LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#620: The talent is the future legend

The dark peaceful light shines on staining the corridor of bloodstain, the instrumentation equipment of breakage piles up one on top of another a riggers band the mechanical flame hill. 暗澹的灯光照耀在沾满血渍的走廊上,破损的仪器设备堆叠成一座座带着机械火光的‘小山包’。 Sound sound that the body human bone distortion moves in silent darkness. 躯骸扭曲移动的声音响在寂静的黑暗中。 That seems like some people to follow at night nearness slowly, seems like the lifeform that the four limbs are well-grounded in ground slow and difficult crawling. 那似乎是有人在顺着黑夜缓缓的靠近,又似乎是四肢着地的生物在地上缓慢而又艰难的爬行。 The sharp nail has blown the metal ground, sends out to incite, sharp grating sound. 锋利的指甲刮过金属的地面,发出滋滋的,尖锐刺耳的声响。 This sound under this dark peaceful brilliance, from far to near, is scrubbing the tread just like the god of death sickle, little nearness. 这声音响在这暗澹的光辉之下,由远及近,宛如死神的镰刀正在刮擦着地面,一点点的靠近。 He.” “他么的。” The cat spat one by a man after dropping down giant mechanical cabinet, oneself will be hauled back from the mechanical cabinet by the left leg of blood contamination. 猫靠在一个倒下的巨大机械柜后的男人啐了一口,将自己被鲜血沾染的左腿从机械柜后面拖回。 He lifts the assault rifle in hand, tore off the magazine, loses one side. 他抬起手中的突击步枪,拔下了弹夹,丢到一旁。 Then his hand tried to find out on own waist, touched a magazine until most deep place, 然后他的手在自己的腰上摸索了一圈,直到最深处才摸到了一个弹夹, On last, used real quick, clear.” “就最后一个了,用的真快,焯。” He enters the rifle the magazine card, draws the bolt. 他将弹夹卡入步枪,拉动枪栓。 In the silent space, transmits his words to combine the echo of bolt sound. 寂静的空间里,传来他话语混杂着枪栓声的回响。 This echo like another person who in this deathly stillness has, accompanies in his side. 这回响如同这死寂中存在的另一个人,陪伴在他的身边。 He does not have first to lift the spear/gun, but waited for that sharp scrubbing sound to approach, then diagonal stretched out the edge of mechanical cabinet the body, he raised the spear/gun, aimed behind, touched off the trigger. 他并没有第一时间抬起枪,而是等着那尖锐的刮擦声靠近了一些,然后才将身子斜向伸出机械柜的边缘,他举起枪,对准身后,扣动扳机。 The large flame of spout puts out from the muzzle, the rainstorm bullet falls in torrents to the gloomy world deep place. 喷涌的火舌从枪口吐出,紧接着暴雨般的子弹倾泻向灰暗的世界深处。 After firing off these several rounds of bullets, the man has not gone to look at behind victory, but leaves to return to behind the cabinet immediately. 在打完这数发子弹之后,男人没有去看身后的战果,而是立刻抽身回到了柜子后面。 In fact, he could not see to have anything behind. 事实上,他也看不见身后发生了什么。 These monsters hide under the shadow, cannot see the concrete position, is very instead easy to hit by the eye, he can only depend on the sound and intuition localization. 那些怪物隐藏在阴影下,根本看不到具体的位置,靠眼睛反而很容易打偏,他只能靠声音和直觉定位。 When he leaves, he also explicit heard the bullet to enter the meat the dull thumping sound. 而在他抽身的时候,他也明确的听到了子弹入肉的闷响。 Two sharp sounds that most approaches had vanished, present range his recent sound, there is a good distance. 那最靠近的两个尖锐的声音已经消失了,现在距离他最近的声音,也有好一段距离了。 His falling face down body, looks at bunker that’ another worn-out metal pile of front gloomy place became forward. 