LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#683: Talent sequence 200: Orators

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He Ao is hand-held the spear's/gun's body, stands up slowly, looked that to behind by the cutting filmmaker who the long spear/gun pierces. 何奥手扶着枪身,缓缓站起身,看向身后被长枪洞穿的裁影人。 Cuts the filmmaker to stare the big eye, is gazing at him dull, inconceivable of whole face. 裁影人瞪大眼睛,呆呆的注视着他,满脸的不可思议。 His surprised stiff on face, as if had lost the life. 他的惊讶僵在脸上,似乎已经失去了生命。 But in this instantaneous, one side of He Ao courageous body. 而就在这瞬间,何奥勐地身子一侧。 Resting- 休- The tall and slender bone needle almost scratches his cheeks to fly, after pricking him behind the leaf of door of not far away, splashes a radiant spark. 细长的骨针几乎擦着他的脸颊飞过,刺入了他身后不远处的一扇小门后,溅起一片璀璨的火花。 You how “你・・・・・・怎么・・・・・・” Cuts the stiff lip of filmmaker high and low to move, how as to make clear He Ao to discover his feigning death, or wants to inquire He Ao, why not by the influence that pollution talks during sleep. 裁影人的僵硬嘴唇上下活动,似乎想要搞清楚何奥是如何发现他的‘装死’,又或者想要询问何奥,为什么不受那污染呓语的影响。 However he has not asked the words finally, because He Ao has arrived at his front. 然而他最终没有问出话,因为何奥已经走到了他的面前。 In his vision is only left over this old person's tranquil look, in that profound pupil, seems to be tranquility before the volcanic eruption. 他的目光里只剩下这位老人平静的眼神,在那幽深的眸子里,是仿佛火山爆发前的宁静。 He Ao put out a hand to grip cut the stock before shadow person, drew out the long spear/gun courageous, at the same time, he put out a hand, pressed firmly between the fingers to cut the chin of filmmaker, pulled his face to the top of the head. 何奥伸手握住了裁影人身前的枪柄,勐地拔出了长枪,与此同时,他伸出手去,捏住裁影人的下巴,把他的脸扳向头顶。 Wanted to ask the words that were broken entirely, cut the filmmaker only to squeeze out one difficultly, does not want asked 原本想要问出的话语被通通打断,裁影人只能艰难的挤出一句,“不要・・・・・・求・・・・・・” However his words have not affected the He Ao movement, he closes the eye to try to avoid all these, then opened out the eyelid by He Ao gently. 然而他的话语没有丝毫影响何奥的动作,他闭上眼睛试图躲避这一切,然后就被何奥轻轻的拨开了眼皮。 Even his such evasion, the split vision of his eye saw distortion line of that drawing as before on top. 即便他如此的回避,他眼睛的余光依旧看到了那绘画在顶上的扭曲线条。 But is seeing the flash of this line, his body stiff, entire body uncontrolled twitches. 而在看到这线条的一瞬间,他的身子一僵,整个身体不受控制的抽搐起来。 He Ao is grasping the long spear/gun, retroceded several steps, the tranquil gaze is cutting the filmmaker. 何奥手握着长枪,后退了几步,平静的注视着裁影人。 He just that struck the back thrust to destroy core energy aggregate point that cuts the filmmaker. 他刚刚那一击回马枪摧毁了裁影人的核心能源汇集点。 This struck to cause heavy losses cut the filmmaker, let cut the filmmaker almost to lose the control to the body, can only the reluctant emanation final sneak attack strike, but has not killed him. 这一击重创了裁影人,让裁影人几乎失去了对身体的控制,只能勉强的发出最后的偷袭一击,但是并没有杀死他。 At this moment in field of vision that the god knows, cuts the filmmaker remaining three secondary energy aggregate points to glitter the glimmer of undulating, striven is maintaining the frail vitality of this body. 此刻在神识的视野里,裁影人剩下的三个次级能量汇集点正闪烁着澹澹的微光,勉力的维持着这具身体的脆弱生机。 He Ao saw these energy flows, can accurately judge that cut the filmmaker just to feign death, therefore evaded that sneak attack. 何奥正是看到了这些能量流动,才能准确判断出裁影人刚刚在装死,所以躲过了那一记偷袭。 