KI :: Volume #26

#2569: Startled huge melon

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Be careful!” The Wushan goddess of distant place saw that Zu An is just scared, the opposite party has attacked, what a pity she has been seriously injured at this time, wanted to help unable to add on. “小心!”远处的巫山神女看到祖安正失魂落魄,对方已经攻了过去,可惜她此时已经身受重伤,想要帮忙也帮不上了。 Her sound does not have the movement of solar goddess to be quick, at this time before the opposite party had arrived at the Zu An body, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray covered that all places, that big piece vanishes directly does not see, as if had anything to be annihilated by that ray generally. 她的声音并没有太阳神女的动作快,此时对方早已来到了祖安身前,万丈光芒笼罩了那一片所有的地方,那一大片直接消失不见,仿佛有任何东西都被那片光芒湮灭了一般。 The emperor in distant place looks at the secret nod handsome, looks at Xi and not take action, instead with the opposite party there discussed that really happy appearance, his heart is quite discontented, will urge, sees her take action to be relentless, this felt relieved. 远处的帝俊看得暗暗点头,原本看着羲和一直不出手,反而跟对方在那里相谈甚欢的样子,他心头相当不满,正要催促间,见她出手毫不留情,这才放下心来。 Is more careful, the boy strength, although is not high, but big pile at sixes and sevens skills, without are so easy to kill.” He detects that place, although by Xi and ray destruction completely, but Zu An had not been obviously killed, the hurried reminder said. “小心些,那小子实力虽然不高,但一大堆乱七八糟的技能,没那么容易杀死。”他察觉到那一片地方虽然被羲和的光芒毁灭殆尽,但祖安明显没有被杀死,急忙提醒道。 Xi and facial expression were indifferent, turn the head to look to another side land, Zu An were standing there are puffing. 羲和神情冷漠,转头望向了另一边的大地,祖安正站在那里喘着粗气。 Your also really under extreme methods!” Thinks that just situation, Zu An the back also breaks into sweat now, if not he has to move to the skill that the shape changes positions, perhaps that flash was just struck to kill. “你还真下死手啊!”想到刚刚的情形,祖安现在后背都还直冒冷汗,若非他有移形换位的技能,恐怕刚刚那一瞬间就被击杀了。 Just that type of aura, just came this Secret Realm initially time he has felt, probably at that time the mysterious incomparable years official historian died under that move. 刚刚那种气息,当初刚来这个秘境的时候他感受过,好像当时神秘无比的岁月史官就是死在那一招之下。 It seems like Xi and really must send him in the deathtrap. 看来羲和是真的要致他于死地啊。 Xi and sneers: You think that goes to bed with you will be dead set on to you 羲和冷笑一声:“你以为跟你上了床就会对你死心塌地么” Finishes speaking, figure such as the lightning attacks again generally toward Zu An, among any move is completely the big piece golden color ray, the place visited, even if the mountain peak, will be truncated directly. 话音刚落,身形再次如闪电一般朝祖安攻去,举手投足间尽是大片金色光芒,所过之处,哪怕是山峰,都会直接被削断。 Zu An does not dare to have diverts attention slightly, quickly hits 12 spirit to deal. 祖安不敢有丝毫分心,急忙打起十二分精神应对起来。 At this time the Wushan goddess of distant place mountain peak stared in a big way the eye immediately, although two people truly displayed to look like the lover before to be common, but thinks that Xi and real status, she poured have not thought in that direction. 此时远处山峰的巫山神女顿时瞪大了眼睛,虽然之前两人确实表现得像情侣一般,但想到羲和真实的身份,她倒从没往那个方向想过。 Now actually knows that two people to that situation, had been shocked unexpectedly intimately at the scene. 如今却得知两人竟然已经亲密到了那个地步,当场就震惊了。 don't said is she, the people of another two battlefields at this time were engaging in fierce battle also stop the hand stunned. 莫说是她,此时原本正在鏖战的另外两处战场之人也错愕地停下手来。 The eastern sovereign too one shocking incomparably is looking here, the look roves in Zu An and Xi and body. 东皇太一震惊无比地望着这边,眼神在祖安和羲和身上转来转去。 He is really incomprehensible, Xi and as the solar goddess, in the entire forehead is one of the status most noble Goddess. 他实在不能理解,羲和身为太阳神女,在整个天庭都是身份最高贵女神之一。 