LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#685: Do not believe them

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Card- 卡- The obsolete finger-lock unties slowly. 老旧的指纹锁缓缓解开。 He Ao is hugging, another hand grips the walking stick to raise the suitcase, and shoved open the door gently. 何奥一手抱着嘉茜,另一只手握住拐杖提着手提箱,并轻轻推开了房门。 In the room as before is a silencing. 屋子里依旧是一片静寂。 Warning system normal operation.” “警报系统正常运行。” Eve's words that the ear bank resounds mean that in these days that He Ao leaves, this room had not been attacked. 耳畔响起的夏娃的话语意味着在何奥离开的这段时间里,这间屋子并没有遭到袭击。 He Ao closes the door, hugs the granddaughter to move toward the son had once lived in the inside room, places on the girl of sleeping soundly the bed, covers the thin quilt. 何奥关上房门,抱着孙女走向儿子曾住过的里屋,把熟睡的女孩放在床上,盖上薄被。 He looked in a room the familiar scenery, sits by the granddaughter, backs in the wall. 他看了一眼屋内熟悉的景色,坐在孙女旁边,背靠在墙上。 He the walking stick in hand by the included angle of bed and wall, the suitcase places the bedside. 他将手中的拐杖靠在床与墙的夹角,手提箱放在床边。 He depends like this on the wall, narrowing the eyes slightly eye. 他就这样靠在墙上,微微的眯上了眼睛。 The He Ao spirit is not exhausted, however his body is tired. 何奥的精神并不疲惫,但是他的身体已经非常的劳累了。 Is close to the 70-year- old person regarding one, for successive two days had not rested, almost uninterrupted fight, as well as serious injury, his physical quality is very even if strong, and absorbs the surrounding energy to practice unceasingly, somewhat could not support. 对于一个接近70岁的老人来说,连续两天没有休息,几乎不间断的战斗,以及严重的伤势,哪怕他的身体素质很强,并且不断吸收着周围的能量在修行,也有些支撑不住了。 As the present field of vision belongs to the darkness gradually, his spirit also slowly quiet. 随着眼前的视野渐渐归于黑暗,他的精神也缓缓沉寂了下去。 Has not known how long, possibly is several hours, possibly is several minutes, his ear bank was flooded by the manic chaotic dance music. 不知过了多久,可能是几个小时,也可能是几分钟,他的耳畔被狂躁混乱的舞曲所充斥。 Dim dark world also bright gradually. 朦胧黑暗的世界也渐渐的明亮。 The mold lake is weird, the unpredictable continuous hill appears in his field of vision. 模湖怪诞,变化莫测的连绵山丘出现在他的视野中。 He puts out a hand, wants to touch the present scene, wants to lift the leg to forward, however his body has no response. 他伸出手去,想要触碰眼前的景象,想要抬起腿向前,但是他的身体没有任何反应。 A dim plastic film seems to be hanging in his at present, isolated him in the contact with that hill. 一层朦胧的塑料薄膜似乎正垂在他的眼前,隔绝了他和那片山丘之间的接触。 Regardless how he makes an effort, he is unable to break through this thin film. 无论他如何用力,他都无法突破这层薄膜。 The dance music reverberation of noise in his ear bank, is unable to control body makes angry depressing manic in his heart multiplies. 喧嚣的舞曲回荡在他的耳畔,无法控制身体的压抑让愤怒的狂躁在他心底滋生。 This type manic drives him to destroy, destroys, slaughters. 这种狂躁驱使着他去毁灭,去破坏,去杀戮。 Mood that these surge unceasing has stroked in his inner world, but actually hits like the wild mighty waves in the palatial mountain is the same, is unable the true swaying He Ao mood. 这些激荡的情绪不断的在他心海中拂过,但是却如同狂暴的波涛撞在巍峨的高山一样,无法真正的拂动何奥的情绪。 The He Ao tranquil gaze the hill in field of vision, these hill almost do not have a fixed appearance, after he every blinks one time, the scenes of these hill before is completely different. 