KI :: Volume #26

#2575: Said goodbye Xiaoxi

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What's the matter Zu An looks downward, sees only some giants to brandish the axe felling to construct the wood, they seem like witch clan the soldier, wants to cut off to construct the wood completely to cut off the support of forehead. “怎么回事”祖安往下望去,只见一些巨人正在挥舞斧头砍伐建木,他们似乎是巫族的战士,想砍断建木彻底断绝天庭的支援。 Relax, constructs wooden innate lives, which is so easy to cut off, what now this worry is they.” Xi and sneers. “放心,建木先天地而生,哪是这么容易砍断的,现在该担心的是他们。”羲和冷笑一声。 Sure enough, constructs wooden around the body to shine the each and everyone mysterious plain character, that is not the god article, but is the higher level, follows the world to live, contain the universe Grand Dao say/way article. 果不其然,建木周身亮起一个个玄奥古朴的字符,那并非神文,而是更高级的、伴随天地而生、蕴含着宇宙大道的道文。 Sees only these rays to flash, these giants have not even sent out the pitiful yell with enough time, then changed to the flying ash directly. 只见那些光芒一闪,那些巨人甚至连惨叫都没来得及发出,便直接化作了飞灰。 Zu An is flabbergasted secretly, these articles are really fierce, cannot only remember pitifully, is unable the rubbing, to come is realm is insufficient, cannot demand. 祖安暗暗咂舌,这些道文真厉害,只可惜根本记不住,也无法拓印,想来是境界不够,强求不得。 At present transmits luminous, the Zu An three people have left has constructed the wood, he discovered oneself is completely the white clouds, originally he is also worried to fall down, but tries to discover that and has no difference from the land, was only slightly soft. 眼前传来一阵光亮,祖安三人已经出了建木,他发现自己脚下的尽是白云,本来他还担心掉下去,但试了试发现跟大地并没有什么区别,只是稍稍软了些。 In his heart secret surprised, this should be some formation effect, but must maintain the forehead such big range, perhaps the entire formation scale as well as wonderful, present cannot achieve. 他心中暗暗惊奇,这应该是某种法阵的效果,但要维持天庭这么大的范围,整个法阵的规模以及神妙,如今的自己恐怕做不到。 He looks up, sees only a distant place big fontanel, the upturned eave arch, looks obviously is high and narrow, but he was clear that this is only a visual effect, really before fontanel, even if world build hugest existence can hold very much with ease. 他抬头望去,只见远处一处高大的天门,飞檐斗拱,明明看着又高又窄,但他清楚这只是一种视觉效果,真的到了天门前,就算世间体型最庞大的存在都能很轻松容纳。 Behind Tianmen, big palace error as if constructs hillside, the fog winds around, various immortal birds are shuttling back and forth in the clouds, even more appears palatial sacred. 天门后面,一大片宫阙仿佛依山而建,云雾缭绕,各种仙鸟在云中穿梭,越发显得巍峨神圣。 This is the forehead.” “这就是天庭么。” Arrives at the Legendary forehead for the first time, in the Zu An heart also somewhat surges, but he is not in no mood to size up the forehead scenery now carefully, but looked to the direction of fontanel. 第一次来到传说中的天庭,祖安心中也有些激荡,只不过他如今并没有心情仔细打量天庭风光,而是望向了天门的方向。 Thinks the present forehead and has no deity to exist, just witch monster fought that big scale, seems like the forehead also resembles to turn out in full strength. 原本以为如今的天庭并没有什么神仙存在,刚刚巫妖大战那么大的规模,看起来天庭也像倾巢而出。 But Tianmen there, is still defending one team of gifted generals now, especially takes the lead a that iron tower giant to be as if ordinary, in hand a quarrying a mountain great axe, the vision like the electricity, is taking a fast look around all around vigilantly. 可如今天门那里,依然守着一队天兵天将,特别是领头那位仿佛一个铁塔巨人一般,手中一柄开山巨斧,目光如电,警惕地扫视着四周。 If not the Zu An three people intend to hide figure from the beginning, perhaps at this time already by its discovery. 若非祖安三人一开始有意隐藏身形,恐怕此时早已被其发现了。 That is Defending General Zhao Lingguan of Nantianmen, in Nantianmen various Jiang was known as that murders first, never expected that he has not gone to attend the war also to stay here, was troublesome.” Xi and face worried look. “那是南天门的守将赵灵官,在南天门诸将中号称杀伐第一,没想到他没去参加大战还留在这里,麻烦了。”