LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#688: Rises four levels continually

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Situation how?” “情况怎么样?” In the magnificent main hall, has the old person's tranquil gaze of makings the present chessgame. 辉煌的厅堂内,颇有气质的老人平静的注视着眼前的棋局。 At this moment in front of him is suspending a checkerboard of chess. 此刻他面前正摆着一副国际象棋的棋盘。 He holds the white, the match holds the black mole. 他持白子,对局持黑子。 At this time, horse soldier/weapon on his checkerboard seemed like eaten, an unlicensed taxi entered the checkerboard deep place, is arriving before his body. 这时候,他棋盘上的马兵象都已经被吃掉,一枚黑车杀入了棋盘深处,正抵在他的身前。 „The small issue, the evening can be solved now.” “一点小问题,今晚上可以解决。” A response sound of neutral tone in his ear bank. 一声轻声的回应响在他的耳畔。 But this response does not come from his body side, but came from wristband in his hand, this moment this old person as if with somebody communication. 只不过这回应并不是来自于他的身侧,而是来自于他手上的手环,此刻这位老人似乎正在和某个人通讯。 Hears this response, the old person raised the head, looks to the front. 听到这个回应,老人抬起头去,看向前方。 In his directly opposite, and no one and he plays chess, any seat that also has not left behind to playing chess. 在他的正对面,并没有任何人和他对弈,也没有给对弈者留下的任何座位。 Behind the other side of checkerboard, is the broad window, as well as after window, city that the tall building such as the hill fluctuates. 在棋盘的另一方后面,是宽阔的落地窗,以及落地窗后高楼如山丘起伏的城市。 I and other good news.” “我等你的好消息。” The old person lowers the head, looks to the checkerboard before body, he lifts the hand, takes up on the checkerboard had not moved empress, moves toward that unlicensed taxi. 老人低下头,看向身前的棋盘,他抬起手,拿起棋盘上一直没有动过的皇后,走向那个黑车。 Empress, is on this checkerboard the strongest board game piece. 皇后,是这个棋盘上最强的棋子。 …… …… Evolution from headquarters building 进化之从总部大楼 Minister?” “部长?” Yin Xiya arrived at a building, is stopping in the group leader of pollution cleaning up division staff a building leads the work, looks to her. 尹希亚走到了一楼,正在一楼主导工作的污染清理司工作人员的小组长停了下来,看向她。 You continue,” “你们继续,” Yin Xiya beckons with the hand, does not need to manage me, you continued to maintain the investigation as scheduled.” 尹希亚摆摆手,“不用管我,你们按照原计划继续维持调查。” She took a fast look around one, directly a four Picka who moves toward the entrance, opened the vehicle door to sit directly. 她四下扫视了一眼,径直走向门口的一辆四座皮卡,拉开车门直接坐了进去。 It seems like her to change a place to treat. 看起来她只是想要换一个地方待着。 That group leader also wants to say anything, but saw that Yin Xiya acts such quickly, therefore closed the mouth slowly. 那位小组长本来还想说什么,但是看到尹希亚动作这么快,于是又缓缓的闭上了嘴巴。 …… …… south city 南城 Clinic inside room in aid. 斯恩济的诊所里屋。 aid looked that in begins to write from angry man (Han) to passes on military the paper of secret recipe, looked up He Ao, looked at a nearby corpse, how you did find these thing and this fellow?” 斯恩济看着手里写着从‘怒汉’到‘传武者’的秘方的纸张,抬起头看了一眼何奥,又看了一眼旁边的尸体,“你是怎么找到这些东西和这家伙的?” He stayed behind can find his thing.” “他留下了能找到他的东西。” The He Ao slow sound said. 何奥缓声说道。 