KI :: Volume #26

#2568: Pain

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The sky splits together the slit of combustion, turns in golden cloud wave who wells up to go out of one becomes- ripe tender- colorful few- Women. 天空裂开一道燃烧的缝隙,翻涌的金色云浪中走出一个成-熟娇-艳的少--妇。 A broad embroidery long skirt, skirt sleeve is floating on the faintly visible women's clothing to puncture 360 Zhou Tianxing axles with the gold thread. 一席广绣长裙,裙袂飘飘间隐约可见衣裙上用金线刺着三百六十周天星轨。 Luxuriant as if melts gold/metal -like the light waterfall, whole person around the body is covering light purple clouds and mist, is dim and blurred, as if dusk and daybreak will engrave simultaneously in that perfect appearance, were many three to lose concentration only inherent noble and indifferently. 一头秀发仿佛熔金般的光瀑,整个人周身笼罩着一层淡紫色的烟霞,朦胧又迷离,仿佛将黄昏与黎明同时镌刻在那完美的容颜上,多了三分神只与生俱来的高贵与漠然。 Her coldly of this time is staring at Zu An, that look as if must tear to shreds common it. 此时的她正冷冷地盯着祖安,那眼神仿佛要将其碎尸万段一般。 Heard her to say like that the emperor nods handsome: Good, he gave you.” 听到她那般说,帝俊点了点头:“好,他就交给你了。” At once charges into the punishment day, wants to solve the punishment day while this opportunity as soon as possible. 旋即冲向了刑天,想趁这个机会尽早将刑天解决。 The Wushan goddess sees that the greatly anxious, hurried sound transmission enlightened six witches, six witches have also responded at this time, goes forward to help the punishment day. 巫山神女见状大急,急忙传音开明六巫,六巫此时也已经反应过来,纷纷上前帮助刑天。 Suddenly another two battlefields hit everything may become vulnerable, is Zu An especially is on the contrary peaceful. 一时间另外两处战场打得地动山摇,反倒是祖安这边格外地安静下来。 Sees the appearance of that female, the Zu An expression somewhat is also bitter and astringent: Solar goddess Xi and!” 看到那女子的样子,祖安表情也有些苦涩:“太阳神女羲和!” Arrived this Secret Realm, at that time previous time again the travel of hero he walked Yi, shot nine Sun, solar goddess Xi and comes out to ask him to revenge. 上一次到这个秘境,当时他重走羿的英雄之旅,射下了九个太阳,太阳神女羲和出来找他报仇。 At that time the both sides power gap was too big, must die in situation without doubt, he has to use the Golden Phoenix ability, let opposite party fall in love with he, this escaped by luck a life. 当时双方实力差距太大,必死无疑的情况下,他不得不使用了金凤的能力,让对方爱上了他,这才侥幸逃得了一命。 How he will forget this appearance. 他又怎么会忘记这张容颜了。 But the present is more remote Ancient Times, comes to see should by the time line also previous Secret Realm several thousand even tens of thousands years ago, now her body should not have to be affected by Golden Phoenix...... 只不过如今是更遥远的上古,以时间线来看应该还在上次秘境几千甚至几万年前,现在她身上应该没有被金凤所影响……吧 Met, previous time I have said that I will certainly kill you.” Xi and is staring at him stubbornly, in the eye is burning the hatred. “又见面了,上次我说过,我一定会杀了你。”羲和死死盯着他,眼中燃烧着仇恨。 Hears this saying, in the Zu An brain of bang. 听到这话,祖安脑中轰的一下。 She recognizes herself is not strange, but why still remembers in previous Secret Realm the final dialogue 她认得自己不奇怪,但为何还记得上次秘境里最后的对话 This spanned for ten thousand years, in the future the matter, why past she knows 这都跨越了万年了,未来发生的事,为何过去的她会知道 Authenticity that flash Zu An even suspects the time. 那一瞬间祖安甚至怀疑时间的真实性了。 The Wushan goddess quickly shouts: „The solar goddess, you should be clear, some time ago ten days flew high, created big killing evil, they escaped difficultly die, the young master he is enforcing justice on behalf of Heaven.” 巫山神女急忙喊道:“太阳神女,你应该清楚,不久前十日凌空,造成了多大的杀孽,他们本就难逃一死,公子他不过是在替天行道而已。” Be quiet!” Sun god Goddess color one cold, wields conveniently, several jade rings on white delicate arms collide the clear sound, but this sound falls in the Wushan goddess ear, as if the stars shift, her whole person was hit to fly layer on layer/heavily, puts out a blood again. “住嘴!”太阳神女神色一冷,随手一挥,玉臂上的几枚玉环碰撞出清脆的声音,只不过这声音落在巫山神女耳中,就仿佛星辰移位,她整个人被重重撞飞了出去,再次哇地吐出一口鲜血。 