何奥平静的注视着视野中的山丘,这些山丘几乎没有一个固定的模样,在他每一次眨眼之后,这些山丘的景象就会与之前完全不同。 What sometimes changes is the quantity of hill, sometimes what changes is the hill position. 有时候变化的是山丘的数量,有时候变化的是山丘的位置。 Sometimes these hill bare just like desert, the sandstorm blows the skull that decays dry slightly, sometimes covered entirely the emerald green vegetation, has the beast roar bird to cry reverberates. 有时候这些山丘光秃秃的宛如戈壁,微微风沙吹起枯朽的颅骨,有时候又布满了翠绿的植被,有兽吼鸟啼在其中回响。 Only invariable, is that as if inexhaustible hill. 唯一不变的,是那仿佛无穷无尽的山丘。 In these changes, the hill of these distortions evolve the line of distortion in the He Ao field of vision gradually, 在这一场场的变化中,这些扭曲的山丘渐渐在何奥的视野中演变成扭曲的线条, These lines wind to surge, is similar to touches the string of the world source, outlined to spy on the truth the melody. 这些线条蜿蜒波荡,就如同触及世界本源的琴弦,勾勒起窥探真理的旋律。 That noise chaotic dance music, under this distortion melody, becomes gently beautifully seems to be interesting to listen. 那喧嚣混乱的舞曲,在这扭曲的旋律之下,也似乎变得柔美动听起来。 As if at this moment, him is spying on to be the truth of this world. 仿佛就在此刻,他正在窥探属于这个世界的真理。 This instantly, he as if restored the control to the body, so long as treads forward one step, he can fuse together with this truth, spies on this world's most essential knowledge. 这一个刹那,他似乎恢复了对身体的控制,只要向前踏出一步,他就能与这真理融为一体,窥探到这个世界最本质的知识。 However He Ao has not trod this step. 然而何奥并没有踏出这一步。 At this moment he has understood, now he sees, is not the mound of true winding, but is the mound of winding keeps the inverted image in his heart. 此刻他已经明白过来,他现在所见的,并不是真正的蜿蜒之丘,而是蜿蜒之丘留在他心中的倒影。 Or is the mound of winding remains the pollution in his body. 或者说,是蜿蜒之丘残留在他身体里的污染。 That of mound of manufacture winding exists, not anything has not really stayed behind, thing that but he leaves behind, secret, easy to drag into the hell. 制造蜿蜒之丘的那位存在,并非真的什么都没有留下,只是他留下的东西,更加的隐秘,也更加的容易将人拉入地狱。 The He Ao closing eye slightly, starts to seek for the relation of consciousness and body. 何奥微微的闭上眼睛,开始寻找意识与身体的联系。 Grandfather?! Grandfather?!” “爷爷?!爷爷?!” Tender, brings some clear infant voice unceasing sounds in his ear bank. 柔嫩的,带着些许清脆的童音不断的响在他的耳畔。 With a fierce falling feeling, He Ao however opens the eye courageous. 伴随着一阵剧烈的下坠感,何奥勐然睁开眼睛。 At this moment he has not sat on the bed, but stands in front of the wall, his hand places on the pure white wall surface. 此刻他已经并没有坐在床上,而是站在墙面前,他的手放在洁白墙面上。 The clean neat wall finish coat, was drawn a trace of extremely short winding at this moment, but in He Ao nail seam, then presented some dry paint powders. 原本干净整洁的墙面漆,此刻被画出了一道极短的蜿蜒的痕迹,而何奥的指甲缝里,则出现了一些干燥的漆粉。 It seems like, seemed like him just in the sleep, drew this scratch. 看起来,似乎是他刚刚在睡梦中,画下了这道划痕。 He Ao retrocedes half step, is gazing at the scratch on wall. 何奥后退半步,注视着墙上的划痕。 This scratch has not shown what extremely strong specialness, but He Ao is gazing at this scratch time, in the mind complemented the scratch to be going to extend naturally, but scene. 这道划痕并没展现出什么极强的特殊,但是何奥注视着这道划痕的时候,脑海中自然而然的补全了划痕将要延伸而出的景象。 