LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#789 Part 1: The destiny is variable and exquisite

Chapter 790 destiny variable and exquisite( ultra-large chapter asked monthly ticket) 第790章命运无常而精巧(超大章求月票) In as if endless darkness, sends out the light brilliance disc to illuminate the road ahead. 仿佛无尽的黑暗里,散发着淡淡光辉的圆盘照亮着前路。 The blood-color paper butterfly is brandishing the wing, flies to the dark deep place, one big one is small two people to follow quickly behind the butterfly. 血色的纸蝴蝶挥舞着翅膀,飞向黑暗深处,一大一小两人快步跟在蝴蝶后面。 In that silent darkness, resounds sharp chewing to eat the food once for a while the sound, the spell that as if urgently presses, reverberates in two people ear banks. 在那寂静的黑暗中,时不时响起尖锐的嘴嚼啃食的声音,仿佛催命的符咒,回荡在两人的耳畔。 The red hair female closely gripped the disc in hand, travel along of path that the careful following butterfly dances in the air in this darkness. 红发女子紧紧的握住了手中的圆盘,小心的跟着蝴蝶飞舞的轨迹在这黑暗中快步行走。 Her and has no contact platform and ground, but is void of nihility. 她脚下并没有任何接触的平台和地面,而是一片虚无的虚空。 In jumps down after out of the door of church, she in the darkness of that silencing outside the church has not tenesmused, but seemed being drawn by some unusual strength, floats upwardly. 在从教堂的门外跳下来之后,她并没有在教堂外那静寂的黑暗中下坠,而是仿佛被某种奇特的力量拉着,向上漂浮。 However in this float process, she has not seen these floats again in the in the air church, the surroundings endless darkness, darkness sending out of peer the butterfly of blood-color ray, with the butterfly by with the young youngster who she dances in the breeze together. 不过在这漂浮过程中,她再也没有看到过那些漂浮在空中的教堂,周围只有无尽的黑暗,还有黑暗中的同行的散发着点点血色光芒的蝴蝶,和蝴蝶旁与她一同飘舞的小少年。 Has not known how long, she felt she starts to sink slowly, felt oneself turned over 180 degrees completely, turned toward on by the head head down, the feeling of therefore upwardly floating turned into the submersion. 不知道过了多久,她感觉自己开始缓缓下沉,又感觉自己是完全翻转了一百八十度,由头朝上变成了头朝下,所以原本向上漂浮的感觉变成了下沉。 The confused space disrupted her sensation. 错乱的空间扰乱了她的感知。 But quick, she and side young youngster on stepping on to path on. 但很快,她和身旁的小少年就‘踩’到了‘道路’上。 This path does not have the physique, as before is the endless darkness, they step on this darkness , to continue to go forward under the leadership of paper butterfly. 这条道路并没有形体,依旧是无尽的黑暗,他们就踩在这黑暗上,在纸蝴蝶的带领下继续前进。 In this endless darkness, the brilliance that the flashlight sends out is swallowed completely, the ray of unusual goods, can illuminate some goods in darkness shortly, therefore she put out oneself disc, as simple illumination tool. 在这无尽的黑暗中,手电筒发出的光辉会被完全吞噬,只有超凡物品的光芒,能短暂的照亮黑暗中的部分物品,所以她拿出了自己的圆盘,作为简单的‘照明工具’。 However the young youngster of her side the idea that prevents her to illuminate about looks, but makes her follow the front paper butterfly the ray. 不过她身旁的小少年阻止了她照亮左右看一看的想法,只是让她将光芒跟着前面的纸蝴蝶。 In this darkness has very dangerous strangeness probably.” “这黑暗中好像有非常危险的怪异。” She lowers the head, said in a low voice. 她低下头,低声道。 They will not attack us,” “它们不会攻击我们,” He Ao as if understands the anxiety in her heart, said in a soft voice, we although now cannot see the path, but indeed walks correctly in path on, the strangeness of this space should not attack the life on path, follows the butterfly, do not control to look.” 