LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#689 Part 1: The B level, I have also killed

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Like thunder general sound in the He Ao ear bank crack. 如同雷霆一般的声音在何奥的耳畔炸响。 Turbulent such as the strength of ocean waves has washed out his body. 紧接着汹涌如海浪的力量冲刷过了他的身躯。 He Ao opened ultra recalled, at the same time, he started to recall that in the mind reflecting of mound of winding attracted the pollution that rushed. 何奥开启了超忆,与此同时,他在脑海中开始回想蜿蜒之丘的倒映吸引那澎湃的污染。 When that pollution rushes to the mind, invisible, as if had some strange strength to converge his spirit. 而在那污染涌向脑海的时候,无形之中,仿佛有某种奇异的力量汇入了他的精神。 Enters this transcription to start from him, the pictures of innumerable fight appear in his mind. 紧接着,从他进入这个副本开始,无数战斗的画面在他的脑海中浮现。 At this moment, he like a float in the void observer, stands in oneself memory, every gesture and motion is watching own movement. 这一刻,他就像一个漂浮在虚空的旁观者,站在自己的记忆中,一招一式的观看着自己的动作。 Appears by the detail that he neglected in his mind innumerably again, the skills of these mistakes, these did not have the movement of perfect use energy, repeatedly playbacked in his mind. 无数被他忽略的细节再次出现在了他的脑海,那些失误的技巧,那些没有完美利用能量的动作,一遍遍的在他脑海中回放。 But with returning of these movements develops, these hide the scene in He Ao memory, fights of these main world, experiences of these He Ao the wrestle memory of each transcription role each preying, these he inherits collects together. 而随着这些动作的回演,那些潜藏在何奥记忆中的景象,那些主世界的战斗,那些何奥的经历过的每一场搏杀,那些他继承的每一个副本角色的格斗记忆汇集在一起。 From the childhood and wrestling of school tyrant, pierced to the use back thrust cuts the chest of filmmaker. 从儿时与校霸的摔跤,到使用回马枪刺穿裁影人的心口。 The style that then like the cursory memory, these once used in the cursoriness, like engraves to reappear generally. 那如同浮光掠影的记忆,那些在浮光掠影中曾使用的招式,如同一个个刻印一般浮现出来。 He Ao until now, overwhelming majority wrestles are the fights between life and death, therefore his wrestle skill is mostly succinct sprightly, but in some sense the mutual independent, lacks the continuity of system. 何奥到现在为止,绝大部分格斗都是生死之间的搏斗,所以他的格斗技巧大多简洁明快,但是某种意义上又互相独立,缺乏系统的连贯性。 But at this moment, indistinct, the wrestle skills of these chaos mold lakes fuse in together, fuses, in He Ao assembled the strength in the method, fuses, in He Ao to use the god knows spy on perfect in style Fist Arts. 但在此刻,隐隐约约,那些混沌模湖的格斗技巧融合在一起,融合在了何奥调集力量的方法中,融合在了何奥为了使用神识所窥探的‘完美’招式的拳法中。 That was jerky, the point that is unable to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, as if made a connection in this moment. 那原本生涩的,无法融会贯通的点,也在这一刻仿佛被打通。 In the consciousness in such mold lake, He Ao lifts the hand, his slow is calm, seems like lifts one group of soft cotton to be the same. 在这样模湖的意识中,何奥抬起手,他的动作缓慢而从容,看起来就像抬起一团软绵绵的棉花一样。 However the next second, he bends the finger, the prominent knuckle strikes forward. 然而下一秒,他屈起手指,突出的指关节向前一击。 The strength through the big arm, the small arm, goes directly to the wrist/skill, the knuckle, but all these completions, the quick being almost impossible capture, screened out some time like God from the space and time, showed the final result to be the same directly. 力量通过大臂,小臂,直达手腕,指节,而这一切的完成,快的几乎无法捕捉,就像上帝从时空中抽走了一段时间,直接展现出了最后的结果一样。 Bang- 轰- This belt/bring the strength of terrifying speed seemed crushing the air, sends out the fierce sonic boom. 