他向前趴下身子,看了一眼前方灰暗处的另一个破旧金属堆成的‘掩体’。 He takes the spear/gun, the alternate support that crawling, two arms is keeping, is dragging his injured leg and body, proceeds rapidly. 他拿着枪,匍匐着,两个胳膊不停的交替支撑,拖着他受伤的腿和身体,迅速往前。 Suddenly, a terrifying ugly face appeared in his field of vision, looks at him, sharp grinned fiendishly. 突然,一张恐怖的鬼脸出现在了他的视野中,看着他,尖锐的狞笑起来。 His movement, subconscious must lift the spear/gun fire, but in an instant, this ugly face vanishes does not see. 他的动作一顿,下意识就要抬枪射击,但是转眼之间,这鬼脸就消失不见。 Horse, is the stupid illusion.” “马的,又是傻逼幻觉。” He scolded one in a low voice , to continue to go forward, before long, he arrived in the new bunker. 他低声骂了一句,继续前进,不一会儿,他就抵达了新的掩体。 He first crawled the upper part, then drew behind the injured leg the bunker. 他先把上半身爬了进去,然后再把受伤的腿拖进了掩体后面。 Dog bastard, the grandfather is also living.” “狗杂种,爷爷还活着呢。” He spat one, looked at rifle in a hand, looks to the front region. 他啐了一口,看了一眼手中的步枪,又看向前方的区域。 Front does not have the new bunker, the gloomy light thorough extinguishment, only has a profound darkness. 前面已经没有了新的掩体,原本灰暗的灯光已经彻底的熄灭,只有一片幽深的黑暗。 The men do not know in this darkness to have anything, but wants to come, perhaps is a worse thing. 男人不知道这黑暗中有什么,但是想来,恐怕是更糟的东西。 The wound on thigh transmits the fierce pain, long-time lost blood to cause the dizziness that to be full of the mind of man. 大腿上的伤口传来剧烈的痛感,长久的失血造成的眩晕充满了男人的脑海。 That sharp sound made a sound again in him behind, bit by bit, from far to near. 那尖锐的声音再次响在了他的身后,一点一点,由远及近。 „Do dog hybrids, play the father?” “狗杂种们,玩老子是吧?” The men have turned round, finds out after the bunker the body, aims at the direction that the sound sends out, took away the trigger. 男人回过身来,将身子从掩体后探出,对准声音发出的方向,扣死了扳机。 Close stuffy pshaws transmit again. 一声声细密的闷哼声再次传来。 That is the bullet hits the monster the sound. 那是子弹击中怪物的声音。 The men turn head, are gazing at that profound darkness. 男人回过头来,注视着那幽深的黑暗。 He drew out the magazine to look at one, the bullet in magazine, only sufficed him to hit an ammunition clip again. 他拔出弹夹看了一眼,弹夹里的子弹,只够他再打一梭子了。 The front appropriate bunker, he cannot continue to proceed to crawl again. 前方没有合适的掩体,他已经不能再继续往前爬了。 He very clearly behind the customs of these monsters. 他很清楚身后那些怪物的习惯。 Whenever he exposes in the fields of vision of these monsters, these monsters will accelerate to clash, closes. 每当他暴露在那些怪物的视野里,那些怪物就会加速冲过来,一拥而上。 Therefore he has just been drawing support from the bunker and light shadow covers up the figure, a bunker arrives at another bunker, such careful advance. 所以他刚刚一直都在借助掩体和光影遮掩身形,一个掩体到另一个掩体,这样小心的前进。 But now the front does not have the situation of bunker, he does not have the means to cover up the figure again, in the process of advance, is torn into shreds by the monster that these will well up. 而现在前方没有掩体的情况,他就已经没有办法再遮掩身形了,在前进的过程中,就会被那些涌上来的怪物撕碎。 These blow the audio singing of ground to approach again slowly. 身后那些刮过地面的尖锐声音再次缓缓靠近。 Most starts, he hears this sound, inexplicable irritation, but now, he has gradually adapted to this sound. 