LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#621: I am quite hungry

They “他们・・・・・・” Hears this issue, stretch/leisurely Gui complexion becomes is a little slightly ugly, they ran.” 听到这个问题,舒桂面色变得稍微有点难看,“他们跑了。” Meanwhile, stretch/open Yusi turned out own medical package. 与此同时,张雨思翻出了自己的医疗包。 Thanks, I come on the line, my medical package is useless.” “谢谢,我自己来就行,我的医疗包还没用完。” stretch/leisurely Gui beckoned with the hand, put out oneself disassembled medical service package, by the bunker that on just hid, is processing own wound, while thought to He Ao and stretch/open rain told completely matter that just had. 舒桂摆摆手,拿出了自己被拆开的医疗包,靠在刚刚躲藏的掩体上,一边处理着自己的伤口,一边向何奥和张雨思完整的讲述了刚刚发生的事情。 The entire event process is not complex, stretch/leisurely Gui Heyin Will, the person of another world tree, most started to appear in this region. 整个事件过程并不复杂,舒桂和尹维尔,还有另外一个世界树的人,最开始就出现在了这个区域。 Accurate, they appeared in the third space region of distance just that hall. 确切来说,他们是出现在距离刚刚的那个大厅的第三个空间区域。 That space region is very small, but they most starts to arrive with He Ao, now was transformed the region of safe house by He Ao, is monster quite few regions. 那个空间区域很小,但是和何奥他们最开始到达的,现在被何奥改造成安全屋的区域一样,是一片怪物比较少的区域。 stretch/leisurely Gui they only met some flesh spiders at first, they cleaned up these flesh spiders quickly. 舒桂他们最初只遇见了一些血肉蜘蛛,他们很快清理了那些血肉蜘蛛。 In this case, Yin Weier looked for stretch/leisurely Gui on own initiative, hoped to form an alliance with him, were many individual many strengths, three people were also good the mutual help. 在这种情况下,尹维尔主动来找了舒桂,表示希望与他结盟,多个人多份力量,三个人也好互相帮助。 Although stretch/leisurely Gui has the protection at heart, at that time but actually he did not make clear had anything, moreover opposite party two people, situation compared with person, therefore complied with forming a team reluctantly. 舒桂虽然心里有防备,但是他当时也搞不清楚究竟发生了什么,而且对方有两个人,形势比人强,于是就勉强答应了组队。 At that time Yin Weier promised to him, if obtained the unusual goods, three people according to striving many assignments, and expressed willingness to let own part come out to give stretch/leisurely Gui. 当时尹维尔向他许诺,如果得到了超凡物品,三个人按出力多少分配,并且表示愿意把自己的部分让一些出来给舒桂。 stretch/leisurely Gui has not accepted this gift, under good intentions that in Yin Weier expressed that he enhanced to Yin Weier confidence level. 舒桂并没有接受这种赠予,但是在尹维尔表达的善意下,他还是提高了对尹维尔的信任度。 After completing forms a team, three people start to decide that which direction in explores. 完成组队之后,三人就开始决定向着哪个方向探索。 At that time by them in the space, two directions can explore for them. 当时挨着他们所在空间的,有两个方向可以供他们探索。 The left direction was one leaf turns off the most strobe, in the strobe was shining the dark peaceful brilliance. 左边方向是是一扇关了大半的闸门,闸门里亮着暗澹的光辉。 The right direction is opens wide, does not have any stop, ray gloomy channel. 右边方向则是敞开的,没有任何阻拦的,光芒灰暗的通道。 From the understanding of He Ao, the left direction should to lead to from the fourth space of hall, what right direction to lead to is from the second space of hall, approaches the direction of position He Ao was at that time. 何奥的理解来看,左边方向应该是通向的距离大厅的第四个空间,右边方向通向的是距离大厅的第二空间,也是更靠近何奥当时所在的位置的方向。 Finally Yin Weier decided that explores in the right direction. 最终尹维尔决定向着右边方向探索。 The right does not have any stop, the path is more unimpeded. 右边没有任何的阻拦,道路更加畅通。 In some sense, their choices are very actually correct, because He Ao was also walking in their directions at that time, if all smooth, they can finally with the He Ao convergence. 