LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#790: God country and hell

Lois little mister, actually the family/home in any accurate place, does not have the place of family member is the family/home,” “伊洛小先生,其实家并不在什么确切的地方,有家人的地方才是家,” The fine gold gold/metal Baipao man looks up He Ao, steps in the ground hears the He Ao words, on the chest of eyeglasses man the complexion changes, steps on his breastbone directly broken. 鎏金白袍男人抬头看着何奥,一脚踩在地上听到何奥的话语,面色微变的眼镜男人的胸口上,直接将他胸骨踩碎。 But in the blood of under eyeglasses man chest splash, gold/metal Baipao the man right hand opens gently, a golden brilliance collects in his palm. 而在下方眼镜男人胸口飞溅的鲜血中,金白袍男人右手轻轻张开,道道金色的光辉在他手心汇集。 He is gazing at He Ao, is narrowing the eye slightly, said with a smile, „, if you wanted, here can also be your family/home, you can stay here to accompany your parents forever.” 他注视着何奥,微微眯着眼睛,笑道,“如果你愿意,这里也能作为你的家,你可以永远留在这里陪你的父母。” Really 果然・・・ The He Ao vision concentrates. 何奥目光微凝。 Inner and outer coffin that moves from the ground, this event as if presented a matter more than he expected. 从地上移动的棺椁来看,这一次事件似乎出现了一个超出他预料的事情。 The person of eternal old teachings catholicism seems like for Lois parents' remains. 永恒旧教的人看起来似乎是为了‘伊洛父母的遗体’而来。 This old teachings catholicism and esoteric buddhism contradictory focus point, some not type of treasure, or serious sect contradiction, but is parents' remains. 这一次旧教和密教矛盾的‘聚焦点’,并非某样宝物,或者尖锐的教派矛盾,而是父母的遗体。 Although Lois parents have the high intelligence, but this very obviously and is not enough to tempt the eternal old teachings catholicism to take such big risk. 伊洛父母虽然有较高的灵性,但是这很显然并不足以引诱永恒旧教冒这么大险。 Either is in the remains is hiding some secret, either is on the remains is carrying some secret. 要么是遗体里藏着某种秘密,要么是遗体身上携带着某种秘密。 Therefore He Ao just said that directly must bring home the parents. 所以何奥刚刚直接说要带父母回家。 It seems like the eternal old teachings catholicism person's eyeglasses man's response from the platinum robe man's response and ground, they do not want He Ao to carry off parents' remains, even wants also to keep He Ao. 从白金袍男人的反应和地上似乎是永恒旧教人的眼镜男人的反应来看,他们都不愿意何奥带走父母的遗体,甚至想把何奥也‘留下来’。 This means, He Ao with these two sides did not have any leeway of mediation, the situation to move toward the worst situation that he estimated. 这就意味着,何奥与这两方之间没有了任何斡旋的余地,情况走向了他所预估的最糟糕的情况。 Does not live dies. 非生即死。 This battle, can only the victor, carry off these two remains finally. 这场争斗,最后只能有一个胜利者,带走这两具遗体。 He Ao is lifting the knight sword in hand, stands before the inner and outer coffin, the sword cusp place, looks at gold/metal Baipao the man, the tranquil response said that „, but I am young, compared with longing for home, will not like treating in soon the destruction place.” 何奥抬着手中的骑士剑,站在棺椁前,剑尖点地,看着金白袍男人,平静的回应道,“可是我年纪小,比较恋家,也不喜欢待在即将毁灭的地方。” Since the blood-color paper butterfly the coffin that turns from that covers slowly flies, flies to He Ao. 血色的纸蝴蝶缓缓从那打开的棺材盖上飞起,飞向何奥 „, That was really also a pity.” “哦,那还真是可惜。” On gold/metal Baipao the male face is hanging the happy expression as before, a was seemingly spacious the heavy golden broadsword to collect in his hand, and unceasing congealing reality, the plain heavy/thick feeling spread gradually. 