However he also knows, this cuts the final move that the filmmaker can release. 但是他也知道,这是裁影人能释放的最后的招数了。 Glitters the dark peaceful energy network, means that cut the filmmaker to stand in the boundary of hell and world. 闪烁暗澹的能量网络,意味着裁影人站在了地狱与人世的分界线上。 But He Ao helps him raising the head the movement, stands side him, pushed his gently. 何奥帮他‘抬头’的动作,就是站在他身旁,轻轻推了他一把。 Cuts the filmmaker not to pollute the monster to call it the evolution god servant who’ from declares, proves him to that so-called gods does not have any belief. 裁影人并不将污染怪物称之为进化之从所宣称的‘神仆’,证明他对那个所谓的‘神明’没有任何的信仰。 Does not have scruples to cope with He Ao using the pollution of gods from him to look. 从他毫不顾忌利用神明的污染来对付何奥就可以看出来。 Under normal conditions, the follower of evil god to the pollution of evil god will have certain resistivity, because or they have withstood the evil god to pollute on own initiative, but causes oneself obtained certainly to bearing capacity of specific pollution. 通常情况下,邪神的信徒会对邪神的污染有一定的抵抗力,或者说,他们因为一直主动承受着邪神污染,而使得自己获得了一定的对特定污染的承受能力。 Is the high rank follower, this bearing capacity is stronger, naturally can also say, because their bearing capacity is stronger, therefore lives, accepting the evil god were more gracious gift, becomes the high rank follower. 越是高阶的信徒,这种承受能力越强,当然也可以说,正是因为他们承受能力更强,所以活下来,接受了邪神更多的‘恩赐’,成为了高阶信徒。 But cuts follower who behind filmmaker not these winding lines has, as one not believing, then his resistivity to the winding line pollution will not compare ordinary C level good many. 而裁影人并不是那些蜿蜒线条背后存在的信徒,作为一个‘不信者’,那么他对蜿蜒线条污染的抵抗力并不会比一个普通的C级好多少。 When he most flourishing, he could have the means to avoid or reduce the pollution that these lines bring. 在他全盛的时候,他或许能有办法回避或者减轻这些线条带来的污染。 However very unfortunately, he now very weak, and his body and soul are different like normal unusualness, is a body. 但是很不巧,他现在非常的虚弱,并且他的身体和灵魂也并不是如同正常的超凡者一样,是一体的。 He fused the pollution monster, gained the strength of surpassing originally the level. 他融合了污染怪物,获取了超越原本自己水平的力量。 But all gracious gift, must pay the price. 而所有的‘恩赐’,都是要付出代价的。 At this moment in field of vision that ultra recalls, cuts behind the filmmaker these were sutured well in the same place shadow, at this moment as if received some stimulation, fierce tearing. 此刻在超忆的视野中,裁影人背后那些原本被好好缝合在一起的‘阴影’,此刻仿佛受到了某种刺激,剧烈的撕裂开来。 The illusory cheeks that come from the different people appear in these shadow fragment, they look like the cheeks to paste in the theater curtain following person, desperate raising one's head forward, extrudes the theater curtain, however they how, regardless of unable to run out of that theater curtain, 一张张来自于不同人的虚幻脸颊在那些阴影碎块中浮现,他们就像是脸颊贴在幕布后面的人,拼命的向前伸头,挤压幕布,然而他们无论如何也冲不出那张幕布, They are tearing unceasingly, will cut the filmmaker the huge soul to tear to involve behind in the same place innumerable fragment. 他们不断的撕裂着,将裁影人身后巨大的灵魂撕裂成牵扯在一起的无数碎块。 But this tearing, reflected that to the body of reality on, is arms is cutting filmmaker within the body to surge, their furiously ripped open from the inside corpse that cuts the filmmaker, tears into shreds his flesh. 而这种撕裂,反映到现实的躯体上,就是一只只手臂在裁影人体内涌动,它们奋力的从内侧撕开了裁影人的尸体,一块块的撕碎他的血肉。 Goes back! You go back to me! Does not want! “回去!你们都给我回去!不要! ! Does not want! !