Her coldly looks at the opposite party: They are my son.” 冷冷地看着对方:“他们是我儿子。” Although she did not have to say anything again, but the meaning of Wushan goddess also clear opposite party, yes, the golden crows made mistakes again, was her biological son. 尽管她没有再说什么,但巫山神女也清楚对方的意思,是啊,金乌们再犯错,也是她的亲生儿子啊。 Like this kills the enmity of child, how she possibly can put down. 这样的杀子之仇,她又怎么可能放得下。 Zu An quickly arrives at side the Wushan goddess, gets her physical exam, she severe wound in the body, has just received this to strike now again nearly was in imminent danger, he pulls out various types of efficacious medicines to feed in her mouth, while turn head said to the solar goddess: Your personal enemy is I, why to involve the innocent person.” 祖安急忙来到巫山神女身边,检查她的身体,刚刚她已经重伤在身了,如今再受这一击近乎濒危了,他一边掏出各种灵药喂到她口中,一边回头对太阳神女说道:“你的仇人是我,何必牵连无辜之人。” „, You loved dearly on solar goddess face to lead to ridicule the meaning, I remember that previous time met your side also to have several pretty women, but was not she.” “哦,你心疼了么”太阳神女脸上带着一丝嘲弄之意,“我记得上次见面你身边也有几个漂亮女人,只不过并不是她啊。” The Wushan god Goddess color is strange, how to be listening to Xi and this saying tone is somewhat strange, as if in...... is jealous 巫山神女神色古怪,怎么听着羲和这话语气有些怪怪的,仿佛在……吃醋似的 Wait, I detected some uncommon aura in that miss body before, is it possible that...... 等等,之前我在那位姑娘身上察觉到了一些不凡的气息,莫非…… At this moment, Zu An sighs: Our previous time meets is not in a while, you have to see Yo-hee.” 就在这时,祖安叹了一口气:“我们上次见面不是才没过多久么,你又不是没见过瑶姬。” Hears him to shout the own boudoir name, because the Wushan goddess originally the severely wounded pale cheeks were many wiped to blush. 听到他喊自己的闺名,巫山神女原本因为重伤苍白的脸颊多了一抹红晕。 The solar goddess is actually the look changes: You are saying anything, I cannot understand.” 太阳神女却是神色一变:“你在说些什么,我听不懂。” You really cannot understand.” Zu An settled the Wushan goddess above a mountain peak, this stood up to look to the opposite party, sighs spookily, I should call you solar goddess, should shout you...... governing gate time clear.” “你真的听不懂么。”祖安将巫山神女安顿在了一座山峰之上,这才站起身望向了对方,幽幽叹了一口气,“我到底是该叫你太阳神女呢,还是该喊你……御门倍晴呢。” The Wushan goddess thinks really so! 巫山神女心想果然如此! The solar goddess complexion number changes, after silent long time, just now opens the mouth saying: When you know 太阳神女脸色数变,沉默良久后方才开口道:“你什么时候知道的” Sees her to acknowledge confidently, in the Zu An heart somewhat is also depressed, but explained: Actually initially according to the information that you gave, I had not found Manman everywhere, even inquired along the way, besides that small town that from the beginning you presented that also no one saw Manman has had the sign again, I then started to ponder that was information from the beginning has the issue.” 见她坦然承认,祖安心中也有些发堵,不过还是解释道:“其实当初根据你给出的信息,我到处都没有找到曼曼,甚至沿途打听,除了一开始你出现的那个小镇之外,再也没有任何人见过曼曼出现过的迹象,我便开始思考是不是一开始的情报有问题。” Just I think that at that time does not understand why you will deceive me, in my mind, made the younger sister is not that type because of being jealous to do the appearance of this matter.” “只不过我当时想不明白你为何会骗我,在我印象中,令儿妹妹不是那种因为吃醋而干出这种事情的样子。” When you know I am not your command the younger sister.” The solar goddess also seems curious to all these. “那你是什么时候知道我不是你的令儿妹妹的。”太阳神女似乎对这一切也很好奇。 Time from the beginning I have not truly suspected you, after all after I to Monster Race, Monster Race these people such to me, you instead go all out to maintain me, even also with me......” at this point, Zu An and solar goddess is on the face one red, in the heart somewhat ripples unavoidably. “一开始的时候我确实没有怀疑你,毕竟我到妖族后,妖族那些人那样对我,你反而拼了命地维护我,甚至还跟我……”说到这里,祖安和太阳神女皆是脸上一红,心中都不免有些荡漾。 Two people can not help the night that recalled these to be inseparable at that time...... 两人都情不自禁回忆起当时那些如胶似漆的夜晚…… The solar goddess deeply inspires: Do not pull at sixes and sevens these, said the key point.” 