“爷爷!”Alsoat this moment, unlatched the doorwas hitslowly.
也就在这时,虚掩着的房门被缓缓撞开。Strongfragrancefollowingopening the doorspreads.
浓烈的香味顺着打开的房门蔓延开来。He Aoturns around, looksto the entrance.何奥转过身去,看向门口。Carriedtwotraysto enter the room, looked upHe Ao, „had the breakfast! The teachersaideatsto sate the appetite, restoredrapidness.”
嘉茜端着两个盘子走进了屋子,抬头看着何奥,“吃早餐啦!老师说吃饱饭,恢复的快。”He Aolooks that in the trayfries the goodbeef steak, staresslightly, says with a smile, „, is thisyoufries?”何奥看着盘子里煎好的牛排,微微一愣,笑道,“嘉茜,这是你煎的?”„Un,”
“嗯,”Nods, the steamingsteaminshebringsaround the babyfatcheeks to linger, shelooks atHe Ao, „grandfather, grew up.”
嘉茜点点头,腾腾热气在她带着婴儿肥的脸颊周围萦绕,她看着何奥,“爷爷,嘉茜长大了。”Hearsthese words, He Aoslightlyobviouslyabsent-minded, heis gazing at present the facial featuresimmaturelittle girl.
听到这句话,何奥稍显失神,他注视着眼前面容稚嫩的小女孩。After the shortstop, hisbodyleans forward, puts out a hand, the armacrossgranddaughter'sarmpit, grasps the granddaughtergently, the oldcheeksandgirl'stendersmallfacepastesin the same place.
在短暂的停顿之后,他身子前倾,伸出手去,手臂穿过孙女的腋下,轻轻的抱住孙女,苍老的脸颊与女孩柔嫩的小脸贴在一起。Will carry the arm of trayto gatherslowly, grasped the grandfather.
嘉茜缓缓将端着盘子的手臂合了过来,抱住了爷爷。Amongtwo peoplemaintained seems instantly, as ifexceptionallylongsilencing.
两人之间维持了仿佛是刹那,又仿佛异常漫长的静寂。Finally, He Aoloosened the handslowly, received the beef steaktray in girlhand, said with a smile, „looked likeus to eat meal.”
嘉茜轻轻点头。Two peoplecarried the trayto arrive at the restaurant.
两人端着盘子走到了餐厅。He Aois cutting the beef steakwhileinstructs the granddaughterto practice, before, Sietowis also instructingworkoutlike this.何奥一边切割着牛排一边指导着孙女修行,在以前,西托也这样指导着嘉茜嘉茜的健身方法。Quick, two peoplefinished eating the breakfast.
很快,两人吃完了早餐。He Aoputs in the dish washer the dish, changed a newshirt, took up the walking stick.何奥将碟子放入洗碗机,换了一件新的衬衣,拿起了拐杖。
After crumbthatshell particles, He Aocan the clearfeelingoneself and great distancenon-short distanceexiststo make the contact, andcandistinguish the position that the opposite partyis atprobably.
捏碎那个贝壳碎片之后,何奥能清晰的感觉到自己和相隔并不近距离的一个存在建立了联系,并且能大概分辨对方所在的位置。As the timepasses by, thisrelationlittleweakening.
而随着时间过去,这个联系正在一点点的变弱。Heneedsbeforethisrelationdissipatescompletely, found the opposite party.
他需要在这个联系完全消散之前,找到对方。Fortunately, thisrelationdissipatesis not quick.
“爷爷。”Butwhenheis aboutto leave, pulled tauthislower hem corner, is gaining ground, stares the bigeyelooks athim.
而就在他准备离开的时候,嘉茜扯住了他的衣角,抬着头,瞪大眼睛的看着他。He Aosmiles, opens the door, „walksfront.”何奥笑了笑,推开门,“嘉茜走前面。”
The little girldepressedfacial featuresgawkedslightlyobviouslyinstantaneously, then the nextsecondturned into the cutesmile, „good~”
小女孩原本稍显沮丧的面容瞬间愣了一下,然后下一秒变成了可爱的笑容,“好~”Two peoplein tandem, left the room, rode the elevatorto enter the underground parking garagerapidly, foundyesterday'sall-terrain vehicle, drove away.