Meanwhile, the dance music of these chaotic noises also made a sound in his ear bank. 与此同时,那些混乱喧嚣的舞曲也响在了他的耳畔。 If he just chose the pollution that entering these wound, at this moment presents on this wall, should be a complete painting. 如果他刚刚选择了‘走进’那些蜿蜒的污染,此刻呈现在这面墙上的,应该是一副完整的画作了。 Grandfather?” “爷爷?” The side broadcasts the sound that had doubts again. 身旁再次传来了嘉茜疑惑的声音。 All right, the grandfather was too tired.” “没事,爷爷太累了。” He Ao levelled this trace conveniently, has turned head, looked that to sitting is looking at his on the bed anxiously, shows a smile, rested to be good.” 何奥顺手抹平了这道痕迹,扭过头去,看向坐在床上正紧张的看着他的嘉茜,露出一个微笑,“休息一下就好了。” Oh!” “噢!” Nod that appears to understand but not really understand, then she as if remembered anything, cooks the smoke jumps down from the bed, wears the slipper, grandfather you and others my.” 嘉茜似懂非懂的点点头,然后她似乎想起了什么,一熘烟的从床上跳下来,穿上拖鞋,“爷爷你等我一下。” Her sound has not fallen completely, the person's shadow has vanished in out of the door. 她的声音还未完全落下,人影就已经消失在了门外。 This child.” “这孩子。” He Ao cannot help laughing, shakes the head. 何奥哑然失笑,摇摇头。 Then he looking pensive, took a white paper and a pen, sat before the desk. 然后他若有所思,拿起了一张白纸和一支笔,坐在了书桌前。 He is imitating just the trace on wall, drew one of the winding gently. 他模彷着刚刚墙壁上的痕迹,轻轻画下了蜿蜒的一笔。 Then from this line extends, but the image of distortion appeared in his mind again. 紧接着,那从这个线条延伸而出的扭曲的图像再次出现在了他的脑海中。 Constructs this image not totally to be static, but by three-dimensional, the line of distortion winds. 构筑成这幅图像并不是完全静止的,而是由立体的,扭曲的线条蜿蜒而成。 But in He Ao ear bank echo, these noise chaotic dance music , seems a part of this image. 而在何奥耳畔回响的,那些喧嚣混乱的舞曲,也仿佛是这幅图像的一部分。 The He Ao pen tip skids fast, he is depending upon the fine arts attainments that must come from Viens there, tries tracing to come out some mind Chinese Library's alike one instantly. 何奥的笔尖快速滑动,他正在依靠从维安那里得来的美术造诣,试图将脑海中图像的某一个刹那‘临摹’出来。 As gradual continuation of tracing, the image of that distortion also as if gradually is becoming easy understanding. 而随着临摹的逐渐继续,那扭曲的图像也似乎正在逐渐变得容易‘理解’。 However in must understand thoroughly this image the instance, He Ao stopped the pen. 但是就在要彻底理解这图像的瞬间,何奥停下了笔。 All noises and chaotic at this moment static, belongs to quietly. 一切喧嚣和混乱都在此刻静止,重新归于沉寂。 He Ao lowers the head, is gazing at this painting. 何奥低下头,注视着这幅画作。 This is one painting comprised of the distortion line and irregular split, the painting has not completed completely, the right bottom has a small blank. 这是一副完全由扭曲线条和不规则拼块组成的画作,画作并没有完成,右下角有一块小小的空白。 This type incomplete big weakened the painting implication, but even so, while gazing at this painting, He Ao also felt that has talking during sleep of disorderly noise in the ear bank crack. 这种不完整大大的削弱了画作的‘意蕴’,但是即使如此,在注视着这幅画作的同时,何奥也感觉有有杂乱喧嚣的呓语在耳畔炸响。 According to evolution from classification, this incomplete painting should is highest rank that kind, can help the C level pollution monster fusion. 按照进化之从的‘分类’,这幅残缺的画作应该是属于最高等级那一类,可以帮助C级污染怪物融合。 If He Ao fills in this picture, then he possibly can obtain that similar rank of one with cutting on the filmmaker ceiling, can the guide move toward the crazy painting directly. 