KI :: Volume #25

#2495: Should not present the person

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The Zu An facial expression of hidden place is strange, initially struck killed after the scorpion king, oneself also his tail thorn collected. 暗处的祖安神情古怪,当初击杀了蝎子王过后,自己还将他的尾刺收集了起来。 At that time although knows that his punctured violently poisonously incomparable, but has not thought that became this unexpectedly poisonously, powerful such as the lord of slaughtering as if somewhat. 当时虽然知道他这尾刺剧毒无比,但没想到竟然毒成这样,强大如杀戮之主似乎都有些受不住。 Good, good, good!” At this time the lord of complexion slaughtering is also very ugly/difficult to look at, you really deliberately plan, the card in a hand that not only scorpion king Jiang most depend on gave others, you also began a performance such a perfect ruse of inflicting an injury on oneself, I somewhat admired.” “好,好,好!”此时杀戮之主脸色也十分难看,“你们果然处心积虑,不仅蝎子王将自己最倚仗的底牌交给了别人,你们还一起演了这样一出完美的苦肉计,我都有些佩服了。” The lord of evil spirit shows a faint smile: On lord was usually oversuspicious, how this will not make you believe.” 妖魔之主微微一笑:“主上素来多疑,不这样又岂会让你相信呢。” He not anxiously attack, but brings to surround him, waits for the toxin to spread his whole body, so as to avoid the opposite party previous strikes to draw him to front the back at the point of death. 他也不急着攻击,而是带着手下将他围住,等待着毒素蔓延他的全身,免得对方临死前一击拉他垫背。 The lord of slaughtering has not managed him, but looked to distant place the demon of distortion: „The fellow gave you to promise anything, you are willing to pay such big price to plot against me unexpectedly.” 杀戮之主没有理他,而是望向了远处的扭曲之魔:“那家伙到底给你许诺了什么,你竟然愿意付出这么大的代价来暗算我。” Must know that just the demon of half body distortion did not have, moreover was jointly chased down by the shadow fiendish person, death control, if not for he is blocking promptly, perhaps the opposite party has assigned the mourning at the scene. 要知道刚刚扭曲之魔半边身子都没了,而且还被暗影魔王、死亡掌控者联合追杀,若不是他及时拦着,对方恐怕已经命丧当场了。 Even if oneself saved him, but just damaged the half body, was struck by oneself layer on layer/heavily, perhaps in his wound many years did not restore. 就算自己救了他,但刚刚损了半边身子,又被自己重重一击,他这身伤恐怕很多年内都恢复不了。 Therefore he is not really clear, the opposite party attempts anything 所以他实在不明白,对方图什么 The demon of distortion scratched the blood of corners of the mouth, hehe said with a smile: On lord does not have the graciousness tyrannically, the lord of where comparing favorably with evil spirit treats worthies and scholars with courtesy, so many past subordinates betrayed you, your don't tell me from will not look from body original......” 扭曲之魔擦了擦嘴角的鲜血,嘿嘿笑道:“主上暴虐无恩,哪里比得上妖魔之主礼贤下士,这么多昔日部下都背叛了你,你难道就不会从自身上找原……” He has not said, the lord of slaughtering moved suddenly, was almost flashes in front of him, take action like the lightning, patted quickly directly in his body. 他还没说完,杀戮之主忽然动了,几乎是闪现到了他面前,出手快如闪电,直接拍在他身上 The Lord God of color big change distortion, he quickly keeps off little Latin America in bosom before the body, simultaneously the body starts the twist deformation, tries to avoid the attack of opposite party. 扭曲之主神色大变,他急忙将怀中的小萨拉美挡在身前,同时身体开始扭曲变形,试图避开对方的攻击。 What a pity his severe wound in the body, the movement response usually was slower than were too many, the lord of slaughtering was nurses hatred strikes, where he could hide. 可惜他重伤在身,动作反应都比平时慢了太多,杀戮之主又是含恨一击,他哪里躲得过去。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The bunch blood fog explodes, the demon of distortion was ripped the fragment thoroughly. 一团团血雾爆开,扭曲之魔彻底被撕成碎片。 The lord of slaughtering seizes the chance little Latin America that snatched in his hand to hold under duress. 杀戮之主则趁机抢回了他手中挟持的小萨拉美。 Rapidness of the entire process speed, in the field unexpectedly no one could respond. 整个过程速度之快,场中竟然没人反应得过来。 