Surroundingsnumerousevil spiritin abundancecomplexiongreat change, no matter a lord of sideslaughteringor an lord of sideevil spirit.
周围众多妖魔纷纷脸色巨变,不管是杀戮之主一方又或者妖魔之主一方。Whatlord of worryslaughteringwason the lordwas in danger, the situationwas getting more and more disadvantageous.
An lord of sideevil spiritisshocking, althoughknows that the lords of theseyear of evil spiritbecamepowerfulmany, buthas not thought that as strongasthisdegree, canexpectslaughteringunexpectedlyahead of time the Lordresponse
妖魔之主一方则是震惊,虽然知道这些年妖魔之主变得强大了不少,但万万没想到强到了这种程度,竟然能提前预料杀戮之主的反应OnlysomeZu Anlookunderstands,hebefore and lord of evil spirithas fought, knows that the opposite partyhas a specialpupiltechnique, cansee clearly the flaw of opponent.
唯有祖安看得明白,他以前和妖魔之主交过手,知道对方有一种特殊的瞳术,能看清对手的破绽。So long aseach timeattackstoward the opposite partyflawplacedirectly, mostenemythereforerouts, will fall into the extremefear.
No matter how oneselfhave the move, was crystal clearby the opposite party, the simplemovecanhit the weakestplace, thattypeby the steamrollfeeling, is the will of not collapsingextremelystrong.
The lord of slaughteringobviouslyis not an average person, only thenstunned of flash, thenrespondedimmediately,in the hand the sharp clawscut the trimspacedirectly.
杀戮之主显然也并非一般人,只有一瞬间的错愕,然后马上反应过来,手中利爪直接划破了整片空间。Thatspacecollapsed, the flawnaturallydoes not exist, the lord of evil spiritalso can only , helplesschanges.
那片空间都坍塌了,破绽自然也就不存在了,妖魔之主也只能无奈变招。both sidesfightin a flashdozensmoves, the rapidness of speed, in the main hallmostevil spiritcannot follow.
双方转瞬之间交手数十招,速度之快,大殿中多数的妖魔都跟不上。„Never expected thatyouactuallyobtainedLegendarythispupiltechnique, butyouthink that canseemyflaw, cancope withme”
The sound of lord of tauntslaughteringresounds.
杀戮之主嘲讽的声音响起。„When lordcultivation basegod, take action the flaware extremely few . Moreover the speedis extremely fast, has the flawalsoto disappear, naturallydoes not fear my pupiltechnique.” The lord of evil spiritsaid with a smile, butin the tonedid not have the least bitdepressedmeaning.
The lord of slaughteringsnort/hum, his pupiltechniquedealt certainly with is not easy, justfighthas just givenhim the energy.
杀戮之主哼了一声,他当然这个瞳术应付起来没那么容易,只不过刚刚的交手已经给了他底气。Although the lord of strength growthevil spiritis rapid, but is almost also away from oneselfslightly, oneselfare putting togetherinjury, muststriketo killthisfellow.
妖魔之主实力增长虽快,但离自己还稍稍差点距离,自己拼着受重伤,也要将这家伙击杀。When the time comes the chief culpritdies, hissubordinateswill naturally also fall separately.
到时候首恶一死,他那些部下自然也会树倒猢狲散。Detected that hisimposing mannerincreasessuddenly, in the Zu Anheart of observationmovesin secret, it seems likeboth sidesmustact seriously.
察觉到他气势陡然攀升,暗中观察的祖安心中一动,看来双方要动真格的了。At this moment, evil spiritLordsoundsound: „Onlord, tofeel grateful your yearscultivations, Igaveyouto prepare a gift.”
就在这时,妖魔之主的声音响了起来:“主上,为了感激你这些年的栽培,我给您准备了一个礼物。”Inlord of heartslaughteringonecold, the subconsciousnessthinks that the opposite partyobtainedwhatfiercemagical treasureor the toxicantand so on.
杀戮之主心中一凛,下意识以为对方得到了什么厉害的法宝或者毒药之类。Whoknows that the front doorplacetransmitscalling out in alarm of little girlsuddenly: „Father”
谁知道大门处忽然传来一个小女孩的惊呼:“爹爹”„Latin America!” The lord of slaughteringlooked atoneto fly into a rage, originally several subordinates of lord of evil spiritare holding under duress the daughterto appearin the entrance.