最开始,他听到这种声音,会莫名的烦躁,而现在,他已经逐渐适应了这种声音。 Void as if spread some type of dense fog, was the knocking gong that some type went far away gradually. 虚空中似乎蔓延起了某种迷雾,然后是某种渐渐远去的敲锣声。 As if has some limping person's shadow to form the long team in this dense fog, goes through slowly. 似乎有某种蹒跚的人影在这迷雾中组成长长的队伍,缓缓穿行。 This illusion does for the occasion actually, ahead of time participated in funeral ceremony to father.” “这幻觉倒是应景,提前给老子送葬了。” From enters this place to start at first, in his field of vision will glitter occasionally various strange scenes, overlaps with the real world in the same place. 从最初进入这个地方开始,他的视野中就会偶尔闪烁出各种诡异的景象,与现实世界重叠在一起。 But now, as if his life passes gradually, this strange illusion appears were also getting more and more. 而现在,似乎随着他的生命渐渐流逝,这种诡异的幻觉出现的也越来越多了。 Actually this strange illusion appears in the real world is good, most makes him have some fears, but appear here brings the strange weird region, that seriously will disturb his cognition. 其实这种诡异幻觉出现在现实世界还好,最多让他产生一些恐惧,但是出现在这个本就带着诡异怪诞的区域,那就会严重干扰他的认知。 He has several times, did the reality the illusion, consumed the ammunition, or did the illusion the reality, was hit by the monster, blew several wounds. 他有好几次,都把幻觉搞成了现实,消耗了弹药,或者把现实搞成了幻觉,被怪物打中,刮出几道伤口。 Until now, he has not distinguished clearly the difference of reality and illusion completely, but this is unimportant. 到现在为止,他也没有完全分清现实和幻境的区别,不过这已经不重要了。 He also soon died in any case. 反正他也快要死了。 He, if we had known did not collect this to live it up,” “他么的,早知道就不来凑这个热闹了,” He somewhat thought of millet gruel that mother cooks. 他有些想念母亲熬的小米粥了。 However he not really regretted, all people who enter the vestige, know oneself could die in the vestige. 不过他并不真的后悔,所有进入遗迹的人,都知道自己可能会死在遗迹里面。 He also prepared death. 他也做好了死亡的准备。 In the place that like this no one knows, dying that no one knows, many were a little aggrieved. 就是在这样无人知晓的地方,无人知晓的死去,多少有点憋屈了。 He pokes head, falls in torrents the bullet one breath in spear/gun. 他探出头去,将枪里的子弹一口气倾泻完。 Then enters the meat along with the bullet the sound, he throws the ground the rifle in hand, drew out tied up the short sword on thigh, dog hybrids, tried your claw to be sharp, was father's blade is sharp.” 然后伴随着子弹入肉的声音,他将手里的步枪丢到地上,拔出了绑在大腿上的短刀,“狗杂种们,试试你们的爪子锋利,还是老子的刀锋利。” He looks at the front dark channel. 他看着前方黑暗的通道。 Perhaps he directly to/clashes, a slim chance of survival. 或许他直接冲出去,也还有一线生机。 The forefront monster had been struck down by him, the following monster catches up also to require the time. 最前面的怪物已经被他击倒了,后面的怪物赶过来还需要时间。 Moreover from this monster each time only then 1-2 arrive at the forefront situation. 而且从这个怪物每次只有1-2走到最前面的情况来看。 Perhaps he can repel two monsters that first approach, then jumps in that dark region. 或许他能击退最先靠近的两只怪物,然后跳进那个黑暗的区域。 In the complete darkness, these monsters not necessarily can see him. 在完全的黑暗中,这些怪物也不一定能看到他。 Perhaps, can live. 或许,能活。 The fresh hope gave his new support, he sets out slowly, is enduring the severe pain on leg, makes the posture of sprint. 生的希望给了他新的支撑,他缓缓起身,忍着腿上的剧痛,做出冲刺的姿势。 