金白袍男人脸上依旧挂着笑意,一柄看起来宽大沉重的金色大刀已然汇集在了他的手中,并不断的凝实,古朴厚重之感渐渐蔓延而出。 He looked up paper butterfly on the He Ao shoulder, looking pensive smiled to ask, Ellis side you, said that Lokve has died? The information that it seems like that the church obtains has some small deviations 他抬头看了一眼何奥肩上的纸蝴蝶,若有所思的笑问道,“艾莉丝在你身边,这么说洛克威已经死了?看来教会得到的情报有一些小小的偏差・・・” In the instance of this speech, he sticks out suddenly suddenly, brandishes the strength that the golden big sword strap the terrifying is twisting to cut to the paper butterfly in sky. 就在这说话的瞬间,他骤然暴起,挥舞着金色大刀带着恐怖扭曲的力量斩向天空中的纸蝴蝶。 Bang- 砰— The pure white knight sword hits with the golden broadsword that he wielded in the sky in one, along with a thundering sound, two people forms flew to draw back simultaneously backward. 纯白的骑士剑在天空与他挥出的金色大刀撞在了一起,伴随着一声轰鸣的声响,两人的身影同时向后飞退。 The platinum robe man fell on the ground, the blood chromo paper butterfly in sky fell on the shoulder of He Ao flew to draw back with him together backward, falls on the round stage edge. 白金袍男人落在了地上,天空中的血色纸蝴蝶则落在了何奥的肩头与他一起向后飞退,落在了圆台边缘。 It seems like kills Kate truly was you? You compared with before us estimates must.” “看来杀死凯特的确实就是你了?你比我们之前预估的要强很多。” The platinum robe man looked at golden broadsword in a hand, on that heavy/thick blade just the knight sword with the place that collided, has exuded a small gap, the light golden color gushed out brilliance, made up this small gap, but he looked up to He Ao, said with a smile, 白金袍男人看了一眼手中的金色大刀,那厚重的刀刃上刚刚与骑士剑碰撞的地方,已经泛起了一个小缺口,淡淡的金色光辉涌出,补上了这个小缺口,而他则抬头看向何奥,笑道, First meeting, I am the bishop in this church, you can call me, Serat.” “初次见面,我是这座教堂的主教,你可以叫我,‘塞拉特’。” In he spoke, a heavy/thick golden ring appeared on the back of the blade of broadsword, in instantly, the entire broadsword that this ring appeared as if affected by the gravity, to sagging a point. 在他说话间,一个厚重的金色圆环出现在了大刀的刀背上,在这个圆环出现的刹那,整个大刀似乎受到重力的影响,向下垂了一点。 Although on his face is hanging the smile as before, however before dignified feeling between attractive foreheads actually far ultra, faces the eyeglasses man time. 虽然他脸上依旧挂着笑容,但是漂亮的眉宇之间的凝重感却远超之前面对眼镜男人的时候。 Serat “塞拉特・・・” He Ao carries with the hand the knight sword, looked at golden broadsword in the gold/metal white robe male person hand, shot a look at ground to stare the big eye, the chest was stepped on puts on, as if the dead eyeglasses man, and white sunglow in male person hand, the vision narrowed the eyes. 何奥手提着骑士剑,看了一眼金白袍男人手中的金色大刀,又瞥了一眼地上瞪大眼睛,胸口被踩穿,似乎早已死去的眼镜男人,以及男人手中的白色日冕,目光微眯。 Then he one step runs out toward the position of eyeglasses man. 然后他朝着眼镜男人的位置一步冲出。 Bang- 砰— With a clear sound, the pure white knight sword again and golden broadsword hit in one. 伴随着一声清脆的声响,纯白骑士剑再次和金色大刀撞在了一起。 He Ao looks at one horizontal blade to block own Serat at present, as well as in his hand has condensed the broadsword of second golden link, in the hand the sword blade pastes the blade of broadsword to find out like the spirit snake generally forward, flash thorn to Serat's chest. 