KI :: Volume #26

#2574: The road of direct access to the highest authorities

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Looks at everywhere gifted general, about just like the essence common constriction in the same place that Zu An realized finally in the myth Sun Wukong resisted the feeling of forehead. 看着漫天天兵天将,合在一起那犹如实质一般的压迫感,祖安终于体会到了神话中孙悟空对抗天庭的感觉。 The labor is angry: Thinks that can swing the person on you!” 共工大怒:“以为就你们可以摇人么!” At once puts out a conch shape magical artifact, blows out sound that sobbed desolately. 旋即拿出一个海螺状的法器,吹出了苍凉呜咽的声音。 The quick innumerable witch clan soldiers also come in swarms from various places, many some big witches of reputation remoteness, the imposing manner is not under these gifted generals suddenly. 很快无数巫族战士也从各处蜂拥而来,其中不乏一些声名远扬的大巫,一时间气势倒也不在那些天兵天将之下。 The candle dragon does not have labor altogether is so impulsive actually, but is looking at everywhere deity: Your this almost turned out in full strength, Zhuanxu knows all these 烛龙倒是没有共工那么冲动,而是望着漫天的天神:“你们这差不多是倾巢而出了,颛顼知道这一切么” The emperor said handsome lightly: He , if not know all these, how also to have so many deities to get down.” 帝俊淡淡说道:“他若是不知道这一切,又岂会有这么多天神下来。” Hears this saying, witch clan people startled and anger, many people cannot bear shout abuse, originally forehead Monster Race has deliberately planned to cope with them. 听到这话,巫族众人又惊又怒,不少人忍不住破口大骂起来,原来天庭妖族早就处心积虑对付他们了。 As the matter stands, don't said that ordinary witch clan, other ancestor witches also moved the anger, does not know that is who first begins, both sides projected on one instantaneously. 这样一来,莫说普通巫族,就连其他祖巫也动了怒,也不知道是谁先动了手,双方瞬间打到了一起。 Suddenly various types of terrifying radiance raise in the entire battlefield everywhere, almost puts in an appearance, has the big witch and deity falls from the sky. 一时间各种恐怖的光华在整个战场上到处升起,几乎一个照面,就有大巫和天神陨落。 Zu An is just about to go forward to help, actually by Xi and holding on: We first leave here.” 祖安正要上前帮忙,却被羲和拉住:“我们先离开这里。” Zu An knits the brows: But I must ask the emperor to do accounts handsome, where asked his Xiaoxi.” 祖安皱了皱眉:“可是我还要找帝俊算账,问他小希在哪里。” I know probably.” Xi and thinks to say. “我大概知道。”羲和想了想说道。 You know that” Zu An is pleasantly surprised. “你知道”祖安又惊又喜。 First left here to say again.” Xi and is covering the chest, because the severely wounded reason complexion is somewhat pale, perhaps did not walk cannot get away.” “先离开这里再说。”羲和捂着胸口,因为重伤的缘故脸色有些苍白,“再不走恐怕就走不了了。” Zu An was clear what she said is the truth, now the scene of this witch monster war, inside pulls out a battle efficiency casually compared with him. 祖安清楚她说的是实情,如今这种巫妖大战的场面,里面随便拉出一个战斗力都比他强。 Although he can by shooting the day bows as well as some special magical powers has strength of the war, but this battlefield expert so many, his insistence how long will cherish hatred at the scene. 他虽然可以靠射日弓以及一些特殊神通有一战之力,但这种战场强者这么多,他这种坚持不了多久就会饮恨当场。 Let alone Wushan goddess and Xi and present severe wound endangered, if he must take care of two people, three people only will die quickly. 更何况巫山神女和羲和如今都重伤濒危,他若是要照顾两人的话,三个人只会死得更快。 Detected that the surrounding space element starts to become strange to get up, as if grand formation will soon form, Zu An does not dare to hesitate, is hugging the Wushan goddess and Xi and changes to a rainbow, vanished in the distant place. 察觉到周围的空间元素开始变得诡异起来,似乎一个大阵即将形成,祖安不敢再犹豫,一手一个抱着巫山神女和羲和化作一道彩虹,消失在了远处。 The emperor sees that to lift the hand to grasp handsome toward that rainbow, he has hated Zu An at this time extremely, how also to make him run away nearby oneself. 帝俊见状抬手朝那道彩虹抓去,他此时已经将祖安恨极,又岂会让他在自己跟前逃走。 Who knows that at this time the front presented a giant head suddenly, originally was candle dragon block/gear between both sides: Emperor is handsome, our account properly calculates.” 谁知道这时前方忽然出现了一个巨大的头颅,原来是烛龙挡在了双方中间:“帝俊,我们的账该好好算一算了。” In his heart felt grateful Zu An to expose the truth of this event, oneself owed him a big favor, naturally must protect his regulation. 他心中感激祖安揭露了此次事件的真相,自己欠了他一个大人情,当然要护他一程。 Strength Emperor even/including of candle dragon quite dreaded handsome, can only look at Zu An to depart helplessly. 烛龙的实力连帝俊都相当忌惮,只能眼睁睁看着祖安离去。 