KI :: Volume #26

#2572: face-off

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In the Zu An heart had many doubts, but Xi and came out saying that original ten golden crows already by emperor handsome body possession, extracted their soul to maintain that to extinguish world grand formation, numerous scattered clues connected. 原本祖安心中有很多疑惑,但羲和出来说原来十个金乌早已被帝俊夺舍,抽取了他们的生魂维持那灭世大阵,众多零散的线索就串联起来了。 Altogether the labor hears startled and anger in the one side: Is good your emperor to be handsome, unexpectedly so evil and cruel, I really underestimated you before!” 共工在一旁听得又惊又怒:“好你个帝俊,竟然如此歹毒,我之前实在是低估你了!” The emperor handsome complexion is ugly: Hehe, you really believe a guess that this boy indulges in fantasy.” 帝俊脸色难看:“呵呵,你真的信这小子异想天开的一番猜测么。” I do not believe his don't tell me also to believe your sinister villain.” Altogether labor a few words long time go against emperor handsome unable to speak. “我不信他难道还信你这个阴险小人么。”共工一句话顶得帝俊半晌说不出话来。 How you Zu An could not bear Xiaoxi ask loudly, in the heart even more is anxious, the opposite party one's own ten sons killed continually, how also to keep the hand to Xiaoxi “你把小希怎么样了”祖安忍不住高声问道,心中却越发不安,对方连亲生的十个儿子都杀了,又岂会对小希留手 Originally for her,” emperor handsome is to also get angry at this time anxiously, „, since you think her, I deliver you to see her.” “原来是为了她啊,”帝俊此时也是怒急,“既然你这么想她,那我就送你去见她吧。” Behind emperor handsome stretches out two giant wings suddenly, witchering of bottom dispersing God, a powerful fluctuation shakes the punishment day, then wing, the sky has slid together the golden light, the speed was fast has exceeded the speed of eye response. 帝俊背后忽然伸出两个巨大的翅膀,天帝之威彻底散开,一股强大的波动将刑天震开,然后翅膀一阵,天空滑过一道金光,速度快得已经超过了眼睛反应的速度。 Be careful!” Xi and hurried shoves open Zu An, then the whole body changes to a Sun and opposite party hits the same place. “小心!”羲和急忙将祖安推开,然后浑身化作一个太阳和对方撞到一起。 But that golden light was really fierce, almost put in an appearance, then divided into two that wheel Sun. 但那道金光实在是太厉害了,几乎一个照面,便将那轮太阳一分为二。 Saw this, a Zu An heart jumped immediately, quickly rushes over. 看到这一幕,祖安一颗心顿时跳了起来,急忙冲了过去。 The empty shadow of that say/way Sun diverges, Xi and form fell from the space. 那道太阳的虚影散去,羲和的身影从天上掉落了下来。 Zu An grasps her, sees only her bosom to have together the bloodstain of deep obvious bone, tender and beautiful cheeks also becomes pale incomparable. 祖安将她抱住,只见她胸前有一道深可见骨的血痕,原本娇艳的脸蛋儿也变得苍白无比。 He feels to rejoice, Xi and cultivation base are very high, this preserved a life, otherwise possibly just that was really cut to hew two halves by emperor handsome directly. 他不禁感到庆幸,羲和修为很高,这才保住了一命,不然真的可能直接被帝俊刚刚那一斩砍成两半了。 Sees two people to hug in the same place, the wife snuggles, in he bosom that natural appearance, the emperor handsome eyelid jumps: Good, your is working as my surface make a public display of affection to cheating couple, I must make you live to might as well die!” 看到两人抱在一起,妻子依偎在他怀中那么自然的样子,帝俊眼皮直跳:“好啊,你们这对狗男女当着我的面秀恩爱,我要让你们生不如死!” From emperor handsome Rage Points + 999 + 999 + 999...... 来自帝俊的愤怒值…… His both wings open, each feather changed to the divine weapon sharp blade, the whole person changed to the flowing light to rush over toward two people together again. 