何奥看了一眼眼前横刀挡住自己的塞拉特,以及他手中已经凝聚第二个金色环的大刀,手中剑身如同灵蛇一般贴着大刀的刀刃向前探出,一瞬间刺向了塞拉特的胸口。 A light golden brilliance appears in the white robe place of his chest, was easily pierced by He Ao. 一层薄薄的金色光辉在他胸口的白袍处浮现,然后被何奥轻易刺穿。 Also in this instantaneous, He Ao movement. 也就在这瞬间,何奥的动作一顿。 He had not felt after piercing the clothes, was resisted the resistance by the flesh, in that long white robe, the flesh that seems to have no, completely empty. 他并没有感觉到刺穿衣服后被血肉抵挡阻力,在那长长的白袍里面,仿佛没有任何的血肉,空空如也。 He Ao lifts the sword fiercely, makes an effort, swings broken Serat chest fine gold gold/metal Baipao before. 何奥猛地抬剑,用力一荡,将塞拉特胸口前的鎏金白袍荡碎。 Spacious, appears by giant large cave/hole that some great power pierced in the He Ao field of vision. 一个空旷,被某种强大力量洞穿的巨大大洞出现在了何奥的视野中。 Serat's entire chest is the cavity of nihility, does not have any flesh, flesh of creeping motion extends in this hole layer upon layer, constructs the new internal organs and limbs unceasingly. 塞拉特的整个胸口都是虚无的空洞,没有任何的血肉,一层层蠕动的血肉在这个洞中延伸,不断构筑成新的内脏和肢体。 Shortly from the wound, this cavity should just create, perhaps is that eyeglasses man stays behind. 从伤口来看,这个空洞应该刚造成不久,或许就是那个眼镜男人留下的。 This instantaneous, He Ao without hesitation, pulls out the sword immediately. 这瞬间,何奥毫不犹豫,立刻抽剑。 However because at this moment he searches the sword to forward, as well as leaves Serat to be near, while he searches the sword, Serat has lifted the golden broadsword in hand, chops to his nape of the neck. 但是此刻由于他探剑向前,以及离得塞拉特太近,在他探剑的同时,塞拉特已经抬起了手中的金色大刀,劈向他的脖颈。 In this instantaneous, He Ao withdraws half step, and after immediately, draws the knight sword, upward do not live in the broadsword that divided. 在这瞬间,何奥后撤半步,并立刻后拉骑士剑,向上别住了劈来的大刀。 The blade edge of golden broadsword forwards, the invisible crescent moon shape jumps to shoot from the blade of broadsword brilliance instantaneously, this brilliance part was blocked crushing by the He Ao knight sword, the nape of the neck that another has divided He Ao, leaves behind together the bright red bloodstain. 金色大刀的刀锋向前,无形的月牙形光辉瞬间从大刀的刀刃上迸射而出,这光辉一部分被何奥的骑士剑挡住击碎,另一部分划过何奥的脖颈,留下一道鲜红的血痕。 He Ao, retrocedes fiercely several steps. 何奥猛地一荡,后退数步。 Serat attracts his attention with the wound of chest intentionally, then kills to incur hidden, if just his movement 1 : 00 pm, the sword blade searched one millimeter again, at this moment has been decapitated. 塞拉特是故意用胸口的伤口吸引他的注意力,然后暗藏杀招,刚刚他的动作要是再晚 1 点,剑刃再探进去一毫米,此刻就已经身首异处了。 He Ao put out a hand to touch a wound blood, raised the head to gaze at Serat, „was this your talent sequence ability?” 何奥伸手触摸了一下伤口的鲜血,抬起头注视着塞拉特,“这是你的天赋序列能力?” In his field of vision, the chest front is wriggled to extend by the long gown that he rips open at this moment slowly, is ordinary like the flesh of creeping motion, agglutinates again in together, forms the new fine gold gold/metal long gown, covers up emptily that also in wound of creeping motion, even with most starts not the slightest difference. 在他的视野中,胸前被他撕开的长袍此刻正在缓缓蠕动延伸,如同蠕动的血肉一般,再次粘合在一起,形成新的鎏金长袍,遮掩住那空洞的还在蠕动的伤口,甚至与最开始的时候一般无二。 