羲和一脸忧色。 He is very strong Zu An to ask curiously. “他很强么”祖安好奇问道。 „Very strong, even if I have not been injured, is still not necessarily able to win him.” Xi and look are even more dignified, was a pity that the layout of heavenly palace, here is a road which must be taken.” “很强,我就算没有受伤,也未必能胜他。”羲和神色越发凝重,“可惜天宫的布局,这里是必经之路。” The Wushan goddess proposed: Or I go to lead away him, you seize the chance to sneak to slip. I after all am the scarlet emperor's daughter, has this relations, even if were caught them is still insufficient to feel embarrassed me.” 巫山神女提议道:“要不我去将他引开,你们趁机溜进去。我毕竟是赤帝之女,有这层关系,就算被抓到他们也不至于为难我。” Now she does not have many battle efficiencies, Zu An and Xi and enters the heavenly palace more useful. 如今她已经没有了多少战斗力,祖安和羲和进天宫更有用。 Zu An smiles: Actually must go in also easily, this Zhao Lingguan is the emperor handsome trusted aide of” 祖安笑了笑:“其实要进去也容易,这个赵灵官是帝俊的心腹么” Good, the trusted aide in trusted aide, otherwise the emperor will not arrange him to remain handsome here.” Xi and nod. “不错,心腹中的心腹,不然帝俊也不会安排他留守在这里。”羲和点了点头。 That was easy to do.” Zu An complained Zhuanxu this God to work as secretly is really the failure, was built on stilts by the emperor completely handsome. “那就好办了。”祖安暗暗吐槽颛顼这个天帝当得真是失败啊,完全被帝俊架空了。 During the speeches a Zu An figure fuzziness, the next second had turned into the emperor handsome appearance. 说话间祖安身形一阵模糊,下一秒已经变成了帝俊的模样。 Sees this, Xi and as if were burnt with the Wushan goddess generally, rebounded toward side directly. 看到这一幕,羲和和巫山神女仿佛被烫到了一般,直接往旁边跳开。 Do not be afraid, is I.” Zu An said by the original sound. “别害怕,是我。”祖安以原本的声音说道。 Two Goddess colors are strange, somewhat is still unbelievable. 女神色古怪,依然有些难以置信。 Zu An has to explain that one next ten thousand live the change the Lord matter, two females then felt relieved. 祖安只好解释一下万生变化之主的事情,两女这才放下心来。 How your skill saw that is not proper.” Xi and cannot bear complain. “你这技能怎么看都不正经。”羲和忍不住吐槽。 Zu An had not explained with enough time, Zhao Lingguan has detected here unusuality: Who there!” 祖安还没来得及解释,赵灵官已经察觉到了这边的异常:“谁在那里!” Almost in a flash, an iron tower form has appeared in the face of several people. 几乎一瞬间,一个铁塔般的身影已经出现在了几人面前。 Zu An look one austere, very natural grasped Xi and. 祖安神色一肃,很自然地抱住了羲和。 Xi and complexion one red, she knows that the opposite party this to install to look like, pours has not struggled. 羲和脸色一红,她知道对方这样是为了装得更像,倒也没有挣扎。 Sees after Zu An, Zhao Lingguan complexion changes: Emperor, how you can here 看到祖安过后,赵灵官脸色一变:“帝君,您怎么会在这里” Xi and received the heavy wound, I deliver her to come back therapy.” Zu An said lightly. “羲和受了不轻的伤,我送她回来疗伤。”祖安淡淡地说道。 Zhao Lingguan facial expression is somewhat unusual, he remembers that emperor handsome and Xi and between these year of relations are not quite good, don't tell me becomes reconciled now thoroughly 赵灵官神情有些异样,他记得帝俊和羲和之间这些年关系不太好啊,难道如今彻底和好了 Zu An has not given the time that he ponders, first asked: That side Zhuanxu has no unusual condition.” 祖安没给他思考的时间,抢先问道:“颛顼那边没什么异状吧。” Zhao Lingguan was really attracted the attention: Emperor felt relieved, Zhuanxu is being pressed by sidereal revolution star grand formation now, cannot turn the rough seas.” 赵灵官果然被吸引了注意:“帝君放心,颛顼如今被周天星斗大阵压着,翻不起大浪。” Zu An secret heart startled, in the surface actually maintains composure: This is good, your properly is defending here, besides me, cannot anybody come and go out the forehead, my Monster Race success or failure, depends on this.” 