LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#791: ‚Doesn't die’ the person?

Then has not actually fallen like the flowing light common sword blade to Serat, but fell in front of He Ao the opened coffin covers. 那如同流光一般的剑刃却并没有落向塞拉特,而是落在了何奥面前被打开的棺材盖上。 Float provoked in the in the air coffin coverlet sharp sword blade fiercely, departs suddenly, same flies like the flowing light to the Serat top of the head. 原本悬浮在空中的棺材盖被锋利的剑刃猛地挑动,骤然飞出,如同流光一样飞向塞拉特头顶。 The coffin board blocks from the brilliance of space, the short shadow covered Serat's body. 棺材板遮住天上的光辉,短暂的阴影掩盖了塞拉特的身躯。 Serat lifts the golden broadsword in hand, the flying jumps, divides into two coffin board that flies directly, then front surface toward He Ao the position that stands cuts. 塞拉特抬起手中的金色大刀,飞身跃起,直接将那飞来的棺材板一分为二,然后迎面向着何奥的所站的位置斩来。 But He Ao when raises the coffin board, makes an effort on the both legs, a side somersault flew away same place. 何奥早在掀起棺材板的时候,就双腿用力,一个侧空翻飞离了原地。 Bang- 轰- The giant golden broadsword pounds above inner and outer coffin that in He Ao just stood, breaks the entire inner and outer coffin. 巨大的金色大刀砸在何奥刚刚站立的棺椁之上,将整个棺椁砸碎。 Serat flying falls above the third row of inner and outer coffin, is raising the golden broadsword, is gazing at He Ao, 塞拉特飞身落在第三排的棺椁之上,提着金色大刀,注视着何奥, On that heavy/thick back of the blade, the blade link had arrived in eight. 那厚重的刀背上,刀环已经抵达了八个。 The He Ao vision shot a look at a that the broadsword, shot a look at a Serat's body, the vision narrows the eyes. 何奥目光瞥了一眼那把大刀,又瞥了一眼塞拉特的身躯,目光微眯。 Just covered Serat body in the shadow of his coffin board the instance, in field of vision that the god knew, the energy circuit in Serat within the body glittered. 刚刚在他棺材板的阴影遮盖塞拉特身躯的瞬间,在神识的视野中,塞拉特体内的能量回路闪烁了一下。 He Ao looked up a brilliance of top of the head. 何奥抬头看了一眼头顶的光辉。 The brilliance of this dark space does not have the light source, looks up, only then some dim brilliance, with unfathomed darkness. 这个黑暗空间的光辉并没有光源,抬头看去只有些许朦胧的光辉,和无法窥探的黑暗。 Only produces from the darkness like this general. 就像这光从黑暗中生成一般。 In regards in the field of vision spirit, in the surrounding darkness is full of the design of distortion, occasionally 12 strange brilliance flashes through in the designs of these distortions. 在灵视视野中,周围的黑暗里充满着扭曲的图案,偶尔有一两道奇异的‘光辉’在这些扭曲的图案中闪过。 But in space that the ray shines, the design of distortion also exists, but before mainly constructed, platform that two people stood, in space of brilliant ray few. 而在光芒照耀的空间内,扭曲的图案也存在,但是主要构筑成了之前两人站立的平台,在光辉照耀的空间里很少。 Sees the He Ao movement, Serat vision concentrates, then he without hesitation, both hands grips the heavy/thick golden broadsword, the flying leaps, a blade cuts to the He Ao surface gate. 看到何奥的动作,塞拉特目光微凝,然后他毫不犹豫,双手握住厚重的金色大刀,飞身跃出,一刀斩向何奥的面门。 He Ao is sideways a sword horizontally on the shoulder, blocked the broadsword of swing all of a sudden, the sharp sword blade in collides with the broadsword under presses instantaneously suddenly, almost bumped into the He Ao nape of the neck. 何奥侧身架剑横在肩上,一下子挡住了挥舞的大刀,锋利的剑身在与大刀碰撞的瞬间骤然下压,几乎碰到了何奥的脖颈。 He Ao clenches the teeth, the arm makes an effort, supported this broadsword stubbornly. 何奥咬紧牙关,手臂用力,死死的撑住了这把大刀。 Bang- 轰- The powerful strength transmission to his inner and outer coffin on, bang breaks the entire inner and outer coffin directly. 