两人一前一后,离开了屋子,迅乘坐电梯进入了地下停车场,找到了昨天的越野车,向外开去。Sitsin the back row, liesin the glass, is gazing at the street under out of the windowsunlight.
嘉茜坐在后排,趴在车窗上,注视着窗外阳光下的街道。BecauseSietowaround the westernnorth citybelongs to the tall buildingfactory in triumphantAlone Group is quite few, thereforeonsurroundingstreet, some sunlightsprinklein the ground.
因为西托所住的西北城周围属于凯杰特集团的高楼工厂比较少,所以周围的街道上,还是有些许阳光洒在地面上的。Actuallypresenttimealreadynotearly, close tonoon.
其实现在的时间已经并不早了,接近中午。He Aogoes home, in factheonlyhad soon restedin the morningwas less than fivehours.何奥回到家的时候,已经快要早晨了,实际上他只睡了不到五个小时。Howeverbenefitsfrom the powerfulphysical quality and soul, thesehours of rests, lethisbodysweeps awaywearily.
不过得益于强大的身体素质和灵魂,这几个小时的休息,让他的身体的疲倦一扫而空。He Aoput out a handto turn on the radio of all-terrain vehicle.何奥伸手打开了越野车的收音机。„Other day, toarrange the secondheadquartersmatters concerned, escorts the key equipment, the commissionarmy corpslarge unit of triumphantAlone Grouphas arrived outside the SaintJoncityto be stationed,”
“日前,为了筹备第二总部事宜,护送关键设备,凯杰特集团的佣兵团大部队已经抵达了圣乔恩市城外驻扎,”In the radiotransmittedsomesound that is similarto the newsmanagement,
„ According to the inside informationsaid,now the commissionarmy corpsoutsidecity, many mercenaryancestral homesisSaintJon.
„ The municipal governmentis conducting the active communicationwithtriumphantAlone Group, strivesintime that inthisrecuperationis stationed, is the mercenary in SaintJonnative placestrivestoseveraldays of specialness‚home leave’, facilitatesthemto go hometo visit the family member.
„ Meanwhile, the triumphantAlone Groupspokesmansaid,theyhad established a move of newofficeinfourcity area, inthese days of conditioning, will conduct large-scalemove of new.
“同时,凯杰特集团发言人表示,他们已经在四个城区都设置了招新办事处,将在修整的这段时间里,进行大规模的招新。„Thisspokesmansaid,triumphantAlone Groupis a younggroup, Alonecommissionarmy corps is also youngcommissionarmy corps, comparesinothersuperbigfinancial groupsof the same class, the commissionarmy corps of triumphantAlone Groupare younger, is more dynamic, hasplenty ofdevelopment opportunities, and treatment/salaryis excellent, welcome the man of insightto goto registerto join.”
“该发言人称,凯杰特集团是一个年轻的集团,凯杰特佣兵团也是一个年轻的佣兵团,相比较于同级别的其他超级大财团,凯杰特集团的佣兵团更年轻,更具有活力,有着大量的发展机会,并且福利待遇优厚,欢迎有识之士前往报名加入。”Youngis the backgroundis thin, the teamis small, but alsoindevelopment.
年轻就是底蕴薄,团队小,还在发展中。Comparesin the establishedsuperfinancial group, triumphantAlone Group is too truly young, nobackground.
相比较于老牌的超级财团,凯杰特集团确实太年轻,没什么底蕴。So far, itscommissionarmy corpscompared to the ordinaryfinancial grouppossiblyarebig, butcompared toNold, groupstardrugs manufacturetheseestablishedsuperfinancial groups, the disparityisverybig.
到目前为止,其佣兵团相对于普通财团可能算是大的,但是相对于诺尔德,群星制药这些老牌超级财团来说,差距还是很大。Recentlyfor these years, SietowcanonlinehearsometriumphantAlone GroupCommissionArmy corpsto incur the recentinformationfrequently.
