LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#690 Part 1: Justice

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Pollution cleans up Director Si and evolution from leader ‚is hidden dough figurine the same person?” “污染清理司司长和进化之从的首领‘隐面人’是同一个人?” In clinic pharmacy that the light drags, Yin Xiya hand according to the computer keyboard before body, looks up aid before body, wear a look of surprised. 灯光摇曳的诊所药店内,尹希亚手按在身前的电脑键盘上,抬头看着身前的斯恩济,面带惊讶。 I do not know that the constructions of your organization are anything, evolution fromhas what relations with that ‚,” “我不知道你们这个组织的架构是什么,和那个‘进化之从’有什么关系,” Is restraining aid of goatsucker corpse to look up Yin Xiya, the vision had swept that computer, ’ document that „, but goatsucker keeps from this ‚, indeed is this.” 正在收敛夜鹰尸身的斯恩济抬头看了一眼尹希亚,目光扫过那台电脑,“但是从这位‘夜鹰’留下来的文件来看,的确是这样。” Yin Xiya deep inspiration. 尹希亚深深的吸了一口气。 The night of summer has some scalding hot aura, however her body actually exceptionally icy cold. 夏日的夜里带着些许灼热的气息,但是她的身躯却异常的冰凉。 Her instinct is not willing to believe this point, that attack that but the evening is hit by now, and colleague sudden mutation is the scene of monster, as if in bloody told her, this was the most brutal fact. 她本能的不愿意去相信这一点,但是今晚上所遭受的那一场袭击,以及同僚突然异变为怪物的场景,又仿佛在血淋淋的告诉她,这就是最残酷的事实。 In this world where has so many B level powerhouses, the pollution cleaning up division has one, the evolution from also has one. 这世界上哪有那么多B级强者,污染清理司有一个,进化之从也有一个。 Moreover the evolution raises the pollution monster from so many years, the conduct in some sense may be called wild, has not actually flowed out the news to come out. 而且进化之从这么多年豢养污染怪物,行事某种意义上堪称猖狂,却一点都没有流出消息出来。 The evolution from cleans up Si Dangan in the pollution, has not provided a record. 进化之从在污染清理司档桉库里,没有留下一丝的记录。 Before arriving at Saint Jon, Yin Xiya does not even know that such an underground huge monster exists. 来到圣乔恩市之前,尹希亚甚至不知道这样一个地下的庞然巨物存在。 This type hiding, itself somewhat is unusual. 这种‘隐蔽’,本身就有些反常。 Yin Xiya lowers the head , to continue to read the documents in computer. 尹希亚低下头,继续看着电脑中的文档。 She rarely feels the fear and depressed about the danger, to complete task, she frequently thorough dangerous situation, but she sees this document, the mood such as the falling icehouse general is low. 她很少对危险感到恐惧和沮丧,为了完成任务,她经常深入险境,但是她看到这个这份‘文件’,心情却如坠冰窖一般低落下来。 She knows that the pollution cleaning up division is not considered as one justice organization, but this organization at least cleans up the pollution monster, provides the help for the person who was polluted the monster attack. 她知道污染清理司不算是一个‘正义’的组织,但是这个组织至少清理污染怪物,为被污染怪物袭击的人提供帮助。 In some sense, they also in life-saving. 某种意义上来说,他们也是在救人的。 This is she is willing to treat in the reason of pollution cleaning up division. 这是她愿意一直待在污染清理司的原因。 In fact, pollution cleaning up division these years internal propagandas, there are toward the meaning that this aspect propagandizes. 事实上,污染清理司这些年的内部宣传,也有向着这方面宣传的意思。 In the pollution cleaning up division, many employees felt oneself are making saves others’ the dignified calling. 在污染清理司内部,有许多雇员都觉得自己在做一份‘拯救他人’的高尚职业。 A long time, Yin Xiya is to polluting to clean up Si Director Reyes to have the intention respect. 在很长的一段时间里,尹希亚是对污染清理司司长德瑞斯有心怀敬意的。 Because in some sense, pollution cleaning up division specialty copes with the organization that pollutes the monster, is Reyes pulls single-handedly, but obtained the subsidization of triumphant Alone Group on the way. 