KI :: Volume #25

#2494: Fell into a trap

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Surroundings numerous evil spirit in abundance complexion great change, no matter a lord of side slaughtering or an lord of side evil spirit. 周围众多妖魔纷纷脸色巨变,不管是杀戮之主一方又或者妖魔之主一方。 What lord of worry slaughtering was on the lord was in danger, the situation was getting more and more disadvantageous. 杀戮之主担心的是主上陷入了危险,局势越来越不利了。 An lord of side evil spirit is shocking, although knows that the lords of these year of evil spirit became powerful many, but has not thought that as strong as this degree, can expect slaughtering unexpectedly ahead of time the Lord response 妖魔之主一方则是震惊,虽然知道这些年妖魔之主变得强大了不少,但万万没想到强到了这种程度,竟然能提前预料杀戮之主的反应 Only some Zu An look understands, he before and lord of evil spirit has fought, knows that the opposite party has a special pupil technique, can see clearly the flaw of opponent. 唯有祖安看得明白,他以前和妖魔之主交过手,知道对方有一种特殊的瞳术,能看清对手的破绽。 So long as each time attacks toward the opposite party flaw place directly, most enemy therefore routs, will fall into the extreme fear. 每次只要直接往对方破绽处攻,绝大多数的敌人都会因此溃败,而且还会陷入极度的恐惧。 No matter how oneself have the move, was crystal clear by the opposite party, the simple move can hit the weakest place, that type by the steamroll feeling, is the will of not collapsing extremely strong. 不管自己如何出招,都被对方洞若观火,简简单单一招就能击中最薄弱的地方,那种被碾压感,不崩溃的都是意志极度坚强的了。 The lord of slaughtering obviously is not an average person, only then stunned of flash, then responded immediately, in the hand the sharp claws cut the trim space directly. 杀戮之主显然也并非一般人,只有一瞬间的错愕,然后马上反应过来,手中利爪直接划破了整片空间。 That space collapsed, the flaw naturally does not exist, the lord of evil spirit also can only , helpless changes. 那片空间都坍塌了,破绽自然也就不存在了,妖魔之主也只能无奈变招。 both sides fight in a flash dozens moves, the rapidness of speed, in the main hall most evil spirit cannot follow. 双方转瞬之间交手数十招,速度之快,大殿中多数的妖魔都跟不上。 Never expected that you actually obtained Legendary this pupil technique, but you think that can see my flaw, can cope with me “没想到你竟然得到了传说中的这个瞳术,不过你以为能看到我的破绽,就能对付得了我么” The sound of lord of taunt slaughtering resounds. 杀戮之主嘲讽的声音响起。 „When lord cultivation base god, take action the flaw are extremely few . Moreover the speed is extremely fast, has the flaw also to disappear, naturally does not fear my pupil technique.” The lord of evil spirit said with a smile, but in the tone did not have the least bit depressed meaning. “主上修为通神,出手时破绽极少,而且速度极快,有破绽也转瞬即逝,自然不怕我这瞳术。”妖魔之主笑道,可语气中并没有半点沮丧之意。 The lord of slaughtering snort/hum, his pupil technique dealt certainly with is not easy, just fight has just given him the energy. 杀戮之主哼了一声,他当然这个瞳术应付起来没那么容易,只不过刚刚的交手已经给了他底气。 Although the lord of strength growth evil spirit is rapid, but is almost also away from oneself slightly, oneself are putting together injury, must strike to kill this fellow. 妖魔之主实力增长虽快,但离自己还稍稍差点距离,自己拼着受重伤,也要将这家伙击杀。 When the time comes the chief culprit dies, his subordinates will naturally also fall separately. 到时候首恶一死,他那些部下自然也会树倒猢狲散。 Detected that his imposing manner increases suddenly, in the Zu An heart of observation moves in secret, it seems like both sides must act seriously. 察觉到他气势陡然攀升,暗中观察的祖安心中一动,看来双方要动真格的了。 At this moment, evil spirit Lord sound sound: On lord, to feel grateful your years cultivations, I gave you to prepare a gift.” 就在这时,妖魔之主的声音响了起来:“主上,为了感激你这些年的栽培,我给您准备了一个礼物。” In lord of heart slaughtering one cold, the subconsciousness thinks that the opposite party obtained what fierce magical treasure or the toxicant and so on. 杀戮之主心中一凛,下意识以为对方得到了什么厉害的法宝或者毒药之类。 Who knows that the front door place transmits calling out in alarm of little girl suddenly: Father 谁知道大门处忽然传来一个小女孩的惊呼:“爹爹” Latin America!” The lord of slaughtering looked at one to fly into a rage, originally several subordinates of lord of evil spirit are holding under duress the daughter to appear in the entrance. “萨拉美!”