LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#684 Part 1: We are not lonely

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Pain?” “痛吗?” aid lifts automatic stitching in hand. 斯恩济抬起手中的自动缝针器。 „It is not painful.” “不痛。” He Ao shakes the head slowly, then he looked at outside a crack in a door. 何奥缓缓摇头,然后他看了一眼门缝外面。 Is sitting on the chair eats the ice cream to watch the television, has not peeped toward here. 嘉茜正坐在椅子上吃着冰淇淋看着电视,并没有往这边偷看。 My this anesthetic many, the effect is not good, if had the problem to with me say,” “我这个麻药没多少了,效果没那么好,如果出现问题一定要和我说,” aid looked at a He Ao tranquil expression, controls automatic stitching in hand to continue to proceed. 斯恩济看了一眼何奥平静的表情,操控着手中的自动缝针器继续往前。 In the entire process, He Ao has been maintaining the same expression, even the brow had not wrinkled, 整个过程中,何奥一直保持着同一个表情,连眉头都未曾皱了一下, Until the entire stitching ended, the He Ao tight muscle slightly was slightly lax. 直到整个缝针结束,何奥微微紧绷的肌肉才稍微松懈了一些。 Good,” “牛,” aid was comparing a thumb to He Ao, received automatic stitching, „hadn't old fogy, what mercenary you really done or the killer before? However I have seen mercenary and killer, the willpower was also worse than you are many.” 斯恩济对着何奥比了一个大拇指,收起了自动缝针器,“老家伙,你以前真的没干过什么雇佣兵或者杀手吗?不过我见到过的雇佣兵和杀手,意志力也比你差多了。” He puts the one side automatic stitching in hand, takes up the medicine on desktop, people like you, puts any commission army corps, can rapidly become the dagger of entire commission army corps.” 他将手中的自动缝针器放到一旁,拿起桌面上的伤药,“你这种人,放到任何一个佣兵团,都能迅速成为整个佣兵团的尖刀。” „Are you helping me indicate the old age re-employment the path?” “你这是在帮我指明老年再就业的道路吗?” He Ao looks with a smile to him. 何奥笑着看向他。 Now commission army corps competitive,” “现在佣兵团竞争很激烈的,” aid even careful is smudging the medicine in the wound, young people who on avenue could not find the work everywhere, although Alone Financial group presses very lowly the price of mercenary, but at least has a food to eat, dies in the wilderness , the ratio starves to death on the street strong.” 斯恩济均匀仔细的在伤口上涂抹着伤药,“大街上到处都是找不到工作的年轻人,虽然凯杰特财团把雇佣兵的价格压得很低,但至少有口饭吃,死在荒野里,也比饿死在街道上强。” Speaking of this, his sound gradually small. 说到这,他的声音渐渐小了下去。 Until spreads all medicines, he looks that the He Ao waist fierce wound says with emotion, 直到涂完所有药物,他才看着何奥的腰部狰狞的伤口感慨道, Old fogy, your age, this injury was very difficult to be short the time to restore, regarding many old people, this wound and complication enough has claimed their lives, even if you were healthier than them, must extremely pay attention,” “老家伙,你这个年纪,这种伤势很难短时间恢复好了,对于很多老人来说,这种伤和并发症已经足够夺走他们的生命,你哪怕身体比他们好,也要非常注意,” He takes the bandage to the He Ao wrap, while continues saying that theoretically, I should urge you over the following liangsan months do not move heedlessly, even should the hospitalization some time.” 他一边拿着绷带给何奥包扎,一边继续说道,“理论上来说,我应该劝你接下来两三个月都不要乱动,甚至应该住院一段时间。” He bound the bandage one after another, „, but you estimated that does not listen to my words, after apply Haoyao, goes back the best rest some time, do not move greatly, otherwise wound very easy collapse open/start.” 他将绷带裹了一圈又一圈,“但是你估计也听不进我的话,涂好药之后回去最好休息一段时间,不要大动,否则伤口很容易崩开。” Un, I pay attention.” “嗯,我注意。” He Ao nods, pressed bandage on shoulder slightly. 何奥点点头,微微的按了一下肩膀上的绷带。 aid gives him to put on also the complete neat coat, He Ao takes up by nearby walking stick, walks toward the room outside. 