何奥似乎了解她心中的忧虑,轻声说道,“我们现在虽然看不到道路,但是的确走在正确的‘道路’上,这个空间的怪异应该不会攻击走在道路上的生命,跟着蝴蝶走,不要左右看。” At this moment in his spirit regards in the field of vision, the surroundings are not the silent darkness, but is the dense and numerous distortion designs, they pile the repeat in the under foot of people, the top of the head , dense and numerous, unceasing distortion is wriggling. 此刻在他的灵视视野中,周围并不是寂静的黑暗,而是密密麻麻的扭曲图案,它们堆迭在众人的脚下,头顶,身后,密密麻麻,不断的扭曲蠕动着。 Space that only then the people stand, maintained a flake long and narrow cavity. 只有众人所站的空间,保持出了一小片狭长的空洞。 But is maintaining this cavity, is the front blood-color butterfly some that sends out imperceptibly brilliance. 而维持着这空洞的,就是前方血色蝴蝶在无形中散发出的某种‘光辉’。 This brilliance and does not have any strength in fact, but activated some type of thing that seems like the floor rule, opened this secret passage. 这光辉并没有任何实际上的力量,而是激活了某种似乎是底层规则的东西,打开了这条‘秘密通道’。 This road is not the paper butterfly opens, but has existed in the darkness, is this dark space rule part, so long as walks on this road, these are in the darkness strange will not attack them. 这条路并非是纸蝴蝶开辟的,而是一直存在于黑暗中,是这个黑暗空间‘规则’的一部分,只要走在这条路上,那些处于黑暗中的‘怪异’就不会攻击他们。 Why you just said that this is some people of cloths bureau?” “你刚刚为什么说,这是有人布的‘局’?” The chewing sound that in this dark silence hears as if makes the red hair female somewhat ill, she lowers the head, asked low voice. 这黑暗的寂静中传来的嘴嚼声似乎让红发女子有些不适,她低下头,小声问道。 Removes the strength that Lokve hidden, you felt, this church outwardly on most powerhouse in church?” “排除掉洛克威隐藏的力量,你觉得,这座教堂明面上的最强者会在教堂里吗?” He Ao looked at her one eyes, not direct reaction, but is the slow sound asks. 何奥看了她一眼,并没有直接回答,而是缓声问道。 His sound was tranquil and temperate, dispersed some haze in red hair female heart. 他的声音平静而温和,驱散了红发女子心中的些许阴霾。 „It is not ,” “不在,” The red hair female replied subconsciously, then she stopped the moment, as if thought that then said, I had the information to demonstrate this church on outwardly strongest bishop, had left the church.” 红发女子下意识答道,然后她停顿片刻,仿佛思索了一下,接着说道,“我有情报显示这座教堂明面上最强的‘主教’,已经离开了教堂。” Therefore this is you dares to enter the energy of this church?” “所以这就是你敢进入这座教堂的底气?” The He Ao following butterfly, spoke thoughtlessly to ask. 何奥跟着蝴蝶,随口问道。 Un.” “嗯。” The red hair female nods, she as if realized anything, but further answered, that bishop was on the church outwardly only B level strength.” 红发女子点点头,她似乎意识到了什么,但还是进一步解释道,“那个主教是教堂明面上唯一的B级战力。” He Ao turned head to look at red hair female one eyes, her seemed like the throwing knife is close to the B level the unusual goods, was only her strength is too weak. 何奥扭头看了红发女子一眼,她的那把飞刀似乎是接近B级的超凡物品,只是她本身的实力太弱。 If in church, only then the strength of C level, attracts the firepower by the information the person of advantage and eternal old teachings catholicism, takes that the throwing knife, she can rush to the church that. 如果教堂里真的只有C级的战力的话,凭借情报优势和永恒旧教的人吸引火力,拿着那把飞刀,她还是能闯一闯的这个教堂的。 Money that if the employer gives are many enough, according to the habit of mercenary, she has this assignment is also very reasonable. 如果雇主给的钱够多的话,按照佣兵的习性,她接这个任务也是很合理的。 After all mercenary dry/does is the cutting edge licks the work of blood, so long as money enough/reach, even if a slim chance of survival, they want on. 毕竟佣兵本身干的就是刀口舔血的工作,只要钱够,哪怕只有一线生机,他们都愿意上。 