不要! ! ” !” But the distortion the fierce painful expression on cutting the filmmaker cheeks emerges, wish that he tries hard breaks off the arm that these extend, the stopper returns to the body, but can only more and more flesh be pulled taut by these arms finally, tears into shreds. 扭曲而狰狞的痛苦表情在裁影人脸颊上涌现,他努力的想要把那些伸出的手臂折断,塞回身体,但是最终只能越来越多的血肉被那些手臂扯住,撕碎。 Almost in the extremely short time, this was once powerful to unusualness of being insufferably arrogant, like this by oneself living tearing into shreds. 几乎极短的时间里,这个曾经强大到不可一世的超凡者,就这样被自己活生生的撕碎。 Spirit of that huge dark peaceful distortion also with the disruption of body, but thorough disintegration. 那庞大暗澹的扭曲的魂灵也随着身体的碎裂而彻底崩碎。 Until saw that soul dissipates finally together, He Ao relaxing of slowly. 直到看到那最后一块灵魂消散,何奥才缓缓的松了一口气。 Cutting the filmmaker is very strong, but he not pure strength unusualness, his most powerful skill, is that can destroy the soul the shadow scissors. 裁影人很强,但是他并非纯粹的力量型超凡者,他的最强大的技能,是那把能摧毁灵魂的阴影剪刀。 Then has no regarding these scissors regards and so on person of skill spirit, is almost fatal attack unable to resist, they in first putting in an appearance, but also without detecting time, by that the shadow scissors cuttings soul, will be lost the life. 那把剪刀对于那些没有任何‘灵视’之类技能的人来说,几乎是无法抵抗的致命攻击,他们在第一个照面,还没有察觉到的时候,就会被那把阴影剪刀剪碎灵魂,失去生命。 However exactly, He Ao after opening ultra recalls, had can spy on the ability of soul, this helped him the attack to the shadow scissors to avoid, thus caused to cut filmmaker biggest killing to incur is weakened significantly. 但是恰好,何奥在开启超忆之后,拥有了可以窥探灵魂的能力,这就使得他可以对阴影剪刀的攻击进行躲避,从而使得裁影人最大的杀招被大幅度削弱。 However even so, cuts the strength of filmmaker far also strong he, just even the slightest misstep, lay down here was he. 但是即使如此,裁影人的实力也远强过他,刚刚稍有不慎,躺在这里的就是他了。 The waist and shoulder transmitted the fierce ache, He Ao ripped one section the shirt, before arriving at the pin rail, put out the beforehand aid from the coat to his fast hematischesis atomization, spurted in the wound, made the simple wrap fast. 腰间和肩膀传来了剧烈的疼痛,何奥将衬衫撕下来一截,走到衣帽架前,从上衣里拿出之前斯恩济给他的快速止血喷雾,喷在伤口上,快速做了简易的包扎。 If not the strength support that ultra recalls with Sietow quite strong physical quality, and He Ao quite strong energetic will, these two wounds can actually discard him completely. 如果不是超忆的力量支撑和西托本身比较强的身体素质,以及何奥本身比较强的精神意志,这两处伤其实就可以完全废掉他。 Even so, after all conclusions, He Ao still felt some dizziness. 即使如此,在一切结束之后,何奥仍旧感到了些许眩晕。 He looked up lines of top of the head these distortions, that chaotic talking during sleep reverberated as in his ear bank. 他抬头看了一眼头顶那些扭曲的线条,那混乱的呓语依旧回荡在他的耳畔。 These line drawing extremely abstract confusions, person but who He Ao can see drawing these lines vaguely in tracing some hill. 这些线条绘画的极其抽象混乱,但是何奥又依稀能看出绘画这些线条的人是在‘临摹’一些山丘。 And, these chaotic lines, give him an extremely strong attraction feeling. 并且,这些混乱的线条,给他一种极强的吸引感。 That seems to be engraves in his innermost soul, instinct same attraction. 那是仿佛镌刻在他灵魂深处的,本能一样的吸引。 Under his gaze, the lines of these distortions as if lived came, same twisted like the worms of creeping motions. 在他的注视下,那些扭曲的线条仿佛‘活了’过来,如同一条条蠕动的蠕虫一样扭曲起来。 He Ao felt that an extremely strong dizziness feeling attacked his brain, his hand supported the long spear/gun, the body was shaking. 何奥感觉一股极强的眩晕感冲击了他的大脑,他手撑着长枪,身子晃悠了一下。 Cool breeze slightly has stroked his cheek, 微微的凉风拂过他的面颊, He sobered suddenly. 