These accessory material that this above writes I have part, in this fellow body as if has some strength to twine, slowed down the talent sequence of his within the body to form the speed of unusual goods, now can also help extract his talent sequence,” “这上面写的这些辅助材料我都有一部分,这家伙身体内似乎有某种力量在缠绕着,减缓了他体内的天赋序列形成超凡物品的速度,现在还可以帮把他的天赋序列提取出来,” The vision of aid returns to He Ao, „, but I did not suggest that you do, that strange strength seems like some pollution, these pollution and talent sequence deep of very strength winding, perhaps extracts the talent sequence when the time comes time, will infiltrate secret Yaoli together, what therefore you do attain these secret medicine to make?” 斯恩济的目光回到何奥身上,“但是我不建议你这么干,那股奇异的力量看上去像是某种污染,这些污染和天赋序列的力量缠绕的很深,恐怕到时候提取天赋序列的时候,会一起混进秘药里,所以你拿到这些秘药是要做什么?” I use.” “我自己用。” He Ao tranquil replied. 何奥平静的回答道。 „?” “啊?” aid stared in a big way the eye slightly, as if not believe the words that oneself just heard, crossed some little time, he slow the god has come, old fogy, were you insane?” 斯恩济微微瞪大了眼睛,似乎不太相信自己刚刚听到的话语,过了好一会儿,他才缓过神来,“老家伙,你疯了?” He swept a waist and shoulder of He Ao, not to mention these pollution, are the talent sequence promotions time, will cause the damage of certain extent to the body, can your present body support this promotion?” 他扫了一眼何奥的腰部和肩膀,“且不说那些污染,就是天赋序列晋升的时候,是会对身体造成一定程度的伤害的,你现在的身体撑得住这种晋升吗?” Should.” “应该可以。” He Ao shot a look at personal information in a field of vision, at this moment his physical quality has risen 14, in the eruption, can arrive in 27 reluctantly. 何奥瞥了一眼视野中的个人信息,此刻他的身体素质已经涨到了14,在爆发的时候,能勉强抵达27。 But after arriving in this digit, speed that the practicing physical quality grows again on large scale slow, this should soon touch the limit of Sietow this body. 而抵达这个数字之后,再修行身体素质增长的速度就大幅度的慢了下来,这应该已经快要触摸到西托这具身体的极限了。 But hears the He Ao words aid to be at a loss for words for a while. 而听到何奥话语的斯恩济一时语塞。 He is gazing at the eye of He Ao, the attempt urged this again not awfully the old fogy, you know that what thing the pollution was? After you know the infection pollution, what result will meet? The polluted person will collapse to twist, even turns into the monster that is unable to understand.” 他注视着何奥的眼睛,尝试再次劝劝这个‘不要命’的老家伙,“你知道污染是一个什么东西吗?你知道感染污染后会遇见什么样的结果吗?被污染后的人是会崩溃扭曲,甚至变成无法理解的怪物的。” I know, the He Ao tranquil nod, I have my solution.” “我知道,”何奥平静的点头,“我有自己的解决办法。” He puts out a hand to hold nearby corpse, seems about to leave, Saint Jon so many, will have second people who have these materials.” 他伸手抱起一旁的尸体,似乎准备离开,“圣乔恩市这么多,会有第二个有这些材料的人的。” Your this old stick-in-the-mud.” “你这个老顽固。” aid looks at He Ao, as if for a while the illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, he sighed, knows oneself are unable to change the He Ao mind, he has turned around, bringing He Ao to move toward room most deep place, you came with me.” 斯恩济看着何奥,似乎一时气结,他叹了口气,知道自己无法改变何奥的心意,他转过身,带着何奥走向屋子最深处,“你跟我来吧。” He Ao smiles, bringing the thing to follow he to walk. 何奥笑了笑,带着东西跟着他走了过去。 aid shoved open a leaf of door, a pure white small room appears in the He Ao front. 斯恩济推开了一扇小门,一个洁白的小房间出现在何奥的面前。 Around this room was built a wall surface of young lady safe, each cabinet brings a glass door, various unusual materials that by the glass cabinet door, after can see cabinet door, deposits vaguely. 这个房间四面是被打造成一格格储藏柜的墙面,每一个柜子都带着一个玻璃小门,透过玻璃柜门,可以依稀看见柜门后存放的各种超凡材料。 Calm flower flower petal “定心花的花瓣・・・・・・” In the front aid, starts to look for the thing that in material order He Ao gives to get up in the cabinet. 在前方的斯恩济,开始在柜子里寻找何奥给的材料单里的东西起来。 Quick, he collected all materials. 很快,他就收集好了所有的材料。 