KI :: Volume #26

#2566: Rescues by the fate

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Zu An cannot help laughing, this thinks that this time altogether labor can stand in the moral high ground spurts with great difficulty the opposite party cannot be on the rise. 祖安哑然失笑,本以为这次共工好不容易能站在道德制高点将对方喷得抬不起头来。 Has not thought that he does not want to reason with from the start, indicates the attitude directly, wants to do you, you did not have the means to refute. 万万没想到他压根不想讲理,直接表明态度,就是想干你,你还没办法反驳。 Sure enough, an eastern sovereign too eyelid jumps, cold sound said: You want to fight not to have the issue, but I have other matter today, another day hits a happiness with you.” 果不其然,东皇太一眼皮直跳,冷声道:“你想打架没问题,只不过今天我还有别的事,改日和你打个痛快。” The labor laughs at one: Is you silly or I am silly, who with you, fights another day you on the present.” 共工嗤笑一声:“是你傻还是我傻,谁跟你改日啊,就现在跟你打一场。” Finishes speaking, his water spray has changed to the innumerable turbulent currents too to attack from eastern North Korea sovereigns in all directions. 话音刚落,他脚下的水浪已经化作无数激流从四面八方朝东皇太一攻了过去。 Eastern desolate too cold snort/hum, the surroundings space presented a giant golden great bell suddenly, an above rhyme passes, keeps off all these water arrows: You cannot break through my defense, how also to fight me 东荒太一冷哼一声,周围空间忽然出现了一个巨大的金色巨钟,上面道韵流转,将那些水箭尽数挡下:“你根本攻不破我的防御,又怎么跟我打” Hit is not victorious hits knows, the labor laughed, in the hand presented a long stick, attacked toward the opposite party directly. “打不打得过得打了才知道,”共工哈哈一笑,手里出现了一根长棍,直接朝对方攻了过去。 That long stick is glittering, Zu An could not bear looked at several, how to think that somewhat looked familiar, should not be Sun Wukong's golden cudgel afterward 那根长棍金光闪闪,祖安忍不住多看了几眼,怎么觉得有些眼熟啊,该不会是后来孙悟空的金箍棒吧 Sees only figure of labor to keep flashing in eastern sovereign too around the body, suddenly everywhere is altogether the labor and that gold/metal Bang shadow, is shelling the eastern sovereign bell from the different directions, exuded an intermittent deafening ding, lets the surrounding people vitality surges, will unable to bear will withdraw from hundred li (0.5 km) just now to change for the better in the future slightly. 只见共工的身形在东皇太一周身不停闪现,眨眼间漫天都是共工和那根金棒的影子,从不同方向轰击着东皇钟,发出了一阵阵震耳欲聋的钟声,让周围的众人气血翻腾,忍不住往后退出百里方才稍稍好转。 Young master, I have gotten back now......” Wushan goddess complexion slightly red, cannot bear the low voice reminder say. “公子,我现在已经恢复过来了……”巫山神女脸色微红,忍不住小声提醒道。 Zu An then notices still to hug her now in the bosom, greatly is embarrassed, quickly put her: Really sorry, just extremely attention war......” 祖安这才注意到现在依然将她抱在怀中,不禁大窘,急忙将她放了下来:“实在抱歉,刚刚太过关注战局……” He also had absent-minded of moment, in the hand as if can also recall just touch, her body was really soft. 他也有了片刻的恍惚,手上似乎还能回忆起刚刚的触感,她的身子真软啊。 Some Wushan goddess same heartbeats accelerate, even does not dare to look at him, can only look for the topic shift attention: Young master thought that they who can win 巫山神女同样有些心跳加速,甚至不敢看他,只能找个话题转移注意力:“公子觉得他们谁能赢” Zu An sees the forms of space two battles: „The labor at this time obviously in probing the defensive power of eastern sovereign bell each position, looked to find the weak point, but such long and does not have any harvest, the seems like eastern sovereign bell was really in the world defends the first most precious object worthily, the eastern sovereign too one has been in an impregnable position, the labor perhaps were altogether most can only strive for a tie.” 祖安看着天上两个交战的身影:“共工此时显然是在试探东皇钟每个方位的防御力,看能不能找到薄弱点,但这么久了并没有什么收获,看来东皇钟果然不愧是天地间防御第一的至宝,东皇太一已经立于不败之地,共工恐怕最多只能争取个平局。” The Wushan goddess gentle voice said: Altogether the labor as the ancestor witch, magical powers are also highly regarded, is not necessarily able to defeat.” 巫山神女柔声道:“共工身为祖巫,一身神通也不可小觑,未必就会败。” At this time inside and outside hundred the war had the change, originally was so long the eastern sovereign too one, although a fine hair had not been injured, but looks like in the people who do not know the truth, but also thinks that he has been hit cannot hit back. 此时百里外的战局有了变化,原来这么久了东皇太一虽然一根汗毛都没被伤到,但在不明真相的人看来,还以为他一直在被打都还不了手。 