LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#682: The inverted image of mound of winding

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Heard these words, He Ao got hold of the walking stick in hand slightly, on his old cheeks does not have any expression, but tranquil gaze present cut filmmaker, 听到这句话,何奥微微握紧了手中的拐杖,他苍老的脸颊上没有任何表情,只是平静的注视着眼前的‘裁影人’, You believe, my child and goatsucker does have the relations?” “你们认为,我的孩子和‘夜鹰’有关系?” Venerable, it seems like your child has a lot not to tell you,” “老先生,看来你的孩子有很多事情没有告诉你,” Cuts the filmmaker to gaze at He Ao, said with a smile, your son has actually had the relation with the pollution cleaning up division, the person according to his same block said, their several people had met the pollution monster near the don't heart street, had been rescued by the goatsucker.” 裁影人注视着何奥,笑道,“你儿子其实一直与污染清理司有联系,根据他同一个街区的人所说,他们几个人曾经在莫克街附近遇见过污染怪物,被夜鹰救过。” Innocent person who was polluted the monster attack, because of life-saving efforts, but had the relation with the goatsucker. 被污染怪物袭击的无辜者,因为救命之恩而与夜鹰产生了联系。 The He Ao train of thought strokes has cut the content that the filmmaker said that continues saying that this city should have many people rescued by the goatsucker.” 何奥的思绪捋过裁影人所说的内容,继续说道,“这座城市应该有很多人都被夜鹰救过。” Makes an arrest near the don't heart street, because inevitably the grasped these people have the special place. 只是在莫克街附近抓人,必然因为被抓的这些人有特殊的地方。 Answering the tuart is very simple, Venerable, believes that you have guessed correctly,” “答桉很简单,老先生,相信你已经猜到了,” Cuts the filmmaker to look at He Ao, be with smile on the face, he seems to be glad to explain the doubts of He Ao very much, 裁影人看着何奥,面带笑容,他似乎很乐意解答何奥的疑惑, Goatsucker after research pollution monster, in body unavoidable contamination some aura of pollution, after he was injured by the people of survey team, is impossible to run is too far, but we look following these aura, actually comes up empty-handed, therefore some certainly people saved him in the nearby at that time. “夜鹰在研究污染怪物之后,身上难免的沾染上了一些污染的气息,在他被调查组的人打伤之后,不可能跑太远,但是我们顺着这些气息去找,却扑了个空,所以当时一定有人在附近救了他。 Then we all possibly contacted the pollution to be related, moisten the people who polluted the aura to grasp, your son exactly was one of them.” “然后我们就把所有可能接触过污染相关,沾有污染气息的人都抓了回来,你儿子恰好是其中之一。” „Did goatsucker injure at that time very much heavily?” “夜鹰当时伤得很重?” He Ao asked suddenly. 何奥忽然问道。 Naturally, he by the person sneak attack of survey team, if not extraordinary,” “当然,他被调查组的人偷袭,如果不是实力过人,” Cuts saying with a smile that the filmmaker ridicules, he died that night.” 裁影人揶揄的笑道,“他那天晚上就死了。” This with the document of pollution cleaning up division to not on, no, is not completely to not on, the document of pollution cleaning up division said the survey team arrests the goatsucker, then jumped the next stage goatsucker to begin to the survey team directly, injured the survey team. 这就和污染清理司的文件对不上了,不,也不是完全对不上,污染清理司的文件只是说调查组去逮捕夜鹰,然后直接跳到了下一阶段夜鹰对调查组动手,打伤了调查组。 He Ao reviews had looked at all document contents carefully. 何奥仔细回顾了一下自己所看过的所有文件内容。 Really, in the document had not mentioned is hand that who first moves. 果然,文件中从没有提到过是谁‘先动的手’。 These documents have not lain, but does not have the complete fact to say entire. 那些文件并没有撒谎,只是没有将完整的事实说全。 Naturally, cuts not necessarily is completely real, he who the filmmaker said may also be judge that He Ao and pollution cleaning up division has the cooperation, instigated He Ao and relations of pollution cleaning up division by this. 