He looks to He Ao, arrives at the room dead center, a control desk raises slowly, places here.” 他看向何奥,走到屋子正中心,一个操作台缓缓升起,“把人放在这里。” He Ao raised the skeleton to walk directly, placed on the control desk. 何奥直接提着尸骸走了过去,放在了操作台上。 This moment aid has the time to gaze at this skeleton that covers entirely the blood, he as if experienced one to struggle hard.” 此刻斯恩济才有时间注视着这具布满鲜血的尸骸,“他似乎经历了一场苦战。” He is gazing at these already the blood stain that is dried up. 他注视着那些已经干枯的血污。 Absent-minded, he as if heard had the mold lake extremely to be slight, the chaotic dance music played in his mind. 恍忽之间,他似乎听到了有极其模湖轻微的,混乱的舞曲在他脑海中奏响。 He is somewhat out of sorts for a while. 他一时有些失神。 However also in instantly, a hand that this dance music plays held his wrist/skill suddenly, this disturbance, his body shakes courageous, that was just at a loss from that revives. 但是也就在这舞曲奏响的刹那,一只手突然抓住了他的手腕,这外界的干扰,他身子勐地一震,从那刚刚那迷惘中苏醒过来。 He raised the head, looks to holding He Ao of his hand, somewhat is for a while vacant. 他抬起头,看向抓住他手的何奥,一时有些茫然。 I come,” He Ao stood before the control desk, the half body blocked aid, you instructed me, I operated.” “我来吧,”何奥站在了操作台前,半边身子挡住了斯恩济,“你指导我,我来操作。” aid then responded, somewhat surprised looks at He Ao, „didn't you really fear?” 斯恩济这才反应过来,有些惊讶的看着何奥,“你真不怕?” You think that is who brings him?” “你以为是谁把他带过来的?” He Ao looked at his one eyes, said with a smile, you have thought I am cracking a joke?” 何奥看了他一眼,笑道,“你一直以为我在开玩笑吗?” In aid child Kong surprised turned into the shock, crossed some little time, he responded, retroceded half step, made way the operation position, you can always show to exceed my cognition the strength and method.” 斯恩济原本童孔中的惊讶变成了震惊,过了好一会儿,他才反应过来,后退了半步,让开了操作的位置,“你总是能展现出超越我认知的力量和手段。” He sighed, as if has accepted fate, „, even if you say that now you were the friend of gods, I will not be surprised.” 他叹了口气,似乎已经认命,“哪怕你现在说你是神明的朋友,我都不会惊讶了。” ‚The friend of gods, is in Saint Jon nearby several southeast cities the popular proverb, the meaning is to describe this person is all-resourceful, can always achieve the matter that the average man cannot achieve. ‘神明的朋友’,是圣乔恩附近几个东南城市之间流行的俗语,意思是形容这个人神通广大,总能做到常人做不到的事情。 Stable running many years of novel app, compare favorably with old version to pursue book divine tool, old bookworms using trading source App , 【稳定运行多年的小说app,媲美老版追书神器,老书虫都在用的换源App,】 He Ao looked up his one eyes, took up nearby scalpel, spoke thoughtlessly saying that some of I truly many warm-hearted friends.” 何奥抬头看了他一眼,拿起一旁的手术刀,随口说道,“我确实有很多热心的朋友。” present is taking mortarboard abrasive substance aid to raise the head white his eyes, „your ‚is really friend the gods is inadequate? The old fogies I exaggerating feeling, you really said on the up and down slope under.” 斯正在拿着研钵研磨材料的斯恩济抬头白了他一眼,“你的这些‘朋友’还真是神明不成?老家伙我就夸张的感慨一句,你真的就顺坡下接话啊。” He Ao smiles , to continue the operation on hand. 何奥笑了笑,继续手上的操作。 After having just experience, aid no longer gazes at the remains of goatsucker. 有了刚刚的经验之后,斯恩济不再去注视夜鹰的遗体。 He and He Ao is coordinating, extracts the talent sequence of goatsucker within the body, mixes secret medicine. 他和何奥两人配合着,将夜鹰体内的天赋序列提取出来,重新调配成秘药。 