KI :: Volume #26

#2571: Revealing the truth

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Then don't said others, some Zu An also stupefied, he thought that nine golden crows were just not shot by me 这下莫说其他人,就连祖安也有些懵逼,他心想九个金乌刚刚不是被我射下来的么 The Wushan goddess expression is strange, she even starts to deliberately consider that can be Xi and falls in love over time with Zu An, real fall in love with he, therefore the subconsciousness wants to find the excuse to the opposite party. 巫山神女表情古怪,她甚至开始寻思会不会是羲和和祖安日久生情,真的爱上了他,所以下意识想给对方找理由。 But plans various sinister and ruthless grand formation, reason that perhaps ten days come out together are emperor handsome instigate in behind. 而谋划各种阴毒大阵,说不定十日之所以一起出来就是帝俊在后面怂恿的。 Like this mentioned the emperor to kill ten days handsome passably but actually. 这样说起来说帝俊害死了十日倒也说得过去。 But this should say that Xi and too the love brain should say the Zu An charm was too big, killed the enmity of child to uncover unexpectedly continually...... 只不过这样到底是该说羲和太恋爱脑了还是该说祖安的魅力太大了呢,竟然连杀子之仇都能揭过…… The emperor handsome similarly is also angry incomparable, points at Zu An to look angrily at the solar goddess: Xi, you were insane, killed our sons obviously was he, you should not because your deceitful- sentiment harbored him to this degree 帝俊同样也是愤怒无比,指着祖安怒视着太阳神女:“羲和,你是疯了么,杀我们儿子的明明是他,你该不会因为你俩的奸-情而包庇他到这种程度吧” From emperor handsome Rage Points + 811 + 811 + 811...... 来自帝俊的愤怒值…… Speaking of deceitful- Sentiment two characters in his heart a pain, although usually in he likes being a womanizer everywhere, side these women frequently are discontented, he also comforts them frequently is only the body plays, heart also in their. 说到奸--情两个字他不禁心中一痛,虽然平日里他喜欢四处沾花惹草,身边那些女人对此经常不满,他还经常安慰她们自己只是身体玩玩罢了,心还在她们那里。 But has not thought that this matter is one's turn body, that uncomfortable. 但没想到这种事轮到自己身上,是那么的难受。 The eastern sovereign in distant place too one cannot bear interrupt: Yes the sister-in-law, you and big brother somewhat misunderstands to solve in secret again, now like this turns toward the bystander, somewhat is really improper.” 远处的东皇太一也忍不住插嘴道:“是啊嫂子,你和大哥有些误会可以私底下再解决,如今这样向着外人,实在有些不妥。” He does not understand why Xi and favors that man like this, was difficult to be inadequate is really conquered thoroughly 他不明白羲和为什么这样偏袒那个男人,难不成真的是被彻底征服了 Thinks this possibility, his complexion was even more ugly. 一想到这个可能,他的脸色越发难看了。 From eastern sovereign too Rage Points + 911 + 911 + 911...... 来自东皇太一的愤怒值…… The labor does not give the thumbs-up toward Zu An at this time, looks to Zu An look simply as pretty as fairies, how he achieves 共工此时已经不是朝祖安竖大拇指了,望向祖安的眼神简直惊为天人,他到底是如何做到的 He appreciated the mentality of later generation to look at the opposite party by the senior, now felt oneself should shout this fellow senior. 原本他是以前辈欣赏后辈的心态看对方的,现在觉得自己该喊这家伙前辈了。 Xi and coldly look at the emperor to be handsome, in the eye pupil is full of the hatred and tears: I harbor his don't tell me am not because you have killed my these sons!” 羲和冷冷地望着帝俊,眼眸中饱含着恨意与泪水:“我包庇他难道不是因为你早就杀了我的那些儿子么!” What!” Such remarks, in the field everyone feared. “什么!”此言一出,场中所有人都惊住了。 Some person's first responses were he are insane, others were looking pensive. 有些人第一反应是他疯了么,另外一些人则是若有所思。 An emperor handsome brow wrinkle: Your this woman, is deceitful for own- The husband discredits toward my body unexpectedly, says such absurd words to come.” 帝俊眉头一皱:“你这女人,为了自己的奸--夫竟然往我身上抹黑,说出这样荒谬的话来。” Xi and is looking at him stubbornly: You think is flawlessly, what a pity you must display that ten days to extinguish world grand formation, this needs ten Golden Crow powerful souls as the eye, but you to avoid being discovered by others, killed after my son, but also branched out divine soul to occupy their bodies, went out by their images again everywhere, they also living false appearance.” 羲和死死望着他:“你自以为做得天衣无缝,可惜你要施展那个十日灭世大阵,该阵必须要十个金乌强大的生魂作为阵眼,而你为了避免被其他人发现,杀了我的儿子过后,还分出神魂占据了他们的身体,再以他们的形象四处外出,给人一种他们还活着的假象。” Ten days extinguish world grand formation!” Altogether the labor heard that the word complexion changes, as if thought of anything. “十日灭世大阵!”