这带着恐怖速度的力量仿佛击碎了空气,发出剧烈的音爆。 The strong winds of howling have curled aid sends the wisp. 呼啸的狂风卷过斯恩济的发缕。 He looks at He Ao to stop the knuckle before his body, swallowed saliva. 他看着何奥停在他身前的指节,咽了一口口水。 The knuckle of He Ao does not have coming out of divulging least bit strength, but he does not doubt, this strikes can easily destroys his entire body. 何奥的指节没有泄露半点力量的出来,但是他毫不怀疑,这一击可以轻易的将他的整个身体打碎。 Moreover he can obviously feel, He Ao detected him in the side, therefore deliberately received the hand to keep the strength. 而且他能明显感觉到,何奥是察觉了他在身旁,所以刻意收手留了力。 He Ao takes back the palm, felt that the strength in within the body achieves mastery through a comprehensive study, long breathing a sigh of relief. 何奥收回手掌,感觉体内的力量融会贯通,长长的舒了一口气。 Fist Arts each movement that he designed achieved well under correction that the god knew, but was incoherent. 他原本设计的拳法每一个动作都在神识的纠正下做到了最好,但是却并不连贯。 It looks like perfect images, each movement is perfect, however all movements link, on stiff broadcasts page after page general just like the slide, 就像是一帧帧完美的图像,每一个动作都是完美的,但是所有的动作连起来,就僵硬的宛如幻灯片一页一页播放一般, Between his movement and movement, the reasonable natural contract, cannot let him from a movement natural engagement another movement, lets the entire Fist Arts coordinated nature. 他的动作与动作之间,并没有合理自然的承接,不能让他从一个动作自然的衔接到另一个动作,让整个拳法协调自然。 He pondered before, but has not solved this problem. 他之前思考了很多,但是始终都没有解决这个问题。 This looks like a giant natural moat, spans before his body. 这就像是一个巨大的天堑,横亘在他的身前。 He as if there is one pace from the success, but these step is actually not able in any event cross in the past. 他似乎距离成功只有一步之遥,但是这一步却无论如何都无法跨过去。 But this time in passes on military in promotion process, after reviewing oneself all wrestle experiences, his sudden luck to the soul, the inspiration spews out. 但这一次在‘传武者’晋升过程中,回顾了自己所有的格斗经验之后,他突然福至性灵,灵感喷涌而出。 Spurts the thin inspiration taking advantage of this, he improved him once in many movements of ponder, adjusted originally the order of Fist Arts movement, connected all movements perfectly, making stiff perfect turn into harmonious perfect. 借着这喷薄的灵感,他完善了他曾经在思考的很多动作,又调整了原本拳法动作的顺序,将所有的动作完美的串联了起来,让生硬的完美变成了融洽的完美。 Although his Fist Arts also has many loopholes, but has completed the ground of most foundation, remaining, but continues the plentiful structure in this perfect ground. 他的拳法虽然还有很多漏洞,但是已经完成了最基础的地基,剩下的,只不过是在这个完美的地基上继续丰满结构罢了。 Passing on military indeed is a talent sequence of creation miracle, its function does not lie in the powerful unusual strength. ‘传武者’的确是一个创造奇迹的天赋序列,它的作用并不在于强大的超凡力量。 But was it in some sense increased the martial arts of owner perception, more was the martial arts accumulates a deeper person, more can hold in this perception in addition, saw the light suddenly suddenly, breaks the original boundary, was well-prepared. 而是它某种意义上增加了拥有者的武道‘悟性’,越是武道积累越深的人,越能在这悟性的加持下,骤然顿悟,突破原有的界限,厚积薄发。 This talent sequence regarding ordinary unusualness, perhaps is a simple quite powerful order of battle. 这个天赋序列对于普通的超凡者来说,或许就是一个简单的比较强大的战斗序列。 But regarding in military of card in bottleneck, is the pill of immortality of life-saving. 但对于卡在瓶颈中的武者来说,就是救命的仙丹。 However what makes He Ao slightly obviously accidental/surprised is, passes on sudden enlightenment that’ military brings, probably only then promotes that flash to have. 