LCG :: Volume #3 举着火把的人

#622: You is a person, is

Handwriting that the person in second area leaves behind? 第二区的人留下的字迹? He Ao looked at a that blood character, is using the flashlight, took back the vision, stand forth step by step. 何奥看了一眼那个血字,打着手电筒,收回了目光,一步步的向前走去。 Although in the vestige all quite high-level points computers, in the language option can choose the language of second area, but this is the first time that He Ao sees the second area trace that person stays behind. 虽然遗迹所有比较高级一点的电子计算机里,语言选择中都可以选择第二区的语言,但是这是何奥第一次看见第二区的‘人’留下的痕迹。 Flashlight weak brilliant ray the gloomy and cold dark space, in the entire space has been filling the bloody air/Qi of moist viscous undulating. 手电筒微弱的光辉照耀过阴冷黑暗的空间,整个空间里弥漫着湿润粘稠的澹澹的血腥气。 The before style and He Ao of this region , the region that passes through is not same. 这一片区域的风格与何奥之前走过的区域并不相同。 He Ao from arriving in this spaceship starts, walks, majority is the worn-out steel divine creative force, or the robot of damage, very few sees the flesh and skeleton. 何奥从抵达这个飞船开始,一路走来,大部分都是破旧的钢铁造物,或者损坏的机器人,很少见到血肉和骨骸。 Although this region is also piles up the hill everywhere the mechanical divine creative force, what is different from other regions, these mechanical divine creative force were almost been completely incarnadine by the blood. 这一片区域虽然也到处都是堆积成小山包的机械造物,但是与其他区域不同的是,这些机械造物几乎全部被鲜血染红。 But in the slit between steel, then can see indistinctly incompletely, a scrap scrap, seemingly the thing of human bone fragment. 而钢铁之间的缝隙里,则隐约可以看见残缺的,一小块一小块的,看上去似乎是人类骨头碎片的东西。 More proceeds, that bloody flavor even more rich. 越往前走,那血腥的味道就越发的浓郁。 Here does not have the window, cannot see luminously, only then covers entirely the floor of blood, with scatters like the gravel to skeleton in broken bits everywhere generally, just like the slaughter house in night most deep place. 这里没有窗户,也看不到光亮,只有布满鲜血的地板,和如同砂砾一般散落到到处的细碎的骨骸,宛如夜晚最深处的屠宰场。 Brilliant ray of ice-cold flashlight the wall surface that stains the blood, sees I who is quite hungry in that He Ao the rear area of handwriting at first, does not have the new handwriting again. 冰冷的手电筒的光辉照耀过沾满鲜血的墙面,在那个何奥最初见到的‘我好饿’的字迹的后方,再也没有新的字迹。 Inciting- 滋- But takes back the flashlight in He Ao, the preparation continues to proceed. 而就在何奥收回手电筒,准备继续往前走的时候。 With inciting that a slight electric current flows sound, in his left side, piled up one on top of another monitor in shatter mechanical hill to shine suddenly. 伴随着一声轻微的电流流淌的滋滋声,在他的左侧,一个堆叠在破碎机械山包中的显示器骤然亮了起来。 Weak brilliant ray in jet black space. 微弱的光辉照耀在漆黑的空间里。 This place also has also in the electronic device of revolution, somewhat comes as a surprise to He Ao. 这个地方还有还在运转的电子设备,有些出乎何奥的预料。 He turns head to look to that monitor, the outside screen of this monitor has disrupted, on picture some probably old style big end of monitor on monitor rustle spot. 他扭头看向那个显示器,这个显示器的外屏已经碎裂,显示器上的画面则有些像是老式大头显示器上的沙沙的斑点。 These spots are vibrating fiercely , handwriting demonstration of one line of blood red unceasing vibrations on monitor. 那些斑点剧烈的抖动着,紧接着,一行血红的不断抖动的字迹显示在了显示器上。 [ Strobe was closed, we were safe, actually outside had anything, why these robot rebellions, network also broke, we cannot relate command post, Senonian is also injured, damn.] [闸门关闭了,我们安全了,外面究竟发生了什么,为什么那些机器人都暴动了,网络也断了,我们联系不上指挥室,赛诺还受了伤,该死。] Is the writing of second area. 