因为某种意义上,污染清理司这个专职对付污染怪物的组织,就是德瑞斯一手拉扯起来的,只是途中得到了凯杰特集团的资助。 In the pollution cleaning up division many people believe that Reyes to let the organization survives, has to make the organization give up some noble standpoint. 污染清理司内很多人都认为,德瑞斯为了让组织存活下去,不得不让组织放弃一些‘高尚的立场’。 Even when was just chased down by the colleague, Yin Xiya has also thought was the pollution cleans up Si Gaoceng to be corroded, raises the person who polluted the monster to mix in high, Reyes was hoodwinked. 甚至于在刚刚被同僚追杀的时候,尹希亚还想过是不是污染清理司高层被腐蚀了,豢养污染怪物的人混入了高位,以至于德瑞斯是被蒙蔽了。 As Reyes is the evolution from leader hidden dough figurine information shows in her at present. 但是随着德瑞斯是进化之从的首领隐面人这个信息展现在她的眼前。 The thing shatter feeling of before letting her have one type, believing. 让她有一种之前坚信的东西破碎的感觉。 Originally continuously hoodwinked is not Reyes, but is she. 原来一直被蒙蔽的不是德瑞斯,而是她。 The leader who that she has respected, the cleaning up pollution monster, trains the pollution monster single-handedly. 那位她一直崇敬的领袖,一手清理污染怪物,一手又培养污染怪物。 Even the opposite party also taking advantage of pollution cleaning up division white gloves, eliminated indirectly all person and organization that training that attempts and evolution from the competition pollute the monster. 甚至于对方还借着污染清理司这个‘白手套’,间接的清除了所有试图和进化之从竞争的培养污染怪物的人和组织。 She lowers the head, starts to return from the beginning reads the document of computer. 她低下头,开始从头回看电脑的文件。 This document was the goatsucker already the event recorder that wrote, but the content of document, had little unlike the announcement of pollution cleaning up division. 这份文件是夜鹰早已写好的事件记录,而文件的内容,则与污染清理司的公告有‘一点点’不一样。 The most beginning of matter, came from the goatsucker discovered worked already the even more obvious evolution from trace. 事情的最开端,来自于夜鹰发现了做事已经越发明显的进化之从的痕迹。 He cleans up Si Zongbu reported the evolution from existence to the pollution, while begins to assemble the person unceasing elimination the evolution from peripheral influence. 他一边向污染清理司总部汇报了进化之从的存在,一边动手调集人不断的清除掉进化之从的外围势力。 Originally he thinks that oneself can be polluted the support of cleaning up division headquarters, but this time, the pollution cleaning up division headquarters actually become serious on the grounds of manpower, has not sent, and also requests him to cover the evolution as far as possible from existence, avoids causing scared. 本来他以为自己能得到污染清理司总部的支援,但是这一次,污染清理司总部却以‘人手吃紧’为由,没有派人过来,并且还要求他尽可能掩盖进化之从的存在,避免引起恐慌。 Although he at that time had an anxiety, but has not had the suspicion. 他那时候虽然有所疑虑,但是并没有产生怀疑。 However his ability is not bad, therefore extruded the evolution quickly from existing space. 不过他的能力也不差,所以很快挤压了进化之从的生存空间。 During this, polluted the cleaning up division headquarters to send many times transfer orders to him, must adjust him to rise into the headquarters, assistant who held the post of Reyes. 这期间污染清理司总部给他发了很多次调令,要调他升入总部,担任德瑞斯的副手。 However was turned down by him, he is very clear, he leaves Saint Jon, no one can suppress the evolution, since. 但是都被他婉拒了,他很清楚,他离开圣乔恩市,就没有人能压住进化之从。 Meanwhile, he also in unceasing to pollution cleaning up division high-level report evolution from danger, but has not been responded. 与此同时,他也在不断的向污染清理司高层汇报进化之从的危险,但是一直没有得到回应。 He also had the anxiety to this matter gradually. 他也渐渐对这件事产生了疑虑。 The favorable turn happened , in he cuts in the last time fight of filmmaker with the evolution from the Saint Jon heads. 转机发生在他与进化之从圣乔恩市负责人裁影人的最后一次战斗中。 