不过让何奥稍显意外的是,传武者所带来的‘顿悟’,好像就只有晋升那一瞬间有。 Gradually stabilizes after the strength of secret medicine, although he can feel that as before his thought changed keen, was also more profound regarding the understanding of martial arts, but did not have that being enlightened again, condition of inspirational spout. 在秘药的力量逐渐稳定之后,他虽然依旧能感觉到他思维变灵敏了一些,对于武道的理解也更加深刻了一些,但是却再也没有那种醍醐灌顶,灵感喷涌的状态了。 Moreover He Ao does not know, this sudden enlightenment is good special feedback that because the ceremony completes, oneself martial arts accumulated to see the light suddenly exactly this stage. 而且何奥也不知道,这顿悟是因为自己仪式完成的好的特殊回馈,还是自己武道恰好积累到了顿悟这个阶段了。 After all in the posthumous writings of goatsucker, had not mentioned that passes on military to trigger sudden enlightenment this effect. 毕竟夜鹰的遗书中,并没有提到传武者会触发‘顿悟’这个效果。 Perhaps, both all have. 或许,两者皆有。 He Ao deeply inspires, looks to the personal information contact surface. 何奥深吸一口气,看向个人信息界面。 He Ao ( Sietow ) 何奥(西托)】 Jurisdiction rank: High-level player 【权限等级:高级玩家】 Physical quality: 1194(727) 【身体素质:1194(727)】 Skill: Talent sequence 272: Ultra recalls( the C level), Basic Firearm Proficiency( soul part), talent sequence 72: Secret master( C level)( may not use)】 【技能:天赋序列272:超忆(C级),基础枪械精通(灵魂部分),天赋序列72:隐秘法师(C级)(不可使用)】 Machinery transforms: Does not have 【机械改造:无】 Martial arts: Refining god( C level)( partially may use)】 【武道:炼气化神(C级)(部分可使用)】 Role skill: Talent sequence 100: Passes on military( C level)】 【角色技能:天赋序列100:传武者(C级)】 At this moment his physical quality, had arrived in 727. 此刻他的身体素质,已然抵达了727。 The D level promoted the C level to grow about 500, although this physical quality has not drawn like the soldier to 800 of C level limit directly is so terrifying, but is very strong compared to other leaning skill talent sequences. D级晋升C级增长了近五百,这个身体素质虽然没有像战士一样直接拉到C级极限的800那么恐怖,但是相对于其他偏技能型的天赋序列已经很强了。 If adds on again ultra recalled when erupts physical quality 576, then his temporary physical quality can arrive in 1303. 如果再加上超忆爆发时的身体素质576,那么他的临时身体素质就能抵达1303。 But this, is not the limit of strength he can erupt at this moment. 而这,还不是他此刻所能爆发出来的实力的极限。 In just sudden enlightenment, He Ao and transfers the energy to collect the strengthened law, in a skill fuses in the Fist Arts that oneself created. 在刚刚的‘顿悟’中,何奥把强化法阵和自身调动能量汇集在一处的技能都融合进了自己所创造的拳法中。 The fusions and mutual additions of many skill, making He Ao further increase regarding the efficiency of energy, when the use Fist Arts wrestle, he has been able naturally to assemble the energy in within the body, making these energies gather or disperse with own intention. 多种技巧的融合以及互相加成,使得何奥对于能量的利用效率进一步增加,在使用拳法格斗的时候,他已经可以自然调集体内的能量,让这些能量随着自己的心意而聚集或者散开。 But these energies can also naturally form to strengthen the circuit to strengthen, and brandishes following the Fist Arts the perfect unobstructed energy circuit obtains further increase. 而这些能量也会自然形成强化回路加强,并且顺着拳法挥舞的时候完美通畅的能量回路获得进一步增幅。 He estimated probably, this efficient energy reassignment method, the effect probably is one time of addition the original strengthened circuit collection erupts. 他大概估算了一下,这种高效的能量调动方法,效果大概是原来强化回路汇集爆发的加成的一倍。 He used the strengthened circuit collection strength to one, can make the instant explosive force increase more than 40 probably, but now, in the use Fist Arts assembles the energy in the situation, this increase achieved 90. 