LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#800: Mayor Endil

Chapter 801 Mayor Endil( big chapter asked monthly ticket) 第801章恩迪尔市长(大章求月票) Received the reply of leader?” “收到领袖的回复了吗?” In abandoned factory building, sprinkles the tattered cement floor along with the morning sunlight following the window, stature strong, the whole body muscle, the chest front bundles the full bandage brown sends the man to turn head to look that is tying up the bald man of bandage to the side arm. 废弃的工厂大楼内,伴随着上午的阳光顺着窗户洒进破烂的的水泥地板,身材健硕,浑身肌肉,胸前捆满绷带的棕发男人扭头看向身旁手臂绑着绷带的光头男人。 No,” “没有,” The bald man shakes the head, leader he possibly went to the wilderness, you know that in the wilderness did not have the signal.” 光头男人摇摇头,“领袖他可能又去荒野上了,您知道的,荒野上没有信号。” Saying , he shot a look at around more or less has the injury companion, low voice saying, 说着,他顿了顿,瞥了一眼周围一个个或多或少身上都带着伤势的‘同伴’,小声的说道, Actually you do not need too to worry that you were so long with the leader, knows what leader is an enlightened person, “其实您不用太担心的,您跟了领袖这么久,也知道领袖的是个开明的人, Moreover our plans, is you discusses with that several same places, obtained the leader approval, although finally only then you lived, but does not mean that this is your mistake. “而且咱们这次的计划,也是您和那几位一起商量出来的,获得了领袖准许的,虽然最后只有您活了下来,但是也不意味着这是您的错。 Yesterday evening was these deviationists prepares for a long time attack very much obviously, they form an alliance with the joint industry, was we have not thought that this city was their dens, their strength compared with us on many,” “昨晚上很显然是那些异端分子准备已久的袭击,他们与联合工业结成了联盟,是我们没想到的,这座城市是他们的老巢,他们本身实力就要比我们强上很多,” Speaking of this, he looked at one brown to send the man chest front bandage, 说到这,他看了一眼棕发男人胸前的绷带, Moreover you yesterday evening with that group of bastard deviationists slaughtered us to see, many brothers ran by your shield, you also received a big wound, your injury was the meritorious service, the leader he can see.” “而且您昨晚上与那帮混蛋异端分子的厮杀我们是看见了的,好多兄弟都是受您的掩护才跑出来,您也受了不小的伤,您的伤势都是功勋,领袖他老人家看得见的。” I know,” “我知道,” Brown sent the man to look into sky outside eye piece, why, but did not know, in my heart always some not good premonitions,” 棕发男人眺望了一眼窗外的天空,“但是不知道为什么,我心中总有一些不好的预感,” He turns head, looks to the bald man, I mostly am actually worried is not that side the leader, but is that side that group of deviationists.” 他回过头来,看向光头男人,“我其实主要担心的不是领袖那边,而是那帮异端分子那边。” Although now that group of deviationist potentials are big,” “现在虽然那帮异端分子势大,” The bald man says immediately, „, but they twisted the eternal ray doctrine, sooner or later will encounter the divine punishment.” 光头男人立刻接话道,“但是他们扭曲了永恒光芒的教义,迟早会遭到神罚的。” That is inevitable,” “那是必然的,” Brown sends the man to nod, his vision has swept the surrounding wounded person, before that final divine punishment arrival, we must first preserve the sufficient effective strength.” 棕发男人点点头,他的目光扫过周围的伤员,“不过在那最终的神罚到来之前,我们得先保存足够的有生力量。” Yes, yes.” “是的,是的。” The bald man follows to smile two, he knows just table is loyal somewhat inopportunely. 光头男人跟着哂笑两声,他知道刚刚的‘表忠心’有些不合时宜。 And,” “而且,” Brown sends the man to turn head, looks to the bald man, you did not feel, these heresy believers, can find us each time, are some unreasonable? Their control to this city, isn't perhaps strong?” 