His solemn east sovereign, how can leave behind such sunspot 他堂堂东皇,怎能留下这样的黑点 One group of roaring flame raise from body fiercely, the whole person changed to a giant flamingo to throw quickly toward the surroundings, the place visited, as if the trim sky burnt. 一团烈焰从身上猛地升起,整个人很快化作了一只巨大的火鸟朝周围扑去,所过之处,仿佛整片天空都烧了起来。 These empty shades of labor were then swallowed by the flamingo suddenly, an eastern sovereign too joyful color, the look has not instead looked at the ground dignifiedly. 共工的那些虚影眨眼间便被火鸟吞噬,东皇太一并没有欣喜之色,反而神色凝重望着地面。 Sees only the ground suddenly great snakes spiritedly, that is not the genuine flesh and blood, but as if comprised of Water Elemental, the height was ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) directly, obviously is altogether the labor. 只见地面忽然有一条巨蛇昂扬而起,那并非真正的血肉之躯,而是仿佛由水元素组成,身长直接达到了万丈,显然是共工所化。 Great snake bites toward that flamingo, the flamingo also refuses to admit being inferior, a clear bird cry, quick thrashes one group with that great snake, clashing of various principle and say/way rhyme, seriously is the world for it look changes. 巨蛇一口朝那火鸟咬去,火鸟也不甘示弱,一声清脆的鸟鸣,很快就和那巨蛇厮打成一团,各种法则与道韵的对撞,当真是天地为之色变。 But altogether the labor fell slightly leeward, around that flamingo visibles faintly the empty shadow of eastern sovereign bell, each time both sides to putting together, the flamingo had a big advantage. 只不过共工还是稍稍落入了下风,那火鸟四周隐约可见东皇钟的虚影,以至于每次双方对拼,火鸟都占了不小优势。 „The labor Sir, I helps you!” The punishment day also saw this obviously, the big body is brandishing the great axe and shield rushes over. “共工大人,我来帮你!”刑天显然也看出了这点,高大的身体挥舞着巨斧与盾牌冲了过去。 Go away, this is I and his matter!” Altogether labor angry roared to transmit, obviously fell leeward had not somewhat been feeling well, who knows that this junior did not enlarge ones vision unexpectedly must come up the help. “滚开,这是我和他的事!”共工愤怒的咆哮传来,显然落入下风就已经有些不爽了,谁知道这个小辈竟然不开眼地还要上来帮忙。 Two dozens one, even if won in his surface not to have up! 二打一就算赢了他也面上无光啊! The punishment day expression is awkward, on suddenly is not, on is not. 刑天表情尴尬无比,一时间上也不是,不上也不是。 Zu An has flown side him: Extremely do not care, he cannot put aside the face suddenly, remaining gives me.” 祖安已经飞到了他身边:“不要太过在意,他只是一时间放不下面子而已,剩下的交给我吧。” At once opens to shoot day to bend, aimed at space that flamingo. 旋即张开射日弓,瞄准了天上那只火鸟。 The punishment day quickly urged: Your such ancestor witch will also scold your.” 刑天急忙劝道:“你这样祖巫也会骂你的。” I am not witch clan, does not need to listen to your ancestor witches.” The Zu An lip angle is hanging light cold intent, now the opportunity is rare, if makes the eastern sovereign too leave, oneself later troubled to be big, cannot just have labor and punishment day altogether to come out to help each time. “我又不是巫族,不用听你们祖巫的。”祖安唇角挂着一丝淡淡的冷意,如今机会难得,若是让东皇太一离开,自己以后麻烦可就大了,总不能每次都刚好有共工、刑天出来帮忙。 Brat, why you the labor also discovered here situation, that great snake mouth spits the criticism/human language. “臭小子,你干什么”共工也发现了这边的情形,那条巨蛇口吐人言。 I stretch the body, do not think.” The shooting day bow in Zu An hand has drawn fully, has not actually shot. “我就舒展一下身体而已,不要多想。”祖安手中的射日弓早已拉满,却始终没有射出去。 The labor sees him truly not to have take action, pouring was not good to say anything again, in addition east the sovereign too attacked anxiously, he also can only first deal with the enemy with single-hearted devotion. 共工见他确实没有出手,倒也不好再说什么,再加上东皇太一攻得急,他也只能先专心应付敌人。 Actually eastern sovereign was not so too happy, originally even the opposite party shoots arrows he not to fear, after all has the eastern sovereign bell. 倒是东皇太一心情就不那么好了,本来就算对方射箭他也不惧,毕竟有东皇钟。 But now the shooting day bow of opposite party has aimed at him not to shoot, always does him to pay attention to guard against the attack of opposite party. 但如今对方的射日弓一直瞄准他又不射,搞得他始终要留心防备着对方的攻击。 But red bow element zeng in opposite party hand divine artifact, if accidentally were sneak attacked successfully also really possibly capsizes. 对方手中的彤弓素矰可是神器,若是一不小心被偷袭成功还真可能翻船。 But such diverts attention, hit somewhat to suffer a loss with the labor. 可这样一分心,和共工打起来就有些吃亏了。 