KI :: Volume #26

#2573: Purgatory

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Blood-color radiance covered the trim sky, was scattered by the cloud layer, cast the motley strange shadow in everyone body. 血色光华笼罩了整片天空,被云层散射,在每个人身上都留下了斑驳诡异的阴影。 The bottom broadcasts as if the skeleton bitten audio singing, a surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5 km) mountain range starts to collapse. 地底传来仿佛骨骼被咬碎的尖锐声音,方圆万里的山脉开始坍缩。 The candles of distant place mountain melting start to cave in likely, Zu An sees that in great surprise, hurried flickered to move to hug in the past another side Wushan goddess. 远处一座座大山像融化的蜡烛般开始塌陷,祖安见状大惊,急忙一个瞬移过去将另一边的巫山神女抱下来。 Two people just flew away, that mountain peak has collapsed thoroughly, what in the mountain massif gushes out is not the magma of burning hot, but is exuding the quiet green fluorescent dead spirit sea. 两人刚刚飞走,那座山峰已经彻底坍塌,山体中涌出的并非炙热的岩浆,而是泛着幽绿荧光的亡灵海洋。 The innumerable translucent ghost hand penetration surface, the fingertip burns the gloomily blue phosphorescent light, the each and everyone complexion is twisting fiercely, as if must draw the life that any can contact, making him feel with the same pain. 无数半透明的鬼手穿透地表,指尖燃烧着幽蓝的磷火,一个个脸色狰狞扭曲,仿佛要将任何能接触到的生灵拉下去,让他感受到和自己一样的痛苦。 The Zu An complexion changes, before similar scene him, has seen, that forgets these resentment in Sichuan spirit, has not thought that here can also see the similar prestige energy unexpectedly. 祖安脸色一变,类似的场景他以前见到过,那就是忘川之中的那些怨灵,没想到这里竟然也能见到差不多威能的。 He quickly reminded the people: Do not be moistened the body by these resentment spirit, otherwise was corroded the soul easily.” 他急忙提醒众人:“千万不要被那些怨灵沾到身体,不然容易被侵蚀灵魂。” Presents others naturally to know fiercely, or the avoidance either displays the resentment that the magical powers will approach to refine spirit, but distant place many lives are not so luckier. 在场其他人自然晓得厉害,要么躲避要么施展神通将靠近的怨灵炼化,只不过更远处很多生灵就没这么幸运了。 Was split the resentment that inside the earth emits to hold spirit, from the beginning also wants to revolt, but quick then lost the strength, was towed among the resentful spirits directly, then changed to the resentful spirit at the visible speed, looks for the new victim together. 很多被裂开大地里冒出的怨灵抓住,一开始还想反抗,但很快便失去了力气,直接被拖到了怨灵中间,然后以肉眼可见的速度化作了怨灵,一起去寻找新的受害者。 Seemed like sees worry of Zu An, the Wushan goddess comfort in bosom said: Relax, Wushan was the scarlet emperor refine initially personally, Chang E will not come under these influences there.” 似乎是看出了祖安的担忧,怀中的巫山神女安慰道:“放心吧,巫山是当初赤帝亲手炼化的,嫦娥在那里不会受到这些影响。” Hears this, Zu An just now relaxes, thought no wonder before , thought that Wushan is very mysterious, originally stems from the scarlet emperor's hand. 听到这个,祖安方才松了一口气,心想难怪之前觉得巫山十分神奇,原来是出自赤帝之手。 The Wushan goddess looked around Xi , to her vision, both females somewhat was happen to awkward. 巫山神女看了看一旁的羲和,正好对上了她的目光,两女都不禁有些尴尬。 Between the Wushan goddess and Zu An are only a friend, now is actually hugged by him in the bosom. 巫山神女和祖安之间只是朋友,如今却被他抱在怀中。 Xi and have the closest relations with Zu An, but she is actually the emperor handsome wife, has no way to have the intimate manner with Zu An publicly. 羲和跟祖安已经有了最亲密的关系,可她却是帝俊的妻子,没法公开跟祖安有亲密举止。 In two female are awkward, huge buzz the whining noise transmits, giant pillars raise from the place bottom slowly, span in the world, on each pillar is the blood red muscle of that type of no skin, keeps wriggling, as if any mysterious ancient lifeform will soon regain consciousness. 就在两女尴尬之时,一阵巨大的嗡鸣声传来,一根根巨大的柱子从地底缓缓升起,横亘在天地之间,每一根柱子上面都是那种无皮的血红肌肉,不停地蠕动着,仿佛什么神秘的古老生物即将苏醒。 Zu An counted the number, altogether 108, as if are agreeing without consultation the position of sidereal revolution star. 祖安数了数,总共有一百零八根,似乎暗合着周天星斗的方位。 