强大的力道传达到他脚下的棺椁上,轰的一声直接将整个棺椁砸碎。 Body submersion of He Ao. 何奥的身子下沉。 In that endless darkness, a pale palm that is covered with the livor mortis stretches out slowly, grasps to the He Ao ankle area. 在那无尽的黑暗中,一只长满尸斑的惨白手掌缓缓伸出,抓向何奥的脚踝。 But at the same time, Serat steps in the neighboring inner and outer coffin, lifted the golden broadsword again, by dividing is changed sweeps, brings easily to be able He Ao to cut two sections of power and influence on sweep toward the He Ao body. 而在这同时,塞拉特踩在相邻的棺椁上,再次抬起了金色大刀,由劈变扫,带着轻易能将何奥斩成两截的威势向着何奥的身躯扫来。 The foot that He Ao has failed steps on suddenly on the palm that in the darkness stretched out, then taking advantage of the strength caster, the body almost lies low to jump backward supinely. 何奥已经落空的脚骤然踩在了黑暗中伸出的手掌上,然后借力后倾,身子几乎平躺着向后仰跳而出。 In the endless darkness hands extend, is ordinary like the seaweed, wants to hold the He Ao body. 无尽的黑暗中一只只手伸出来,如同海草一般密密麻麻,想要抓住何奥的身躯。 The limit distance that these palms can stretch out however the He Ao body altitude happen to upward some, therefore the He Ao body follows above the palm that these drag, flew on a rear inner and outer coffin. 然而何奥身躯所处的高度正好在这些手掌能伸出的的极限距离往上些许,于是何奥的身躯就顺着这些摇曳的手掌上方,飞到了后方的一个棺椁上。 But at this time, a blade cut spatial Serat to have the slope forward by the heavy/thick knife, a pale arm seized the time suddenly, gripped his ankle area, towed him to the darkness. 而这个时候,一刀斩空的塞拉特被厚重的刀身带着向前倾斜,一只惨白的手臂骤然抓住时机,握住了他的脚踝,将他拖向黑暗。 By the instance that the palm holds, Serat looked at He Ao one, lifts the golden broadsword, wields suddenly, the blade air/Qi of several golden crescent moon are common like flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky, cuts toward a He Ao blade that has not come to a stop. 被手掌抓住的瞬间,塞拉特看了何奥一眼,抬起金色大刀,骤然一挥,数片金色月牙形的刀气如同天女散花一般,向着还未站稳的何奥一刀斩来。 He Ao lifts the sword rapidly, the sword light dances in the air, one after another cutting broke to pieces flew oneself front golden color blade air/Qi. 何奥迅速抬剑,剑光飞舞,接二连三的斩碎了飞到自己面前的金色刀气。 Although this blade air/Qi the quantity changed, but the single might changed small, seemed like Serat, when is unable to aim put hastily. 这刀气虽然数量变多了,但是单个威力变小了,似乎是塞拉特在无法瞄准的时候仓促所放。 When He Ao wrecking flies to his blade air/Qi, other scattered blade air/Qi crushed nearby inner and outer coffin. 而在何奥击毁飞向他的刀气的时候,其他零散的刀气击碎了附近的棺椁。 Blasts out in He Ao along with a fragment of intermittent splash at present, he can only notice vaguely Serat entered in the darkness by walking tractors. 伴随着一阵阵飞溅的碎片在何奥眼前炸开,他只能依稀看到塞拉特被一只只手拖进了黑暗中。 In that process, Serat's energy circuit as if rapid gloom. 在那个过程中,塞拉特身上的能量回路似乎正在迅速的暗淡。 As Serat was dragged into the darkness, the entire space also was silent in an instant the moment. 而随着塞拉特被拉入黑暗,整个空间也在刹那间寂静了片刻。 The innumerable trains of thought flash through in the He Ao mind, he looked up a spirit to regard in the field of vision the brilliance of flowing distortion designs and these escapes. 无数思绪在何奥的脑海中闪过,他抬头看了一眼灵视视野中流动扭曲图案和那些逸散的光辉。 Then he has not hesitated, the double hand-held sword, a sword turns toward behind the detachment. 然后他没有迟疑,双手持剑,一剑向着身后劈去。 Also in this instantaneous, the golden brilliance boils up from the darkness together suddenly, raids to his back. 也就在这瞬间,一道金色的光辉骤然从黑暗中迸出,袭向他的后背。 