KI :: Volume #26

#2570: Bets one time with the life

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Hears words that sound spoke, in Zu An heart astonished, on the face does not have the least bit to display. 听到那声音所说的话,祖安心中惊异,脸上却没有半点表现出来。 At this time Xi and attack is getting more and more swift and fierce, she is the solar goddess, body is being full of the brilliance of Sun. 此时羲和的攻击越来越凌厉,她是太阳神女,身上充满着太阳的光辉。 Sun can genial warm, similarly can also be full of the wild destruction strength. 太阳可以和煦温暖,同样也可以充满狂暴的毁灭力量。 Two people place visited, the mountain range was ruined, Zu An is surrounded by perils, could see, if not for he fights the experience is quite mature, in addition various mysterious abilities, perhaps at this time already and ripped the fragment by angry Xi. 两人所过之处,山脉一片一片被毁掉,祖安险象环生,看得出若不是他战斗经验极为成熟,再加上各种神奇的能力,恐怕此时早已被愤怒的羲和撕成了碎片。 Saw that Zu An was hit retreats in defeat again and again, is getting more and more near to oneself, on the emperor handsome face flashes through a fierceness, finally found an opportunity to shake punishment day flies, flushed from surrounding of enlightened six witch, the bang of direct palm behind toward Zu An goes. 看到祖安被打得节节败退,离自己越来越近,帝俊脸上闪过一丝狰狞,终于找到一个机会将身边的刑天震飞,从开明六巫的包围中冲了出来,直接一掌朝祖安背后轰去。 By his position, to human take action is disgraced, let alone behavior of this nearly sneak attack. 以他的身份地位,对一个人类出手已经是有失身份了,更何况这种近乎偷袭的行为。 But those present seem like no one to think that has anything is not right, thought on the contrary he now take action somewhat is slow. 但在场的人似乎没人觉得有什么不对,反倒觉得他现在才出手已经有些慢了。 Xi and sees that to display ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light directly, all gives to imprison this space, making Zu An simply not have the opportunity to display to flicker to move or move to shape changing positions and so on. 羲和见状直接施展出万丈金光,将这一片空间全都给禁锢住,让祖安根本没机会施展瞬移或者移形换位之类的。 The emperor handsome secret nod, thought that worthily is the couple, although these years two people are seemingly agreed but actually at variance, but at crucial moment coordination is such exquisite. 帝俊暗暗点头,心想不愧是夫妻,虽然这些年两人貌合神离,但关键时候的配合还是这么精妙。 Be careful!” The Wushan goddess from has just been preparing magecraft silently, at this time quickly displays. “小心!”巫山神女从刚刚一直都在默默准备术法,此时急忙施展出来。 Fog keep off before the Zu An body, the emperor will cover handsome is one of them, tries to block him. 一片云雾挡在祖安身前,将帝俊笼罩在其中,试图将他拦下来。 But emperor handsome around the body flame hold, is almost then roasts these fog greatly suddenly roasts cleanly. 只不过帝俊周身火焰大盛,几乎是眨眼间便将那些云雾炙烤干净。 Wushan goddess stuffy snort/hum, almost faints directly, she has exhausted the last strength, really did not have the means to help. 巫山神女闷哼一声,差点直接晕过去,她已经耗尽了最后一点力气,实在没办法帮忙了。 These a half second that but she strives for enough, Zu An had responded in a hurry, displayed movement technique to shift several feet toward side, avoided the opposite party to attack from the beginning. 只不过她争取的这半秒已经够了,祖安仓促之间反应过来,施展身法往旁边横移了数丈,避开了对方一开始的攻击。 But the emperor handsome and is so good to cast off, his look gloomy and cold, just like to attach the deep-rooted ulcer of bone to be the same , to continue to lock Zu An, a pair of big hand is still covering his around the body strategic point. 可帝俊又是那么好甩开的,他神色阴冷,犹如附骨之疽一般,继续锁定祖安,一双大手依然笼罩着他周身的要害。 This fellow slides is like the loach, oneself must massacre him somewhat is not easy, but there is Xi and a coordination, all were much simpler. 这个家伙滑得跟泥鳅一样,自己一个人要杀掉他还真有点不容易,但有羲和配合,一切就要简单得多了。 At this time so long as Xi and take action, the opposite party died without the burial ground simultaneously absolutely. 这个时候只要羲和同时出手,对方绝对死无葬身之地。 Suddenly his complexion changes, quickly gave up chasing down Zu An, but wanted to display the Golden Crow flowing light to dodge toward side. 忽然他脸色一变,急忙放弃了追杀祖安,而是想要施展金乌流光往旁边闪避。 But he forgot in a hurry just Xi and has displayed the myriad golden rays to block this space, at this time is unable with the function that any space transmits. 只不过仓促之间他忘记了刚刚羲和已经施展万道金光封锁了这一片空间,此时根本无法用任何空间传送的功能。 