The lord of belt/bringpersonevil spiritappearshere, inhisactuallyhearthas the premonition, butis also havinghopeby some chance.
妖魔之主带人出现在这里,他其实心中已经有了预感,但还存着万一的希望。Latin Americaafter all is also only a little girl, has not threatenedto the lord of evil spirit.
萨拉美毕竟还只是个小女孩,对妖魔之主没有威胁。Moreoversheisevil spiritworldwell-knownPrincess, if the opposite partydoes not wantto rebel against the actionto makeit is well known, will not starttoitpubliclyis.
而且她又是妖魔世界人人皆知的公主,对方若是不想反叛之举弄得人尽皆知,就不会公开对其下手才是。Has not thought, the lord of evil spiritreallydoes not have the bottom line.
可万万没想到,妖魔之主实在太没有底线。Howeverheusuallyloved the daughter, cannotsit by and do nothing.
不过他素来疼爱女儿,绝不能坐视不理。„Lets looseher!”
“放开她!”Roaredto resound, entiremain hallallevil spiritshiver, seems facing an angryGreat Desolategiant beastto be the same.
一声咆哮响起,整个大殿所有妖魔都打了个冷颤,仿佛正面对着一头愤怒的洪荒巨兽一般。Butcommanding that severalhold under duressLatin Americabears the brunt, was shakenlooks at dumblyat the sceneby the sound wave of thatterrifying, the flashlost the controlto the body.
而那几个挟持萨拉美的统领首当其冲,被那恐怖的音波震得呆立当场,一瞬间都失去了对身体的控制。If not the lord of worryslaughteringmakes an effortexcessivelyfiercely, injured the daughter, theyhave perhaps explodedonegroup of bloodfognowdirectly.
若非杀戮之主担心用力过猛,伤到了女儿,他们如今恐怕已经直接爆成一团血雾了。Butheseizes the chanceto flytoward that side, triesto rescue the daughter.
But where the evil spiritlordtohim the opportunity, pastedclosely associated.
只不过妖魔之主哪里会给他机会,如影随形地贴了上来。SlaughteringLordstrength, althoughcompared with the opposite partyslightly, but where obtains the victory and defeatin a short time, now the lord of evil spiritdecidesto entanglehim, keepinghimfromwithdrawing.
杀戮之主的实力虽然比对方稍强一些,但短时间内哪里分得出胜负,如今妖魔之主打定主意缠着他,让他也根本无法脱身。„Onlordsharplyis walkingto do, does not pay attention tome.” The lord of evil spiritsaid with a smileYinsadly, „, onlord, orwas without a fight, I ensure did not killyouandsmallPrincess, otherwiseIcannotguarantee the smallPrincesssafety.”
The lord of slaughteringstartledandanger, ifhedoes not attend to the lord of evil spiritoverrunningto save the daughter, the bigprobabilitywill cause heavy losses toby the opposite party, suchanythingended.
But if does not rescue, the opportunity of great difficultycreatingwasted, the opposite partywill not givehimagainsuch an opportunity.
可如果不去救,好不容易创造的机会就浪费了,对方不会再给他这样一个机会。Suddenlyhasfiguretogetherto rush overtowardLatin America.
忽然间另外有一道身形朝萨拉美冲了过去。„The demon of distortion!” The king of nearbyscorpionkingHewanfootrecognized the opposite party, the hurriedtake actioninterception, blocks the road aheadall.
“扭曲之魔!”附近的蝎子王和万足之王认出了对方,急忙出手拦截,将前路尽数封死。Demon of figureresultdistortionjust like the snake of bonelessto be the same, pushedfromtwodemonmiddlegapsforcefully.
结果扭曲之魔身形犹如无骨的蛇一般,硬生生从两魔中间的间隙挤了过去。Thenrushed tosideLatin America, severalcommandedjustcamefrom the unbendingconditionsoberly, but alsowithoutfullyrestoredto actis wrenched apart the neckbyitdirectly.
然后冲到了萨拉美身边,几个统领刚刚从僵直状态清醒过来,还没有完全恢复行动就被其直接扭断了脖子。„Princess!” The demon of distortionheldLatin America, untied the fetter of herbody.