当然,裁影人所说的也不一定完全是真实的,他也有可能是判断出何奥和污染清理司有合作,以此来挑拨何奥和污染清理司的关系。 Goatsucker raises the method of polluting the monster, is you provides?” “夜鹰豢养污染怪物的方法,是你们提供的?” He Ao continues to ask. 何奥继续问道。 Naturally.” “当然。” Cuts the filmmaker to say with a smile, his sound is very thick, but is joined to fairly and brings some supple faces, making this smile instead have poisonous snake charming. 裁影人笑道,他的声音很粗,但是配上白皙并且带着些许阴柔的面庞,让这笑容反而有一种毒蛇般的妩媚。 You provided to him the raising method of polluting the monster, instead the whereabouts pollution cleans up Si to report that he does raise the pollution monster?” “你们给他提供了污染怪物的豢养方法,又反而去向污染清理司举报他豢养污染怪物?” He Ao narrows the eye slightly, he should be able to be very easy to distinguish this trap, what therefore you and he did say? Let him, even if will brave possibly to be polluted the risk that the cleaning up division will trace, will want to raise the research pollution monster.” 何奥微微眯上眼睛,“他应该能很容易分辨出这个陷阱,所以你们和他说了什么?让他哪怕冒着可能会被污染清理司追查的风险,也要自己豢养研究污染怪物。” Venerable, you do not want to know how your son dies?” “老先生,你不想知道你儿子是怎么死的吗?” Cuts the filmmaker to lean the head, after his head ponytail passes away , the light on glass, you have been asking other issues, doesn't dare to face that truth?” 裁影人侧着头,他头上的马尾荡过身后玻璃上的灯光,“你一直在问其他的问题,是不敢面对那已经发生的真相吗?” The hand of He Ao got hold of the silver walking stick slightly. 何奥的手微微握紧了银色的拐杖。 I may probably say this matter with you well,” “那我可要好好和你说说这件事了,” Cuts the filmmaker to grin, is gazing at He Ao, „ your son and his wife very obstinate argumentative, from beginning to end said own anything does not know, but their pollution aura are everyone fresh, this showed that they were being grasped had contacted some pollution monster a short time ago, or has the person of depth contact with the pollution monster. 裁影人咧开嘴,注视着何奥,“你儿子和他妻子非常的嘴硬,从头到尾都说自己什么不知道,但是他们身上的污染气息是所有人最‘新鲜’的,这证明他们在被抓前不久才接触过某个污染怪物,或者与污染怪物有着深度接触的人。 What if they contact pollutes the monster, they are certainly impossible also to live are standing in my front.” “而如果他们接触的是污染怪物,他们当然不可能还能活着站在我的面前。” Cut the filmmaker to smile one, „ has saying that Venerable, your education was very good, your son until is not willing to betray the goatsucker finally, my subordinates spent for a month, tried them to think of all torture that but anything has not resulted in finally. 裁影人笑了一声,“不得不说,老先生,你的教育很好,你儿子直到最后都不肯出卖夜鹰,我的下属们花了一个月,试了他们所能想到的所有酷刑,但是最终都什么都没有得出来。 Naturally,” “当然,” His brow selects, we have not actually pinned the high hope on him, because we had found the trail of goatsucker, and there is a plan of complete killing goatsucker, we interrogate and torture him, but pure wants to know his mouth to be able hard.” 他眉头一挑,“我们其实也没在他身上寄托多大的希望,因为我们早就找到了夜鹰的踪迹,并且有了完备的杀死夜鹰的计划,我们拷问他,只是单纯的想要知道他嘴能有多硬而已。” Therefore worked as one month of interrogating and torturing conclusion, we told him, the goatsucker had died time,” “所以当一个月的拷问结束,我们告诉他,夜鹰已经死了的时候,” Cut the filmmaker to stare in a big way the eye, he looked to the He Ao old facial features, laughed saying that his expression, was too interesting.” 裁影人瞪大了眼睛,他看向何奥苍老的面容,大笑道,“他的表情,实在太有趣了。” He lifts the hand, introduced, 他抬起手,介绍道, Considering to the exclamation of his tenacious will, I gave him and his wife opportunity, nearby this building has one to seem like the arena same circular building ruins. “鉴于对他坚韧不拔的意志的惊叹,我给了他和他的妻子一个机会,这栋楼附近有一个像是斗兽场一样的圆形大楼废墟。 