他骤然清醒了过来。 He felt that the ground of under foot as if had some change, turned into the soft soil from the hard cement. 他感觉脚下的地面似乎出现了某种变化,从坚硬的水泥变成了柔软的泥土。 Makes a sound just like the dance music general music that plays carelessly in his ear bank. 一道道宛如胡乱奏响的舞曲一般的音乐响在他的耳畔。 These dance music are chaotic, weird, but seems hiding some pinnacle mood, is joyful and sad, curls the love and crazy, chaotic mixing together in the same place. 这些舞曲混乱,怪诞,但是又仿佛潜藏着某种极致的情绪,喜悦与悲伤,卷恋与疯狂,纷乱的杂糅在一起。 He Ao raised the head, looks to all around. 何奥抬起头,看向四周。 At this moment in his field of vision is not halls of that high place in 77 buildings, but is one piece dark peaceful purple hill, these hill be continuous under purple sky, does not have any vegetation or the building, in the sand dune just like desert are the same, continuously spread to the end of sky. 此刻他视野中再不是那个高处在七十七楼的大厅,而是一片暗澹的紫色的‘山丘’,这些山丘绵延在紫色的天空之下,没有任何的植被或者建筑,宛如沙漠里的沙丘一样,一直蔓延到天空的尽头。 Here seems like some type mystical place. 这里似乎是某种‘秘境’。 This first time was not He Ao entered this mystical place, he before Locker, has entered doubtful war-god tomb mystical place. 这并不是何奥第一次进入这种秘境了,他之前在罗克市的时候,就进过疑似战神‘墓地’的秘境。 He sinks oneself train of thought that opens out the influences of these chaotic dance music, successfully found the contact with oneself body. 他将自己的思绪沉下来,拨开那些混乱的舞曲的影响,顺利的找到了与自己身体的联系。 He relaxes. 他松了一口气。 This means that he can depart momentarily. 这意味着他随时可以离去。 He raised the head, looks to the front, in that hill deep place, has some type of thing attraction he. 他抬起头,看向前方,在那山丘深处,有某种东西正在‘吸引’着他。 Compares before him went to the tomb of war-god, this hill mystical place wants temperately many, that distortion crazy consciousness, has not wanted to try to follow the relation to enter his body, returns from the hell. 相比较于他之前去过的战神的墓地,这个山丘秘境要‘温和’的多,并没有那种扭曲疯狂的意识,想要试图顺着联系进入他的身体,从地狱中归来。 He Ao lifts the leg, rapidly toward transmitting attraction the direction walks. 何奥抬起腿,迅速向着传来‘吸引’的方向走去。 Quick, he crossed the hill that oneself were. 很快,他就翻过了自己所在的这个山丘。 Also in standing, when under hill, his heart has a feeling, turns head. 也就在站在山丘之下的时候,他心有所感,回过头去。 Then he discovered with amazement, the hill that he just stood has vanished to disappear, in originally hill position, only then another two next to together small hill. 然后他惊讶的发现,他刚刚所站的山丘已经消失不见了,在原本山丘位置的,只有另外两个紧挨在一起的小山丘。 Here terrain not remain unchanged. 这里的地形并不是一成不变的。 He takes back the line of sight rapidly, looks again to the front, fortunately, that attracts his direction of thing not to change. 他迅速收回视线,再次看向前方,所幸的是,那吸引着他的东西的方向并没有改变。 This unique attraction feeling like the compass, was He Ao found the direction in this unpredictable hill labyrinth. 这种独特的吸引感就像指南针一样,为何奥在这个变化莫测的山丘迷宫里找到方向。 And, he can feel, oneself are away from that to attract oneself thing to be getting more and more near. 并且,他能感受到,自己距离那个吸引自己的东西正越来越近。 After first even/including crossed four hill fast, he obviously felt oneself have been close to that attracting his thing. 在一连快速翻过四座山丘之后,他明显感觉自己已经接近了那个吸引着他的东西。 Finally, he mounted the last hill. 终于,他登上了最后一个山丘。 But presents the scenery in his eyes, somewhat looks familiar vaguely. 而出现在他眼中的景色,依稀有些眼熟。 This is he stands in the appearance that on the initial hill sees. 这是他站在最初山丘上所看到的模样。 Also circled? 又绕回来了? It is not right. 不对。 