His talent sequence is to pass on military, in the family/home the generation practices to wrestle and assault, agrees with this talent sequence, can therefore display the strong strength, even can suppress the cutting filmmaker who surpasses the C level limit in the actual combat. 他本身的天赋序列是传武者,家里又世代练习格斗和搏击,非常契合这个天赋序列,所以能发挥出强大的战力,甚至能在实战中压制住超越C级极限的裁影人。 This is also pollutes the cleaning up division so to think highly of his reason, he is almost the entire pollution cleaning up department's second powerhouse in fact. 这也是污染清理司如此器重他的原因,他几乎就是整个污染清理司实际上的第二强者。 He before already and cut the filmmaker to fight several times, although cut the filmmakers to be able by the special strange ability to escape from his hand each time, however his suppression also made the evolution compress from the influence more and more. 他之前已经和裁影人交手了数次,虽然每次裁影人都能凭借特殊诡异的能力从他手中逃脱,但是他的压制也让进化之从势力越来越压缩。 But in this multiple confrontation, he also somewhat to evolution from having some understanding. 而在这多次的交锋中,他也多多少少对进化之从有了一些了解。 For example he knows cuts the filmmaker is the Saint Jon evolution from the local head, knows evolution from the headquarters are gradually migrating, hidden dough figurine who’ he also knows to cut on filmmaker also B level never makes an appearance. 比如他知道裁影人是圣乔恩市进化之从的地区负责人,知道进化之从的总部正在逐渐的迁移过来,他也知道裁影人上面还有一个B级的从不露面的‘隐面人’。 Stable running many years of novel app, compare favorably with old version to pursue book divine tool, old bookworms using trading source App , 【稳定运行多年的小说app,媲美老版追书神器,老书虫都在用的换源App,】 And evolution from the high-level organizational structure is very simple, that hidden dough figurine individual contacts with all local heads directly, has the absolute control to the entire organization, has not polluted cleaning up division complex high-level organizational structure. 并且进化之从的高级组织架构很简单,那个‘隐面人’个人直接联系所有的地区负责人,对整个组织有着绝对的控制权,并没有污染清理司这种复杂的高层组织架构。 But in finally that time with cutting in filmmaker fight, cut the filmmaker to ask issue that goatsucker changed the later all events. 而在最后那一次与裁影人战斗中,裁影人问了夜鹰一个改变了之后所有事件的问题。 Cuts the filmmaker to ask that the goatsucker wants to know, pollution monster from where? Pollution cleaning up division whether such as in his surface such light?’. 裁影人问夜鹰是否想知道,‘污染怪物从何而来?污染清理司是否如他表面上那样光明?’。 And teaches the method that he raised to pollute the monster. 并教给了他豢养污染怪物的方法。 The goatsucker is very clear this cuts the method that the filmmaker sows dissension. 夜鹰很清楚这是裁影人挑拨离间的方法。 Because does not take the anxiety of day after day having to the headquarters, concealing the truth of his unexpected happening got down this matter, and starts to seize the pollution monster to raise. 但是因为对总部不作为日渐生出的疑虑,他鬼使神差的瞒下了这件事,并开始抓捕污染怪物豢养。 Cut the filmmaker to provide a distortion trace for him, so long as this trace portray on the cage, the pollution monster of crazy bloodthirsty shortly will be peaceful, enabling the ordinary cage also to imprison them. 裁影人为他提供了一种扭曲的纹路,只要将这种纹路刻画在牢笼上,疯狂嗜杀的污染怪物就会短暂的安静下来,使得普通的牢笼也能禁锢他们。 Raising the pollution monster in the pollution cleaning up division interior is the taboo that cannot touch absolutely, but the goatsucker touched finally. 豢养污染怪物在污染清理司内部是绝对不能触碰的禁忌,但是夜鹰最后还是触碰了。 However he has not chosen a person to feed the pollution monster, but buys some live chicken live ducks in the market, hangs the life to the pollution monster. 不过他并没有用人去喂养污染怪物,而是在市场上买一些活鸡活鸭,给污染怪物吊命。 In this case, he starts to study the books of various biology, starts to dissect the research pollution monster. 在这种情况下,他开始学习各种生物学的书籍,开始解剖研究污染怪物。 