斯恩济把还完整整洁的外套递给他穿上,何奥拿起靠在一旁的拐杖,向着屋外走去。 At this moment the inside room in aid clinic. 此刻他们正在斯恩济诊所的里屋。 After realizing He Ao is injured is quite serious, aid brought He Ao here. 在意识到何奥受伤比较严重之后,斯恩济就把何奥带到了这边来。 What to do do you then prepare?” “你接下来准备怎么办?” After going out of the inside room, He Ao looked up him. 走出里屋之后,何奥抬头看了一眼他。 As you said that” “如你所说,” aid looked at outside an eye piece, asks personally.” 斯恩济看了一眼窗外,“亲自去问问。” Good luck.” “祝你好运。” He Ao looked at around one, lifts the walking stick to salute. 何奥看了一眼周围,抬起拐杖行礼。 Old fogy,” “老家伙,” aid is gazing at him, said in a soft voice, recovers.” 斯恩济则是注视着他,轻声说道,“养好伤。” I as far as possible.” “我尽量。” He Ao nods. 何奥点点头。 Then one side he moved toward finished eating of ice cream. 然后他走向一旁吃完了冰淇淋的嘉茜。 Grandfather, do we receive round trip?” “爷爷,我们接下来去哪儿?” Looks up the grandfather. 嘉茜抬头看着爷爷。 We first go home.” “我们先回家。” He Ao put out a hand to rub her small head. 何奥伸手揉了揉她的小脑袋。 Good ~!” “好~!” Exciting nod, then she looks up to aid, uncle said goodbye!” 嘉茜兴奋的点点头,然后她抬头看向斯恩济,“叔叔再见!” Bye-bye!” “嘉茜拜拜!” aid also made farewell speech with her with a smile. 斯恩济也笑着和她作别。 He gets to the entrance, is gazing after He Ao and went out of the clinic, entered stopped in all-terrain vehicle, finally vanished in the deep curtain of night. 他走到门口,目送着何奥和嘉茜走出了诊所,进入了停在门外的越野车,最终消失在深沉的夜幕里。 He raised the head, looked at bright moonlight of sky. 他抬起头,看了一眼天空的明月。 Then lowers the head, looks to own wristband. 然后又低下头,看向自己的手环 One all various professions writing was projected 一行行文字被投影出来 Kelisituosi Nowland Group miner mutual aid group 克里斯托斯・・・・・・诺兰卡集团・・・・・・矿工互助会・・・・・・ This each line of writing, is a name, the name of person, or the name of group. 这每一行文字,都是一个名字,人的名字,或者团体的名字。 This is, since K that’ he collects appears, can be caught by the news, seems changing the name of this world. 这是他所收集的,自从‘K’出现以后,能够被新闻捕捉到的,似乎正在改变这个世界的名字。 …… …… All-terrain vehicle driving on silencing street. 越野车驾驶在静寂的街道上。 Sits on the back row seat, the small head by the glass edge, the chest fluctuates slightly. 嘉茜坐在后排的座椅上,小脑袋靠在车窗边缘,胸口微微起伏。 He Ao takes back vision on the rear view mirror. 何奥收回后视镜上的目光。 Fell asleep. 嘉茜睡着了。 The little misses were too tired, in waiting for the He Ao process, she had not rested, yesterday evening she had not had a good sleep. 小姑娘太累了,在等待何奥的过程中,她一直没睡,昨晚上她也没有睡好。 But she at this moment ages, happen to are needs massive sleep the time. 而她此刻所处的年龄段,正好是需要大量睡眠的时候。 The vehicles drove into the steady road section slowly, He Ao loosened the steering wheel, let the Eve learner vehicle, but he himself opened wristband, looked just-received the document to wristband. 车辆缓缓驶入平稳路段,何奥松开了方向盘,让夏娃驾驶车辆,而他自己则打开了手环,看向手环中刚刚收到的文件。 This is a Eve reorganizes, evolution essential material from headquarters core host data. 这是一份夏娃整理的,进化之从总部核心主机数据中的关键资料。 The critical information that this money foresees accurately, the information obtained from branch there probably be much more than from the evolution. 这一份资料中的关键信息,要比从进化之从分部那里获得的信息要多得多了。 Although as if the part of most secret information or the knowledge have not recorded in these materials, however the remaining information also solved He Ao many doubts. 虽然似乎还是有一部分最隐秘的信息或者知识没有记载在这些资料里,但是剩下的信息也解开了何奥很多的疑惑。 First, is the record of related goatsucker. 首先,是有关夜鹰的记录。 