他双翅张开,每一根羽毛都化作了神兵利刃,整个人化作一道流光再次朝两人冲了过去。 His moved the real anger, twice that this golden light presented that one time great shield and his head that cut off the punishment day, just caused heavy losses to Xi one time, nowadays obviously plans to strike to kill two people together. 他这是动了真怒,这种金光出现的两次,一次斩断了刑天的巨盾和他的头颅,一次是刚刚重创了羲和,现如今显然打算将两人一起击杀。 The labor sees that quickly wants to go forward to rescue, who knows that the eastern sovereign too blocked before his body: Your opponent is I.” 共工见状急忙想上前营救,谁知道东皇太一拦在了他身前:“你的对手是我。” Does not give the opportunity that he rescues, altogether the labor can only look at to happen helplessly. 根本不给他营救的机会,共工只能眼睁睁看着一切发生。 In his heart clear, two people are not the emperor handsome opponents in a blaze of passion, let alone now Xi and had lost the battle efficiency. 他心中清楚,两人绝非盛怒之下的帝俊的对手,更何况如今羲和已经失去了战斗力。 At this moment, suddenly seven color rays flash through together, that originally will soon vanish the golden light that Zu An two people will dismember does not see. 就在这时,忽然一道七彩的光芒闪过,那道原本即将将祖安两人分尸的金光消失不见。 Altogether labor: „” 共工:“” Eastern sovereign too one: „!!!” 东皇太一:“!!!” He could not even feel that the emperor handsome aura, as if he had written off from this stretch of the world generally. 他甚至感觉不到帝俊的气息了,仿佛他已经被从这片天地间抹杀了一般。 The enlightened six witches and others are face stupefied, only had the Wushan goddess to guess correctly the general idea, he used that magical powers finally, but really coped with the solemn God 开明六巫等更是一脸懵逼,唯有巫山神女猜到了大概,他终于用那个神通了,只不过真的对付得了堂堂的天帝么 Xi and this time are lying down in the Zu An bosom, looks at this to hug her man, she hated the opposite party. 羲和此时正躺在祖安怀中,怔怔地望着这个抱着她的男人,原本她是十分恨对方的。 May be together a while ago, in addition the influence of opposite party that anything Golden Phoenix skill, she discovered some own unexpectedly unknowingly fall in love with he. 可前段时间相处,再加上对方那个什么金凤技能的影响,她发现自己竟然不知不觉有些爱上了他。 Had several times to the opportunity that he started hesitated, may think of son's enmity, her extremely suffering. 好几次有对他下手的机会都犹豫了,可想到儿子的仇,她又极为煎熬。 Afterward clearly the one who finally killed the Golden Crow is not an opposite party, but is emperor handsome, she unexpectedly feeling relieved feelings. 后来终于明白杀死金乌的并非对方,而是帝俊,她竟然有一种如释重负的感觉。 Xi and this time too many words want to tell the opposite party, but only turned into one finally: Be careful, he is not easy to cope.” 羲和此时有太多的话想跟对方说,但最终只变成了一句:“小心,他不是那么容易对付的。” Zu An naturally knows, he can feel in that seven color god light/only world, the emperor changed to a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Golden Crow phoenix handsome, the both wings opened to block the sky to fill the whole world, various magical treasure appeared in around the body, is sending out the plain charm. 祖安自然知道,他能感觉到那七彩神光世界中,帝俊化作了一只万丈大小的金乌神鸟,双翅张开遮天蔽日充满了整个世界,各种法宝浮现在周身,散发着古朴的神韵。 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light projects from emperor handsome around the body, entire seven color god light/only world shiver fiercely, must break momentarily common. 万丈金光从帝俊周身射出,整个七彩神光世界一阵剧烈颤抖,随时都要破碎一般。 Only hears sad and shrill dignified warbling to resound through the world, the emperor handsome law of light/only flushed from seven color gods finally, he such flies in the sky, looked at the Zu An look to be full of the shock. 