KI :: Volume #26

#2565: Plants

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Zu An the technique of rainbow, although is quick, but an eastern sovereign too whole person changed to a flowing light, the speed as if also wants on the quick three points. 祖安的化虹之术虽然快,但东皇太一整个人化作了一道流光,速度似乎还要快上三分。 In a while he has blocked in front of Zu An, Zu An also appears figure from the rainbow, the manner is looking at the opposite party dignifiedly. 没过多久他已经拦在了祖安面前,祖安也从彩虹中现出身形,神态凝重地望着对方。 To be honest, you, although angered me thoroughly, but also attracted my attention.” The eastern sovereign too one is sizing up Zu An up and down, is thinking deeply about his anything origin. “说实话,你虽然彻底惹怒了我,但也吸引了我的注意。”东皇太一上下打量着祖安,思索着他到底什么来历。 What Tyrant spoke, what a pity I did not love the female lord in play.” Although on Zu An mouth relaxed, the look is actually dignified, the brain is revolving crazily, looked how can successfully run away. “什么霸总发言,可惜我不是言情剧里的女主。”祖安嘴上虽轻松,神色却是凝重,大脑疯狂运转着,看如何才能成功逃走。 The opposite party stand there simply, although figure is not big, but in his opinion, this side world as if only had the opposite party to exist, that oppression strength was too full. 对方只是简简单单站在那里,虽然身形不大,但在他看来,这方天地仿佛只剩下对方存在了,那种压迫力实在太足了。 The bonus is Zu An walks randomly in the life and death edge year to year, now the strength dramatically increases, at this time the whole body cell is also warning crazily. 饶是祖安常年在生死边缘游走,如今实力又大幅增加,此时浑身的细胞也在疯狂示警。 An eastern sovereign too brow wrinkle, he discovered that oneself somewhat cannot understand the words of opposite party unexpectedly, Tyrant, the romance play what at sixes and sevens thing. 东皇太一眉头一皱,他发现自己竟然有些听不懂对方的话,霸总,言情剧什么乱七八糟的东西。 Arrived his realm, loathed some unknown things naturally. 到了他这个境界,天然厌恶一些未知的东西。 „, When I break your legs both feet, asked you again slowly.” The eastern sovereign too one snort/hum, take action, the distant place will resound an anxious sound. “也罢,待我打断你的双腿双脚,再慢慢问你吧。”东皇太一哼了一声,正要出手,远处响起了一个焦急的声音。 Holds on a minute!” Saw only the fog to flutter together, changed to a beautiful moving form quickly, who was not the Wushan goddess is. “且慢!”只见一道云雾飘了过来,很快化作了一个美丽动人的身影,不是巫山神女又是谁。 Peers also has the enlightened six witches, as well as before , big witch Xingtian. 同行的还有开明六巫,以及之前遇到的大巫刑天。 Sees only then she, Zu An is wanting to open the mouth to inquire, the Wushan goddess has sympathized to respond: „The Chang E miss stays in Wushan now, relax.” 看到只有她一人,祖安正欲开口相询,巫山神女已经体贴地回应道:“嫦娥姑娘如今留在巫山,放心。” Zu An then relaxes: How you came 祖安这才松了一口气:“你们怎么过来了” The Wushan goddess beautiful pupil is taking a look at him, in the eye as if there is ray of difference: You make such big move here, cannot think that is not good.” 巫山神女美丽的眸子打量着他,眼中似乎有异样的光芒:“你在这边弄出这么大的动静,想不过来也不行啊。” In her tone filled admiring, the opposite party shot down nine golden crows unexpectedly, not to mention this difficulty how, the average person cannot achieve this point. 她语气中充满了佩服,对方竟然射落了九只金乌,且不说这难度如何,普通人根本做不到这一点。 The key is Golden Crow that special status, so that world these can tidy up their are somewhat cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. 关键是金乌那特殊的身份,以致世间那些能收拾他们的有些投鼠忌器。 The opposite party handle the matter that these great people do not dare to handle, because he has an honest heart, is willing for the courage that trillion lives raise one's head. 对方做了那些大人物都不敢做的事情,就因为他有一颗正直的心,愿意为亿万生灵出头的勇气。 Thinks of these, on her face were many several points of firm and resolute color, no matter how, oneself must protect him. 想到这些,她脸上多了几分坚毅之色,不管如何,自己也要保护好他。 Goddess east the sovereign too one also saw her, a brow wrinkle, this matter and you have nothing to do, do not meddle, make way!” “神女”东皇太一也看到了她,不禁眉头一皱,“这件事和你无关,你不要插手,让开!” The Wushan goddess stands before the Zu An body, opens the hand to protect him: Suns violate so the sin, originally on its crime, when executes, he enforces justice on behalf of Heaven, what wrong has 巫山神女站在祖安身前,张开手将他护住:“金乌们犯下如此罪孽,本来就其罪当诛,他不过是替天行道,何错之有” Good to enforce justice on behalf of Heaven,” an eastern sovereign tone is too contemptuous, day has the day will, he also matches to represent day “好一个替天行道,”东皇太一语气轻蔑,“天自有天的意志,他也配代表天” He does not match don't tell me your to keep aloof, actually tolerates the younger generation to slaughter the Spiritual God of life to match the Wushan goddess to be supine the slender neck, serene this time attitude especially was usually staunch. “他不配难道你们这些高高在上,却纵容晚辈屠戮生灵的神灵配么”巫山神女仰着修长的脖子,素来云淡风轻的她此时态度却格外刚烈。 