而如果何奥将这幅画填完,那么他可能就能得到一幅和裁影人天花板上那一幅同样的等级的,可以直接引导人走向疯狂的画作。 But that means, He Ao needs to integrate these completely pollution middle. 但那就意味着,何奥需要完全融入那些‘污染’当中。 He receives the hand, folds the picture in hand, takes up nearby cigarette lighter, lights the picture, puts in the ash-tray. 他收起手,将手中的画折叠起来,拿起一旁的打火机,将画点燃,放入烟灰缸中。 It seems like, that listener, had perhaps also once entered the mound of winding. 看起来,那位‘倾听者’,或许也曾进入过蜿蜒之丘。 Raises along with the flaming flame, the He Ao vision also passes through the flame, saw behind flame the books of laying aside abreast in row. 伴随着熊熊的火焰升起,何奥的目光也穿过火焰,看到了火焰背后的并排放置的书籍。 He draws in the train of thought that lifted wristband looking pensive, opened that Yin Xiya to issue him, the son was discovered the picture of scene. 他收拢思绪,若有所思的抬起了手环,打开了那份尹希亚发给他的,儿子被发现现场的照片。 He is gazing at that line of social security card numbers that writes on the ground. 他注视着那一行写在地上的社保卡号。 Sietow son social security card number is 152-45-1351, but the number of this nine figure was opened two parts, is written by the card peace-keeping wife respectively. 西托儿子卡维的社保卡号是152-45-1351,而这个九位数的号码被拆成了两部分,分别由卡维和妻子书写。 The number that writes is 1524, the number of wife writing is 51351. 卡维书写的号码是1524,妻子书写的号码是51351。 These nine numbers not totally are parallel, but is crooked. 这九个数字并不是完全平行的,而是歪歪扭扭上上下下的。 He Ao was very early realized these numbers were not possibly right, but he until had the time to ponder these numbers at this moment carefully the meanings. 何奥很早就意识到了这些数字可能不对,但是他直到此刻才有时间仔细来思考这些数字的意思。 In four numbers that if according to the high and low differentiation, writes, 14 positions differ not in a big way, above, 52 positions differs not in a big way, in the following. 如果按照上下区分,卡维书写的四个数字中,14位置相差不大,在上面,52位置相差不大,在下面。 But in five numbers of wife writing, 5 and 3 positions differ not in a big way, above, 1, 5 and 1 three digit positions differs not in a big way, in the following. 而卡维妻子书写的五个数字中,五和三位置相差不大,在上面,一、五、一三个数字位置相差不大,在下面。 The words that like this looks, being divided into the digit of high and low about four region calculate that respectively becomes one group, the above two groups of numbers are 14 and 53, but the following two groups of numbers are 52 and 151. 这样看的话,把分为上下左右四个区域的数字都各算成一组,上面的两组数字就是14、53,而下面的两组数字是52、151。 Flame in the ash-tray burns through gradually, the He Ao vision falls in the flame books after of clip in formulating a document. 烟灰缸里的火焰渐渐燃尽,何奥的目光落在火焰后的夹在书立里的书籍上。 Very small time, was once studying the serial number method of library, conducted the serial number with each book each of own small bookshelf. 卡维很小的时候,曾经学着图书馆的编号方法,把自己的小书架的每一层和每本书都进行了编号。 However with the curiosity in the past, he has been disinclined to give each book to number again, but bookshelf each serial number, because carves on the bookshelf, therefore also. 但是随着新鲜感过去,他已经懒得再去给每本书编号了,不过书架每一层的编号,因为是刻在书架上的,所以都还在。 In hand of He Ao placed again formulated a document in the books. 何奥的手再次放在了书立里的书籍上。 Serial number has one slightly with the general knowledge different places is, first that he numbers, is not on the bookshelf, but on desk. 