LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#788: Uncovers the coffin

The micro light source sprinkles the next cone-shape from the high place the ray, illuminates a dim circular platform in the jet black space. 微量的光源从高处洒下一片锥形的光芒,在漆黑的空间里照亮出一片朦胧的圆形平台。 But in the surroundings of this circular platform, jet black inner and outer coffins along the edge incline arrangement of circle. 而在这圆形平台的周围,一个又一个漆黑的棺椁沿着圆的边缘倾斜排列。 These inner and outer coffins one after another regarding the platform, like a putting upside down awl barrel, opens the mouth upwardly, has extended to the dark end. 这些棺椁一圈又一圈的围绕着平台,如同一个倒放的锥桶,开口向上,一直延伸到黑暗的尽头。 -- 吱嘎—吱嘎— Gathers like obsolete door one, sharp and grating chewing sounds under jet black curtain of night. 如同老旧的房门一张一合,一声声尖锐而刺耳的嘴嚼声响在漆黑的夜幕下。 As if in this silent dark deep place, has anything to gnaw to eat anything. 仿佛在这寂静的黑暗深处,有什么东西正在啃食着什么。 But in these eat the food the sound to have the sounds of rhythm, the orange golden brilliance shines together suddenly in the platform. 而就在这些啃食的声音有节律的声响之间,一道橙金色的光辉骤然在平台上亮起。 Three whole bodies covered entirely the ray trace the form to appear above the platform, stood in the center that all inner and outer coffins revolved. 紧接着,三个浑身布满光芒纹路的身影出现在了平台之上,站在了所有棺椁围绕的中心。 With these three brilliance appearances, the whole world suddenly peaceful. 伴随着这三道光辉的出现,整个世界骤然安静了下来。 This knocking at a door pebble body is really good, but also really came in directly, is here the lowest level of this heresy church?” “这个叩门石子体真不错,还真的直接就进来了,这里就是这个异端教堂的最底层?” Stood looked at an under foot radius 50 meters round stage in the left side skinny man, looked up the inner and outer coffin group of extending to the dark deep place, seemed like also not much.” 站在左侧的干瘦男子看了一眼脚下半径不过五十米圆台,又抬头看了一眼延伸到黑暗深处的棺椁群,“看起来也不怎么样嘛。” In these inner and outer coffins is the skeleton of intelligence high person,” “这些棺椁里全是灵性较高的人的尸骸,” Stood swept surrounding one an inner and outer coffin that in the right side scar of knife wound face man could not see the end, the sound was somewhat low and deep, only depended on the Wynter followers not to sufficiently collect so many high intelligence corpses, minute/share of churches of this group of heresy follower big probabilities from other cities also brought many corpses.” 站在右侧的刀疤脸男人扫了一眼周围一眼看不见尽头的棺椁,声音有些低沉,“仅凭温特市的信徒是凑不够这么多高灵性尸体的,这帮异端信徒大概率从其他城市的分教堂也带了不少尸体来。” This city, when the supreme headquarters did construct?” “把这座城市当大本营建设了么?” The skinny man sneers, they have not even controlled this city, is really stupid.” 干瘦男人冷笑一声,“他们甚至都还没有控制这座城市,真是愚蠢啊。” „The thing that this group of heresies publicize is very easy to make the average person believe, controlling this city is only the time issue,” “这帮异端宣扬的东西很容易让普通人相信,控制这座城市只是时间问题,” The scar of knife wound face man lowers the head, let alone, we do not have the own control city, strict, if not the time that we develop is longer, has inherited from the big cataclysm time, now strengths and these heresy followers bad must be bigger.” 刀疤脸男人低下头来,“更何况,我们也没有自己控制的城市,严格来说,如果不是我们发展的时间更长,从大灾变时代一直传承过来,现在实力和这些异端信徒差的要更大一些。” Hears these words, the skinny man complexion sinks, „did you also believe the crazy word lies of these heresies? After what never hungry death, god country? They meaning destruction and new eternal god country that arrives at the world finally, twists this type for the thing that the satisfied desire fictionalizes, simply in tarnish eternal ray glory.” 