KI :: Volume #26

#2577: Dream butterfly

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Wushan goddess absent-minded, why oneself were just coming 巫山神女一阵恍惚,自己刚刚是在干什么来着 She always thought that some are not right, but is actually not able to understand where the issue leaves. 她总觉得有些不对,但却始终无法想明白问题出在哪里。 Similar to in the dream common, the unit that in the brain the logic ponders had been closed, she could not realize that the inconsistency is. 就如同在梦中一般,大脑中逻辑思考的单元已经被关闭了,她根本意识不到前后矛盾之所在。 The attention was attracted by the present scene quickly. 注意力很快被眼前的情景所吸引。 She notices herself in a giant room, four sides looks at the layout, seems an appearance of palace. 她注意到自己在一个巨大的房间中,看四面的布局,仿佛是一处宫殿的样子。 But the appearance of this palace is somewhat crude, cannot compare the heavenly palace by far, even is inferior to her the cave mansion in Wushan. 只不过这宫殿的样子有些简陋,远远比不上天宫,甚至不如她在巫山的洞府。 Hears outside Palace Maid to shout the king indistinctly, other element judgments, here seems like Imperial Palace of human country 隐隐约约听到外面的宫女喊大王,还有其他各种元素判断,这里似乎是一个人类国家的皇宫 Regarding human, this Imperial Palace level is quite good, she remembers vaguely the human in impression are more is that primitive tribe form. 对于人类来说,这皇宫的水平已经相当不错了,她依稀记得印象中的人类更多是那种原始部落形式。 At this time she sits in one in a big way- on bed, bed very- soft, is soft lets some of her heartbeat acceleration. 此时她坐在一张大-床上,床很-软,软得让她心跳有些加速。 The surrounding curtain is the red of jubilation, is posting the big xi character everywhere. 周围的帐幔全是喜庆的红色,到处张贴着大大的囍字。 In her head is somewhat blurry, when I got married 她脑袋中有些迷糊,我什么时候成亲了 If the bridegroom is not Zu An, she affirmed that first is vigilant. 如果新郎不是祖安的话,她肯定第一时间就警惕起来。 But sees at present that familiar face, opposite party corners of the mouth that vague smile, she thought that all were so reasonable. 但看到眼前那张熟悉的脸,还有对方嘴角那丝若有若无的笑容,她就觉得一切都那么合理了起来。 I got married with him unexpectedly! 我竟然跟他成亲了! Moreover evidently now in the stage of nuptial chamber. 而且看样子如今是在洞房的阶段了。 You are really beautiful.” The Zu An short distance is sizing up, looks at the candlelight to shine on her beautiful cheeks, in the eye is completely the color of acclaiming. “你真美。”祖安近距离打量着,看着烛火照耀在她美丽的脸颊上,眼中尽是赞叹之色。 The Wushan goddess has somewhat leaned shyly the face, does not dare to look straight ahead his eye. 巫山神女有些羞涩地侧过脸去,不敢直视他的眼睛。 Although has not looked in a mirror, but can still feel that on this time face covered certainly entirely blushing. 虽然没有照镜子,但依然能感觉到此时自己脸上一定布满了红晕。 Before can the sensation from the opposite party look to its shocking sentiment, but looks like now such straightforward praise, probably the first time. 以前能从对方眼神中感知到其惊艳之情,但像如今这么直白的夸奖,好像还是第一次。 This fellow spoke really of pleasant to hear...... 这家伙说话真好听…… He did not fear that stirs up miss is not happy. 他就不怕惹得身边姑娘不高兴么。 Suddenly she is somewhat in a daze, his miss called anything, how I could not record 忽然她有些发愣,他身边的姑娘叫什么呢,我怎么记不起来了 Even has this miss, she cannot determine. 甚至有没有这个姑娘,她都不敢确定。 On the cheeks is feeling one to roast suddenly- Hot- soft- The soft lip, the opposite party had kissed her cheeks at this time. 正恍惚间,忽然脸颊上感受到了一个炙--热-软--软的唇,原来对方这时已经吻上了她的脸颊。 Why he how can so rash the Wushan goddess have a scare, acting with constraint of instinct makes her subconsciousness want to shove open the opposite party. “他干什么怎么能如此孟浪”巫山神女吓了一跳,本能的矜持让她下意识想推开对方。 