The pure white knight sword and golden broadsword hit in the same place, the sword blade in He Ao hand trembled, the scattering golden brilliance splashed on the heavy/thick broadsword. 纯白的骑士剑与金色的大刀撞在一起,何奥手中的剑身震颤了一下,点点流散的金色光辉在厚重的大刀上飞溅而出。 The inner and outer coffin scrap of He Ao under foot, instead shakes again in the powerful strength, his body departs backward, in cracking-up kept off after an behind inner and outer coffin, hits in the platform, dislodges the platform hollow that covers entirely the crack. 何奥脚下的棺椁再次炸碎,在强大的力量反震下,他的身子向后飞出,在撞碎了挡在身后的一个棺椁之后,撞在平台上,将平台撞出一个布满裂纹的凹陷。 But at this time, Serat has no scruple flying to raise the blade to divide, he must make use to solve He Ao. 而这个时候,塞拉特已经没有任何迟疑的飞身提刀劈来,他要趁势解决掉何奥 He Ao gazes at in the air Serat, both hands elbow is supporting, on the both legs lifts to bend, will then soon approach his instance in Serat, extends the leg to trample suddenly. 何奥注视着空中的塞拉特,双手手肘撑地,双腿上抬弓起,然后在塞拉特即将靠近他的瞬间,骤然伸腿一踹。 Was trampled to fly directly in in the air Serat, flew to draw back backward, after cracking-up a platform edge inner and outer coffin, stopped. 在空中的塞拉特直接被踹飞出去,向后飞退,撞碎了平台边缘一个棺椁之后,才停了下来。 But He Ao simultaneously both feet curving downward, took advantage of opportunity a carp to hit very to stand again. 何奥同时双脚弯曲向下,顺势一个鲤鱼打挺再次站立了起来。 In inner and outer coffin of opening at this moment third row of He Ao just came out, is poking head to look like the red hair female of flowing light general fight carefully, looked at around one fight by He Ao and Serat's seems like paper carton generally by the inner and outer coffin of casual scrap, looked up a side float in the in the air coffin cover. 此刻第三排何奥刚刚出来的打开的棺椁里,正小心的探出头看着如同流光一般战斗的红发女子,看了一眼周围被何奥和塞拉特的战斗像是纸盒子一般被随便炸碎的棺椁,又抬头看了一眼身旁悬浮在空中的棺材盖子。 After the short thinking, she put out a hand bang to cover in the coffin, makes an effort to push pushing upwards. 在短暂的思索后,她伸手砰在棺材盖上,用力向上方推了推。 The muscle of her arm blows up, red of complexion bulge, the coffin lid that but cannot easily be shouldered by He Ao this in any event promotes, even if half a point. 她手臂的肌肉鼓起,脸色胀的通红,但无论如何都不能把这个被何奥轻易挑起的棺材盖推动哪怕半分。 Then she hesitant, puts out that the black throwing knife, aims at the coffin lid, makes an effort a stroke. 然后她犹豫了一下,拿出那把黑色的飞刀,对准棺材盖,用力一划。 The sharp blade delimits has seemed like only the ordinary wooden coffin lid, finally only leaves behind one in the coffin lid the trace. 锋利的刀刃划过看起来似乎只是普通木制的棺材盖,最终只在棺材盖留下一个浅浅的痕迹。 …… ・・・・・・ Realized own weight she takes back the throwing knife, turns head to look again to below platform. 意识到自己斤两她收回飞刀,扭头再次看向下方的平台。 Lois, you are very intelligent.” “小伊洛,你很聪明。” Serat set out slowly, scratched the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, looks at He Ao with a smile. 塞拉特缓缓起身,擦了擦嘴角的血迹,笑着看着何奥 „-” “咳—” He Ao coughs, looked at a palm blood, lifts the knight sword to gaze at Serat. 何奥咳嗽一声,看了一眼手心的鲜血,抬起骑士剑注视着塞拉特。 He is gazing at Serat at this moment, the vision actually not completely on Serat's body, but is the use with no trace regards the field of vision spirit, is taking a fast look around periphery the jet black space. 他此刻注视着塞拉特,目光却并没有完全在塞拉特的身上,而是不着痕迹的利用灵视视野,扫视着周围漆黑的空间。 The surrounding space patrols is symbolizing the eternal ray strength brilliance seemed short some. 周围空间游弋的象征着永恒光芒力量的‘光辉’似乎少了些许。 