A waist severe pain transmits, his hurried palm wields, Xi and striking to fly that will sneak attack. 后腰一阵剧痛传来,他急忙一掌挥出,将偷袭的羲和打飞。 But at the same time, Zu An has appeared in his body side, in the hand has the jet black dagger, punctured toward his intercostal. 可就在同一时间,祖安已经出现在了他身侧,手中有把漆黑的匕首,朝他肋间刺了过来。 Sees these rune on that dagger, his complexion changes. 看到那匕首上的那些符文,他脸色不禁大变。 By his present strength and position, felt the aura of death above unexpectedly. 以他如今的实力和地位,竟然都在上面感受到了死亡的气息。 His body golden light glitters, various maintaining life method simultaneously display. 身上一阵金光闪烁,各种保命的手段齐齐施展。 But Zu An and Xi and this sneak attack really coordinated is too perfect, even if his card in a hand were uneven, has not avoided completely. 只不过祖安和羲和这次偷袭实在配合太完美了,哪怕他底牌齐出,也没有完全避开。 Avoided the intercostal strategic point, but the arm was cut an opening by that jet black dagger. 只是避开了肋间要害,但手臂还是被那漆黑的匕首划开了一道口子。 When emperor handsome maintains life while own magical treasure constrains two people temporarily, finally in the future will leap, jumped out of two people jointly attacking circle. 帝俊趁自己的保命法宝暂时拖住两人之际,终于往后一跃,跳出了两人的合击圈。 He actually does not dare to have the least bit relaxed look at this moment, but looks at the arm with amazement. 他此刻却不敢有半点轻松神色,而是骇然地看着手臂。 Black air/Qi since the arm spreads on, in the black air/Qi is also glittering faintly some strange rune. 一股黑气自手臂蔓延而上,黑气之中还隐隐闪烁着一些古怪的符文 Meanwhile, his arm also golden light glitters, various god marks keep flashing before, try to purify these black rune. 与此同时,他的手臂也一阵金光闪烁,各种神纹不停闪现,试图净化那些黑色符文 Must know that emperor handsome as the forehead to one of the high gods, his body is interlinked with Grand Dao, not only the resiliency is astonishing, but also has the strong purification strength, it may be said that various evil does not invade. 要知道帝俊身为天庭至高神之一,他的身体早已与大道相通,不仅恢复力惊人,而且有着强大的净化力,可谓诸邪不侵。 Why does not know, these god marks are actually not able to purify these black rune, even the golden god was only compelled to retrocede by these black air/Qi step by step, has the sign of rout faintly. 可不知道为何,那些神纹却始终无法净化那些黑色符文,甚至金色神光被那些黑气逼得步步后退,隐隐有溃败的迹象。 This dagger what's the matter!” His look changes, does not dare to delay, the direct hand is a blade, the injured arm will cut directly. “这匕首到底怎么回事!”他神色一变,也不敢耽误,直接化手为刀,将受伤的胳膊直接斩掉。 That arm left his body, does not have the god light/only to support again, quick was then swallowed by these black air/Qi, is withered at the visible speed, finally changed to the white bones. 那胳膊离开了他的躯体,再也没有神光支持,很快便被那些黑气吞噬,以肉眼可见的速度干瘪,最后化作了白骨。 The emperor handsome eyelid jumps, must know that by his realm, died even, in the corpse at least 1 million years will not be decayed, moreover his bone is the god bone, normal should clear like the jade, is sending out the light god light/only and pressure is right. 帝俊眼皮直跳,要知道以他的境界,就算死了,尸体至少百万年内都不会腐朽,而且他的骨头乃是神骨,正常来说应该晶莹如玉,散发着淡淡的神光以及威压才对。 But that arm the grey defeat could not have withstood now, as if wanted to be decayed momentarily thoroughly. 可如今那手骨早已灰败不堪,仿佛随时都要彻底腐朽了。 At this time Zu An and Xi and have worked loose him to protect the body magical treasure shackles thoroughly, clamps him in the middle one on the left and other on the right. 此时祖安和羲和已经彻底挣脱了他护体法宝的桎梏,一左一右将他夹在中间。 Zu An shouted one to be a pity secretly, then just the good opportunity, has not massacred the emperor to be handsome unexpectedly. 祖安暗呼一声可惜,刚刚那么好的机会,竟然没有杀掉帝俊。 Worthily is the God, Instant Death Dagger can also live. 不愧是天帝,中了必死匕首都还能活下来。 sound transmission that originally just he heard from Xi , the opposite party proposed that two people gather to perform in a play, jointly copes with the emperor to be handsome. 原来刚刚他听到的传音就是来自羲和,对方提议两人合起来演一场戏,共同对付帝俊。 Zu An was also actually in doubt at that time, the opposite party is causing to cheat, after all some are really unreasonable. 祖安当时其实也拿不准,对方到底是不是在使诈,毕竟这实在有些没道理。 If all these are her scheme, that instead fell into when the time comes by the hopeless situation that their couples strike to kill jointly. 