I threw into them and a pollution monster the ruins, then told them,” “我把他们两个和一头污染怪物丢进了废墟里,然后告诉他们,” In his beautiful facial features has some brutal smile, „ they, so long as can avoid the attack of this pollution monster, escapes from this circular construction ruins, I put them to go home. 他姣好的面容上是带着些许残酷的笑容,“他们只要等能躲开这个污染怪物的攻击,从这个圆形建筑废墟中逃出去,我就放他们回家。 How then do you guess? “然后你猜怎么着? Their couple, makes the bait with oneself, tempts the monster going around circle dragging time, a crazy exploration entire construction, but also really made them find a narrow exit|to speak. “他们夫妻两个,一个用自己做诱饵,引诱怪物绕圈圈拖延时间,一个疯狂的探索整个建筑,还真的让他们找到一条狭窄的出口。 However their following operations, make me feel surprised, two hungers, were interrogated and tortured one month of person, unexpectedly tempted the monster to knock down a cement column with the powerful will, then before the cement column dropped down thoroughly the last minute, sneaked in the exit|to speak, and blocked the way of monster using the column of dropping down. “而他们接下来的操作,才让我感到惊讶,两个饥饿的,被拷问了一个月的人,居然以强大的意志引诱怪物撞倒了一根水泥立柱,然后在水泥立柱彻底倒下前的最后一刻,钻进了出口,并利用倒下的立柱挡住了怪物的去路。 Human in the hopeless situation erupting is really impressive in the wisdom and strength, even such base and low life, two no average people of strengths, can still make such operation,” “人类在绝境中所爆发的智慧和力量真让人惊叹,即使这样卑微的生命,两个没有任何力量的普通人,也能做出这样的操作,” He applauds slowly, then I with their exclamation, drive the truck to go out of that flash that the exit|to speak gasps for breath in them, killed them.” 他缓缓鼓掌,“然后我怀着对他们的惊叹,开卡车在他们走出出口喘气的那一刹那,撞死了他们。” He shrugs, looks the smile, „, although I also want to put them to walk, who called the order that I received not to keep a living witness?” 他耸耸肩,面露笑容,“虽然我也很想放他们走,但是谁叫我接到的命令是不留一个活口呢?” Said?” “说完了?” The He Ao tranquil gaze he, „you are spending so many time, replied that my issue, explained the long and short of the story to me, person supported you for and other? You guess why they haven't come up?” 何奥平静的注视着他,“你花这么多时间,回答我的问题,向我解释来龙去脉,是为了等你的人上来支援你吧?你猜他们为什么没有上来?” Cuts the filmmaker complexion changes, he turns head, looks to behind, in his behind glass out of the window, unmanned aerial vehicles of air warfare float in in the air, to below floor strafe. 裁影人脸色一变,他回过头去,看向身后,在他身后的玻璃窗外,一个个对空作战的无人机正悬浮在空中,对着下方的楼层扫射。 But at this time, his wristband also vibrated, a somewhat startled sound conveys, minister, is FBI and pollution cleaning up division, they brought the weapon to penetrate from the building behind upper air, each yet higher goal was their people, we were constrained.” 而这个时候,他手环也震动了一下,一个有些惊慌的声音传来,“部长,是联邦调查局和污染清理司,他们带了军械从大楼后面高空突入了进来,每一层楼都是他们的人,我们被拖住了。” Cut the filmmaker turn head to look at He Ao, this time, he did not have to speak again, he lifted the hand to project a bone needle to He Ao directly, then the leftmost jump toward room went. 裁影人回头看了一眼何奥,这一次,他没有再说话,他直接抬手对何奥射出一根骨针,然后向着房间的最左侧跳跃而去。 There installed an urgent ejection flight vehicle, can make him leave here immediately. 那里安装了一个紧急弹射飞行器,可以让他立刻离开这里。 The present situation has surpassed his control, he cannot stay for a long time. 现在的局势已经超出了他的掌控了,他不能久留。 However the He Ao movement is quicker than him, He Ao seems to have expected his movement, directly forward one step, when he projects the bone needle, has been separated same place, flies to the place that he jumps. 但是何奥的动作比他更快,何奥似乎早已预料到了他的动作,直接向前一步,在他射出骨针的时候,已经脱离了原地,飞向他跳跃的地方。 