LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#690 Part 2: Justice

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He is a good child, initially what a pity he investigated was too deep, like present you,” “他是个好孩子,可惜他当初调查的太深了,就像现在的你一样,” Reyes sighed, I truly wanted to train my successor him, what a pity he does not seem willing to meet my burden/shoulder pole.” 德瑞斯叹了口气,“我确实是想要把他培养成我的继承人,可惜他似乎并不愿意接我的担子。” Cuts the filmmaker?” “裁影人呢?” He Ao spoke thoughtlessly to ask, the tone looked like the old friend of long-separated reunion, in chatting the younger generation in family/home, 何奥随口问道,语气就像是阔别多年重逢的老友,在闲聊着家中的晚辈, He most starts should anything not to know, most is only has suspected, “他最开始应该什么都不知道的吧,最多只是有所怀疑, Therefore he deliberately told the goatsucker these knowledge, further investigates the truth with the hand of goatsucker, when the goatsucker really investigates the truth, he knows that you are unable to tolerate, are equivalent and seize the chance to use your hand, removed goatsucker archenemy. “所以他才刻意告诉了夜鹰那些知识,借着夜鹰的手进一步调查出真相,而在夜鹰真的调查出真相的时候,他知道你无法容忍,相当于又趁机借你的手,除掉了夜鹰这个大敌。 He finally determined own suspicion, understands the evolution from the pollution cleaning up division most fundamental secret, solved goatsucker heart big trouble, it may be said that is killing three birds with one stone, is this event biggest winner. “他最终确定了自己的猜想,了解到进化之从和污染清理司最根本的秘密,又解决了夜鹰这个心头大患,可谓是一石三鸟,是这次事件最大的赢家。 Moreover he proved to you goatsucker truly is not a right successor, subsequently goes a step further, the evolution two buildings that most go against from the headquarters should for you remain, cuts the filmmaker office under your office, seemed like him to become successor smoothly ‚’?” “而且他向你证明了夜鹰确实不是一个合适的继承人,继而更进一步,进化之从总部最顶上的两层楼应该是为你留的吧,裁影人办公室就在你的办公室下面,看起来他顺利成为了‘继承人’了?” He Ao stopped, seems like, is this perhaps killing four birds with one stone?” 何奥停顿了一下,“看起来,这或许是一石四鸟?” Cuts the filmmaker to act arbitrarily obstinate, has intelligently, but the wisdom is insufficient,” “裁影人刚愎而专断,聪明有余而智慧不足,” Reyes shakes the head, 德瑞斯摇摇头, His strength came from polluting the monster, wants to further arrive in the B level, almost impossible, “他的力量来自于污染怪物,想要更进一步抵达B级,几乎不可能, He has pursued the truth, actually also wants to have a look to have what means to help him break through to the B level, in this process, he who can use, who dares to use, is not a person who is worth entrusting. “他一直去追求真相,其实也不过是想看看有没有什么办法能帮他突破到B级,在这个过程中,他谁都可以利用,谁都敢利用,并不是一个值得托付的人。 Naturally, he now big dream turns into air.” “当然,他现在已经大梦成空了。” Obviously, if not the goatsucker is not willing to collaborate, has not resulted in elects, Reyes will not elect to cut the filmmaker. 很显然,若非夜鹰不愿意同流合污,没得选,德瑞斯根本不会选裁影人。 Perhaps cut the filmmaker also to realize this point, therefore very positive wanted to solve the goatsucker. 裁影人或许也意识到了这一点,所以才非常积极的想要解决掉夜鹰。 Youngest brother, you, since all looked to understand,” Reyes drank liquor, „should also know, what enemy you faced at this moment are.” “老兄弟,你既然全都看明白了,”德瑞斯喝了一口酒,“也应该知道,你此刻面对是一个什么样的敌人。” His voice is gentle, looks like really analyzes the advantages the same as tell to the old friend, „ the commission army corps of triumphant Alone Group at this moment in the city, mercenary group regimental commander Coulot is a B level, the Saint Jon city defense force military officer are almost triumphant Alone Group friend, the Teacher is also a B level, in addition I. 他声音平缓,就像是真的给老朋友分析利弊一样娓娓道来,“凯杰特集团的佣兵团此刻就在城中,佣兵团团长库洛是一位B级,圣乔恩市城防军军官几乎都是凯杰特集团的‘朋友’,师长也是一个B级,再加上我。 