He wants to know, these pollution monsters actually from where. 他很想知道,这些污染怪物究竟从何而来。 Even the unusual animals have the parents, general that but these pollution monsters actually as if baseless change. 连异兽都有父母,但是这些污染怪物却仿佛凭空变出来的一般。 He wants to solve to pollute the monster fundamentally the issue. 他很想从根本上解决污染怪物的问题。 Meanwhile, he made a sand table in the office, the place that all pollution monsters will present until now counted, attempts rule that found the pollution monster to present. 与此同时,他在办公室里做了一个沙盘,将迄今为止所有污染怪物出现的地方都统计了一遍,试图找到污染怪物出现的规律。 However he truly discovered something. 不过他确实发现了一些东西。 These monster mostly flesh multiply, the skeletons of many monsters will also twist are randomly long, the flesh that but compares after without fixed physique mutation is serious is hard to distinguish, mutation that even if the skeleton has, will have some mold lakes, the original structure preserves. 这些怪物大多血肉滋生,许多怪物的骨骼也会扭曲乱长,但是相比较于没有固定形体异变严重后难以分辨的血肉来说,骨骼哪怕发生的异变,也会有一些模湖的,原来的结构保存下来。 Benefits from the biological knowledge that he crams ferociously, after the dissection pollution monster, he soon discovered, some skeleton structures of these monster within the body. 得益于他恶补的生物学知识,在解剖污染怪物之后,他很快就发现,这些怪物体内的一些骨骼结构。 It seems like person skeleton. 很像是‘人’的骨骼。 And these skeleton structure unusual foundations, do not seem like the late mutation to come out. 并且这些骨骼结构非常的基础,不像是后期异变出来的。 These pollution monsters, having greatly possibly are person mutation come out very much. 这些污染怪物,有很大可能是‘人’异变出来的。 This discovery makes him be startled terrified. 这个发现让他悚然一惊。 Because of the corpses of almost all pollution monsters, was shipped back the pollution cleaning up division headquarters, to pollute the influence and financial resource of cleaning up division, is impossible not to have the expert in lifeform or medicine. 因为几乎所有污染怪物的尸体,都被运回了污染清理司总部,以污染清理司的势力和财力,不可能没有生物或者医学方面的专家。 Once dissects the pollution monster, this type rule was grasped very much easily. 一旦解剖污染怪物,这种‘规律’很容易被掌握。 However until now, the pollution cleaning up division headquarters have not said any related information, even has been maintaining the pollution monster propaganda of unknown origin. 但是迄今为止,污染清理司总部从没有说过任何相关的信息,甚至一直保持着污染怪物来历不明的宣传。 The goatsucker increasingly realized, matter not in like surface simple straightforward. 夜鹰逐渐意识到,事情并不像表面上那样的简单直白。 Therefore he starts deliberately to hide the truth from the pollution cleaning up division, conducts a deeper investigation. 于是他开始刻意瞒着污染清理司,进行更深的调查。 Since pollutes the monster possibly to be polluted, but mutation, then all has appeared the place that pollutes the monster, definitely some people will be missing the record. 既然污染怪物可能是由人被污染而异变而成的,那么所有出现过污染怪物的地方,肯定会有人失踪记录。 Found trace that these people had, to the life experiences and actions of these people investigated, then he might discover these people murder the real reason. 找到这些人存在的痕迹,对这些人的身世和行动进行调查,那么他就有可能发现这些人‘遇害’的真实原因。 In the event recorder document that this is similar to the diary records, during that time the goatsucker immersed in one type every day, will soon untie the truth in the excitement. 这份类似于日记的事件记录文件里记载,那段时间夜鹰每天都沉浸在一种,即将解开真相的兴奋中。 However he controls this excitement carefully, he is not a senior official who is good at carefully examining the subordinate, is not the person charm extremely strong senior official. 但是他又得小心控制住这种兴奋,他并不是一个善于体察下属的长官,也不是一个个人魅力极强的长官。 