He is seeing with own eyes the white-haired form in the almost exactly right appearance in oneself front, the silver walking stick was held up high, 他眼见着满头白发的身影在几乎分毫不差的出现在自己的面前,银色的拐杖被高高举起, „Are you very noble?” “你很高贵?” Bang- 砰- Pulls out the fierce snap sound on face along with steel, cuts the wave of muscle on shadow face like arousing ripples same ripples, the blood splashes from his mouth, his body is also turning toward the right side to fly. 伴随着一声钢铁抽在脸上的剧烈抽击声,裁影人脸上的肌肉如同激起涟漪的水波一样荡漾起来,鲜血从他的口中飞溅而出,连带着他的身体也向着右侧飞去。 But another side, the right hand of He Ao has opened, butterfly blade stretch/leisurely in hand launches the body, reveals the sharp blade, this blade following welcoming the neck that cuts the filmmaker shears. 而另一侧,何奥的右手已经张开,手中的蝴蝶刀舒展开身躯,露出锋利的刀刃,这刀刃顺着迎着裁影人的脖子割来。 Cuts the filmmaker in in the air to adjust the body courageous, avoided fatally this struck, but this moment He Ao also changed suddenly, the butterfly blade was transferred the blade to be upward by the blade downward, then courageous to next stroke. 裁影人在空中勐地调整身躯,躲避了这致命一击,而此刻何奥也骤然变招,蝴蝶刀由刀刃向下转为刀刃向上,然后勐地向下一划。 Reflected the cold light blade to cut open the brand-new sleeves easily, the fair flesh, the bright red muscle, as well as inlaid the bone in muscle. 反射着冷光的刀刃轻而易举的切开了崭新的衣袖,白皙的肌肤,鲜红的肌肉,以及嵌在肌肉里的硬骨。 In cutting the filmmaker gradually transforms into the shocking expression, easy cut his small arm. 在裁影人逐渐转变为震惊的表情中,轻而易举的将他的小臂切了下来。 The blood splashed in in the air, incarnadine He Ao the side shirt pure white collar. 鲜血溅在空中,染红了何奥里侧衬衫纯白的衣领。 Bang- 轰- Cuts the form of filmmaker to fly upside down, hit to collapse right side the hall wine chest, the beverage bottle of thunderclap pang lang disrupted, blood with scattering the red wine overspread the ground together. 裁影人的身影倒飞出去,撞塌了大厅右侧的酒柜,霹雳乓啷的酒瓶碎裂开来,鲜血与散落的红酒一起铺满了地面。 Cut off small arm along with several tooth that is stained with the blood splashes down in the one side. 被斩断的小臂伴随着几颗沾血的牙齿溅落在一旁。 „Do you hit my face?” “你打我的脸?” Cuts the filmmaker from staggering from scattering in the beverage bottle fragment stands. 裁影人从踉跄的从散落的酒瓶碎片中站起来。 In his mouth covered entirely the blood, the tooth also fell off several, the left face was swollen completely, could not see in the past the sweet and pretty appearance. 他口中布满鲜血,牙齿也脱落了几颗,左边的脸完全肿了起来,看不到往常娇美模样。 You dress up fine, is fair-skinned, the appearance is attractive, the hair gathers is very long, moreover good that very maintains,” “你打扮精致,皮肤白皙,模样漂亮,头发蓄的很长,而且保养的很好,” He Ao unties the opening of own coat slowly, then this formal dress coat the package of body back, one is throwing toward side, hangs on the entrance pin rail, seems like one the person who takes seriously face/color Zhihe to dress up, therefore,” 何奥缓缓解开自己的上衣的口子,然后将这件正装上衣连带着身后背的包,向着旁边一抛,挂在门口的衣帽架上,“看起来是一个很重视颜值和打扮的人,所以,” He reorganized because of the bloodstained white shirt that taking off the formal dress exposes, opens out the walking stick bottom tip, the blade card of butterfly blade in exposition, but in hollow. 他整理了一下因为脱下正装而暴露出来的染血的白衬衫,拨开拐杖底部的尖端,将蝴蝶刀的刀刃卡在暴露而出的凹陷上。 Then he grips the walking stick crank, one group, the silver metal spear's/gun's body springs gently suddenly. 然后他握住拐杖曲柄,轻轻一拨,银色的金属枪身骤然弹出。 His both hands hold a gun, keep off on going to left room the path, the tranquil gaze is cutting the filmmaker, replied just cut the question that the filmmaker hits the face, 他双手持枪,挡在前往房间左边的道路上,平静的注视着裁影人,回答了刚刚裁影人打脸的疑问, I intentionally.” “我故意的。” Old thing, you damn!” “老东西,你该死!” Cut the filmmaker to crawl from the ground, the granulations of creeping motions gushed out from his breaking arm, turned into the tentacle of distortion rapidly, wound in the same place, formed a tentacle arm. 