But in fact,” “但事实上,” He Ao takes back the vision, looks at the front darkness, then said, that bishop fears now in the core region of this church.” 何奥收回目光,看着前方的黑暗,接着说道,“那个主教恐怕现在就在这个教堂的核心区域。” Red hair female: „?” 红发女子:“啊?” Most starts my speculation to be the same with you,” “最开始我的推测和你一样,” He Ao tranquil opens the mouth, 何奥平静的开口, Eternal old teachings catholicism attack church time, I have looked at their manpower outside, the powerhouse who they come are not many, majority are the C level and D level, what lead is only reluctantly the B level. “永恒旧教进攻教堂的时候,我在外面看过他们的人手,他们来的强者并不多,大多数都是C级和D级,领头的只是勉强B级。 Although evil believer generally through offering sacrifices increase strength, but the two sides are the cults, the two sides increase, that is about equal to without increase. “虽然邪教徒普遍会通过献祭增幅实力,但是两边都是邪教,两边都增幅,那就约等于没有增幅。 Therefore I analyzed at that time, in this bishop hall besides that powerful protecting shield, the interior the specially strong powerhouse, internal powerhouse, the big probability has not greatly possibly been found way to direct very much or by the eternal old teachings catholicism ‚’. “所以我那时候就判断,这个主教堂里除了那个强大的护盾以外,内部很大可能已经没有特别强的强者,或者说,内部的强者,大概率已经被永恒旧教想办法‘引走’了。 „ At least in the person eye of eternal old teachings catholicism is this, therefore they will only lead these people to attack. “至少在永恒旧教的人眼中是这样,所以他们才会只带着这些人就来突袭。 However in side church forms labyrinth room, as if also verified this type cognition, “而进入里侧教堂之后形成的‘迷宫’房间,仿佛也印证了这种‘认知’, „If there is overwhelming superiority, the eternal esoteric buddhism follower in bishop hall as if not need to open this type protracted time tactic,” “如果掌握绝对优势,主教堂里的永恒密教信徒似乎并不需要开启这种‘拖延时间’的战术,” Speaking of this, He Ao stopped, saw Lokve until me in just church.” 说到这,何奥停顿了一下,“直到我在刚刚的教堂里看到了洛克威。” Lokve?” “洛克威?” Red hair female one ignorant, she looked at a front blood chromo paper butterfly, he is not catches Ellis?” 红发女子一懵,她看了一眼前方的血色纸蝴蝶,“他不是来抓艾莉丝的吗?” Yes, he is catches Ellis,” “是啊,他是来抓艾莉丝的,” He Ao nods gently, then he asked immediately, you thought that Lokve was strong?” 何奥轻轻点头,然后他随即问道,“你觉得洛克威强吗?” Strong “强・・・” On the red hair female face the expression stagnates, if that is not strong, what is strong? 红发女子脸上表情一滞,如果那都不算强,什么算强? Then she looked at a side young youngster subconsciously. 然后她下意识的看了一眼身旁的小少年。 _ good, this strong. 好吧,这个更强。 He Ao as if guessed correctly in her heart thinks, what has not said that but then asked that just inferred following us, if this church strongest person had left, then so strong Lokve, now what does stay in the church to be responsibility?” 何奥似乎猜到了她心中所想,但是并没有说什么,而是接着问道,“顺着我们刚刚推理,如果这座教堂最强的人已经离开了,那么如此强的洛克威,现在留在教堂里应该是什么‘职责’?” The red hair female was asked one by this issue ignorant, then after short thinking, her sinking sound said, Lord head?” 红发女子被这个问题问得一懵,然后在短暂的思索后,她沉声道,“主负责人?” Yes, he should remains behind the Lord head in church, most powerhouse who theoretically this church remains behind, but he actually not in true core region, but runs Ellis who catches escapes,” “是啊,他应该是留守教堂的主负责人,理论上这个教堂留守的最强者,但是他却并不在真正的核心区域,而是跑出来抓逃跑的艾莉丝,” He Ao turns the head, asked with a smile, that at this time, what condition should the core region be?” 何奥转过头来,笑着问道,“那这个时候,核心区域应该是什么状态?” Unattended? Can the person of eternal old teachings catholicism push directly into?” “无人值守?