棕发男人回过头来,看向光头男人,“你不觉得,那些异端教徒,每次都能找到我们,有些太不合理了吗?他们对这座城市的掌控,恐怕还没有那么强?” His vision downward, is carefully examining the middle-aged man. 他目光向下,审视着中年男人。 Sir, you must believe me! I am loyal and devoted to the church!” “大人,您要相信我!我对教会忠心耿耿!” The bald man responds immediately, said fast. 光头男人立刻反应了过来,快速说道。 I have not suspected you,” “我没有怀疑你,” Brown sent the man to shake the head, raised the head to sweep in an entire room all members, cannot remove these deviationists to arrange the possibility of spy in us,” 棕发男人摇摇头,抬头扫了一眼整个屋子里所有的成员,“不过不能排除那些异端分子在我们之中安排了奸细的可能,” He has turned the head, looks again to out of the window, arranges, rests again for one hour, we leave here, if this time they also found 他转过头去,再次看向窗外,“安排一下,再休息一个小时,我们就离开这里,如果这次他们还找到・・・” Thump thump thump 咚・・・咚・・・咚・・・ The words of man have not said that leaf of rusty stain stained obsolete iron gate trembles slowly, the leisurely knock made a sound suddenly in the silent hall. 男人的话语还没有说完,那扇锈迹斑斑的老旧铁门缓缓震颤起来,轻缓的敲门声骤然响在了寂静的大厅内。 Sir!” “大人!” Bald man instantaneously entire body one stiff. 光头男人瞬间整个身子一僵。 Alert “戒备・・・” Brown sends the man somewhat doubts looked at a door, then immediately lifts the hand, hints everyone to alert, golden brilliance shine on his flesh, outlined the close trace. 棕发男人有些疑惑的看了一眼房门,然后立刻抬起手,示意所有人戒备,一道道金色的光辉在他肌肤上亮起,勾勒出细密的纹路。 Before he arrived at the iron gate quickly, then hints most approaches the wounded person of iron gate to set out to open the door. 他快步走到了铁门前,然后示意最靠近铁门的一个伤员起身开门。 That wounded person hesitant, sets out slowly, the hand places on the iron gate door bolt, deeply inspired, opened the iron gate. 那个伤员犹豫了一下,还是缓缓起身,手放在铁门门栓上,深吸一口气,拉开了铁门。 A wear brown color jacket, the whole body hung all over various strange small commodities, the skin chromatic polarization is black, keeps the silver-gray whiskers, seems like the wilderness wanderer merchant same old person to appear in the field of vision of wounded person. 一个穿着棕咖色夹克外套,浑身挂满了各种各样奇怪的小商品,肤色偏黑,留着银灰色的络腮胡,看上去就像荒野流浪者商人一样的老人出现在伤员的视野中。 He stares slightly, just found out the sound to reprove this wilderness wanderer, but the next second, calls out in alarm after his ear resounds, frightened him directly. 他微微一愣,刚想出声训斥这个荒野流浪者,但下一秒,一声惊呼就从他耳后响起,直接将他吓出了一身冷汗。 Leader! How did you come?” “领袖!您怎么来了?” Brown sends the man to stare the big eye slightly, surprised sees old person. 棕发男人稍稍瞪大眼睛,惊讶的看着门外的老人。 What's wrong, can't I come?” “怎么,我不能来?” That skin dark wilderness wanderer old person shows a gentle smile slightly obviously, then his with a laugh has shivered, side the pale wounded person to pass through from the whole body, looked that to brown sends the man, is difficult the matter that what is inadequate here also to have me should not know?” 那个皮肤稍显黝黑的荒野流浪者老人露出一个平和的笑容,然后他笑呵呵的从已经浑身颤抖、脸色发白的伤员身旁走过,看向棕发男人,“难不成这里还有什么我不应该知道的事情吗?” Without,” “没有没有,” Brown sends the man to shake the head, does not seem to know how to organize the language, the card one saying that I also think you now also in wilderness, before had not contacted with on you.” 棕发男人摇摇头,似乎不知道怎么组织语言,卡了一下才说道,“我还以为您现在还在荒野上,之前一直没联系上您。” My wristband did not have the electricity,” “我那个手环没电了,” After the old person enters the hall, swept a wounded person who sits on the ground, „are your present situations not quite as if good?” 