Zu An melts the rainbow to be separated from the safety zone, even if separated by 1 million li (0.5 km), can feel just that world various terrifying aura fluctuations faintly, obviously witch monster both sides made the anger thoroughly. 祖安一路化虹脱离到安全区域,哪怕相隔百万里,也能隐隐感受到刚刚那片天地各种恐怖的气息波动,显然巫妖双方都彻底打出了火气。 Somewhat strange, if Zhuanxu really supports to the witch clan makes war, why initially must sacrifice the treasure grandson to come the day to pass certainly.” The Wushan goddess is very puzzled, if knows that the following both sides will make war, initially Zhuanxu solved the conflicts of witch monster two clans rather also to sacrifice too in a big way. “有些奇怪,颛顼若是真的支持对巫族开战,当初为何要牺牲宝贝孙子来绝地天通。”巫山神女十分不解,如果知道后续双方会开战,当初颛顼化解巫妖两族的冲突未免也牺牲太大了吧。 Zhuanxu and emperor handsome usually did not cope, is not possible to support his,” Xi and said solemnly, „, if I expect right, present Zhuanxu should be controlled.” “颛顼和帝俊素来不对付,是绝不可能支持他的,”羲和沉声道,“如果我所料没错,如今的颛顼应该是被控制了。” Zu An has a scare: His solemn God, how will be controlled 祖安不禁吓了一跳:“他堂堂天帝,怎么会被控制” You did not know about the situation of forehead, actually forehead many Monster Race bragged noble, disdained with the power of witch clan share the whole world. witch clan the temperament usually was not in addition good, for myriad years both sides rub the gratitude and grudges to be extremely numerous, had arrived at a situation that is hard to suppress.” Xi and look are somewhat complex, looked that just so many gifted generals came out to help the emperor be handsome, not necessarily really won over by the emperor handsome, but was they have wanted to witch clan take action.” “你对天庭的情况不了解,其实天庭很多妖族自诩高贵,不屑跟巫族分享整个世界的权力。再加上巫族的脾气素来不好,万千年来双方摩擦恩怨极多,已经到了一个难以压制的地步。”羲和神色有些复杂,“看刚刚那么多天兵天将都出来帮帝俊,未必是真的被帝俊拉拢,而是他们早就想对巫族出手了。” „The witch clan was dangerous in the Zu An heart to worry, if witch Zubai, big of the world, which also had the place of own taking shelter. “那巫族岂不是危险了”祖安心中担忧,如果巫族败了,天地之大,哪还有自己的容身之处。 Pours also not necessarily, ten big ancestor witches are the Pangu big god essence and blood, each and everyone is powerful, there are various magical powers, other witch clans are also the inborn soldiers, really hits who will be the winner also to know.” Xi and comfort said that „, moreover these are not we can about, were many we to be short of us, will not affect the war.” “倒也未必,十大祖巫乃是盘古大神精血所化,一个个强大无比,又有各种神通,其他的巫族也是天生的战士,真打起来鹿死谁手还未可知。”羲和安慰道,“而且这些也不是我们能左右的,多了我们少了我们,都不会影响战局。” Zu An is silent, he actually also approves the view of opposite party, although just the situation of that battlefield was only the graceful glance, but the witch monster two clan each confrontation, some innumerable strengths were as good as his expert to fall from the sky, oneself truly had no way to affect the war. 祖安沉默,他其实也认可对方的说法,刚刚那战场的情形虽然只是惊鸿一瞥,但巫妖两族每一次交锋,都有无数实力不亚于他的强者陨落,自己确实没法影响战局。 Xiaoxi that you said where “你说的小希在哪里” Forehead!” “天庭!” Hears opposite party's reply, Zu An stares. 听到对方的回答,祖安一愣。 Originally the emperor handsome this plan is flawless, because there is your appearance......” Xi, continued to answer, ahead of time interrupted his plan, caused them and witch clan the wars was ahead of time, but he had not just used ten thousand Hunfan, thinks that Wan Hunfan was worse the crucial moment just now to refine thoroughly.” “本来帝俊这个计划天衣无缝,但因为有你的出现……”羲和顿了顿,继续解释道,“提前打断了他的计划,导致他们和巫族的大战提前了,而刚刚他一直没有动用万魂幡,想来万魂幡还差一些火候方才能彻底炼成。” However the ground is witch clan the domain, such important thing he should not dare adventure now, is places in his temple mostly. Now looks like, most deities are support his, he placed in the forehead the probability to be higher ten thousand Hunfan, where compared there to be safer.” “而地面是巫族的地盘,这么重要的东西他现在应该不敢冒险,多半是放在他的神殿之中。如今看来,大部分天神都是支持他的,那他将万魂幡放在天庭里概率更高了,还有什么地方比那里更安全呢。” Hears here, the Wushan goddess could not bear snort/hum one: These fellows, for a oneself selfish desire harms the plunging the people into disaster, has what appearance to say the deity.” 听到这里,巫山神女忍不住哼了一声:“这些家伙为了一己私欲害得生灵涂炭,有何面目自称天神。” Thinks that these days the matter, forehead so many deities know, bountiful by her temper also some vitality/angry. 