永恒旧教的人可以长驱直入?” The red hair female responded all of a sudden, then she somewhat vacant saying, „, but isn't Lokve the spy of eternal old teachings catholicism? Ellis is not he himself puts, directs and perform to the program that the eternal old teachings catholicism allows to pass through?” 红发女子一下子反应了过来,然后她有些茫然的说道,“可是洛克威不是永恒旧教的间谍吗?难道艾莉丝不是他自己放出来,自导自演给永恒旧教让路的戏码吗?” She heard He Ao and Lokve's dialogue. 她是听到了何奥和洛克威的对话的。 As a traitor within, Lokve should not oneself ‚does true teammate give away the position? 作为一个内奸,洛克威不就是应该给自己的‘真正队友’让出位置吗? Because he is the spy of eternal old teachings catholicism, cannot such obvious turning on the water,” “正是因为他是永恒旧教的间谍,才不能这么明显的放水,” He Ao tranquil shaking the head, 何奥平静的摇摇头, After all he arrives at such high position, but is not easy, “毕竟他走到这么高的位置,可并不容易, Because he is a spy, therefore he should adhere faithfully, after person of eternal old teachings catholicism engaging in fierce battle made into the severe wound, can prove his loyalty to the eternal esoteric buddhism, “正是因为他是间谍,所以他更应该恪尽职守,与永恒旧教的人一场‘鏖战’后被打成重伤,才能证明他对永恒密教的忠诚, After all in the situation that he remains behind, the church was broken through, he will be held responsible in any event, at this time the severe wound sold miserably, indicates loyally, then the exaggerating score, exaggerates the old teachings catholicism the great strength, rather than own small and weak, is the proper approach. “毕竟在他留守的情况下,教堂被攻破,他无论如何都会被追究责任,这时候重伤卖惨,表明忠诚,然后夸大战绩,渲染旧教的强大,而非自己的弱小,才是正确的做法。 Fights from him and we have not put out eternal esoteric buddhism the law of offering sacrifices from the beginning, he has not exposed oneself idea now.” “从他和我们战斗时并没有一开始就拿出永恒密教的献祭之法来看,他现在还并没有暴露自己的想法。” „Is Ellis's escaping actually an accident/surprise?” “那艾莉丝的逃出其实是一场意外?” The red hair female thinks was saying, he in the stability of side church for maintenance, therefore has to look for Ellis?” 红发女子思索着说道,“他为了维持里侧教堂的稳定,所以不得不来寻找艾莉丝?” Through with Ellis's short contact, she also realized Ellis has probably very high jurisdiction in this church. 通过和艾莉丝的短暂接触,她也意识到了艾莉丝在这个教堂里可能拥有很高的权限。 Ellis's running away to the stability in side church may have the influence. 艾莉丝的逃走可能会对里侧教堂的稳定造成影响。 Ellis is threatening, but insufficiently threatening.” “艾莉丝有威胁,但是不够有威胁。” He Ao shakes the head, he asked with a smile in a soft voice, you are passing through in these labyrinth rooms, there is a discovery room disintegration situation?” 何奥摇摇头,他笑着轻声问道,“你在一路穿过那些迷宫房间里,有发现房间崩碎的情况吗?” No.” “没有。” The red hair female shakes the head. 红发女子摇摇头。 Then she shot a look at He Ao subconsciously. 然后她又下意识的瞥了一眼何奥 The strange strong oddness in these rooms, she sees only shatter room, was just by the church that He Ao and Lokve destroy livingly. 那些房间里的诡异都强的离谱,她见到的唯一的破碎的‘房间’,是刚刚被何奥和洛克威活生生打碎的教堂。 She could not understand to the present, how they can strong to this spontaneity rule room destroyed. 她到现在也理解不了,他们怎么能强到将这种自生规则的‘房间’打碎。 Lokve this type by external evil believer, even if, she had listened various legend stories 1000 about evil believer has not had 800. 洛克威这种靠外挂的邪教徒就算了,她听过的关于邪教徒的各种传说故事没有一千也有八百了。 However present young youngster, seemingly 11 or 12-year-old appearance, but also is somewhat emaciated, and has not held any ceremony of offering sacrifices, how can have that strong strength, but can also instead kill Lokve. 