Entire mixes the process to be very simple, in the accessory material corresponding the talent sequence with secret medicine formula will tempt little, integrates in the accessory material, the material after fusion will mix in some accessory material again, through ignition or extraction and other methods, compromised new secret medicine to be OK. 整个调配过程很简单,用秘药配方里的辅助材料将相应的天赋序列一点点引诱出来,融入辅助材料里,再将融合后的材料再混入一些辅助材料,通过灼烧或者萃取等方法,重新调和成新的秘药就可以了。 Said like aid at first, in these talent sequences obviously mixes with the pollution that is unable to strip very much. 如同斯恩济最初所说,这些天赋序列里很明显夹杂着无法剥离的污染。 Finally mixes, but in the red secret medicine liquid always has the indistinct purple flowing light twinkle. 最终调配而出的红色的秘药液体里总是有隐隐约约的紫色流光闪烁。 Angry man (Han), wrestle, martial arts, passes on military.” “怒汉,格斗家,武术家,传武者。” aid instructs He Ao mixing good secret medicine lays aside on the test tube support. 斯恩济指导着何奥把调制好的秘药放置在试管架上。 Installed secret medicine the secret silver test tube as if to isolate part of pollution effectively, enabling aid quite to gaze at these test tubes with ease, 装秘药的秘银试管似乎有效的隔绝了一部分污染,使得斯恩济可以比较轻松的注视着这些试管, If pharmacology scholar, depends upon him to these unusual material property understanding, could have the means to separate as far as possible the pollution.” “如果有一个‘药理学者’在的话,依靠他对这些超凡材料药性的认识,或许可以有办法尽量把污染分离出来。” Talent sequence 71: Pharmacology scholar?” “天赋序列71:药理学者?” He Ao stands, speaks thoughtlessly to say. 何奥站在旁边,随口说道。 If he did not remember incorrectly, junkman leader of previous transcription, is this talent sequence. 如果他没有记错的话,上个副本的拾荒者领袖海希,就是这个天赋序列。 I knew an old person in Wittring before, he is a pharmacology scholar,” “我以前在维特兰认识一位老人,他就是一位药理学者,” aid sighed, he was a very good person, but also taught me the much Pharmacology knowledge, but so many years passed by, he should pass away, we often discussed the responsibility and ideal before together, what a pity he did not seem to realize his ideal.” 斯恩济叹了口气,“他是一个很好的人,还教了我很多药理学知识,不过这么多年过去,他应该已经故去了,我们以前时常一起谈论责任和理想,可惜他似乎并没有实现他的理想。” He has not realized, perhaps his later generation realized.” “他没有实现,或许他的后人实现了。” He Ao spoke thoughtlessly to say. 何奥随口接话道。 The news that hears this saying, aid stares, before remembering, checked, speechless to say with a smile, „, we are not all alones.” 听到这话,斯恩济一愣,想起了之前查到的新闻,哑然笑道,“是啊,我们并非是孤身一人。” Then he lowers the head, looks to four secret medicine on test tube support, which promotion do you want to use? Should you be at least the D level now? Do you prepare to promote pass on military? Did you prepare the ceremony?” 然后他低下头,看向试管架上的四支秘药,“你要用哪支晋升?你现在应该是至少D级?你准备晋升传武者?你准备好仪式了吗?” No,” He Ao shook the head, took up the color shallowest that test tube, firststarted fromangry man (Han).” “不,”何奥摇摇头,拿起了颜色最浅的那支试管,“先从‘怒汉’开始。” „?” “啊?” aid one ignorant, „aren't you now also unusualness?” 斯恩济一懵,“你现在还不是超凡者?” Yes.” “是啊。” He Ao is looking at the test tube in hand, opened the wooden cork of test tube slowly. 何奥看着手中的试管,缓缓揭开试管的木塞。 „Do you promote now with enough time?” “那你现在晋升来得及吗?” aid loses one's voice to ask again, under normal conditions, you grasp the talent sequence , to promote to the D level, needed several years most quickly.” 斯恩济再次失声问道,“通常情况下,你掌握好天赋序列,晋升到D级,最快也要好几年了。” With enough time.” “来得及。” He Ao complied with one, directly in the liquid but actually entrance in test tube hand. 何奥应了一声,直接将手中试管里的液体倒入口中。 Bang- 轰- A fierce sound explodes suddenly in his mind, winds through the throats among this burning secret medicine, that distortion chaos pollution strength. 