Zu An the technique of rainbow, althoughis quick, but an easternsovereigntoowhole personchanged to a flowing light, the speedas ifalsowantson the quickthreepoints.祖安的化虹之术虽然快,但东皇太一整个人化作了一道流光,速度似乎还要快上三分。In a whilehehas blockedin front ofZu An, Zu Analsoappearsfigurefrom the rainbow, the manneris looking at the opposite partydignifiedly.
没过多久他已经拦在了祖安面前,祖安也从彩虹中现出身形,神态凝重地望着对方。„To be honest, you, althoughangeredmethoroughly, butalsoattractedmyattention.” The easternsovereigntoooneis sizing upZu Anup and down, is thinking deeply abouthisanythingorigin.
“说实话,你虽然彻底惹怒了我,但也吸引了我的注意。”东皇太一上下打量着祖安,思索着他到底什么来历。„WhatTyrantspoke, what a pityIdid not love the femalelord in play.”AlthoughonZu Anmouthrelaxed, the look is actually dignified, the brainis revolvingcrazily, looked how cansuccessfullyrun away.
The opposite partystandtheresimply, althoughfigureis not big, butin his opinion, thissideworldas ifonlyhad the opposite partyto exist, thatoppressionstrength was too full.
The bonusisZu Anwalks randomlyin the life and deathedgeyear to year, now the strengthdramaticallyincreases, at this time the whole bodycellis also warningcrazily.
An easternsovereigntoobrowwrinkle, hediscovered that oneselfsomewhatcannot understand the words of opposite partyunexpectedly, Tyrant, the romanceplaywhatat sixes and sevensthing.
东皇太一眉头一皱,他发现自己竟然有些听不懂对方的话,霸总,言情剧什么乱七八糟的东西。Arrived his realm, loathedsomeunknownthingsnaturally.
到了他这个境界,天然厌恶一些未知的东西。„, WhenIbreakyourlegsboth feet, askedyouagainslowly.” The easternsovereigntooonesnort/hum, take action, the distant placewill resound an anxioussound.
“也罢,待我打断你的双腿双脚,再慢慢问你吧。”东皇太一哼了一声,正要出手,远处响起了一个焦急的声音。„Holds on a minute!”Saw only the fogto fluttertogether, changed to a beautifulmovingformquickly, whowas not the Wushangoddessis.
“且慢!”只见一道云雾飘了过来,很快化作了一个美丽动人的身影,不是巫山神女又是谁。Peersalsohas the enlightenedsixwitches, as well as before , bigwitchXingtian.
同行的还有开明六巫,以及之前遇到的大巫刑天。Seesonly thenshe, Zu Anis wantingto open the mouthto inquire, the Wushangoddesshas sympathizedto respond: „The Chang Emissstays inWushannow, relax.”
看到只有她一人,祖安正欲开口相询,巫山神女已经体贴地回应道:“嫦娥姑娘如今留在巫山,放心。”Zu Anthenrelaxes: „Howyoucame”祖安这才松了一口气:“你们怎么过来了”
The Wushangoddessbeautifulpupilis taking a look athim, in the eyeas if there is ray of difference: „Youmake such bigmove here, cannot think that is not good.”
巫山神女美丽的眸子打量着他,眼中似乎有异样的光芒:“你在这边弄出这么大的动静,想不过来也不行啊。”Inhertonefilledadmiring, the opposite partyshot downninegolden crowsunexpectedly, not to mentionthisdifficultyhow, the average personcannot achievethis point.
The keyisGolden Crowthatspecialstatus, so thatworldthesecantidy uptheirare somewhat cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt.
The opposite partyhandle the matter that thesegreat peopledo not dareto handle, becausehehas an honestheart, is willingfor the courage that trillionlivesraise one's head.
对方做了那些大人物都不敢做的事情,就因为他有一颗正直的心,愿意为亿万生灵出头的勇气。Thinks ofthese, onherfacewere manyseveralpoints of firm and resolutecolor, no matter how, oneself must protecthim.
想到这些,她脸上多了几分坚毅之色,不管如何,自己也要保护好他。„Goddess”east the sovereigntooonealsosawher, a browwrinkle, „thismatterandyouhave nothing to do, do not meddle, make way!”
The Wushangoddessstandsbefore the Zu Anbody, opens the handto protecthim: „Sunsviolateso the sin, originallyonitscrime, whenexecutes, heenforces justice on behalf of Heaven, whatwronghas”
巫山神女站在祖安身前,张开手将他护住:“金乌们犯下如此罪孽,本来就其罪当诛,他不过是替天行道,何错之有”„Goodto enforce justice on behalf of Heaven,” an easternsovereigntoneis too contemptuous, „dayhas the daywill, healsomatchesto representday”
“好一个替天行道,”东皇太一语气轻蔑,“天自有天的意志,他也配代表天”„Hedoes not matchdon't tell me your to keep aloof, actuallytolerates the younger generationto slaughter the Spiritual God of lifeto match” the Wushangoddessto be supine the slenderneck, serene this timeattitudeespeciallywas usually staunch.