裁影人从地上爬了起来,一条条蠕动的肉芽从他的断臂中涌出,迅速变成扭曲的触手,盘结在一起,形成一条触手手臂。 The terrifying constriction flash fills the air in the space of every inchs hall. 恐怖的压迫感一瞬间弥漫在大厅的每一寸空间中。 Cuts the strength of filmmaker is not weak, is polluting the monster strength in addition to hold, had been far in excess of the C level limit. 裁影人的实力并不弱,在污染怪物的力量加持下,已经远远超越了C级极限。 Just that struck actually has big luck factor. 刚刚那一击其实有很大的运气的因素。 When cuts the filmmaker to speak, He Ao discovered that cuts the vision of filmmaker to look occasionally to the left side, he therefore analyzed that left has any important thing mostly. 早在裁影人说话的时候,何奥就发现裁影人的目光偶尔看向左侧,他因此判断左侧多半有什么重要的的东西。 Then he opened ultra recalled, conducted the innumerable simulation operations, finally determined this cut the filmmaker to be biggest possibly makes the course of action. 然后他开启了超忆,进行了无数次模拟运算,最终确定了这一个裁影人最大可能做出行动路线。 Because he sentenced ahead of time in advance the movement that cut the filmmaker, ahead of time covered the god knowledge to the walking stick and butterfly blade, in the entire combat process did not have any careless mistake, had so perfectly happen to struck. 他因为提前‘预判’了裁影人的动作,提前给拐杖和蝴蝶刀覆盖了神识,整个战斗过程中没有出任何纰漏,才有了如此完美的正好一击。 Cuts filmmaker energy aggregate point and incessantly, but before they do not look like He Ao, network distributed structure that sees, but is one type master-slaver structure. 裁影人身上的能量汇集点并不止一个,不过它们并非是像何奥以前所见的网络分布式结构,而是一种‘主从结构’。 Namely a core energy aggregate point, with many time first-level energy aggregate point compositions. 即一个核心能量汇集点,和多个次一级的能量汇集点组成。 Cuts on the filmmaker altogether seven secondary energy aggregate points, energy flow analysis from his within the body, so long as the secondary energy aggregate point is sufficient, is the core energy aggregate point is crushed even if, can maintain the revolution of body energy. 裁影人身上一共有七个次级能量汇集点,从他体内的能量流动分析,只要次级能量汇集点数量足够,那么哪怕是核心能量汇集点被击碎,也能维持身体能量的运转。 Therefore must kill him, at least needs to ruin most secondary energy aggregate point and core energy aggregate point. 所以要杀死他,至少要毁掉大部分次级能量汇集点和核心能量汇集点。 The small arm that just He Ao cut off, with the tooth of crushing, actually had a secondary energy aggregate point that respectively cut the filmmaker. 刚刚何奥斩断的小臂,和击碎的牙齿,其实各有裁影人的一个次级能量汇集点。 That struck He Ao to ruin his two secondary energy aggregate points. 那一击何奥毁掉了他两个次级能量汇集点。 However at this moment with cutting the filmmaker gradually stands, in field of vision that the god knows, cuts filmmaker within the body to be ruined the secondary energy aggregate point at the visible speed slowly reconstruction. 但是此刻随着裁影人逐渐站起来,在神识的视野中,裁影人体内被毁掉次级能量汇集点正在以肉眼可见的速度缓缓‘重建’。 This energy structure as if gave energy circuit extremely strong resilience that cuts filmmaker within the body, this also means that the He Ao time are not much. 这种能量结构似乎赋予了裁影人体内的能量回路极强的恢复能力,这也意味着何奥的时间并不多。 He Ao is grasping the long spear/gun, is gazing at the front. 何奥手握着长枪,注视着前方。 The next second, the illusory image appears before his body together. 下一秒,一道幻影就出现在他的身前。 Cuts the arm of filmmaker tentacle collection to lift high, the above tentacle creeping motion twists, collects giant flesh scissors, picks toward the He Ao nape of the neck. 裁影人触手汇集的手臂高高抬起,上面的触手蠕动扭曲,汇集成一把巨大的血肉剪刀,向着何奥的脖颈捡来。 He Ao lifts the long spear/gun, the god knowledge covers on the spear's/gun's body, retrocedes half step, then to the next pressure, the spear's/gun's body hits courageous on the flesh scissors, the whole body strength collects in together, makes an effort, stopped the offensive of cutting the filmmaker. 