This few quantities are not many, moreover hidden in the dense and numerous distortion designs, if not the He Ao centralized attention carefully watches, is very difficult to detect. 这少的量并不多,而且隐藏在密密麻麻的扭曲图案里,如果不是何奥集中注意力仔细观看,很难察觉。 But relatively speaking, just had injured Serat by the He Ao counter-attack slightly, injury at this moment fully seems to have restored. 而相对而言的,刚刚被何奥反击稍有受伤的塞拉特,此刻的伤势似乎已经完全恢复了。 He Ao deeply inspires, carries over Serat's chest the vision, there has fluctuating slightly, the damage of Serat chest seemed to have also restored most. 何奥深吸一口气,将目光移向塞拉特的胸口,那里有微微的起伏,塞拉特胸口的损伤似乎也已经恢复了大半了。 However that fluctuating degree compared with just he entered in the darkness the time, were very too many, is far from the rapidness that before restored. 不过那起伏程度比刚刚他进入黑暗中的时候,好不了太多,远没有之前恢复的快。 Not brilliance shining, although will make Serat's energy circuit unstable, but will not make the energy circuit completely vanish, enters in the darkness he will not die, but will restore the speed to slow down. 没有光辉的照耀,虽然会让塞拉特的能量回路不稳定,但是不会让能量回路完全消失,进入黑暗中他也不会死的,只是恢复速度会变慢。 He Ao retrocedes half step, the vision sweeps in the platform that just hit to cover entirely hollow of crack, under that dim brilliant ray, under these connections dark crack, at this moment was being produced the new flagstone rapidly patching. 何奥后退半步,目光扫了一眼刚刚自己撞出来的平台上布满裂纹的凹陷,在那朦胧的光辉照耀下,那些连通下方黑暗的裂纹,此刻正在被迅速生成新的石板所‘修补’。 The innumerable trains of thought flash through from the He Ao mind, but in his shoulder, blood-color butterfly color is shallow. 无数思绪从何奥的脑海中闪过,而在他的肩头,血色蝴蝶身上的颜色已经非常浅了。 This means that Ellis's strength will soon exhaust, his time are not much. 这意味着艾莉丝的力量即将耗尽,他的时间不多了。 But at this time, Serat also raised the head to sweep He Ao the paper butterfly on shoulder, the smile said, seems like your strength does not seem many, Lois, you had the talent very much, was very intelligent, if you can follow the great eternal ray, I can keep a complete corpse for you.” 而这个时候,塞拉特也抬头扫了一眼何奥的肩膀上的纸蝴蝶,微笑道,“看起来你的力量似乎不多了,小伊洛,你很有天赋,也很聪明,如果你能追随伟大的永恒光芒,我可以为你留一具全尸。” On his hand the back of the blade of golden broadsword, has iterated nine rings at this moment, the heavy/thick strength feeling from spreads imperceptibly, he raised the golden broadsword slightly, continued to gaze at He Ao, 他手中的金色大刀的刀背上,此刻已经迭加了九个圆环,厚重的力量感从无形中蔓延开来,他微微提起金色大刀,继续注视着何奥, I think that you should understand, I am do not die, my strength not because passing of time and will be injured to weaken, even if my body will disrupt completely, will quickly restore, you will have no odds of success.” “我想你应该已经明白了,我是‘不死’的,我的力量不会因为时间的流逝和受伤而衰减,哪怕我的身躯完全碎裂,也会很快恢复,你没有任何的胜算。” But He Ao swept paper butterfly on a shoulder, the tranquil gaze he, is lifting the knight sword in hand, person was killed, will die, this church will not have the weakness.” 何奥只是扫了一眼肩上的纸蝴蝶,平静的注视着他,抬起手中的骑士剑,“人被杀,就会死,这座教堂不会没有弱点。” The color superficial paper butterfly as if understands the meaning of He Ao, that butterfly wing opens slowly. 颜色浅淡的纸蝴蝶似乎明白了何奥的意思,那蝴蝶翅膀缓缓张开。 In regards in the field of vision spirit, the distortion design and flowing light in surroundings dark space, like by some strength agitation, were started to be chaotic. 在灵视视野中,周围黑暗空间中的扭曲图案和流光,如同被某种力量搅动,开始混乱起来。 But the speed that paper butterfly blood-color shoals was faster. 