LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#789 Part 2: The destiny is variable and exquisite

more thinks toward the deep place, her more feels afraid. 越往深处想,她就越感觉不寒而栗。 She probably invisible, was involved in the vortex of two big influence most deep places. 她好像无形之中,卷入了两大势力最深处的漩涡中。 Moreover is two attacks in planning, one by one terrifying influence. 而且是两个攻于算计,一个比一个恐怖的势力。 No 不・・・ Her vision swept the front to stop the footsteps the back of He Ao, 她的目光扫过了前方已经停下脚步的何奥的后背, Perhaps is three big influences. 恐怕是三个大势力。 Because of the situation of now evening, enough full, in that church that the eternal esoteric buddhism has not actually prepared the strongest B level bishop, is not necessarily able to form the overwhelming advantage to the person of eternal old teachings catholicism. 因为今晚上的突发情况,永恒密教其实也没有准备的足够充分,那位教堂里最强的B级‘主教’,未必能对永恒旧教的人形成压倒性优势。 But perhaps now, their fights had ended. 而现在,他们双方的战斗或许已经结束了。 After all the person of eternal old teachings catholicism should the card Lokve to go back the beforehand time theoretically to enter the core region. 毕竟永恒旧教的人理论上应该要卡着洛克威回去之前的时间进入核心区域。 Before two people when met Lokve, has been preparing to offer sacrifices Ellis, then to the present this time point, if Lokve did not have accidentally/surprisingly, should return to the core region. 之前两人在遇见洛克威的时候,已经在准备献祭艾莉丝了,那么到现在这个时间点,如果洛克威没有出意外的话,就该回到核心区域了。 The person of old teachings catholicism should leave, if here is a trap, eternal esoteric buddhism the person of ambush should also begin. 旧教的人就应该离开了,而如果这里是陷阱,永恒密教的埋伏的人应该也已经动手了。 The powerhouses fight also in a short time, perhaps if person enough of eternal old teachings catholicism, both sides received the heavy wound. 强者战斗也就在极短的时间里,如果永恒旧教的人足够强的话,双方或许都受了不轻的伤。 She is gazing at the back of that young youngster, suddenly realized, this young youngster is not the card this time point is not necessarily coming to here. 她注视着那个小少年的背影,突然意识到,这个小少年未必不是卡着这个时间点来这里的。 , She as if felt vaguely that emaciated body of a sun-blocking shadow before the body extends, covered her body, covered periphery all darkness. 依稀间,她仿佛感觉到一个遮天蔽日的阴影从身前那瘦弱的身躯中延伸出来,覆盖了她的身躯,覆盖了周围一切的黑暗。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?咳・・・” The youngster covers to be quiet coughs lightly, he looked at a palm to cough the blood, then looked to behind red hair female. 那少年捂住嘴轻咳一声,他看了一眼手心咳出来鲜血,然后看向身后的红发女子。 The blood-color paper butterfly fell on his shoulder. 血色的纸蝴蝶落在了他的肩头。 No no “没・・・没什么・・・” In the red hair female's swings the powder mind train of thought. 红发女子将脑海中的思绪摇散。 Having the issue can tell me,” “有问题可以告诉我,” He Ao nods gently, then turns head to look to the darkness before body, we arrived.” 何奥轻轻点头,然后扭头看向身前的黑暗,“我们到了。” Thump thump thump thump 咚・・・咚咚・・・咚・・・ He Ao rapped in the darkness before body, although the hand knocks in the darkness, actually knocked as if to rap clear the sound on plank , he different was rapping again several, as if in determination present gate determination of fix. 何奥在身前的黑暗中敲击了一下,虽然手敲在黑暗中,却敲出了仿佛敲击在木板上的清脆的声响,紧接着,他再次在不同敲击了几下,似乎在确定眼前的‘门’的确定位置。 Then he puts out a hand, makes an effort suddenly, dark door shoves open that. 