But in this instantaneous, a shadow falls from his top of the head suddenly. 而就在这瞬间,一个黑影突然从他头顶落下。 That is one with normal person almost high human form life, it does not have the flesh, the blood vessel and muscle naked exposition outside, between slender metal silk thread alternation muscles and blood vessels. 那是一个和正常人差不多高的人形‘生命’,它已经没有了肌肤,血管和肌肉赤裸的暴露在外面,一条条纤细的金属丝线穿插肌肉和血管之间。 It raised the head, is gazing at the man. 它抬起头,注视着男人。 That is the place of eye, at this moment only has two bloody cavities. 那原本是眼睛的地方,此刻只有两个血淋淋的空洞。 Its head brings a gray-black helmet. 它的头上带着一个灰黑色的头盔。 That helmet tight is pasting its head, as if inserts in its skull. 那个头盔紧紧的贴着它的脑袋,仿佛嵌入它的头骨之中。 Special is the illusion? „ “又特么是幻觉?“ The men lift the short sword, a blade cuts to the helmet on monster head. 男人抬起短刀,一刀斩向怪物脑袋上的头盔。 After the beforehand fight, he has discovered, this mechanical helmet, is the monster true control node. 经过之前的战斗,他已经发现了,这个机械头盔,才是怪物的真正的‘控制中枢’。 The monster lifted the hand, on its finger proliferates the hard metal sharp claws. 怪物抬起了手,它的手指上遍布坚硬的金属利爪。 Scandium- 钪- This sharp claw blocked the attack of man. 这锋利的爪子挡住了男人的攻击。 Isn't the illusion?! 不是幻觉?! The men stare, the following monster after a period of time, can not catch up? 男人一愣,后面的怪物不是要过一段时间,才能赶得过来吗? At this moment, on the gray-black helmet on monster top of the head, has flowed a gray brilliance suddenly. 就在这时,怪物头顶上的灰黑色头盔上,突然流淌过了一道灰色的光辉。 Before this is a man, has not seen scene. 这是男人之前从没有见过的景象。 He changes courageous, while the instance that this path of rays shines, the blade has delimited the sharp claws, a blade cut off the nape of the neck of monster. 他勐地变招,趁着这个光路亮起的瞬间,刀刃划过利爪,一刀斩断了怪物的脖颈。 Flies along with the head of monster, the man is enduring the severe pain on leg, forward a tumbling, move back among distance with monsters. 伴随着怪物的头颅飞起,男人忍着腿上的剧痛,向前一个翻滚,拉远了与怪物之间的距离。 At this time, his line of sight happen to saw just behind position. 这时候,他的视线正好看到刚刚身后的位置。 Quiet cold gray brilliance, in his behind region, dense and numerous shines. 一道道幽冷的灰色光辉,在他身后的区域里,密密麻麻的亮起。 Distortions person's shadow, stood slowly, is gazing at the man. 一个个扭曲的‘人影’,缓缓的站立了起来,注视着男人。 They stand behind bunker that in the man just hid. 他们就站在男人刚刚躲藏的掩体后面。 Is really playing the father.” “真的在耍老子。” The men smile bitterly, took up the short sword in hand. 男人苦笑一声,拿起了手中的短刀。 These monsters had not been struck down, they walk do not need to scrub the ground to make the sound with the sharp claws, they are only this camouflage this appearance, then playing jokes upon man. 这些怪物从来没有被击倒,它们行走也不需要用利爪刮擦地面发出声音,它们只是这伪装成这个样子,然后‘戏耍’男人。 But now, with the man close to the dark region, this playing jokes upon also finished finally. 而现在,随着男人靠近黑暗区域,这场‘戏耍’也最终结束了。 That is just tumbled by the head that the man cut off to the foot of another monster near, then this monster picked up this head. 那刚刚被男人斩断的头颅滚落到另一个怪物的脚边,然后这个怪物捡起了这个头颅。 The innumerable grey brilliance sparkle in the darkness, these monsters held up the metal sharp claws, to/clashes toward the man. 无数灰色的光辉在黑暗中闪耀,这些怪物举起了金属利爪,向着男人冲来。 