想到这些日子发生的事情,原来天庭那么多天神都知道,饶是以她的性子也有些生气起来。 The winners become kings while the losers become bandits, so long as they won, history whatever they write.” Xi and unemotional, live in top her, had completely understood all these rules, first make the best use of the time to go to the forehead.” “成王败寇,只要他们赢了,历史就会任由他们书写。”羲和面无表情,身居高位的她,早已看透了这一切的规律,“先抓紧时间去天庭吧。” World has cut off, how should go to forehead Zu An somewhat to worry. “天地已经断绝,该如何去天庭”祖安有些担忧。 Kunlun Mountain also has a Tongtian Road.” Xi and looked to the west side. “昆仑山还有一条通天路。”羲和望向了西边。 Zu An nods, holds two female fast to melt the rainbow to go toward Kunlun Mountain. 祖安点了点头,抱着两女快速朝昆仑山化虹而去。 On the road he remembered the Wushan goddess suddenly at this time the severe wound in the body, some apologies. 路上他突然才想起了巫山神女此时重伤在身,不禁有些歉意。 The Wushan goddess is to actually smile: Relax, just ate medicinal pill, now the injury restores much, I after all am the scarlet emperor's daughter, without is so easy dead.” 巫山神女却是浅浅一笑:“放心吧,刚刚吃了丹药,现在伤势恢复了不少,我毕竟是赤帝之女,没那么容易死的。” Why does not know, she wants subconsciously with the opposite party staying a while. 不知为何,她下意识就想和对方多呆一会儿。 Zu An did not have the time to deliver her to return to Wushan at this time again, brought to be safer in the side her. 祖安此时也没有时间再送她回巫山了,还是将她带在身边更安全。 Then the flight, three people fell into the tranquility of strange suddenly. 接下来飞行,三人忽然陷入了诡异的宁静。 Sorry.” Zu An opens the mouth to say suddenly, although these golden crows already by emperor handsome body possession, but oneself did not know this initially, shot nine golden crows. “抱歉。”祖安忽然开口道,虽然那些金乌已经被帝俊夺舍,但自己当初并不知道这个,还是射下了九只金乌。 Xi and also knows the meaning that he wants to express, silent long time just now opens the mouth saying: This I have wanted to kill all the way actually your.” 羲和也知道他想表达的意思,沉默半晌方才开口道:“这一路上我其实一直想杀你的。” But you have not begun eventually.” “可你终究没动手。” I do not know the personal enemy who why...... has thought like this is actually not a personal enemy, on the contrary the side most intimate talent is the true personal enemy.” “我也不知道为什么会这样……一直以为的仇人却并非仇人,相反身边最亲近之人才是真正的仇人。” Thinks regardless of these days made anything diligently, the history is still not able to change, finally checked such truth, Xi and sighed with emotion the destiny the great strength. 想到这些日子无论自己做出什么努力,历史依然无法改变,最终查到这样的真相,羲和不禁感慨命运的强大。 Zu An closely held her hand: I will help you revenge!” 祖安紧紧牵住了她的手:“我会帮你报仇的!” in public in private, he and emperor handsome are irreconcilable. 于公于私,他和帝俊都是不死不休的。 Xi and subordinate consciousness wants to shrink, but the opposite party strength is very big, she tried several times also by the opposite party. 羲和的手下意识想缩回去,但对方力气很大,她试了几次也就由着对方了。 At this time her in the heart does not have many fluttering flags actually, on the contrary is the endless sadness. 此时她心中倒是没有多少旖旎,相反是无尽的悲伤。 According to two female direction, Zu An arrived at the summit of Kunlun Mountains finally, stops in front of a big tree. 按照两女的指引,祖安终于来到了昆仑之巅,在一棵大树面前停下。 This big tree tree trunk reaches to the sky, does not have straightly, Ying who the bark such as is hanging brings, to send out the purple light. 这棵大树树干高耸入云,笔直无枝,树皮如悬挂的缨带,散发紫光。 The peak has the branch that nine curves circles, the leaf is the azure, visibles faintly some profound black flowers. 顶端有九曲盘旋的枝桠,叶子呈青色,隐约可见一些玄黑色花朵。 This is the communicate with heaven and earth constructing wood the Zu An secret sigh, although this tree is very big, but has not imagined that sun-blocking big. “这就是沟通天地的建木”祖安暗暗感叹,这树虽然很大,但并没有想象中那种遮天蔽日的大。 Xi and nod , before arriving at the tree, puts out a hand according to above constructing the wooden tree trunk, the quick golden ray covers in which them together, next second of Zu An then felt oneself were similar to construct the wood. 羲和点了点头,走到树前,伸手按在建木树身之上,很快一道金色光芒将他们笼罩其中,下一秒祖安便觉得自己仿佛到了建木内部。 The whole person rises rapidly upward, seems riding an elevator to be the same. 整个人急速往上升,仿佛在乘坐一部电梯一般。 At this moment, three people felt that surrounding fierce swaying, as if entire tree must collapse momentarily common. 就在这时,三人感觉到周围一阵剧烈的摇晃,仿佛整棵树随时都要倒塌一般。
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