卡维的编号有一个稍微与常识不同的地方在于,他编号的第一层,并不在书架上,而是在书桌上。 On the desk was clamped in the books of formulating a document is incorporated into first by him, but true bookshelf's first, in serial number, is 2. 书桌上被夹在书立的书籍都被他划归到了第一层,而真正的书架第一层,在卡维的编号里,是二。 But at this moment, places on the desk, from left to right counts the fourth book, is the books of that record ghost legend. 而此刻,放在书桌上,从左往右数第四本书,正好是那本记载鬼怪传说的书籍。 Movement on He Ao, took out that books, turned p. 53. 何奥手上的动作一顿,取出了那本书籍,翻到了第53页。 That line familiar[ what has issue is this city] appeared in his front. 那行熟悉的[有问题的是这座城市]出现在了他的面前。 This is records that page that related pollution cleaning up division writes down. 这正好是卡维记载着有关‘污染清理司’笔记的那一页。 1-4, the first fourth book. 1-4,第一层的第四本书。 53 rd, p. 53. 53,第53页。 If He Ao has a feeling, 何奥若有所感, If solves, then the second group of numbers, are 5-2,151. 如果这么解,那么第二组数字,就是5-2,151。 He transfers to fifth that the line of sight numbered quickly, is the bookshelf's fourth second book. 他很快把视线移到了卡维编号的第五层,也就是书架第四层的第二本书。 This was also a story book, He Ao took out this book, turned 151 pages rapidly. 这也是一本故事书,何奥抽出了这本书,迅速翻到了151页。 This page is very good to turn, because clamped a spatial ship ticket in this page. 这一页很好翻,因为卡维在这一页夹了一张空艇票。 This spatial ship ticket the first time is goes to Dawn City to go to college, rides commemorating ticket that the spatial ship leaves behind. 这张空艇票是卡维第一次前往晨曦市上大学的时候,乘坐空艇留下的纪念票。 Federal almost all spatial ships are the electronic bills, naturally, can have the entity ticket, only needs other to add ten federal coins again. 联邦几乎所有的空艇都是电子票据,当然,也可以有实体票,只需要另外再加十联邦币。 Are does not hate to buy this type of entity commemorating ticket, this ticket is Sietow buys for him, he knows that the child likes the bill of this entity. 卡维自己是舍不得买这种实体纪念票的,这张票是西托为他买的,他知道孩子喜欢这种实体的票据。 Before He Ao, when turns looks for the book on this bookshelf, turned this spatial ship ticket, but he had not thought that had anything is not right. 何奥之前在翻找这个书架上的书的时候,也翻到了这张空艇票,不过他并没有觉得有什么不对。 In Sietow's memory, spatial ship ticket clamps in the book. 在西托的记忆里,卡维的空艇票就是夹在书里的。 The social security account number digit that however this moment leaves behind aimed the page of clamping the spatial ship ticket, this means that perhaps gave the father to leave behind anything information. 不过此刻卡维留下的社保账号数字指向了夹着空艇票的这一页,这就意味着卡维或许给父亲留下了什么‘信息’。 He Ao is gazing at this spatial ship ticket. 何奥注视着这张空艇票。 This is one from Saint Jon to the Dawn City spatial ship ticket, but at that time Sietow was the round-trip gives the son to buy the entity ticket. 这是一张从圣乔恩市到晨曦市的空艇票,而当时西托是往返都给儿子买了实体票的。 Another from Dawn City to Saint Jon ticket in another book. 另一张从晨曦市到圣乔恩市的票架在另一本书里。 But Cavitt aimed at this ticket, in recombination that ghost book the hope that he writes down left the idea of this city, the big probability was wish makes Sietow lead the daughter to leave this city. 而卡维特地指向了这一张票,再结合那本鬼怪书里他写下的希望离开这座城市的想法,大概率是想要让西托带着女儿离开这座城市。 However perhaps and is so incessantly simple. 不过或许并不止这么简单。 