祖安暗暗心惊,面上却不动声色:“这就好,你好好在这里守着,除了我之外,不许任何人出入天庭,我妖族成败,在此一举。” Zhao Lingguan also wants to ask that he leaves suddenly can affect the war, saw him so to say immediately the standing at attention solemn and respectful say/way: Emperor felt relieved, has me, no one can Nantianmen!” 赵灵官原本还想问他忽然离开会不会影响战局,见他这般说马上立正肃穆道:“帝君放心,有我在,没有任何人能过南天门!” Saw that the opposite party commended nods, the smile of Zhao Lingguan corners of the mouth stopped cannot stop, he was deliberately considering this time defeated after witch clan, perhaps oneself at least can rise the third-level continually. 看到对方赞许地点了点头,赵灵官嘴角的笑容止都止不住,他寻思着这次打败巫族过后,自己恐怕至少能连升三级了。 Then, Zu An leads Xi and entered the forehead with the Wushan goddess swaggering. 就这样,祖安带着羲和与巫山神女大摇大摆进了天庭。 Saw that Zhao Lingguan still waves to see off in behind with a laugh, Xi and with the Wushan goddess complexion all are strange incomparable, originally by the matter that awkward such as ascends to heaven, so easily was solved by him unexpectedly. 看到赵灵官还在后面笑呵呵地挥手恭送,羲和与巫山神女脸色皆是古怪无比,原本以为难如登天的事情,竟然被他这般轻易地解决。 This man makes people inconceivable seriously. 这个男人当真让人不可思议。 Zu An looked at a distant place star territory, there star light is radiant, can see the innumerable star ups and downs indistinctly, obviously Zhuanxu was stranded there. 祖安望了一眼远处一片星域,那里星光璀璨,隐约可以看到无数星球沉浮,显然颛顼就是被困在那里。 In the sane situation, first rescues Zhuanxu to affect now in a big way on the entire war, but Zu An not slightly hesitant, speeds along to go toward the emperor handsome resting palace directly. 理智的情况下,如今先救出颛顼对整个战局影响最大,但祖安没有丝毫犹豫,直接朝帝俊寝宫飞驰而去。 witch monster fights, no matter which side victory, might as well retrieve Xiaoxi to be important. 巫妖大战不管哪一方胜利,都不如救回小希重要。 In Xi and under the leadership, three people arrived at the emperor handsome resting palace of quickly. 在羲和的带领下,三人很快来到了帝俊的寝宫。 Here some defended grand formation innumerably, but by Xi and status breaks open is not a difficult matter. 这里原本有无数防御大阵,但以羲和的身份破开并非难事。 In a while, three people arrived at the main shrine directly and so on. 没过多久,三人直接来到了主殿之类。 Just entered the main shrine front door, was similar another world. 刚进主殿大门,就仿佛进了另一个世界。 Outside fairyism is floating, rare fragrance greets the nostrils, here is actually the gloomy terrifying, is lending the strange aura everywhere. 外面仙气飘飘,异香扑鼻,这里却是阴森恐怖,到处散发着诡异的气息。 Three people look up, sees only a top of the head jet black ten thousand soul streamer float there, inside spreads various sad and shrill painful the sounds of weeping and wailing indistinctly, mood one hear in these sounds containing, can make the person mind not steady slightly. 三人抬头望去,只见头顶一个漆黑的万魂幡悬浮在那里,里面隐约传出各种凄厉痛苦的哭喊之声,那些声音中蕴含的情绪稍稍一听,就能让人心神不稳。 The ugly faces of innumerable distortion fly from the streamer, no matter but they fly far, finally is unable to escape from ten thousand Hunfan the fetter. 无数扭曲的鬼脸从幡中飞出来,但不管它们飞得多远,最终还是无法逃出万魂幡的束缚。 The Zu An vision fell above among that Sacrificial Platform, saw only above to lie down a delicate young girl. 祖安的目光落在了正中间那座祭台之上,只见上面躺着一个纤弱的少女。 At this time she as if fell into the deep sleep, the skin color is pale as if transparently, the entire body as if will vanish momentarily common. 此时她仿佛陷入了沉睡,肤色苍白得仿佛透明,整个身体仿佛随时会消失一般。 Xiaoxi!” Zu An startled and anger, the emperor is really using her to refine ten thousand Hunfan handsome. 小希!”祖安又惊又怒,帝俊果然在用她炼制万魂幡。 The young girl eyelash on Sacrificial Platform trembles lightly, has not actually waked up, but the corner of the eye falls tear stains. 祭台上的少女睫毛轻颤,却并没有醒来,只不过眼角滑落一丝泪痕。 That drop clear tears fall on the ground, changed to wisp of black air/Qi in ten thousand Hunfan by midair to be absorbed instantaneously. 那滴晶莹的眼泪掉落在地上,化作了一缕黑气瞬间被半空中的万魂幡吸收。
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