是第二区的文字。 But looks at this line of writing in He Ao the instance, in his right front, presents the place of diagonally opposite corner/horn with this monitor, a new monitor shone. 而就在何奥看完这行文字的瞬间,在他的右前方,与这个显示器呈现斜对角的地方,一个新的显示器亮了起来。 Rustle the spot and blood red handwriting shine as before on that monitor. 沙沙的斑点和血红字迹依旧在那个显示器上亮起。 The brilliance of two monitors, shine in the dark peaceful space. 两个显示器的光辉,照耀在暗澹的空间里。 He Ao looks at the undulating glimmer that on a floor reflected, put out a hand to close the flashlight. 何奥看了一眼地板上反射的澹澹微光,伸手关闭了手电筒。 Good, can give the flashlight province electricity. 不错,可以给手电筒省电了。 Then he continues to proceed, looks to the writing in second monitor picture. 然后他继续往前走,看向第二个显示器画面上的文字。 [ Senonian's body in weak, he cannot speak normally, consciousness is not clear, our anything could not do, can only in method according to emergency medical rules help him wrap up, we did not have medicine, God, blessed this poor man.] [赛诺的身体在虚弱,他已经不能正常说话了,意识也不清晰,我们什么都做不了,只能按照应急医疗守则上的方法帮他包扎,我们没有药物,上帝,保佑这个可怜人吧。] At this time, the new monitor shone in the He Ao left front. 这个时候,新的显示器在何奥的左前方亮起。 He Ao natural continues to proceed to walk, monitors one after another reveals the brilliance in the darkness, shines weakly, way forward. 何奥自然的继续往前走去,一个又一个显示器接连的在黑暗中亮出光辉,照耀出一条微弱的,前进的路。 [ Our food were about not to have, we came was too anxious, anything has not taken to bring, strobe outside every day had fierce knock, strange shouting sound, third day, we did not relate on command post.] [我们的食物快没有了,我们进来的太急,什么都没有带进来,闸门外面每天都有剧烈的敲门声,还有奇怪的嘶吼声,第三天了,我们还是联系不上指挥室。] [ Swing and I made our food and water redistributed, Senonian does not have consciousness thoroughly, we kept grain to him, but he possibly could not use.] [斯温和我把我们的食物和水做了重新分配,赛诺已经彻底没有了知觉,我们给他留了一份粮食,但是他可能用不到了。] [ Senonian died, spaceships have mutations that we did not know, fifth day, we still did not relate on command post, all networks are to break.] [赛诺死了,飞船发生了我们都不知道的异变,第五天了,我们仍旧联系不上指挥室,所有的网络都是断的。] [ We place Senonian in the corner of cabin, held a simple funeral to him, hopes that command post can solve problem earlier, saves us, I heard outside strobe to have pitiful yell sound probably, Swing said that I had illusion, let us hope so, I one week have not had a good sleep.] [我们将赛诺安放在舱室的角落里,给他举行了一个简单的葬礼,希望指挥室能早点解决问题,把我们救出去,我好像听到了闸门外有惨叫声,斯温说我产生了幻觉,但愿如此,我已经一个星期没有睡好了。] [ We took away Senonian that food, but food is still insufficient, although we already enough economical, however our food could not insist for two days.] [我们拿走了赛诺那份食物,但是食物依旧不够,虽然我们已经足够节省,但是我们的食物坚持不了两天了。] [ Morning gets up to be a little dizzy, the probably beforehand all is a nightmare, I heard team leader to scold me to get up probably late, we lived as before on peaceful spaceship, what a pity, all these were not dreams, I was quite hungry.] [早上起来有点头晕,好像之前的一切都是一场噩梦,我好像听到了队长在骂我又起晚了,我们依旧生活在和平的飞船上,可惜,这一切都不是梦,我好饿。] [ Also situation must be worse, our food that we imagine finished eating thoroughly, we turn energy stick that two he hides in Senonian's pants pocket, this chews to be hard and astringent