The lord of complexion evil spirit changes, sighs with emotion: On lord cultivation base is really unparalleled, such violent poisonousness, can be so supernaturally brave unexpectedly, but you so stimulate to movement the strength of bloodlines forcefully, perhaps will only make the toxin spread quickly, why this is.” 妖魔之主脸色微变,也不禁感慨道:“主上果然修为盖世,中了那样的剧毒,竟然还能如此神勇,只不过你这般强行催动血脉之力,恐怕只会让毒素蔓延得更快,这又是何必呢。” Rebel must die!” The lord of slaughtering clenches jaws, at this time his breath thick- heavy several points, obviously came under the influence of toxin. “叛徒必须死!”杀戮之主咬牙切齿,此时他的呼吸都粗-重了几分,显然是受到了毒素的影响。 The surrounding these demons will gather round him in abundance by far, although clear(ly) knows that he is poisoned now is deeper, but does not dare to go forward suddenly. 周围的那些魔将纷纷远远围着他,虽然明知道他如今中毒更深,但一时间都不敢上前。 Now this fought the lord of evil spirit to win, but if did not enlarge ones vision to snatch the head people very easy to end up likely the distortion the Lord fate. 如今这一战妖魔之主赢定了,但如果不开眼去抢人头很容易落得像扭曲之主的下场。 Father, you how little Latin America brings a weeping voice, is drawing slaughtering anxiously the Lord clothes robe. “爹爹,你怎么了”小萨拉美带着一丝哭腔,紧张地拉着杀戮之主的衣袍。 Hid in the heart was full of the doubts in Zu An of hidden place at this time, now looks like lord of game is as good as lost slaughtering, but historically he clearly by the Monster Race suppression under place of that Great Snow Mountain seal. 躲在暗处的祖安此时心中充满了疑惑,如今看来杀戮之主大势已去,可历史上他分明是被妖族镇压在了封印之地那座大雪山下了。 In the Latin America history should escape, before and Latin America contact knows she by the lord of deceit evil spirit, was also known his father's matter from the beginning afterward. 还有萨拉美历史上应该是逃脱了,之前和萨拉美接触知道了她一开始也是被妖魔之主欺骗,后来才知道了他爹的事。 But she witnesses all now obviously with own eyes, even if the lord of evil spirit keeps her life not to kill, how also to deceive her 可如今她明明亲眼见证了一切,妖魔之主就算留她一条命不杀,又如何骗得了她 Was always inadequate displays anything to revise the memory method 总不成是施展了什么修改记忆的法子吧 Zu An has no plan at this time the doubts, somewhat worried that was the history changed, oneself as well as can the nearby person be affected. 祖安此时心中无数疑惑,有些担忧是历史改变了,自己以及身边人会不会受到影响。 Relax, the father is all right.” The lord of slaughtering smiles reluctantly, patted daughter's hand gently, is staring at all around enemy dignified. “放心吧,爹爹没事。”杀戮之主勉强笑了笑,轻轻拍了拍女儿的手,然后神情凝重盯着四周的敌人。 How the present aspect can get out of trouble, now in main hall under command, although is in an inferior position, but strength of the war. 如今的局面到底如何才能脱困,如今大殿中自己麾下的统领们虽然处于劣势,但还是有一战之力。 When the time comes sacrificed them to pin down the enemy, so long as can leave here smoothly, draws in whole world to be loyal to my former subordinate, pours also has the opportunity of overturn...... 到时候牺牲他们拖住敌人,只要自己能顺利离开这里,收拢天下忠于我的老部下,倒也不是没有翻盘的机会…… He is thinking deeply about the law of difficulty-relief, suddenly the whole body shakes, looks down the chest. 他正思索着脱困之法,忽然浑身一震,低头看着胸口。 Saw only a bloody small hand happen to penetrate his chest, is pinching his heart. 只见一个血淋淋的小手正好穿透了他的胸口,捏着他的心脏。 Many demons on the scene will have a scare, looks panic-strickenly to him behind, does not understand suddenly had anything. 在场的诸多魔将都吓了一跳,纷纷惊骇地望向他身后,一时间都不明白发生了什么。 The lord of slaughtering also turns head difficultly, little Latin America showed a strange smile, appears especially the strange to terrify person on her small cheeks. 杀戮之主同样艰难地回头,身后的小萨拉美露出了一丝诡异的笑容,在她那张小小的脸蛋儿上显得格外诡异瘆人。 Zu An: „” 祖安:“” This could not understand him, Latin America of later generation kept on proclaiming for the father revenges, finally did one quite a while she is the murderer 这一幕连他都看不懂了,后世的萨拉美口口声声为父亲报仇,结果搞一半天她自己才是凶手 However he denied this guess immediately, the place of seal he has fought with the lord of slaughtering, the opposite party will not die here. 