Grazes a horse, dog hybrids.” “放马过来吧,狗杂种们。” The men raised the short sword. 男人提起短刀。 He no longer retrocedes, but charged into these to brandish the monster of sharp claws. 他不再后退,而是冲向了那些挥舞着利爪的怪物。 His short sword collides in these sharp claws together, but almost in the instance of this collision, this firm short sword was struck to fly. 他的短刀与那些利爪碰撞在一起,而几乎在这碰撞的瞬间,这柄坚固的短刀就被击飞出去。 Several metal sharp thorns scratch the profile of man to fly, this was on ‚’ the nail of following monster sharp claws metal shot. 几道金属尖刺擦着男人的侧脸飞过,这是后面的怪物将自己利爪上的金属‘指甲’射了出来。 Meanwhile, the sharp metal sharp claws of front monster dig to the heart and head of man. 与此同时,前方怪物的锋利的金属利爪挖向男人的心脏和头颅。 Is dying. 要死了啊。 The men are gazing at all these. 男人注视着这一切。 In the gloomy space, as if presented the length and breadth wilderness of real world, presented that low house that is called the family/home. 灰暗的空间中,仿佛出现了现实世界的广袤原野,出现了那个被称为家的低矮房屋。 Afterward, these scenes, just like the morningtide mist, such as the smoke dissipate. 随后,这些景象,如同晨间雾气一样,如烟消散。 But in this instantaneous, a dazzling brilliance jumps to shoot from man behind darkness. 而就在这瞬间,一道刺眼的光辉从男人身后的黑暗中迸射而出。 The radiant brilliance illuminated like the big day generally, the scalding hot strength roasted like the roaring flame is roasting the surrounding all. 璀璨的光辉如同大日一般照亮,灼热的力量如同烈焰炙烤着周围的一切。 What is this? Illusion? 这又是什么?幻觉吗? The men look at the scene before body dull, looks to charge into his monster by this powerful brilliance crushing, the melting, changes to burnt/anxious lake, metal and flesh mixed in together skeleton. 男人呆呆的看着身前的场景,看着冲向他的怪物被这强大的光辉击碎,融化,化作焦湖的,金属与血肉混杂在一起的尸骸。 This brilliance shocked the community of entire monster, dead end that but too has not alleviated the man. 这道光辉震慑了整个怪物的群体,但是并没有太缓解男人的死局。 Before several monsters had arrived in his body . 已经有数个怪物抵达了他的身前。 The men want leaving diligently, wins the time for oneself, but he does not have the leeway of action. 男人想要努力的抽身,为自己争取时间,但是他早已没有了行动的余地。 But when the sharp claws will soon pierce his heart, together the pure white brilliance, like cutting open the night sharp blade, has delimited the field of vision of man , before having delimited the man body , the body of monster. 而就在利爪即将刺穿他的心脏的时候,一道纯白的光辉,如同割开黑夜的利刃,划过了男人的视野,也划过了男人身前怪物的身躯。 These monsters cut off around the middle, the body human bone of upper part was shaken, flies the sky. 这些怪物被拦腰斩断,上半身的躯骸被震开,飞上天空。 The men look to stand in oneself eyes premise dull the form of bone sword, his eye because of shocking to stare perfectly round, 男人呆呆的看着站在自己眼前提着骨剑的身影,他的眼睛因为震惊而瞪得浑圆, Minister He Ao?” 何奥部长?” He looked that was shaken the limbs that flies to these in sky, these monsters had not died, the damage of body almost could not cause anything to injure to them. 紧接着,他看向了天空中的那些被震飞的肢体,这些怪物并没有死去,身体的损坏对它们几乎造成不了什么伤害。 This moment these monsters are lifting the hand, the metal sharp claws aim at He Ao. 此刻这些怪物正抬起手,金属利爪对准何奥 Therefore the man shouts hastily, is careful their sneak attacks, their strategic points in top of the head.” 