thing, was our final food.] [情况比我们想象的还要更糟,我们的食物彻底吃完了,我们在赛诺的裤兜里翻出来两支他藏起来的能量棒,这个嚼起来又硬又涩的东西,是我们最后的食物了。] [ Swing's mood is somewhat bad, we still related on command post, outside strobe do not have many sharp sounds, probably who is blowing gate with knife, Swing said that we possibly could not obtain to rescue, but I only want to sleep now, only then slept, I was not hungry.] [斯温的情绪有些糟糕,我们仍旧联系不上指挥室,闸门外有很多尖锐的声音,像是有谁在用小刀刮门,斯温说我们可能得不到救援了,但是我现在只想睡觉,只有睡觉的时候,我不是饥饿的。] [ All food did not have, we only had the water, Swing said that we cannot sit waiting for death, must find the way to go to look for food, the strobe to elevator does not know that was blocked by anything, we attempted to open the strobe of amusement room, but only opened a slit, strung together a monster that brings the helmet, we killed this monster with great difficulty, sealed the strobe. [所有的食物都没有了,我们只有水,斯温说我们不能坐以待毙,必须得想办法出去找点食物,通往电梯的闸门不知道被什么东西封死了,我们尝试打开娱乐室的闸门,但是只打开了一个缝隙,就串进来一个带着头盔的怪物,我们好不容易才杀死这个怪物,封上闸门。 I just saw, outside is this monster, we could not go out.] 我刚刚看到了,外面全是这种怪物,我们出不去了。] [ Cut power, fortunately, ventilation system is still revolving, we are insufficient to suffocate, naturally, Swing also lies down in corner does not speak, sometimes, I will feel oneself are on a prairie of length and breadth, all around is plump flock of sheep, their rich are very certainly delicious.] [停电了,幸运的是,通风系统还在运转,我们不至于闷死,当然,斯温也躺在角落里不说话了,有时候,我会感觉自己处在一片广袤的草原上,四周都是肥硕的羊群,它们的膏腴一定很美味。] [ Dream became also short, mosts of the time, my dream to fat sheep.] [梦也变得少了,大部分时候,我都梦到了肥羊。] He Ao takes back the vision from this monitor , to continue to proceed. 何奥从这个显示器上收回目光,继续往前走。 The front still had the monitor that shines unceasingly. 前方仍旧有一个个不断亮起的显示器。 In these monitors, only wrote a few words with the bright red typeface, 这些显示器中,都只用鲜红的字体写了一句话, [ I am quite hungry!] [我好饿!] [ I am quite hungry!] [我好饿!] …… ・・・・・・ He Ao crossed 34 monitors continually, finally saw the new content. 何奥一连越过了三四个显示器,终于看到了新的内容。 [ I found a sheep in corner, is really delicious.] [我在角落里找到了一只羊,真好吃啊。] [ Bad, Swing discovered I in the stealing food mutton, I invited him to taste this delicacy together, but was he as if afraid very much? I a scrap energy stick that found from the sheep body gave him me.] [糟糕,斯温发现了我在偷吃羊肉,我邀请他一起来品尝这美味,但他似乎很害怕?我把我从羊身体上找到的一小块能量棒给了他。] [ Why does not know, Swing is hiding from me, but doesn't matter, I am not hungry, mutton is really delicious.] [不知道为什么,斯温在躲着我,但是没关系,我已经没有那么饿了,羊肉真好吃啊。] [ Joyful time is always short, the meat of this sheep was about to finish eating.] [快乐的时间总是短暂,这只羊的肉快吃完了。] [ Swing runs over to tell me, he discovered in corner a new sheep, he invited me to taste in the past together, I know that he had certainly means.] [斯温跑过来告诉我,他在角落里发现了一只新的羊,他邀请我过去一起品尝,我就知道他一定有办法的。] He Ao read the writing on this screen, but the next screen has not actually shone like before. 何奥阅读完了这个屏幕上的文字,但是下一个屏幕却并没有像之前一样紧接着就亮起。 After the short darkness, the glimmer of twinkle lightens in He Ao front not far away together slowly. 在短暂的黑暗之后,一道闪烁的微光才缓缓在何奥前方不远处点亮。 Monitor that these shines time, then as the noise spot unceasing beat twinkle of background, the blood-color handwriting covered entirely the entire screen. 