不过他马上否定了这种猜测,封印之地他可是跟杀戮之主交过手的,对方绝不会死在这里。 „When why lord of speech slaughtering the blood of mouth non-stop braving outward, even the fragment of internal organs, but in his time eye is completely shocking and sorrowful. “为什么”杀戮之主说话时嘴里的鲜血不停往外冒,甚至还有内脏的碎片,只不过他此时眼中尽是震惊与悲哀。 Little Latin America did not reply, grabbed his heart directly and he spread out, the facial expression started to change: Has not thought that the lord of famous slaughtering is also mediocre.” 小萨拉美也不答话,直接抓着他的心脏和他拉开了距离,神情开始变化了:“没想到大名鼎鼎的杀戮之主也不过如此嘛。” Looks that opposite party figure starts to increase, changed to a man of blue skin all over the body, the lord of slaughtering responded finally: Ten thousand live the lord of change!” 看着对方身形开始变大,通体化作了一个蓝色皮肤的男子,杀戮之主终于反应过来:“万生变化之主!” Then looks suddenly to the lord of evil spirit: This is your true subsequent hand!” 然后霍然回头望向妖魔之主:“这才是你真正的后手啊!” At this time the lord of evil spirit smiled: On lord really intelligent, what a pity you understood some late.” 这时妖魔之主笑了起来:“主上果然聪明,可惜你明白得有些晚了。” The lord of slaughtering somewhat sighs desolately: Never expected that your Lian Wansheng changes the lord to exist to gather like this mystically, I lose not injust.” 杀戮之主有些落寞地叹了一口气:“没想到你连万生变化之主这样的神秘存在都能招揽到,我输得也不冤。” The Zu An secret sigh, demon of sneak attack design the distortion from the beginning is so exquisite, has not thought is only the camouflage, ten thousand lived the lord of change to turn into Sarah outstanding talent is true killing move. 祖安暗暗感叹,一开始的扭曲之魔偷袭设计那么精巧,没想到只是障眼法,万生变化之主变成了小萨拉美才是真正的杀招 The lord of evil spirit is really sinister ruthless spicy, no wonder later generation were almost played by him runs around in circles. 妖魔之主实在是阴险狠辣啊,难怪后世自己差点被他耍得团团转。 How the lord of slaughtering is runs away from here 只是杀戮之主到底是怎么从这里逃走的 „The heart of expert, made me somewhat impatient seriously.” Ten thousand live the main surface of reveal change to long, also being disinclined rubbish, direct swallows down the heart in hand. 强者的心脏,当真让我有些迫不及待了。”万生变化之主面露渴望,也懒得废话,直接一口将手中的心脏吞了下去。 Other these demons reveal the look that expert envies, must know that such a powerful heart eats up refining up, does not know that must grow many strengths. 其他那些魔将强者纷纷露出羡慕的神色,要知道这样一颗强大的心脏吃下炼化过后,不知道要增长多少实力。 Ten thousand live the lord of change to swallow a face to enjoy, but on the quick face revealed color of the doubts: Well 万生变化之主原本吞咽下去一脸享受,不过很快脸上露出了一丝疑惑之色:“咦” How an lord of brow wrinkle evil spirit, he as if felt that a variable that goes beyond the own control, this situation, he dislikes any variable now. “怎么了”妖魔之主眉头一皱,他似乎感觉到了一丝超出自己控制的变数,如今这种情况,他讨厌任何变数。 Cannot say,” ten thousand live some Lord God of color strange change, I ate probably, does not seem to eat, one type ate a lonely feeling.” “说不上来,”万生变化之主神色有些诡异,“我好像吃了,又好像没吃,有一种吃了个寂寞的感觉。” The lord of slaughtering snort/hum, body exuded a strange ray suddenly, the empty chest cavity reappeared a heart, the flesh of his chest is healing at the visible speed. 杀戮之主哼了一声,身上忽然泛起一丝奇异的光芒,原本空荡荡的胸腔重新出现了一颗心脏,紧接着他胸口的血肉正以肉眼可见的速度在愈合。 Quickly, everyone on together , he although has the maintaining life skill recaption heart, but the heart was picked, this time is he weakest time.” The lord of evil spirit lost the beforehand calm, is worried to have what accident/surprise again, does not dare to have again keeps the hand slightly. “快,大家一起上,他虽有保命技能取回心脏,但心脏被摘,此时是他最虚弱的时候。”妖魔之主失去了之前的淡定,担心再出什么意外,不敢再有丝毫留手。 At this time the entrance place broadcast a voice of woman suddenly: Surnamed Zu, if not think that your woman has an accident, saves my father quickly!” 这时门口处突然传来一个女人的声音:“姓祖的,若不想你的女人出事,快救我爹!”
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