Altogether the strength of labor was not under him, the biggest advantage is east the sovereign bell. 共工的实力本就不在他之下,自己最大的优势就是东皇钟。 But must guard to shoot now momentarily day to bend with eastern sovereign bell to come, naturally somewhat cannot consider altogether the labor, the quick war starts to reverse, are surrounded by perils several times. 可如今随时要用东皇钟来防备射日弓,自然就有些照顾不到共工这边,很快战局开始逆转,好几次都险象环生。 He air/Qi and anxious, clash to want first to massacre Zu An several times, but where the labor to him the opportunity, will always entangle him not to put. 他又气又急,好几次冲过来想要先杀掉祖安,但共工又哪会给他机会,始终缠着他不放。 From eastern sovereign too Rage Points + 888 + 888 + 888...... 来自东皇太一的愤怒值…… Sees this, the Wushan goddess smiles, looks to the pupil of Zu An is the extraordinary splendor again and again. 看到这一幕,巫山神女不禁莞尔,望向祖安的眸子更是异彩连连。 Really what most has the deterrent force is the condition of having shot, this man is really the ability and wisdom is outstanding, actually thought of such means. 果然最有威慑力的是将射未射的状态,这个男人真是才智卓绝,竟然想到了这样的办法。 Although Zu An in the surface is threatening, but he truly tried to find an eastern sovereign too flaw wholly absorbed, gave fatally its strikes. 祖安虽然表面上只是在威胁,但他确实专心致志试图找到东皇太一的破绽,给予其致命一击。 Suddenly in his heart danger omen rises steep, side hears two to call out in alarm: Be careful!” 忽然他心中警兆陡升,旁边传来两声惊呼:“小心!” The golden light has delimited together, he has not seen the so quick attack. 一道金光划过,他从来没有见过如此快的攻击。 Perhaps if the normal time, he also has the opportunity to hide reluctantly, but his complete body and mind in eastern sovereign too body, where can respond now. 若是正常时候,他也许还有机会勉强躲过去,但现在他全副身心都在东皇太一身上,哪里反应得过来。 Side also has the punishment day luckily, only hears his tiger to roar, the whole person such as the mountain keeps off in front of Zu An generally, lifts the great shield to prepare to defend that golden light. 幸好旁边还有个刑天,只听得他虎吼一声,整个人如山岳一般挡在祖安面前,举着巨盾准备防御那道金光。 Who knows that golden light cut open his shield corner/horn unexpectedly directly, then does not stay to continue to delimit. 谁知道那道金光竟然直接切开了他盾牌一角,然后毫不停留继续划过。 Everywhere blood like rain spout, the punishment day giant head shoots up to the sky. 漫天鲜血如雨般喷涌,刑天巨大的头颅冲天而起。 The Wushan goddess whole person changes to one group of fog to bind Zu An, leading him to shift the distant place. 巫山神女整个人化作一团云雾将祖安裹住,带着他转移到远处。 However had been delimited an corner/horn by that golden light. 不过还是被那道金光划过一角。 The Wushan goddess stuffy snort/hum, the fog restored the human form. 巫山神女闷哼一声,云雾重新恢复了人形。 Felt that she must drop, Zu An hurried grasps her, sees only her pale incomparably, the corners of the mouth overflowing blood, in that had just hit to be seriously injured obviously. 感觉到她要跌落,祖安急忙将她抱住,只见她脸色苍白无比,嘴角溢血,显然已经在刚刚那一击中受了重伤。 He quickly looks at the chief criminal to distant place, sees only that golden light to change to a middle-aged man shape gradually, wears the tassel crown to hang 12 jade algae, around the body surrounds Sun to be really hot, back float sidereal revolution stars map, in walk space and time auto-building a stream of golden color flame flowers. 他急忙望向远处的罪魁祸首,只见那道金光已经渐渐化作一个中年男子形状,头戴旒冕垂十二玉藻,周身环绕太阳真火,背后悬浮周天星辰图,行走时空中自动生成一道道金色火焰花朵。 His looks is very obviously handsome, but at this time the looks of some sinister and viciouses, in addition the noses of some eagle hooks, making one look at a thin cool feeling. 他明明长得很英俊,但此时有些阴鸷的眼神,再加上有些鹰钩的鼻子,让人看着有一种薄凉之感。 Really pitifully, just that situation made you save a life unexpectedly.” The cold sound resounds, he stands in the upper air, as if looks at the ants to be the same, in the faint look is actually just mixing with several points of thick hatred at this time. “实在可惜,刚刚那种情况竟然让你捡回一条性命。”冷冽的声音响起,他站在高空,仿佛看着蝼蚁一样,只不过淡漠的眼神中此时却夹杂着几分浓浓的恨意。 In the Zu An heart sinks, dressing up of opposite party emperor, in addition too one as well as Golden Crow Crown Prince similar Sun is really hot with the eastern sovereign, the status is not difficult to guess. 祖安心中一沉,对方一身帝王的装扮,再加上和东皇太一以及金乌太子类似的太阳真火,身份并不难猜。 The next God, to one of the high gods, the emperor is handsome! 下任天帝,至高神之一,帝俊!
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