一声剧烈的声响骤然在他脑海中炸起,顺着这火辣辣的秘药流过喉间的,还有那扭曲混沌的污染力量。 These two strengths about in the same place, blast open courageous, the huge strength is attacking the He Ao body instantaneously. 这两股力量合在一起,勐地炸裂开来,庞大的力量瞬间冲击着何奥的身躯。 He Ao body one stiff, a blood returns wells up in the mouth. 何奥身子一僵,一口鲜血回涌在口中。 You how?” “你怎么样?” aid sees this, immediately takes the medicine. 斯恩济看到这一幕,立刻去拿伤药。 Does not use.” “不用。” He Ao shook the head, supported the control desk. 何奥摇摇头,扶住了操作台。 He opened in this instantaneously ultra recalled, originally some bodies of support suddenly powerful, the ease reduced and solved this impact. 他在这瞬间开启了超忆,原本有些支撑不住的身体骤然强大了起来,轻而易举就化解了这冲击。 At this moment he purely depends upon physical quality actually to be able anti- to live to promote the impact of F level anger man (Han), but in this impact had the level too high pollution, caused the burden that is inconceivable to the body. 此刻他单纯依靠本身的身体素质其实是能抗住晋升F级怒汉的冲击的,只不过这冲击中带有了位阶过高的污染,给身体造成了难以想象的负担。 While ultra recalled opening, He Ao also starts to recall that in the mind that had reappeared in his mind, seems the mound of winding inverted image chart tuart. 而在超忆开启的同时,何奥也开始在脑海中回想那曾经在他脑海中浮现过的,仿佛是蜿蜒之丘的‘倒影’的图桉。 As this image appears in his mind, these as if received some attraction in the pollution that in the body scattered in all directions, went toward the mind collection of He Ao. 随着这幅图像在他的脑海中浮现,那些原本在身体内四散的污染仿佛受到了某种吸引,向着何奥的脑海汇集而去。 Really, these pollution can be attracted by higher level pollution. 果然,这些污染会受到更高层次污染的吸引。 When He Ao recalls, gave up the physical body starting to try along with these pollution to attack the He Ao spirit, the pressure that the He Ao body bore greatly reduces, he closed immediately ultra recalled, started to guide the talent sequence energy in within the body according to the line operation that the martial arts operated. 何奥回想的时候,伴随着那些污染放弃了肉体开始试图冲击何奥的精神,何奥身体所承受的压力大大减小,他随即关闭了超忆,开始引导体内的天赋序列能量按照武道运行的线路运行。 Quick, his physical quality grows by the speed that can feel. 很快,他的身体素质就以一个能够感受到的速度成长起来。 He Ao opened individual attribute page, looks that the digit of physical quality on rapid jumps, finally, this digit stayed in 45. 何奥开启了个人属性页面,看着身体素质的数字迅速上跳,最终,这个数字停留在了45。 Most F level unusualness, the physical quality is also 20-30, 45 this qualities have been close to ordinary E level unusualness. 大部分的F级超凡者,身体素质也不过是20-30罢了,45这个素质已经接近普通的E级超凡者了。 Success?” “成功了?” Looks that the He Ao aura is gradually tranquil, aid somewhat pleasantly surprised looks at He Ao. 看着何奥的气息渐渐平静,斯恩济有些惊喜的看着何奥 He felt like He Ao present imposing manner strong is not a little right, does not look like unusualness of F level just promoted, is more like E level unusualness. 他隐约觉得何奥现在的气势强的有点不对,不太像一个刚晋升的F级的超凡者,更像是一个E级超凡者。 Un.” “嗯。” He Ao complied with one, then he puts out a hand directly, took up that E level wrestle secret medicine, captured the cork. 何奥应了一声,然后他直接伸出手去,拿起了那支E级的‘格斗家’秘药,拔掉了软木塞。 „It is not, after promoting is successful, must first attempt to grasp the talent sequence “不是,晋升成功之后,要先尝试掌握天赋序列的・・・・・・” aid puts out a hand hastily, tries to prevent He Ao. 斯恩济连忙伸出手去,试图阻止何奥 However this moment He Ao has tossed down secret medicine in hand. 然而此刻何奥已经将手中的秘药一饮而尽了。 