于是男人连忙喊道,“小心它们的偷袭,他们的要害在头顶。” Un.” “嗯。” He Ao gently to upcasting the bone sword in hand, then jumps to turn toward in the air jumps. 何奥轻轻向上抛起手中的骨剑,然后纵身向着空中跃起。 Several metal sharp thorns were projected from the sharp claws of monster, stroke in the place that He Ao just stood. 数道金属尖刺被从怪物的利爪上射出,击打在何奥刚刚站立的地方。 But He Ao that at this moment jumps had caught up with the in the air ejected bone sword, then gripped the sword hilt. 而此刻跃起的何奥已经追上了空中被抛出的骨剑,然后握住了剑柄。 At this moment, his body already and was struck to fly in the in the air monster by him to be very near. 这一刻,他的身躯已经和被他击飞在空中的怪物很近了。 He lifts the bone sword, the white sword light from the sky puts the path of crecent moon, cut open these jet black hard helmets. 他抬起骨剑,白色的剑光在空中划出新月的轨迹,一个又一个个割开了那些漆黑的头盔。 Finally, he receives the sword, falls on the ground. 最后,他收起剑,落在地上。 Above his top of the head, in the sky helmet blasting open one after another, in the fireworks like summer, explodes the brilliant color. 在他的头顶之上,天空中头盔一个接一个的炸裂,如同夏日里的焰火,炸出绚烂的色彩。 Glassy-eyed looks at this in He Ao behind man. 何奥身后的男人目光呆滞的看着这一幕。 In his eyes the dangerous unusual monster, in the present youth subordinate, like can conveniently the potato chips of crumb frail. 在他眼中危险异常的怪物,在眼前的青年手下,就像可以随手捏碎的薯片一样脆弱。 But at this moment stands in the He Ao front monsters, looked to that. 而此刻站在何奥前方的怪物们,也‘看’到了刚才的那一幕。 They retrocede slowly, the body gathers, gradual gathers toward the middle some monster. 它们缓缓后退,身躯聚集在一起,逐渐的向着中间的某个怪物聚拢。 Their by one by the same place, some also climbed up the shoulder of another monster. 它们一个靠一个靠在一起,有一些还爬上了另一个怪物的肩膀。 The tall and slender metal silk thread stretches out from the monster, like suturing the needlework of flesh, sutures the bodies of these monsters in the same place, is almost blinking, composed a huge giant body. 细长的金属丝线从怪物身上伸出,则如同缝合血肉的针线,将这些怪物的躯体缝合在一起,几乎在眨眼之间,就组成了一个巨大的巨人身躯。 The head of this giant almost comprised of the gray-black helmet. 这个巨人的头颅几乎都由灰黑色的头盔组成。 Terrifying pressure spread. 恐怖的威压蔓延而出。 The strength of this giant, is not weak in the monster of that back body tentacle just He Ao met. 这个巨人的实力,并不弱于刚刚何奥遇见的那个背身触手的怪物。 He Ao is gazing at these gray-black hard helmets. 何奥注视着那些灰黑色头盔。 It seems like some parasitic body. 看起来像是某种寄生体。 Structure that opened from just He Ao, these hard helmets should be the pure machineries. 从刚刚何奥噼开的结构来看,这些头盔应该是纯机械的。 These monster body, seemed like once human in this spaceship, after the mechanical helmet parasited, had some mutation, becomes the present appearance. 那些‘怪物’身躯,看上去像是曾经在这座飞船里的人类,他们被机械头盔寄生之后,发生了某种异变,成为了现在的模样。 The machinery parasitic, controls the body of flesh. 机械寄生,控制血肉的身躯。 Marvelous parasitic way. 奇妙的寄生方式。 The present giant monster, perhaps is the unification of these machinery parasitic bodies main body. 眼前的这个巨大怪物,或许才是这些机械寄生体的统一‘本体’。 He Ao is narrowing the eye slightly, he gazes at these to be almost impossible to see under the gloomy light, with suture the flesh the silver fine lace. 何奥微微眯着眼睛,他注视着那些在灰暗的灯光下几乎无法看见的,用以缝合血肉的银色细线。 These fine laces also very obviously all are the metals. 