这一次亮起的显示器,那作为背景的噪点不断的跳动闪烁,血色的字迹布满了整个屏幕。 [ Goat attacked me, I killed him.] [山羊袭击了我,我杀死了他。] [ This time goat meat is very fresh, bone is also very brittle, what a pity Swing disappears, otherwise I can invite him to eat goat meat together.] [这一次的山羊肉很新鲜,骨头也很脆,可惜斯温不见了,不然我可以邀请他一起吃山羊肉。] [ Why does not know, although eats supports very much, but I was getting more and more hungry.] [不知道为什么,虽然吃的很撑,但我越来越饿了。] [ I am quite hungry!] [我好饿!] [ Goat meat finished eating, I am quite hungry!] [山羊肉吃完了,我好饿!] [ I heard outside strobe to have flock of sheep to call probably, perhaps I can open a strobe, making these flocks of sheep come.] [我好像听到了闸门外有羊群在叫,或许我可以打开一点闸门,让那些羊群进来。] All writing, stopped suddenly to this. 所有的文字,到此就戛然而止了。 Does not have the new monitor to shine again. 再没有新的显示器亮起。 He Ao looked up a front, the front path end is glittering a glimmer. 何奥抬头看了一眼前方,前方的道路尽头闪烁着点点微光。 There also leaf of strobe, and has not caged. 那里也有一扇闸门,而且是没有上锁的。 That should leads to the strobe of elevator region. 那应该是通往电梯区域的闸门。 But at this time the monitor before He Ao body had not extinguished, this monitor glittered, the picture switch over a jet black picture suddenly. 而这时候何奥身前的显示器也没有熄灭,这个显示器闪烁了一下,画面突然切换成了一个一片漆黑的画面。 The picture moves, the photo opened a less than half strobe to one. 紧接着,画面移动,照向了一个打开了一小半的闸门。 In the position of strobe, the two people are drawing the switch, closes the strobe. 在闸门的位置,正有两个人在拉动着开关,关闭闸门。 A person stature is skinny, keeps the brown to send short broken, but another person is quite short strongly, has an orange short hair. 一个人身材干瘦,留着棕色短碎发,而另一个人则比较矮壮,有着一头橙色的短发。 This moment that short strong man is depending side man, in the brown sends short broken, said in Tia language with a smile, 此刻那个矮壮的男人正靠在棕色短碎发的男人身边,笑着用提亚语说道, Sir Yin Weier, the idiot in that central lands is really stupid, thinks that we really must work as the teammate him, in fact, he is a tool, ha.” “尹维尔大人,那个中土的蠢货真笨,以为我们真的要把他当队友了,实际上,他不过是工具而已,哈哈哈。” Tia language not, only then Tia empire is using, in Spain , Turkey, some small countries and by Tia empire influence quite deep countries, will use Tia language as one of the official languages. 提亚语并不只有提亚帝国在用,在西土,一些小国和受提亚帝国影响比较深的国家,也会使用提亚语作为官方语言之一。 Un.” “嗯。” Yin Weier slight nod that the brown sends short broken, but he has not responded to the words of short strong man explicitly, but hints the short strong man to turn on the flashlight, carefully is observing periphery the jet black environment. 棕色短碎发的尹维尔微微点头,不过他并没有明确回应矮壮男人的话语,而是示意矮壮男人打开手电筒,仔细观察着周围漆黑的环境。 Sir Yin Weier, how I felt that this place, in the material of organization hasn't recorded?” “尹维尔大人,我怎么感觉这个地方,组织的资料里没有记载过呢?” The short strong man sized up around one, „is here really a vestige?” 矮壮男人四下打量了一下周围,“这里真的是遗迹吗?” Should be,” Yin Weier said in a soft voice, writing and architectural style, and design esthetic , like the style of vestige, we should arrive at never has the person to come to a vestige region.” “应该是,”尹维尔轻声说道,“文字和建筑风格,以及设计美学,都和遗迹的风格相同,我们应该是来到了一个从来没有人来过的遗迹区域。” Really?” “真的?” Short strong man at present one bright, that here does not have many good things, didn't I send?” 矮壮男人眼前一亮,“那这里不是有很多好东西,那我不是发了?” Un?” “嗯?” Yin Weier swept short strong man one eyes. 