“公主!”扭曲之魔将萨拉美抱了起来,解开了她身上的束缚。„Twists the uncle!”Latin Americaalso is very obviously excited.
“扭曲叔叔!”萨拉美显然也很激动。At this time the shadowfiendish person in not far awayalsoresponded: „Courts death!”
这时不远处的暗影魔王也反应过来:“找死!”Sees onlyhiseyesto exude the ray, tworaysshotinstantaneouslyindemon of bodydistortion.
The demon of distortionbody, thenlooks at dumblyimmediatelyat the scene.
The unique skill of shadowfiendish person- unbendingbeam!
暗影魔王的绝技-僵直射线!At this time a giantcorpseballrolledside the demon of distortion, on the corpseball the innumerableskeletonsopened the mouthto tear and biteto gotowardhim.
死亡掌控者!Although the demon of distortionwas affectedby the unbendingbeam, butafter allwithfor18bigdemonsone, there is a ownmaintaining lifemethod.
The entirebodyis a distortion, avoided the strategic pointforcefully.
整个身体又是一阵扭曲,硬生生避开了要害。Howeveravoided the strategic point, the leftbodyactuallyhas no wayto avoid, was wrapped upbythatgiantcorpseballdirectly.
A sad and shrillpitiful yellresounds, sees onlynearhisleft half the bodyto vanishdirectlydoes not see, the internal organsdirect exposurewrigglesin the airslowly, carefullylooks athiswound, the edgeis not extremely smooth, many toothseal, as ifaregnaw offby the innumerableyawnsforcefully.
The lord of slaughteringsees thatto be angry, cast off the lord of evil spiritto rush tosidehimshortly, a fistbangindeathcontrolbody.
杀戮之主见状大怒,短暂地甩开妖魔之主冲到了他身旁,一拳轰在死亡掌控者身上。Opposite partybodyopens mouthto send out the sad and shrillpitiful yellinnumerably, was hitto explode the corpse that innumerableeverywheredance in the airby this mightgiantfistdirectly.
对方身上无数张嘴发出凄厉的惨叫,然后被这威力巨大的一拳直接打爆成无数漫天飞舞的尸体。Naturallyonhisfacedoes not have the least bithappycolor, deathcontrolby the innumerablecorpsecombinations, the resiliency was also much stronger, althoughoneselfthiscaused heavy losses tohim, how longbuthecould not want to restore.
当然他脸上并没有半点高兴之色,死亡掌控者本就由无数尸体组合而成,恢复力又强得惊人,自己这一下虽然重创了他,但他要不了多久就能恢复。Simultaneouslymagecrafthitstogetherindemon of bodydistortion, the halfbody that his ruinsstartsagain the growthflesh.
同时一道术法打在扭曲之魔身上,他那毁掉的半截身子开始重新生长血肉。„Yourquickbelt/bringLatin Americawalks!” The lord of slaughteringkeeps offbefore the demon of bodydistortion, is greetingattack that the lord, shadowfiendish person, warpriest who evil spiritcatch up withand othernumerousexpert.
“你快带萨拉美走!”杀戮之主挡在扭曲之魔身前,迎接着赶来的妖魔之主、暗影魔王、战争祭司等众多强者的攻击。„Onlordyouescapequickly, Iremainto bring up the rear, youconveneallarmyto put to death the rebel.” The demon of distortionquicklysaid.
“主上您快逃吧,我留下来断后,你去召集各方军队诛杀叛逆。”扭曲之魔急忙说道。Thistrulyishost's of planfrom the beginningslaughtering, buthesmiled: „Where after youbroke, Icame......”
这确实是杀戮之主一开始的计划,不过他还是笑了:“你哪里断得了后,还是我来……”Hejustwants saying that Ifind an opportunityto withdrawalsoconveniently, suddenly the lookchanges, the directpalmpatsbehind.
The demon of distortionspurts the bloodto flyto draw backcrazilyto return, butonhisfaceactuallyonewipesgloomy and coldgrinning fiendishly, happilyraises hand the jet blacksharpthorn.
The lord of slaughteringfelt that a Paralysisfeelingspreads the whole bodyfrom the waist, helooks at the scorpionkingtodistant placesharp-eyed: „Yourtailthorn!”
The scorpionkingsmilinglysaid: „Onlord, the poison of my thorn, variousTianwanfewcan bear, tastehow”
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