LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#684 Part 2: We are not lonely

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Suffers a relapse, we do not have money Yi, died.” “旧病复发,我们没钱医,死了。” The wanderers drink water, in he gazes at to begin the bread, person must always die, must always live.” 流浪者喝了一口水,他注视着手里的面包,“人总是要死的嘛,就像人总是要活着。” The middle-aged man delivers to the mouth the smoke, moves away slowly, he wanted to say anything, how actually also to say. 中年男人把烟送到嘴边,又缓缓拿开,他想要说什么,却如何也说不出口。 Thank you.” “谢谢你了。” But before he opens the mouth, the wanderer said to him suddenly in a soft voice. 但在他开口之前,流浪者突然对他轻声说道。 Un?” “嗯?” Raising the head of the middle-aged man has doubts. 中年男人疑惑的抬起头来。 I recognize you,” “我认得你,” The wanderers bit a bread, „before you, is the health minister, cultivates small hospital that my wife's sickness in the small hospital discovery that you cultivate/repair, most starts also to govern in your there, if not you, she had died, thank you.” 流浪者咬了一口面包,“你以前是卫生部长是吧,修小医院那个,我老婆的病就是在你修的小医院发现的,最开始也是在你那里治的,如果不是你,她早就死了,谢谢你了。” The hand of middle-aged man is shivering fiercely, clamps in the cigarette of fingertip unceasingly is scattering the cigarette ash, he raises the hand that shivers, delivers to the mouth the cigarette butt. 中年男人的手剧烈颤抖着,夹在指尖的香烟不断的散落着烟灰,他举起颤抖的手,把烟头送到嘴边。 He opens mouth, as if hand suppressed his chest cavity stubbornly, finally, he only in the slit of lip, pushes slowly, 他张开嘴,却仿佛有一只手死死的压住了他的胸腔,最终,他只在嘴唇的缝隙里,缓缓挤出来一句, Sorry.” “抱歉。” You saved her, what this/should expression of gratitude is I,” “你救了她,该道谢的是我,” In hobo's forces in the mouth hand bread completely, you have done all your have been able to do, we know, you have reached the limit.” 流浪者把手中的面包全部塞进嘴里,“你已经做了你所有能做的,我们都知道,你们已经到极限了。” After the short quietness, in middle-aged man's delivered to the mouth hand cigarette butt, attracted one slowly. 在短暂的沉静之后,中年男人将手中的烟头送到了嘴边,缓缓的吸了一口。 Finally, he as if made the big decision, the slow sound said, I prepare to campaign for the mayor.” 最终,他似乎做出了重大的决定,缓声说道,“我准备竞选市长。” Cement plant Team A!” “水泥厂A组的!” Also in this time, a guy is passing through the street, exclaimed loudly. 也正在这时,一个大汉走过了街道,大声吼道。 „This this!” “这这这!” One group of wanderers raising hand stands immediately. 一群流浪者立刻举手站了起来。 Here!” “这里!” But middle-aged man wanderer also raising hand of stood. 而中年男人身旁的流浪者也举手站了起来。 The middle-aged man looked at a wanderer back, has not interrupted his work, but stands slowly. 中年男人看了一眼流浪者背影,没有打断他的工作,而是缓缓站起来。 At this moment, the front wanderer turns the head, looks to the middle-aged man, compared with the thumb, friend, I will cast the ticket to your.” 就在这时,前方的流浪者转过头来,看向中年男人,比了个大拇指,“老兄,我会把票投给你的。” Middle-aged man vision dull, the haze of undulating had stroked his facial features, he nods gently, says with a smile, good.” 中年男人的目光呆滞了一下,澹澹的烟气拂过的他的面容,他轻轻点头,笑道,“好。” The wanderers also nod, turn around to run to that guy named name. 流浪者也点点头,转身跑向了那个叫名字的大汉。 The middle-aged man lifts the hand, stroked an earlobe, put through the bluetooth earphone in ear, dialed a telephone. 中年男人抬起手,拂了一下耳垂,接通了耳朵里的蓝牙耳机,拨通了一个电话。 aid? Do you send that mail real? You really prepare “斯恩济?你发那个邮件是真的?你真的准备・・・・・・” The telephone just put through, has not waited for the man to speak, that side immediately machine-gun general asking. 电话刚接通,还未等男人说话,那边就立刻连珠炮一般的问道。 Un, I prepared.” “嗯,我准备好了。” aid slow sound said. 斯恩济缓声道。 Words that I have not remembered incorrectly, you this year are 45 years old.” “我没记错的话,你今年四十五岁了。” That side the telephone said suddenly. 电话那边突然说道。 Un, I know, Sinawa committed suicide that year, 45 -year-old, we will take the path that he has not taken,” “嗯,我知道,斯纳瓦自杀那年,也四十五岁,我们会走完他没有走完的道路,” aid turns head slowly, looks to the horizon sunlight, looks to stepping on people of path under the sunlight, that name as if appears in him at present, 斯恩济缓缓回过头去,看向天际的阳光,看向踩在阳光下道路的人们,那一个个名字似乎又浮现在了他的眼前, „, We are not at least lonely.” “至少,我们并不孤独。”
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