原本他使用强化回路汇集力量到一处,大概能使得瞬时爆发力增加40多,而现在,在使用拳法调集能量的情况下,这种增幅达到了90。 This means that in the situation in using ultra recalling, the body tissue mass energy under He Ao eruption condition arrives is close to 2500 points data. 这就意味着,在使用超忆的情况下,何奥爆发状态下的身体素质能抵达接近2500点的数据。 This has gone far beyond the data that his main body martial arts overlay secret master has superimposed ultra recalls. 这已经远远超过了他本体武道叠加隐秘法师叠加超忆的数据。 Because He Ao successful integrated in the energy loss lower strengthening circuit the Fist Arts, he when uses this set of Fist Arts to assemble these strengths, the energy loss further reduced. 并且由于何奥成功将能量损耗更低的强化回路融入了拳法中,他在使用这套拳法调集这些力量的时候,能量损耗进一步降低了。 The original eruption condition forcefully, in a fight can only use several times, the body will unable to support, therefore He Ao have a plan in contained use. 原本的强行爆发状态,一次战斗中只能使用几次,身体就会支撑不住,所以何奥都是有计划的在控制使用。 Now after optimizes, this eruption condition can use continuously, although the seemingly short time period of revolution most are not for over much ten seconds, but this also means, He Ao can in the short and continual time, maintains his physical quality 2500 terrifying strengths. 现在优化过后,这种爆发状态可以连续的使用了,虽然看起来短时间累计使用时间最多不超过十秒,但是这也意味着,何奥可以在短暂且连续的时间里,维持他身体素质2500的恐怖战力。 This stable display, erupts 3000 physical qualities also to be stronger than continuously instantaneously. 这种连续稳定的发挥,比瞬间爆发出3000的身体素质还要更强。 Also at this moment, the still shaken aid recovers finally, he looks at He Ao, smacks the lips, good, said that which does your gods friend have?” 也就在这时,惊魂未定的斯恩济终于回过神来,他看着何奥,咂咂嘴,“好吧,说说吧,你的神明朋友都有哪些?” You did not say that my up and down slope did say, indulges in self-glorification?” “你不是说我顺坡接话,自卖自夸吗?” He Ao takes back the thoughts, takes up by near the walking stick in wall, looks to aid, said with a smile. 何奥收回心思,拿起靠在墙边的拐杖,看向斯恩济,笑道。 Is the angel that I arrive at did not know, I am blind.” “是我这个人连降临的天使都不认识,我眼瞎。” aid seems to have been deliberately bad, He Ao rises four levels of operations to destroy his world outlook today continually thoroughly, he has been disinclined to pick now. 斯恩济似乎已经自暴自弃了,何奥今天连升四级的操作已经彻底打碎了他的世界观,他现在已经懒得捡起来了。 ‚The angel did not know that’ these words are also the federal slang, the general meaning is about equal to central lands realizing somebody's highposition or merits. ‘连天使都不认识’这句话也是联邦俚语,大概意思约等于中土的‘有眼不识泰山’。 Walks.” “走吧。” He Ao lifts the walking stick. 何奥抬起拐杖。 This person what to do?” “这个人怎么办?” aid looked at one also on the control desk is lying down the goatsucker. 斯恩济看了一眼还在操作台上躺着的夜鹰。 The body of goatsucker at this moment had lost the unusual strength, gradually is becoming grayish white. 此刻的夜鹰的躯体已经失去了超凡力量,正在渐渐的变得灰白。 I come time related the funeral parlor,” “我过来的时候联系了殡仪馆,” He Ao also looked one, in the evening they will send a vehicle to pick him.” 何奥也回望了一眼,“晚上他们会派车过来把他接走的。” I, although has not seen him,” aid sighs, „, but from his unusual strength, before death perhaps is also a hero character.” “我虽然从没有见过他,”斯恩济叹了一口气,“但是从他的超凡力量来看,生前或许也是一个英雄人物。” Un.” “嗯。” He Ao nodded gently, bringing aid to go out of this room, he called the goatsucker, once maintained one of the of this city order people.” 何奥轻轻点头,带着斯恩济走出了这个房间,“他叫夜鹰,曾经是维护这个城市的秩序的人之一。” Strict, the pollution cleaning up division has not maintained the responsibility of order. 