He gawked, then immediately sinks the mind, he can feel that is attracting his thing in his side. 他愣了一下,然后立刻沉下心神,他能感觉到那个吸引着他的东西就在他的身旁。 He closes the eye slightly, feels that to come from the attraction of soul carefully, then he has turned around slowly, puts out a hand to touch some oneself behind point. 他微微闭上眼睛,仔细感受着那来自灵魂的吸引,然后他缓缓转过身,伸手去触摸自己身后的某一个点。 Bang- 轰- The next second, the sound of thunder trembled his eardrum, he raised the head, looks to the front, the thunder of twinkle drops from the clouds, the purple blood camouflaged his complete field of vision instantaneously. 下一秒,雷霆的响声震颤了他的耳膜,他抬起头去,看向前方,闪烁的雷霆从天而降,紫色的鲜血瞬间遮蔽了他的全部视野。 The endless chaotic dance music in his mind crack, the mood of absurd distortion floats off in his mind. 无尽混乱的舞曲在他的脑海中炸响,荒唐扭曲的情绪在他的心中浮起。 Pounds across the skull just like a heavy hammer directly on the brain, He Ao felt oneself at present one black. 宛如一记重锤穿过颅骨直接砸在大脑上,何奥感觉自己眼前一黑。 [ Talent sequence 128: Holds chess] [天赋序列128:执棋者] [ Principal material: The soul core of spirit chanteur, mind female monster forehead stone] [主材料:幽灵歌唱者的魂芯,心灵女妖的眉心石] [ Accessory material:] [辅助材料:・・・・・・] [ Mixes the method:] [调配方法:・・・・・・] …… ・・・・・・ [ Talent sequence 200: Orators] [天赋序列200:演说家] [ Principal material: The tongue of eternal fox, the heart blood of dark giant] [主材料:永恒之狐的舌头,幽暗巨人的心头血] [ Accessory material: Sea water 100 milliliters of sea of sky, a dense/woods of creeping motion tree ground-wood core section, flower flower petal of a piece singing] [辅助材料:天空之海的海水100毫升,蠕动之森的树心木一截,歌唱之花的花瓣一片] [ Mixes the method: The tree ground-wood core and singing of dense/woods of creeping motion the flower flower petal soaks in the sea water of sea of sky completely 12 hours, then drainings the sea water, simultaneously after the heart blood mix stamp crushing of tongue and dark giant of eternal fox, with draininging the seawater mixing, 80 degrees constant temperature heats up for 36 hours, after completing, skims the spume, takes down a liquid.] [调配方法:将蠕动之森的树心木和歌唱之花的花瓣完全浸泡于天空之海的海水中12小时,然后沥出海水,同时将永恒之狐的舌头和幽暗巨人的心头血混合捣碎之后,与沥出的海水混合,80度恒温加热36小时,完成后撇去浮沫,取下层液体。] [ Ceremony:] [仪式:・・・・・・] …… ・・・・・・ Talent sequence 272 天赋序列272・・・・・・ The next second, the hall of familiar covering entirely blood appeared in the He Ao field of vision. 下一秒,熟悉的布满鲜血的大厅出现在了何奥的视野中。 He has not obtained the talent sequence 272 names, but he very early had known this name, 他并没有得到天赋序列272的名字,但是他很早就已经知道了这个名字, Talent sequence 272: Ultra recalled. 天赋序列272:超忆。 He Ao looked up lines of top of the head these distortions again, quick, he found that familiar signature in these lines, listener. 何奥再次抬头看了一眼头顶那些扭曲的线条,很快,他就在这些线条中找到了那个熟悉的签名,‘倾听者’。 These lines, is that listener draws up. 这些线条,也是那个‘倾听者’所绘制。 Just that hill mystical place, seeming like, is ‚the mound of winding the main line duty described. 刚那个‘山丘秘境’,看起来,就是主线任务所描述的‘蜿蜒之丘’。 This perhaps, is all cores that He Ao experiences until now. 这或许,就是何奥迄今为止所经历的这所有的一切的核心。 Leaves behind these drawing listener, evolution, since, the pollution cleaning up division, triumphant Alone Group, the goatsucker, the innumerable information have delimited the He Ao mind. 留下这些绘画的‘倾听者’,进化之从,污染清理司,凯杰特集团,夜鹰,无数的信息划过何奥的脑海。 He now was unable to connect these, he also misses can communicate all clues puzzles together, he knows, oneself is away from that puzzle is not far. 