Serat's condition at this moment is actually a little strange, even if the vitality of B level is strong, not possible, in the chest opened in the situation in large cave/hole, maintains with the average man general ability to act and battle efficiency. 塞拉特此刻的状态其实是有点‘怪异’的,哪怕B级的生命力再强,也不可能在胸口开了个大洞的情况下,维持住与常人一般的行动能力和战斗力。 More essential is, in the He Ao god knows in the field of vision, in Serat that destroyed body, has the complete energy circuit to be mobile as before. 更关键是,在何奥的神识视野中,塞拉特那被摧毁的身体里,依旧拥有完整的能量回路流动。 Serat seems to be different like other followers, accepts the eternal ray strength transformation, he only has one with the normal person same energy aggregate point. 塞拉特似乎并没有如同其他的信徒一样,接受永恒光芒力量的‘改造’,他只有一个和正常人一样的能量汇集点。 However this energy aggregate point center Serat's chest, before He Ao, place that pricks, there at this moment is a piece of empty opens the mouth. 但是这个能量汇集点就在塞拉特的胸口正中,正是何奥之前刺入的地方,那里此刻是一片空洞开口。 This is the first time that He Ao met such existence, the flesh and energy circuit separates, this somewhat has even surpassed the He Ao cognition. 这是何奥第一次遇见这样的存在,血肉与能量回路分离,这甚至已经有些超出何奥的认知。 If the injury physical body cannot destroy the energy circuit of opposite party, how then can kill him? 如果伤害肉体不能破坏对方的能量回路,那么如何才能杀死他? This is my ability, is granting of eternal ray.” “这是我的能力,也是永恒光芒的赐予。” Serat smiles looks at He Ao, in his hand grips tightly the golden broadsword, the blade link on that back of the blade has grown four, puts in order the blade concentrates the solid heavy/thick, terrifying constriction transmits from the knife. 塞拉特微笑的看着何奥,他手中紧握金色的大刀,那刀背上的刀环已经增长到了四个,整把刀更加的凝实厚重,恐怖的压迫感从刀身上传来。 The emaciated sweet and pretty body of Serat feminization, with this wild broadsword, formed the sharp contrast. 塞拉特女性化的瘦弱娇美的身躯,与这狂野的大刀,形成了鲜明的对比。 In other words, his talent sequence and eternal ray are related. 也就是说,他的天赋序列和永恒光芒相关么。 He Ao is grasping the knight sword, is gazing at Serat. 何奥手握着骑士剑,注视着塞拉特。 Actually besides this strange ability, Serat's battle efficiency has not surpassed his estimate specially. 其实除了这怪异的能力以外,塞拉特的战斗力并没有特别超出他的预估。 After combing eternal esoteric buddhism possible plan, he soon realized, eternal esoteric buddhism ambush in this trap manpower, actually and weak. 在梳理完永恒密教可能的谋划之后,他就很快意识到,永恒密教埋伏在这个陷阱里的‘人手’,其实并不够强。 Because they thought the means to transfer to a new job Lokve. 因为他们把洛克威想办法调开了。 This is actually not the most perfect plan, regardless of they prepared many ground, some Lokve actually vigilances found the problem the possibility, obviously, this may be they hasty under very much spare plan. 这其实并不是最完美的计划,无论他们做了多少铺垫,洛克威其实都有警觉发现问题的可能的,很显然,这极有可能是他们仓促之下的‘备用’计划。 The best plan in core region prepare all, will not then have responded directly the person and Lokve of old teachings catholicism catch the whole lot in a dragnet. 最好的计划是在核心区域布置好一切,然后直接将没有反应过来的旧教的人和洛克威一网打尽。 But they still started this imperfect alternative plan, this means that their arrangement has the flaw, once Lokve defects, they stay in the church manpower or arrangement perhaps are unable to cope with the person of Lokve and eternal old teachings catholicism simultaneously. 但他们仍旧启动了这个‘不完美的备用计划’,这意味着他们的‘布置’是有缺陷的,一旦洛克威临阵反水,他们留在教堂的‘人手或布置’或许无法同时对付洛克威和永恒旧教的人。 