若这一切都是她的计谋,那到时候自己反而陷入了被他们夫妻联手击杀的绝境。 However only hesitant moment, saw the look of opposite party, thinks that these days two people being together, he decides to believe opposite party one time. 不过只犹豫了片刻,看到了对方的眼神,想到这些日子两人的相处,他还是决定相信对方一次。 Pours gets emotional not completely, but is this period of time nosing, in his time heart has an idea faintly. 倒也不完全是感情用事,而是这段时间的查探,他此时心中已经隐隐有了一个想法。 Moreover this time Xi and does not absolutely need to play such mind, their couples collaborate directly, oneself must die the bureau, why to move unnecessarily again. 而且此时的羲和也根本没必要耍这样的心眼,他们夫妻直接联手,自己依然是必死之局,何必再多此一举。 Therefore he decided bets the previous time resolutely with the life, sees him to comply, Xi and look somewhat is also unusual, finally two people succeeded injure the emperor to be handsome jointly. 于是他毅然决定用性命赌上一次,见他答应,羲和的眼神也有些异样,最终两人还是成功联手伤了帝俊。 This time emperor handsome right hand breaks the arm to locate a god glittering, the quick new arm grew. 此时的帝俊右手断臂处一阵神光闪烁,很快一个新的胳膊长了出来。 He now is the gold/metal fairyland, don't said a hand, even if the limbs all destroyed, a Yuan god completely extinguished, so long as even if the drop of essence and blood or a wisp of remnant soul, he can recover such as beginning, naturally still has the price, if were really in that situation, his life being doomed hopeless to become Saint. 他如今是金仙境,莫说断了一只手,就算肢体全毁,元神尽灭,但只要哪怕有一滴精血或者一缕残魂,他都能复原如初,当然也不是没有代价,如果真到了那个地步,他此生注定无望成圣了。 Now although this wound does not affect to become the Saint, but that strange dagger affected his condition similarly, now when strength compared with peak at least dropped 10%! 如今这点伤虽然不至于影响到成圣,但那诡异的匕首同样影响了他的状态,如今实力比巅峰时至少下降了10%! His complexion is ugly, the solemn God, was made by ants unexpectedly such distressedly. 他的脸色难看无比,自己堂堂天帝,竟然被一个蝼蚁弄得这么狼狈。 Naturally, this is not he angriest, what is angriest is thinks the wife stands with oneself in the united front, puts to death this together deceitfully- husband. 当然,这不是他最愤怒的,最愤怒的是原本以为妻子还是跟自己站在统一战线,一起诛杀这个奸-夫的。 Who would have guessed that is the wife unites unexpectedly deceitfully- husband makes the bureau, wants to seize the chance to assassinate me! 哪知道竟然是妻子联合奸-夫做局,想要趁机刺杀我! Originally the clown unexpectedly is oneself! 原来小丑竟然是自己! Thinks that Zu An not only rested oneself wife, but also was coordinated him to cope with me by own wife, he is then burning with anger. 想到祖安不仅睡了自己妻子,还让自己妻子配合他来对付我,他便不禁怒火中烧。 From emperor handsome Rage Points + 1024 + 1024 + 1024...... 来自帝俊的愤怒值…… Why!” He is staring at the wife stubbornly, really thinks that does not understand why he this. “为什么!”他死死盯着妻子,实在想不明白他为何会这样做。 Although two people sentiment has survived in name only, has separated many many years, but in surface still couple . Moreover the opposite party just also killed her nine biological sons, he really cannot think through, why the opposite party this. 两人感情虽然早已名存实亡,已经分开了很多很多年了,但表面上依然还是夫妻,而且对方刚刚还射杀了她九个亲生儿子,他实在想不通,对方为何会这样做。 skill of don't tell me opposite party strong to this situation, even makes her rather abandon to kill the enmity of child, is still dead set on to him 难道对方的功夫已经强到了这个地步,甚至让她宁愿抛开杀子之仇,都依然对他死心塌地 The brain made up some pictures, the emperor handsome complexion is even more ugly. 脑补了一些画面,帝俊的脸色越发难看起来。 From emperor handsome Rage Points + 999 + 999 + 999...... 来自帝俊的愤怒值…… Xi and this time pair of phoenix eye are also staring at him stubbornly: Yourself made anything, yourself were clear!” 羲和此时一双凤目同样死死地盯着他:“你自己做了什么,你自己清楚!” You thought that I made anything emperor handsome short of breath instead to smile, this fellow just killed our nine sons, I was just about to kill him to revenge for nine sons, you did not help even, united him to cope with me on the contrary, you also matched to become mother” “你觉得我做了什么”帝俊气急反笑,“这个家伙刚刚杀了我们的九个儿子,我正要杀了他为九个儿子报仇,你不帮忙就算了,反倒还联合他来对付我,你还配当母亲么” Be quiet!” Xi and is also the whole body trembles, our sons were killed by whom, you were clear compared with anyone!” “住嘴!”羲和也是浑身发抖,“我们的儿子到底是被谁杀的,你比谁都清楚!”
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