KI :: Volume #26

#2567: His life is my

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Zu An actually has no time to have scruples the emperor to be handsome at this time, but was quickly has the Wushan goddess to fly side the punishment day, wanted to try to look to save him. 祖安此时却无暇顾忌帝俊,而是急忙带着巫山神女飞到了刑天旁边,想要试图看能不能救他。 Who knows that was just close to opposite party that headless body brandishing the great axe and shield in hand suddenly: I have not defeated, I have not defeated! Continues to fight!” 谁知道刚接近对方那无头的身体突然挥舞着手中的巨斧和盾牌:“我还没有败,我还没有败!继续来战啊!” Surrounding area several li (0.5 km) are the strength that his weapon brandishes, perhaps was just reduced the head, at this time his style fills murderous aura, does not allow anybody to approach. 方圆数里都是他兵器挥舞出来的劲气,也许是刚刚被砍掉了头,此时他的招式充满杀气,根本不允许任何人靠近。 Zu An also has to have the Wushan goddess to stand slightly far. 祖安也不得不带着巫山神女稍稍站远了一些。 How he can also speak the Wushan goddess somewhat to cover mouth surprised. “他怎么还能说话”巫山神女有些吃惊地捂着嘴。 Zu An referred to his navel: He seems like from there voice.” 祖安指了指他的肚脐:“他好像是从那里发声的。” He naturally knows that the headless punishment day dance does the relative( to do: Shield ; Relatives: Big axe) story, but has not thought that the opposite party turns around unexpectedly is because saves itself. 他自然知道无头刑天舞干戚(干:盾牌;戚:大斧)的故事,但万万没想到对方之所以掉头竟然是因为救自己。 Thinks of here, he felt that the blood of own whole body as if must boil. 想到这里,他感觉自己浑身的血液似乎都要沸腾起来了。 The Wushan goddess fixes the eyes on looked, sees only punishment day navel one to gather, truly like mouth. 巫山神女定睛一看,只见刑天肚脐一张一合,确实像嘴巴一样。 We look for his head, looks to restore.” cultivation to certain realm, the head heals, is not the too difficult matter. “我们还是将他脑袋找回来吧,看能不能恢复。”修炼到一定境界,脑袋重新愈合,并不是什么太难的事。 Zu An nods, he is also having this intent, quickly flew to sentence a day of falling head. 祖安点了点头,他也正有此意,急忙飞向了远处刑天掉落的头颅。 When who knows just about to attains, one group of flames actually from slantingly in the lasing come, the punishment day head burnt directly, suddenly then fired the flying ash. 谁知道刚要拿到之时,一团火光却从斜地里激射而来,刑天的头颅直接燃了起来,眨眼间便烧成了飞灰。 Zu An and Wushan goddess startled and anger, turn head looks to the chief criminal. 祖安和巫山神女又惊又怒,回头望向罪魁祸首。 The emperor handsome facial expression is solemn: You, when I do not exist 帝俊神情冷峻:“你们当我不存在么” At this time another side transmitted the punishment day pain and sad and shrill the roar, sees only him to cover the fracture of neck place, as if there also has a head. 此时另外一边传来了刑天痛苦而凄厉地吼声,只见他捂着脖子处的断口,仿佛那里还有个脑袋。 Although head already with body separation, but was fired the ashes directly, his body felt that inhuman pain clearly. 虽然脑袋已经和身体分离,但被直接烧成灰烬,他的身体还是清楚地感受到了那非人的痛苦。 Sees only his bosom pair- The breast flowed off two lines of bloody water suddenly, as if the tears of blood are common. 只见他胸前双--乳忽然流下了两行血水,仿佛血泪一般。 Then pair- The breast opens slowly, became his new eye, sees only him to be full of the tears of blood, is staring at emperor handsome of distant place stubbornly. 然后双--乳缓缓张开,成了他新的眼睛,只见他饱含血泪,死死地盯着远处的帝俊。 