜血染红身躯的小少年。 …… ・・・・・・ Bang- 砰— The jet black metal throwing knife was patted in the coffin covers. 漆黑的金属飞刀被拍在棺材盖上。 Perhaps Lehne Lehne, your this lifetime, did not do well mercenary line.” “莱娜啊莱娜,你这辈子,恐怕干不好佣兵这一行了。” The red hair female bends the waist, sighs, difficult carries the young youngster of ground is conducting the back, tears down the same place the clothing of eyeglasses man again, ties up the young youngster on the body. 红发女子弯下腰,叹了口气,艰难的把地上的小少年背在背上,将眼镜男人的衣衫再撕下一块,把小少年绑在身上。 Then she puts out a hand, did not have to be He Ao the bandage of good bundle inner and outer coffin is. 然后她伸出手去,将何奥还没系好的捆绑棺椁的绑带系好。 Immediately, she put out the disc of that belt/bring indicator from the pocket. 随即,她从口袋里拿出了那个带指针的圆盘。 She puts out a hand, is preparing to move the indicator of that disc, a weak sound resounds behind her slowly, with that you do not die.” 她伸出手去,正准备拨动那个圆盘的指针,一声虚弱的声音缓缓在她背后响起,“别用那个,你会死。” She moves movement slightly of indicator. 她拨动指针的动作微微一顿。
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