In these materials, is clear to mention, is the evolution from giving method that goatsucker training pollutes the monster. 这些资料中,明确有提到,就是进化之从交给的夜鹰培养污染怪物的方法。 However the goatsucker not according to such that they imagine, kidnaps murder, but makes these pollution monsters hungry, then unceasing conducts the analysis and research. 不过夜鹰并没有按照他们所想象的那样,去绑架杀人,而是就让那些污染怪物一直饿着,然后不断的进行分析研究。 Therefore the evolution kidnap the delivery man and going from has, makes some missing tuarts, then shifts blame on the goatsucker. 所以进化之从不得不自己绑架一下快递员和外卖员,做下一些失踪桉,然后嫁祸到夜鹰头上。 Evolution from the official document has not narrated the materials of these events in detail, but Eve found in many existence staff computers about kidnapping average person, with framing the work plan document of goatsucker. 进化之从的官方文件中并没有详细叙述这些事件的资料,但是夏娃找到了许多的存在员工电脑里的关于绑架普通人,和陷害夜鹰的工作计划文件。 Has saying that evolution from the flow process does was very good, kidnaps and frames made the prospectus, but also needs to obtain the higher authority to examine and approve. 不得不说,进化之从的流程化做的很好,绑架和陷害都是做了计划书的,还需要得到上级审批。 Through these plan documents, Eve also found the evolution the personnel who contact with logically from the internal and pollution cleaning up division. 通过这些计划文件,夏娃还顺藤摸瓜的找到了进化之从内部和污染清理司联系的人员。 The goatsucker raises pollution monster matter, is this person to headquarters reporting of pollution cleaning up division. 夜鹰豢养污染怪物这件事情,就是这个人向污染清理司的总部举报的。 But from other documents, this person after the goatsucker dies, already accidental death. 但从其他文件来看,这个人在夜鹰死后,也已经‘意外死亡’了。 How to contact with the pollution cleaning up division about him, what kind of accidental death, did not have the material to stay behind. 关于他如何和污染清理司联系,怎样的‘意外死亡’,都没有资料留下。 However in these materials also recorded another with the goatsucker related information. 不过这些资料里还记载了另外一件与夜鹰有关的信息。 In the goatsucker missing that month, was the evolution from first through found the trail of goatsucker to the keen sensation of pollution, and was before the pollution cleaning up division launched the attack to the goatsucker. 在夜鹰失踪的那一个月里,是进化之从首先通过对污染的敏锐感知找到了夜鹰的踪迹,并先于污染清理司对夜鹰发起了攻击。 Although at that time all core materials of event as if also by destruction, but He Ao through Eve, found the side information of some related these actions. 虽然当时事件的所有核心资料似乎也都被‘销毁’了,但是何奥还是通过夏娃,找到了一些有关这些行动的侧面信息。 For example at that time the material of action personnel, in evolution from the message record of internal forum wait/etc. 比如当时行动人员的资料,在进化之从内部论坛的留言记录等等。 In these information, one small some divulges the action project participants encircled the goatsucker at that time place. 这些信息中,有一小部分泄露了当时行动参与人员去围剿夜鹰的‘地点’。 Then He Ao through these incomplete information, pieces together the goatsucker had presented five places probably. 然后何奥通过这些残缺的信息,大概拼凑出了夜鹰曾经出现过的五个地点。 Immediately he made Eve present five places on the map. 随即他让夏娃把五个地点呈现在了地图上。 These five places are found in the Saint Jon four city area, to is very far, is unable to connect to become to plant the line. 这五个地点遍布圣乔恩市的四个城区,彼此之间相距都很远,也无法连接成某种线条。 He Ao gazes at the construction that around these places is standing tall and erect, looking pensive. 何奥注视着这些地点周围高耸的建筑,若有所思。 Later he closed the map , to continue to look to the following material. 之后他关闭了地图,继续看向后面的资料。 