老人进入大厅之后,扫了一眼坐在地上的伤员,“你们现在的情况似乎不太好?” That group of deviationists hid many strengths, but also united the big financial group that controlled this city, we were hit to be caught off guard, therefore “那帮异端分子隐藏了很多实力,还联合了控制了这座城市的大财团,我们被打了个措手不及,所以・・・” Brown sends the man slow sound to answer. 棕发男人缓声解释道。 During the speeches, two people have arrived at the hall. 说话间,两人已经走到了大厅的正中间。 All right, the victory or defeat is very normal matter, these deviationists operate here for many years, is powerful, but we are small and weak, lost does not lose face,” “没事,胜败都是很正常的事情,那些异端分子在这里经营多年,势力强大,而我们弱小,输的也不丢人,” The old person shook the head, turns the head to look at one brown to send the man, I here for does not reprimand you to defeat today, I came only am two matters.” 老人摇摇头,转头看了一眼棕发男人,“我今天来这里不是为了来斥责你战败了的,我过来只为两件事。” Brown sends the man to stare, immediately says, you said.” 棕发男人一愣,立刻说道,“您说。” First,” “第一,” The old person continues to proceed, the sound is tranquil, you know these deviationists so-called god country clue?” 老人继续往前走,声音平静,“你们知道那些异端分子所谓的‘神国’的线索了吗?” Also almost,” “还差一点,” Brown sends the man to reply, „before , has reported with you, we prepared to bring back the wooden sign yesterday evening, but as if left accidentally/surprisingly, the bishop halls of these deviationists collapsed yesterday evening directly, in the side church also vanished.” 棕发男人回答道,“之前和您汇报过的,我们原本准备昨晚上去取回木牌的,但是似乎出了一点意外,那些异端分子的主教堂昨晚上直接倒塌了,里侧教堂也消失了。” Thing?” “东西呢?” Old person tranquil asking. 老人平静的问道。 Our people have not come out,” “我们的人都没有出来,” Brown sent the man hesitant, careful replying, „the person of deviationist as if cannot come out from side church 棕发男人犹豫了一下,小心的答道,“异端分子的人似乎也没能从里侧教堂中出来・・・” „Did brilliance sunglow also fall on inside?” “光辉日冕也落在里面了?” The old person continues to ask. 老人继续问道。 Yes,” “是的,” Brown sends man somewhat anxious nod, „the people who we survive act in the surface layer church, no one knows that yesterday evening in side churches of these deviationists had anything, brilliance sunglow possibly radical losing in inside.” 棕发男人有些紧张的点点头,“我们存活的人都是在表层教堂行动的,没有人知道昨晚上那些异端分子的里侧教堂里发生了什么,光辉日冕可能彻底遗失在里面了。” Appearing accidentally/surprisingly is also very normal matter, you do not need to worry, in this world not perfect plan,” “出现意外也是很正常的事情,你不用担心,这个世界上并没有完美无缺的计划,” The old person looks brown sends the man, made noise to comfort one, then asked that „that the second issue,” 老人看着棕发男人,出声安抚了一句,然后接着问道,“那么,第二个问题,” His complexion is tranquil, stands before brown sends the man body, like a dignified statue, 他面色平静,站在棕发男人身前,如同一座威严的雕像, Why do you want to betray the church?” “你为什么要背叛教会?” Entire hall in this flash peaceful, peaceful as if can hear to follow at the behind bald man rapid breathing. 整个大厅在这一瞬间安静了下来,安静的仿佛能听见一直跟在身后的光头男人急促的呼吸声。 