In addition beautiful bright and colourful, in the past the forehead and land, did not know many her pursuers. 再加上美丽明艳,当年天庭和大地,不知道有多少她的追求者。 He in the past was one of them, who knows that the opposite party became his sister-in-law finally. 他当年都是其中之一,谁知道对方最后成了他的嫂子。 He always harbors unusual feelings to this beautiful sister-in-law, to her ten sons, is loves, even there are others to crack a joke, he completely these golden crows, when the biological son loves. 以至于他对这个美丽的嫂子始终怀有一种异样的情愫,对她的十个儿子,更是疼爱有加,甚至有其他人开玩笑过,他完全是在把那些金乌当亲儿子疼爱。 Although each time his sincere warning opposite party do not speak irresponsibly, but in the heart somewhat will be unavoidably delicious. 虽然每次他都正色告诫对方不要乱说,但心中难免会有些美滋滋的。 Why this also knew that after the Golden Crow Zu An kills, reason that he will be angry. 这也是为何得知金乌被祖安射杀过后,他会这么生气的缘故。 But so many years because of the brotherly love, he usually toed the line, in addition in the contact with Xi day for peace, he are also very admiring to its charisma, therefore never have any improper thought. 但这么多年因为兄弟之情,他素来循规蹈矩,再加上与羲和平日里的交往,他也对其人格魅力十分钦佩,因此从来没什么不该有的念头。 He thought that appreciates her in one side like this silently, blessed her, is a very happy matter. 他觉得就这样在一旁默默地欣赏她,祝福她,已经是一种很幸福的事。 Finally now knows Goddess in dao heart to go to bed with others unexpectedly 结果现在知道心中的女神竟然跟别人上了床 Moreover is ordinary human! 而且还是个普通的人类! No, she deceives certainly intentionally according to this logic my. 不,她一定是故意这样说来骗我的。 Although keeps suggesting like this, but in his heart clear fact how. 尽管不停地这样暗示,但他心中还是清楚事实到底如何。 In his mind could not help appear many pictures, was supplied keeping aloof Goddess that does not dare to have blasphemes slightly by oneself, was actually stood by the men of other inferior bloodlines the tread! 他脑海中情不自禁浮现出了很多画面,被自己供起来不敢有丝毫亵渎的高高在上女神,却被其他低劣血统的男人站起来蹬啊! Thinks of here, his around the body flame hold, the whole person was about to explode with rage greatly. 想到这里,他周身火焰大盛,整个人都快气炸了。 From eastern sovereign too Rage Points + 999 + 999 + 999...... 来自东皇太一的愤怒值…… With his pain and angry clearly opposite, the labor actually cannot bear laugh, gives the thumbs-up to Zu An by far: Your his mother's real awesome!” 跟他的痛苦与愤怒截然相反,共工却是忍不住哈哈大笑,远远地冲祖安竖起了大拇指:“你他娘的真牛逼!” Before the opposite party ignored the life and death to kill the Golden Crow of space resolutely, that is many big shot does not dare easily the dry/does matter, he somewhat admired. 之前对方不顾生死毅然射杀了天上的金乌,那是很多大佬都不敢轻易干的事,他就有些佩服了。 Now has not thought that also has the matter that ratio this blasts open. 现在没想到还有比这更炸裂的事。 He had looked the deity that these keep aloof was not feeling well, but has to acknowledge, these deities are truly getting more and more fierce, the whole world seems to be familiar with and submits to gradually under the rule of forehead. 他早就看这些高高在上的天神不爽了,但不得不承认,这些天神确实越来越厉害,整个世界似乎都渐渐习惯并臣服在天庭的统治下。 But now under God wives by a mortal resting, emperor handsome and forehead seriously are disgraced. 可如今下任天帝的妻子都被一个凡人给睡了,帝俊和天庭当真是颜面扫地啊。 Has not seen such big pleasure! 从来没见过这么大的乐子! Today this came out is really the value! 今天这趟出来实在是太值了! He has the idea, even if presents others to choose the security, after he goes back, certainly must propagandize wantonly, but must send people all over the world to post to propagandize this matter. 他已经有了主意,就算在场其他人都选择保密,他回去后肯定是要大肆宣传的,还要派人到世界各处张贴宣传这件事。 Thinks when the time comes pleasure, his corners of the mouth could not bear crack the root of the ear. 一想到到时候的乐子,他的嘴角都忍不住裂到了耳根了。 That side emperor handsome, the enlightened six witches in just fight has all been wounded, at this time looks that at this time body sends out emperor handsome who the terrifying aura is fluctuating, they will draw back drawing back very much tacitly in the future. 