何奥抬起长枪,神识覆盖在枪身上,后退半步,然后勐地向下一压,枪身撞在血肉剪刀上,全身力量汇集在一起,用力一顶,止住了裁影人的攻势。 Considering environment so, home station possibly closes momentarily, asking everyone to step to permanent operation trading source App , as soon as possible 【鉴于大环境如此,本站可能随时关闭,请大家尽快移步至永久运营的换源App,】 Then his taking advantage of opportunity spear's/gun's body spin, following scissors thorn to cutting the nape of the neck of filmmaker. 然后他顺势枪身一旋,顺着剪刀刺向裁影人的脖颈。 In this instantaneous, a cool feeling climbed up his back ji suddenly, his intention moves, the withdrawing long spear/gun, retroceded courageous several steps. 就在这瞬间,一股凉意突然爬上了他的背嵴,他心念一动,勐地抽回长枪,后退了几步。 Illusory scissors row the position that He Ao had just stood. 一把虚幻的剪刀划过了何奥刚刚所站立的位置。 Old thing, did you discover?” “老东西,你发现了?” Cuts filmmaker courageous forward one step, brandishes the flesh scissors to cut to his nape of the neck. 裁影人勐地向前一步,挥舞着血肉剪刀向他的脖颈剪来。 He Ao looked up one to cut the filmmaker behind, human that in this fused after the monster conducted the back, was one huge, as if distortion shadow that was pieced together by the innumerable shadows. 何奥抬头看了一眼裁影人身后,在这个与怪物融合的人类后背上,是一个巨大的,仿佛由无数个阴影拼凑起来的扭曲阴影。 In this moment this shadow also takes illusory giant scissors, unceasing wielding to He Ao. 此刻这个阴影手里也拿着一个虚幻的巨大剪刀,不断的挥向何奥 This scissors every approaches, He Ao can feel trembling from soul. 这剪刀每一下靠近,何奥都能感觉到一丝来自灵魂的战栗。 This scissors can injure to the soul. 这剪刀是可以伤到灵魂的。 „Is this your talent sequence ability?” “这是你的天赋序列能力?” He Ao while flashing through a shadow scissors attack, spear's/gun's body, suppressed the following flesh scissors, the body partly squatted, the collection strength to one, bow step even to stab, will cut the filmmaker to drive back. 何奥在闪过一次阴影剪刀攻击的同时,枪身一荡,压住了接踵而至的血肉剪刀,身体半蹲,汇集力量到一处,一个弓步平刺,将裁影人逼退了回去。 Meanwhile, he casts a sidelong glance to cut the shadow that the filmmaker sutures behind. 与此同时,他瞟了一眼裁影人身后缝合起来的阴影。 Has fought with so many monsters, cuts filmmaker shadow, is he has seen best of suturing. 与这么多怪物战斗过,裁影人身上的阴影,是他见过的缝合的最好的一个。 Talent sequence 107: Tailoring master.” “天赋序列107:缝纫师。” Cuts the filmmaker to crack into a smile, while He Ao by his words attraction time, he lifts the hand, several bone needles depart from his palm suddenly. 裁影人咧嘴一笑,趁着何奥被他的话语吸引的时候,他抬起手,数枚骨针从他手心骤然飞出。 He Ao backward one supine, a fast backward somersault evaded these bone needles. 何奥向后一仰,一个快速的后空翻躲过了这些骨针。 The sharp bone needle crushed his body side not far window directly, the cold wind of howling flooded into following the crack. 尖锐的骨针直接击碎了他身侧不远的落地窗,呼啸的冷风顺着破口涌入。 Cuts following the filmmaker has almost nothing scruple toward He Ao raids. 裁影人几乎没有任何迟疑的向着何奥接踵而至的袭来。 The He Ao spin body evades the shadow scissors that in the air raids, then takes advantage of opportunity the long spear/gun holds up, gets up to puncture but actually generally downward the long spear/gun just like the oxtail, thorn to cutting being sideways of filmmaker. 何奥旋身躲过空中袭来的阴影剪刀,然后顺势将长枪举起,宛如牛尾倒起一般将长枪向下刺出,刺向裁影人的侧身。 Cuts the filmmaker to lift another hand hastily, the flesh gushes out from his arm, forms the new scissors, blocked a He Ao thorn. 裁影人连忙抬起另一只手,血肉从他的那只手臂中涌出,形成新的剪刀,挡住了何奥的一刺。 Even if there is flesh scissors to lengthen the striking distance, the hand grasps the He Ao striking distance of long spear/gun also compared with cutting the filmmaker slightly. 哪怕是有血肉剪刀加长攻击距离,手握长枪的何奥攻击距离也要比裁影人稍微远一点的。 At this moment broad hall environment, happen to suits the display of long weapon. 