某种意义上来说,他们这个选择其实很正确,因为当时何奥也在往他们的方向走,如果一切顺利的话,他们最终能和何奥汇合。 What a pity is, in this spaceship space, not that smooth matter. 可惜的是,在这个飞船空间里,并没有那么顺利的事情。 At that time we had not expected we will meet anything, but also thinks that is like the vestige exploration that before records, earlier has a quite safe space.” “当时我们都没有预料到自己将会遇见什么,还以为是和以前记录的遗迹探索一样,前期有一个比较安全的空间。” stretch/leisurely Gui smiles bitterly, he looked at He Ao behind the scattered in disorder skeleton, we are moving toward this channel, even has not entered the channel time, met these monsters, actually continues these small monsters, a human form monster of giant on the back grows tentacle.” 舒桂苦笑一声,他看了一眼何奥身后散乱的尸骸,“我们在走向这个通道,甚至还没有进入通道的时候,就遇见了这些怪物,其实不止这些小怪物,还有一个巨大的背生触手的人形怪物。” This monster defends in that monster of hall, He Ao in the storage chip of that monster, before having seen it, arrives the record of region stretch/leisurely Gui they had been at that time. 这个怪物就是守在大厅的那个怪物,何奥在那个怪物的储存芯片里,看到过它之前抵达过舒桂当时他们所在的区域的记录。 Later?” “之后呢?” stretch/open rain thinks from the medical package turns out the medicine, gives stretch/leisurely Gui, spoke thoughtlessly to ask. 张雨思从医疗包里翻出伤药,递给舒桂,随口问道。 „The later matter is very simple,” stretch/leisurely Gui sighed, Yin Weier and I said, his ability required time to prepare, making me withstand the attack of monster as far as possible.” “之后的事情很简单,”舒桂叹了口气,“尹维尔和我说,他的能力需要一点时间准备,让我尽量顶住怪物的攻击。” In fact did he bring the D level of another world tree to run?” “实际上他是带着另一个世界树的D级跑了?” stretch/open Yusi responded rapidly, asked fast. 张雨思迅速反应了过来,快速问道。 Yes,” “是的,” stretch/leisurely Gui nods, raised the head to look into a gloomy space deep place, 舒桂点点头,抬起头眺望了一眼灰暗空间深处, „The speeds of these two dog hybrids are quick, I walked at that time in the forefront, just lifted the spear/gun, Yin Weier leads his subordinate of the world tree, crashed in that left hand in that say/way ajar strobe.” “这两个狗杂种的速度很快,我当时走在最前面,刚抬起枪,尹维尔就带着他的世界树的手下,冲进了那道左手边那道半开的闸门里。” „Did they close the strobe?” “他们关上了闸门?” Listens to this narration, stretch/open Yusi asked in a low voice. 听完这个叙述,张雨思低声问道。 The position that now stretch/leisurely Gui is, had actually crossed the entire second space, neared the hall. 现在舒桂所在的这个位置,其实已经横穿了整个第二空间,更加接近大厅了。 If the strobe is also opening, even if stretch/leisurely Gui were injured, nearer strobe that will also go to depend on, rather than passes through the monster overlapped second region forcefully, approaches in the direction that He Ao and stretch/open Yusi is. 如果闸门还开着,舒桂哪怕是受伤了,也会去前往靠的更近的闸门,而不是硬生生穿过怪物重叠的第二区域,向着何奥和张雨思所在的方向靠近。 Un,” “嗯,” stretch/leisurely Gui nods, he turns head, looks to stand He Ao before body two people, smiles, 舒桂点点头,他回过头来,看着站在身前的何奥两人,笑了笑, Walks to pass through the monster group toward here, is very dangerous, but after strobe closure, I cannot open the strobe, did not have other means that can only explore toward here deep place, stands is attacked by the monster same place unceasingly, only then dead end. “往这边走要穿过怪物群,很危险,但是闸门关闭之后,我打不开闸门,也没有了其他办法,只能向着这边更深处探索,站在原地被怪物不断冲击,只有死路一条。 That tentacle monster was only and I hits one to put in an appearance luckily, then does not know, because what reason turned around to leave, in process that it left, these small-scale monsters allowed to pass through to it, I seized the chance to follow in that monster is not far behind, took the most road. “幸好那个触手怪物只是和我打了一个照面,然后就不知道因为什么原因转身离开了,它离开的过程中,这些小型怪物就给它让路,我就趁机跟在那个怪物身后不远,走了大半的路。 