尹维尔扫了矮壮男人一眼。 Was you sent, was you sent,” “是您发了,是您发了,” The short strong man bends the waist immediately, saying that flattered, I am willing after Sir Yin Weier the saddle lead horse, effect serve somebody faithfully.” 矮壮男人立刻弯下腰,谄媚的说道,“我愿意为尹维尔大人鞍前马后,效犬马之劳。” Relax,” “放心,” Yin Weier takes back the vision , to continue to size up the surrounding space carefully, I will not treat unjustly your, in good thing that this inside found, definitely has your share.” 尹维尔收回目光,继续仔细打量着周围的空间,“我不会亏待你的,在这里面找到的好东西,肯定有你的份。” „Is is.” “是是是。” Saying with a smile that the short strong man grovels immediately, Sir Yin Weier is useful obtains my place, although told.” 矮壮男人立刻点头哈腰的笑道,“尹维尔大人有什么用得到我的地方,尽管吩咐。” Yin Weier shot a look at his one eyes, without speech. 尹维尔瞥了他一眼,没有说话。 Two people continue to proceed. 两人继续往前。 Suddenly, the monitor of their body side shone suddenly. 突然,他们身侧的显示器骤然亮了起来。 „!” The short strong man retroceded half step, what ghost thing, frightens the father to jump.” “啊!”矮壮男人后退了半步,“什么鬼东西,吓老子一跳。” „It seems like the writing in vestige, but is not the commonly used that language.” “看上去像是遗迹里的文字,但是并不是常用的那种文字。” Before Yin Weier arrives at the monitor, sized up one. 尹维尔走到显示器前,打量了一眼。 At this time, the new monitor also shone. 这个时候,新的显示器也亮了起来。 Two people vision by the new monitor attraction, were continued to proceed to walk. 两人的目光被新的显示器吸引,继续往前走去。 This above writes what at sixes and sevens thing,” “这上面写的什么乱七八糟的东西,” The short strong man is sizing up these screens, cannot understand, but also very puts in order frightens the person.” 矮壮男人打量着这些屏幕,“一个都看不懂,还整得挺吓唬人的。” He hugged the shoulder, subconscious hides toward Yin Weier behind, in this little is cold.” 他搂了搂肩膀,下意识的往尹维尔身后躲,“这里面还有点冷。” Yin Weier looked up his one eyes. 尹维尔抬起头看了他一眼。 Then his little darling walked, stands in Yin Weier front, two people continue to proceed to walk. 然后他乖乖的走了回去,站在尹维尔的前方,两人继续往前走去。 Sir Yin Weier, just the idiot of that research institute should die,” “尹维尔大人,刚刚那个研究院的蠢货应该已经死了吧,” The short strong man takes the lead, as if remembered any happy matter, can enter the vestige is in the region the talent quite high person, gets rid of such person, we go back, the organization will certainly reward our.” 矮壮男人走在前面,似乎想起了什么高兴的事情,“能进遗迹的都是区域内天赋比较高的人,干掉这样的人,我们回去,组织一定会奖励我们的。” Un “嗯” Yin Weier has not responded him, but as in is sizing up the blood character on monitor, he looks does not know these characters, but wants to write down these characters. 尹维尔并没有搭理他,而是依旧在四下打量着显示器上的血字,他看起来并不认识这些字,但是想把这些字记下来。 His looked dignified, as if also discovered this region was not simple. 他的神情凝重,似乎也发现了这片区域的不简单。 Because these two do not need carefully to look at these writing, but gives a cursory look and gains shallow understanding, the speed is faster than He Ao. 这两人因为不用仔细去看那些文字,只是走马观花,速度比何奥快很多。 Quick, before they arrived at the last monitor . 很快,他们就走到了最后一个显示器前。 Sir Yin Weier, in this monitor this pitch-black video is anything, in this also had just that helmet monster,” “尹维尔大人,这个显示器里这个乌黑的视频是什么东西,这里面还有刚刚那个头盔怪物,” The short strong man is staring at the monitor, this monster also walked probably with our same roads.” 