Suffers to death!” The punishment day navel bellows, wielded an axe toward the emperor directly handsome, the place visited, the ground split a canyon directly. “受死!”刑天肚脐大吼一声,直接朝帝俊挥了一斧,所过之处,地面都直接裂开一道深谷。 Emperor handsome figure changes to together the golden light, quickly dodges toward side, saw the position ray that just stood twists, obviously the space was even broken out by his axe, the complexion changes. 帝俊身形化作一道金光,急忙往旁边闪躲开来,看到刚刚所站的位置光线扭曲,显然连空间都被他这一斧劈开了,不禁脸色微变。 He has not thought that the punishment day really also has such change, will destroy the head not only not dead from now on, the strength strengthened several points on the contrary. 他没想到刑天竟然还有这样的变化,毁了头颅过后不仅不死,反倒战力更增强了几分。 Snort, witch clan insanity common bloodlines are really loathful! 哼,巫族这种疯魔一般的血脉真是让人讨厌啊! A headless punishment day jump, jumped his side directly, great axe first even/including divided to cut ten several. 无头刑天一个跳跃,直接跳到了他的身边,巨斧一连劈砍了十数下。 Every one was waved to keep off handsome by the emperor, his anger upwells: Courts death!” 每一下都被帝俊挥手挡下,他不禁火气上涌:“找死!” The around the body flame ascends, takes away as many things as possible toward the punishment day all of a sudden. 周身火焰升腾,一下子朝刑天席卷而去。 At this moment, monstrous waves threw, blocks these flame. 就在这时,一片巨浪扑了过来,将那些火焰拦住。 Emperor handsome one startled, he looks up to the labor of altogether distant place, the opposite party with eastern sovereign too one dozen, the ample force is mixing here don't tell me too to have an accident unexpectedly 帝俊一惊,他抬头望向远处的共工,对方正在跟东皇太一打,竟然还有余力掺和这边难道是太一出了什么事 However soon discovered that the eastern sovereign too one and altogether the labor frequents each other, does not have the least bit to fall into the leeward sign. 不过很快发现东皇太一和共工你来我往,并没有半点落入下风的迹象。 The labor also discovered here situation, similarly is somewhat astonished: This boy can also control water unexpectedly 共工也发现了这边的情形,同样有些惊异:“这小子竟然也能操控水” Originally just Zu An borrowed the billowing river water that the labor brought to restrain the emperor handsome flame by the crown and the Lan Fu sea god ability. 原来刚刚正是祖安以海神之冠和蓝凫的能力借用了一下共工带来的这滚滚的江水来克制帝俊的火焰。 The eastern sovereign too one also makes noise the reminder, the emperor handsome vision fell on Zu An body, the new hatreds on top of old well uped: Originally is you!” 东皇太一也出声提醒,帝俊目光重新落在了祖安身上,新仇旧恨涌上心头:“原来是你!” From emperor handsome Rage Points + 444 + 444 + 444...... 来自帝俊的愤怒值…… Behind him stretched out two giant wings, each feather just like divine weapon to be common, sends out sharp incomparable sword qi to cover Zu An. 他背后伸出了两只巨大的翅膀,每根羽毛都犹如神兵一般,散发着锋锐无匹的剑气祖安笼罩其中。 Before Zu An, has fought with Monster Sovereign, Golden Crow Crown Prince in the cultivation world, somewhat is actually familiar with this move, but the similar style causes handsome at the emperor, the might far more than grew tens of thousands of times. 祖安之前在修行世界跟妖皇、金乌太子战斗过,对这一招倒是有些熟悉,但同样的招式在帝俊使出来,威力何止增长了成千上万倍啊。 Feels that terrifying the strength of destruction, Zu An does not dare to have slightly negligently, the hurried supple strength delivered to the distant place the Wushan goddess, simultaneously put out Tai'e Sword, similarly wields innumerable sword qi to move forward to meet somebody. 