151 pages of this book in the left. 这本书的151页在左边。 He Ao places on the books in hand the desk, the spatial ship ticket of clip in book according to the left. 何奥将手中的书籍放在书桌上,把夹在书里的空艇票按向左边。 At this time, above this spatial ship ticket the arrow just right direction of directional destination. 这时候,这张空艇票的指向目的地的箭头正好指向上方。 He Ao looks to the spatial ship ticket coboundary, just like this moment this ticket coboundary the same line is the same, delimited a few words. 何奥看向空艇票的上边缘,此刻这张票上边缘正如同一条线一样,将一句话划了出来。 [ Do not believe them.] [不要相信他们。] He Ao looks at these words, proceeded to flip the page number, found the opening of this story. 何奥看着这句话,把页码往前翻了翻,找到了这个故事的开头。 Quick, he read through this story. 很快,他就把这个故事通读了一遍。 This is an ordinary short article horror story. 这是一篇普通的短篇恐怖故事。 The story has several main characters, respectively is an alone traveler, a pair of lover, a boy and his father, with two FBI detective who carries out the task. 故事有几个主人公,分别是一个独行客,一对情侣,一个男孩和他的父亲,和两个执行任务的联邦调查局探员。 In this story, the main characters astrayed an abandoned grain industry factory, met evil spirit that occupies in this factory. 在这个故事里,主人公们误入了一个废弃的粮业工厂,遇见了盘踞在这个工厂的恶灵。 In the background of story, these evil spirits are the managers in factory, they make the transaction with the evil god, offered sacrifices the entire factory, tries to obtain the wealth and strength. 在故事的背景里,这些恶灵是工厂的管理者,他们与邪神做交易,献祭了整个工厂,试图获得财富与力量。 However their acts were discovered by a passing by sorcerer, the sorcerer spoiled their plan, kills them, and their soul seals in factory. 但是他们的行径被一位路过的巫师发现,巫师破坏了他们的计划,将他们杀死,并将他们的灵魂封印在工厂里。 The story mainly narrated the matter that several main characters encountered, background was not complex. 故事主要叙述了几个主人公所遭遇的事情,本身的背景并不复杂。 In the story progresses in process, all leading character riddle topics of also made known, the alone traveler in fact once was the factory by the survivor of offering sacrifices worker, he comes back to be to blast this factory and evil spirit perishes together. 在故事进展在的过程中,所有主人公身上的谜题也都被揭晓,独行客实际上是曾经工厂被献祭工人的幸存者,他回来就是要炸掉这个工厂和恶灵同归于尽的。 Then to the lover, the bride's side obtained the method of offering sacrifices through some channels, actually deceives the boyfriend, prepares to offer sacrifices with the aid of factory incomplete law, this was not the first boyfriend who she offered sacrifices. 而那对情侣,女方通过一些渠道获得了献祭的方法,其实就是把男友骗过来,准备借助工厂残缺的法阵献祭的,这并不是她献祭的第一个男友了。 What the status is simplest is the young boy and father, they are the wanderers, because does not have the residence of protection against the cold, had no recourse to enter this to abandon the factory. 身份最简单的是小男孩和父亲,他们是流浪者,因为没有御寒的居所,迫不得已才进入了这个废弃工厂。 But that two FBI detectives, then has never existed radically. 而那两个联邦调查局探员,则根本从未存在过。 They from the beginning are the evil spirits. 他们从一开始就是恶灵。 The young boy discovered the secrets of these fake detectives, therefore he found secretly continuously by the father of being kept in the dark, told him these words, 小男孩发现了这些假探员的秘密,于是他偷偷找到了一直被蒙在鼓里的父亲,告诉他了这句话, Do not believe them.” “不要相信他们。” The story final result is the lover perishes together in the final fight, the alone traveler successfully blew up the factory, the young boy killed the evil spirit with the father jointly, lived to run. 