The evolution from last with the goatsucker related matter is, they suspected that the corpse of goatsucker hides in the sewage system of city, after all there most covert, therefore they have been sending people to seek in inside, but had not found temporarily. 进化之从最后一件和夜鹰相关的事情就是,他们怀疑夜鹰的尸体藏在城市的下水道系统里,毕竟那里最隐蔽,所以他们一直在派人在里面寻找,但是暂时还没有找到。 But besides with goatsucker related information beyond, in these materials, another very essential document. 而除了与夜鹰有关的信息以外,这些资料中,还有另外一份非常关键的文件。 Pollutes the fusion of monster to raise the method. 污染怪物的融合豢养方法。 This method only arrived at the C level, has not broken through the C level limit, but also basically outlined the fusion way of polluting the monster. 这个方法只到了C级,并没有突破C级极限,但是也基本上勾勒出污染怪物的融合方式。 And is most important, is picture. 其中最重要的,就是‘画’。 These He Ao have seen from the headquarters and branch in the evolution, named listener painting that the artist leaves behind. 那些何奥在进化之从总部和分部都见过的,名为‘倾听者’的画师留下的画作。 These paintings by evolution from the person is divided into three ranks. 这些画作被进化之从的人分为三个等级。 Lowest is He Ao in the evolution from the branch, hanging scroll of hanging that in a that charity foundation building corridor sees on wall. 最低等的就是何奥在进化之从分部,那个慈善基金会一楼走廊里看到的挂在墙上的挂画。 These hanging scrolls can make the common pollution monster peaceful, simultaneously can screen the person who suiting fusion pollutes the monster. 那些挂画可以让一般的污染怪物安静下来,同时可以筛选出‘适合’融合污染怪物的人。 Can by the people of these picture attractions, have potential that can fuse to pollute the monster, therefore also from being used to screen rookie by the evolution. 能被那些画吸引的人,都有能融合污染怪物的潜质,所以也被进化之从用来筛选‘新人’。 Therefore He Ao can see these hanging scrolls in the evolution from the building of branch. 所以何奥才能在进化之从分部的一楼看到那些挂画。 But middle-grade picture, the fundamental mode of then for fusing polluting the monster. 而中等的画,则是用于融合污染怪物的主要方式。 This picture cannot gazes by the average person and low level unusualness directly, below C level unusualness without passing through any preparation gazes at this degree of picture, will directly affect their spirits, causing them different to turn into the pollution monster, or the soul was torn into shreds directly. 这种画已经不能被普通人和低级的超凡者直接注视,C级以下的超凡者在不经过任何准备的情况下注视这种程度的画,会直接影响他们的精神,导致他们异变成污染怪物,或者灵魂被直接撕碎。 Simultaneously they can attract almost all pollution monsters the vision, making these monsters peaceful. 同时它们可以吸引几乎所有污染怪物的目光,让这些怪物安静下来。 But must fuse the person who pollutes the monster, then must use some special ceremony, coordinating this picture to fuse. 而要融合污染怪物的人,则要使用某种特殊的仪式,配合这种画来融合。 The content of ceremony is very simple, in the ground has a circular diagram tuart with the drawing of blood of human, then drawing tall and slender a crescent moon chart tuart in this circle. 仪式的内容很简单,用人类的鲜血在地面上绘画出一个圆形图桉,然后再在这个圆里绘画一个细长的月牙图桉。 The concave of crescent moon faces the direction that the painting is, pollutes the monster and must with the person of pollution monster fusion, below corner/horn that places the crescent moon, a on corner/horn that stands in the crescent moon. 月牙的凹面朝向画作所在的方向,污染怪物和要和污染怪物融合的人,一个放在月牙的下角,一个站在月牙的上角。 After all prepare, the control pollution monster and person look simultaneously to the front painting. 一切准备好之后,控制污染怪物和人同时看向前方的画作。 Will be moved toward the same place by the painting influence two lives, in the central fusion of crescent moon. 被画作影响的两个生命就会走向一起,在月牙的中心融合。 