He works severely, sometimes to protect average person, even leads the subordinate to brave hardships and dangers by the body, this causes him, although the prestige is very high, but actually not loyal own small team. 他做事严苛,有时候为了保护普通人,甚至带着属下以身涉险,这使得他虽然威望很高,但是却并没有忠心自己的的小团队。 Or he has not thought does this small team, this is his character makes it so. 或者说,他也一直没有想过搞这种小团队,这是他的性格使然。 This causes him at crucial moments, and no one can trust the help. 这使得他在关键时刻,并没有人可以信任帮助。 Therefore his all investigations must be cautious, to the pollution cleaning up division employees what after all pays out the wages pollutes the cleaning up division headquarters, is not he. 所以他的一切调查都得小心翼翼,毕竟给污染清理司雇员发工资的是污染清理司总部,并不是他。 He is also very clear, most colleagues in this difficult age, look for a work to live hand to mouth to eat, does these matters with him, might discard the rice bowl very much. 他也很清楚,大多数同事都是在这个艰难年代,找个工作混口饭吃,跟着他做这些事,很有可能会丢掉饭碗的。 He is unable to remove, can have the colleague for own rice bowl, but reported him. 他也无法排除,会不会有同事为了自己的饭碗而去举报他。 Therefore under the functions of this various factors, he can only in fact all alone investigate finally. 所以在这多种因素的作用下,他最终只能实际上孤身一人去调查。 When returns sees here, Yin Xiya vision stopped. 当回看到这里的时候,尹希亚的目光停顿了一下。 After the goatsucker has an accident, most Saint Jon original pollution cleaning up division employees remained silent, but still the young some people expressed the opinion, as well as support to goatsucker. 在夜鹰出事之后,大部分圣乔恩市原本的污染清理司雇员保持了沉默,但是仍旧有一小部分人表达了意见,以及对夜鹰的支持。 Strict, Yin Xiya also supports one of the goatsucker people. 严格来说,尹希亚也是支持夜鹰的人之一。 But she had not been affected because of this matter as the outcomer, some local employees were actually therefore regarded the partner investigation of goatsucker, either was demoted, either lost the rice bowl. 只不过她作为外来者并没有因为这件事而受到影响,一些本地的雇员却因此被当成夜鹰的同伙调查,要么被降职,要么失去了饭碗。 Yin Xiya inspires , to continue to look downward. 尹希亚吸了口气,继续向下看去。 The goatsucker found the rule that the pollution monster was born finally, and started on -the-spot investigation. 夜鹰最终找到了污染怪物诞生的规律,并开始了实地调查。 But raised the monster investigation truth in him these days, the evolution from also as if contracted the wing, no longer put to trouble to him. 而在他豢养怪物调查真相的这段时间里,进化之从也仿佛收缩了羽翼,不再给他添麻烦。 But when his investigation just a little result, he encountered an accidental/surprised enemy. 但在他的调查刚刚有一点成绩的时候,他遭遇了一个意外的敌人。 Evolution from leader, hidden dough figurine. 进化之从的首领,‘隐面人’。 That the first time is he met the hidden dough figurine. 那是他第一次遇见隐面人。 Deep that too he investigates, touches person who should not be touched. 他调查的太深,触动了不该被触动的人。 The hidden dough figurine and he was the same, bringing a metal mask, the opposite party only to act a move, broke open his defense, made into the severe wound him directly. 隐面人和他一样,带着一个金属面具,对方只出手了一招,破开了他的防御,直接将他打成了重伤。 But he also taking advantage of the shadow a protection of dog and defense unusual goods, unexpectedly, evaded the extreme methods of hidden dough figurine, returned to the pollution cleaning up division. 而他也是借着影犬和一件防御超凡物品的保护,出其不意,才躲过了隐面人的死手,逃回了污染清理司。 But this with hidden dough figurine the short confrontation, makes his thoughts rush. 而这场与‘隐面人’的短暂交锋,却让他心思澎湃。 The hidden dough figurine does not seem to think that he can run away, in that simple in move, although conceals, but are not many. 隐面人似乎没有想到他能逃走,在那简单的出招中,虽然有掩饰,但不多。 But the keen goatsucker through this time the move, detected the hidden dough figurine's to his unusual style and strength very familiar, struck passed through his weakness directly, hit his Achilles'heel. 