That monster speed was too afterward fast, the move back and my distance, I was delayed the footsteps by the surrounding monster, these monsters also scratched my leg, destroyed my ability to act, therefore I can only lie in ground moving forward later.” “不过后来那个怪物速度太快,拉远了和我的距离,我被周围的怪物拖延了脚步,这些怪物还划伤了我的腿,破坏了我的行动能力,于是后期我只能趴在地上一点点的向前挪动。” Speaking of this, he sighed, „, if not these monsters wants to play tricks on me, without killing me, possibly I could not see you, even if you came again late, I died here.” 说到这,他叹息了一句,“如果不是那些怪物想要戏弄我,一直没有杀我,可能我就见不到你们了,哪怕你们再晚来一点,我就死在这里了。” At this time, stretch/open Yusi has turned head, looked around He Ao. 这个时候,张雨思扭过头去,看了一眼一旁的何奥 Because He Ao decoded the storage chip of that monster, speculated the stretch/leisurely Gui's general position, time that therefore they walked, the stay inspection that basically had no, rushed directly. 因为何奥破解了那个怪物的储存芯片,推测出了舒桂的大概位置,所以他们一路走过来的时候,基本没有任何的停留检查,直接就奔了过来。 If He Ao has not decoded that storage chip, they to look for stretch/leisurely Gui's clue, now big probability also area search near hall. 如果何奥没有破解那个储存芯片,他们为了寻找舒桂的线索,现在大概率还在大厅附近的区域探索。 She somewhat understands why now He Ao must first spend the time to decode the storage chip at that time. 她现在有些理解何奥为什么当时一定要先花时间破解储存芯片了。 Preparation must not delay performance. 磨刀不误砍柴工。 The thought of He Ao is too sometimes quick, she cannot keep up with the progress. 有时候何奥的思维太快,她根本跟不上进度。 Only when the event ended, she one type what Bulian this calculated feeling of being suddenly enlighted. 只有当事件结束的时候,她才有一种‘何部连这都算到了’的恍然大悟的感觉。 I knew.” “我知道了。” He Ao nods gently, actually Yin Weier will betray person matter, although somewhat is above his expectation, but he is not accidental/surprised, after all he is Yin Weier has encountered, he can very obvious feeling this be the person who works ruthlessly spicy does not fold the method. 何奥轻轻点头,其实尹维尔会出卖人这种事虽然有些超乎他的预料,但是他并不意外,毕竟他是和尹维尔交过锋的,他能很明显的感觉到这是一个做事狠辣不折手段的人。 From the middle the multiple reminders, can look at Yin Weier conduct attitude. 从之间恩科的多次提醒,也能看出来尹维尔的行事作风。 However Yin Weier enters in that strobe, not necessarily is a correct choice. 不过尹维尔进入那道闸门内,未必是一个正确的选择。 Because according to that tentacle monster the data in storage chip, after the region memory of that tentacle monster to entire strobe are not many, this proved in that region danger, dreaded including that tentacle monster. 因为根据那个触手怪物的储存芯片里的数据来看,那个触手怪物对整个闸门后的区域记忆的并不多,这证明那个区域里的‘危险’,连那个触手怪物忌惮。 But besides the region after strobe, data less is that is abutting the region after strobe, has elevator doubtful region. 而除了闸门后的区域以外,数据更少的就是那个紧靠着闸门后的区域,疑似有‘电梯’的区域了。 The region after strobe was the hall past fourth space, but the elevator region was the fifth space. 闸门后的区域是大厅过去的第四个空间,而电梯区域则是第五个空间。 But besides Yin Weier, the tentacle monster that stretch/leisurely Gui narrated leaves suddenly is also attracted his emphasis. 而除了尹维尔以外,舒桂所叙述的触手怪物突然离开也是一个吸引了他关注点。 From the description of stretch/leisurely Guangxi, that monster gave up killing him directly, the round trip caught up, in that monster returned to shortly after the beforehand dormancy hall, He Ao and stretch/open Yusi rushed to there exactly. 从舒桂的描述来看,那个怪物直接放弃了杀他,一路往回赶,而在那个怪物回到之前的休眠大厅后不久,何奥和张雨思就‘恰好’赶到了那里。 