The enlightenedsixwitcheslooksecretlyare flabbergasted, has not seengoddessappearance.
开明六巫看得暗暗咂舌,从来没见过神女这个样子。MentionedfromcamefromZu An, theysawtoomanygoddessunknownside.
说起来自从祖安来了过后,他们见到了太多神女不为人知的一面。Hearsherwords, easternsovereigntoocomplexionsankinstantaneously: „Yo-hee, Ilooked that gaveseveralpoints of facein the share of pastYan Di, should not be unappreciative.”
The WushangodGoddesssentimentis still tranquil: „Iamspeak out from a sense of justice, wasyoubetrayed the love of thesetrillionlivestoyourdeity.”
巫山神女神情依然平静:“我不过是仗义执言罢了,是你们自己背叛了这亿万生灵对你们天神的爱戴。”„Dissolute!” The easterndesolatetoocalls outone, the ancientprofounddingresoundstogetherbaseless.
“放肆!”东荒太一暴喝一声,一道古老幽远的钟声凭空响起。Wushangoddessat the scenestuffysnort/hum, put out a blood.
The enlightenedsixwitchesand othershad alertedin secret, butthatiseast the ding of sovereignbell, resoundsin the divine souldeep placedirectly, theirdefensive measuresare useless, each and everyonewas shaken the aurato surge, spits blood.
开明六巫等原本早已暗中戒备,但那是东皇钟的钟声,直接在神魂深处响起,他们的防御手段根本没用,一个个被震得气息激荡,吐血不已。AlthoughZu Anwas also shaken the headto be dizzy, buthehas the Bai Mingautomaticcounter-attack, in additionaround the bodyhas covered entirelyGluttony the strength of swallowing, therefore the might of thatdinghas fallenlowly.祖安虽然也被震得脑袋晕晕的,但他有百鸣自动反击,再加上周身早已布满了饕餮的吞噬之力,所以那钟声的威力已经降到了最低。
After seeing the goddesssevere wound, falls downfrom the space, hequicklyflewto graspherin the past, essence qiinputtoherwithin the body: „Youare all right”
The Wushangoddesssobersgradually, thisdiscovered that the opposite partyis hugging the ownwaist, the jadecheekslightlyfever, is not repugnant: „All right, many thanks Young Master.”
The one sidethrows downinenlightenedsixwitch of groundsays666, howwealsothrew downhad not seen your fellowto hold, reallyhad the opposite sexnot to have the human nature.
一旁摔倒在地上的开明六巫直呼666,我们也摔倒了怎么没见你这家伙扶一下呢,果然是有异性没人性。„The easternsovereign, goes too far!”At this timesidetransmitted a tigerto roar, originallywas the punishmentdaycould not have repressed, brandishes the bigaxeeastern North Koreasovereign in handtooto divide.
“东皇,欺人太甚!”这时旁边传来一声虎吼,原来是刑天早已按捺不住,挥舞着手中的大斧朝东皇太一劈了过去。Thisaxecuts, the worldchanges color, as ifcanfeel that the trimdaycleft in twoby his axe.
这一斧砍下,天地为之变色,仿佛能感觉到整片天都被他这一斧劈成了两半。Zu Anis startledsecretly, it seems likeinitially the punishmentdayalsohid the strength, the might of thisaxe, Golden CrowCrown Princehere, will still cleave in twoevendirectly.祖安暗暗吃惊,看来当初刑天还隐藏了实力啊,这一斧的威力,就算是金乌太子在这里,也会直接被劈成两半吧。„Overreaches oneself!” The in the airthatformhas not moved the least bitfrom the start, stillcrosses the hands behind the backto stand there, the blackgold/metalrobeflutterswith the wind, the whole personis the fairyismis seriously floating.
The depresseddingresoundstogether, originallyeasternsovereigntooaround the bodyappearedagain the emptyshadow of easternsovereignbell, thatpinches an axe that the terrifyingmightis coming, has not left behind the least bitmarkineasternsovereignbellbody.
一道沉闷的钟声响起,原来东皇太一周身再次浮现了东皇钟的虚影,那挟着恐怖威力而来的一斧,没有在东皇钟身上留下半点印记。Punishmentdayon the contrarythathugeinsteadshakes the strengthto make that the whole personwill raisein the future, drew back the numberhundred zhang (333 m)just nowto stop the footstepscontinually, helowered the headlooked,saw onlyboth handsmuscleto explode, blooddirecting current.