The process mortal body of this fusion is not painful, but the spirit will have fierce tearing and crazy feeling, without supporting the past person, will lose the reason, turns into the monster thoroughly. 这种融合的过程肉身并不痛苦,但是精神会有剧烈的撕裂和疯狂感,没撑过去的人,就会失去理智,彻底变成怪物。 Supported, can maintain the human form to a certain extent and maintains the basic reason, but filled to the human the hope and hunger of flesh and soul. 撑过去了,就能在一定程度上保持人形和维持基本的理智,但是充满了对人类血肉和灵魂的渴望和饥饿。 This sense of hunger because of not eating food to be filled up, they change with the feed many and will be only getting more and more hungry. 这种饥饿感不会因为进食而被填满,他们只会随着进食变多而越来越饥饿。 If cannot withstand this hunger, will turn into the monster thoroughly. 如果承受不了这种饥饿,也会彻底变成怪物。 However in this type the painting of rank, can only lead below C level the unusualness and average person and monster the fusion. 不过这种中等级的画作,只能主导C级以下的超凡者和普通人与怪物的融合。 After the C level, painting that needs the highest rank. 到了C级以后,就需要最高等级的画作了。 But this so-called ‚the highest rank, actually also can only fuse the C level limit following pollution monster. 但这个所谓的‘最高等级’,其实也只能融合C级极限以下的污染怪物。 But the way of breakthrough C level limit, in this document had not said. 而突破C级极限的方式,这个文件里没有说。 It seems like, this document to the poisonous scorpion helps eldest child type ‚the peripheral C level the material. 看起来,这个文件就是给毒蝎帮老大这种‘外围C级’的资料。 After all the poisonous scorpion helps the eldest child reaches the C level limit, cannot walk downward. 毕竟毒蝎帮老大就是走到C级极限,就不能往下走了。 But cut the filmmaker to break through the C level limit. 而裁影人是突破了C级极限的。 Therefore the evolution from actually has the method of breaking through the C level limit. 所以进化之从其实是有突破C级极限的方法的。 But He Ao can also guess correctly that probably this method the core is anything. 何奥大概也能猜到这个方法的核心是什么。 conceals in cutting that in filmmaker office ceiling painting that is full of the distortion line. 藏在裁影人办公室天花板内的那个充满扭曲线条的画作。 By pollution degree that picture displays, perhaps has surpassed the evolution ‚the highest rank of’ from delimiting, was the evolution from the secret of hidden. 以那幅画表现出来的污染程度,恐怕已经超过了进化之从所划定的‘最高等级’,属于进化之从隐藏的秘密了。 Therefore can hide in the ceiling. 所以才会藏在天花板内。 Entire evolution from existing core, is the method of pollution monster fusion, but the core of this fusion method, is these by listener the drawing strange painting. 整个进化之从存在的核心,就是与污染怪物融合的方法,而这种融合方法的核心,就是那些由‘倾听者’所绘画的诡异画作。 They replaced the relation process that in the ceremony and had top with these pictures directly, helping them without any belief, the strength that some intimate borrowing high had helped them fuse. 他们直接用这些画代替了仪式中与高位存在的联系过程,使得他们可以在没有任何信仰的情况下,直接借用某种高位存在的力量帮助他们融合。 Naturally, if that high exists also has the consciousness, this type steals strength method, is very easy the penalty that draws on has top. 当然,如果那位高位存在还具有意识的话,这种‘偷力量’的方法,很容易招来高位存在的惩罚。 But evolution from doing so many years, but also as before well. 而进化之从干了这么多年,还依旧好好地。 This means that high exists, perhaps is unable to send out the penalty. 这意味着那位高位存在,或许是无法发出惩罚了。 These painting big probabilities are related with the mound of winding, but after He Ao entry the mound of winding, without feeling any living consciousness. 这些画作大概率与蜿蜒之丘有关,而何奥‘进入’蜿蜒之丘之后,没有感觉到任何‘活’的意识。 Even if the war-god died so many years, the will of surviving prepared to return from the death at any time. 战神哪怕死了那么多年,都还有残存的意志随时准备着从死亡中归来。 