LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#687: Invitation from Reyes

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Evolution from headquarters building 进化之从总部大楼 Minister, this is our Stage 1 search results.” “部长,这是我们第一阶段的搜寻结果。” Outside 77 building shatter windows, puts on pollution cleaning up division uniform/subdue the document report of man's to give sitting to stand Yin Xiya in ruins hand. 七十七楼破碎的窗户外,穿着污染清理司制服的男人将手中的文件报告递给坐站在废墟中的尹希亚。 Good,” “好的,” Yin Xiya received the document, was laborious you, continued to search, tells the brothers, did not want the go it alone, hid carefully is polluting the member in secret.” 尹希亚接过文件,“辛苦你们了,继续进行搜索,告诉兄弟们,不要单独行动,小心潜藏在暗中的污染分子。” Yes!” “是!” The men nod layer on layer/heavily, walks toward below staircase. 男人重重点头,向着下方的楼梯走去。 Yin Xiya raised the head, looks to the top of the head. 尹希亚抬起头,看向头顶。 There does not have the ceiling of blocking line of sight, only then a completely forced region, raised the head, can see above one directly, is the ceilings of 78 buildings. 那里已经没有了遮挡视线的天花板,只有一片完全被凿空的区域,抬起头,可以直接看到上面一层,也就是七十八楼的天花板。 Yesterday evening attacked and captured the evolution after the headquarters, Yin Xiya on arranged person from 78 th floors downward, ruined the ceilings of 77 buildings directly, made a connection with two buildings. 昨晚上攻克进化之从总部之后,尹希亚就安排人从七十八楼向下,直接毁掉了七十七楼的天花板,将两层楼打通成了一层。 In these also not completely destroyed peripheral zone, can see winding some traces vaguely, but these incomplete traces, have lost the mystical that it had. 在那些还未被完全摧毁的边缘地带,依稀还可以看到一些蜿蜒的纹路,但是这些残缺的纹路,已经失去了它所拥有的神异了。 At this moment entire evolution from headquarters building, theoretically, besides the people of pollution cleaning up division, already not others. 此刻整个进化之从总部大楼,理论上来说,除了污染清理司的人以外,已经没有其他的人了。 All the evolutions of surrender from the member and also living raised pollution monster, had been shifted the pollution cleaning up division building to detain the interrogation. 所有投降的进化之从成员和还活着的被豢养的污染怪物,都已经被转移到了污染清理司大楼进行关押审讯。 However because the evolution also has massive regions not to have cleaning up to be clean from the headquarters building, to assure further security of cleaning up, as well as prevents some people to astray this building, leads to the extra dispute, therefore the pollution cleaning up division sealed off this building, conducts follow-up cleaning up. 不过因为进化之从总部大楼还有大量的区域没有清理干净,为了保证进一步清理的安全,以及防止有人误入这栋大楼,引发额外的事端,所以污染清理司封锁了这栋大楼,进行后续的清理。 But as a result of the importance of this headquarters building, the pollution that as well as possibly hides, at this time needed a position quite high strength quite strong character to stay here town/subdues gathering place, and comforts the will of the people. 而由于这栋总部大楼的重要性,以及可能潜藏的污染,这时候就需要一个地位比较高实力比较强的人物留在这里镇场子,并安抚人心。 As the definite Saint Jon next head, Yin Xiya naturally is the rightest that person. 作为已经确定的圣乔恩市下一任负责人,尹希亚自然是最合适的那个人。 Naturally, this is she volunteers for military service to keep here reason not completely on own initiative. 当然,这并不完全是她主动请缨留在这里的理由。 Yin Xiya lowers the head, looked at wristband. 尹希亚低下头,看了一眼手环 On wristband had her yesterday evening and venerable chat record, she issued she raised the head to have a look at the news screenshot to give Venerable Sietow that anonymously. 