感受到那恐怖的毁灭之力,祖安不敢有丝毫大意,急忙一股柔力将巫山神女送到了远处,同时拿出了泰阿剑,同样挥出无数剑气迎了上去。 skill that almost blinks, his body were many many sword marks, the blood infiltrated gradually. 几乎只是眨眼的功夫,他身上就多了很多剑痕,鲜血都渐渐渗了出来。 His look is dignified, just had the eastern sovereign bell that appears to be broken by sword qi of opposite party suddenly. 他神色凝重,刚刚具现出的东皇钟眨眼间就被对方的剑气破掉了。 If not his Taotie Devouring Heavens Secret Art has extremely strong swallowing ability, now has perhaps been dismembered. 若非他的饕餮吞天诀有着极强的吞噬能力,如今恐怕已经被分尸了。 The bonus is so, many sword qi are unable to reduce and solve thoroughly, injured his body. 饶是如此,还是有很多剑气无法彻底化解,伤到了他的身体。 At this time emperor the shock in handsome heart is as good as him, oneself just take action may have nothing to retain, this fellow killed his nine sons, but also went bad his important matter, he has wished one could to frustrate the bone to raise the ash it. 此时帝俊心中的震惊丝毫不亚于他,自己刚刚出手可没有什么保留,这家伙杀了他九个儿子,还坏了他的大事,他早已恨不得将其挫骨扬灰。 For successive two times therefore take action was nursed hatred to send, was blocked with the price of head by the punishment day for the first time, the second opposite party unexpectedly upfront following 所以连续两次出手都是含恨而发,第一次被刑天用脑袋的代价挡住了,第二次对方竟然正面接下来了 He what realm 他才什么境界 Can block unexpectedly! 竟然挡得住! He clenches teeth, will chase down, the headless punishment day also called to clash. 他一咬牙,正要追杀过去,无头的刑天又嗷嗷叫着冲了过来。 Emperor handsome look one cold, everywhere sword qi takes away as many things as possible toward the punishment day. 帝俊神色一冷,漫天的剑气朝刑天席卷而去。 The punishment day shield protected the upfront, simultaneously brandished in the hand the great axe to divide to cut the golden sword feather in all directions. 刑天盾牌护住了正面,同时挥舞着手中巨斧劈砍着四面八方的金色剑羽。 His similarly quick body blood directing current, but witch clan the strength of bloodlines stimulates thoroughly, the war-god that the imposing manner decidedly, as if a whole body is more and more bathed in blood is ordinary. 他同样很快身上鲜血直流,不过巫族的血脉之力彻底激发,气势越来越决然,仿佛一个浑身浴血的战神一般。 Zu An was worried that he loses, quickly attacked toward the emperor handsome, shares the punishment day the pressure. 祖安担心他有失,急忙朝帝俊攻了过去,分担刑天的压力。 Two despicable mice!” The emperor clenches jaws handsome, actually these two fellow random can easily be solved, although the punishment day is talented, what his many excelling is the attack of physical level, oneself are more casual magecraft, can make him suffer a loss. “两个卑劣的老鼠!”帝俊咬牙切齿,其实这两个家伙任意一个自己都能轻易解决掉,刑天虽然实力不俗,但他更多擅长的是物理层面的攻击,自己随便一些术法,就能让他吃大亏。 But Zu An this fellow, although cultivation base was lower, but body always somewhat at sixes and sevens skill, many skills somewhat are surprised him. 祖安这家伙虽然修为低了些,但身上总有些乱七八糟的技能,其中好多技能连他都有些吃惊。 Two people collaborate, more makes up a shortage the board seriously mutually, making him suddenly really somewhat thorny. 两人联手,当真是互相弥补短板,让他一时间还真有些棘手。 Naturally could not solve them, but time for a long time. 当然也不是解决不了他们,只不过时间久一点罢了。 But now he most lacks is the time. 但他如今最缺的就是时间。 Before ten days flew high to make that big move, all big shot had definitely detected. 