但是眼前的这个小少年,看起来十一二岁的样子,还有些瘦弱,而且也没有举行任何献祭的仪式,怎么能拥有那么强的力量,还能反杀洛克威。 She did not understand. 她理解不了。 In does this world really have some feeling rejuvenated ability? 这世上难道真有某种返老还童的能力? Looked at the look of red hair female, He Ao knows her in the deductive thinking, but he has not managed these, but continued saying that still remembered the room of that smile mask person?” 看红发女子的眼神,何奥就知道她又在发散思维了,不过他并没有管这些,而是继续说道,“还记得那个笑脸面具人的房间吗?” Un.” “嗯。” The thought of red hair female was pulled back, gently nod. 红发女子的思维被拉了回来,轻轻点头。 Actually she has somewhat tasted now. 其实她现在已经有些回过味来。 The smile mask person in that room, the big probability is Lokve's some projection in this strange room, even the ability is similar to Lokve. 那个房间里的笑脸面具人,大概率就是洛克威在这个怪异房间里的某种‘投射’,连能力都和洛克威相似。 Ellis should escape from that room ‚’,” “艾莉丝原本应该就是从那个房间‘逃出来’的,” He Ao said in the red hair female surprised expression slightly obviously slowly, 何奥在红发女子稍显惊讶的表情中缓缓说道, You had not discovered that the beef steak of that smile mask person is two, in all movement as if rooms also has ‚a person, “你没发现吗,那个笑脸面具人的牛排都是两份,所有的动作都仿佛房间里还有‘一个人’, If constitutes the core of that room is Lokve, then all these weird is reasonable, because of as him of core, presenting any strange movement is understandable, possibly has its endogenous reason. “如果构成那个房间的核心是洛克威,那么这一切怪诞都是合理的,因为作为核心的他,出现任何怪异动作都是可以理解的,可能有其内生原因。 But actually, constitutes the big probability of that room core is Ellis. “但其实,构成那个房间核心的大概率是‘艾莉丝’。 „ The core of entire room was missing, but the rule in room was still operating, in room strange still thinks that Ellis exists in the room. “整个房间的核心失踪了,但是房间内的规则仍旧在运行,房间里的怪异仍旧以为艾莉丝存在于房间里。 Therefore Ellis's missing, perhaps in a short time, in the operation of side church regarding entire is not so important. “所以艾莉丝的失踪,或许在短期内,对于整个里侧教堂的运行不那么重要。 Lokve can definitely after the fight ended looks for Ellis, because if after all he asked Ellis to cause in the side church to fall into enemy hands, that responsibility all on him, “洛克威完全可以在战斗结束后再去找艾莉丝,毕竟如果因为他找艾莉丝导致了里侧教堂失守,那责任就全在他身上了, Therefore even if Ellis is accident/surprise, he does not look for Ellis on own initiative immediately. “所以哪怕艾莉丝是‘意外’,他也不会主动立刻去找艾莉丝。 Only if “除非・・・” He Ao stopped, looked at a front, paper butterfly speed that Ellis changes to slow, as if they will draw near, then him continue to say slowly, 何奥停顿了一下,看了一眼前方,艾莉丝化作的纸蝴蝶速度慢了下来,似乎他们就快到了,然后他继续缓缓说道, Only if there is upper-level person to Lokve ordering of’, requesting him to catch Ellis, such responsibility not on Lokve, even if the eternal old teachings catholicism stormed into the core region, he can also fling the pot.” “除非是有更上层的人给洛克威‘下了命令’,要求他去抓回艾莉丝,这样责任就不在洛克威身上了,哪怕永恒旧教攻入了核心区域,他也可以把锅甩回去。” Therefore, Lokve actually by the person of eternal esoteric buddhism getting someone to leave? In order to create to eternal old teachings catholicism the opportunity in person thorough church?” “所以,洛克威其实是被永恒密教的人‘支走’的?为了创造给永恒旧教的人深入教堂的机会?” The red hair female somewhat responded, sound some saying of shivering, „is this trap? The person who attracts the eternal old teachings catholicism comes in catching the whole lot in a dragnet trap?” 红发女子有些反应了过来,声音有些颤抖的说道,“这是一个陷阱?