此刻宽阔的大厅环境,又正好适合长兵器的发挥。 He Ao forwards courageous, the whole body strength collects in the both arms, selects to the spear's/gun's body courageous, one cut calf that cuts the filmmaker. 何奥勐地向前,全身力气汇集在双臂,将枪身勐地向上一挑,一下划开了裁影人的小腿。 But at this time, cut filmmaker that flesh scissors also to touch the waist of He Ao, the sharp bone blade sprang from the scissors instantaneously, cut the white shirt, cut the waist flesh, delimited a wound, the blood is contaminated following the bone blade. 而这个时候,裁影人原本那只血肉剪刀也触碰到了何奥的腰部,锋利的骨刃瞬间从剪刀中弹出,划开了洁白的衬衫,划破了的腰部肌肤,划出一道伤口,鲜血顺着骨刃浸染开来。 Scissors another side blade also gathers, prepares to cut the He Ao body. 紧接着,剪刀另一侧刀刃也合来,准备剪开何奥的身躯。 The He Ao dan leg backward, avoided this struck. 何奥弾腿向后,躲开了这一击。 Cut the filmmaker also to retrocede half step. 裁影人也后退了半步。 Two people spread out shortly. 两人短暂的拉开了距离。 On the waist of He Ao and cuts the leg wound of filmmaker to be deep, but He Ao just that wrecked to cut a filmmaker's secondary energy aggregate point on leg. 何奥的腰上和裁影人的腿伤都深,但是何奥刚刚那一击毁掉了裁影人在腿上的一个次级能量汇集点。 Old thing, your step is weak, the strength of body is impractical, but is not real, each attack has the temporary eruption, should draw support from some unusual eruption skill, you can erupt the flash, but can erupt?” “老东西,你步伐虚弱,身体的力量虚浮而不真实,每一次攻击都有短暂的爆发,应该是借助了某种奇特的爆发技巧,你能爆发一瞬间,但能一直爆发吗?” Cuts the filmmaker to gaze at He Ao, he lifts the flesh scissors of both hands, looked at a ceiling of He Ao top of the head, you to refusing stubbornly far.” 裁影人注视着何奥,他抬起双手的血肉剪刀,看了一眼何奥头顶的天花板,“你离死不远了。” I was the person who the half body was buried,” He Ao lifted the long spear/gun, is gazing at him, was very obvious, you arranged in front of me.” “我本来就是半截身子入土的人了,”何奥抬起长枪,注视着他,“不过很显然,你排在我前面。” He without hesitation, a spear pierces leaves. 他毫不犹豫,一枪刺出。 His speed is extremely fast, the lance point dances in the air like the lotus flower blooms. 他的速度极快,枪尖飞舞如同莲花绽放。 Cutting the filmmaker has to be sideways to keep off, simultaneously is operating behind shadow scissors thorn to the He Ao soul. 裁影人不得不侧身回挡,同时操纵着身后的阴影剪刀刺向何奥的灵魂。 He Ao also has to leave to dodge, but while he dodges, cut the two flesh scissors of filmmaker to restore from the suppression. 何奥也不得不抽身闪躲,而在他闪躲的同时,裁影人的两把血肉剪刀从压制中恢复了过来。 He stretches out scissors courageous, tries to be caught in the pincers of the He Ao spear's/gun's body, simultaneously the body lateral forwards, erupted to surpass just strength suddenly, lifted another scissors to puncture toward the chest of He Ao. 他勐地伸出一只剪刀,试图钳住何奥的枪身,同时身子侧向向前,骤然爆发出远超出刚刚的力道,抬着另一把剪刀向着何奥的心口刺来。 This move of speed is too fast, He Ao wants the complete make way without enough time, only to be sideways, at the same time, a hand slipped into bottom of the spear's/gun's body. 这招速度太快,何奥想要完全闪开已经来不及,只能侧身,与此同时,一只手滑到了枪身底端。 - 噗- The sharp scissors pierced the left shoulder of He Ao. 锋利的剪刀刺穿了何奥的左肩。 Also at this moment, He Ao grips a stock bottom hand suddenly spin, the long spear/gun receives for the pistol instantaneously, under so near distance, cuts the filmmaker to avoid radically without enough time, He Ao lifts the pistol directly, a spear pierces entered the belly that cuts the filmmaker, and takes advantage of opportunity to slide, delimits a giant blood-stained mouth. 也就在这时,何奥握住枪柄底端的手骤然一旋,长枪瞬间收为短枪,在如此近的距离下,裁影人根本来不及躲开,何奥直接抬起短枪,一枪刺入了裁影人的肚子,并顺势一滑,划出一道巨大的血口。 Cuts filmmaker body, he did not have to hit He Ao with enough time happily, felt the ache of abdomen. 裁影人身子一顿,他还没来得及高兴击中了何奥,就感受到了腹部的疼痛。 