手环上有她昨晚上和‘老先生’的聊天记录,她将那句匿名发给她的‘抬头看看’的消息截图给了‘西托老先生’。 But the opposite party only replied simple a few words, destroys the ceiling, stays outside with every effort.’ 而对方只回复了简单一句话,‘摧毁天花板,尽力留在外面。’ She puts down wristband, turns head to look to shatter out of the window. 她放下手环,扭头看向破碎的窗外。 Sky fierce Yang does not know when had been covered by the dark clouds, along with splashing sunlight little retrogression in city, before she as if heard the storm, thunderclap that thunders. 天空的烈阳不知何时已经被阴云所笼罩,伴随着泼洒在城市上的阳光一点点消退,她仿佛听到了暴风雨前轰鸣的雷声。 Buzz- 嗡- At this moment, her wristband vibrated. 就在这时,她的手环震动了一下。 She lifted wristband to look at one, connected the call, quick, a hair silver white old person appeared in her field of vision. 她抬起手环看了一眼,接通了电话,很快,一个头发银白的老人出现在她的视野中。 Director, what matter has?” “司长,有什么事情吗?” Asking that she somewhat has doubts. 她有些疑惑的问道。 Miss, your time dry/does is very good.” “姑娘,你这次干的很棒。” Reyes of telephone that head seemed happy, he looks at Yin Xiya with a smile, „ your appointment copy clerk had been stamping, this afternoon should be able to announce, the council is very satisfied your achievement, 电话那头的德瑞斯似乎很高兴,他笑着看着尹希亚,“你的任命文书已经在盖章了,今天下午应该就能公布出来,理事会很满意你的成果, They through the allocation, purchased one for you specially talent sequence 125: War correspondent secret medicine, this secret medicine on the road of sending, the promotion ceremony will have sent together.” “他们特别通过拨款,为你购买了一支‘天赋序列125:战地记者’的秘药,这支秘药已经在送来的路上了,晋升仪式也会一同送来。” At this time, Reyes as if remembered anything, he looks at Yin Xiya, continued to say with a smile, 这时候,德瑞斯似乎想起了什么,他看着尹希亚,继续笑道, War correspondent is the following C level talent sequence of your present talent sequence, I remember that you did promote the D level is very long? When you promote the C level, the old man I can calm and steady left here.” “‘战地记者’是你的现在的天赋序列的后续C级天赋序列,我记得你晋升D级也很久了吧?等你晋升C级,老头子我就可以安稳的离开这里了。” Even if Yin Xiya, after hearing this news, still the god, then she somewhat pleasantly surprised saying, thanks the director slightly.” 即使是尹希亚,在听到这个消息之后,也稍微愣神,然后她有些惊喜的说道,“谢谢司长。” She is very clear, if Reyes has not spoken the word of praise that side the council for her, the council is not possible so to be suddenly natural. 她很清楚,如果德瑞斯没有在理事会那边替她说好话,理事会是不可能突然这么大方的。 All right,” “没事,” Reyes said with a smile, „before your grandfather, took care of me very much, right,” 德瑞斯笑道,“你爷爷以前也很照顾我,对了,” His, enforces slightly slightly, looks to Yin Xiya, „your skill good informer, is main of this action hero, the council is also interested in him very much, but don't you in informer files tuart , seem to leave behind his contact method?” 他微微一顿,稍微严肃下来,看向尹希亚,“你的那位身手不俗的‘线人’,也是这次行动的主要‘功臣’,理事会也对他很感兴趣,但你在‘线人档桉’里,似乎没有留下他的联系方式?” Un,” “嗯,” Yin Xi dead point nods, she knows director this is in disguised form to her inquired venerable contact method, she stopped shortly, then said, that mister too does not hope others know his existence.” 尹希亚点点头,她知道司长这是在变相的向她询问‘老先生’的联系方式,她短暂的停顿了一下,接着说道,“那位先生不太希望别人知晓他的存在。” Un, conforms to his discrete individuality.” “嗯,符合他谨慎的个性。” The Reyes slight nod, that you continue maintain with his relation, he is very strong,” 德瑞斯微微点头,“那你继续保持和他的联系,他很强,” He kept a serious look warning saying that was sure to remember do not make him our enemies, in the goatsucker event, we had lost massive C levels, if we really had such a enemy, the entire pollution cleaning up division, possibly besides me, no one can defeat him.” 