吸引永恒旧教的人进来‘一网打尽’的陷阱?” Then she brow slightly wrinkle, saying of some doubts, „, but that Lokve boss won't this let the person of Lokve or eternal old teachings catholicism begins to have suspicions? Suddenly makes this instruction with no reason at all? 然后她又眉头微皱,有些疑惑的说道,“可是那个洛克威的‘上司’这样不会让洛克威或者永恒旧教的人起疑吗?突然无缘无故做出这种指令? Said that boss actually is also the spy of eternal old teachings catholicism, isn't this trap? That this eternal esoteric buddhism not infiltrated was a little fierce?” “还是说那个上司其实也是永恒旧教的间谍,这不是一个陷阱?那这永恒密教不是被渗透的有点厉害了?” She was a little blurry. 她有点迷糊了。 If Ellis out-of-control isn't situation?” “如果艾莉丝‘失控’并不是‘突发情况’呢?” He Ao looks at her to say with a smile, „, if Ellis loses control suddenly, then suddenly issues such an instruction, Lokve will definitely suspect has the issue, 何奥看着她笑道,“如果艾莉丝突然失控,然后突然发出这样一个指令,洛克威肯定会怀疑其中有问题, But if before is very early, this boss in upholstery regarding the care in side church strange issue? “但是如果在很早之前,这位‘上司’就在铺垫对于里侧教堂怪异问题的关心呢? If this boss perhaps it because also the frantic belief causes somewhat nervously , issues this order in this state, became reasonable. “如果这位‘上司’或许本身还因为狂热的信仰导致有些神经质,那么在这种状态下,下达这种命令,就变得‘合理’了。 Naturally, this is only my one speculation, in fact realizes the method of this result to have many types, there is many seems like the unreasonable matter, so long as puts in it certain upholstery environment, can make it reasonable. “当然,这只是我的一种推测,实际上实现这种结果的方法有很多种,有很多看起来不合理的事情,只要把它置于一定的铺垫环境中,就可以让它变得‘合理’。 Like something that some people handle in bystander opinion is unable to understand that however on he himself, has its endogenous logic to exist inevitably, let alone, the follower of eternal esoteric buddhism also mostly has certainly crazy tendency. “就像一些人做的一些事情在外人看来是无法理解的,但是在他自己身上,必然有其内生的逻辑性存在,更何况,永恒密教的信徒还大多都有一定疯狂倾向。 Even if in Lokve and eternal old teachings catholicism heart had suspected, when Ellis loses control, the situation has arrived at last, point of no return, has to send. “哪怕洛克威和永恒旧教心中有所怀疑,但是在艾莉丝失控的时候,局势已经走到了最后一步了,箭在弦上,不得不发。 Person always meets the deceit, so long as at this time had no issue probably, the person of eternal old teachings catholicism met to convince itself, especially this situation outwardly on moving toward for they were favorable the time.” “人总是会自我欺骗的,这个时候只要大概没什么问题,永恒旧教的人会自己说服自己,特别是这个局势明面上的‘走向’还是对他们有利的时候。” Therefore Ellis's out-of-control, is not most likely Lokve behavior of profit, instead on seems like damage outwardly ‚’ biggest eternal esoteric buddhism behavior , in a bigger criterion, gains many benefit.” “所以艾莉丝的失控,并非是最有可能获利的洛克威所为,反而是明面上看起来‘受损’最大的永恒密教所为,为的是,在更大的尺度上,获取更多的‘利益’。” The red hair female then He Ao words saying, her sound lowered gradually, why, but do they want to transfer the core region Lokve with difficulty?” 红发女子接着何奥的话说道,她的声音渐渐低了下来,“但是他们为什么要千辛万苦把洛克威调离核心区域呢?” You felt, if this is a trap, what transfers the core region to mean Lokve? Why the eternal esoteric buddhism can such accurate grasps the eternal old teachings catholicism the trend?” “你觉得,如果这是一个陷阱,把洛克威调离核心区域意味着什么?永恒密教又为什么能这么准确的把握住永恒旧教的动向?” He Ao turn head looked at her one eyes. 何奥回头看了她一眼。 Sound that Levine can easily find the eternal old teachings catholicism follower. 列文斯可是能轻易找到永恒旧教信徒的动静。 