最近这几年,西托经常能在网上听到一些凯杰特集团佣兵团招新的信息。„Afterpassing throughconsecutive two months ofincrease, the federalgrain pricehas received the drawtoday, according to the grainindustryfinancial groupalliance, since this yearbeginning of the year, becauseweatherdryand otherreasons, the warehouses of manygrainindustryfinancial groupshad the accident firesituation.”
“在经过了连续两个多月的涨幅之后,联邦粮价今日有所收平,据粮业财团联盟所说,今年开年以来,由于天气干燥等多种原因,多个粮业财团的仓库都出现了失火情况。”Afterbroadcasting the news of relatedtriumphantAlone GroupCommissionArmy corps, in the radiostartsto broadcastsomefederalcurrent eventnews, „, andonebatch of oldmachinespresent the agingin varying degreesthis year, various factorsunify, causing this year'sgrain priceoutputto be somewhat low, finallyandcreatedfor successive two monthsresult that came the grain priceto rise”
„ Dawn Citytown councilmidterm electionwill soon arrive, byinfluence that this year'sgrain pricefluctuates, the support level of thisDawn Citygoverning coalitionfromhigh of last yearmedical reformdropped.
„ Under normal conditions, the governing coalition of MayorDawn Cityhaswill greatly possibly discard the town councilabsolute majoritysupportin the midterm electionvery much, fromcontrols the parliamenttoonly to control the parliamentcompletelyreluctantly.
„ With the advancement of time, incumbent mayorKelisituosi the internal split of governing coalition is also as if getting more and more serious, someviewpointsbelieve,Kelisituosi may discard the parliamentinthismidterm electionthoroughly, becomeseverywhereimpeded‚the mayor in prisoner's cage’.
“随着时间的推进,现任市长克里斯托斯的执政联盟的内部分裂似乎也越来越严重,有观点认为,克里斯托斯可能会在这一次中期选举彻底丢掉议会,成为处处被掣肘的‘囚笼里的市长’。„Now, Kelisituosiandhisteam, wantsomeachievementsurgently needed, torecallsoondisintegrationalliance.”
・・・・・・In the radionon-stopis reporting the latest news.
收音机里不停的播报着最新的新闻。ButHe Aocar(riage)alsounceasingturnsin the slit of street.
而何奥的车也不断的在街道的缝隙里拐动。Heownfeeling the relationdirectiongivesEveto refer to the airplanein the car(riage), thenEvewill planto go tothatdirectionrecentpath.
他会将自己的感受到的联系的方向在车机上给夏娃指出来,然后夏娃会规划出前往那个方向最近的道路。Naturally, becausedoes not have the exactpositionplace, thereforeHe Aoisadvances, after going forward a distance, induces the position that darkrelatesto be atagain.
当然,因为没有确切的位置地点,所以何奥都是一段段前进,前进一段距离之后,再去感应那冥冥中联系所在的位置。Thissectionalplanavoided the going astrayroad, butis the waste in some unavoidabledistances, circledsomegroups.
这种分段式规划避免了走错路,但是还是难免的有一些路程上的浪费,绕了一些路。Finallywalked for twohours, He Aobypassed a factorybuilding, turnedinto a remotealley.
最后走了两个多小时,何奥才绕过一栋工厂大楼,拐入了一条偏僻的小巷。Hecanfeelvaguely that andheproducedexistence of relation, in the end of thisalley.
他依稀能感觉到,那个和他产生了联系的存在,就在这条小巷的尽头。Meanwhile, helooks upforward.
与此同时,他抬头向前看去。Behindthisalley, staticis standing and waiting for a long time a tall building.
在这条小巷背后,静静的伫立着一栋高楼。Hehad come tohere, whenescortsYinXiyato come back.
他曾经来过这里,在护送尹希亚回来的时候。Thisbuildingpollutes the building that the cleaning updivisionbranchis.