之前十日凌空弄出那么大动静,各方大佬肯定有所察觉。 Now comes out an altogether labor, if other ancestor witches or Zhuanxu comes, some following also really difficult offices. 如今只是出来了一个共工,若是其他祖巫又或者颛顼过来,后续还真有些难办。 His look split vision glances a distant place the Wushan goddess that face suddenly worries about, counts to be careful. 他眼神余光忽然瞟到远处正一脸担忧的巫山神女,不由计上心来。 Sees only him to make a feint suddenly, then wields a palm toward the Wushan goddess of distant place directly. 只见他忽然虚晃一枪,然后直接朝远处的巫山神女挥出一掌。 Golden being in charge appeared before the Wushan goddess body together suddenly, the palm the place, excessively is been as if common by over ten thousand times of the world heavy forcing, if hit , the Wushan goddess will perhaps turn into the meat patty at the scene. 一道金色的掌印眨眼间出现在了巫山神女身前,手掌所过之地,仿佛被上万倍的世界重力压过一般,若是打实了,巫山神女恐怕会当场变成肉饼吧。 The enlightened six witches want to rescue, but to too radically without enough time. 开明六巫想要相救,但离得太远根本来不及。 Zu An sees that in great surprise, before flickers to move to arrive at the Wushan goddess body, he without enough time leads the opposite party to leave, can only its grasp, met this palm with the back hardly. 祖安见状大惊,一个瞬移来到巫山神女身前,他已经来不及带对方离开,只能将其抱住,用后背硬接了这一掌。 !” Although Zu An added the innumerable defense skills in body, the Taotie Devouring Heavens Secret Art swallowing strength protects the body, still has no way to counter-balance the might of this palm, was dug the big mouth to spit blood at the scene, even can see the internal organs fragment in the blood. “噗!”尽管祖安身上加了无数防御技能,还有饕餮吞天诀的吞噬力量护体,依然没法抵消掉这一掌的威力,当场被打得大口吐血,甚至能在血里看到内脏碎片了。 How you felt the blood of that burning hot, the Wushan goddess usually in the chilly sound bring several points of weeping voice, quickly displays magecraft to treat the injury of opposite party. “你怎么样了”感受到那炙热的鲜血,巫山神女平日里清冷的声音中都带着几分哭腔,急忙施展术法治疗对方的伤势。 Zu An had not replied, by his present cultivation base and body resiliency, even if were rumbled the most body also to be long, time that but the emperor will not restore to him handsome obviously. 祖安并没有回答,以他如今的修为和身体恢复力,哪怕被轰掉了大半身体也能重新长出来,但帝俊显然不会给他恢复的时间。 The punishment day sees that quickly tries to constrain the emperor to be handsome, but the emperor seems expected handsome common deals with his attack, while wields a palm toward here again, this palm compaction, perhaps Zu An and Wushan goddess really shared everything to become one group of blood fog. 刑天见状急忙试图拖住帝俊,但帝俊仿佛早有所料一般一边应付他的攻击,一边朝这边再次挥出一掌,这一掌击实了,恐怕祖安和巫山神女真的不分彼此成为一团血雾了。 The labor of altogether distant place wants to help, but eastern sovereign too where will give him the opportunity 远处的共工想要帮忙,可东皇太一哪里会给他机会 At this moment, a Sun appears suddenly, kept off a palm of that destruction directly. 就在这时,一轮太阳忽然出现,直接挡下了那毁灭的一掌。 Why you emperor see that handsome startled and anger. “你干什么”帝俊见状不禁又惊又怒。 That say/way Sun empty shadow changed to a beautiful form gradually, a beautiful female goes out slowly: His life is my, I must kill him personally!” 那道太阳虚影渐渐化作了一个婀娜的身影,一个美丽的女子缓缓走出:“他的命是我的,我要亲手杀了他!”
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