Eternal old teachings catholicism that side big probability also has the spy of esoteric buddhism, Lokve ‚’ perhaps spy status, had been discovered,” “永恒旧教那边大概率也有密教的间谍,洛克威的‘间谍’身份,恐怕早就被发现了,” The red hair female ponders saying that „ deliberately remains behind Lokve, then transfers the essential place , because in must seize the chance to rely on the strength of side church, executes Lokve. 红发女子沉思道,“刻意把洛克威留守,然后又调离关键地点,是因为要趁机借助里侧教堂的力量,把洛克威也处决掉。 Eternal esoteric buddhism the strength of person actually very clear Lokve's, to guarantee absolutely safe, must therefore split up him and person of eternal old teachings catholicism, does not make them appear together. “永恒密教的人其实很清楚洛克威的战力,为了确保万无一失,所以要分化他和永恒旧教的人,不让他们出现在一起。 However makes Lokve look for Ellis at crucial moment, can simultaneously then he and intent of eternal old teachings catholicism, is good regarding him and eternal old teachings catholicism, benefit driven by, will make him easier compared with other transfer order forcefully to accept. “而让洛克威在关键时候去找艾莉丝,能同时遂了他和永恒旧教的意,对于他和永恒旧教都有好处,在利益驱使下,会比其他强行调令让他更容易接受。 However selects Ellis, is because Ellis and Lokve are related, letting Lokve the office to be logical.” “而选中艾莉丝,也是因为艾莉丝本身和洛克威就相关,让洛克威去办更能顺理成章。” With the red hair female following mentality analyses of He Ao, He Ao is also gazing at the surrounding darkness. 随着红发女子顺着何奥的思路一条条的分析,何奥也在注视着周围的黑暗。 Therefore, actually and does not have any accidentally, all are the eternal esoteric buddhism design, but He Ao rushes exactly. 所以,其实并没有什么偶然,一切都是永恒密教设计好的,只是何奥恰好闯了进来而已。 Ellis will be similarly more intimate ‚’ elder brother's person. 艾莉丝本身就会更亲近‘类似’哥哥的人。 The destiny is variable and exquisite. 命运无常而精巧。 This is only one that I think most likely has had the speculation of situation presently, the real situation is definitely more complex “这只是我认为的一种最有可能的当前已发生情况的推测,真实情况肯定更复杂” His footsteps stop in the darkness, looks to all around, not necessarily is the truth.” 他的脚步停在黑暗中,看向四周,“并不一定就是真相。” The red hair female fell into silent, although He Ao said that but she realized gradually, perhaps this speculation most is close to the final truth of this event. 红发女子陷入了沉默,虽然何奥这么说,但是她渐渐意识到,这推测恐怕才是最接近这次事件的最终真相的。 The operation of eternal old teachings catholicism in Wynter is far less than the eternal esoteric buddhism, Lokve perhaps was the old teachings catholicism in the spy of esoteric buddhism maximum level. 永恒旧教在温特市的经营远不如永恒密教,洛克威或许就是旧教在密教最高层次的间谍了。 This trap the only shortcoming, is the setup time are too few, the lots have the obvious hasty feeling, the person of eternal esoteric buddhism was hit to be caught off guard very much obviously. 这个‘陷阱’唯一的缺点,就是准备时间太少,很多东西有明显的仓促感,永恒密教的人很显然被打了个措手不及。 If not this eternal old teachings catholicism attack eternal esoteric buddhism Lord church is one time thunderbolt, is tonight by that only invisible hand control sweeps across entire Wynter extending of big tangled warfare. 如果不是这次永恒旧教进攻永恒密教主教堂是一次‘突发事件’,是今天晚上被那只无形之手操控的席卷整个温特市的大混战的延伸。 Make eternal esoteric buddhism the time of person upholstery preparation longer, progresses to be in charge of the eternal old teachings catholicism high level of church to be perhaps more tonight, the slight defect of plan are also less. 让永恒密教的人铺垫准备的时间更久一点,今晚上进入主教堂的永恒旧教高层恐怕会更多,计划的瑕疵也就更少。
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