Who knows that the hand of opposite party just like the iron hoop to be common, is holding her body firmly. 谁知道对方的手犹如铁箍一般,牢牢地抱着她的身子。 You......” she was just about to say anything, the face of opposite party actually has become infinitely great, oneself mouth was stopped up. “你……”她正要说什么,对方的脸却已经变得无限大,自己嘴巴被堵住了。 Her pair of beautiful pupil opens the eldest child instantaneously, looks at the close man, her head blank. 她一双美眸瞬间睁得老大,看着近在咫尺的男人,她脑袋一片空白。 He kisses me unexpectedly 他竟然吻我 His such rash...... 他都这么孟浪的么…… What may let her some feeling nervous, oneself should to be angry theoretically, but why a feeling of point vitality/angry does not have. 可让她有些发慌的是,自己理论上应该要生气,可为什么一点生气的感觉都没有。 Before she heard some Fairy Maiden to chat secretly, discussion love anything, she was not can understand. 以前她听到一些仙女偷偷聊天,讨论爱情什么的,她并不是很能理解。 But until this moment, she discovered that really such as these people said that certain times really can hear the sound of heartbeat clearly. 但直到这一刻,她发现真的如那些人所说,某些时刻真的能清楚听到自己心跳的声音。 Method very Xian of opposite party- ripe, almost lets her somewhat falling to the enemy suddenly, unknowingly closed the eye. 对方的手段很娴-熟,几乎眨眼间就让她有些沦陷其中,不知不觉闭上了眼睛。 This as if some are not quite good.” “这样似乎有些不太好。” „Can my response appear does not act with constraint “我这种反应会不会显得不太矜持” I should shove open him, so as to avoid being misunderstood himself by him is a casual female.” “我是不是该推开他,免得被他误会自己是个随便的女子。” But he is really good to meet......” “可是他真的好会……” When feels Zu An even more to reach out for a yard after taking an inch, a Wushan goddess eye opens instantaneously. 当感受到祖安越发得寸进尺,巫山神女一双眼睛瞬间张开。 She shoves open the opposite party finally: No, we cannot again this.” 她终于将对方推开:“不,我们不能再这样了。” Some Zu An doubts: husband and wife, but also is shy. I understood, was I was too dull-witted, you will really play.” 祖安不禁有些疑惑:“都老夫老妻了,还害什么羞啊。哦,我明白了,是我太愚钝了,你真会玩。” Wushan goddess: „” 巫山神女:“” Who will play 到底谁会玩 husband and wife that he said is what meaning. 还有他说的老夫老妻是什么意思。 Is having doubts, the opposite party has held in the arms her waist again, pressed quickly. 正疑惑间,对方已经再次搂住她的腰,很快压了上来。 Feels that familiar and strange feeling, the Wushan goddess instinct grasps him...... 感受到那种熟悉又陌生的感觉,巫山神女本能将他抱住…… „!” “啊!” Well, developed more and more looked like, Manman you did not go, when Movie Queen was a pity.” “咦,演得越来越像了,曼曼你不去当影后可惜了。” ...... …… At this time in the Wushan goddess eye pupil holds the tears, the whole person is absent-minded. 此时巫山神女眼眸中噙着泪水,整个人都是恍惚的。 Why I so will be just driving “我刚刚为何会那样主动” I was how muddleheaded give him the body “我怎么稀里糊涂就把身子给他了” We coordinate as if very skilled appearance, as if really such as husband and wife.” “我们配合似乎很熟练的样子,仿佛真的如老夫老妻了。” ...... …… In her brain has the innumerable doubts, but the train of thought was broken quickly. 她脑中有无数疑惑,但思绪很快被打断。 Originally this matter......” “原来这种事情……” Does not manage, first did not go to think.” “不管了,先不去想了。” ...... …… In she will soon sink thoroughly- when sink into, suddenly in the mind flashes through a pure brightness: 就在她即将彻底沉-沦之际,忽然脑海中闪过一丝清明: Wait, why he called me Manman “等等,为什么他叫我曼曼 She looked to nearby bronze mirror, in the mirror truly was her appearance, but this time her surface flood peach blossom, the eye pupil water, seriously was charming sentimental, is completely not in the ordinary day the chilly appearance. 