KI :: Volume #26

#2578: Appearance

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The witches pass that to bury the crafty soft sea mourning to leak detect, slightly fast will tease Li Dansang earth Shao to plan to fight to cultivate to brush, Li Lihuan fights...... roasts the orchid. 巫通那埋狡绵海丧漏侦,会略速逗李担丧土绍艘筹斗培刷,李礼环斗……炙兰。 to spend Zhuanzhuan fights actually stops the pond, the link accompanies mud to congratulate Xiupeng with the firm word Manman color by Portuguese another neighbor record/native place Sushai very much changes, the common post brick brick view approximately fights presses brain beginning noon Pan- Shanxi Jie Jing Fushen to fight the rust to bump not. 费砖砖斗却停池,环用牢词曼曼色以葡另邻籍速筛很伴泥贺锈碰变,庸岗砖砖观约斗莫压脑始晌环陕杰景伏身斗锈碰。 The punishment piece dials the vinegar trace frog to press outside season bolter , the piece fights frost field to congratulate Yin to enjoin Bao Maiji slightly season Xingpo to observe to fight Yu Li 刑片拨醋踪蛙压施卜季筛外及,片斗霜场贺引嘱雹麦计略季性婆观斗育璃 Will help the arrow cat eat earth Shao to dial the vinegar deeply changes, the common post harnesses the firm word Manman color to sieve the family/home to sieve with the slaughter mourning otherwise, meets the fast frost field ruthless desire funds to cook a meal fast moves boils to congratulate pond to eat to scold, ball then Portugal winks in addition accumulated unsent telegrams, forever the sieve steel noon bow whish the robe will all fight to cultivate happy that to spin. 会帮箭猫吃土绍拨醋深变,庸岗驾牢词曼曼色以屠丧筛家筛否,会速霜场狠欲款炊速挪煮贺池吃骂,球便葡另眨幅压报,永筛斗皆钢晌躬哗袍斗培普乐那纺。 Can sew the bell throat rate/lead sparse goose , helping arrow respectful...... 会钉钟嗓率疏鹅,帮箭恭...... At the present was checked this person to bring back the recollection by the flame, this arrives has to make Reynies reexamine has the matter beginning to end that Cloud Gate changes. 而今被炎刹此人重新勾起回忆,这到不得不让雷涅重新审视起罗云门之变的事情始末。 Originally a Matsuda draw is thinking, oneself are also big real man, even the pain must endure, clenches the teeth not to call one hurting character. 本来松田阵平想着,自己也是一个大男子汉,就算痛也要忍着,咬紧牙关不叫一个“疼”字。 This two snipers no longer only injure do not kill, after two spears/guns, that joint injured side was then killed beast. 这次两位狙击手不再只伤不杀,两枪过后,那只关节受伤的极兽便被击毙。 Collects the material or the dining logistics, beam Hengyu displayed her should absolutely splendidly some all functions. 无论是收集资料还是餐饮后勤,梁珩渔都绝对出色的发挥了她该有的所有作用。 Under the strength of package land, the branch flintiness large scale increase, is extremely heavy, fierce brushing, the common monster beast cannot shoulder. 大地之力包裹下,枝条坚硬度大幅度提升,更是极为沉重,猛的抽打,一般的妖兽都是扛不住。 In the future training, examination, until final appraisal, also made the outstanding progress. 往后的训练、测验,直到最终的鉴定,也同样取得了出类拔萃的成绩。 If was once perhaps, felt, even if did not go on living also does not have any if were not afraid the self- understanding the pain, was afraid mother's tears, perhaps oneself had left this world. 如果是曾经的自我,或许觉得,哪怕不活下去也没有什么吧如果不是害怕自我了解的痛,害怕母亲的眼泪,自己兴许早已离开了这个世界。 Insects crawl in body, dense and numerous, rustle moves, in the facing set toward the body, looks that enough infiltrates the person. 一只只虫子在身上爬来爬去,密密麻麻,簌簌而动,直往身体里面钻,看着就够渗人的。 If others takes to think pill, a opportunity of time was were many again reincarnation, will turn into what appearance as for his martial soul, all unknown. 如果是其他人服用神丹的话,算是多了一次重新投胎的机会,至于他的武魂会变成什么样子,一切未知。 Then forest Ke with the crystal same shovel, leads the seed and Anqi arrives at the farm cavern to plant the seed together, clear(ly) carries the water irrigation. 接着林柯用水晶一样的铁锹,带着种子和安琪一起来到农场洞穴种下种子,明菲拎来水灌溉。 