这栋楼就是污染清理司分部所在的大楼。Sometimes, the most dangerousplacetrulyis the safestplace.
有些时候,最危险的地方确实是最安全的地方。Regardless ofhow the evolutionsincesearches the goatsucker, does not dareto pollutecleaning updivisionhere.
进化之从无论怎么去搜索夜鹰,始终还是不敢来污染清理司这里的。He Aostoppedfinallyin front oflaneendlittlebuilding.何奥最终停在了巷子尽头的一栋小楼前。Hecan the obviousfeeling, thenhas the relationwithhim, the doubtfulgoatsuckerexists, inthislittlebuilding.
他能明显的感觉到,那与他产生联系的,疑似夜鹰存在,就在这个小楼中。Accurate, underthislittlebuildingplace.
确切来说,是在这个小楼的地底下。Butat this time, thatrelationhas becomeis quite weak.
而这个时候,那联系已经变得相当的微弱了。He Aofound the littlebuildingunderground parking garagein the , drove the vehicles.何奥在附近找到了小楼的地下停车场,将车辆开了进去。Hereis the paymentstops, intelligent identificationcar license.
The parking lotagesomewhat seemed to be long, seeming like the facility is very old, index platedemonstrationthisparking lot on wallhadtwo, He Aodirectlyenteredundergroundtwo.
停车场年岁似乎有些久了,看起来设施都很老,墙上的指示牌显示这个停车场有两层,何奥直接进入了地下二层。Butwithhimdownward, hecanfeel that unceasinglyownis away fromthatto existis getting more and more near.
而随着他不断往下,他能感觉到自己距离那个存在越来越近。„Grandfather, which do wewantto go?”
“爷爷,咱们要去哪儿啊?”Liesin the slits of Lordcopilot, finds out the smallhead, looks that the lightshatteredmanyunderground parking garages.
嘉茜趴在主副驾驶的缝隙之间,探出小脑袋来,看着灯光都坏掉了许多的地下停车场。„Finds a person.”
All -terrain vehicleleads the wayonundergroundtwo of parking lotslowly, He Ao can only induceinthattorelationto existreluctantlyin the front, but where does not determine.
越野车在停车场的地下二层缓缓前行,何奥只能勉强感应到联系中的那个存在就在前方,但是不确定在哪里。Naturally, the worst situationis, thatexistsin the parking lotcitysewage system.
当然,最糟糕的情况是,那个存在在停车场下方的城市下水道系统里。HoweverHe Aothought that thissituationis unlikely.
但是何奥觉得这种情况不太可能。Ifthatexists is really the goatsucker, hisbigprobabilitycanguess correctly that the evolutionfromwill go to the sewerto look forhim.
如果那个存在真的是夜鹰的话,他大概率能猜到进化之从会去下水道找他。ButSaintJon the path in sewage systemnormallinkgroundis not around this.
而圣乔恩市的下水道系统正常联通地面的道路并不在这附近。Thenrelatively speaking, the undergroundsewage system and groundpollutioncleaning updivisionbuildingistwodifferentspaces, the evolutionfromacts below seweris polluted the cleaning updivisionto discoverpossiblyis very small.
那么相对而言,地下的下水道系统和地上的污染清理司大楼是两个不同的空间,进化之从在下方的下水道里行动被污染清理司发现的可能很小。That‚goatsucker’choosesthisclose to the position of pollutioncleaning updivision, did not haveunder the lamp the blacksignificance.
那‘夜鹰’选择这个靠近污染清理司的位置,就没有灯下黑的意义了。Hehidesinsewer that in the pollutioncleaning updivisionleaves behind, withconcealsin the sewers of otherplaces, is actually same.
他藏在污染清理司留下的下水道里,和藏在其他地方的下水道里,其实是一样的。Therefore‚goatsucker’bigprobabilityinthisparking lot.
所以‘夜鹰’大概率就在这个停车场中。Butin the thinking, He Aocame to the end of thisparking lot.
而在思索间,何奥走到了这个停车场的尽头。In the frontdarkness, the outline of rustyiron gateappearsvaguely.