然后他伸出手去,骤然用力,将那‘黑暗的门扉’推开。 The dim brilliance scattered from this endless darkness slowly, sprinkled on the body of youngster, sprinkled on the paper butterfly on youngster shoulder, sprinkled, in the red hair female was gazing on the cheeks of youngster back. 朦胧的光辉缓缓从这无尽的黑暗中撒了出来,洒在了少年的身上,洒在了少年肩上的纸蝴蝶上,也洒在了红发女子注视着少年背影的脸颊上。 The butterfly on shoulder forwards, submerges in the brilliance, but He Ao also lifts the footsteps, entered in this dim brilliance. 肩上的蝴蝶向前,没入光辉中,而何奥也抬起脚步,走进了这朦胧的光辉中。 He felt own body stagnated, affected on his body gravity as if changed, his body from vertical turned into incline, must fall in the darkness again. 紧接着,他就感觉自己身子一滞,作用在他的身上的‘重力’似乎发生了改变,他的身子从‘竖直’变成了‘倾斜’,就要再次掉回黑暗中。 Therefore he puts out a hand suddenly, supported the doorframe, then the body forwards, totally searching had/left the darkness. 于是他骤然伸出手去,扶住了门框,然后身子向前,完全‘探’出了黑暗。 The dim brilliance falls into his field of vision together. 一道朦胧的光辉落入他的视野中。 He saw clearly oneself present gate appearance. 紧接着,他看清了自己现在所处的‘门’的模样。 Opening inner and outer coffin. 一个打开的‘棺椁’。 Gate. 还是滑盖的。 Previous his nutrition cabin is renovates is coming. 上次他的营养舱是翻盖的来着。 He raised the head, looks to the front, in brilliance collection center, on a round stage that stains the bloodstain, has the eyeglasses to lie down by the man who golden lances pass through in the ground at this moment, his palm grips a white sunglow stubbornly. 他抬起头,看向前方,在光辉汇集的中心,一个沾满血迹的圆台上,一个带着眼镜被一根根金色长矛贯穿的男人此刻正躺在地面上,他手心死死握住一个白色的日冕。 But in his opposite, then stands to comb high ponytail, puts on fine gold gold/metal Baipao, is seemingly refined, on the face is hanging beauty of gentle smile female. 而在他的对面,则站着一个梳着高马尾,穿着鎏金白袍,看起来斯斯文文,脸上挂着温柔微笑的美丽‘女子’。 The He Ao vision stops, falls on female on the throat slightly. 何奥的目光稍停,落在‘女子’的喉咙上。 Is mister. 是个‘先生’。 Hello,” “你好,” That white robe man looks at He Ao that goes out of the coffin, vision slightly, the color of being astonished flashes past, then his slight nod, extends a gentle smile, Lois little mister.” 那白袍男人看着从棺材中走出的何奥,目光微顿,讶异之色一闪而过,然后他微微点头,致以一个温柔的微笑,“伊洛小先生。” This nods merely gently, the constriction of that terrifying almost pressed in He Ao the inner and outer coffin. 仅仅这一个轻轻点头,那恐怖的压迫感就几乎把何奥压回了棺椁中。 This person, is very strong. 这个人,很强。 Hello.” “你好。” The He Ao body is entirely still, jumped out from the inner and outer coffin, falls in the platforms, he arrived at that to have the movement slightly, before letting he felt the familiar inner and outer coffin, puts out a hand, is stroking the edge of inner and outer coffin, shoved open the coffin lid gently. 何奥身子纹丝不动,从棺椁中跳出,落在了平台中间,他走到了那个稍有移动的,让他倍感熟悉的棺椁前,伸出手去,抚摸着棺椁的边缘,轻轻推开了棺材盖。 That has the strong resistance coffin lid, in his hands was shoved open just like the dexterous hanging gate generally, he looked in a coffin the person, put out a hand to cover the cover, turned head to look to that beautiful white robe man, the smile says, 那具有强大阻力的棺材盖,在他手中宛如轻巧的悬挂门一般被推开,他看了一眼棺中人,伸手盖上了盖子,扭头看向那位美丽的白袍男子,微笑道, Mister, I must bring home my parents.” “先生,我要带我爸爸妈妈回家了。” Next one as far as possible in the afternoon. 下一更尽量下午。 () ()
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