他表情严肃的告戒道,“切记不要让他成为我们的敌人,在夜鹰事件中,我们已经损失了大量C级,如果我们真的有一个这样的敌人,整个污染清理司,可能除了我以外,没有任何人可以战胜他。” Good.” “好的。” Yin Xiya nods courageous. 尹希亚勐地点头。 Immediately, that side Reyes hung up the telephone. 随即,德瑞斯那边挂断了电话。 Instance that also hangs up in the telephone, Yin Xiya turning around of without hesitation, is controlling a wristband round of news, while turns toward fast walks toward the staircase. 也就在电话挂断的瞬间,尹希亚毫不犹豫的转过身去,一边操控着手环发消息,一边向着快速向着楼梯走去。 Minister? What situation has?” “部长?有什么情况吗?” Defends in young staff somewhat curious asking of stairway. 守在楼梯口的年轻工作人员有些好奇的问道。 I go to a building to have a look,” “我去一楼看看,” Yin Xiya has not lifted, after the next several levels of stairs, she stops the footsteps suddenly, turns head, looks to this young staff, told the brothers, do not return to the office building of branch.” 尹希亚头也没抬,连下几级台阶之后,她突然停下脚步,回过头去,看向这个年轻工作人员,“告诉兄弟们,不要回分部的办公大楼。” The staff stare, immediately nods, good!” 工作人员一愣,立刻点头,“好!” When he, Yin Xiya has disappeared after the staircase corner accordingly. 而在他应声的时候,尹希亚已经消失在了楼梯拐角后。 …… …… [ Friend of mine, if you truly to pass on military this talent sequence to be interested, I can also share some my own sensibility to you.] [我的朋友,如果你确实对‘传武者’这个天赋序列感兴趣的话,我也可以向你分享一些我自己的感悟。] In the warehouse storehouse in underground parking garage, He Ao was still reading the goatsucker posthumous writings, 地下停车场的仓库房里,何奥仍旧在阅读着夜鹰的‘遗书’, [ Grasps passes on military a core main point, regarding wrestle or military understanding, your wrestle experiences is richer, is more profound regarding the understanding of military, is easier to grasp this talent sequence.] [掌握‘传武者’的一个核心要点,就是对于格斗或者说‘武’的理解,你的格斗经验越丰富,对于武的理解越深刻,也就越容易掌握这个天赋序列。] [ But you grasp to this talent sequence is deeper, you will also obtain to deepen regarding understanding of wrestle, these, will transform your strength finally.] [而你对这个天赋序列掌握的越深,你对于格斗的理解也会获得加深,这些,都会最终转化成你的实力。] [ Passes on strength addition that military can obtain, perhaps and was inferior another C talent sequence that martial arts corresponds soldier many, but please believe me, it is one can create the talent sequence of miracle.] [‘传武者’所能得到的力量加成,或许并不如‘武术家’所对应的另一个C天赋序列‘战士’多,但是请相信我,它是一个能创造奇迹的天赋序列。] [ What is worth mentioning, perhaps these pollution created enormous change to my body, although in my body can extract the complete biography military way talent sequence, but I did not suggest that you use these talent sequences, these unknown pollution may fuse extraction, but in secret medicine, has influence on you.] [值得一提的是,那些污染恐怕对我的身体造成了极大的改变,所以虽然我的身体里能提取出完整的传武者途径的天赋序列,但是我不建议你使用这些天赋序列,那些未知的污染可能会融合进提取而出的秘药中,对你造成影响。] [ And I need to remind you again, announced that these materials may create enormous danger, if you have not arrived in the C level limit, or exceeds this rank, I did not suggest that you attempt.] [并且我需要再一次提醒你,公布那些资料可能会造成极大的危险,如果你没有抵达C级极限,或者超越这个等级,我不建议你去尝试。] [ After reading these materials, you then understand, what you will face is a how terrifying enemy, if you chose keeping silent finally, I can also understand you, but I have another matter