前方的黑暗里,依稀有一个生锈的铁门的轮廓显现出来。He Aostops all -terrain vehiclein a innermostberth, leadingto get out, moves towardthatiron gate.何奥将越野车停在最里侧的一个车位,带着嘉茜下了车,走向那个铁门。
The person in thisparking lotis few, almostdoes not have anycar(riage), the groundaccumulatedthickash.
这个停车场的人很少,几乎没有什么车,地上积了一层厚厚的灰。Competesto hit the time of price warintriumphantAlone Group and majorgrainindustryfinancial groups, as well asSinawaruletime, SaintJonhad had the economicalquiteprosperousperiod.
在凯杰特集团和各大粮业财团竞争打价格战的时代,以及斯纳瓦执政时代,圣乔恩市曾经有过经济比较繁荣的时期。ThatperiodSaintJonhasmanycar(riage)s, cultivated/repairedmanyparking lots.
那个时期圣乔恩市有很多车,也修了很多停车场。Butnow, thesecar(riage)shadsell outor the mortgagegave the bank.
而现在,那些车有很多被卖掉或者抵押给了银行。As the car(riage) on roadare getting fewer and fewer, the positiongoodparking lot can also maintain the survival, butsuchpositionremoteparking lot, is at the condition of partlyabandoning.
而随着路上的车越来越少,位置较好的停车场还能维持生存,而这样的位置偏僻的停车场,也就处于了半废弃的状态。Herewitnessed the SaintJonprosperity, witnessed the deterioration.
这里见证了圣乔恩市的繁荣,也见证了衰败。Is treading the path that covers entirely the dust, before He Aoarrived inthatrustydoor, quickly.
踏着布满灰尘的道路,何奥很快抵达了那间生锈的小门之前。Thatis shivering the invisibleweakrelation, toldhim, hewas away fromrelatesexistence of anotherendto be very near.
The dooris locked, in the gateis mounting a rustingsmallsign,[ warehousestorehouse].
小门是锁着的,门上镶嵌着一个生锈小牌,[仓库房]。Locked in the intelligence of doorto lockhas shattered, only then the mechanicalkey holes of somescratcheswere also demonstratingthis can also use the machine part of lock.
If the intelligentlock, He Aocanfind the wayto makeEveconnectto decode, but the puremechanical lock, Evecannotdecodedirectly.
如果是智能锁,何奥可以想办法让夏娃连接破解,而纯粹的机械锁,夏娃就不能直接破解了。He Ao thought that hefirstisthinks the knowledgeto spread, crossed the door, saw the scene after door.何奥思索了一下,他先是用神识蔓延出去,越过了门扉,看到了门扉后的场景。Thenhisbody, with the index fingerholding downlocking hole, the godknowledgeinfiltratesslightly, found out the structure of lock pinrapidly.
然后他身子微微一顿,用食指按住锁孔,神识浸润出去,迅速摸清楚了锁芯的结构。Immediately, hefound a rustyiron sheetin the , put out the butterflyknife handleiron sheetto hew a lightkeyappearance.
随即,他在附近找到了一块生锈的铁片,拿出蝴蝶刀把铁片削成了一个薄薄的钥匙模样。Finally, heinserted the lock pinthiskey, twistsgently.
卡-Withclearsound, rustydoorbyeasyopening.
The lock pintwiststo be very easy, does not havetoobighindrancefeeling, thisproofsomepeoplehave been givingthismechanicallock pinto grease, thisroom, somepeoplequite‚frequent’housing.
锁芯拧动很容易,没有太大的阻碍感,这证明一直有人在给这个机械锁芯上油,这个房间,是有人较为‘频繁’的居住的。Butinnearbydumbfoundedlooks atall these, in her eyes, the grandfatherbrushesdoes not know that madeanythingto open the gate.