Sees this, the candle dragon startled and anger: Emperor is handsome, you massacred many lives to place to refine the column of such evil flesh!” 看到这一幕,烛龙又惊又怒:“帝俊,你这是残杀了多少生灵放在炼制出这样邪恶的血肉之柱!” The emperor handsome look is tranquil: They are destined this tribulation, I comply with the destiny.” 帝俊神色平静:“他们命中注定有此一劫,我只是顺应天命而已。” You as the solemn God, do this crazed matter unexpectedly, but also is known as what destiny, the face does not want simply!” Altogether labor and an eastern sovereign too fight while scolded, one, he insane don't tell me you were also too insane deliberately created trouble with him together!” “你身为堂堂天帝,竟然干出这种丧心病狂的事,还号称什么天命,简直脸都不要了!”共工一边和东皇太一战斗一边骂道,“太一,他疯了难道你也疯了跟他一起胡闹!” The eastern sovereign too one had not replied that his words, on the contrary the attack is getting more and more swift and fierce. 东皇太一并没有回答他的话,相反攻击越来越凌厉。 At this time on these pillars stretched out the innumerable flesh suddenly, as if ten million strip swaying from side to side blood snake was common. 这时那些柱子上忽然伸出了无数血肉,仿佛千万条扭动的血蛇一般。 But the people on the scene were clear that where is what flesh, purely is the monster that is condensed by the complaint becomes. 但在场众人都清楚,那哪里是什么血肉,纯粹是由怨念凝聚而成的怪物。 Sees only them to just like the octopus tentacle, all living creatures that seizing touches eat the food crazily. 只见他们犹如章鱼触手,抓捕触碰到的一切活物疯狂啃食。 The Zu An divine thought institute and place, discovered that the whole world as if turned into the purgatory to be the same. 祖安神念所及之处,发现整个世界仿佛变成了炼狱一般。 The candle dragon both eyes lasing has two bright rays, the place visited, these flesh tentacles are reduced to ashes in abundance. 烛龙双目激射出两道明亮的光芒,所过之处,那些血肉触手纷纷化为灰烬。 Altogether the labor wields the a stream of Water Dragon similarly, roared is tearing into shreds these flesh tentacles, others also launched the counter-attack, but these flesh tentacle quantities were too many, ruining one will also be long ten, could not destroy. 共工同样挥出一道道水龙,咆哮着将那些血肉触手撕碎,其他人也纷纷展开反击,只不过那些血肉触手数量实在太多了,毁掉一根又会长出十根,根本毁不完。 At this time mutation fresh, the ground split the innumerable fine drawns, probably by the leather bag that the giant beast sharp claws ripped open, one made the sad and shrill laughter of person scalp tingles resound intermittently, the dense and numerous ugly faces flew, saw that the life opened mouth the tear and bite. 这时异变又生,地面裂开无数细缝,像是被巨兽利爪撕开的皮囊,一阵阵让人头皮发麻的凄厉笑声响起,密密麻麻的鬼脸飞了出来,看到生灵就张嘴撕咬。 Witch Yang Yinwei in enlightened six witch just fought injured handsome quite heavily with the emperor, avoids, suddenly was only left over a skin by the suck dry. 开明六巫中的巫阳因为刚刚和帝俊战斗受伤颇重,躲避不及,眨眼间被吸干得只剩下一张皮。 Other five witch heat of the moment, what a pity are unable to rescue. 其他五巫悲愤交加,可惜根本无法营救了。 even/including Wuyang are so, these ordinary lives are unable to resist, became pellicles by the suck dry quickly. 连巫阳都是如此,那些普通的生灵更加无法抵挡,很快被吸干成了一张张薄皮。 These skins also follow to dance in the air, changed to ugly faces gradually, was shouting is like to me me is the same” is looking for the new victim. 那些皮也跟着飞舞起来,渐渐化作了一张张鬼脸,叫嚷着“跟我一样跟我一样”去寻找着新的受害者。 The sky also starts to crash the fireball of combustion, carefully looks, what in the fireball is wrapping is the heads of lives, before that is, flew high the life that by 10 th captures the life. 天空也开始坠落燃烧的火球,仔细看去,火球中包裹着的是一颗颗生灵的头颅,那是之前被十日凌空夺取性命的生灵。 The rivers and streams of distant place rewind the heaven, in the water the life change to the white bones at the visible speed. 远处的江河倒卷上天,水中生灵以肉眼可见的速度化作白骨。 In the entire world, the blood light soars to the heavens everywhere. 整个天地间,到处都血光冲天。 Airborne blood cloud start gathers ten vortex, each vortex center formed a Sun slowly, as if ten days fly high common. 空中的血云开始汇聚成十个漩涡,每个漩涡中心缓缓形成了一个太阳,仿佛十日重新凌空一般。 No, these are Sun, is more like only opened terrifying vertical pupil. 