听到这句话,干瘦男人面色微沉,“你也信了这些异端的痴言妄语?什么永不饥饿的死后神国?他们把世界终焉降临的意味着毁灭与新生的永恒神国,扭曲成这种为了满足欲望而虚构的东西,简直是在玷污永恒光芒的荣耀。” The sound that he spoke was getting more and more loud, the anger was also getting more and more heavy, these heresy followers, should be killed cleanly.” 他说话的声音越来越大,怒火也越来越重,“这些异端信徒,就应该被杀干净。” I consider the matter and of itself,” “我只是就事论事罢了,” The scar of knife wound face man looked at a skinny man, added that met these heresy followers, I will not keep the hand.” 刀疤脸男人看了一眼干瘦男人,补充道,“遇见这些异端信徒,我也不会留手。” But is very obvious, his reply has not satisfied the skinny man. 但很显然,他的回答并没有让干瘦男人满意。 The skinny man opens mouth, when interrogated the scar of knife wound face man's belief again. 干瘦男人张开嘴,正待再次质问刀疤脸男人的信仰。 Now does not discuss this time,” “现在不是讨论这个的时候,” Stands in middle eyeglasses man cold snort/hum one, he looked at sending out in hand a golden light somewhat seems like the stone of human phalanx, received it, 站在中间的眼镜男人冷哼一声,他看了一眼手中的散发着点点金光的有些像是人类指骨的石头,将其收了起来, Lokve found out the issue the floor to go strangely, quick will come back, how long the gracious gift of ceremony could not maintain, we must before he came back found the target,” “洛克威去查出问题的底层怪异去了,很快就会回来,仪式的恩赐也维持不了多久,我们必须在他回来之前找到目标,” His eye looks to being away from their recent several rows of inner and outer coffins, „ according to the information that the leader gives, the skeleton of goal should put in this, or in the first row, either in the second row, we looks separately, looks pays attention, do not step into the darkness, without illumination place unusual danger, 他的眼睛看向距离他们最近的几排棺椁,“根据领袖给出的情报,目标的尸骸应该才放到这里面,要么在第一排,要么在第二排,我们分头找,找的时候注意,不要踏入黑暗里,没有光照的地方非常的危险, If the first row had not found, steps in the first row of inner and outer coffin opens the second row of coffin.” “如果第一排没找到,就踩在第一排的棺椁上开第二排的棺。” Knew,” “知道了,” Thin man sluggish complied with one, he raised the head looked at a dense and numerous inner and outer coffin again, this group of heresy followers really gave up, built the church with the complaints of so many high intelligence deads, no wonder this church was so strange.” 瘦削男人稍带懒散的应了一声,他抬头再次看了一眼密密麻麻的棺椁,“这帮异端信徒真舍得,用这么多高灵性亡者的怨念来搭建教堂,难怪这个教堂这么诡异。” Few speeches, work much.” “少说话,多干活。” The eyeglasses man swept his one eyes, the half step trend left a oneself recent inner and outer coffin. 眼镜男人扫了他一眼,快步走向离自己最近的一个棺椁。 The thin man beckons with the hand, another side of the trend, the scar of knife wound face man moves toward surplus one side. 瘦削男人摆摆手,走向另一侧,刀疤脸男人则走向剩余的一侧。 These jet black inner and outer coffins float in in the air, above 1/5 is a semicircle, below 4/5 are one but actually tall and slender trapezoid. 这些漆黑的棺椁悬浮在空中,上面五分之一是一个半圆,下面五分之四是一个倒着的细长梯形。 On inner and outer coffin drawing radiations design of ray, these design drawing very fine, but gazes under carefully, as if tall and slender worms going all out covers from the coffin wriggles outward, dense and numerous. 棺椁上绘画着一道道发散的光芒的图案,这些图案绘画的十分精美,但是仔细注视之下,又仿佛一条条细长的蠕虫在拼命的从棺材盖上往外蠕动,密密麻麻。 These heresy followers really like doing some strange things.” “这些异端信徒真喜欢搞些奇奇怪怪的东西。” The thin man looked at inner and outer coffin before a body, then puts out a dagger, inserts slit that the coffin covers, curls upwards fiercely. 瘦削男人看了一眼身前的棺椁,然后拿出一把匕首,插进棺材盖的缝隙,猛地一翘。 