而在一旁的嘉茜目瞪口呆的看着这一切,在她眼中,爷爷刷刷刷的不知道做了什么就把门打开了。He Aosawexpression, hisvisioncast asideto the right rear, hintsto hideinhimbehind.何奥看到了嘉茜的表情,他目光向右后方撇了一下,示意嘉茜躲在他身后。Understandsrapidly,shereceivessurprisedly, immediatelylatterfalls back onHe Aobehind.
嘉茜迅速明白过来,她收起惊讶,立刻后退到了何奥身后。Determined after has spread out, He Aoopensthisrustyiron gateslowly, at this moment, the distortionillusoryformruns outafter the gatetogethersuddenly, opens the big mouthto niptoward the head of He Ao.
确定嘉茜已经拉开距离之后,何奥才缓缓拉开这个生锈铁门,也就在这时,一道扭曲虚幻的身影骤然从门后冲出,张开血盆大口向着何奥的头颅咬去。Thatisoneweird, evil spirit that whole bodytwistedall kinds ofbonearmorcovers.
那是一个怪诞的,浑身被扭曲的各式各样的骨甲所覆盖的恶灵。He Aolifts the butterflyblade in hand, covers the godknowledgeon the butterflyblade, onestep, the sharpbladehas delimited the evil spiritillusorybodyforward, destroysitsentirebody.何奥抬起手中的蝴蝶刀,将神识覆盖在蝴蝶刀上,向前一步,锋利的刀刃划过恶灵虚幻的身体,将它的整个身体摧毁。Afterweapon that the godknowledgestrengthens, caninjureto the spiritbody.
经过神识加强的兵器,是可以伤到灵体的。Butwhilethisevil spiritkilled, He Ao the iron gateis also openedbyhimat presentslowly.
The longlinearityroom that narrowsnarrow and smallappearedin the He Aofield of vision.
一个狭小逼仄的长条形房间出现在了何奥的视野中。„Grandfather, thatis”
“爷爷,那是・・・・・・”Walked, is gazing in the room.
嘉茜走了过来,注视着屋内。In the entrance of entireroom, a whole bodyis jet black, as ifintegrated the hunting dog in shadowto liein the entrance, itsbodyhad an extremelydeepwound, itstared the bigeye, alignmentstandsinentranceHe Aoglowers.
“影犬。”He Aowalkedslowly, put out a handto wipe the eye of thishunting dog.何奥缓缓走了过去,伸手抹下了这只猎犬的眼睛。
The shadowdogis very difficultto approvehuman, ifwill approveitto live and die togetherwithhuman of thatapproval, untilarriving atlifeat the last minute.
影犬很难认同人类,但是一旦认同它就会与那个认同的人类同生共死,直到走到生命最后一刻。Thisshadowdoghad died.
这只影犬早就已经死去了。Itlieshere, indetersto the person who thesewantfinally.
它只是趴在这里,在最后对那些想要进来的人进行威慑。He Aolooked down an eye shadowdogwound, hefeltslightlyonthisshadowdog, as ifcame from the pollution of mound of winding.何奥低头看了一眼影犬身上的伤口,他在这只影犬上感受到了轻微的,仿佛来自于蜿蜒之丘的污染。Just the evil spirit of thatdistortion, shouldbe the monster that thesepollution and shadowdogremainingsoulfragmentunifiedbecomes.
刚刚那扭曲的恶灵,应该就是那些污染和影犬残余的灵魂碎片所结合而成的怪物。„, Youinentranceand othergrandfather.”
“嘉茜,你在门口等一下爷爷。”He Aolooksto the room, the slowsoundsaid.何奥看向屋内,缓声说道。In the roomhaspossiblyexists certainlyto pollutestrongergoods.
嘉茜点点头。ButHe Aohas set outat this momentslowly, moves towardin the room.
而何奥此刻已经缓缓起身,走向屋内。In the mostdeep place of thisnarrowroom, smallbeds, before the bed, is putting a smalldesk.
在这个狭窄屋子的最深处,有一架小床,床前放着一个小书桌。This momentbrings the ironmask‚person’, is sittingbefore the desk, by nearbywall.
此刻一个带着铁面具的‘人’,正坐在书桌前,靠在一旁的墙上。Hisbodycovered entirely the scar, the dark redbloodcovered entirelyhisclothing.