严格来说,污染清理司并没有维护秩序的责任。 From Yin Xiya That side material, the pollution cleaning up division branches of many cities do not care about the life of civilians. 从尹希亚那边的资料来看,许多城市的污染清理司分部并不在乎平民的死活。 But from the actual situation, the pollution cleaning up division is not the federal authoritative body, it can borrow the FBI reputation the overstrength to be special mercenary to organize. 而从实际情况来看,污染清理司并不属于联邦官方机构,它只是可以借用联邦调查局名头的编外特殊‘雇佣兵组织’。 Saint Jon does such well, completely because of the reason of goatsucker. 圣乔恩市做得这么好,完全是因为夜鹰的缘故。 aid turn head looked at one to lie down on the control desk brings the goatsucker of iron mask, sighed slightly. 斯恩济回头看了一眼躺在操作台上带着铁面具的夜鹰,微微叹息一声。 Then turns head, looks to He Ao, your angry man (Han) to passing on the military way, is can four promote continuously?” 然后又回过头来,看向何奥,“你那个怒汉到传武者途径,是本来就可以四个连续升级吗?” He Ao has turned head, looked at his one eyes with a smile. 何奥扭过头来,笑着看了他一眼。 aid responds immediately asked a silly question. 斯恩济立刻反应过来自己问了一个傻问题。 Passes on military this talent sequence he not to see, but martial arts he has seen, anyone, before promoting martial arts, or after the promotion, must grasp the talent sequence honestly. 传武者这个天赋序列他从没见过,但是‘武术家’他是见过的,无论是谁,晋升‘武术家’之前,或者晋升之后,都要老老实实的掌握天赋序列。 In fact, unusualness any talent sequence, does not walk to grasp the flow normally, walks the ceremony flow, like drinking the soft drink tons does secret medicine, felt oneself can skip a grade the promotion, now works as the monster in the wilderness either, either the bone ash did not have. 事实上,超凡者们无论是哪个天赋序列,不正常走掌握流程,走仪式流程,像喝汽水一样吨吨吨干秘药,觉得自己能跳级晋升的,现在要么在荒野当怪物,要么骨灰都没了。 I a little am specially young, cannot summarize the rule with me.” “我只是有一点小特殊而已,不能拿我去总结规律。” He Ao answered one with a smile , to continue to walk forward. 何奥笑着答了一句,继续向前走。 But aid looks at the He Ao back, for a while some suddenly god. 而斯恩济则看着何奥的背影,一时有些恍神。 A little? 只是‘有一点’吗? Even if promotes normally, without keeping abreast of talent sequence, drinks lower secret medicine forcefully, will not die will also leave behind the problem. 哪怕正常晋升,在没掌握好天赋序列的情况下,强行喝下一级秘药的,不死也会留下毛病。 But the combination four levels, aid let alone has not seen directly all of a sudden, heard continually has not heard. 而直接一下子连跳四级的,斯恩济别说没见过了,连听说都没听说过。 This operated Jeance aid once to think that He Ao read the floor script of this world, then opened hangs to change the code. 这操作让斯恩济一度以为何奥看了这个世界的底层脚本,然后开挂改了代码了。 This was almost the miracle. 这几乎是奇迹了。 Thinks of this, aid stares, he realized anything suddenly. 想到这,斯恩济一愣,他突然意识到了什么。 In this world has can make to exceed the human understanding miracle existence? 这个世界上有能制造超越人类理解的‘奇迹’的存在吗? Has, 有的, This doctor held own eyeglasses, is gazing at the He Ao back, the vision is profound. 这位医生扶了扶自己的眼镜,注视着何奥的背影,目光深邃。 Gods. 神。 …… ・・・・・・ When aid indulges in flights of fancy, He Ao had gone out of the inside room, arrived at outermost in the clinic pharmacy. 而在斯恩济胡思乱想的时候,何奥已经走出了里屋,走到了诊所最外面的药店里。 Is sitting on the chair, the double pupil shuts tightly, orderly breath expiration and inspiration. 嘉茜正坐在椅子上,双眸紧闭,有规律的呼吸吐纳。 Little fellows today extraordinary effort. 小家伙今天出奇的努力。 However when He Ao entered discovered where was practicing, but by fell asleep on the chair. 不过等到何奥走进了才发现,嘉茜哪里是在修行,只不过是靠在椅子上睡着了。 