Almost with previous exactly the same, but a more powerful impact blasts out in He Ao within the body. 几乎与上次一模一样,但是更加强烈的冲击在何奥的体内炸开。 But after having the previous experience, his skilled opening ultra recalled, then attracts the pollution, digests secret medicine again. 而有了上一次的经验之后,他这一次非常的熟练的开启超忆,然后吸引污染,再消化秘药。 Less than the time of moment, he again wrestle secret medicine digested cleanly. 不到片刻的功夫,他就再次将‘格斗家’的秘药消化了干净。 At this time his physical quality had arrived in 135. 这时候他的身体素质已经抵达了135。 Already and weak point D level was equally matched. 已经与弱一点的D级不相上下了。 This inside has the original martial arts to practice with Sietow's the reason of body, there is a He Ao high efficiently utilizing secret medicine the reason, but in some sense, Sietow also agreed with very much this talent sequence. 这里面有原本武道修行和西托的身体的缘故,也有何奥高效利用了秘药的缘故哦,但是某种意义上说,西托本身也很契合这个天赋序列。 After complete promotion wrestle, He Ao without hesitation, took up the D level directly martial arts secret medicine, tosses down. 完全晋升‘格斗家’之后,何奥毫不犹豫,直接拿起了D级‘武术家’的秘药,一饮而尽。 aid dull looks at this, „is old fogy, you drinking the soft drink?” 斯恩济呆呆的看着这一幕,“老家伙,你这是在喝汽水吗?” The similar decontamination operation came again, He Ao is not the first time promotion martial arts, familiar and easy. 同样的消除污染操作再来了一遍,何奥已经不是第一次‘晋升’武术家了,轻车熟路。 Quick, he integrated in the strength of martial arts the body. 很快,他就将武术家的力量融入了身体里。 At this time, his physical quality has risen dramatically terrifying 298. 这时候,他的身体素质已经飙升到了恐怖的298。 Then He Ao takes up last passed on military secret medicine directly. 然后何奥直接拿起了最后一支‘传武者’的秘药。 Waits for,” “等一下,” This time, aid put out a hand to attempt to prevent him finally, promoted the C level is to conduct the ceremony, without the promotion of ceremony promotion, was very easy to cause the strength to lose control, in also had the pollution let alone, I knew you to be fierce, but do not impulse.” 这一次,斯恩济终于伸手尝试阻止了他,“晋升C级是要进行仪式的,没有仪式晋升的晋升,很容易导致力量失控,更何况里面还有污染,我知道你厉害,但是不要冲动。” I have completed the ceremony. „ “我已经完成仪式了。“ Looks at the aid sincere look, He Ao smiles is responding to him. 看着斯恩济诚恳的眼神,何奥微笑着回应他。 Passes on military the ceremony request promotion use wrestle skill or the martial skill completes enough many defeating a superior enemy in one week as far as possible. 传武者的仪式要求晋升者使用格斗技巧或者武技在一个星期内尽量完成足够多的以弱胜强。 The blood wolf, the poisonous scorpion helps the eldest child, cuts the filmmaker, these enemy each that He Ao met before compared with him on many. 血狼,毒蝎帮老大,裁影人,何奥之前遇见的这些敌人每一个都比他强上很多。 Even if opens ultra recalled, his strength is also far less than these enemies, moreover these enemies also one by one strong. 哪怕开启超忆,他的力量也是远不如这些敌人的,而且这些敌人还一个比一个强。 However finally these enemies have dropped down, but he is also standing. 但是最终这些敌人都已经倒下,而他还站着。 Moreover said from another aspect, starts from this transcription, does not open in the situation of ultra recalling, He Ao is going against this emaciated body, deals with the gangster, the F level, even unusualness of E level, he has been defeating a superior enemy through the martial arts skill. 而且从另一个方面说,从这个副本开始,不开启超忆的情况下,何奥顶着这一具孱弱的身躯,应对帮派分子,F级,甚至E级的超凡者,他一直都在通过武道技巧以弱胜强。 He Ao worked loose the hand of aid gently, this passes on military secret medicine but actually entrance. 何奥轻轻挣脱了斯恩济的手,将这支‘传武者’的秘药倒入口中。
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