这些细线也很显然全是金属。 And covered entirely the entire body of monster. 并且布满了怪物的整个身躯。 Pure metal. 全金属啊。 He Ao put out a hand to touch to the miracle magic wand on waist. 何奥伸手摸向了腰上的奇迹魔杖。 That giant monster is gazing at He Ao, its not direct attack He Ao, but takes off a helmet from the body, gives He Ao. 那个巨大的怪物注视着何奥,它并没有直接攻击何奥,而是从身体上摘下一个头盔,递给何奥 Stands is gazing at this in He Ao behind man, he can understand this monster the meaning. 站在何奥身后的男人注视着这一幕,他能理解这个怪物的意思。 It wants He Ao to put on the helmet, joining they, accept its control. 它想要何奥戴上头盔,‘加入’它们,接受它的控制。 It has not given other He Ao choice. 它并没有给何奥另外的选择。 But the result of rejection is also obvious. 而拒绝的结果也是显而易见的。 Men somewhat anxious looks at the He Ao back, this monster gave his constriction to surpass his understanding, he does not know that this young minister can deal with such enemy. 男人有些紧张的看着何奥的背影,这个怪物给他的压迫感已经超出了他的理解,他不知道这位年轻的部长能不能对付这样的敌人。 He looked that was struck the short sword that flies to the one side, perhaps he can share some pressures for He Ao. 他看向一旁被击飞的短刀,或许他可以为何奥分担一些压力。 But at this time, He Ao looked down helmet in the monster hand, looked at bone sword on a hand. 而这个时候,何奥只是低头看了一眼怪物手中的头盔,又看了一眼手上的骨剑。 He just easy cut to break to pieces just that several hard helmets. 他刚刚轻而易举的就斩碎了刚刚那几个头盔。 Then shaking the head that he shuts out, your thing quality was too bad.” 然后他嫌弃的摇摇头,“你的东西质量太差了。” Afterward he has turned round, moves toward behind man, „name were your stretch/leisurely Gui?” 随后他回过身来,走向身后的男人,“你叫舒桂?” „Does Minister what, you know me?” “何部长,你认识我?” stretch/leisurely Gui somewhat is suddenly pleasantly surprised, then he realizes immediately the present did not seem like said these times, he looks at He Ao, looked at He Ao behind that terrifying monster, Minister what, you gave this monster the back like this 舒桂一时间有些惊喜,然后他又立刻意识到了现在好像不是说这些的时候,他看着何奥,又看了何奥身后那恐怖的怪物,“何部长,你这样把后背交给这个怪物・・・・・・” „Did you say it?” “你说它吗?” He Ao turn head looked at one already gradually the violent anger monster, although this monster could not understand He Ao to say anything, but it understood the expression that He Ao shut out probably, now entire condition even more crazy. 何奥回头看了一眼已经逐渐暴怒的怪物,这个怪物虽然听不懂何奥说什么,但是它好像看懂了何奥嫌弃的表情,现在整个状态愈加的疯狂。 He Ao turns head, looks at stretch/leisurely Gui, 何奥回过头来,看着舒桂, It is actually good, just also gave me the gift to come, although the difference, these monster hearts were actually good, just a natural monster delivered me a storage chip, a plasma artillery, some energy blocks “它其实挺好的,刚刚还送我礼物来着,虽然差了点,其实这些怪物心都不错,刚刚还有一个大方的怪物送了我一张储存芯片,一个等离子炮,还有一些能量块・・・・・・” stretch/leisurely Gui:??? 舒桂:??? In He Ao behind, that terrifying monster has held up the sharp claws, the racket to He Ao. 何奥身后,那个恐怖的怪物已经举起了利爪,拍向了何奥 Naturally, receives the processes of these gifts is not problem-free.” “当然,接收这些礼物的过程也不是一帆风顺的。” At this time, He Ao then said, sometimes may leave slightly some accidental/surprised, for example 这个时候,何奥接着说道,“有时候可能会出一些小意外,比如・・・・・・” The great hand of that terrifying had arrived at the He Ao top of the head, camouflaged on He Ao all brilliance. 