It seems like, looks like comes back to squat He Ao specially two people. 看上去,就像是专门回来蹲守何奥两人的。 However at this moment these are also only the suspicions. 不过此刻这些也都只是猜想。 „Is your injury good?” “你的伤势还好吗?” He Ao lowers the head, looks at a stretch/leisurely Gui to wrap up the good leg, can walk?” 何奥低下头,看了一眼舒桂包扎好的腿,“能走路吗?” Should.” “应该可以。” stretch/leisurely Gui receives the medical package, haunches the body, the injured leg steps in the ground, He Ao can obviously see his complexion is somewhat painful, but he partly jumped walked two steps that partly walked. 舒桂收起医疗包,撑起身子,受伤的腿踩在地上,何奥能明显看到他面色有些痛苦,不过他还是半跳半走的走了两步。 Sees this, the He Ao thinking moment, is piling up one on top of another one pile of mechanical wreckage thing from the one side, turns two quite long metal bars, then with a hand booklet, got up their bend, made a pair of simple metal walking stick. 看到这一幕,何奥思索片刻,从一旁堆叠着一堆机械残骸的东西里,翻出来两个比较长的金属杆,然后用手一折,把它们弯折起来,做出了一对简单的金属拐杖。 He gave stretch/leisurely Gui to the walking stick this. 他把这对拐杖递给了舒桂。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” stretch/leisurely Gui looks pleasantly surprised, received the walking stick, clamps in the armpit, was just highly good. 舒桂面露惊喜,接过了拐棍,夹在腋下,高度刚刚好。 This walking stick weight is heavy, two add to have more than 40 jin (0.5 kg), but this weight regarding D level unusualness, but also calculates. 这个拐棍重量并不轻,两个加起来应该有四十多斤,但是这个重量对于D级超凡者来说,还算可以。 Moreover before He Ao enters the vestige, has read stretch/leisurely Gui's material, stretch/leisurely Gui's code name is prison tyrant, is the comparison is partial in unusualness of fight. 而且何奥进入遗迹之前看过舒桂的资料,舒桂的代号是‘狱霸’,是比较偏向于战斗的超凡者。 This pair of metal walking stick, but can also be used to take the weapon. 这一对金属拐棍,还可以用来作为武器。 When stretch/leisurely Gui adapts to the walking stick, He Ao then asked that your state of mind how?” 而在舒桂适应拐棍的时候,何奥接着问道,“你精神状态怎么样?” Un?” “嗯?” Hears this issue, stretch/leisurely Gui stares, immediately realized anything, he shakes the head, is poor, I frequently present the illusion now, my I felt that can also maintain now soberly, to a great extent is the grief on leg is reminding me unceasingly.” 听到这个问题,舒桂一愣,随即意识到了什么,他摇摇头,“不怎么好,我现在经常出现幻觉,我我感觉之所以现在还能维持清醒,很大程度上是腿上的伤痛在不断的提醒着我。” In some sense, the grief is natural dedication. 某种意义上,伤痛是一种天然的专注点。 Before this also fitting He Ao, summarizes concentrates on resistance pollution method. 这也贴合何奥之前总结出来的‘专注抵抗污染’的方法。 He Ao thought that said, elimination distracting thoughts, blow off your thought as far as possible, attempts to differentiate the environment and reality,” 何奥思索了一下,说道,“清除杂念,尽量放空你的思维,尝试区分环境和真实,” Then he, your wound leg could take the breach.” 然后他顿了顿,“你的伤腿或许可以作为突破口。” Afterward he will simplify the way of thought resistance pollution, told stretch/leisurely Gui simply. 随后他又将简化思维抵抗污染的方式,简单的告诉了舒桂。 But in this entire process, on stretch/leisurely Gui's face is flooding various vacant. 而这整个过程中,舒桂的脸上都充斥着各种茫然。 The words that He Ao spoke he can understand, can understand what meaning, when he must attempt, actually strokes the unclear clue all of a sudden. 何奥说的话他都能听懂,也能理解什么意思,但是当他要尝试的时候,却一下子捋不清头绪。 This was the perception difference, stretch/leisurely Gui was injured turns misfortune into a blessing completely, if he did not have the grief, should be insane. 这就是悟性的差别了,舒桂受伤完全是因祸得福,他如果没有伤痛,应该早就疯了。 