The enlightened six witches look secretly are flabbergasted, has not seen goddess appearance. 开明六巫看得暗暗咂舌,从来没见过神女这个样子。 Mentioned from came from Zu An, they saw too many goddess unknown side. 说起来自从祖安来了过后,他们见到了太多神女不为人知的一面。 Hears her words, eastern sovereign too complexion sank instantaneously: Yo-hee, I looked that gave several points of face in the share of past Yan Di, should not be unappreciative.” 听到她的话,东皇太一的脸色瞬间沉了下来:“瑶姬,我不过看在当年炎帝的份上给了几分面子,你不要不识抬举。” The Wushan god Goddess sentiment is still tranquil: I am speak out from a sense of justice, was you betrayed the love of these trillion lives to your deity.” 巫山神女神情依然平静:“我不过是仗义执言罢了,是你们自己背叛了这亿万生灵对你们天神的爱戴。” Dissolute!” The eastern desolate too calls out one, the ancient profound ding resounds together baseless. “放肆!”东荒太一暴喝一声,一道古老幽远的钟声凭空响起。 Wushan goddess at the scene stuffy snort/hum, put out a blood. 巫山神女当场闷哼一声,哇的吐出了一口鲜血。 The enlightened six witches and others had alerted in secret, but that is east the ding of sovereign bell, resounds in the divine soul deep place directly, their defensive measures are useless, each and everyone was shaken the aura to surge, spits blood. 开明六巫等原本早已暗中戒备,但那是东皇钟的钟声,直接在神魂深处响起,他们的防御手段根本没用,一个个被震得气息激荡,吐血不已。 Although Zu An was also shaken the head to be dizzy, but he has the Bai Ming automatic counter-attack, in addition around the body has covered entirely Gluttony the strength of swallowing, therefore the might of that ding has fallen lowly. 祖安虽然也被震得脑袋晕晕的,但他有百鸣自动反击,再加上周身早已布满了饕餮的吞噬之力,所以那钟声的威力已经降到了最低。 After seeing the goddess severe wound, falls down from the space, he quickly flew to grasp her in the past, essence qi input to her within the body: You are all right 看到神女重伤后从天上掉下去,他急忙飞过去将她抱住,一股元气输入到她体内:“你没事吧” The Wushan goddess sobers gradually, this discovered that the opposite party is hugging the own waist, the jade cheek slightly fever, is not repugnant: All right, many thanks Young Master.” 巫山神女渐渐清醒过来,这才发现对方搂着自己的腰肢,玉颊微烧,却并不怎么反感:“没事,多谢公子。” The one side throws down in enlightened six witch of ground says 666, how we also threw down had not seen your fellow to hold, really had the opposite sex not to have the human nature. 一旁摔倒在地上的开明六巫直呼666,我们也摔倒了怎么没见你这家伙扶一下呢,果然是有异性没人性。 „The eastern sovereign, goes too far!” At this time side transmitted a tiger to roar, originally was the punishment day could not have repressed, brandishes the big axe eastern North Korea sovereign in hand too to divide. “东皇,欺人太甚!”这时旁边传来一声虎吼,原来是刑天早已按捺不住,挥舞着手中的大斧朝东皇太一劈了过去。 This axe cuts, the world changes color, as if can feel that the trim day cleft in two by his axe. 这一斧砍下,天地为之变色,仿佛能感觉到整片天都被他这一斧劈成了两半。 Zu An is startled secretly, it seems like initially the punishment day also hid the strength, the might of this axe, Golden Crow Crown Prince here, will still cleave in two even directly. 祖安暗暗吃惊,看来当初刑天还隐藏了实力啊,这一斧的威力,就算是金乌太子在这里,也会直接被劈成两半吧。 Overreaches oneself!” The in the air that form has not moved the least bit from the start, still crosses the hands behind the back to stand there, the black gold/metal robe flutters with the wind, the whole person is the fairyism is seriously floating. “不自量力!”空中那道身影压根没有移动半点,依然在那里负手而立,玄色金袍随风飘荡,整个人当真是仙气飘飘。 Thump! 咚! The depressed ding resounds together, originally eastern sovereign too around the body appeared again the empty shadow of eastern sovereign bell, that pinches an axe that the terrifying might is coming, has not left behind the least bit mark in eastern sovereign bell body. 一道沉闷的钟声响起,原来东皇太一周身再次浮现了东皇钟的虚影,那挟着恐怖威力而来的一斧,没有在东皇钟身上留下半点印记。 