What are you saying?” “您在说什么?” Brown sends on the male face to show the shocking expression, his chest high and low fluctuates, gazes at the old person, the intonation is pulling slightly, having some unquenchable anger saying that 棕发男人脸上露出震惊的表情,他的胸口上下起伏,注视着老人,声调微微拉高,带着某种难以抑制的愤怒说道, I bleed the perspiration for the church, you felt I do is not good, can the disciplinary punishment I, expel me, even our place by the capital punishment, I accepts punishment, but you must one traitor within charge imposition on my body, sorry, I unacceptable.” “我为教会流血流汗,您觉得我做的不好,可以惩戒我,驱逐我,甚至将我处以极刑,我认罚,但是您要把一个‘内奸’的罪名安放在我的身上,抱歉,我不能接受。” Therefore Lokve that fellow, without you hidden good,” “所以洛克威那家伙,没有你隐藏的好呢,” Old person somewhat helpless rubbed the forehead, he sighed, child, you were I raise to pull out single-handedly, I do not like to believe that this was real,” 老人有些无奈的揉了揉眉心,他叹了口气,“孩子,你是我一手提拔起来的,我也并不愿意相信这是真的,” He gazes at brown is sending the man, „, therefore, actually these deviationists said what to you, making you be willing so loyal in them? Betrays the belief of eternal ray?” 他注视着棕发男人,“所以,那些异端分子究竟给你说了什么,让你愿意如此忠诚于他们?背叛永恒光芒的信仰?” After the short stop, brown sends the man to lower the head, he as if realized that the old person has set firm resolve, at this moment disputed had lost the function, the chest that he fluctuated gradually tended to be gentle, said slowly, 在短暂的停顿之后,棕发男人低下头来,他似乎意识到老人已经下定了决心,此刻辩驳已经失去了作用,他起伏的胸口渐渐趋于平缓,缓缓说道, I have not betrayed the eternal ray, I have been following the eternal ray step, you are a belief firm person, you will not understand sect Zuo the ideal!” “我并没有背叛永恒光芒,我一直追随着永恒光芒的步伐,您是一个信仰坚定的人,您是不会理解宗座的理想的!” Yes.” “是么。” Old person's voice sank gradually. 老人的声音渐渐沉了下来。 Also in this flash, close brilliance traces covered brown sent the body of man, the terrifying power and influence extended from his body, he lifted the hand suddenly, a claw grasped to old person's throat. 也就在这一瞬间,一道道细密的光辉纹路覆盖了棕发男人的身躯,恐怖的威势从他的身体里延伸出来的,他骤然抬起手去,一爪抓向老人的喉咙。 Leader, be careful!” “领袖,小心!” The bald man loses one's voice to shout. 光头男人失声喊道。 But in the instance that his voice roars, the orange brilliance has collected in old person's left eye together, these brilliance covered old person's eyes instantaneously, portrays a delta that on the old person light brown pupil is mounting the tight closing one's eyes pupil. 但就在他声音吼出来的瞬间,一道橙色的光辉已经在老人的左眼中汇集,这些光辉瞬间覆盖了老人的眼睛,在老人浅褐色的瞳孔上刻画出一个镶嵌着紧闭眼眸的倒三角形。 Also shines brilliance in the old person eyes instantly, brown sends man trace like to be deleted baseless same vanishes, his strength is also dissipating rapidly. 也就在老人眼中光辉亮起的刹那,棕发男人身上的纹路如同被凭空擦去一样消失,他的力量也在迅速消逝。 The lance that the next second, the innumerable golden brilliance collections become after behind reappearing of old person, lances same passed through like the flowing light brown sent the body of man. 下一秒,无数金色光辉汇集而成的长矛在老人的身后浮现,一道道长矛如同流光一样穿过了棕发男人的身躯。 When the words of bald man fall completely, brown sent the man to turn into a hedgehog that completely inserted the full golden lance, brought the orange brilliance blood to flow following the wound that golden lances pierced innumerably under. 等到光头男人的话语完全落下,棕发男人已经完全变成了一个插满金色长矛的刺猬,无数带着橙色光辉的鲜血顺着那一根根金色长矛刺穿的伤口流淌而下。 Brown sends the man to raise the head, is gazing at the present old person, he stares the big eye, the blood overflows from his corners of the mouth. 棕发男人抬起头来,注视着眼前的老人,他瞪大眼睛,鲜血从他嘴角溢出。 The old person lifts the hand gently, these golden lance instantaneous disintegrations, change to the brilliance that scatters, collects old person's body. 老人轻轻抬手,那些金色的长矛瞬间崩碎,化作流散的光辉,重新汇集进老人的身体。 Brown sent the man tattered and torn body to stagger, poured before old person's unemotional body. 