KI :: Volume #26

#2576: Five luminary town/subdues demon evolution

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The Wushan goddess sees that to call out in alarm makes noise: Her soul was pulling out leaves, perhaps now the entire soul is only left over finally candidly, will therefore look like the body nearly is so transparent.” 巫山神女见状惊呼出声:“她的灵魂正在被抽离,如今整个灵魂恐怕只剩下最后一点本真,所以才会像这般身体近乎透明了。” She after all is the scarlet emperor's daughter, the experience is uncommon. 她毕竟是赤帝之女,见识自是不凡。 Zu An is burning with impatience: May have the law of rescuing 祖安心急如焚:“可有解救之法” Must ruin that ten thousand Hunfan, the soul return body that finds the way to let lose...... the Wushan goddess has not said again, Zu An has rushed over. “必须要毁掉那万魂幡,再想办法让失去的魂魄回归身体……”巫山神女还没说完,祖安已经冲了过去。 He puts out Tai'e Sword, the radiant sword light direct impact goes together. 他拿出泰阿剑,一道璀璨的剑光直冲而去。 But ten thousand Hunfan the surrounding black air/Qi just like the essence to be common, the sword light approaches one step then to be dim every time a point, finally bangs into ten thousand Hunfan, just like the clay ox entering the sea to vanish does not see. 只不过万魂幡周围黑气犹如实质一般,剑光每靠近一步便黯淡一分,最后撞入万魂幡中,犹如泥牛入海消失不见。 The Zu An look changes, the around ten thousand Hunfan black air/Qi has the extremely strong corrosiveness, even sword qi can perish unexpectedly directly! 祖安神色一变,万魂幡周围的黑气有极强的腐蚀性,竟然连剑气都能直接腐蚀掉! He was unwilling, takes out shot day to bend, ten thousand Hunfan of sword in toward midair shot. 他不甘心,取出了射日弓,一剑朝半空中的万魂幡射去。 A white light like the meteor, hit in the jet black ten thousand soul streamer instantaneously, who knows that can the might that Sun shot down, made entire ten thousand Hunfan shake shaking unexpectedly! 一道白光如同流星,瞬间撞进了漆黑的万魂幡之中,谁知道能将太阳射落的威力,竟然只是让整个万魂幡震了震! The bonus is Zu An has the preparation, saw that this somewhat was also scared. 饶是祖安有心理准备,看到这一幕也有些傻眼了。 The Wushan goddess said fast: „The might of your arrow needs to absorb world essence qi just now to achieve in a big way, but this region, world essence qi has vanished now, only then ten thousand Hunfan the demon air/Qi, this arrow nature being hard injures it.” 巫山神女快速说道:“你这箭的威力需要吸收天地元气方才能达到最大,但如今这片区域,天地元气早已消失殆尽,只有万魂幡的魔气,这一箭自然难以伤它。” Xi and vision take a fast look around all around layout: „The entire main hall set up complex grand formation, will put in order a heavenly palace to be connected with this ten thousand Hunfan, you want to destroy use violence, are equivalent are attacking the entire heavenly palace, don't said is you, even the God oneself cannot achieve.” 羲和目光扫视四周布局:“整座大殿设立了复杂的大阵,甚至将整座天宫与这万魂幡相连,你想要用暴力破坏,相当于就是在攻击整座天宫,莫说是你,就算是天帝本人也做不到。” The entire heavenly palace after the innumerable years, the innumerable deity refinements, above does not know has many profound defense formation, to a certain extent the entire heavenly palace is peak magical treasure, the attack of Zu An naturally is very difficult to injure it. 整座天宫是经过无数岁月,无数天神炼制而成,上面不知道有多少高深的防御阵法,某种程度上整座天宫就是一个最顶尖的法宝,祖安的攻击自然很难伤它。 A Zu An brow wrinkle, he even displays the seven colors god light/only, wants to receive ten thousand Hunfan. 祖安眉头一皱,他甚至施展出七色神光,想将万魂幡收掉。 However does not leave accidentally/surprisingly, the seven colors god light/only flashes, ten thousand Hunfan still float in in the air. 不过不出意外,七色神光一闪,万魂幡依然悬浮在空中。 ten thousand Hunfan truly already and entire heavenly palace becomes a whole continually, he did not have this ability to receive the entire heavenly palace. 万魂幡确实已经和整座天宫连成一个整体,他还没这个能耐能收掉整座天宫。 Xi and looks to the young girl on distant place Sacrificial Platform, said solemnly: „If there is no way to ruin ten thousand Hunfan, can only ruin her, once otherwise makes ten thousand Hunfan refine thoroughly successfully, perhaps when the time comes the emperor also no one system, the whole world can the plunging the people into disaster handsome again.” 