In addition He Ao walks, only met the strangeness of labyrinth room, but defensive personnel who have not met any eternal esoteric buddhism, this explained that the people probability of eternal esoteric buddhism has not completely controlled the situation, entire church nucleus was forced to cope with outside aspect. 再加上何奥一路走来,只遇见了迷宫房间的怪异,而没有遇见任何永恒密教的防守人员,这说明永恒密教的人大概率并没有完全掌握局势,整座教堂的‘中坚力量’还是被迫出去应付外面的局面了。 In the root, this confusion is time He Ao one creates, was separated from the control of eternal esoteric buddhism completely. 根源上,这一次的混乱是何奥一手造成的,完全脱离了永恒密教的掌控。 And was not in the eternal esoteric buddhism original plan only involved the confusion of old teachings catholicism and esoteric buddhism, but was the chaos of entire Wynter major influences fights. 并且也不是永恒密教原计划中的只涉及到旧教和密教的混乱,而是整个温特市各大势力的大乱斗。 The eternal esoteric buddhism did not originally plan to arrange the hunter of trap, but is in the confusion prey one. 永恒密教并不是原计划中布置陷阱的猎人,而是混乱中的‘猎物’之一。 But this actually is also He Ao must the reasons of mixing up entire Wynter major influences, arrangement that deliberately plans again, will lose the mind/square inch in the beyond control confusion. 而这其实也是何奥要搅混整个温特市各大势力的原因,再处心积虑的布置,也会在无法控制的混乱中失了方寸。 If this time were not He Ao confused the situation on own initiative, created the opportunity, waited again for 1-2 days, he found the passive opportunity to enter the Lord church, must face possibly was the trap of Gabriel class. 如果这次不是何奥主动搅乱了局势,创造了机会,再等1-2,他找到被动的机会进入主教堂,要面对的可能就是天使级的陷阱了。 But now, opposite Serat, although powerful strange, but the actual strength also about 6000, all-round strength perhaps Lokve is actually strong, but will not be many. 而现在,对面的塞拉特虽然强大怪异,但是实际力量其实也在六千左右,综合实力或许比洛克威强,但是也不会强太多。 This during the estimate of He Ao, therefore homicide Lokve time, deliberately the multipurpose ideas tempt directly rather than spell hardly, to preserve the strength copes with the core region ambush. 这在何奥的预估之中,所以他杀洛克威的时候,刻意多用计引诱而不是直接硬拼,就是为了留存力量来对付核心区域的‘埋伏’。 The analysis reorganizes the arrangement of aspect as well as enemy, then infers the actual situation of enemy, and comes to conduct the ration by this to the limited fight resources and plans the fight method. 分析整理出局面以及敌人的布置,进而推理出敌人的实际情况,并以此来对有限的战斗资源进行配给并规划战斗方法。 This is even if in having the ability solves in Lokve's situation, he is trying to infer eternal esoteric buddhism as before trap the reason of truth. 这就是即使在有能力解决洛克威的情况下,他依旧在试图推导永恒密教‘陷阱’的真相的原因。 The estimate that if he infers finally is the core region is hiding a Gabriel class ambush, he seperately will prepare other methods. 如果他最终推导出来的预估是核心区域藏着一个天使级的‘埋伏’,他就会另外准备其他的方法。 Although the destiny obtains the decisive factor in the development of event frequently, but He Ao knows oneself not possible to entrust all in care of destiny. 虽然命运常常在事件的发展中取得决定性的因素,但是何奥知道自己不可能将一切都托付于命运的眷顾。 Moreover the difficulty of this transcription, visible. 而且这次副本的难度,肉眼可见的强。 When He Ao is gazing at Serat, Serat is also gazing at He Ao. 而在何奥注视着塞拉特的时候,塞拉特也在注视着何奥 Although during just the short confrontation, he had the advantage, but this does not have the subduction, even if half a point his vigilance to He Ao. 