He Ao looks to stretch/open Yusi, stretch/leisurely Gui's condition is poor, you first deliver him to return to that side the safe house, takes the plasma artillery, I then explore one again.” 何奥看向张雨思,“舒桂的状态并不怎么好,你先送他回安全屋那边吧,把等离子炮带上,我再接下来探索一段。” stretch/open Yusi looks at He Ao, she thought deeply about one, finally nods, good.” 张雨思看着何奥,她思索了一阵,最终点点头,“好的。” She follows stretch/leisurely Gui to return to the safe house now, is the most sane choice. 她现在跟着舒桂回安全屋,是最理智的选择。 First, because stretch/leisurely Gui's body is this is very indeed bad. 一是因为舒桂的身体是这的确很糟糕。 Second, her state of mind actually currently also has fluctuated, not necessarily can insist again toward the following exploration, although according to stretch/leisurely Gui, the next region is a quite safe region, but after crossing that region, the pollution will be perhaps stronger. 二是她的精神状态其实现在也已经有一些波动了,不一定能坚持住再往后面的探索了,虽然据舒桂所说,下一个区域是一个比较安全的区域,但是越过那个区域之后,污染说不定会更强。 But third, is a point that He Ao mentioned especially, the plasma artillery. 而第三,就是何奥特地提到的一点,等离子炮。 Before He Ao led stretch/open Yusi to come out, was because He Ao judged that she followed oneself to be safer. 之前何奥带张雨思出来,是因为何奥判断她跟着自己更安全。 That safe house regarding the powerful C level monster, the defensive power is actually not strong, Shinn stays there, is completely because cannot go forward. 那个安全屋其实对于强大的C级怪物,防御力并没有那么强,亚西恩留在那里,完全是因为不能前进了。 But now, after having the plasma artillery, stretch/open Yusi had the strength that resists the C level, in addition Shinn and stretch/leisurely Gui two D levels, as well as that say/way can isolate the strobe of safe house, that safe house has the safekeeping of security ability initially. 而现在,拥有等离子炮之后,张雨思就有了对抗C级的实力,再加上亚西恩和舒桂两个D级,以及那道可以隔绝安全屋的闸门,那个安全屋已经初步具备了安全保护能力。 But He Ao is then very likely to enter a more dangerous region, follows side He Ao, is not safe, 何奥接下来极有可能会进入更危险的区域,跟在何奥身边,已经没有那么安全了、 Therefore the synthesis, returns to the safe house now, is the most sane optimal choice. 所以综合来看,现在回到安全屋,是最理智最优的选择。 This is the He Ao mentality, stretch/open Yusi can also understand the idea of He Ao probably. 这是何奥的思路,张雨思也能大概理解何奥的想法。 In fact, the road that they go back did not need He Ao to escort. 事实上,他们回去的路也不需要何奥护送了。 Because stretch/open Yusi carries the plasma artillery, especially also brings the plasma artillery of monster flesh. 因为张雨思扛着等离子炮,特别是还带着怪物血肉的等离子炮。 Time that stretch/open Yusi and He Ao just walked, the flesh spider in shadow has not crawled the attack. 张雨思和何奥刚刚一路走过来的时候,阴影里的血肉蜘蛛都没有爬出来攻击。 It seems like that tentacle monster, before had high deterrent force in this region, stretch/open Yusi takes its plasma artillery, can frighten these monsters. 看起来那个触手怪物,之前在这一片区域有很高的威慑力,以至于张雨思拿着它的等离子炮,也能吓到那些怪物。 Naturally in fact can also kill these monsters, is only some are not cost-effective. 当然实际上也能杀死那些怪物,只是有些不划算。 You and other,” “你等一下,” The hand of He Ao held the pocket, pulled out some gray finely ground particles, this was he just looked to store up the chip the time, the energy blocks of these mechanical hard helmets turned. 何奥的手揣进了口袋,掏出来一些灰色的小颗粒,这是他刚刚找储存芯片的时候,翻出来的那些机械头盔的能源块。 These mechanical hard helmets do not need to provide for plasma artillery type of high consuming energy weapon, therefore the reserve energy block are not many, the physique is not big. 这些机械头盔并不需要供养等离子炮这种高耗能武器,所以储备的能源块并不多,块头也不大。 He Ao fed these energy blocks to the plasma artillery. 何奥把这些能源块都喂给了等离子炮。 