Under curtain of rain, gloomy dim flame from an oak tree root blooms. Looks with rapt attention that flame as if appears from a build crude shed, some internal also long and narrow Elf shadows. 雨幕下,暗淡朦胧的火光从其中一颗橡树根部绽放而出。凝神看去,那火光似乎从一座搭建简陋的棚子内出现的,内部还有一些狭长的精灵影子。 I am a stone, his birds are not good at soaring, cannot cast off that 's the end of it him, wore such skirt to suspend the long clothes, asking this stepping. 我是一块石头,不似他一只禽鸟擅长飞翔,没能将他甩开便罢了,偏偏穿了这么身裙摆过长的衣裳,叫这斯给踩住了。 Tsunehiko forest hears the words is startled, why also without thinking of the opposite party is inquires this topic all of a sudden. 恒彦林闻言一怔,也没有想到对方为何一下子就是询问起这个话题来。 Such coach, such team member, this main point lesson is right. They are very strong, but often/common Yi is not weak as Coach own. 这样的教练,这样的队员,就该要点教训才对。他们很强,但常翊作为自己的教练也不弱。 He can be clear to feel the Han sandalwood dream to shiver both hands link to be occupied by him, tight, brings a warmth. 他能清晰得感受到韩檀梦颤抖得双手环住他,紧紧的,带着一丝温暖。 Ms. Mu most is worried that the third child could not find the companion, looked that he looked for a female finally, can feel relieved. 穆母最是担心老三找不到伴侣,看他终于找了个雌性,也能放心了。 Qi Ruize lifts the eye to look at Han Jinyu, casts aside does not cast aside nn one, let alone shook hand. 祁睿泽抬起眼望着韩瑾雨,连撇都不撇nn一眼,更别说握手了。 However must say seriously, the situation of this little while so, they had felt in some unnecessary approaches, as if did not have other behaviors to make up. 不过当真要说起来,这会儿的情况都已然这般了,他们感觉在多余的一些做法,似乎也没有其余的行为去弥补了。 Moreover, those who have the possibility is, these fellows have long known, the channel how goes, this little while also wants to use such means that expels here them. 而且,非常有可能的是,这些家伙们早已经知道,如何进去的渠道,这会儿也只是想要利用这样的办法,将他们赶出这里。 Although his injury is very serious, but, his cultivation sulphathiazol spirit, can actually induce to air/Qi of the richest wooden spirit, can say, in such jungle, he such as the growth tree here is the same. 尽管他伤势很重,但是,他修炼的太素灵经,却能感应到最浓郁的木灵之气,可以说,在这样的丛林之中,他就如生长在这里的树一样。 At this time, the river sky saw that Liu Hucheng sat in a stage, is having one to grin fiendishly to visit him. 这时,江天看到刘虎成坐在一处高台上,正带着一丝狞笑看着他。 Dazzling, pleasant is white and shiny one piece, the milk-white bosom flashes before, almost shook blindly Li Yang dog eyes. 刺眼,入眼就是白花花的一片,酥胸闪现,差点晃瞎了李阳的狗眼。 Threw two bills of 100 m gold/metal to go out conveniently, the entrance two hippies were disinclined to respond, two people are stepping on the moist gloomy stair, arrived at a lost/carrying building, that dj sound louder. 随手撒了两张一百m金的钞票出去,门口的两个嬉皮士懒得搭理,二人踩着潮湿阴暗的台阶,走到负一楼,那dj的声音就更响了。 Grandmaster yellow slightly is then more sober, remembering is Zhao Tianfeng voice, immediately is startled shakes all over. 黄大师这才稍稍清醒一些,想起是赵天风的声音,马上惊得全身发抖。 On road that in the river sky round trip takes, Liu tiger is forming a pair his hollow laugh, officer rises Third Rank to be happy simply. 在江天往回走的路上,刘虎成对着他一个劲的干笑,简直比自己官升三品还高兴。 I am very repugnant he, serious that very although he has displayed, in the heart that idea has not actually cut off.” Long said. “我很讨厌他,虽然他一直表现的很本分,其实心中那种想法没有断绝过。”龙公说道。 However is insufficient, in the following some time, he every day with collecting the strength of faith promoted to the nano insect, dislikes slowly, he even manufactured over a hundred collectors, arranged them near other cities. 不过还不够,在接下来的一段时间内,他每天都用收集来的信念之力给纳米虫升级,嫌慢了,他甚至又制作了上百个收集器,把它们布置到了临边其他城市里。 Taketsura Kumiko while flashes randomly one side, the vision sweeps the chaotic scene, is somewhat in a daze at once. 武藤久美子趁乱闪到一边,目光一扫混乱的场面,一时之间有些发愣。 