„Suffers a relapse, wedo not havemoneyYi, died.”
The wanderersdrink water, in hegazes atto begin the bread, „person must always die, must always live.”
The middle-aged mandelivers to the mouth the smoke, moves awayslowly, hewantedto sayanything, howactuallyalsoto say.
中年男人把烟送到嘴边,又缓缓拿开,他想要说什么,却如何也说不出口。„Thank you.”
“谢谢你了。”Butbeforeheopens the mouth, the wanderersaidtohimsuddenlyin a soft voice.
“嗯?”Raising the head of the middle-aged manhas doubts.
The wanderersbit a bread, „before you, is the health minister, cultivatessmallhospital that my wife'ssicknessin the smallhospitaldiscovery that youcultivate/repair, moststartsalsoto governinyourthere, if notyou, shehad died, thank you.”
The hand of middle-aged manis shiveringfiercely, clampsin the cigarette of fingertipunceasinglyis scattering the cigarette ash, heraises the hand that shivers, delivers to the mouth the cigarette butt.
中年男人的手剧烈颤抖着,夹在指尖的香烟不断的散落着烟灰,他举起颤抖的手,把烟头送到嘴边。Heopens mouth, as ifhandsuppressedhischest cavitystubbornly, finally, heonlyin the slit of lip, pushesslowly,
“抱歉。”„Yousavedher, whatthis/shouldexpression of gratitudeisI,”
“你救了她,该道谢的是我,”Inhobo'sforces in the mouthhandbreadcompletely, „youhave done all your have been ableto do, weknow,youhave reached the limit.”
流浪者把手中的面包全部塞进嘴里,“你已经做了你所有能做的,我们都知道,你们已经到极限了。”After the shortquietness, inmiddle-aged man'sdelivered to the mouthhandcigarette butt, attractedoneslowly.
在短暂的沉静之后,中年男人将手中的烟头送到了嘴边,缓缓的吸了一口。Finally, heas ifmade the bigdecision, the slowsoundsaid,„Iprepareto campaign for the mayor.”
最终,他似乎做出了重大的决定,缓声说道,“我准备竞选市长。”„Cement plantTeam A!”
“水泥厂A组的!”Alsointhis time, a guyis passing through the street, exclaimedloudly.
也正在这时,一个大汉走过了街道,大声吼道。„This this!”
“这这这!”Onegroup of wanderersraising handstandsimmediately.
“这里!”Butmiddle-aged manwandereralsoraising hand of stood.
The middle-aged manlooked at a wandererback, has not interruptedhiswork, butstandsslowly.
中年男人看了一眼流浪者背影,没有打断他的工作,而是缓缓站起来。At this moment, the frontwandererturns the head, looksto the middle-aged man, compared with the thumb, „friend, Iwill cast the tickettoyour.”
就在这时,前方的流浪者转过头来,看向中年男人,比了个大拇指,“老兄,我会把票投给你的。”Middle-aged manvision dull, the haze of undulatinghad strokedhisfacial features, henodsgently, says with a smile, „good.”
The wanderersalsonod, turn aroundto runtothatguynamedname.
The middle-aged manlifts the hand, stroked an earlobe, put through the bluetooth earphone in ear, dialed a telephone.
中年男人抬起手,拂了一下耳垂,接通了耳朵里的蓝牙耳机,拨通了一个电话。„aid? Do yousendthatmailreal? Youreallyprepare”
The telephonejustput through, has not waited for the manto speak, that sideimmediatelymachine-gungeneralasking.
电话刚接通,还未等男人说话,那边就立刻连珠炮一般的问道。„Un, Iprepared.”
“嗯,我准备好了。”aidslowsound said.
斯恩济缓声道。„Words that Ihave not remembered incorrectly, youthis year are 45 years old.”
“我没记错的话,你今年四十五岁了。”That side the telephonesaidsuddenly.
电话那边突然说道。„Un, Iknow,Sinawacommitted suicidethat year, 45 -year-old, wewill take the path that hehas not taken,”
“嗯,我知道,斯纳瓦自杀那年,也四十五岁,我们会走完他没有走完的道路,”aidturns headslowly, looksto the horizonsunlight, lookstostepping onpeople of pathunder the sunlight, thatnameas ifappearsinhimat present,
斯恩济缓缓回过头去,看向天际的阳光,看向踩在阳光下道路的人们,那一个个名字似乎又浮现在了他的眼前,„, Weare not at least lonely.”
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