In skidding this instantaneous, he felt that in the coffin transmits a strong suction, as if must cover the coffin holds stubbornly general, is hindering his movement. 在撬动这瞬间,他就感觉棺材里传来一股强大的吸力,仿佛要把棺材盖死死吸住一般,阻碍着他的动作。 This coffin Gap passed the C level to come, perhaps hit cannot open. 这棺材盖普通C级来了,恐怕打都打不开。 In the heart the thought flashes through, the thin man makes an effort to curl upwards, lifts the entire coffin lid directly. 心中念头闪过,瘦削男人用力一翘,直接将整个棺材盖掀开。 But in instance that the coffin coverlet raises, that holds the suction that the coffin covers to weaken suddenly, the entire coffin covers like the side-slipping gate turns toward the left side to cut generally. 而在棺材盖被掀起的瞬间,那吸住棺材盖的吸力骤然变弱,整个棺材盖如同侧滑门一般向着左侧划开。 What is lying down in this coffin is a wear long skirt, the beautiful young girl who the chest pierces, her both hands place on the lower abdomen, the double pupil shuts tightly, the facial features are serene. 在这个棺材里躺着的是一个穿着长裙,胸口刺穿的美丽少女,她双手放在小腹上,双眸紧闭,面容安详。 „It is not.” “不是。” The thin man shakes the head, then turns around to walk toward the next inner and outer coffin. 瘦削男人摇摇头,然后转身向下一个棺椁走去。 But in the instance that his step leaves, the eye pupil that the young girl shuts tightly opens suddenly. 而就在他步伐离开的瞬间,少女紧闭的眼眸骤然睁开。 Her body melts instantaneously, changes to a beach bright red bloodstain, seeps out from the corner/horn of coffin, falls into the silent darkness. 她的身躯瞬间融化,化作一滩鲜红的血迹,从棺材的一角渗出,落入寂静的黑暗里。 But thin man in operating next inner and outer coffin, three people of movements are very deft, directly turns on the inner and outer coffin with the sickle or the dagger violence, examines inside skeleton. 而瘦削男人则已经在开下一个棺椁了,三人的动作都很麻利,直接用弯刀或者匕首暴力打开棺椁,查看里面的尸骸。 After three people linked several inner and outer coffins, the rich bloodstain surged in the blackness. 就在三人连开了好几个棺椁之后,浓郁的血迹在漆黑中涌动。 It flows out from the darkness slowly, after flowing to the platform, rapid is divided into three, after flowing three people . 它缓缓从黑暗中流出,流动到平台上之后,迅速的一分为三,流淌到了三人身后。 Then this Santan bloodstain is wriggling simultaneously, forms three four limbs tall and slender blood people. 然后这三滩血迹同时蠕动着,形成三个四肢细长的血人。 The blood person lifts the hand, touches three people of shoulders. 血人抬起手去,去触摸三人的肩膀。 Dense and numerous invisible knife points appeared under the brilliance, aimed at three people of backs, each blade edge is glittering a cold light, brings the terrifying power and influence of constraining the pinnacle, depresses following the hand that the blood person lifted slowly. 一道道密密麻麻的无形刀锋在光辉下浮现,对准了三人的后背,每一柄刀锋都闪烁着点点寒光,带着压抑到极致的恐怖威势,顺着血人抬起的手缓缓压下。 Death!” “死!” The instance that will also soon drop in this blade edge completely, the scar of knife wound man turns around instantaneously, in the hand the curved sword strap the ice-cold cold light behind blood person will be cutting off around the middle. 也就在这刀锋即将完全落下的瞬间,刀疤男人瞬间转身,手中弯刀带着冰冷的寒光将身后的血人拦腰斩断。 He does not stay, the blade edge quick flowing light probably, cuts ten million/countless the blade suddenly, the tall and slender blood person will sliver the fragment of thin as cicada wing. 紧接着他毫不停留,刀锋快的像是流光,眨眼之间就切出千万刀,将细长的血人切成了一道道薄如蝉翼的碎片。 But at the same time, from he not far thin man also before the hand of blood person bumps into the shoulder, lifts the hand, the dagger in hand cut off the nape of the neck of blood person instantaneously. 而与此同时,距离他不远的瘦削男人也在血人的手碰到肩膀之前,抬起手来,手中的匕首瞬间割断了血人的脖颈。 