帝俊那边,在刚刚的战斗中开明六巫早已个个带伤,此时看着此时身上散发着恐怖气息波动的帝俊,他们很默契地往后退了退。 Is anyone to look at emperor handsome at this time in the angry wild condition, at this time rushed, was dislikes the life to be long seriously. 任谁都看得出来帝俊此时在愤怒狂暴的状态,这个时候冲上去,当真是嫌命长啊。 They cannot bear look at Zu An of distant place quietly, in the each and everyone heart the difficult situation. 他们忍不住悄悄望了望远处的祖安,一个个心中惊涛骇浪。 Just saw this boy time, except for looks graceful, high, will ask for the woman to like, as if also had nothing special. 刚见到这小子的时候,除了长得帅了点,高了点,会讨女人喜欢了点,似乎也没啥特别的啊。 Has not thought that is competent such aggressive matter. 万万没想到能干出这么生猛的事情。 The words saying why the Legendary Sun goddess will have a liking for him. 话说传说中的太阳神女为何会看上他啊。 This is the matter that several old men are puzzling. 这是几个老头百思不得其解的事情。 The emperor also thinks handsome during all are completely grasping, where may expect heard such an explosive news suddenly. 帝俊原本还以为一切尽在掌握之中,可哪料到突然听到了这样一个爆炸性的消息。 Previous time met Xi and has to speak similar words, but at that time he when only the opposite party said was the angry words, has not been serious. 上次见面羲和不是没说过类似的话,但当时他只当对方说的是气话,并没有太当一回事。 After all side is the solemn God, another side is only the ordinary mortal ants, the woman, so long as does not have to know where blindly choose. 毕竟一边是堂堂的天帝,另一边只是个普通的凡人蝼蚁,女人只要没瞎就该知道选哪边。 But just Xi and that words, the response of especially that brat, confirmed all these real. 可刚刚羲和那番话,特别是那个臭小子的反应,证实这一切都是真的。 Thought of the wife these days continuously female- Bends down in other man body- Next receives- Happy, his whole person was about to explode. 想到妻子这些日子一直雌--伏在别的男人身--下承--欢,他整个人都快炸了。 Xi and this makes don't tell me to retaliate me 羲和这样做难道是为了报复我么 Why, why! 为什么,为什么! He bellows: Brat, I must make great efforts you, making your soul withstand 100,000 years of Sun really to roast hot roast!” 他大吼一声:“臭小子,我要将你抽筋拔骨,让你的灵魂承受十万年太阳真火炙烤!” From emperor handsome Rage Points + 1024 + 1024 + 1024...... 来自帝俊的愤怒值…… He is just about to throw to look for Zu An to do accounts, finally the form kept off before his body together, was the pair- The punishment day of breast class/flow tears of blood: Your opponent is I!” 他正要扑过去找祖安算账,结果一道身影挡在了他身前,正是双--乳流血泪的刑天:“你的对手是我!” Go away!” The emperor flies into a rage handsome, this fellow looks like quack remedy to be common, does not cast off unexpectedly suddenly, making him have no way to look for Zu An to revenge. “滚开!”帝俊勃然大怒,这个家伙像狗皮膏药一般,竟然一时间甩不开,让他没法找祖安报仇。 Pitifully the punishment day especially is only strong, although body was hit tattered, but actually stimulated the war-god strength in his bloodlines, more hits is braver. 只可惜刑天格外坚强,虽然身上被打得破破烂烂,但却激发了他血脉里的战神力量,越打越勇。 The enlightened six witches see this , can only brace oneself to go forward to help the punishment day. 开明六巫看到这一幕,也只能硬着头皮上前帮刑天。 Simultaneously in the heart criticizes, this anything way of the world, the one who is crisp is he, coming under attack is actually we. 同时心中暗骂不已,这什么世道啊,爽的是他,挨打的却是我们。 At this time Zu An sneezed big, saw Rage Points that the backstage emerges crazily, why his some puzzled Xi and will say this matter. 此时祖安打了个大大的喷嚏,看到后台疯狂涌现的愤怒值,他有些不解羲和为什么会将此事说出来。 Even if two people were hostile previously, he has not been thinking threatens her with this matter, but why the opposite party must from exposing 哪怕此前两人敌对,他也没想着拿这件事威胁她,但对方为什么要自曝 This matter hundred harms not to have an advantage to her. 这件事对她百害而无一利啊。 He is having doubts, in the ear broadcast a sound suddenly. 他正疑惑间,耳朵里忽然传来了一道声音。
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