He left to retrocede courageous, prevented the He Ao spear/gun blade further upward. 他勐地抽身后退,防止了何奥枪刃进一步往上。 But at the same time, He Ao rotates the spear/gun bottom again, the pistol changes the long spear/gun, toward cutting the filmmaker throat searches. 而与此同时,何奥再次转动枪底,短枪变长枪,向着裁影人咽喉探去。 The wound on shoulder transmits the intermittent severe pain, but his complexion is invariable. 肩膀上的伤口传来阵阵剧痛,但是他面色不变。 Just the abdomen that struck has destroyed the fourth secondary energy aggregate point that cut the filmmaker. 刚刚腹部那一击已经摧毁了裁影人的第四个次级能量汇集点。 The energy circuit in his within the body some are not steady. 他体内的能量回路已经有些不稳。 Your this lunatic.” “你这个疯子。” Cuts the filmmaker to block the He Ao sound of gunfire, retroceded again courageous, spread out and He Ao. 裁影人挡住何奥的枪声,再次勐地后退,拉开了和何奥的距离。 He has understood at this moment, He Ao makes up for the strength weak time short method, trades the wound by the wound. 他此刻已经明白过来,何奥弥补战力弱时间短的方法,就是以伤换伤。 This way, he will definitely be changed by this old thing here. 再这样下去,他肯定会被这个老东西换死在这里。 He looked up a ceiling, putting out a hand without hesitation, several bone needles sprang, crushed the key structure of ceiling. 他抬头看了一眼天花板,毫不犹豫的伸出手,几根骨针弹出,击碎了天花板的关键结构。 In a flash, the entire ceiling crashes directly. 一瞬间,整个天花板直接坠落下来。 He Ao has not expected this completely, he lifts the spear/gun courageous, the lance point is upward, crushed directly fell approaches own ceiling. 何奥完全没有料到这一出,他勐地抬枪,枪尖向上,直接击碎了落向自己的这一处天花板。 Also in this instantaneous, several bone needles pass through the ceiling that fell, hit his legs and waist. 也就在这瞬间,几根骨针穿过了掉落下来的天花板,击中了他的腰腿。 Blood splash. 鲜血飞溅。 His body, as if takes off/escapes the strength instantaneously, forward tipping, forces to support the body with the spear's/gun's body. 他身子一顿,仿佛瞬间脱力,向前倾倒,勉强用枪身撑住身体。 Meanwhile, some special attraction transmits in his top of the head. 与此同时,某种特殊的吸引在他的头顶传来。 He raised the head, looks to the top of the head, in place that the ceiling covered, reveals a giant painting. 他抬起头去,看向头顶,在原本天花板遮盖住的地方,显露出一副巨大的画作。 That painting comprised of the lines of innumerable distortion, as if in drawing ripple carelessly, as if in drawing some type of winding hill. 那画作由无数扭曲的线条组成,仿佛在绘画着胡乱的波纹,又仿佛在绘画着某种蜿蜒的山丘。 In this in an instant, innumerable chaotic talking during sleep in the He Ao mind crack. 在这刹那之间,无数混乱的呓语在何奥的脑海炸响。 A huge attraction as if pressed firmly between the fingers his soul, must pull out his soul leaves the body. 一股庞大的吸引力仿佛捏住了他的灵魂,要将他的灵魂抽离开身躯。 Old thing, something cannot look, knows?” “老东西,有些东西不能看,知道吗?” Cuts the filmmaker corners of the mouth to hang the smile, lifts the scissors to move toward He Ao from the back, „are you to feel the brain are filled up now by the chaotic sound, isn't the body able to move? You currently have move ten million/countless unable to cause.” 裁影人嘴角挂着笑容,抬着剪刀从背后走向何奥,“你现在是不是感觉大脑被混乱的声音填满,身体无法动弹?你现在就是有千万招数都使不出来了。” He lifts the scissors, step by step close to He Ao, before you were polluted tears the monster thoroughly, I deliver you last regulation, relax, quick, will not be painful, I most cut tattered fragment your body, like that son who you died 他抬起剪刀,一步步的靠近何奥,“在你被污染彻底撕裂成怪物之前,我来送你最后一程吧,放心,很快,不会痛的,我最多把你的身体剪成一个个破烂的碎块,就像你死去的那个儿子一样・・・・・・” The next second, the sharp spear/gun blade pierced his chest instantaneously, punctures from his back, the hard spear's/gun's body pierced his body. 下一秒,锋利的枪刃瞬间刺穿了他的心口,从他的后背刺出,坚硬的枪身洞穿了他的身躯。 Back thrust! 回马枪!
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