Punishment day on the contrary that huge instead shakes the strength to make that the whole person will raise in the future, drew back the number hundred zhang (333 m) just now to stop the footsteps continually, he lowered the head looked, saw only both hands muscle to explode, blood directing current. 刑天反倒被那巨大的反震力弄得整个人往后一扬,一连退了数百丈方才停下了脚步,他低头一看,只见双手肌肉爆开,鲜血直流。 However he does not have the half a point scared look, instead laughs, fighting intent is soaring: Again come!” 不过他却没有半分惧色,反而哈哈大笑,战意更加高昂:“再来!” The whole body muscle sticks out high, entire figure increases at the visible speed, quickly turns into thousand zhang (3.33 m) high giant, brandishes the giant shield to dash about wildly to go toward the goal directly. 浑身肌肉高高隆起,整个身形以肉眼可见的速度变大,很快变成千丈高的巨人,挥舞着巨大的盾牌直接朝目标狂奔而去。 With his running, the trim land is trembling. 随着他的奔走,整片大地都在震颤。 Zu An praised without cease, witch clan was really the inborn soldier, in their bloodlines had a specially wild strength, more was the fight more can play its might. 祖安赞叹不已,巫族果然是天生的战士,他们血脉中有一种特别的狂暴力量,越是战斗越能发挥其威力。 Bang! 嘭! The bonus is east the sovereign too has eastern sovereign bell Huti, but was hit body by such big one lump, was still hit to fly dozens zhang (3.33 m). 饶是东皇太一有东皇钟护体,但被这么大一坨撞到身上,依然被撞飞了数十丈。 Courts death!” “找死!” The eastern sovereign too flies into a rage, although there is an eastern sovereign bell protection, he by a wee bit injuries, had not but worked as the surface of so many people hit to fly, where in the face can hang. 东皇太一勃然大怒,虽然有东皇钟保护,他没有受一丁点伤害,但当着这么多人的面被撞飞,面子上哪里挂得住。 His hand wields, in the sky suddenly presented the golden light to cut toward the punishment day neck together. 他手一挥,天空中突然出现一道金光朝刑天脖子砍了过去。 Be careful!” Zu An in great surprise, he remembered in the fairytale the punishment day head to be reduced, the difficult non- achievement was this time “小心!”祖安大惊,他记得神话故事里刑天的头都被砍掉了,难不成就是这次 The punishment day pupil reduces, the defensive power of eastern sovereign bell was too strong, that flash he was just made the vitality surges by the strength of counter- shaking, wants to protect the neck the great shield, what a pity acted was slightly slower, radically without enough time. 刑天瞳孔紧缩,东皇钟的防御力实在太强了,刚刚那一瞬间他被反震之力弄得气血翻腾,想要将巨盾护住脖子,可惜动作稍慢了一些,根本来不及。 Saw that he body first separation, the Water Dragon will soon roar from side together, ran upon that golden light directly. 眼看着他即将身首分离,一道水龙从旁边咆哮而过,直接撞上了那道金光。 Bang! 轰! The Water Dragon and golden light direct counter-balance do not see. 水龙与金光直接抵消不见。 Too one too one, bullying some younger generations is interesting.” A male foot of snake tail person stepped on the water spray to appear in not far away, a red hair was especially high-profile. “太一啊太一,欺负一些晚辈有意思么。”一个蛇尾人身的男子脚踩水浪出现在了不远处,一头红发格外张扬。 Sees only these water sprays to scatter in all directions, the crack land restored the vitality, even before was too turned into the lava the desert also to extinguish by the eastern sovereign directly, turned into a great lake. 只见那些水浪四散开来,原本龟裂的大地重新恢复了生机,连之前被东皇太一变成熔岩的沙漠也直接熄灭,变成了一个大湖。 Saw clearly the opposite party, eastern sovereign too complexion sinks: Altogether labor!” 看清了对方,东皇太一脸色一沉:“共工!” The labor pays no attention to him, gives the thumbs-up to Zu An on the contrary: Boy is great, plants!” 共工不理他,反倒向祖安竖起了大拇指:“小子好样的,有种!” Zu An does not know whether to laugh or cry, in previous Secret Realm, finally boss is altogether the labor, although at present this is not the same generation, but this type by villain feeling of appreciation, really somewhat marvelous. 祖安哭笑不得,上次秘境里,最终boss是共工,虽然和眼前这位不是同一代,但这种被“反派”欣赏的感觉,真的有些奇妙啊。 The eastern sovereign too coldly said: Altogether the labor, your ancestor witches and our foreheads have the agreement early, this boy killed my nine biological nephews, your don't tell me wants, for such a murderer tore up the past agreement 东皇太一冷冷道:“共工,你们祖巫和我们天庭早有约定,这小子杀了我九个亲侄子,你难道要为了这样一个凶手撕毁当年的约定么” Labor Jie Jie smiles: Had looked that your deities are not pleasing to the eyes, matter that now this little brothers dare to do, my solemn ancestor witch, there is anything not to dare!” 共工桀桀一笑:“早就看你们这些天神不顺眼了,如今这位小兄弟都敢干的事情,我堂堂祖巫,又有什么不敢的!”
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