那恐怖的巨手已经到了何奥的头顶,遮蔽了何奥头上的所有光辉。 Now.” “现在。” He Ao has not turned head, he shrugs. 何奥并没有回头,他只是耸耸肩。 Thunder sparkle! 雷霆闪耀! The electric light of sparkle drops from the clouds, has the vast natural strength, penetrated the darkness, illuminated the entire space, illuminated the monster huge body. 闪耀的电光从天而降,带着浩瀚自然的力量,击穿了黑暗,照亮了整个空间,也照亮了怪物庞大的身躯。 The strength of thunder following all hardware, arrived in each corner of monster body. 雷霆的力量顺着所有的金属设备,抵达了怪物身躯的每一个角落。 Bang bang bang- 砰砰砰- That is the sound of gray-black helmet loudly explosion, flowers of the flame in full bloom bloom above the huge body. 那是灰黑色的头盔轰然爆炸的声音,一朵朵盛开的火焰之花在庞大的躯壳之上绽放。 Just like a grand concluding firework. 宛如一场盛大的闭幕焰火表演。 Un,” He Ao turn head looked at a monster of loudly collapse, this we should unable to receive the gift time.” “嗯,”何奥回头看了一眼轰然倒塌的怪物,“不过这一次我们应该是拿不到礼物了。” The thunder sparkle is a C level miracle in miracle magic wand. 雷霆闪耀是奇迹魔杖里的一个C级奇迹。 Sometimes, this special strength, when deals with the peculiar circumstance, often will have the effect. 有时候,这种特殊的力量,在应对特殊情况的时候,往往会有奇效。 He Ao had shown this miracle in main world. 何奥曾经在主世界展现过这个奇迹。 stretch/leisurely Gui dumbfounded looks at all these, he looks that terrifying the monster that seems unable to defeat, such easy collapse, the disintegration, changes to blasting open the fireworks. 舒桂目瞪口呆的看着这一切,他看着那个恐怖的仿佛无法战胜的怪物,就这样轻而易举的倒塌,崩碎,化作炸裂的焰火。 He was unable to describe with the language shocks at this moment, the countless words, collect the mouth, only leaves behind one, 他已经无法用语言来形容此刻震撼,千言万语,汇集到嘴边,只留下一句, Lying trough!” “卧槽!” But at this time, He Ao has turned around, starts the thing that inspects the monster to leave behind. 而这个时候,何奥已经转过身,开始检查着怪物遗留的东西了。 Surprised?” “惊讶吧?” Hears laughter gently. 身后传来一个轻轻的笑声。 stretch/leisurely Gui has turned the head, happen to sees an appearance gentle gentle female, carries one also to want the big artillery tube to walk compared with her. 舒桂转过头去,正好看见一个模样温柔文静的女子,扛着一个比她还要大一些的炮筒走过来。 She arrives in front of stretch/leisurely Guangxi, sets up the artillery tube with a smile in the side, gasps for breath, „, you were used to it, our Minister what, was good at completing the not possible matter.” 她走到舒桂面前,笑着把炮筒立在身旁,喘了口气,“以后你就习惯了,我们这位何部长,善于完成不可能的事情。” He seems like is so young,” “他看起来还这么年轻,” stretch/leisurely Gui sighed with emotion one, „before me , some people of energy talents that never takes seriously to this situation, I believe now.” 舒桂感慨了一声,“我以前从不相信真的有人能天才到这种地步,现在我信了。” Talent is the future legend,” “天才是未来的传奇,” stretch/open Yusi shakes the head, „, but what Bu, now is the legend.” 张雨思摇摇头,“而何部,现在就是传奇。” At this time, He Ao takes a surface slightly black, seemed like stores up the chip the thing to walk, he looked to stretch/leisurely Gui, 这个时候,何奥拿着一个表面微黑,看起来像是储存芯片的东西走了回来,他看向舒桂, „Before these, with you in the people of together these non- research institute?” “那些之前和你在一起的那些非研究院的人呢?”
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