The rich cold ice following the nape of the neck spread of blood person, freezes instantaneously the blood person, then the ice piece disruption, changed to a place disintegrating slag. 浓郁的寒冰顺着血人的脖颈蔓延而出,瞬间就将血人冻住,然后冰块碎裂,化作了一地碎渣。 „-” “咳—” The eyeglasses man coughs lightly, the blood person who he puts out a hand behind melts instantaneously, returns to a beach bloodstain. 眼镜男人轻咳一声,他身后伸出手的血人瞬间融化,回归成一滩血迹。 The side that all these have is quick, three blood person wreckage fell to the ground in a flash, wriggled, has not gotten up again. 这一切发生的极快,转瞬间三个血人残骸倒地,蠕动了一下,没有再起来。 This is the so-called guard church lowest level, each clone to have the B level strength blood is crafty?” “这就是所谓的守卫教堂最底层,每一个分身都有B级战力的‘血诡’?” Looked thin the person looked at ground also in the ice dregs that the melting wriggles, kicked a foot, also not much.” 瘦削看人看了一眼地上还在融化蠕动的冰渣,踢了一脚,“也不怎么样嘛。” We offered sacrifices so many sacrificial offering, now has the gracious gift in the body, itself strength already by increase to the B level strong level, is the careful protection, has to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, do not relax vigilantly.” “我们献祭了那么多‘祭品’,现在有恩赐在身,本身力量已经被增幅到B级较强的水准,又是小心防备,有心算无心,不要放松警惕。” The scar of knife wound man looked at ground by the blood piece that he cuts, said in a low voice. 刀疤男人看了一眼地上被他切出来的血片,低声说道。 The thin man complexion concentrates, but has not said anything. 瘦削男人面色微凝,但是也并没有说什么。 Blood is crafty will not die, after it the severe wound breaks up, will have 15 minutes restores time, the movement is quick.” “‘血诡’不会死,它受到重伤崩解之后,会有十五分钟的‘恢复’时间,动作要快。” The eyeglasses male head/number of people does not return, immediately before arriving at the next inner and outer coffin . 眼镜男人头也不回,立刻走到下一个棺椁前。 The scar of knife wound man and thin man also turn head immediately, continue the coffin. 刀疤男人和瘦削男人也立刻回头,继续开棺。 Three people have the gracious gift increase at this moment in the body, the movement is quick, before was because must guard against blood to be crafty, now did not have the protection, acted full power, the quick inner and outer coffins were opened forcefully. 三人此刻都有恩赐增幅在身,动作都很快,之前是因为要防备‘血诡’,现在没有了防备,全力施为,很快一个个棺椁就被强行打开。 But the skeleton that in inner and outer coffin this behind opens has not changed to the new blood craftily, calmly lies down in the coffin. 而这后面开启的棺椁里的尸骸也没有化作新的血诡,静静地躺在棺材里。 Found!” “找到了!” After the first row of all inner and outer coffins were opened most, the scar of knife wound man shouted excitedly one, before his body, impressively is the inner and outer coffin that just turned on, inside static is lying down tall and powerfully built, the facial features moderate middle-aged man. 在第一排所有的棺椁都被打开大半之后,刀疤男人兴奋的喊了一声,在他的身前,赫然是一个刚刚打开的棺椁,里面静静的躺着一个身材魁梧,面容温和的中年男人。 He is shouting, while tries to find out on the man. 他一边喊着,一边在男人身上摸索起来。 „Did thing find?” “东西找到了吗?” The eyeglasses man turns the head immediately, asked in a low voice. 眼镜男人立刻转过头来,低声问道。 No,” scar of knife wound man more tried to find out that the complexion also more sinks, he does not have the belt/bring probably on the body, can at home?” “没有,”刀疤男人越摸索脸色也越沉,“他好像没有带在身上,会不会在家里?” Is impossible,” “不可能,” The eyeglasses man half step moves toward the scar of knife wound man, „ such thing can affect the mentality of holder, will let the holder subconscious belt/bring in the side, wanting the seal it to have the mystique of big cataclysm time sorcerer, now some not possible people to understand these things. 