杀戮之主望了一眼不禁勃然大怒,原来妖魔之主的几个手下正挟持着女儿出现在门口。 The lord of belt/bring person evil spirit appears here, in his actually heart has the premonition, but is also having hope by some chance. 妖魔之主带人出现在这里,他其实心中已经有了预感,但还存着万一的希望。 Latin America after all is also only a little girl, has not threatened to the lord of evil spirit. 萨拉美毕竟还只是个小女孩,对妖魔之主没有威胁。 Moreover she is evil spirit world well-known Princess, if the opposite party does not want to rebel against the action to make it is well known, will not start to it publicly is. 而且她又是妖魔世界人人皆知的公主,对方若是不想反叛之举弄得人尽皆知,就不会公开对其下手才是。 Has not thought, the lord of evil spirit really does not have the bottom line. 可万万没想到,妖魔之主实在太没有底线。 However he usually loved the daughter, cannot sit by and do nothing. 不过他素来疼爱女儿,绝不能坐视不理。 Lets loose her!” “放开她!” Roared to resound, entire main hall all evil spirit shiver, seems facing an angry Great Desolate giant beast to be the same. 一声咆哮响起,整个大殿所有妖魔都打了个冷颤,仿佛正面对着一头愤怒的洪荒巨兽一般。 But commanding that several hold under duress Latin America bears the brunt, was shaken looks at dumbly at the scene by the sound wave of that terrifying, the flash lost the control to the body. 而那几个挟持萨拉美的统领首当其冲,被那恐怖的音波震得呆立当场,一瞬间都失去了对身体的控制。 If not the lord of worry slaughtering makes an effort excessively fiercely, injured the daughter, they have perhaps exploded one group of blood fog now directly. 若非杀戮之主担心用力过猛,伤到了女儿,他们如今恐怕已经直接爆成一团血雾了。 But he seizes the chance to fly toward that side, tries to rescue the daughter. 而他则是趁机朝那边飞去,试图救回女儿。 But where the evil spirit lord to him the opportunity, pasted closely associated. 只不过妖魔之主哪里会给他机会,如影随形地贴了上来。 Slaughtering Lord strength, although compared with the opposite party slightly, but where obtains the victory and defeat in a short time, now the lord of evil spirit decides to entangle him, keeping him from withdrawing. 杀戮之主的实力虽然比对方稍强一些,但短时间内哪里分得出胜负,如今妖魔之主打定主意缠着他,让他也根本无法脱身。 On lord sharply is walking to do, does not pay attention to me.” The lord of evil spirit said with a smile Yin sadly, „, on lord, or was without a fight, I ensure did not kill you and small Princess, otherwise I cannot guarantee the small Princess safety.” “主上这么急着走干什么呀,这么不把我放在眼里么。”妖魔之主阴恻恻地笑道,“哎呀,主上要不束手就擒吧,我保证不杀你和小公主,不然我可不敢保证小公主的安危了。” The lord of slaughtering startled and anger, if he does not attend to the lord of evil spirit overrunning to save the daughter, the big probability will cause heavy losses to by the opposite party, such anything ended. 杀戮之主又惊又怒,他如果不顾妖魔之主冲过去救女儿,大概率会被对方重创,那样什么都完了。 But if does not rescue, the opportunity of great difficulty creating wasted, the opposite party will not give him again such an opportunity. 可如果不去救,好不容易创造的机会就浪费了,对方不会再给他这样一个机会。 Suddenly has figure together to rush over toward Latin America. 忽然间另外有一道身形朝萨拉美冲了过去。 „The demon of distortion!” The king of nearby scorpion king Hewan foot recognized the opposite party, the hurried take action interception, blocks the road ahead all. “扭曲之魔!”附近的蝎子王和万足之王认出了对方,急忙出手拦截,将前路尽数封死。 Demon of figure result distortion just like the snake of boneless to be the same, pushed from two demon middle gaps forcefully. 结果扭曲之魔身形犹如无骨的蛇一般,硬生生从两魔中间的间隙挤了过去。 Then rushed to side Latin America, several commanded just came from the unbending condition soberly, but also without fully restored to act is wrenched apart the neck by it directly. 然后冲到了萨拉美身边,几个统领刚刚从僵直状态清醒过来,还没有完全恢复行动就被其直接扭断了脖子。 Princess!” The demon of distortion held Latin America, untied the fetter of her body. 公主!”扭曲之魔将萨拉美抱了起来,解开了她身上的束缚。 Twists the uncle!” Latin America also is very obviously excited. “扭曲叔叔!”萨拉美显然也很激动。 At this time the shadow fiendish person in not far away also responded: Courts death!” 