to need to ask you.] [看完那些资料之后,你便会明白,你将面临的是一个如何恐怖的敌人,所以如果你最后选择了默不作声,我也能理解你,不过我有另外一件事需要拜托你。] [ I have a friend, named, he and his family member lives in the don't heart street, he is only an average person, but he is a good person, he once when I was injured provided the place and rescue taking shelter for me.] [我有一个朋友,名叫卡维,他和他的家人居住在莫克街,他只是一个普通人,但他是一个好人,他曾在我受伤的时候为我提供了容身之地和救助。] [ I do not know that her recent situation how, whether had left Saint Jon, if you have time, I hope that you help me go to see him, if he met danger, hopes that you can provide some aid in area of competence for him.] [我不知道她最近情况如何,是否已经离开了圣乔恩市,如果你有时间,我希望你帮我前去看望一下他,如果他遇见了危险,也希望你能在能力范围之内为他提供一些援助。] [ Takes reward, in bag in my coat, there is D level unusual goods, named clever shell.] [作为报酬,在我的外衣内袋里,有一件D级超凡物品,名叫通灵贝壳。] He Ao put down the paper in hand, looks to the corpse of goatsucker, he puts out a hand to open out the goatsucker to stain the blood stain the coat, found in the bag, then touches an approximately middle finger wide quality of material from inside like the shell of beautiful jade. 何奥放下了手中的纸张,看向夜鹰的尸体,他伸手拨开夜鹰沾满血污的外衣,找到了内袋,然后从里面摸出来一个大约三指宽的质地如同美玉的贝壳。 Meanwhile, the information entered the He Ao mind together. 与此同时,一道信息进入了何奥的脑海。 This clever shell like such that its name described, the main effect was clever. 这个‘通灵贝壳’如同其名字所描述的那样,最主要的效果是‘通灵’。 Has this shell, can be easier to see the soul, and can have possibly can certainly feel some specially profound information that in the soul stores up / to remember. 持有这个贝壳,可以更容易看到灵魂,并能有一定可能能感受到灵魂中储存的某段特别深刻的信息/记忆。 Naturally, this shell also a little other abilities, the He Ao switchroom shell, sees in the shell were hiding two fragments. 当然,这个贝壳也有一点其他的能力,何奥扳开贝壳,看见了贝壳里藏着的两块碎片。 This shell will produce together the shell particles every three months, most three, the crumb fragment can instantaneous and shell holder has the relation. 这个贝壳每隔三个月会产生一块贝壳碎片,最多三块,捏碎碎片可以瞬间和贝壳持有者产生联系。 This is He Ao crumb that piece of shell particles origin. 这就是何奥捏碎那片贝壳碎片的‘来历’。 However this relation does not force, in the flash of shell particles crumb, the shell holder will obtain the crumb shell particles shortly field of vision, sees clearly the fragment holder surrounding thing. 不过这种联系并不是强制的,在贝壳碎片捏碎的一瞬间,贝壳持有者会短暂获得捏碎贝壳碎片的‘视野’,看清楚碎片持有者周围的东西。 These days, control of shell can choose cuts off or keeps this contact directly, if keeps this contact, both sides be able to induce on can some time to the general position that the opposite party has simultaneously. 在这段时间内,贝壳的掌控者可以选择直接切断或者保持这段联系,如果保持这段联系的话,双方就可以在一段时间内可以同时感应到对方存在的大概位置。 If chooses the overtime, this relation automatically will maintain. 而如果选择超时,这个联系会自动保持。 Just after He Ao crumb shell particles, because this relation not manned controllable, automatically maintained, therefore He Ao can look following the relation. 刚刚何奥捏碎贝壳碎片之后,这个联系因为没有人控制,就自动保持了,所以何奥才能顺着联系找过来。 In the shell the remaining two pieces of fragments, it seems like that the goatsucker only gave fragment. 贝壳里剩下两片碎片,看来夜鹰只给了卡维碎片。 He Ao receives the shell, although this shell is only the D level, but its effect is actually the quite rare auxiliary effect, in some sense was also equivalent to quite bad C level unusual goods. 何奥收起贝壳,这个贝壳虽然只是D级,但是其效果却是比较少见的辅助效果,某种意义上也相当于一个比较差的C级超凡物品了。 