他的身上布满了伤痕,殷红的血液布满了他的衣衫。Butis gazing athimmerely, He Aoas ifcanhear the chaoticdance music that someearbankstransmit.
而仅仅是注视着他,何奥就似乎能听到一些耳畔传来的混乱舞曲。But the godknowledgecannot seeflowing of anyenergy.
When thispersonhad diedto be many.
The unusualstrengthis maintaininghisbodylike the just-deceasedappearance.
超凡的力量维持着他的身躯如同刚刚去世的模样。Really, likesuch that He Aothinks.
果然,如同何奥所想的那样。Person who thisshattershellcontacts withfinally, is the goatsucker.
Before He Aoarrived at the desk .何奥走到了书桌之前。
The thing on deskis very simple, a pen, a storagechip, as well as a paper that wrote all over the writing.
书桌上的东西很简单,一支笔,一个储存芯片,以及一张写满了文字的纸。He Aotook upthatpaper, the abovehandwritingis very attractive, is the decorated letter of writing by hand,何奥拿起了那张纸,上面的字迹很漂亮,是手写的花体字,
[, The friend of mine, was very hello happy that youcan come here, Ido not know how youfoundmy, buthopes that weare the friends.
[你好,我的朋友,很高兴你能来到这里,我不知道你是如何找到我的,但是希望我们是朋友。Istay behindthisletter/believestime, will soon participate in the fight that onehasnotto return to.
我留下这封信的时候,即将去参加一场大概有去无回的战斗。HoweverIhave togo, the pollution of thesedistortionsmakemestay up all night, Iknow how longIcould not insist.
然而我不得不去,那些扭曲的污染让我彻夜难眠,我知道,我坚持不了多久了。Hopesyoudiscoveredmytime, the timepasses by is not quite long, memorycard on deskhasallmaterials that Iinvestigateto obtain, ifOk, Ihope that youcanpostthesematerialstoFBIHeadquarters, orreveals to the publicthem.
希望你发现我的时候,时间过去的并不太久,书桌上的内存卡里有我所调查获得的所有资料,如果可以,我希望你能将这些资料寄送给联邦调查局总部,或者将它们公之于众。Thisis very dangerous, hopes that youpay attention.
这很危险,希望你注意。Icannot be manyfor the thing that youprovide, belowissomesimpleunusualknowledge, hopes that canhelpyou,
我能为你提供的东西并不多,下面是一些简单的超凡知识,希望能对你有所帮助,Myabilityistalentsequence100: Passes onmilitary, the Dlevel of thiswayistalentsequence50: Martial arts, the Elevelistalentsequence23: Wrestle, the Flevelistalentsequence5: Angryman (Han).]
再下面是这四个天赋序列秘药配方。Angryman (Han), wrestle, before secretmedicineformulaHe Ao of martial arts, had.
怒汉,格斗家,武术家的秘药配方何奥之前就有了。Thereforehisvisionmainlystays, in‚passes onmilitary’insecretmedicineformula.
[ Talentsequence100: Passes onmilitary]
[ Principalmaterial: The heart of raging fireape, the coreroot of deep poolwillow tree]
[ Accessory material: Calmflowerflower petal5pieces, pond water1000milliliters of kilometerdeepdeep pool, hundredtechniquegrass5]
[ Mixes the method: Hundredtechniquegrassandthreepieces of calmflowerflower petalstamp crushing, squeezes outalljuice, after squeezing out the juice , the heart of surpluspartandraging fireapeinvestsin the flame the coalto roasttogether, untilheartexternal skinburned black, becomescrispone, opens out the coveragain, takes out the insideboiling hotbottom of the heartmeat, withsoaked the corerootmix of 24hours of deep poolwillow treeindeeppond water, joins the surpluscalmflowerflower petalstamp crushing, takesitsmixtureto squeeze out, butjuice.]
[ Promotionceremony: In one week, completes the fight that manyusewrestleskillsdefeated a superior enemy.]
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