The shadow that in previous transcription that thought deep sea appears also as if died many years, but has the method that the ability arranges to resurrect as before. 上个副本那个思维深海中浮现的阴影也似乎死了很多年了,但是依旧有能力布置复活的手段。 But winds hamlet almost anything not to remain. 而蜿蜒之丘里几乎什么都没剩。 And in that scene that finally springs He Ao, he saw the purple blood vaguely, with thunder of twinkle. 并且最后将何奥弹出的那个场景中,他依稀看到了紫色的鲜血,和闪烁的雷霆。 That seems like remnant sound that’ some ancient fight preserves. 那似乎是某一场古老战斗留存下来的‘残响’。 He Ao has not seen clearly the appearance of thunder, he heard the deafening thunderclap, but the strengths of these thunder, make him feel vaguely somewhat familiar. 何奥并没有看清楚雷霆的模样,他只是听到了震耳欲聋的雷声,但那些雷霆的力量,依稀让他感觉有些熟悉。 He takes back the mind , to continue to glance through the remaining materials. 他收回心神,继续翻阅着剩下的资料。 Quick, he found these paintings origin. 很快,他找到了这些画作的‘来源’。 The hidden dough figurine, the evolution from the true leader, established the evolution single-handedly from the person. 隐面人,进化之从真正的首领,一手建立了进化之从的人。 All these painting, including and pollutes the method of monster fusion, is the hidden dough figurine takes. 所有的这些‘画作’,包括与污染怪物融合的方法,都是隐面人拿出来的。 He spent more than ten years of time, created this huge organizations that single-handedly stretch across more than ten cities. 他花了十几年的功夫,一手缔造了这个横跨十几个城市的庞大组织。 And He Ao also discovers an interesting matter, 并且何奥还发现一个有趣的事情, Any place that has the pollution cleaning up division, has certainly the evolution, since, naturally, that city also has the pollution monster inevitably. 凡是有污染清理司的地方,就一定有进化之从,当然,那个城市也必然存在着污染怪物。 In evolution from document material, recorded about the pollution cleaning up division secret. 在进化之从的文件资料里,也记载了一些关于污染清理司的‘隐秘’。 For example the pollution cleaning up division trades, is used covers pollutes the aura to cover breath atomization, in fact pollutes the monster flesh the concentration essence to mix some medicinal herbs to make. 比如污染清理司所贩卖的,用来掩盖污染气息的‘掩息喷雾’,实际上是污染怪物血肉的浓缩精华调配一些药材制成的。 The core activation method does not help user hide aura, but makes the pollution monster think that spurted the person of atomization is similar, therefore did not launch the attack. 其核心生效方法也不是帮助使用者‘掩藏气息’,而是让污染怪物以为喷了喷雾的人是‘同类’,所以不发起攻击。 However this regarding not only has pollutes the monster sense of smell, and has the evolution of reason from, does not have the function, this type cover is unable to deceive them. 但是这对于既有污染怪物的‘嗅觉’,又有理智的进化之从来说,毫无作用,这种‘掩盖’无法欺骗他们。 Therefore they can clear discovering hide in the crowd, had had the pollution aura, but has used Sietow son and daughter-in-law who cover the breath atomization. 所以他们可以清晰的找出藏在人群中的,曾经沾染过污染气息,但是使用过掩息喷雾的西托儿子和儿媳。 But besides these information, in these materials also recorded the evolution from the exact location and personnel data of each branch, tuart that as well as violates over the years. 而除了这些信息以外,这些资料中还记载了进化之从各个分部的具体位置和人员数据,以及历年来所犯下的桉件。 He Ao raised the head, looked that to glimmer that the sky end exudes. 何奥抬起头去,看向天空尽头泛起的微光。 The surrounding street presents the appearance that he was familiar with, at this moment they had returned to the western north city. 周围的街道呈现出了他熟悉的样子,此刻他们已经回到了西北城。 Here belongs to the factory tall building in triumphant Alone Group to compare in other Saint Jon areas must little. 这里的属于凯杰特集团的工厂高楼相比较于圣乔恩市其他地区要少很多。 