不,与其说那些是太阳,更像是一只只睁开了的恐怖竖瞳。 Almost at the same time, near world all life ears resounds wailing that trillion ghosts cry. 几乎同一时间,世间所有的生灵耳边都响起亿万鬼哭的哀嚎。 Destroys these vertical stroke pupils quickly, otherwise and other ten days extinguish world grand formation 10%, all lives between world will be built up by him!” Xi and quickly shouts. “快破坏掉那些竖瞳,不然等这十日灭世大阵10%,天地间的所有生灵都会被他炼化掉!”羲和急忙喊道。 The candle dragon and labor has acted, on these vertical pupils rumbled in abundance upwards in the past. 烛龙和共工早已行动,纷纷朝天上那些竖瞳轰了过去。 But a huge bell shadow keeps off in the middle, blocked their attack. 只不过一道巨大的钟影挡在中间,拦下了他们的攻击。 The candle dragon is angry: Too one, the emperor makes this dreadful huge mistake handsome, don't tell me you must with him together 烛龙大怒:“太一,帝俊犯下这种滔天大错,难道你也要跟他一起” The eastern sovereign too one said with a smile slightly: Big brother’s method, although was more extreme, but he also for our Monster Race, its sentiment may original.” 东皇太一微微笑道:“大哥的手段虽然过激了些,但他也是为了我们妖族,其情可原。” Clarifying must help the emperor be handsome. 摆明了是要帮帝俊了。 Labor anger curses, the candle dragon actually listened to the meaning in his words: It seems like you also want to remove our witch clans.” 共工气得大骂不已,烛龙却听出了他话中的意思:“看来你也是想除掉我们巫族了。” World, although is big, but there is our Monster Race enough, in addition the witch clan too was again crowded.” The eastern sovereign too flutters in in the air, keeps aloof overlooks the life of ground. “天地虽大,但有我们妖族就够了,再加你们巫族实在太拥挤了。”东皇太一飘在空中,高高在上地俯视着地面的生灵。 Candle dragon Nuji instead smiles: You think seriously depends on your two brothers, can the slaughter extinguish our witch clan 烛龙怒极反笑:“你当真以为就凭你们兄弟俩,就能屠灭我们巫族” He finishes speaking, the distant place in the air a stream of form starts to appear, place that any these forms present, surroundings these ghosts resentful spirit called out pitifully were changing to the flying ash directly. 他话音刚落,远处空中一道道身影开始显现,凡是那些身影出现的地方,周围那些亡魂怨灵纷纷惨叫着直接化作了飞灰。 Very powerful big aura!” Feels these exaggerating essence qi fluctuations, Zu An is somewhat flabbergasted. “好强大的气息!”感受到那些夸张的元气波动,祖安都有些咂舌。 They are the ancestor witches.” Xi and answered, their true body has not come, now projects, but the strength was also highly regarded.” “他们都是祖巫。”羲和解释道,“他们真身并没有过来,如今只是投影来了,但实力也不可小觑。” That this emperor handsome and too one died Zu An somewhat to feel at ease, this was the strength of thigh. “那这次帝俊和太一岂不是死定了”祖安有些心安,这就是大腿的力量啊。 Emperor handsome and too one, although compared with the single ancestor witch must slightly, but overall is also about the same, now other ancestor witch Ganlai, the balance of strength has inclined obviously. 帝俊和太一虽然比单个祖巫要稍强一些,但整体上也是伯仲之间,如今其他祖巫赶来,实力的天平已经明显倾斜了。 Two people very natural are exchanging, but speech after two people are simultaneously are all startled, before two people now no longer are, that to lover of being inseparable. 两人很自然地交流着,不过说完话后两人皆是齐齐一怔,两人如今不再是之前那对如胶似漆的情侣了。 The Wushan goddess also realized that at this time the strangeness of atmosphere, opens the mouth to help reduce and solve awkwardly: This also not necessarily, I looked that the emperor as if is very handsome confident.” 巫山神女也意识到此时气氛的古怪,开口帮忙化解尴尬:“这也未必,我看帝俊似乎挺胸有成竹的。” Sure enough, on this time emperor handsome face has not revealed the color of accident/surprise slightly, instead opened the both arms: You think, only then our two brothers want to remove your witch clan this are our forehead Monster Race overwhelming majority common wishes.” 果不其然,此时的帝俊脸上丝毫没有露出意外之色,反而张开了双臂:“你们以为真的只有我们兄弟俩想除掉你们巫族么这是我们天庭妖族绝大部分共同的心愿啊。” Finishes speaking, the fontanel opens wide, the innumerable gifted generals appeared in him behind. 话音刚落,天门洞开,无数天兵天将出现在了他的身后。
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