His vision continues to look to the will, this will only had the final several lines of characters. 他的目光继续看向遗嘱,这封遗嘱只剩下最后几行字了。 [ Clever shell ability introduced that you should be able to obtain information after touching, what needs to pay attention, is small and weak soul is easier cleverly, but is powerful soul not easier clever, when you spy on high soul, might spy on reverse.] [通灵贝壳能力介绍你在触摸后应该能得到信息,不过需要注意的是,越是弱小的灵魂越容易通灵,而越是强大的灵魂越不容易通灵,并且当你窥探高位者灵魂的时候,是有可能会被反向窥探的。] [ In addition, clever shell has a side effect, you have the time of shell longer, will be easier to come under others 's mood influence, clever gradually will become uncontrolled.] [除此之外,通灵贝壳有一个副作用,你持有贝壳的时间越长,会越容易受到他人的情绪影响,通灵会逐渐变得不受控制。] [ Finally, if you found time, discovered that matter had moved toward the worst aspect, I hope that you can offer one bunch of flower for me, and for me to his family member said that was sorry.] [最后,如果你找到卡维的时候,发现事情已经走向了最糟糕的局面,我希望你能为我献上一束花,并替我向他的家人说一声抱歉。] [ He does not need to be involved in this incident, but he made me know, originally in night, still had other brilliance to illuminate, his parents, must also be the hero same characters.] [他本不必卷入这场事端,但是他让我知道了,原来黑夜中,仍旧有其他的光辉照亮,他的父母,应当也是英雄一样的人物。] Arrived this, this will stopped suddenly. 到此,这封‘遗嘱’就戛然而止了。 He Ao put out a hand to take up nearby storage chip. 何奥伸手拿起了旁边的储存芯片。 The thing that this full page will told were actually not many, the first half wanted to find the person of corpse and will, can take by the will material to announce, and put out from the angry man (Han) to passing on the secret medicine formula of military as the reward. 这一整页遗嘱所讲述的东西其实并不多,前半部分希望找到尸体和遗嘱的人,能把遗嘱旁的资料公布出来,并拿出了从怒汉到传武者的秘药配方作为报酬。 The lattern half takes the reward with clever shell, hopes that arrived here person to help. 后半部分则是用‘通灵贝壳’作为报酬,希望来到这里的人能帮助一下卡维。 Entire seals in the will, half a word has not raised he himself. 整封遗嘱里,半句没有提他自己。 He Ao looked up a corpse of goatsucker, looks at him to block from the iron mask of cheeks. 何奥抬头看了一眼夜鹰的尸体,看着他遮住脸颊的铁面具。 He took a fast look around around one, in this room, already not other things. 他扫视了一眼周围,这间屋子里,已经没有其他的东西了。 He received the storage chip, then raised the remains of goatsucker, placed on the bed, was bound frailly with the bed, turned around to turn toward the entrance to walk. 他收起了储存芯片,然后将夜鹰的遗体提了起来,放在床上,用床单薄被裹好,转身向着门口走去。 Grandfather, this is?” “爷爷,这个是?” Stands in looks at He Ao that entrance has doubts. 站在门口的嘉茜疑惑的看着何奥 „A hero.” “一个英雄。” He Ao tranquil saying. 何奥平静的说道。 Is father's friend?” “是爸爸的朋友吗?” Thought, asked in a soft voice. 嘉茜思索了一下,轻声问道。 Yes.” “是的。” He Ao nods. 何奥点点头。 „Is father's friend a hero?” “爸爸的朋友是英雄哇?” Holds up the head, looks at the He Ao old facial features. 嘉茜昂起头,看着何奥苍老的面容。 He Ao looks at granddaughter's small face, he squatted, horizontally views cheeks, saying one word at a time, „, because the father is also a hero.” 何奥看着孙女的小脸,他蹲了下来,平视嘉茜的脸颊,一字一顿的说道,“因为爸爸也是英雄。” Father also and is the grandfather equally fierce?” “爸爸也和爷爷一样厉害吗?” Is thinking, looks at He Ao. 嘉茜思索着,看着何奥 Father is only an average person,” “爸爸只是一个普通人,” He Ao shook that hand of walking stick to extend, is touching granddaughter's cheeks gently, „, therefore he was a hero, mother was also.” 