Girl.” “丫头。” He Ao stands before body, called one gently. 何奥站在嘉茜身前,轻轻唤了一声。 Opens the eye, unclear lake looks at He Ao, „does grandfather, you finish?” 嘉茜睁开眼睛,迷迷湖湖的看着何奥,“爷爷,你忙完啦?” He Ao looked at her one eyes, said with a smile, „before the grandfather, did not teach you one set of Fist Arts, now Catholicism your its updated version, is fiercer than the previous that wrap/sets.” 何奥看了她一眼,笑道,“爷爷之前不是教了你一套拳法吗,今天教你它的升级版,比之前那套更厉害。” Stares, the nod, jumps down from the chair hastily, good!” 嘉茜一愣,连忙点头,从椅子上跳下来,“好呀!” He Ao lifts the hand, exhibits the stance, follows to lift the hand, exhibits the stance. 何奥抬起手,摆开架势,嘉茜也跟着抬起手,摆开架势。 He Ao this one-offs are very slow, he teaches, while corrects movement unceasingly. 何奥这一次动作很慢,他一边教,一边不断的纠正嘉茜的动作。 The little misses these study time quickly, each every gesture and motions, she earnest study, could not be understanding that got down on the mechanical memorizing. 小姑娘这一次学得很快,每一招一式,她都在认真学,理解不了的,就死记硬背下来。 But they just started shortly, aid walked, He Ao he is studying on drawing together. 而他们刚开始没多久,斯恩济就走了出来,何奥就拉着他一起学。 This teaches, from afternoon to lonesome night. 这一教,就是从午后到寂夜。 When all appropriate, He Ao takes a memory chip and shell particles, gave aid, chatted some words with aid in private. 等到一切妥当,何奥将一张内存芯片和一个贝壳碎片拿出来,给了斯恩济,又和斯恩济私下聊了一些话。 Then he looks. 然后他看向嘉茜。 Young just completed the Fist Arts, is tired is sweating profusely, she raised the head, stares the big eye looks at He Ao. 小嘉茜刚刚学完拳法,累得满头大汗,她抬起头,瞪大眼睛的看着何奥 The He Ao squatting down body, opens out the little girl the sweat sticks to be sent the wisp on the profile gently. 何奥蹲下身子,轻轻拨开小女孩被汗水粘在侧脸上的发缕。 Where does grandfather want to go to?” “爷爷又要去哪里吗?” Is gazing at He Ao. 嘉茜注视着何奥 Goes to one to invite.” “去赴一顿宴请。” He Ao smiles, he is gazing, „the grandfather probably needs to help grandfather busy.” 何奥笑了笑,他注视着嘉茜,“不过爷爷可能需要嘉茜帮爷爷个忙。” …… …… Under the silent curtain of night, in Yin Xiya throws hand report under the glass, opened wristband, selected the news software conveniently. 寂静的夜幕下,尹希亚将手中的报告扔在车窗下,打开了手环,随手点开了新闻软件。 This evening, mayor Krott successfully convinced triumphant Alone Group Board of directors finally, making the commission army corps have three days of false to the mercenaries, allowing them to enter the city to visit relatives. “今日傍晚,市长克罗特终于成功说服了凯杰特集团董事会,让佣兵团给佣兵们放了三天假,允许他们入城探亲。 Mayor Krott said that dissociation Saint Jon person outside, forever is the Saint Jon's child, here is the family/home that you can come back at any time.” “市长克罗特表示,游离在外的圣乔恩人,也永远是圣乔恩的孩子,这里是你们可以随时回来的家。” Yin Xiya read this news, broadcast is very high, seems like the news software to the news of Saint Jon fixed point push. 尹希亚看了一眼这个新闻,播放量很高,似乎是新闻软件向圣乔恩市定点推送的新闻。 Under normal conditions, she spreads the tail to brush to the reason of this news directly, was not the big data recognition of software her localization, gave him to recommend the hot copy, some people put in a lot of advertisements to this news. 通常情况下,她直接开屏刷到这个新闻的原因,不是软件的大数据识别到了她的定位,给他推荐热门新闻,就是有人给这个新闻投放了大量的广告。 When the new mayor campaigns for coming, mayor Krott does some operations of buying the hearts of the people, and vigorously promotes, is not the rare event. 在新市长竞选即将来临的时候,市长克罗特搞一些笼络人心的操作,并大力推广,也并不是什么稀罕事。 She delimited directly, prepares to look to the next news. 她直接划了过去,准备看向下一个新闻。 