只听得一声凄厉威严的鸟鸣声响彻天地,帝俊的法相终于从七彩神光中冲了出来,他就那样飞在天空,望着祖安的眼神充满了震惊。 An opposite party mortal, really has the magical powers to give to receive, so long as opposite party strength again slightly, oneself just really danger 对方一介凡人,竟然有神通能将自己给收住,只要对方实力再稍稍强一点,自己刚刚岂不是真的危险了 Thinks of here, in his eye flashes through cold intent, even does not have the personal grudge, this child may still remain absolutely not, perhaps if given time, oneself could not trig him. 想到这里,他眼中闪过一丝冷意,就算没有私人恩怨,此子也断不可留,假以时日,自己恐怕都制不住他了。 His both wings inspire, in the world the wind and cloud changes color, Zu An must hug Xi and displays to move to the shape to trade the shadow to dodge, who knows that the next second appears before the opposite party unexpectedly directly. 他双翅一振,天地间风云为之变色,祖安原本要抱着羲和施展移形换影闪避,谁知道下一秒竟然直接出现在对方面前。 He with amazement, the opposite party as if revised the rule of this stretch of the world immediately directly, he moved to the shape to trade the shadow to change in front of him. 他顿时骇然,对方似乎直接修改了这片天地的规则,以至于他移形换影换到了他面前。 Your this ants who would have thought our realm prestige energies.” Emperor handsome not again take action, but such is staring at the opposite party simply. “你这种蝼蚁又岂知我们这个境界的威能。”帝俊并没有再出手,只是那样简简单单盯着对方。 Zu An discovered that from head to toe starts to be similar to the decency to be the same, gradually shatter. 祖安就发现浑身上下开始如同风化一般,正在渐渐破碎。 Regardless of he revolves any cultivation technique, delays this speed at most slightly, does not have the least bit means to stop the entire trend. 无论他运转任何功法,顶多只是稍稍延缓这个速度,却没有半点办法阻拦整个趋势。 Useless, he can revise the entire principle level matter, never expected that I can with you die together finally.” Xi and facial expression are quite complex, she is not clear is sad, is gratified. “没用的,他能修改整个法则层面的事情,没想到我最终会和你死在一起。”羲和神情颇为复杂,连她自己也不清楚到底是悲伤,还是欣慰。 Zu An is unwilling so accepts fate, at this moment, he can only display Come, Key, but now this condition, after using up , the estimate is also the dead end. 祖安却不甘心就这般认命,事到如今,他只能施展键来了,只不过如今这状态,用完后估计也是死路一条。 But died must kill the emperor to revenge handsome! 但死也要杀了帝俊报仇! He is just about to open the mouth, suddenly around the body were many some special rune ancient Chinese characters, these ancient Chinese characters are glittering the special ray, protected two people. 他正要开口,忽然周身多了一些特殊的符文古字,那些古字闪烁着特殊的光芒,将两人护在了其中。 Witch clan ancient Chinese characters!” Zu An thinks before , saw that witch clan displays secret technique, has seen similar ancient Chinese characters. “巫族古字!”祖安想到之前看到巫族施展秘法,见过类似的古字。 He had felt the trend that the body collapses stopped, even is still restoring gradually. 他已经感觉到身体崩溃的趋势停止住了,甚至还在渐渐恢复。 He quickly displays Grandmist Primordial Beginning Scripture, quickly restores the injury of body, meanwhile helps Xi and therapy. 他急忙施展鸿蒙元始经,很快将身体的伤势恢复,同时还帮羲和疗伤起来。 A surrounding space element fluctuation, the next second two people have been far away from the emperor to be handsome suddenly. 周围空间元素忽然一阵波动,下一秒两人已经远离了帝俊。 At this time in the sky the huge emperor strict laws have not chased down abreast, instead quite dreaded that looks at two people directions. 