而纸蝴蝶身上的血色变浅的速度更加快了。 Serat brow tip selects, some sense of crisis raises in his heart, he looks at He Ao, got hold of the golden broadsword in hand. 塞拉特眉梢微挑,某种危机感在他心头升起,他看着何奥,握紧了手中的金色大刀。 Then both sides almost also start, two streams light/only from the sky bump into. 然后双方几乎同时起步,两道流光在空中相撞。 Scandium- 钪- With a clear sound, sword intersection. 伴随着一声清脆的声响,刀剑相交而过。 Two people forms interlock, then also turns around. 两人的身影交错而过,然后同时转身。 The He Ao knight sword is more facile, the speed is also faster, he bends/bow the step to forward without hesitation, a sword punctures, again thorn to Serat's chest. 何奥的骑士剑更加轻便,速度也更快,他毫不犹豫弓步向前,一剑刺出,再次刺向塞拉特的胸膛。 Serat raised the golden broadsword backhandedly, the knife point toward below, protected the chest at the same time the He Ao knight sword toward the one side do not operate. 塞拉特反手提起金色大刀,刀尖朝下,护住心口的同时将何奥的骑士剑向着一旁别开。 But even so, the sharp knight sword pierced his side chest. 但即使如此,锋利的骑士剑还是刺穿了他的侧胸。 Also in this instantaneous, in regards under the field of vision spirit, in the surroundings dark space scatters brilliance vanished some, the designs of these distortions are more chaotic. 也就在这瞬间,在灵视视野下,周围黑暗空间里流散的‘光辉’消失了些许,那些扭曲的图案更加混乱。 However still some regions are maintaining stable. 不过仍旧有些区域保持着稳定。 Serat body, the taking advantage of opportunity blade turns over, cuts toward He Ao along the sword blade. 塞拉特身子一顿,顺势刀刃翻转,沿着剑身向着何奥切来。 He Ao pulls out the sword to retrocede immediately, do not live in the golden broadsword, cuts forcefully toward Serat's nape of the neck. 何奥立刻抽剑后退,别住金色大刀,硬生生向着塞拉特的脖颈斩去。 Although the attack strategic point cannot kill Serat, but as if can also cause certain damage, otherwise he subconscious protecting will not live in the strategic point. 攻击要害虽然不能杀死塞拉特,但是似乎也能造成一定伤害,不然他不会下意识的护住要害了。 Serat both hands hold the blade forcefully do not return to the He Ao knight sword, and cuts the blade to He Ao. 塞拉特双手持刀硬生生的将何奥的骑士剑别回,并将刀刃砍向何奥 Two people turn over the sword mutually, pushes to the opposite party, in a short time confrontation several times, finally, He Ao sword blade card in the rings of Serat back of the blade, two people simultaneously. 两人互相翻转刀剑,推向对方,在极短的时间内交锋数次,最终,何奥的剑刃卡在了塞拉特刀背的圆环之间,两人同时一顿。 Sees this, Serat raises the blade to let go directly fiercely, heavy/thick blade edge flash along sword blade and back of the blade card the pivot turns over, bypassed the He Ao knight sword, cuts to the chest of He Ao. 见到这一幕,塞拉特直接猛地提刀松手,厚重的刀锋一瞬间沿着剑刃与刀背卡着的支点翻转一圈,绕过了何奥的骑士剑,斩向何奥的胸口。 He Ao is sideways to retrocede to dodge immediately, but was still cut the shoulder by the sharp blade, has the orange purple brilliance blood splash. 何奥立刻侧身后退闪避,但是仍旧被锋利的刀刃划破了肩膀,带着橙紫色光辉的鲜血飞溅而出。 Under Serat body pressed, caught an in the air turn over blade, then both hands without hesitation grasped the blade to turn toward He Ao to divide again. 塞拉特身子下压,接住了空中翻转一圈的刀刃,然后毫不犹豫的双手握刀再次向着何奥劈来。 He Ao lifts the sword to keep off before the body hastily single-handed, is actually trembled by the arm that heavy/thick golden broadsword chops, the knight sword sword hilt and palm rub, the grinding makes a debut a bloodstain, almost lets go of the knight sword in hand. 何奥连忙单手抬剑挡在身前,却被那厚重的金色大刀劈的手臂微颤,骑士剑剑柄与手心摩擦,磨出道道血痕,差点将手中的骑士剑脱手。 Serat's fight accomplishment and fight experience far exceed Lokve. 