羲和望向远处祭台上的少女,沉声道:“如果没法毁掉万魂幡,就只能毁掉她了,否则一旦让万魂幡彻底炼制成功,到时候帝俊就再也没有任何人可制,整个世界恐怕都会生灵涂炭。” „It is not absolutely good!” Zu An knows certainly that this is the most sane approach, but how he possibly gives up Xiaoxi. “绝对不行!”祖安当然知道她这是最理智的做法,但他又怎么可能放弃小希 Xi and looked at his one eyes, has not spoken again. 羲和看了他一眼,没有再说话。 The Wushan goddess opens mouth, finally anything had not said, now said anything is inappropriate. 巫山神女张了张嘴,最终也什么都没说,现在说什么都不合适。 These formation knowledge that all around the Zu An glance, in the heart studies revolve rapidly, soon had a sketchy idea: Emperor truly is very handsome fierce, can unexpectedly ten thousand Hunfan and heavenly palace links. However this also left the hidden troubles, ten thousand Hunfan is whole world to Yin to the evil thing, but the heavenly palace is symbolizing the light, both sides as incompatible as fire and water.” 祖安扫视四周,心中所学的那些阵法知识飞速旋转,很快有了个粗略的想法:“帝俊确实很厉害,竟然能将万魂幡与天宫联系在一起。不过这也埋下了隐患,万魂幡乃是天下至阴至邪之物,而天宫本身乃是象征着光明,双方水火不容。” Emperor handsome should depress this conflict with any special method temporarily, but we only then disrupt balance, the entire heavenly palace naturally can help us suppress to purify ten thousand Hunfan together.” “帝俊应该是用什么特殊法子暂时压下了这种冲突,而我们只有破坏其中的平衡,整座天宫自然会帮我们一起镇压净化万魂幡。” Xi and with the Wushan goddess in abundance at present one bright, by their experience nature clear feasibility: How we should do 羲和和巫山神女纷纷眼前一亮,以她们的见识自然清楚其中的可行性:“那我们该如何做” I think five luminary town/subdues demon evolution can achieve similar effect, but needs to display the strength of purification in five directions simultaneously, even if I display to flicker to move, the limit still can only affect in three positions.” Zu An fell into worriedly, was deliberately considering fast how should solve. “我想到了一个五曜镇魔天衍阵可以达到类似功效,只不过需要同时在五个方向施展净化之力,我就算施展瞬移,极限也只能作用于三个方位。”祖安陷入了苦恼,快速寻思着该如何解决。 The Wushan goddess opens the mouth to say suddenly: Does not have me and Xi and in me, although does not like the fire, but I after all am the scarlet emperor bloodlines, can direct the scarlet emperor bloodlines strength of hot essence to purify the surrounding demon air/Qi ; Xi and is the solar goddess, Sun is the difficult adversary of whole world demon, she wields a position should not to have the issue.” 巫山神女忽然开口道:“不是还有我和羲和在么我虽然不喜欢火,但我毕竟是赤帝血脉,可以引赤帝血脉中的火精之力净化周围的魔气;羲和是太阳神女,太阳本来就是天下邪魔的克星,她执掌一个方位应该没问题。” Xi and nod of: Good, but you received that heavy wound, really good 羲和点了点头:“不错,不过你受了那么重的伤,真的行么” Relax, I after all am also the goddess.” On the Wushan goddess beautiful face is hanging a self-confident smile. “放心吧,我毕竟也是神女呢。”巫山神女美丽的脸上挂着一丝自信的笑容。 The Zu An clear Xiaoxi estimate could not insist how long, then no longer intertwined, told the formation main point with two females fast. 祖安清楚小希估计坚持不了多久了,便不再纠结,快速跟两女讲述了阵法的要点。 Then he takes out a plate from Glazed Treasure Bead, at the same time the area array flag inserted various main hall places rapidly. 然后他从琉璃宝珠中取出一个阵盘,一面面阵旗迅速插到了大殿各处。 The Wushan goddess and Xi and also deferred to the plan to arrive at southeastern and southwest two corners respectively. 巫山神女与羲和也按照计划分别到了东南与西南两个角落。 Xi and sits cross-legged there, around the body shone the ray of burning hot quickly, stood erect just like a round of red glowing sun there, the surrounding these black air/Qi just like the candle to meet the flame immediately, drew back the powder to smile the ablation in abundance. 羲和盘坐在那里,周身很快亮起了炙热的光芒,宛如一轮红日矗立在那里,周围的那些黑气顿时犹如蜡烛遇到火焰,纷纷退散笑消融。 Wushan goddess both hands tie seal, she cuts open an opening finger, the strength of scarlet emperor bloodlines starts, around the body ignited the flaming flame similarly, the power and influence was actually not around Xi and under. 