眼镜男人快步走向刀疤男人,“那样东西会影响持有者的心态,会让持有者下意识的带在身边,想要封印它必须要有大灾变时代巫师的秘法,现在不可能有人懂这些东西了。 Especially his conjunction, could not resist the seduction of that thing.” “特别是他这种契合度,抵抗不了那东西的诱惑的。” Can give others, for example his wife child and so on?” “会不会给其他人了,比如他老婆孩子之类的?” The scar of knife wound man tried to find out again, had not found as before, asked in a low voice. 刀疤男人再摸索了一圈,依旧没有找到,低声问道。 He must separate this thing, needs the enormous will, not to mention he is an average person, even if he can have this will to see somebody off the thing, the information that but we obtain was his wife children dies “他要分离这东西,需要极大的毅力,且不说他是个普通人,哪怕他能有这毅力把东西送人,但我们得到的情报是他老婆孩子都死光了・・・” The eyeglasses man complexion sinks more and more, he swept one to lie down the middle-aged man in inner and outer coffin, put out a hand to try to find out, had not found. 眼镜男人面色越来越沉,他扫了一眼躺在棺椁里的中年男人,伸手摸索了一圈,也没有找到。 But on him truly did not have the thing.” “但是他身上确实没有东西了。” Scar of knife wound man sinking sound said. 刀疤男人沉声道。 His wife? His wife is also the high intelligence average person, the corpse should also in this.” “他老婆呢?他老婆也是高灵性普通人,尸体应该也在这。” The eyeglasses man looks to all around. 眼镜男人看向四周。 In this.” “在这。” At this time the thin man also turned on an inner and outer coffin, he stood before the inner and outer coffin, turn head looked to the eyeglasses man. 这个时候瘦削男人也打开了一个棺椁,他站在棺椁前,回头看向眼镜男人。 In the inner and outer coffin lies down a corner of the eye to lead the intellectuality female of wrinkles. 棺椁中躺着一个眼角带着鱼尾纹的知性女子。 The thin man turn head looked in a coffin the person, „is very attractive, makings.” 瘦削男人回头看了一眼棺中人,“还挺漂亮的,气质型。” Information has the issue, both coffins take, we leave here immediately.” “情报有问题,两个棺材都带上,我们立刻离开这里。” The eyeglasses man complexion sank completely, put out that stone that again is similar to the phalanx. 眼镜男人脸色完全沉了下来,再次拿出了那个类似于指骨的石头。 The thin man closes the coffin lid immediately, the float coffin will make an effort to tow from the position. 瘦削男人立刻合上了棺材盖,将悬浮的棺材用力从位置上拖了下来。 But another side scar of knife wound man also closed the coffin lid, but he makes an effort in any event, is unable to tow this coffin. 而另一边的刀疤男人也同时合上了棺材盖,但是他无论如何用力,都无法把这个棺材拖下来。 As if great action of force on the coffin, making this coffin heavy like the mountain. 仿佛有一股巨力作用在了棺材上,让这棺材沉重如山。 He raised the head, discovered that a pure white palm stretched out from the darkness, presses on the inner and outer coffin. 他抬起头去,发现有一只洁白的手掌从黑暗中伸出,压在了棺椁上。 A that slender arm as if mountain, suppressed the inner and outer coffin stubbornly, making the scar of knife wound man unable to move. 那纤细的手臂仿佛一座大山,死死的压住了棺椁,让刀疤男人动弹不得。 But after that slender arm, a person's shadow goes out from the darkness slowly. 而在那纤细的手臂之后,一个人影缓缓从黑暗中走出。 The scar of knife wound man complexion changes, immediately draws out the sickle, cuts to that person's shadow. 刀疤男人面色一变,立刻拔出了弯刀,砍向那个人影。 His knife skill is quick, like the flowing light illusory image, arrives almost not to catch his action in void quickly. 他的刀法很快,如同流光幻影,快到几乎在虚空中捕捉不到他的行动。 He depends upon such knife skill, can become the innumerable pieces the blood crafty piece in a flash. 他就是依靠这样的刀法,才能在转瞬间将血诡片成无数片。 Bang- 砰- Two scallion white fingers lifted gently, gripped his blade, talent sequence 121: Flows the bandit, grasps well.” 