塞拉特的战斗素养和战斗经验都远超过洛克威。 But at this time, Serat has seized the time, a hand grips the hilt, a hand grips the back of the blade, with the aid of this grasping law, the blade returns rapidly pulls out, changes, then grasps the blade to find out single-handed forward, selects to fiercely, the preparation when He Ao grasps the sword is not steady, directly gave the He Ao weapon. 而这个时候,塞拉特已经看准了时机,一只手握住刀柄,一只手握住刀背,借助这种握法,刀刃迅速回抽,变向,然后单手握刀向前探出,猛地向上一挑,准备在何奥握剑不稳的时候,直接缴了何奥的械。 Was seeing with own eyes Serat raises the blade to select, He Ao this time has not returned to the sword defense again, if he returns to the sword, will be struck to fly the knight sword by that heavy/thick broadsword directly. 眼见着塞拉特提刀挑来,何奥这一次没有再回剑防御,他如果回剑,就会直接被那厚重大刀将骑士剑击飞。 Therefore he lifts the sword to puncture without hesitation, a ring of sword stabbing golden color broadsword back of the blade, enters in the sword sharp card the ring. 于是他毫不犹豫抬剑刺出,一剑刺中金色大刀刀背的圆环,将剑尖卡入圆环之中。 Then he makes an effort to draw leaves, broadsword don't to nearby at the same time, pulled closer Serat and his distance, then the flying, tramples to Serat's throat. 然后他用力一拉一别,将大刀别向一旁的同时,也拉近了塞拉特和他的距离,然后飞身而起,一脚踹向塞拉特的咽喉。 Meanwhile, Serat makes an effort fiercely, attempts separates the knight sword and golden broadsword, but at this time, He Ao has been trampled his throat. 与此同时,塞拉特猛地用力,试图将骑士剑和金色大刀分开,但这个时候,何奥已经踹中了他的咽喉。 With slight seems like the sound of throat disruption, Serat body departed backward, cracked-up the inner and outer coffin of platform edge. 伴随着轻微的似乎是喉咙碎裂的声音,塞拉特身子向后飞出,撞碎了平台边缘的一个棺椁。 The knight sword and golden broadsword broke away from master's control simultaneously, the splash, inserted the ground in not far away. 骑士剑和金色大刀同时脱离了主人的控制,飞溅而出,插入了不远处的地面。 He Ao has not gone to pick the knight sword, but was an arrow step charged into Serat directly. 何奥并没有去捡骑士剑,而是一个箭步直接冲向了塞拉特。 At this moment the paper butterfly of his shoulder fast is fanning the wing, in as if entire space some floor rule in the rebellion, surroundings dark space the confusion of distortion design is getting more and more obvious. 此刻他肩头的纸蝴蝶飞快的扇动着翅膀,仿佛整个空间里某种底层规则正在暴动,周围黑暗空间的扭曲图案的混乱越来越明显。 Because Serat's injury, in these distortion designs part brilliance further disappearance. 因为塞拉特的受伤,那些扭曲图案中部分‘光辉’进一步的的消失。 But this causes the surrounding space stable medicinal preparation as if becomes less, further spreads chaotic. 而这使得周围空间的‘稳定’剂似乎变得更少,混乱进一步蔓延开来。 Meanwhile, some type invisible strength also spread in the dark space, is keeping this space order. 与此同时,某种无形的‘力量’也蔓延在了黑暗的空间里,维持着这个空间的秩序。 But in this instantaneous, He Ao attempts slightly acceptance talking during sleep in mind, let own be away from ‚the truth still further. 而就在这瞬间,何奥尝试轻微的‘接受’了脑海中的呓语,让自己距离‘真理’更进一步。 These distortion design flash stretch in his field of vision, three-dimensional space like launching reel, like lawn generally even shop/spread under the He Ao vision. 那些扭曲图案一瞬间在他的‘视野’中舒展开来,立体的空间如同展开的卷筒,如同草坪一般在何奥的目光下平铺而出。 But in this these even shop in the design, the strong brilliance flashes past in his field of vision together. 而在这这些‘平铺’的图案中,一道浓烈的光辉在他视野中一闪而过。 The good food, the garden, the dance, inexhaustible happiness scene rushes in his train of thought in this flash. 美食,花园,舞蹈,无穷无尽的美好‘场景’在这一瞬间闯进他的思绪。 Found! 