共工闻言脸色一变,似乎想到了什么。 Zu An and Wushan goddess looks at each other one, all saw the shock in opposite party eyes, these information that this and they check happen to hold the same view. 祖安和巫山神女对视一眼,皆看出了对方眼中的震惊,这和他们查到的那些情报不谋而合。 The emperor handsome complexion is also cloudy fluctuates clearly, but said: I do not know Gossip where you listen, simply is nonsensical talk, I as the solemn God, life all over the world am my people, holds true by making all these 帝俊脸色同样阴晴变幻,不过还是说道:“我不知道你从哪里听来的流言蜚语,简直是无稽之谈,我身为堂堂的天帝,普天之下的生灵都是我的子民,有什么理由做这一切” The enlightened six witches can also not help nod, although both sides are hostile, but they did not understand that the emperor will have what motive this handsome. 开明六巫也情不自禁点了点头,虽然双方敌对,但他们也不理解帝俊有什么动机会这样做。 Because you want to destroy completely witch clan through this law thoroughly, making Monster Race lord over whole world, taking advantage of this merit to become Saint.” Xi and sound are cold, each character resounds through in the world clearly. “因为你想通过此法彻底灭掉巫族,让妖族独霸天下,借这功劳成圣。”羲和声音冷冽,每一个字清楚地响彻天地之间。 Altogether labor hears word shouted abuse: I have thought this fellow is not a good thing, never expected that he imagines me is blacker than!” 共工闻言破口大骂起来:“我一直觉得这家伙不是个好东西,没想到他比我想象中的还要黑!” Emperor handsome facial skin twitched, detected unrestrainedly has several special divine thought to pay attention to here condition, he has deeply to inspire saying: Simply the utter nonsense, I am the God, to becoming Saint, only then remote of half-step, why must also to take such big risk to do this and other crazed things.” 帝俊脸皮情不自禁地抽了抽,察觉到已经有好几道特殊的神念正在关注着这边的状况,他只好深吸一口气道:“简直一派胡言,我已经身为天帝了,离成圣只有半步之遥,又何须冒这么大的风险干出这等丧心病狂的事情。” Said again, the witch clan strength is as good as our Monster Race, really must make what grand formation to cope with them, I alone was insane do these forehead others is not not possible to hold my.” “再说了,巫族力量不亚于我们妖族,真要弄什么大阵对付他们,我一个人是疯了么来干这些天庭其他人也不可能容得下我的。” Hears his explanation, in the world various places has several to exist aloofly also nods slightly, all these truly could not convince, was difficult to be inadequate is really Xi and because of fall in love with other man, so said intentionally 听到他这番解释,天地间各处有几位超然存在也微微颔首,这一切确实说不通,难不成真的是羲和因为爱上了另外的男人,故意这般说么 At this time the Zu An connection help said: Your one person naturally could not cope with witch clan, therefore needs to provoke witch clan and Monster Race contradiction, finally shouldered witch monster to fight thoroughly.” 这时祖安接口帮忙道:“你一个人当然对付不了巫族,所以需要挑动巫族与妖族的矛盾,最终彻底挑起巫妖大战。” The emperor handsome complexion changes: Your this fellow I have not asked you to do accounts, comes to here to spread rumors and mislead the people.” 帝俊脸色一变:“你这家伙我还没找你算账,又来这里妖言惑众。” He is just about take action, suddenly the water arrow shoots together from side, originally is altogether the labor: Listened to him to say.” 他正要出手,忽然一道水箭从旁边射过来,原来是共工:“听他说下去。” The eastern sovereign too raised the eyebrow, just the attention to eating on the melon, everyone called a halt suddenly, making altogether the labor have the opportunity to interfere with that side. 东皇太一挑了挑眉毛,刚刚注意力到吃瓜上面了,一时间大家停了手,让共工有机会干涉了那边。 Zu An seizes the chance saying: First you use the individual ambition of drum as well as two lost/carrying, the gaps between ya yu two brothers, instigates the drum to instigate two lost/carrying to massacre ya yu, two lost/carrying committed such grave offense, afterward definitely the penalty of difficult escaping forehead, when the time comes you again operates, if two lost/carrying executions, such candle dragon and even witch clan will be quite discontented with the current God, lays down the hatred the introduction.” 