棕发男人千疮百孔的身躯踉跄了一下,倒在了老人面无表情的身前。 Leader?” “领袖?” The bald man walks carefully, looks to the old person. 光头男人小心的走过来,看向老人。 Your this doing good.” “你这次做的不错。” The old person nods gently, „after and other matters, the northwest church was under the charge to you.” 老人轻轻点头,“等这件事之后,西北的教会都由你负责了。” Yes!” “是!” Bald man exciting nod. 光头男人兴奋的点点头。 Humming sound- 嗡嗡- At this moment, the old person body transmits the sound of slight vibration, he upturned to look in the body, looked for brand-new wristband. 就在这时,老人身上传来轻微的震动的声响,他在身上翻找了一下,找出来一个崭新的手环 Then he looked at writing on a wristband, the brow selected, on the face showed slightly obviously the unexpected expression. 然后他看了一眼手环上的文字,眉头微挑,脸上露出稍显意外的表情。 „Does leader, what matter have?” “领袖,是有什么事情吗?” The bald man looks at old person's expression, hesitant, careful asking. 光头男人看着老人的表情,犹豫了一下,小心的问道。 This old person just faced brown sends the betrayal of man the time, has not displayed the expression of such accident/surprise. 这位老人刚刚面对棕发男人的背叛的时候,都没有表现过这样的意外的表情。 When the old person shot a look at a bald man, on the face hung just to pass through the gate the gentle smile, moderate replied, „the little miss who should die, just reported a news to me,” 老人瞥了一眼光头男人,脸上挂回了刚进门时的平和笑容,语气温和的回答道,“一个本来应该死掉的小姑娘,刚刚给我发了个消息,” …… …… Funeral parlor 殡仪馆 He Ao gazes is placing the two remains on morgue bed at present, the vision slightly obviously soulless. 何奥注视着眼前放在停尸床上的两具遗体,目光稍显无神。 You here,” “你在这里啊,” Broadcasts a gentle sound, carried of canteen to stand in the He Ao body side, Miss Lehne?” 身后传来一个温柔的声音,端着水壶的维莉站在了何奥身侧,“莱娜小姐呢?” Left, she must go to make the best use of the time to collect some unusual materials.” “离开了,她要去抓紧时间收集一些超凡材料。” The He Ao vision gets back one's composure slightly, the slow sound said. 何奥的目光稍稍回神,缓声说道。 Also saw the two remains before body at this time, she stopped, without the speech, calmly stands side He Ao like this. 维莉这时候也看见了身前的两具遗体,她停顿了一下,没有说话,就这样静静地站在何奥身旁。 Crossed some little time, He Ao recovers, looks to the canteen in her hand, „did your tea with milk boil?” 过了好一会儿,何奥回过神来,看向她手中的水壶,“你的奶茶煮好了?” Un,” “嗯,” Nodded gently, raised in the hand the canteen, can taste this young lady's craftsmanship?” 维莉轻轻点头,举起了手中水壶,“要尝尝本小姐的手艺吗?” Walks.” “走吧。” He Ao has turned around, walks toward the morgue outside. 何奥转过身,向着停尸间外走去。 Follows in his body side. 维莉跟在他的身侧。 Before leaving morgue, looked at He Ao. 在离开停尸间前,维莉看了一眼何奥 Young youngster after short silence, gently nod. 小少年在短暂的沉默之后,轻轻点头。 Therefore put out a hand to press down that two cremation button that is corresponding Lois parents skeleton position. 于是维莉伸手按下了那两个对应着伊洛父母尸骸位置的火化按钮。 The jet black small robot drives out of the deep place of morgue, the opening morgue gate is closed in He Ao slowly behind. 漆黑的小机器人从停尸间的深处驶出,开启的停尸间门缓缓在何奥身后关闭。 The ice-cold air has stroked the cheeks of youngster, two people returned to the funeral parlor entrance living room. 冰冷的空气拂过少年的脸颊,两人回到了殡仪馆进门处的客厅。 Put out a hand to put out a cup from nearby cabinet, poured one cup of tea with milk to give He Ao. 维莉伸手从旁边的柜子上拿出了一个杯子,倒了一杯奶茶递给何奥 Thanks.” “谢谢。” The hot haze scattered the little coldness, He Ao put out a hand to receive the tea with milk, sipped one gently, then the eye stared slightly in a big way. 