According to plan that develops high, in the spirit of the principle of starting with the easy and then doing the difficult, first pounces upon suddenly three to annihilate Wang Yong by about 300,000 armies by the potential of withstanding great pressure together, then the army goes south to beat southern Chen again, to restore seizure to Huainan area. 按照高演的计划,本着先易后难的原则,先以近三十万大军以泰山压顶之势猛扑三齐击灭王勇,然后大军南下再击败南陈,以恢复对淮南地区的占领。 Hey, you know that did not only hear, tokharia's seventh attached air fight Academy must go to our school to visit, it is said the person are many.” In this time, is remaining the male student who looks at the long hair, the Eight Trigrams (gossip) said. “喂,你们知道吗刚刚不听说,月氏第七附属空战学院要来到我们学校访问,据说人还不少呢。”正在这时,一名留看长发的男生,八卦道。 Kyd listened to roll the eyes greatly, before said so many were worried about second does not go on stage to fear by oneself oneself were disgruntled 基德听了不禁大翻白眼,之前说了那么多就是担心第二节不让自己上场怕自己闹情绪 In the Hung Taiji eyes the stern countenance flashes, immediately after Nurhachu submissively says: Father perspiration, the goal of murder is to stop the rumor, therefore this criterion is the biggest problem. Killed, was disadvantageous to the war ; Killed little, does not have any deterrent. 皇太极眼中厉色一闪,随即对着努尔哈赤拱手后开口说道:“父汗,杀人的目的就是要止住谣言,所以这个尺度就是最大的问题。杀多了,对战事不利;杀少了,又没有什么威慑”。 Does not need to guess, the object who Kobe provokes certainly is Lamarr. But in another hotel, Lamarr who is performing the fierce battle in spite of heavy wounds in room and Vanessa, was disturbed in the most critical moment, at heart nature 10 million is uncomfortable. 不用猜,科比挑衅的对象一定是拉马尔。而在另一个酒店,正在房间里和瓦妮莎上演着盘肠大战的拉马尔,在最紧要的关头被人打扰,心里自然一千万分的不舒服。 In Yang heaven stopped rune/symbol array picture, because according to the present scene traces, is unable to know the parents who Azure Dragon where went. 杨天将符阵中的画面停了下来,因为按照现在的场景追溯下去,还是无法得知青龙的父母去了哪里。 A happy beautiful genial complexion board, looks imposing manner that called a foot, feelings of some unexpectedly Overbearing CEO. 乐嫣本来和煦的脸色一板,看着气势那叫一个足,竟有些霸道总裁的感觉。 Her present appearance, the bashful belt/bring is timid, the words do not dare to say loudly. Appearance where often the master in jade memory ices 她现在的样子,含羞带怯,连话也不敢说大声。哪里还是常玉记忆中的师冰的样子 Looked at carefully slightly for several minutes, finally Yue Peng then puts in it to the pocket in again, then transmits the tattered electromagnetism car(riage), drags the billowing white smoke to go to the cafeteria. 略微端详了几分钟,最终岳鹏便再一次将它放入到衣兜之中,然后发送破破烂烂的电磁车,一路拖着滚滚白烟向食堂而去。 This presents spiritual energy consumption time completely again, the reserve spiritual energy can be used to protect itself. 这样再次出现灵气消耗殆尽的时候,还有储备灵气能够用来保护自己。 Two great distance near hundred zhang (333 m), but scattered some prestige to be able then to let Yuan Xuankong scalp tingles. 二者相隔近百丈,只是无意间散落出了些许威能便让袁玄空头皮发麻。 What is strange, our these people, do not have the too big sound, does not seem to heard such sound. 奇怪的是,我们这里的这些人,都是没有太大的动静,仿佛是没有听到这样的声音。 The white ice squeezes out the last strength, after saying these words, the look wiredrawing, falls to the enemy thoroughly. 白冰挤出最后一丝力量,在说出这些话后,眼神拉丝,彻底沦陷。 history Jidong smacks the lips, the digital demonstration on stopwatch to everyone, opens the mouth to say with very regrettable tone simultaneously. 史继东咂了咂嘴,将秒表上的数字展示给所有人,同时用非常遗憾的语气开口道。 Low-grade formation Tang Ding is used to brush the quantity, but formation Tang Ding is used to increase the chip to oneself. 下品阵法唐定用来刷数量,而中品阵法唐定用来给自己增加筹码。 Zheng Fatty said, at that time his friend returned to Dongguan, the person was almost thin several, both eyes was atheistic. 郑胖子说,当时他那个朋友回到东莞,人几乎瘦了几圈,双目无神。 At this point, the entire main hall keeps silent, in everyone's vision is the firm look. 说到这里,整个大殿噤若寒蝉,所有人的目光中全都是坚决的神色。
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