虽然在刚刚短暂的交锋之中,他取得了优势,但是这没有消减哪怕半分他对何奥的警惕。 But confronts this in both sides in an instant, the ring on Serat golden color broadsword back of the blade were also many. 而在双方对峙这刹那之间,塞拉特金色大刀刀背上的圆环又多了一个。 He Ao raises the sword, again forward one step. 何奥提剑,再次向前一步。 But also in He Ao instance forward, Serat's broadsword chops from top to bottom on the front surface. 而也就在何奥向前的瞬间,塞拉特的大刀就从上到下迎面劈来。 He must further maintain the advantage that oneself just had. 他要进一步维持自己刚刚取得的优势。 He Ao grips this broadsword, the mind vision is gazing at Serat's energy circuit stubbornly, as well as he is regarding the soul shadow in field of vision spirit. 何奥夹住这把大刀,脑海目光死死的注视着塞拉特身上的能量回路,以及他在灵视视野中的灵魂阴影。 In this world is impossible person who has being able to kill, if cannot kill, that is the method is not mostly right. 这个世界上不可能有杀不死的人,如果杀不死,那多半是方法不对。 The sword hits the same place again, the body of He Ao sinks. 刀剑再次撞到一起,何奥的身子微沉。 This was heavier than before the golden broadsword, the strength was also bigger. 这把金色大刀比之前更加沉重,力道也更大了。 But almost in the flash that the sword contacted, He Ao saw the golden brilliance collected on the blade of that broadsword. 而几乎在刀剑接触的一瞬间,何奥就看到了金色的光辉在那大刀的刀刃上汇集。 Just the broadsword jumped shoots, but that seemed like blade air/Qi the golden brilliance flashed past in the He Ao mind, his both feet made an effort, turns over/stands up, the body from the sky revolved like the bird, simultaneously the sword blade delimited the blade to be upward. 刚刚大刀迸射而出的那看起来像是‘刀气’的金色光辉在何奥脑海中一闪而过,他双脚用力,翻身而起,身子如同飞鸟在空中旋转,同时剑刃划过刀刃向上。 But in instance that He Ao sets out, the golden brilliance erupts from the blade instantaneously, like the crescent moon hit in the ground in platform, left a deep trace in this firm platform together. 而在何奥起身的瞬间,金色的光辉瞬间从刀刃上爆发,如同一道月牙撞击在了平台的地面上,在这坚固的平台上留下了一道深深的痕迹。 But at this time, He Ao the flying to a Bisera higher place, under his wrist/skill had pressed, the strength reaches the sword to be sharp, a knight sword sword selects, point to Serat's forehead. 而这个时候,何奥已经飞身到了比塞拉特更高的地方,他手腕下压,力达剑尖,骑士剑一剑点出,点向塞拉特的眉心。 Like such that He Ao suspects, blade air/Qi, although fierce, but seems like because of the reason of collection strength, while discharge, Serat's body the big sword society is falling into short unbending. 如同何奥所猜想的那样,‘刀气’虽然厉害,但是似乎是因为汇集力量的缘故,在放出的同时,塞拉特的身体连带着大刀会陷入短暂的僵直。 Although this time is short, is blinking merely, however in the fight of this rank, this short time, enough has handled a lot. 这时间虽然非常短暂,仅仅在眨眼之间,但是在这个级别的战斗中,这短暂的时间,已经够做很多事情了。 The sharp sword point pulled closer at the flowing light speed with Serat's distance. 锋利的剑尖以流光般的速度拉近了与塞拉特的距离。 Serat leaves to retrocede immediately, but one step, was pricked a forehead point by the sharp sword as before late sharp. 塞拉特立刻抽身后退,但是依旧晚了一步,被锋利的剑尖刺入了眉心一点。 Brings the orange brilliance blood from his forehead overflow. 带着橙色光辉的鲜血从他的眉心溢出。 He Ao pulls out the sword to turn round, spins the body to fall to the ground. 何奥抽剑回身,旋身落地。 However he has not come to a stop, Serat on without hesitation raises the broadsword to cut crosswise. 不过他还没有站稳,塞拉特就毫不犹豫的提着大刀横向斩来。 