故事最后的结局是情侣在最后的搏斗中同归于尽,独行客成功炸毁了工厂,小男孩则和父亲联手杀死了恶灵,活着跑了出来。 The story is only a very ordinary normal horror story, the author of story does not understand the unusual world, many fragments depend upon some legends of spreading to piece together. 故事本身只是一个很普通正常的恐怖故事,故事的作者并不了解超凡世界,很多片段都是依靠一些流传的传说拼凑起来的。 However this story very good to express to tell father's matter. 不过这个故事很好的表达了卡维想要告诉父亲的事情。 He really knew certain secrets. 他是真的知道了某些隐秘。 He Ao closed the books. 何奥合上了书籍。 It seems like, injured the survey team in the goatsucker that night, really and goatsucker has had the contact, even has possibly also rescued the injured goatsucker. 看起来,在夜鹰打伤调查组那天晚上,卡维真的和夜鹰有过接触,甚至可能还救过受伤的夜鹰。 But this good drew on the disaster for him. 只不过这‘善良’为他招来了灾祸。 The boy in story welcomed the happy result, but the reality can always have some disparities with the story. 故事里的男孩迎来了美好的结局,但是现实总是会和故事有一些差距。 He Ao opened nearby suitcase. 何奥打开了一旁的手提箱。 Between two cinerary caskets, the static imposition a picture frame, is being He Ao found in the son family/home, that not burnt down marriage picture frame. 两个骨灰盒之间,静静的安放着一个相框,是何奥在儿子家里找到的,那个没有被烧毁的结婚相框。 The goatsucker is not stupid, he affirmed that clear Chhukha rescues the risk that he took. 夜鹰并不蠢,他肯定清楚卡维救了他而承担的风险。 Therefore the goatsucker big probability stayed behind to relate his way, Zzanka had the danger to look for him. 所以夜鹰大概率留下了能联系上他的方式,让卡维有危险找他。 But in Sietow's memory, that dies the gruff child, if knows that catches his person to come for the goatsucker, he will definitely not betray the goatsucker, he below bosom the goatsucker called instead center the evolution from. 但在西托的记忆中,那个死倔的孩子,如果知道抓他的人本身就是为了夜鹰而来,他肯定不会为了自己而出卖夜鹰,他把夜鹰叫过来反而正中了进化之从的下怀。 After all the goatsucker had saved him. 毕竟夜鹰曾经救过他。 He will not confess a public relations contact of goatsucker. 他也不会供出一点夜鹰的联系方法。 Therefore that can relate the thing of goatsucker, must from beginning to end also in family/home. 所以那个能联系上夜鹰的东西,应当自始至终都还在卡维家里。 He Ao took up that picture frame. 何奥拿起了那个相框。 This was the most solid thing that in family/home protected, simultaneously this picture frame was also one of things most treasured. 这是卡维家里保护的最严实的东西了,同时这个相框也是卡维最珍视的东西之一。 He Ao turns inside out the picture frame, took down the picture frame top plate. 何奥把相框翻了过来,取下了相框后盖。 Together thumb size, clear appeared just like the shell particles of beautiful jade in his field of vision. 一块拇指大小,晶莹的宛如美玉的贝壳碎片出现在了他的视野中。 He took up this piece of shell. 他拿起了这片贝壳。 Is touching this shell the instance, He Ao understood its usage, 在触碰这个贝壳的瞬间,何奥就明白了它的用法, Crumb it. ‘捏碎它’。 The index finger and thumb of He Ao pressed firmly between the fingers this shell particles gently, then makes an effort slowly. 何奥的食指和拇指轻轻捏住了这个贝壳碎片,然后缓缓用力。 Spreads on the shell along with the close crack, a dark relation, spans the space and He Ao establishes. 伴随着细密的裂纹在贝壳上蔓延,一股冥冥中的联系,跨越空间和何奥建立起来。
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