找到了! He Ao takes back the consciousness immediately, the bright red blood flows out from his eye. 何奥立刻收回了意识,鲜红的血液从他眼中流出。 All these development in a short time, but before He Ao also arrived in Serat's body, at this moment. 这一切发展都在极短的时间里,而何奥此刻也抵达了塞拉特的身前。 Just stood Serat as if also just felt mutation, he raised the head, has certain shocking vision, is gazing at He Ao, your ability was 刚刚站起来塞拉特似乎也感受到了刚刚的‘异变’,他抬起头,带着某些震惊的目光,注视着何奥,“你的能力是・・・” Response his is He Ao a foot that flies to trample. 回应的他的是何奥飞踹来的一脚。 Serat lifts the hand horizontally in the chest front, blocked He Ao a foot that flies to trample, simultaneously he lifts starts, trampled on He Ao. 塞拉特抬手横在胸前,挡住了何奥飞踹的一脚,同时他抬起脚,一脚踹在了何奥身上。 The He Ao body this was trampled, departed backward, hits on another inner and outer coffin of not far away, cracked-up the inner and outer coffin. 何奥身子被这一脚踹中,向后飞出,撞在了不远处的另一个棺椁上,将棺椁撞碎。 This is also indifferent,” “不过这也无所谓,” Serat is gazing at He Ao, turns toward He Ao to clash directly, you, even if discovered, simply does not have the ability to destroy it, I will use your skeleton, arranges newly trap.” 塞拉特注视着何奥,直接向着何奥冲来,“你哪怕发现了,也根本没有能力能摧毁它,我会用你的尸骸,布置新的‘陷阱’。” He Ao has not replied his words, but turns over/stands up, the direct somersault, fell above the second row of inner and outer coffin. 何奥并没有回答他的话语,而是翻身而起,直接一个空翻,落在了第二排的棺椁之上。 Serat flying jumps, a fist pounds toward He Ao. 塞拉特飞身跃起,一拳向着何奥砸来。 But also charges into He Ao in Serat, with the He Ao dogfight in together instantly, lay down in the platform, the chest trod eyeglasses man motionless eyes of rotated slightly, looks to Serat and He Ao. 而也就在塞拉特冲向何奥,与何奥缠斗在一起的刹那,原本躺在平台上,胸口被踏碎的眼镜男人一动不动的眼睛微微转动了一下,看向塞拉特和何奥两人。 At this moment the wound that two people receive is heavy, as if had arrived at the final time, 此刻两人受的伤都不轻,似乎已经到了最后时刻, He got hold of the brilliance sunglow in hand slowly, the indicator little movement of sunglow, aims at the position that two people were. 他缓缓握紧了手中的光辉日冕,将日冕的指针一点点移动,对准了两人所在的位置。 In this instantaneous, third row of the red hair female who pokes head from the inner and outer coffin, if has a feeling, the vision looked to the eyeglasses man. 在这瞬间,第三排从棺椁中探出头的红发女子若有所感,目光看向了眼镜男人。 In her field of vision, the eyeglasses man body is still motionless, as if had truly died. 在她的视野中,眼镜男人身子依旧一动不动,似乎确实已经死去。 Then she lifts the vision, as if must look again to the He Ao direction. 然后她抬起目光,似乎再次要看向何奥的方向。 As her vision puts aside, discovered was detected stops the motionless eyeglasses man to start to move the brilliance sunglow again. 而随着她的目光移开,原本发现被察觉停住不动的眼镜男人再次开始移动光辉日冕。 Also in this instantly, together jet black blade light flying but , the eyeglasses man lifts the hand fiercely, pressed firmly between the fingers that black blade light directly. 也就在这刹那,一道漆黑的刀光飞身而至,眼镜男人猛地抬手,直接捏住了那道黑色刀光。 Is small “小・・・” But at this time, the red hair female has looked to the He Ao direction, the opens the mouth wants to shout. 而这个时候,红发女子已经看向何奥的方向,张口欲喊。 However she has not made the sound, her throat as if by some strength invasion, was stopped up generally like the ice cream of melting, is unable to make any sound. 但是她并没有发出声音,她喉咙仿佛被某种力量侵入,如同融化的冰淇淋一般堵塞起来,无法发出任何声音。 But she responds immediately, puts out a hand, pounds to the coffin lid, tries to make the sound to attract fighting two people. 