He Ao bends down immediately to revolving, broadsword that while evading to cut horizontally, the body like the light bird cycle, a sword pulls up toward Serat's thigh. 何奥立刻俯身向旋转,在躲过横斩来的大刀的同时,身子如同轻鸟旋回,一剑向着塞拉特的大腿撩出。 However Serat when noticed that He Ao bends down to avoid, on directness without hesitation jumps, while sentences and avoids the He Ao pulling up sword in advance, bringing the broadsword of blade air/Qi to turn toward He Ao to cut from top to bottom. 然而塞拉特在看到何奥俯身躲开的时候,就毫不犹豫的直接上跳,在预判并躲开何奥的撩剑的同时,带着刀气的大刀从上到下向着何奥斩来。 The ring on this moment broadsword had arrived at six, the power and influence is more terrifying. 此刻大刀上的圆环已经到了六个,威势更加恐怖。 Just because the spin body raised the sword to cause the horizontal lying down whereabouts place He Ao without hesitation, the direct tumbling went round the broadsword that divided. 刚刚因为旋身提剑导致横躺着落地的何奥毫不犹豫,直接一个翻滚绕开了劈来的大刀。 Bang- 轰- With a thundering loud sound, on that firm platform floor, was broken out a big mouth, reveals below silent darkness. 伴随着一声轰鸣的巨响,那坚固的平台地板上,被劈开一个大口,露出下方寂静的黑暗。 But under top of the head dim brilliance shining, these darkness again little like separation general, forms the new floor. 而在头顶朦胧光辉的照耀下,那些黑暗再次一点点如同‘析出’一般,形成新的地板。 The He Ao vision has swept that the new floor that gradually forms, the train of thought sweeps together. 何奥的目光扫过那个在逐渐形成的新地板,一道思绪一扫而过。 But at this time, Serat hand is grasping the broadsword, diagonal nearby He Ao has been pulling up to divide. 而在这时候,塞拉特手握着大刀,已经斜向着旁边的何奥撩劈而来。 Has approached He Ao of platform edge face up toward on, a both legs place, the waist abdomen makes an effort, the direct carp hits very stands forward, simultaneously his horizontal sword after the waist, blocks the golden broadsword that pulled up. 已经靠近平台边缘的何奥仰面朝上,双腿点地,腰腹用力,直接一个鲤鱼打挺向前站立,同时他横剑在腰后,挡住了撩过来的金色大刀。 Also at this moment, raises the blade to delimit Serat of sword blade to make noise to ask suddenly, „doesn't Lois, why you try to believe the eternal ray? Perhaps the eternal ray can solve your problem.” 也就在这时,提刀划过剑刃的塞拉特突然出声问道,“小伊洛,你为什么不试试相信永恒光芒呢?或许永恒光芒可以解决你的问题。” In the instance that this sound resounds, the He Ao body stagnates. 在这声音响起的瞬间,何奥身子一滞。 The train of thought flashes through in his mind together instantaneously, right, why don't I try to believe the eternal ray? 一道思绪瞬间在他脑海中闪过,对啊,为什么我不试试相信永恒光芒呢? Sees this scene, on Serat corners of the mouth selects, the heavy/thick broadsword on raises suddenly, having the circumstances of howling to cut horizontally to the waist of He Ao. 见到这个景象,塞拉特嘴角上挑,厚重的大刀骤然上提,带着呼啸的风势横斩向何奥的腰间。 However also in this instantaneous, He Ao forwarded suddenly, steps on above nearby float inner and outer coffin, with the aid of the altitude advantage, turned around a sword, cut to Serat's top of the head. 但是也就在这瞬间,何奥骤然向前,踩在了旁边的悬浮的棺椁之上,借助高度优势,转身一剑,斩向塞拉特的头顶。 Serat has drawn a sword at this moment without enough time, has to lean to avoid forward. 塞拉特此刻已经来不及抽刀,只得侧头向前躲避。 The sharp sword blade flash sliced off his ponytail, the mild-mannered hair naturally scatters. 锋利的剑刃一瞬间削掉了他的马尾,柔顺的头发自然散落下来。 