两只葱白的手指轻轻抬起,夹住了他的刀刃,“天赋序列121:流匪,掌握得不错。” The gentle gentle sound resounds in the silent darkness. 温柔平和的声音在寂静的黑暗中响起。 That person's shadow double refers to a spin, the sharp blade will break off directly. 那人影双指一旋,直接将锋利的刀刃折断。 Then the next second, broke off the blade that splashes to fly to pierce the throat of scar of knife wound man. 然后下一秒,被折断溅飞的刀刃刺穿了刀疤男人的喉咙。 Different heresy “异・・・异端・・・” Brings the orange brilliance blood to spew out from scar of knife wound man the wound of throat, he struggles is lifting the half sickle, 带着橙色光辉的鲜血从刀疤男人的喉咙的伤口里喷涌而出,他挣扎着抬起半截弯刀, But that person's shadow has no longer visited him, but is his wrong body, patted his shoulder gently, the golden brilliance submerged his body following the person's shadow fingertip completely, destroyed his vitality. 但那人影已经不再看他,而是和他错身而过,轻轻拍了拍他的肩膀,金色的光辉顺着人影的指尖完全没入了他的身躯,摧毁了他的生机。 His ray is gradually gloomy. 他身上的光芒渐渐暗淡。 You you how in this!?” “你・・・你怎么会在这!?” The eyeglasses man is gazing at that person's shadow that goes out of the darkness, lifts the phalanx in hand, how regardless of he stimulates to movement, the golden light of that phalanx is entirely still. 眼镜男人注视着那个从黑暗中走出的人影,抬起手中的指骨,但是无论他如何催动,那指骨的金光都纹丝不动。 He raised the head to gaze at that person's shadow, „did you seal up this space?” 他抬头注视着那个人影,“你封闭了这个空间?” No,” “没有,” That person of shadow band smile temperate replied, blocked the unusual way.” 那人影带着笑容温和的回答道,“只是封锁了非正常路径而已。” These is the phony intelligence that you give intentionally time?” “这一次全是你们故意给的假情报?” The eyeglasses man surface sank like the water, the hand put among the clothes. 眼镜男人面沉如水,手伸进了衣服间。 I surrender,” “我投降,” But has not waited for his words to speak, nearby thin man puts down the inner and outer coffin in hand immediately, raises both hands, looks to the person's shadow, 而还未等他话说话,一旁的瘦削男人立刻放下了手中的棺椁,举起双手,看向人影, I have wanted to join your esoteric buddhism, I to your doctrine worships for a long time, but was a pity that at that time met mistakenly the person, does not only hate an opportunity, now I had such an opportunity of choice, I choose to join a just side! Abandoned throws clear(ly) secretly!” “我早就想加入你们密教了,我对你们的教义崇拜已久,只是可惜当时遇错了人,只恨没有一个机会,现在我有了这样一个选择的机会,我选择加入正义的一方!弃暗投明!” You!” “你!” The eyeglasses man looks at the thin man angrily. 眼镜男人愤怒的看着瘦削男人。 Abandoned throws clear(ly) secretly?!” “弃暗投明?!” The person's shadow that in the darkness walks smiled was looking at a thin man, you were very good.” 黑暗中走出来的人影微笑着看了一眼瘦削男人,“你很不错。” The thin man smiles, relaxes. 瘦削男人嘿嘿一笑,松了口气。 However has not waited for him to respond, he noticed that person's shadow lifts the footsteps, appeared in his front in a flash, then seized his neck instantaneously, lifted him. 但是还未等他反应过来,他就看到那人影抬起脚步,一瞬间出现在了他的面前,然后瞬间掐住了他的脖子,把他举起来。 I I surrendered “我・・・我投降了・・・” The thin man stares the big eye, gazed at the person's shadow at a loss, the faint trace cold ice is spreading in the person's shadow hand following his nape of the neck. 瘦削男人瞪大眼睛,茫然的注视着人影,丝丝寒冰顺着他的脖颈蔓延到了人影的手上。 Talent sequence 75: The ability that the demon warrior, you solidify is good, is a good seedling,” “天赋序列75:魔武士,唔,你固化的能力还挺不错,是个好苗子,” Person's shadow modest saying with a smile, was a pity that I have not admitted the heresy the responsibility.” 