而敏锐的夜鹰则通过这次出招,察觉出了隐面人对他非常的招式和力量非常的熟悉,一击直接穿过了他的弱点,击中了他的死穴。 If were not his the unusual goods of defensive nature helps him resist this had struck, his move died, that unusual goods were also wrecked in that fight thoroughly. 如果不是他那一件防御性质的超凡物品帮助他抗过了这一击,他一招就死了,那个超凡物品也在那一次战斗中被彻底击毁。 The opposite party kill him to come to one move. 对方本身就是冲着一招杀他来的。 But in this world, understood truly the person of his style and skill are not many, in these people, B level, only then one, that is one promotes his Bole, the pollution cleans up Si Director Reyes. 而这个世界上,真正了解他的招式和技巧的人不多,这些人中,B级,只有一个,那就是一手提拔他的‘伯乐’,污染清理司司长德瑞斯。 At that time, he had somewhat suspected faintly, but cannot affirm, because Reyes truly waited him is not thin. 那时候,他已经隐隐有些怀疑,但是不敢肯定,因为德瑞斯确实待他不薄。 However although he saves the life by luck, but before for a long time the contact stain monster, making him have a lot of pollution aura, these aura when he is weak starts to try to corrode his soul, corrodes him like slow poison same attempt gradually. 不过虽然他侥幸保住性命,但是之前长期接触污染怪物,使得他沾染了大量的污染气息,这些气息在他虚弱的时候开始试图侵蚀他的灵魂,如同慢性毒药一样的试图渐渐将他腐蚀。 Therefore he has hidden in the pollution cleaning up division building, hidden dough figurine, although strong, but is not good to attack the building directly, because this will completely expose the evolution from existence. 所以他一直躲在污染清理司大楼里,‘隐面人’虽强,但是是不好直接来攻楼的,因为这会彻底暴露进化之从的存在。 The goatsucker held the possibility thoughts of hidden dough figurine, caught the opportunity of panting for breath for oneself. 夜鹰抓住了隐面人的这个可能心思,为自己争取到了喘息的机会。 But also at this time, pollution cleaning up division survey team came. 而也就是在这个时候,污染清理司的‘调查组’来了。 Although the goatsucker at that time the heart had the suspicion, but chose followed the beforehand thought inertia, chose believed the pollution cleaning up division. 夜鹰当时虽然心有怀疑,但是还是选择了跟随之前的思维惯性,选择了相信污染清理司。 After all according to at that time polluted the condition that the cleaning up division gives, he wants the opens the mouth, can definitely become the pollution cleaning up division is next to Reyes's No. 2 character. 毕竟按照当时污染清理司给出的条件,他只要开口,肯定就能成为污染清理司的仅次于德瑞斯的二号人物。 Moreover his power and influenced acquired over a long period outside, survey team how, regardless of should not dare to begin to him. 而且他积威在外,调查组无论如何也不应该敢对他动手的。 Then he was sneak attacked by the survey team. 然后他就被调查组偷袭了。 By his strength, if not he is seriously injured, several ordinary C levels of survey team are unable to injure to him. 凭借他的实力,如果不是他身受重伤,调查组的几个普通C级根本无法伤到他。 But the pollution cleaning up division as if is very clear his strength. 但污染清理司似乎很清楚他的实力。 At that time he realized, the pollution cleaning up division big probability is to know him is seriously injured, but he has not said this matter with anybody. 那时候他就意识到,污染清理司大概率是知道他受了重伤的,但他却从没有和任何人说过这件事。 And in that sneak attack, the survey team directed especially him the place sneak attack that did not have the shadow, deliberately avoided the ability of shadow dog. 并且在那一次偷袭中,调查组特地把他引到了没有阴影的地方偷袭,刻意避开了影犬的能力。 But existence of shadow dog, he has not reported. 而影犬的存在,他也是从没有上报的。 Recombination his own guess. 再结合他自己的猜测。 At that time, he had actually been clear, who hidden dough figurine was. 那时候,他其实已经清楚,‘隐面人’到底是谁了。 Even if he does not like to believe that must believe that he knows that oneself touches the secret that cannot touch absolutely. 哪怕他不愿意相信,也得相信了,他知道自己触及了绝对不能触及的秘密。 Therefore he is dragging the severely wounded body, injured that survey team, ran away. 