But Serat's horizontal blade also arrived at the under foot of He Ao at this moment, a blade chopped into pieces his inner and outer coffin. 而塞拉特的横刀此刻也来到了何奥的脚下,一刀劈碎了他脚下的棺椁。 But at this time, He Ao has jumped backward lightly, stops on the second row of inner and outer coffin, occupying a commanding position looks at Serat. 而这个时候,何奥已经向后轻跳,停在第二排的棺椁上,居高临下的看着塞拉特。 Serat carries with the hand the golden broadsword, the hair is scattered in disorder, has some doubts and is gazing at He Ao curiously, „hadn't you been affected?” 塞拉特手提着金色大刀,头发散乱,带着些许疑惑和好奇的注视着何奥,“你没有受到影响?” I received,” “我受到了,” He Ao is raising the knight sword, saying that does not cover up, I seriously am really considering that must believe the eternal ray, but this does not affect me to bring back to parents the determination of remains.” 何奥提着骑士剑,毫不遮掩的说道,“我现在真的在认真考虑要不要信仰永恒光芒,但是这并不影响我带回父母的遗体的决心。” Obviously, affected He Ao just to ponder that was Serat's some special capability, this not pollution, was but affecting the part of He Ao imperceptibly cognition. 很显然,影响何奥刚刚思考的,是塞拉特的某种特殊能力,这并非某种污染,但在无形中影响了何奥的部分‘认知’。 Mental firm and resolute like holding to read,” “心智坚毅如同执念,” Serat raised the head, is gazing at He Ao, „do you regard as important them?” 塞拉特抬起头,注视着何奥,“你这么看重他们?” He Ao is also gazing at him, tranquil saying, they are my parents.” 何奥同样注视着他,平静的说道,“他们是我的父母。” In the entire space fell into the short silence. 整个空间中陷入了短暂的沉默。 Serat looks at He Ao, said with a smile slightly, „, therefore you were really Lois, rather than some monster that is throwing over Lois?” 塞拉特看着何奥,微微笑道,“所以你真的是伊洛,而不是某个披着伊洛皮的怪物么?” He stops the moment, is gazing at He Ao, in the hand a broadsword place, 他停顿片刻,注视着何奥,手中大刀点地, Serat, talent sequence 194: The crazy letter/believes person, the servant of eternal ray, I respects all people who harbor the firm, hope that you can remember my name in the hell, naturally, if you are willing to believe the eternal ray now, after dying, could enter the great eternal god country.” “塞拉特,天赋序列194:痴信人,永恒光芒的仆人,我尊重所有怀有坚定信念的人,希望你在地狱中能记得我的名字,当然,如果你现在愿意信仰永恒光芒,死后或许能进入伟大的永恒神国。” You have known actually the specialness of my parents, knows eternal old teachings catholicism to my parents regarding as important, from the beginning, you do prepare to come playing a trick with my parents ‚’? The so-called security federation expands, encircles kills, actually for that to cover up you sets up bureau?” “你们其实一直知道我父母的特殊,知道永恒旧教对我父母的‘看重’,从一开始,你们就准备用我父母来‘设局’?所谓的安保联合会扩张,围杀,其实都是为了遮掩你们设下的这场‘局’?” He Ao has not replied his words, but asked in a soft voice. 何奥没有回答他的话语,而是轻声问道。 You are very intelligent,” “你很聪明,” Serat is gazing at him, eternal ray likes having the faith, but intelligent lamb.” 塞拉特注视着他,“永恒光芒喜欢有信念而聪明的羔羊。” He had not directly replied, but has actually given the answer. 他并没有正面回答,但是其实已经给出了答案。 Thanks,” “谢谢,” He Ao nods gently, he looks at Serat, „, if after you die, really can enter that so-called god country, there may really be the hell.” 何奥轻轻点头,他看着塞拉特,“如果你们死后真的能进入那个所谓的神国,那里可真是地狱。” The snow white sword light has delimited gloomy void. 雪白的剑光划过暗淡的虚空。 The condition is not quite good, making me stroke 状态不太好,让我捋一捋
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