他现在还无法把这些串联起来,他还差一块能沟通所有线索的拼图,他知道,自己距离那一块拼图不远了。 He Ao wore the coat, conducted the back the backpack. 何奥穿上了外套,背上了背包。 He gazes at the line that the top of the head is twisting, then lifts the long spear/gun, jumps, the sharp blade cut the bottom surface of drawing line, canvas unceasing falling gently of disruption, destroys the lines of these distortions all. 他注视着头顶扭曲的线条,然后抬起长枪,跃起一荡,锋利的刀刃划开了绘画线条的底面,碎裂的画布不断的飘落,将这些扭曲的线条尽数摧毁。 These incomplete traces as if can draw on the pollution of distortion as before, but is lighter. 那些残缺不全的痕迹依旧似乎能招来扭曲的污染,但是已经轻了很多。 Out of the door as if broadcast the sound that people discussed that FBI and people of pollution cleaning up division as if gets the winning side, started to turn toward 77 buildings. 门外似乎传来了人们谈论的声音,联邦调查局和污染清理司的人似乎已经占据了上风,开始向着七十七楼而来。 Data copy is successful.” “数据拷贝成功。” Meanwhile, Eve's sound sound in the He Ao ear bank, examines the ejection escape apparatus, this/should equipment is at the damaged condition, attempts to restore?” 与此同时,夏娃的声音响在何奥的耳畔,“检测到弹射逃生装置,该装置目前处于损坏状态,是否尝试修复?” He Ao shot a look at one leftmost end that door that is glittering the flame, after the door, is an ejection installation, but already the cut filmmaker wrecked finally. 何奥瞥了一眼最左侧尽头那个闪烁着火光的小门,小门后是一个弹射装置,但是已经被裁影人最后一击毁掉了。 Does not use.” “不用。” He Ao shakes the head, he takes away the clothes knot, takes down the jackknife, takes back in the clothes, then turns back the style of walking stick the spear's/gun's body. 何奥摇摇头,他将衣服扣子扣好,取下折叠刀,收回衣服里,然后将枪身折回拐杖的样式。 He raised the head, looked that just the cut filmmaker defeated the window that to not far away, a sprint arrived in the crack, then jumped to leap. 他抬起头,看向不远处刚刚被裁影人击破的窗户,一个冲刺抵达了破口,然后纵身一跃。 Bang- 砰- Meanwhile, the red door was shoved open, Yin Xiya led the person to clash rapidly, she took a fast look around a scene of hall, saw the bloodstain of ground, then charged into that window crack, venerable!?” 与此同时,红色的房门被推开,尹希亚带着人迅速冲了进来,她扫视了一眼大厅的场景,看到了地上的血迹,然后冲向了那个落地窗破口,“老先生!?” Above more than 200 meters upper air, that gray-haired old person is stretching out the arms, in bird that the steel jungles soars, has delimited the sky. 在这两百多米的高空之上,那个头发花白的老人正张开双臂,如同钢铁丛林之间飞翔的鸟儿,划过天空。 Almost in Yin Xiya rushes to the instance before window, He Ao to behind was giving a OK hand signal 几乎在尹希亚冲到窗口前的瞬间,何奥对着后面比了一个OK的手势 The next second, his behind backpack launched, changed to a small-scale parachute, stops speed that he dropped, leading him to fly to the city deep place. 下一秒,他身后的背包展开,化作了一个小型降落伞,止住了他下降的速度,带着他向城市深处飞去。 Considering environment so, home station possibly closes momentarily, asking everyone to step to permanent operation trading source App , as soon as possible 【鉴于大环境如此,本站可能随时关闭,请大家尽快移步至永久运营的换源App,】 Sees this, heart loosen that Yin Xiya hung. 看到这一幕,尹希亚原本悬起来的心松了下来。 She shows a smile. 她露出一个微笑。 Buzz- 嗡- At this moment, her wristband receives an anonymous message, 就在这时,她的手环收到一个匿名消息, [ Raised the head to have a look] [抬头看看] She stares, subconscious wants to raise the head to have a look. 她一愣,下意识的想要抬头看看。 Also in this instantaneous, again a recent information transmits to her wristband on, 也就在这瞬间,一条新的信息再次发送的到了她的手环上, Venerable Sietow:[ Do not gain ground] 西托老先生:[不要抬头]
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