所以他拖着重伤的身躯,打伤了那调查组,逃走了。 However the serious injury, making him not run to be forced to stop much, he by fainted in the tunnel corner. 但是严重的伤势,让他没跑多远就被迫停了下来,他靠在巷道角落晕了过去。 He thinks at that time oneself affirmed that is dying. 他那时候以为自己肯定要死了。 Because of not only survey team, evolution from the person is also seizing the chance to chase down him. 因为不光调查组,进化之从的人也在趁机追杀他。 But he has not died finally, he was discovered in the corner by, brought back to the family/home him, the couple used various first aid medicines, pulls back from the death line him. 但他最后没有死,他被卡维在角落里发现,把他带回了家,夫妻俩用了各种急救药物,把他从死亡线上拉了回来。 Again after this, was the matter that Yin Xiya knew probably. 再这之后,就是尹希亚大概知道的事情了。 The reputation of attack survey team keeps him from returning to the pollution cleaning up division building again, he has been chased down, until the last time, the pollution of his within the body cannot control again, finally dies, in outside area caught up with in Reyes hand. 袭击调查组的名声让他无法再回污染清理司大楼,他一直被追杀,直到最后一次,他体内的污染再也控制不住,最终死在了‘外地赶来’的德瑞斯手上。 …… …… Pollution cleaning up division attic 污染清理司顶楼 Therefore, pollutes the monster the source, is what?” “所以,污染怪物的源头,是什么?” The silver-haired old person takes up the table knife in hand, cuts open the tender juicy beef steak, reveals inside fresh-faced inner layer. 银发老人拿起手中的餐刀,切开柔嫩多汁的牛排,露出里面粉嫩的内层。 Truth not in riddle?” “谜底不就是在谜面上吗?” The beef steak before He Ao tranquil incision body, Saint Jon all blocks, the pollution monster that only then western north city presents are least, but what western north city are least is what?” 何奥平静的切开身前的牛排,“圣乔恩市所有街区,只有西北城出现的污染怪物最少,而西北城最少的是什么呢?” He, is a factory, grain factory in triumphant Alone Group.” 他顿了顿,“是工厂,凯杰特集团的粮食工厂。” Then he looked at a Reyes , to continue saying that „ the foundation that triumphant Alone Group for more than ten years develop, the attitude of life, is so-called super grain factory technology, this technology makes their grain yields big is higher than the other financial groups of same industry, making him have the opportunity that in market the price war seizes. 然后他看了一眼德瑞斯,继续道,“凯杰特集团十几年来发展的基础,立身之本,就是所谓的‘超级粮食工厂’技术,这个技术使得他们的粮食产量大大的高于同行业的其他财团,让他有价格战抢占的市场的机会。 They said that this is surpasses time the technology, but we know, this world is fastidious about the equivalent exchange,” “他们自称这是一项‘超越时代’的技术,而我们都知道,这个世界是讲究等价交换的,” He Ao lifts the table knife, surpasses the time the technology, what is the price?” 何奥抬起餐刀,“超越时代的技术,代价是什么呢?” His vision is tranquil, is gazing at the beef steak in tray, these so-called pollution monsters, but is ‚by -product of grain.” 他目光平静,注视着盘子里的牛排,“那些所谓的污染怪物,不过是‘粮食的副产物’罢了。” But pollution cleaning up division organization, is in itself triumphant Alone Group establishes, is used to mislead the public, processing pollution monster mess, and seizes the FBI power the thing. 而污染清理司这个组织,本身就是凯杰特集团建立的,用来混淆视听,处理污染怪物烂摊子,并且夺联邦调查局权的东西。 Naturally, this is bright. 当然,这是明的。 But in the hidden place, how from being responsible for studying by the evolution to make the powerful fusion monster. 而在暗处,则由进化之从负责研究怎么制造强大的融合怪物。 „The corpse of goatsucker now in your hand?” “夜鹰的尸身现在在你手上?” Reyes has not received the He Ao words, but asked seems like not the related issue. 德瑞斯并没有接下何奥的话,而是问了一个看似不相关的问题。 I related the funeral parlor for him.” “我为他联系了殡仪馆。” The He Ao facial features were tranquil, carry nearby red wine to drink one. 何奥面容平静,端起旁边的红酒喝了一口。
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