This plasma artillery eight lamps were shining, can fire eight artillery, just caught up with saves stretch/leisurely Gui the time, stretch/open Yusi to clean up the monster, fired an artillery, only had seven lamps to shine. 这个等离子炮原本八盏灯亮着,可以开八炮,刚刚赶过来救舒桂的时候,张雨思为了清理怪物,开了一炮,就只有七盏灯亮着了。 But after absorbing these small energy blocks, is turning on a light to rise more , also returned to more than eight. 而吸收了这些小能源块之后,亮着灯涨了一盏多一点,又回到了八盏多。 After feeding the plasma artillery energy block, He Ao also inquired some front that them to arrive at safety zone that’ the time arrived to stretch/leisurely Gui detail. 喂完等离子炮能源块之后,何奥又向舒桂询问了一些前面那个他们降临时候抵达的‘安全区域’的细节。 When all things made clear, stretch/leisurely Gui picked oneself short sword, moved toward the direction of return trip with stretch/open Yusi. 等到所有的东西都搞清楚了,舒桂捡回了自己的短刀,和张雨思一起走向回程的方向。 He Ao gazes after stretch/open Yusi and stretch/leisurely Gui leaves, completely vanishes until two people in the dark corridor. 何奥目送张雨思和舒桂离开,直到两人完全消失在黑暗的走廊里。 These two protect oneself the ability to have, that just came all the way, can threaten two people monster, had been emptied by He Ao. 这两人自保能力还是有的,刚刚过来的那一路上,能威胁到两人的怪物,都已经被何奥清空了。 Finally, He Ao turns the head, looks to that skeleton under dark brilliance. 最终,何奥转过头来,看向幽暗光辉下的那一具具尸骸。 His step crossed these skeletons, forwarding step by step. 他的步伐越过了这些尸骸,一步步的向前。 Quick, he in the end of channel, saw the quite bright light. 很快,他就在通道的尽头,看到了较为明亮的灯光。 Under this light shines the region, safety zone that’ when is stretch/leisurely Gui Heyin Will they enter this spaceship arrives. 这个灯光照耀下的区域,就是舒桂和尹维尔他们进入这个飞船时抵达的‘安全区域’。 He Ao marched into this region, his vision swept around one, quick discovered in the corner a destroyed monitor, under the monitor also has the metal door of opening. 何奥步入了这个区域,他的目光扫了一眼周围,很快就在角落里发现了一个被破坏的显示器,显示器下方还有打开的金属小门。 Before this is him, to stretch/leisurely Gui inquired the detail obtained, has the computer, has the metal door, has the light, the big probability also has power source that can use. 这是他之前向舒桂询问获得的细节,有电脑,有金属门,有灯光,大概率还有能用的电源。 This region is not big, everywhere is the stool that scatters, seeming like once was some special-purpose lounge. 这个区域并不大,到处都是散落的凳子,看上去曾经是某个专用的‘休息室’。 Before He Ao arrives at that opening metal door, looked in one sheared line, then puts out a hand, fished out the power source line, pulled. 何奥走到那个打开的金属门前,看了一眼里面被剪断的线路,然后伸出手去,摸出了电源线路,扯了出来。 He received in these power source lines the motherboard module again, storage chip that found from the mechanical hard helmets meets that in the motherboard module, recovered just the operation in hall. 他将这些电源线路再次接到了主板模块上,将那块从机械头盔之间找到的储存芯片接在了主板模块上,复原了刚刚在大厅里的操作。 However this time, because has the ready-made procedure/program, he does not need to open ultra recalled that decoded again. 不过这一次,因为已经有现成的程序,他就不需要开超忆再破解了。 Then the He Ao pipe nipple switch, started the motherboard module. 然后何奥短接开关,启动了主板模块。 Quick, the surface data that some can be explained appeared on He Ao the display monitor on hand. 很快,一些能被解读出来的表层数据出现在了何奥的手上的显示屏上。 The data of this storage chip storage is few, chip that is far less than just in that tentacle monster to obtain. 这个储存芯片储存的数据很少,远不如刚刚那个触手怪物手里获得的芯片。 He Ao is glancing through inside information, in this also has nearby map, but is the fragments, is not similar to tentacle monster storage information such in chip, is linked to each other. 