刑天反倒被那巨大的反震力弄得整个人往后一扬,一连退了数百丈方才停下了脚步,他低头一看,只见双手肌肉爆开,鲜血直流。Howeverhedoes not have the half a pointscared look, insteadlaughs, fightingintentis soaring: „Againcome!”
The whole bodymusclesticks outhigh, entirefigureincreasesat the visiblespeed, quicklyturns intothousandzhang (3.33 m)highgiant, brandishes the giantshieldto dash about wildlyto gotoward the goaldirectly.
浑身肌肉高高隆起,整个身形以肉眼可见的速度变大,很快变成千丈高的巨人,挥舞着巨大的盾牌直接朝目标狂奔而去。Withhisrunning, the trimlandis trembling.
随着他的奔走,整片大地都在震颤。Zu Anpraised without cease, witchclan was really the inbornsoldier, intheirbloodlineshad a speciallywildstrength, morewas the fightmorecanplayitsmight.祖安赞叹不已,巫族果然是天生的战士,他们血脉中有一种特别的狂暴力量,越是战斗越能发挥其威力。Bang!
The bonusiseast the sovereigntoohaseasternsovereignbellHuti, butwas hitbodybysuchbigonelump, was still hitto flydozenszhang (3.33 m).
饶是东皇太一有东皇钟护体,但被这么大一坨撞到身上,依然被撞飞了数十丈。„Courts death!”
The easternsovereigntooflies into a rage, althoughthere is an easternsovereignbellprotection, hebya wee bitinjuries, had not but worked as the surface of so many people hitto fly, wherein the facecan hang.
东皇太一勃然大怒,虽然有东皇钟保护,他没有受一丁点伤害,但当着这么多人的面被撞飞,面子上哪里挂得住。Hishandwields, in the skysuddenlypresented the golden lightto cuttoward the punishmentdaynecktogether.
他手一挥,天空中突然出现一道金光朝刑天脖子砍了过去。„Be careful!”Zu Anin great surprise, herememberedin the fairytale the punishmentdayheadto be reduced, the difficultnon-achievementwasthistime
The punishmentdaypupilreduces, the defensive power of easternsovereignbell was too strong, thatflashhewas just made the vitalitysurgesby the strength of counter-shaking, wantsto protect the neck the greatshield, what a pityactedwas slightly slower, radicallywithout enough time.
刑天瞳孔紧缩,东皇钟的防御力实在太强了,刚刚那一瞬间他被反震之力弄得气血翻腾,想要将巨盾护住脖子,可惜动作稍慢了一些,根本来不及。Saw that he bodyfirstseparation, the Water Dragonwill soon roarfromsidetogether, ran uponthatgolden lightdirectly.
The Water Dragon and golden lightdirectcounter-balancedo not see.
水龙与金光直接抵消不见。„Tooonetooone, bullyingsomeyounger generationsis interesting.” A malefoot of snake tailpersonstepped on the water sprayto appearinnot far away, a red hairwas especially high-profile.
“太一啊太一,欺负一些晚辈有意思么。”一个蛇尾人身的男子脚踩水浪出现在了不远处,一头红发格外张扬。Sees onlythesewater spraysto scatter in all directions, the cracklandrestored the vitality, evenbefore was too turned into the lava the desertalsoto extinguishby the easternsovereigndirectly, turned into a great lake.
只见那些水浪四散开来,原本龟裂的大地重新恢复了生机,连之前被东皇太一变成熔岩的沙漠也直接熄灭,变成了一个大湖。Saw clearly the opposite party, easternsovereigntoocomplexionsinks: „Altogetherlabor!”
The laborpays no attention tohim, gives the thumbs-uptoZu Anon the contrary: „Boyis great, plants!”
共工不理他,反倒向祖安竖起了大拇指:“小子好样的,有种!”Zu Andoes not know whether to laugh or cry, inpreviousSecret Realm, finallybossisaltogether the labor, although at presentthisis not the samegeneration, butthistypeby„villain”feeling of appreciation, reallysomewhatmarvelous.祖安哭笑不得,上次秘境里,最终boss是共工,虽然和眼前这位不是同一代,但这种被“反派”欣赏的感觉,真的有些奇妙啊。
The easternsovereigntoocoldlysaid: „Altogether the labor, yourancestorwitchesandourforeheadshave the agreementearly, thisboykilledmyninebiologicalnephews, yourdon't tell mewants, forsuch a murderertore up the pastagreement”
东皇太一冷冷道:“共工,你们祖巫和我们天庭早有约定,这小子杀了我九个亲侄子,你难道要为了这样一个凶手撕毁当年的约定么”LaborJieJiesmiles: „Had looked that your deitiesare not pleasing to the eyes, matter that nowthislittle brothersdare to do, mysolemnancestorwitch, there is anything not to dare!”
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