Also in this instantaneous, the split vision discovery front of her corner of the eye as if there is vehicles to drive, the opposite party has not turned on the light, but tries to find out following the night. 也就在这瞬间,她眼角的余光发现前方似乎有车辆正在驶来,对方并没有开灯,而是顺着黑夜摸索过来。 However the opposite party as if not know, investigative journalist this talent sequence, strongest is the observation capability. 不过对方似乎并不知道,‘调查记者’这个天赋序列,最强的就是观察能力。 Is seeing the instance of this car(riage), Yin Xiya on the mind one cold. 在看到这辆车的瞬间,尹希亚就心神一凛。 She raised the head, looks to the rear view mirror, in her rear area, the similarly car(riage) has not turned on the light slowly in touches. 她抬起头去,看向后视镜,在她的后方,同样有一辆车没有开灯在缓缓的摸过来。 People on these both vehicles wear the uniform/subdue of pollution cleaning up division, but this afternoon she obtains the permanent appointment, pollutes the cleaning up division Saint Jon heads. 这两辆车上的人都穿着污染清理司的制服,而今天下午她已经得到了正式任命,已经是污染清理司圣乔恩市的负责人了。 Theoretically, no one can bypass her to transfer the strength of pollution cleaning up division. 理论上来说,没有人能绕过她调动污染清理司的战力。 However is very obvious, her power is only normal in the pollution cleaning up division structure, everyone complies with the same set of well-mannered time, can become effective. 但是很显然,她的权力只在污染清理司结构正常,所有人都遵从同一套规矩的时候,才能生效。 She deeply inspires, smiles bitterly, withdrew from the news contact surface on wristband, selected the news contact surface. 她深吸一口气,苦笑一声,退出了手环上的新闻界面,点开了消息界面。 This moment news contact surface only has two words most newly. 此刻消息界面最新只有两句话。 [ Leaves immediately, do not hesitate.] [立刻离开,不要犹豫。] [ Besieges carefully, is cautious.] [小心围攻,保持谨慎。] She guessed correctly venerable's meaning, but she does not like to believe that until just, her is actually maintaining the fantasy. 她猜到了老先生的意思,但是她不愿意去相信,直到刚刚,她其实都还是保持着幻想的。 This was she worked after all for many years, and for the organization that it gave the youth. 这毕竟是她工作了多年,并为之献出青春的组织。 Therefore she from 77 downstairs, in this mobile quite good Picka car(riage). 所以她只是从七十七楼下来,待在了这个机动性比较好的皮卡车里。 However is very obvious, the reality never considers her fantasy. 但是很显然,现实从不照顾她的幻想。 In bubble shatter the sound along with the heart, Yin Xiya started Picka car(riage) courageous. 伴随着心中泡沫破碎的声音中,尹希亚勐地启动了皮卡车。 She knows, at this moment any hesitates, will make her stay here forever. 她知道,此刻的任何迟疑,都会让她永远留在这里。 This is she for the price that own weakness pays. 这是她为自己的幼稚付出的代价。 In electrical machinery grating whistling, Picka car(riage) like the sharp sword general ejection, has delimited the jet black curtain of night, charges into the front all-terrain vehicle. 在电机刺耳的啸叫声中,皮卡车如同利剑一般弹射而出,划过漆黑的夜幕,冲向前方的越野车。 The front vehicles have not as if expected themselves not to turn on the light, unexpectedly was also discovered. 前面的车辆似乎也没有料到自己没开灯,居然也被发现了。 Stood lifts the machine gun in the front operator immediately, but the pilot hit the steering wheel courageous, vehicles crosswise, blocked most paths. 站在前方的操作员立刻抬起了机枪,而驾驶员则勐打方向盘,将车辆横向,拦断大部分道路。 Has to say their responses unusual quickly and rapid, such keeps off, the neutral gear of path has made a car(riage) pass insufficiently. 不得不说他们的反应非常的快捷和迅速,这样一挡,道路的空档已经不足以让一辆车通过了。 This is compelling to stop Yin Xiya forcefully. 这是在强行逼停尹希亚。
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