祖安趁机说道:“首先你利用鼓的个人野心以及贰负、猰貐两兄弟之间的间隙,怂恿鼓挑拨贰负杀掉猰貐,贰负犯了这样的重罪,事后肯定难逃天庭的惩罚,到时候你再在其中操作一下,若是将贰负处死,那样烛龙乃至巫族就会对现任天帝相当不满,埋下仇恨的引子。” On the other hand, ya yu died, by the status of his father candle dragon, very big opportunity can obtain not the dead medicine to rescue, the drum can seize the chance to obtain not the dead medicine, no matter rouses the own ambition is also good, you agitate, the drum killed finally deity Bao river who runs not the dead medicine, the forehead must execute him by the normal punishment.” “另一方面,猰貐死了,以他父亲烛龙的身份,很大机会能得到不死药相救,鼓就能趁机得到不死药,不管是鼓自己的野心也好,你鼓动的也罢,最终鼓杀了掌管不死药的天神葆江,天庭就必然要处死他以正典刑。” Your this operation does three things at once, no matter how the situation develops, ancestor witch Zhulong will die at least two sons, this hatred can it be that is so also easy to put down “你这一番操作可谓三管齐下,不管事态怎样发展,祖巫烛龙都会死掉至少两个儿子,这份仇恨又岂是那么容易放下的” Sure enough, although the candle dragon has not taken a stand, but mother female ba of drum condemns the forehead blatantly, in addition some people add fuel to the flames, the entire witch clan public sentiment is roused to action, wants to come some Zhongshan that side people are your arrangement had the rhythm at that time specially.” “果不其然,虽然烛龙没有表态,但鼓的母亲女魃公然问罪天庭,再加上一些人推波助澜,整个巫族可谓群情激奋,想来当时钟山那边有些人是你特意安排来带节奏的吧。” Emperor handsome cold snort/hum: Nonsensical talk!” 帝俊冷哼一声:“无稽之谈!” Zu An did not argue, continues saying: You have not just expected the current God to resolve this hatred by the way that the day passes certainly unexpectedly, he himself also sacrificed the most talented grandson, the witch clan was not good to say anything again.” 祖安也不争论,继续说道:“只不过你没料到现任天帝竟然以绝地天通的方式化解了这份仇恨,他自己也牺牲了一个最有才能的孙子,巫族这边也不好再说什么了。” „But how you will make plan of deliberately planning put to the running water you to disclose secret information to female ba afterward intentionally, making her know that son's death is related with you, therefore she shouted curses to compel you to come out everywhere. Yourself do not facilitate to act, then comes out by several Golden Crow Crown Prince appearances, puts to death female ba with their hands.” “但你又岂会让处心积虑的谋划就这么付诸流水后来你故意向女魃通风报信,让她知道儿子的死跟你有关,所以她到处叫骂逼你出来。你自己不方便出面,便以几个金乌太子的面貌出来,借他们之手将女魃诛杀。” Several Golden Crow Crown Prince for the father over, the method were even more extreme, is still excusable, even if other forehead side people had discontentedly, did not say anything.” “几个金乌太子为父出头,就算手段过激了些,也是情有可原,天庭一方其他人就算有所不满,也不好说什么。” But the witch clan is unable to endure this tone inevitably, for example Kua Fu, punishment day these well-known big witches, to look for ten golden crows asks for an explanation, result was exposed to the sun, was reduced the head by you.” Zu An, he also wants saying that witch Yi was also killed by it greatly, but thinks that now became Yi, he bore finally, just I helped them revenge, killed nine golden crows, you can strike to kill me justifiablily.” “但巫族这边必然无法忍下这口气,比如夸父、刑天这些知名的大巫,就为了找十个金乌讨个说法,结果一个被晒死,一个被你砍掉了头。”祖安顿了顿,他原本还想说大巫羿也被其杀死的,但想到如今自己成了羿,他最终还是忍住了,“刚刚我帮他们报仇,射杀了九个金乌,你就能名正言顺将我击杀。” Witch clan mostly the temperament was irritable, died one after another so many important big witches, in addition these years conflicts, the new hatreds on top of old put together, the inevitable meeting wants to kill you to revenge, for example labor such temperament is altogether irritable.” Hears here, altogether the labor proudly throwing out the chest chest cavity, this truly is the matter that he can do. “巫族本就大多脾气火爆,接连死了这么多重要的大巫,再加上这些年的冲突,新仇旧恨加在一起,必然会想杀了你报仇,比如共工这样脾气火爆的。”听到这里,共工骄傲地挺起了胸膛,这确实是他会干的事。 The Zu An vision such as the electricity looks at the emperor to be handsome: Because other forehead people do not know that all these are your plans, is inevitably impossible to look on that your next generation God has an accident, when the time comes the both sides enormous probability launches all -out war. The war same place, is irreconcilable, when the time comes you use again prepare the good extinguishing world grand formation grinding to kill land witch clan ahead of time, the forehead, not only will not blame you, instead will thank you to prepare fully, you will perform the huge merit, I said may is right, next God Sir!” 祖安目光如电望着帝俊:“因为天庭其他人并不知道这一切都是你的谋划,必然也不可能坐视你这个下一代天帝出事,到时候双方极大概率展开全面战争。战争一起,就是不死不休,到时候你再动用提前准备好的灭世大阵磨杀大地巫族,天庭这边非但不会怪罪你,反而会感激你准备得充分,你会立下天大功劳,我说的可对啊,下一任天帝大人!”
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