但她立刻反应过来,伸出手去,砸向棺材盖,试图发出声音吸引正在战斗的两人。 But lifts the instance of hand in her, the eyeglasses man has adjusted the direction of good brilliance sunglow. 而在她抬手的瞬间,眼镜男人已经调整好的光辉日冕的方向。 He actually wants to wait, but red hair female discovery, making his time all of a sudden intense. 他原本其实想等一等的,但是红发女子的‘发现’,让他的时间一下子紧张了起来。 However he still somewhat hesitates, because he does not know, this strikes whether usefully, could kill that child, but not necessarily can kill Serat. 但是他依旧有些犹豫,因为他不知道,这一击是否有用,或许可以杀死那个孩子,但是不一定能杀死塞拉特。 Serat had endured brilliance sunglow before an attack of time. 塞拉特之前已经挨过一次光辉日冕的攻击了。 The energy of brilliance sunglow altogether can only attack three times, decoded one time protected the shield, attacked Serat one time, now last time. 光辉日冕的能量一共只能攻击三次,一次破解了护盾,一次攻击了塞拉特,现在是最后一次了。 Although that red hair female can voice to remind, but he, if the movement is quick enough, can make her unable to make a reminder completely, that two have fought the deeply worried person, in a short time not necessarily can discover. 那个红发女子虽然能发声提醒,但是他如果动作够快的话,也可以让她完全做不出一点提醒,那两个已经战斗到焦灼的人,在短时间内不一定能发现。 Therefore the red hair female has not arrived to his threat must start the situation of brilliance sunglow urgently at this moment. 所以红发女子对他的威胁也没有到紧迫必须要此刻启动光辉日冕的地步。 However once the red hair female has problems, the two discovered that he has not died is also sooner or later matter. 但是红发女子一旦出问题,那两人发现他没死也是迟早的事情。 His present strength is weaker than two people, only then an opportunity of brilliance sunglow can help him reverse the situation. 他现在的战力比两人都弱,只有一次光辉日冕的机会能帮他逆转局势。 The innumerable trains of thought flash through the mind of eyeglasses man, he fell into the choice. 无数的思绪闪过眼镜男人的脑海,他陷入了抉择。 His vision is gazing at already the dogfight stubbornly in together He Ao and Serat. 他的目光死死的注视着已经缠斗在一起的何奥和塞拉特。 The next time, wanted to have this opportunity is very difficult. 下一次,想要有这个机会就很难了。 Finally, he made the choice. 最终,他做出了选择。 The radiant golden brilliance flash the pure white sunglow will cover the color. 璀璨的金色光辉一瞬间将纯白的日冕镀上了颜色。 But at this time, is bringing back a smile with the He Ao corners of the mouth of Serat near body dogfight. 而这个时候,正在和塞拉特近身缠斗的何奥嘴角勾起一丝微笑。 He holds down the straight punch that Serat to/clashes, the body takes advantage of opportunity along the arm turns over, backs on this Serat's arm, the elbow pounds fiercely, hits hard on Serat's temples. 他一把按住塞拉特冲来的直拳,身子顺势沿着手臂翻转一圈,背靠这塞拉特的手臂,手肘猛地砸出,重击在塞拉特的太阳穴上。 Brings the orange brilliance blood to splash from Serat's temples. 带着橙色光辉的鲜血从塞拉特的太阳穴上飞溅而出。 Serat entire body one stiff. 塞拉特整个身子一僵。 At this moment, He Ao and Serat's position from has confronted, turned abreast in row. 此刻,何奥和塞拉特的站位已经从前后对峙,变成了并排。 The radiant golden color jumps to shoot brilliance, like the flowing light, tore the dim darkness together. 璀璨的金色光辉迸射而出,如同一道流光,撕裂了朦胧的黑暗。 Huge, as if the sphere that is collected by the innumerable arms appears in everyone's field of vision, that radiant brilliance is tearing these to try to block this brilliance pale arm instantaneously, tears this distortion the sphere. 一个巨大的,仿佛由无数手臂汇集起来的圆球出现在所有人的视野中,那璀璨的光辉在瞬间撕裂了那些试图拦住这道光辉的惨白手臂,撕裂开这扭曲的圆球。 Hit this sphere center, that wipes the distortion the ray. 击中了这圆球中心的,那一抹扭曲的光芒。
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