这时不远处的暗影魔王也反应过来:“找死!” Sees only his eyes to exude the ray, two rays shot instantaneously in demon of body distortion. 只见他双眼泛起光芒,两道光线瞬间射在了扭曲之魔身上 The demon of distortion body, then looks at dumbly immediately at the scene. 扭曲之魔顿时身子一顿,然后呆立当场。 The unique skill of shadow fiendish person- unbending beam! 暗影魔王的绝技-僵直射线! At this time a giant corpse ball rolled side the demon of distortion, on the corpse ball the innumerable skeletons opened the mouth to tear and bite to go toward him. 这时一个巨大的尸球滚到了扭曲之魔身边,尸球上无数的骷髅张着嘴巴朝他撕咬而去。 Death control! 死亡掌控者! Although the demon of distortion was affected by the unbending beam, but after all with for 18 big demons one, there is a own maintaining life method. 扭曲之魔虽然被僵直射线影响,但毕竟同为十八位大魔将之一,也有自己的保命手段。 The entire body is a distortion, avoided the strategic point forcefully. 整个身体又是一阵扭曲,硬生生避开了要害。 However avoided the strategic point, the left body actually has no way to avoid, was wrapped up by that giant corpse ball directly. 不过避开了要害,左边身子却没法避开,直接被那巨大的尸球包住。 A sad and shrill pitiful yell resounds, sees only near his left half the body to vanish directly does not see, the internal organs direct exposure wriggles in the air slowly, carefully looks at his wound, the edge is not extremely smooth, many tooth seal, as if are gnaw off by the innumerable yawns forcefully. 一声凄厉的惨叫响起,只见他的左半边身子直接消失不见,内脏直接暴露在空气中缓缓蠕动,仔细看他的伤口,边缘极不平整,有很多牙印,仿佛是硬生生被无数张口咬掉的。 The lord of slaughtering sees that to be angry, cast off the lord of evil spirit to rush to side him shortly, a fist bang in death control body. 杀戮之主见状大怒,短暂地甩开妖魔之主冲到了他身旁,一拳轰在死亡掌控身上 Opposite party body opens mouth to send out the sad and shrill pitiful yell innumerably, was hit to explode the corpse that innumerable everywhere dance in the air by this might giant fist directly. 对方身上无数张嘴发出凄厉的惨叫,然后被这威力巨大的一拳直接打爆成无数漫天飞舞的尸体。 Naturally on his face does not have the least bit happy color, death control by the innumerable corpse combinations, the resiliency was also much stronger, although oneself this caused heavy losses to him, how long but he could not want to restore. 当然他脸上并没有半点高兴之色,死亡掌控者本就由无数尸体组合而成,恢复力又强得惊人,自己这一下虽然重创了他,但他要不了多久就能恢复。 Simultaneously magecraft hits together in demon of body distortion, the half body that his ruins starts again the growth flesh. 同时一道术法打在扭曲之魔身上,他那毁掉的半截身子开始重新生长血肉。 Your quick belt/bring Latin America walks!” The lord of slaughtering keeps off before the demon of body distortion, is greeting attack that the lord, shadow fiendish person, war priest who evil spirit catch up with and other numerous expert. “你快带萨拉美走!”杀戮之主挡在扭曲之魔身前,迎接着赶来的妖魔之主、暗影魔王、战争祭司等众多强者的攻击。 On lord you escape quickly, I remain to bring up the rear, you convene all army to put to death the rebel.” The demon of distortion quickly said. “主上您快逃吧,我留下来断后,你去召集各方军队诛杀叛逆。”扭曲之魔急忙说道。 This truly is host's of plan from the beginning slaughtering, but he smiled: Where after you broke, I came......” 这确实是杀戮之主一开始的计划,不过他还是笑了:“你哪里断得了后,还是我来……” He just wants saying that I find an opportunity to withdraw also conveniently, suddenly the look changes, the direct palm pats behind. 他正想说我找个机会脱身也方便,忽然神色一变,直接一掌拍到身后。 The demon of distortion spurts the blood to fly to draw back crazily to return, but on his face actually one wipes gloomy and cold grinning fiendishly, happily raises hand the jet black sharp thorn. 扭曲之魔狂喷鲜血飞退而回,只不过他脸上却有一抹阴冷的狞笑,得意地扬了扬手中漆黑的尖刺。 The lord of slaughtering felt that a Paralysis feeling spreads the whole body from the waist, he looks at the scorpion king to distant place sharp-eyed: Your tail thorn!” 杀戮之主感觉一股麻痹感从后腰蔓延全身,他目光锐利地望向远处的蝎子王:“你的尾刺!” The scorpion king smilingly said: On lord, the poison of my thorn, various Tianwan few can bear, taste how 蝎子王笑眯眯地说道:“主上,我这尾刺之毒,诸天万界没几个受得了的,滋味如何呀”
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