Your enemy is not only 3 B levels, commission army corps of entire complete organization system, a city defense force, you, even if earned the support of FBI, but FBI's chiefs in Saint Jon is also a C level.” “你的敌人不光是三个B级,还有一整支完整建制的佣兵团,一支城防军,你哪怕获得了联邦调查局的支持,但是联邦调查局在圣乔恩市的局长也不过是一个C级罢了。” He sends in the beef steak in tray the mouth, chews, while is gazing at He Ao, you must face, is this city.” 他将盘子里的牛排送入口中,一边嘴嚼,一边注视着何奥,“你要面对的,是这座城市。” Isn't 4 B levels?” “难道不是四个B级吗?” The He Ao vision looks at Reyes with a smile, that hides behind the curtain, person who holds the chess, isn't a B level?” 何奥目光含笑的看着德瑞斯,“那一位躲在帷幕后面,执棋的人,难道不是一个B级吗?” This is a dead end of no odds of success, even if you have the strength of B level, is unable to face over three B levels, as well as two regiments, let alone, you have not defeated my strength sufficiently,” “这是一场毫无胜算的死局,你哪怕有B级的实力,也无法面对三个以上的B级,以及两个军团,更何况,你并没有足以战胜我的实力,” Reyes shows neither approval nor disapproval, „, if you have guessed correctly all these, you best choice, is actually not attended this evening banquet, but constrains me for the evening banquet, then while the gap that the commission army corps enter a city, at the same night goes out of town to leave, such, perhaps a slim chance of survival.” 德瑞斯不置可否,“如果你早就猜到了这一切,你最好的选择,其实不是来参加这场晚宴,而是借以晚宴拖住我,然后趁着佣兵团进城的间隙,连夜出城离开,那样,或许还有一线生机。” He Ao smiles, without speech, but puts out a hand, places on the desktop to open suitcase, reveals inside two cinerary caskets. 何奥笑了笑,没有说话,而是伸出手去,将身旁的手提箱放在桌面上打开,露出里面的两个骨灰盒。 „Is this?” “这是?” Reyes brow slightly wrinkle. 德瑞斯眉头微皱。 My son and daughter-in-law,” the He Ao vision is tranquil, initially you ordered to eliminate a potential informant by evolution from holding knowing the circumstances of the matter personnel, they are one of them.” “我的儿子和儿媳,”何奥目光平静,“当初你下令灭口的被进化之从抓住的知情人员,他们就在其中。” Reyes stares slightly, at once smiles, the last beef steak will put in the mouth, I have indeed issued this order, is this supports you to come here reason? But they have died.” 德瑞斯稍愣,旋即一笑,将最后一块牛排放入口中,“我的确下过这道命令,这就是支撑你来到这里的原因?但他们都已经死了。” Yes, they had died,” “是啊,他们已经死了,” He Ao closes the suitcase, I can definitely flee from this city, changes a name, forgot once to have such a child, thus received in exchange shortly, opportunity that can drag out an ignoble existence.” 何奥合上手提箱,“我完全可以逃离这座城市,换一个名字,忘记曾经有这样一个孩子,从而换取短暂的,能够偷生的机会。” He is gazing at Reyes, put out a hand to grip by the walking stick in table, „, but this was my child, my only child, I taught him to be good, but he actually because of good and died, this should not be his mistake.” 他注视着德瑞斯,伸手握住了靠在桌旁的拐杖,“但这是我的孩子,我唯一的孩子,我教他善良,但他却因善良而死,这不应该是他的错。” What are you asking?” “你在求什么?” Reyes is gazing at He Ao. 德瑞斯注视着何奥 Pays for a murder with one's life, goes into debt to render back the money,” “杀人偿命,欠债还钱,” He Ao looks at him, one word at a time, justice.” 何奥看着他,一字一顿,“一个公道。” Reyes sat straight the body, is gazing at this whole face fold, the facial features old person. 德瑞斯坐直了身子,注视着这个满脸褶皱,面容苍老的老人。 His age is bigger than the person at present, at present but the person is older than him such. 他的年龄比眼前人更大,但是眼前人却比他苍老的如此之多。 In this world does not have the justice, you choose the road that must die.” “这世上从没有公道,你选择了一条必死的路。” Reyes sat the body, the hand gripped the sword hilt under table straight, you are trying to resist a city, a super financial group, a sun-blocking palatial mountain.” 德瑞斯坐直了身子,手握住桌下的剑柄,“你在试图对抗一座城市,一个超级财团,一座遮天蔽日的巍峨高山。” Death and insufficiently frightening, the mountain not necessarily is intransportable,” “死亡并不足以令人恐惧,高山也未必不可移动,” He Ao is using the walking stick, pressed firmly between the fingers in the sleeve single-handedly the hilt of butterfly blade, the vision is tranquil, 何奥一手撑着拐杖,一手捏住了袖中蝴蝶刀的刀柄,目光平静, However you cannot represent this city.” “而你们也并不能代表这座城市。”
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