人影温和的笑道,“可惜我没有接纳异端的职责。” He exposed the ice dregs on hand gently, then makes an effort to fling, flung into the slit between inner and outer coffins the thin man, in the darkness that the brilliance has not shone. 他轻轻抖落了手上的冰渣,然后用力一甩,将瘦削男人甩入了棺椁之间的缝隙,光辉未曾照耀进的黑暗中。 The thin man struggles furiously, wants to hold the side coffin board, prevents to fall into the darkness completely. 瘦削男人奋力挣扎,想要抓住身侧的棺材板,防止完全落入黑暗。 However this moment is only exuding the deep place of hand of livor mortis from the darkness, held his body, pulled taut his shoulder, covered his eyeglasses, covered his mouth. 但是此刻一只只泛着尸斑的手从黑暗中深处,抓住了他的身体,扯住了他的肩膀,捂住了他的眼镜,盖住了他的嘴巴。 In his struggling furiously, these hands are getting more and more, finally covered his body completely, dragged into him the silent no light darkness. 在他奋力的挣扎中,这些手越来越多,最终完全遮盖了他的身躯,将他拉入了寂静无光的黑暗中。 -- 吱嘎—吱嘎— In the darkness resounded the sound of chewing. 黑暗中响起了嘴嚼的声音。 „Did you also insert the informer side the leader?” “你们在领袖身边也插了眼线?” The eyeglasses man gazes at the turning around person's shadow, the complexion is sinking, this time was I you were saying, I am willing to bet to concede,” 眼镜男人注视着转过身来人影,面色微沉,“这次是我着你们道了,我愿赌服输,” He takes white sunglow shape goods that from the clothes slowly brings the vertical needle. 他缓缓从衣服里拿出来一根带着竖直指针的白色日冕状物品。 Glorious sunglow?” “光辉日冕?” The person's shadow looks at the eyeglasses man, the vision lifts. 人影看着眼镜男人,目光微抬。 What you want is this? You know me, for the protecting shield of broken bishop hall, will certainly bring to come it.” “你们想要的是这个吧?你们知道我为了破主教堂的护盾,一定会把它带过来。” The eyeglasses man complexion was completely cold, can attain, looked at your skill, drew you to front the back, I also had the confession to the leader.” 眼镜男人面色完全冷了下来,“能不能拿到,就看你的本事了,拉你垫背,我对领袖也有了交代。” The person's shadow smiles is gazing at the golden disc in his hand, the eye is narrowing the eyes. 人影微笑着注视着他手中的金色圆盘,眼睛微眯。 The bright brilliance glittered suddenly in the jet black space. 明亮的光辉骤然闪烁在了漆黑的空间里。 Is two quick such as the person's shadow of illusory image jumps to collide in inner and outer coffins. 紧接着是两道快如幻影的人影在一个个棺椁之间跳跃碰撞。 Light shadow glitter in the entire space suddenly, the inner and outer coffins of shutting tightly explode following the brilliance of this twinkle unceasingly, vanish in the most in-depth darkness. 一道道光影骤然在整个空间里闪烁而过,一个个紧闭的棺椁顺着这闪烁的光辉不断爆炸,消失在最深层的黑暗里。 When the brilliance clears. 等到光辉散尽。 You, are what monster “你到底,是什么怪物・・・” The eyeglasses man stares the big eye, the hand is grasping the sunglow, lies down by the body that several golden lances pierce backward, vision dull looks at the present person's shadow. 眼镜男人瞪大眼睛,手握着日冕,被数条金色长矛刺穿的身体向后躺倒,目光呆滞的看着眼前的人影。 The person's shadow gradually moves toward him. 人影一步步走向他。 Thump- thump thump- thump- 咚—咚咚—咚— At this moment, from two people not far away, in the third row of inner and outer coffin, transmitted knocking gently to move the sound. 就在这时,距离两人不远处,第三排的一个棺椁里,传来了轻轻的敲动声。 Immediately, in this jet black silence, the coffin coverlet that shuts tightly shoves open suddenly. 随即,在这漆黑的寂静中,那紧闭的棺材盖被骤然推开。 A blood-color butterfly departs from the jet black inner and outer coffin, launches the wing, falls on the peak that the coffin builds. 一只血色的蝴蝶从漆黑的棺椁中飞出,展开翅膀,落在棺材盖的顶端。 A pale palm that stains the blood stretches out from the inner and outer coffin instantaneously, bang-’, supported the coffin edge. 紧接着,一只沾满鲜血的惨白手掌瞬间从棺椁中伸出,‘砰—’的一声,扶住了棺材边缘。
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