Because here has massive small-scale grain industry company and ordinary factory. 因为这里存在着大量的小型粮业公司和普通工厂。 Although they had been pushed in the corner by triumphant Alone Group, because of once Sinawa municipal government carry-over of small business supportive policy, they still also difficult is living. 虽然他们已经被凯杰特集团挤到了角落里,但是因为曾经斯纳瓦市政府的小型企业扶持政策的遗留,他们仍旧还艰难的活着。 Before Sinawa mounts the stage, when triumphant Alone Group has not completely controlled Saint Jon. 而在斯纳瓦上台之前,在凯杰特集团还没有完全控制圣乔恩市的时候。 Here also revolts against one of the triumphant Alone Group critical localities. 这里也是反抗凯杰特集团的重要据点之一。 Initially Sietow chose settles down here, was because he did not like triumphant Alone Group. 当初西托选择在这里定居,就是因为他不喜欢凯杰特集团。 …… …… A early morning point glimmer sprinkles on the chaotic street. 清晨的点点微光洒在混乱的街道上。 Some attires slightly are neat point wanderers to start to reorganize the clothes, and fishes out the wrinkled cash from the pocket, goes to nearby convenience store to purchase food. 一些衣着还稍微整洁一点的流浪者们开始整理衣服,并从口袋里摸出皱巴巴的现金,去附近的便利店购买食物。 Leads the middle-aged man of eyeglasses to arrive on the street, he took a fast look around, arrives at one to gnaw the middle-aged wanderer of cold bread and side cold water. 带着眼镜的中年男人走到街道上,他四下扫视了一圈,走到一个正在啃着冷面包和冷水的中年流浪者身边。 Brother, do you get up are so early?” “老兄,你们起这么早?” His following wanderer sits on the ground together, distributes cigarettes, asking of some doubts. 他跟着流浪者一起坐在地上,递上去一根烟,有些疑惑的问道。 Found to live,” “找到个活,” The wanderers looked up his one eyes, the vision stopped slightly, then received the smoke to hold in the import bag, continued saying that had a factory to lack the strength labor, did for three days, a day 20 federal coins, made this living, in the morning must eat meal, did not eat meal hungrily at noon did not have the strength.” 流浪者抬头看了他一眼,目光稍微停顿了一下,然后接过了烟揣进口袋里,继续说道,“有个厂子缺力工,干三天,一天二十联邦币,做这种活,早上必须得吃饭,不吃饭中午饿的没力气。” Is so low?” “这么低?” The middle-aged man stares, „isn't the Saint Jon lowest hourly wage seven federal coins?” 中年男人一愣,“圣乔恩市最低时薪不是七联邦币吗?” Seven federal coins?” “七联邦币?” The wanderers looked at his one eyes, brothers, how long your had not worked, that was at least 78 years ago things, the water of running water factory circulated does not know that many spread, that law tuart had been abolished, now not minimum wage, even if there is still uselessly,” 流浪者看了他一眼,“兄弟,你多久没干活了,那都是至少七八年前的事情了,自来水工厂的水都循环了不知道多少遍了,那个法桉早就被废除了,现在没有最低工资,即使有也没用,” The wanderers look at the vehicles that a surroundings roadside went, money that we want if not lower than the machine, who is willing to use us?” 流浪者看了一眼周围路边行驶的车辆,“我们要的钱要是不比机器更低,谁愿意用我们呢?” The middle-aged man opens mouth, does not know that said anything. 中年男人张了张嘴,不知道说什么。 He lit cigarette, delivers to the mouth, moves away slowly, recent bread price rose probably.” 他点燃了一支烟,送到嘴边,又缓缓拿开,“最近面包价格好像又涨了。” Rose 50 points, heard that was synthesizes the bread flour to rise in prices,” “涨了50,听说是合成面粉涨价了,” The wanderers bit a bread, „, if before, I definitely scolded this group of bastards ruthlessly, from the grain industry financial group to convenience store boss, but after my wife did not have, my temperament were quite many.” 流浪者咬了一口面包,“如果是以前,我肯定狠狠骂死这帮混蛋,从粮业财团到便利店老板,但是我老婆没了以后,我脾气就好很多了。” Your wife is “你妻子是・・・・・・” The middle-aged man has doubts looks to her. 中年男人疑惑的看向她。
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