此时天空中庞大的帝俊法相并没有追杀过来,反而颇为忌惮地看着两人的方向。 The Zu An heart has a feeling, turn head looked, the whole person was shocked immediately. 祖安心有所感,回头一看,整个人顿时愣住了。 At present spans in the big snake in the world, is unable to estimate that its size, before he has seen the biggest big dragon compares with the opposite party, as if an earthworm is common. 眼前有一条横亘在天地间的大蛇,根本无法估计它的大小,以前他见过的最大的巨龙跟对方比起来,都仿佛一只蚯蚓一般。 His two eyes are bright, a Sun of as if combustion, is similar to chilly moon. 他的两只眼睛明亮无比,一只仿佛燃烧的太阳,一只如同清冷的月亮。 Xi and complexion change, has recognized it: Ancestor witch Zhulong!” 羲和脸色一变,已经认出了它:“祖巫烛龙!” The status and strength of candle dragon in the ancestor witch is the peak that batch, successively holds the God to its courteous reception, but nearly ten thousand years have not seen him to appear, even there is a rumor he to fall from the sky, the body returned to Grand Dao thoroughly. 烛龙在祖巫中身份和实力都是最顶尖的那批,历任天帝都要对其礼遇有加,不过已经近万年都没有看到他出现过了,甚至有传言他早已陨落,身体彻底回归大道了。 Zu An shocks similarly very much, before had many times monster phobophobias, but compares at present with this, the monster that before all saw became exquisite Linglong(exquisite) to get up. 祖安同样很震撼,之前有很多次巨物恐惧症,但跟眼前这一幕比起来,之前所有见到的巨物都变得小巧玲珑起来。 This candle dragon constriction is really full. 这烛龙果然压迫感满满。 Only fortunately both sides are not enemies, just as if his take action, two people just now saved the life. 唯一值得庆幸的是双方并非敌人,刚刚似乎正是他出手,两人方才保住了性命。 The labor of altogether distant place laughs: You came finally!” 远处的共工哈哈大笑起来:“你总算来了!” The candle dragon has not responded him, but the giant head will stare to stare at the emperor to be handsome: Emperor is handsome, these things that you do, when really I died 烛龙没有搭理他,而是将巨大的脑袋直勾勾盯着帝俊:“帝俊,你干的这些事情,真当我死了么” Was staring by this type of terrifying monster, the emperor also received the beforehand arrogance handsome: Candle dragon you do not listen to that boy to talk nonsense, female ba also has your several son's matter not to have with my relations.” 被这种恐怖巨物盯着,帝俊也收起了之前的狂妄:“烛龙你可别听那小子胡说,女魃还有你那几个儿子的事情跟我一点关系都没有。” You thought that my meeting letter/believes the candle Dragon God color to be cold, in the eye pupil is glittering faintly the anger. “你觉得我会信么”烛龙神色冷冽,眼眸中隐隐闪烁着怒火。 His seclusion innumerable years, the result this time came out to find that the wife died, two sons also died, the only remaining sons also made the huge mistake to be punished superstitiously, how he did not get angry 闭关无数岁月,结果这次一出来发现老婆死了,两个儿子也死了,唯一剩下的儿子还犯了大错被天条惩罚着,他又如何不怒 The emperor handsome complexion sinks: How you want 帝俊脸色一沉:“那你想怎样” Naturally is debt of blood must be paid with blood!” Among sky numerous fog presented a giant snake body indistinctly, encircled this stretch of the world. “自然是血债血偿!”天空众多云雾间隐隐约约出现了一道巨大的蛇身,将这片天地围在了其中。 The emperor smiled handsome suddenly dissolutely: „, Really thinks that I feared you!” 帝俊忽然放肆地笑了起来:“罢了,真以为我怕了你们么!” Raises conveniently, in the land presented an outline of great cauldron suddenly, as if has wrapped the trim world. 随手一扬,大地上忽然出现了一个巨鼎的轮廓,仿佛已经将整片天地包裹在了其中。 The cold wind is intermittent, the sunny world all of a sudden was dim, becomes the ghost air/Qi densely. 阴风阵阵,原本晴朗的天地一下子昏暗起来,变得鬼气森森。
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