何奥握着拐杖的那只手伸了出去,轻轻抚摸着孙女的脸颊,“所以他才是英雄,妈妈也是。” Is gazing at He Ao, nod of appearing to understand but not really understand. 嘉茜注视着何奥,似懂非懂的点点头。 Bang- 砰- At this moment, two person sides broadcast the sound that some small goods fell to the ground. 就在这时,两人身侧传来了某个小物品落地的声音。 He Ao has turned head, looked that to direction that the sound sends out. 何奥扭过头去,看向声音发出的方向。 That lies on the ground presents the shadow dog of fierce shape as same place, however its canine actually falls from the upper jaw, falls on the ground. 那趴在地上呈现凶恶状的影犬依旧在原地,但是它的一颗犬牙却从上颚掉了下来,落在了地上。 He Ao put out a hand to pick up this canine. 何奥伸手捡起了这颗犬牙。 This canine all over the body pure white clear, but the bottom is the same in the shadow like conceals, cannot see clearly the appearance. 这颗犬牙通体洁白晶莹,但是底部却如同藏在阴影中一样,看不清模样。 Meanwhile, the information entered the He Ao mind together. 与此同时,一道信息进入了何奥的脑海。 This tooth can be called shadow tooth, carries this tooth along, can let the person obtains short in the ability that in the shadow goes through. 这颗牙齿可以叫做‘影牙’,随身携带这颗牙齿,可以让人获得短暂的在阴影中穿行的能力。 This ability seems like the night travellor, but this going through does not have the night travellor stealth effect, ability that the short distance shadow of ability and night travellor who also no night travellor goes through in the night flashes before. 这个能力看起来很像夜行者,但是这种穿行是没有夜行者的‘隐身’效果的,也没有夜行者在黑夜中穿行的能力和夜行者的近距离阴影闪现的能力。 This canine can only lead the person to go through in the shadow, but it can improve the going through speed of user to a certain extent. 这颗犬牙只能带着人在阴影中穿行,不过它可以在一定程度上提高使用者的穿行速度。 After this canine falls, the original umbra dog is almost maintaining before dying , the body that condition also starts rapid decayed. 而在这颗犬牙掉落以后,原本影犬几乎维持着死前状态的身体也开始迅速的腐朽。 This canine, seems the crystallization of its unusual strength. 这颗犬牙,似乎就是它超凡力量的结晶。 He Ao received the canine, is lifting the walking stick to express thanks to the corpse of shadow dog slightly, then led somewhat ignorant to leave this room. 何奥收起了犬牙,对着影犬的尸体抬起拐杖微微致谢,然后带着有些懵懵懂懂的嘉茜离开了这个屋子。 Returns to all -terrain vehicle, he first will store up the chip to insert the vehicle-borne main engine, and lets Eve these document copies to the clouds. 回到越野车上,他第一时间将储存芯片插入了车载主机,并让夏娃将这些文件拷贝到云端。 But at this time, the news from Yin Xiya also sent, she described one just-received to clean up Si the Director Reyes's news from the pollution simply, as well as Reyes asked about the matter of He Ao contact method to her. 而这个时候,来自尹希亚的消息也发了过来,她简单的描述了一下刚刚收到的来自污染清理司司长德瑞斯的消息,以及德瑞斯向她询问何奥联系方式的事情。 The He Ao rapid typing gave her to reply. 何奥迅速打字给了她回复。 Buzz- 嗡- But at the same time, his wristband vibrated slightly. 而与此同时,他的手环微微震动了起来。 Is a strange telephone comes the electricity. 是一个陌生电话的来电。 The He Ao thinking moment, chose the connection. 何奥思索片刻,选择了接通。 Mr. Sietow?” “西托先生?” Telephone that transmits old regards. 电话那头传来一个苍老的问候。 Mr. Reyes?” “德瑞斯先生?” He Ao returns by regards. 何奥回以一个问候。 I compared with your old one -year-old, you could call me an elder brother,” “我比你年长一岁,你或许可以叫我一声兄长,” Telephone that transmits turns the paper page the sound, „is Brother Sietow, the evening interested in polluting the cleaning up division now? As thanks, I prepared for you banquet.” 电话那头传来翻纸页的声音,“西托老弟,今晚上有兴趣来污染清理司吗?作为感谢,我为你准备了一场‘宴席’。”
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