巫山神女双手结印,她将手指切开一个口子,赤帝血脉之力发动,周身同样燃起了熊熊火焰,威势竟然丝毫不在一旁的羲和之下。 Zu An sees that to feel relieved, does not dare to hesitate, quick figure like the electricity, a while in due north revolution Grandmist Primordial Beginning Scripture, a while in the northwest blooming phoenix real flame, a while displays the white lotus to be really hot in Northeast. 祖安见状放下心来,不敢再犹豫,很快身形如电,一会儿在正北面运转鸿蒙元始经,一会儿在西北绽放凤凰真炎,一会儿在东北方向施展白莲真火。 He will flicker to move and move to shape changing positions to display the pinnacle, seems like in the bystander seems three Zu An delivers energy in the respective position at the same time common. 他将瞬移与移形换位施展到了极致,在外人看起来仿佛是同一时间有三个祖安在各自方位发功一般。 The bonus is Zu An cultivation base and physical body is very tyrannical, this had also arrived at the limit edge. 饶是祖安修为和肉体都十分强横,这样也已经到了极限边缘。 But thinks of Xiaoxi, he clenches teeth to insist desperately. 只不过想到小希,他死命咬牙坚持。 Five positions the strength of purification opens, just like five stars to lighten the jet black starry sky. 五个方位的净化之力开启,犹如五颗星辰点亮了漆黑的星空。 All around flag also shines one by one, five luminary town/subdues demon evolution radical activations. 四周的阵旗也逐一亮起,五曜镇魔天衍阵彻底激活。 The black air/Qi of entire main hall was getting more and more pale, seems like feels the danger, ten thousand soul streamer in midair, strong black air/Qi filled the air suddenly, covered in which five shining positions quickly. 整个大殿的黑气越来越淡,似乎是感受到了危险,半空中的万魂幡忽然一阵,一股浓烈的黑气弥漫开来,很快将五个发亮的方位笼罩到其中。 Oh no!” Three people only felt the ray that at present a darkness, around the body emits gradually is also dim, as if in the wind the remaining years of life is ordinary, will extinguish momentarily. “糟糕!”三人只觉得眼前一片黑暗,周身放出的光芒也渐渐黯淡,仿佛风中残烛一般,随时都会熄灭。 In the Zu An heart worries, defers to memory to continue three to flicker to move to maintain the formation, how while deliberately considers should decode the present situation, he can also strive to insist, after all his cultivation technique can purify the demon, simultaneously oneself are the lord of nether world hell, demon air/Qi very difficult wound that these comprised of the soul to him. 祖安心中着急,一边按照记忆继续三处瞬移保持阵型,一边寻思着该如何破解眼前的局势,他还能勉力坚持,毕竟他的功法可以净化邪魔,同时自己又是幽冥地府之主,这些由生魂组成的魔气很难伤到他。 But Xi and have the wound with the Wushan goddess in the body, if were troubled by this demon air/Qi influence. 但羲和与巫山神女都有伤在身,万一被这魔气影响就麻烦了。 Suddenly he thought that at present a flower, discovers periphery these black air/Qi as if changed to the genuine universe starry sky, he as if feels in the universe to be similar several eyes to open slowly. 忽然他觉得眼前一花,发现周围这些黑气仿佛化作了真正的宇宙星空,紧接着他似乎感受到宇宙中仿佛有几只眼睛缓缓睁开。 Each eye huge incomparable, as if a galaxy spans there, the eye peripheral is glittering the different rays and rune. 每只眼睛都巨大无比,仿佛一个星系横亘在那里,眼睛周边闪烁着不同的光芒与符文 Zu An is very difficult to describe that in the spoken language the concrete appearances of these eyes, only have an obvious feeling. 祖安很难用言语形容那些眼睛的具体样子,只有一个明显的感受。 He felt the divine nature. 他感受到了神性。 Different in the forehead these gods, but is a position square is higher, seems representative god of universe source. 不同于天庭中这些神,而是一种位格更高,仿佛代表着宇宙本源的神只。 Solely is these eye contacts, he felt oneself as if must fall into, as if some eye insta kill, as if must integrate in another eye. 单单是和那些眼睛一接触,他就感觉自己似乎要陷入其中,似乎被其中某只眼睛秒杀,又似乎又要融入另外一只眼睛之中。 ...... …… Unlike the strange situation that Zu An comes across at this time, the Wushan goddess is actually red in the face at this time, because she discovered that she is in the wedding festivities night, but bridegroom impressively is Zu An! 祖安此时碰到的诡异情形不同,巫山神女此时却是面红耳赤,因为她发现自己正在洞房花烛夜,而身旁的新郎赫然便是祖安
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