矮壮男人盯着显示器,“这个怪物好像也走了和我们一样的路。” At this time the monitor picture in He Ao eye glittered, demonstrated that the face of short strong man, seemed to be using the angle of view of monitor to look at the short strong man. 这时候何奥眼中的显示器画面闪烁了一下,显示出了矮壮男人的正脸,似乎正在用显示器的视角看着矮壮男人。 Meanwhile, in short strong man child Kong the monitor of reflecting glittered brilliance, seemed turned into one line of blood red writing by the scene. 与此同时,矮壮男人童孔中的倒映的显示器光辉闪烁了一下,似乎由场景变成了一行血红的文字。 Then He Ao saw in the picture in the facial features of short strong man to reveal the doubts the expression, 然后何奥就看到了画面中矮壮男人的面容上显露出疑惑的表情, Sir Yin Weier, this line of characters “尹维尔大人,这行字・・・・・・” Asking of short strong man somewhat doubts. 矮壮男人有些疑惑的问道。 What's wrong? Do you know this line of characters?” “怎么?你认识这行字?” His behind Yin Weier takes back looks to the dead ahead line of sight, said fast. 他身后的尹维尔收回看向正前方的视线,快速说道。 I did not know, short strong man shakes the head, why, but does not know, I can understand that these words meaning, he is asking me, is the sheep or the person?’ This is any strange issue, I naturally am a person.” “我不认识,”矮壮男人摇了摇头,“但是不知道为什么,我能理解这句话的意思,他在问我,‘是羊还是人?’这是什么奇怪的问题,我当然是人啦。” But at this time, Yin Weier also looked down to the screen, then his complexion changed, retroceded half step. 而这个时候,尹维尔也低头看向了屏幕,然后他面色一变,后退了半步。 Also almost while the short strong man answers, in his child Kong picture glittered again. 也几乎在矮壮男人做出回答的同时,他童孔中的画面再次闪烁了一下。 This time, that picture as if turned into his own appearance. 这一次,那画面似乎变成了他自己的模样。 This monitor! This monitor!” “这个显示器!这个显示器!” His figure retrocedes, as if presented anything beyond the picture, the line of sight of short strong man shifted the past, then his complexion changes, the sound somewhat shivers, the figure accelerates to retreat backward, 他身形后退,紧接着在画面之外似乎出现了什么东西,矮壮男人的视线转移了过去,然后他面色一变,声音有些颤抖,身形加速向后退去, What thing are you? Do you give me to do this? Do you make me eat? I do not eat this thing! Do not come! Sir Yin Weier, help!” “你是什么东西?你把这个给我干嘛?你让我吃?我不吃这个东西啊!你不要过来!尹维尔大人,救命!” At this moment, in the darkness a palm stretches out, his palm to the thing that beyond that picture walked. 就在这时,黑暗中一只手掌伸出,将他一掌向了那个画面外走过来的东西。 Yin Weier form glittered forward, vanished in the picture. 紧接着,尹维尔身影向前闪烁了一下,消失在了画面里。 Yin Weier help rumble “尹维尔・・・・・・救命・・・・・・咕噜・・・・・・” The bright red blood, spread on the floor. 鲜红的血液,蔓延到了地板上。 He Ao took back from the monitor the line of sight, looks down an under foot. 何奥将视线从显示器上收回,低头看了一眼脚下。 His moment under foot is stepping on part not to have the completely dry blood. 他此刻脚下正踩着一部分还没有完全干涸的鲜血。 He raised the head, looks to the monitor. 他抬起头,看向显示器。 This moment monitor has no longer demonstrated that monitoring same picture, but turned into one line of blood red large characters again, 此刻显示器已经不再显示那个监控一样的画面,而是再次变成了一行血红的大字, [ You is a person, is sheep?] [你是人,还是羊?] Saw this line of characters, He Ao puts out a hand to grip the sword hilt of conducting the back, transferred the eyes the god knowledge. 看到这行字,何奥伸手握住了背上的剑柄,将神识调动到双眼。 The picture of monitor glittered, changed made one slowly at the back of the back of bone sword. 显示器的画面闪烁了一下,缓缓变做了一个背着骨剑的后背。 The master of this back, the hand is grasping on the sword hilt. 这个后背的主人,手正握在剑柄上。
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