太阳神女深吸一口气:“别扯那些乱七八糟的,说重点。” Zu An then restrains the mind, this continues saying: I to the imperial tomb, actually am you use the colored glaze put flowers in hair on hat to guide me step by step, but the imperial tomb simply did not have existence of colored glaze put flowers in hair on hat at that time, afterward I thought through, you want to direct this world me.” 祖安这才收敛心神,这才继续说道:“我之所以到皇陵,其实都是你利用琉璃簪花在一步步引导我,可偏偏当时皇陵根本没有琉璃簪花的存在,后来我才想通了,你是想将我引到这个世界来。” Just arrived at this world time, our cave distant place has presented a mysterious strength, at that time I also think is you have an accident, quickly goes to look for you, actually bumps into you to come back from outside, although you gave a pretext at that time are fair, but all too coincidence, because I feel that am the strength of solar goddess.” “刚来到这个世界的时候,我们山洞远处出现过一个神秘的力量,当时我还以为是你出了事,急忙出去找你,却碰到你从外面回来,虽然你当时的借口合情合理,但一切都太巧合了,因为我感受到那是属于太阳神女的力量。” Solar goddess cold snort/hum: Said that blames years official historian that fellow, his you will not detect quickly.” 太阳神女冷哼一声:“说起来都怪岁月史官那家伙,要不是他你也不会这么快察觉。” Originally the years official historian was massacred by you,” Zu An somewhat is sigh with emotion, this period of time loses his trace, in the heart has felt somewhat disturbedly, somewhat feels relieved now, also right, by his ability, you did not use the original strength, was impossible to massacre him.” “原来岁月史官是被你杀掉的,”祖安不禁有些感慨,这段时间失去了他的踪影,心中一直觉得有些忐忑,现在不禁有些放下心来,“也对,以他的能力,你不动用本来的力量,也不可能杀掉他。” Afterward also had many time showed the small flaw, perhaps in the ordinary day will not make one suspect, but in has had in the situation of suspicion, these small flaws especially are conspicuous,” some Zu An doubts, what my only some are not clear is you make all these goals is anything.” “后来也有很多次露出了小破绽,也许平日里不会引人怀疑,但在已经产生了怀疑的情况下,那些小破绽却格外显眼,”祖安有些疑惑,“我唯一有些不明白的是你做这一切的目的是什么。” You, since is so intelligent, why do not guess that” the solar goddess sneers again and again. “你既然那么聪明,为什么不自己猜一猜”太阳神女冷笑连连。 Zu An recalls all sorts that two people were together few days ago: You seem like want to change the history, changes the destinies of these golden crows.” 祖安回忆两人前些日子相处的种种:“你似乎是想要改变历史,改变那些金乌的命运。” On the solar goddess beautiful cheeks reveals a sad color: Good, I tried various means wanted to prevent ya yu to be killed, wants to prevent Bao river to be killed...... may all these be defeated, even I wanted to massacre Yi ahead of time, but people are just the victims of fate, you actually turned into new Yi, that flash I understood, the big hand of destiny is correcting all throughout, how regardless of I did, is unable to change all.” 太阳神女美丽的脸颊上流露出一丝悲戚之色:“不错,我试了各种办法,想要阻止猰貐被害,想要阻止葆江被杀……可这一切都失败了,甚至我想要提前杀掉羿,可偏偏造化弄人,你却变成了新的羿,那一瞬间我明白了,命运的大手始终纠正着一切,无论我如何做,也无法改变所有的一切。” Zu An somewhat is also silent, although the golden crows truly damn, but she truly is a great mother, she made to want to recall all, what a pity lost to the destiny. 祖安也有些沉默,虽然金乌们确实该死,但她确实是一个伟大的母亲,她做了一切想要挽回一切,可惜偏偏败给了命运。 Manman and Xie Daoyun where, although in the heart sympathizes, but something must clarify. 曼曼谢道韫到底在哪里”尽管心中同情,但有些事情必须弄清楚。 Was killed by me.” Solar goddess coldly returns said. “被我杀了。”太阳神女冷冷地回道。 What!” Zu An startled and anger, that flash felt own whole person as if soul pulled out, almost stood continually cannot come to a stop. “什么!”祖安又惊又怒,那一瞬间感觉自己整个人仿佛魂都被抽到了,差点连站都站不稳了。 Sees his response, on the solar goddess face reveals pleased: You lose the close relative to loving finally clearly the pain such being the case, you also went- Death!” 看到他的反应,太阳神女脸上露出一丝快意:“你终于明白失去至亲至爱的痛苦了么既然如此,那你也去--死吧!” Finishes speaking, her whole person has changed to the myriad golden rays to rush ahead toward Zu An. 话音刚落,她整个人已经化作了万道金光朝祖安冲杀过来。
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