热腾腾的烟气驱散了少许的寒冷,何奥伸手接过奶茶,轻轻抿了一口,然后眼睛微微瞪大。 What kind of, tasty?” “怎么样,好喝吧?” Looks at He Ao with a smile, Uncle said I boil compared with his tastiness.” 维莉笑着看着何奥,“杰科叔叔说我煮的比他的好喝多了。” Ok,” “还可以,” He Ao smacked the lips, sits on the sofa before stove, on the television is broadcasting as before was uniting the industrial establish picture initially, said how today not to have seen old.” 何奥咂咂嘴,坐在了火炉前的沙发上,电视上依旧在播放着当初联合工业成立的画面,“说起来,今天怎么没看到老杰科。” What is ‚can also’, my is the professional level,” “什么叫‘还可以’,我这个是职业水准的,” Also took a cup, to oneself one cup of tea with milk, this funeral parlor started doing business but actually in the afternoon, Uncle under normal conditions comes in the afternoon, all flows of funeral parlor operate me to be able, therefore he cannot come also to be actually all right.” 维莉也拿了个杯子,给自己倒了一杯奶茶,“这个殡仪馆下午才开业,杰科叔叔通常情况下下午才来,不过殡仪馆的所有流程操作我都会,所以他来不来其实也没事。” Said, “说起来,” He Ao looks that in the television is being speech mayor Endil of young period, „should you also know mayor Endil?” 何奥看着电视里正在做演讲的年轻时期的市长恩迪尔,“你应该也认识市长恩迪尔?” Naturally,” “当然啦,” Drank tea with milk, to her, usually only in the politician and financial group great person who in the television present, is daily that she contacts, 维莉喝了一口奶茶,对于她来说,通常只在电视里出现的政客和财团大人物,是她所接触的日常, Uncle Endil and my father are good friends, he after my father dies helped me be many, I can inherit father's heritage smoothly, he gave many strength.” “恩迪尔叔叔和我父亲是挚友,他在我父亲死后帮了我很多,我能顺利的继承父亲的遗产,他出了很多力。” I felt that his present conduct method, as if with has some differences initially.” “我感觉他现在的行事方法,似乎和当初已经有了一些区别。” Young mayor of He Ao in fervent speech television, in that white-haired with Lois mind, the senior mayor who as if anything did not struggle contrasted. 何奥把电视里慷慨激昂演讲的年轻市长,和伊洛脑海中那个满头白发,似乎什么也不争的老市长对比了一下。 Endil is the Wynter mayor, he has received the support of Wynter resident very much, unites idea that the industry has not as if changed players. 恩迪尔一直是温特市的市长,他一直很受温特市民的支持,联合工业似乎也没有换人的想法。 How can I say, was perhaps related with death of my parents,” “怎么说呢,或许和我父母的去世有关,” Sighs gently, 维莉轻轻叹了一口气, Actually in my father that time of the position of joint industry board president drawing back, is in my childhood, in Uncle Endil comes home frequently is a guest, and frequently with my father discussion is one all night. “其实在我父亲从联合工业董事会主席的位置上退下来的那段时间里,也就是我的童年里,恩迪尔叔叔经常来家里做客,并且经常和我父亲一讨论就是一整夜。 That time Uncle Endil as to let the father heavy palm union industry, made lots of effort, my father also frequently for his speech platform, assassination until my parents.” “那时候的恩迪尔叔叔似乎很想让父亲重掌联合工业,做了很多努力,我父亲也经常为他的演讲站台,直到我父母遇刺。” Expression stopped, the sound is slightly low, 维莉的语气停顿了一下,声音稍低, On that day in the evening, Uncle Endil a night of old age, from then on, he did not have any radical measure, no longer tries to change the thought of joint industry board of directors.” “那一天晚上,恩迪尔叔叔一夜白头,从那以后,他就没有了任何激进的措施,也不再试图改变联合工业董事会的思想。” Sounds, he as if knows your parents died back truth?” “听起来,他似乎知道你父母死亡背后的‘真相’?” He Ao drank tea with milk, asked in a soft voice. 何奥喝了一口奶茶,轻声问道。 A little Carvin, next one noon tomorrow or in the afternoon. 有点卡文,下一更明天中午或下午。 () ()
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