她望向了一旁的铜镜,镜中确实是她的样貌,但此时的她面泛桃花,眼眸似水,当真是妩媚多情,完全不是平日里清冷的模样。 She thought finally, Zu An saw her initially for the first time, was shouting excitedly Manman then hugs her , because his female friend looks and are exactly the same. 她终于想了起来,祖安当初第一次看到她,就激动地喊着曼曼然后来拥抱她,就是因为他的一个红颜知己长得和自己一模一样。 Looks at this situation, should be he with the new home of that Manman miss, they are the king and Queen 看这情形,应该是他和那位曼曼姑娘的新房,他们是国王与王后 She bashful shoves open Zu An: I am not your Manman!” 她含羞一把将祖安推开:“我不是你的曼曼!” In the stunned look of opposite party, the present all sceneries start to burst, what replaces it is the jet black thick fog, is the ghost air/Qi the dense demon air/Qi everywhere, she thinks finally was just doing, realized that just that all were because in ten thousand Hunfan had the souls of too many life, placed by its influence, the check had an intention the desire that easily some could not detect. 在对方的错愕眼神中,眼前的一切景色开始破裂,取而代之的是漆黑的浓雾,到处是鬼气森森的魔气,她终于想起来刚刚在干什么了,也意识到刚刚那一切是因为万魂幡中有太多生灵的生魂,身处其中容易被其影响,勾起心中一些自己都察觉不到的欲念。 But why I will see the fantasy of feeling ashamed 可为什么我会看到那么羞人的幻想 Thinks that at that time two people spirit- meat- the situation of uniting, the Wushan goddess is then red in the face. 想到当时两人灵-肉-合一的情形,巫山神女便面红耳赤。 That feeling is so real, making her somewhat absent-minded, that is really only the illusion. 那种感觉那么真实,让她都有些恍惚,那真的只是幻觉么。 At this moment, Zu An appeared side her suddenly again. 就在这时,祖安忽然再次出现在了她身边。 The Wushan goddess is bashful immediately and angry: Cannot bully me again!” 巫山神女顿时又羞又恼:“不许再欺负我了!” Simultaneously warned itself secretly, all these were only the illusions, her even take action preparation broke the illusion that this felt ashamed. 同时暗暗告诫自己,这一切只是幻象,她甚至出手准备打破这羞人的幻象。 Goddess you how Zu An avoided distressedly, quickly asked. “神女你怎么了”祖安狼狈躲开,急忙问道。 The Wushan goddess is startled, originally the opposite party is real Zu An. 巫山神女一怔,原来对方是真的祖安啊。 Her complexion one red: It‘s nothing, just fell into the illusion, now succeeded to sober.” 她脸色一红:“没什么,刚刚陷入了幻境,现在成功清醒过来了。” The Zu An look is strange, mistreatment that the opposite party said what's the matter. 祖安神色古怪,对方说的欺负是怎么回事。 You with that Manman miss once in Imperial Palace, you were the king she are Queen Wushan goddess unexpected happening asked suddenly, she found it ridiculous, was just only the own illusion, how the opposite party possibly knows. “你和那位曼曼姑娘是不是曾经在一座皇宫中,你是国王她是王后”巫山神女忽然鬼使神差问道,她自己都觉得可笑,刚刚只是自己的幻境,对方怎么可能知道。 Zu An is startled: How you know 祖安一怔:“你怎么知道” Initially in Yin Ruins Secret Realm, he spent dozens years of couple professions with Manman, oneself almost perishing in. 当初在殷墟秘境中,他可是和曼曼度过了几十年的夫妻生涯,自己差点沉沦其中。 The Wushan goddess cheek brushes was all of a sudden red, don't tell me just that all were not the own illusions 巫山神女脸蛋刷的一下子红了,难道刚刚那一切并非自己的幻觉 Zu An actually cannot attend to asked, sees her to be all right, then departs fast: Yourself were careful, I have a look at Xi and that side situation again.” 祖安却顾不得多问,见她没事,便快速离去:“你自己小心,我再去看看羲和那边情况。” ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
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