何奥翻阅着里面的信息,这里面也有附近的地图,不过都是片段的,并不是如同触手怪物储存的芯片里的信息那样,是连在一起的。 He Ao saw before these fragment maps went to the hall, saw just that dim channel, some he has not seen scene fragment. 何奥在这些片段地图里看到了之前去过的大厅,看到了刚刚那个昏暗的通道,还有一些他没有见过的场景片段。 These maps very scattered in disorder, the logic of almost having no, moreover majority is the hash, but these , some useful information. 这些地图非常的散乱,几乎没有任何的逻辑,而且大部分都是无用信息,不过这其中,也有一些‘有用’的信息。 In these maps, three regions sat key labelling. 这些地图中,有三个区域被坐了重点标注。 First is He Ao had just gone to the hall, was labelled the pink. 第一个是何奥刚刚去过的大厅,被标注了浅红色。 Second is this safety zone the region of after that strobe, was labelled the red. 第二个就是这个安全区域的那个闸门后的区域,被标注了红色。 But third, is the map that doubtful elevator is, that map unusual is incomplete, moreover was labelled the red black. 而第三个,就是那个疑似电梯所在的地图,那个地图非常的不完整,而且被标注了红黑色。 Deepest, darkest peaceful red black. 最深,最暗澹的红黑色。 It seems like, this color depth, seems like some degree of hazard labelling. 看起来,这个颜色深度,似乎是某种危险程度标注。 Is the elevator region most dangerous? 电梯区域最危险吗? This with the storage chip of that tentacle monster , the map of elevator region is also most incomplete can verify mutually, even that tentacle monster, does not dare to go down to the elevator region. 这也和那个触手怪物的储存芯片里,电梯区域的地图最残缺能个互相印证,即便那个触手怪物,也没有敢深入电梯区域。 He Ao closed the motherboard, sets out, looks to that strobe. 何奥关闭了主板,起身,看向那个闸门。 From the narration of stretch/leisurely Guangxi, after Yin Weier they enter the strobe, this strobe by Yin Weier from the inside is closed. 从舒桂的叙述来说,尹维尔他们进入闸门之后,这个闸门被尹维尔从内侧关闭了。 However at this moment presents the strobe in He Ao field of vision, opened a small slit, may for person of a slit of entry. 但是此刻出现在何奥视野中的闸门,打开了一个小缝隙,一个可供一人进入的缝隙。 Sees this, the He Ao brow slightly wrinkle. 看到这一幕,何奥眉头微皱。 stretch/leisurely Gui indeed is human, is not the camouflage of some monster. 舒桂的确是人类,不是某种怪物的伪装。 He Ao when most starts to meet, observed carefully his sign of life, and thought the knowledge to sweep his body, determined his energy flowed the line to be very normal. 何奥在最开始见面的时候,就细心观察了他的生命之牌,并用神识扫过了他的身体,确定了他的能量流淌线路很正常。 Moreover he does not need to lie strobe here, the inquiry of He Ao before letting him returns to the safe house, before that he does not know that He Ao then must make anything. 而且他没有必要在闸门这里撒谎,何奥的询问是在让他回安全屋之前的,在那之前,他并不知道何奥接下来要做什么。 If He Ao leads him to arrive at this region, then one sees this door, his lie broke. 如果何奥带他来到这个区域,那么一看到这扇门,他的谎言就破了。 Therefore He Ao favors stretch/leisurely Gui has not lied. 所以何奥更倾向于舒桂没有撒谎。 Then this door, did open after the closure? 那么这扇门,是在关闭之后又打开了? He Ao is gazing at this leaf of strobe, receives the bone sword, walked step by step, then entered the gate after the slits of strobe. 何奥注视着这扇闸门,收好骨剑,一步步的走了过去,然后从闸门的缝隙之间走进了门后。 After the strobe, is a dark gray space. 闸门后是一片灰黑的空间。 He Ao turned on the flashlight of oneself micro computer, is shining the body week. 何奥打开了自己微型电脑的手电筒,照耀着身周。 Then he acts, not far away before his body. 然后他动作一顿,在他身前不远处。 On approaching the wall of strobe, writes a few words with the blood. 在靠近闸门的墙壁上,用鲜血写着一句话。 This time, this handwriting is not the writing of first area, but is the writing of He Ao very familiar second area. 这一次,这字迹不是第一区的文字,而是何奥非常熟悉的第二区的文字。 The meaning of those words is, 那句话的意思是, [ I quite hungry] [我好饿]
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