Mustknow, as the cultivatorstrengthis stronger, the physical bodyintensityis also higher, warpriestexpert of so, the headis harder than the inscription on stone tablet and bronze.
要知道随着修行者实力越强,肉体强度也就越高,战争祭司这般的强者,脑袋比金石还要坚硬。Mayatslaughteringin front ofLordfinger, just like the tofueasilyto be insertedgenerally, thenpinchedto explodedirectly.
The surroundingevil spiritis startled, mustknow the warpriest, butevil spiritworldtopexpert, will rank secondin18bigdemons, put in an appearanceunexpectedlyis advocatedinsta killbyslaughtering
周围的妖魔大吃一惊,要知道战争祭司可是妖魔世界顶尖的强者,在十八位大魔将之中排第二,竟然一个照面就被杀戮之主秒杀了Manyevil spiritstartto regretsecretly,oneselfunderestimated the great strength of lord of slaughtering, should notsotake riskto bet.
不少妖魔开始暗暗后悔,自己还是低估了杀戮之主的强大,不该如此冒险下注的。Onlyhas the Zu Anlookto be tranquil, hediesto fightwith the warpriestin the later generation, which the opposite partyis so easy dead.
唯有祖安眼神平静,他可是在后世跟战争祭司死战过,对方哪这么容易死。Sure enough, on the lord of faceslaughteringdoes not haveslightly the joyfulcolor, butis a browwrinkle, buthehas not stayed, a racket, commandsto crank up the bloodfognearbyseveralevil spiritconveniently.
果不其然,杀戮之主脸上也没有丝毫欣喜之色,而是眉头一皱,不过他并没有停留,随手一拍,将旁边几个妖魔统领拍成血雾。Thattenbigdemonis tyrannical the strength, respondsalsoquickly, hurrieddispersestowardsidetaking advantage of the warpriestraidedcrevice.
那十大魔将实力强横,反应也快,借着战争祭司被袭的空隙急忙往旁边散开。ButplaguedemonMonarchwas slowonestep, or the lord of slaughteringwas hate deeplyunderhimto poisonImperial Guards the presentis so passive, thereforeattackeddirectlytowardhim.
只不过瘟疫魔君还是慢了一步,又或者杀戮之主深恨他下毒害了禁卫军以至于如今如此被动,所以径直朝他攻去。PlaguedemonMonarch can only avoid the strategic pointreluctantly, by an opposite partyfistbangin the shoulder, called out pitifully a mouthbloodto spurtcrazily, the entirebodyjust like a ruinedsandbagto hitonnearbystone carving, hitthesestone carvingscrushes.
瘟疫魔君只能勉强避开要害,被对方一拳轰在肩头,惨叫一声嘴里鲜血狂喷,整个身体犹如一个破败的沙袋撞到了一旁的石雕上,将那些石雕撞得粉碎。Hiswhole personaurainstantaneouslyweak, crawlednot to crawlseveraltimes, obviouslytemporarilyhad lost the combat capability.
他整个人气息瞬间弱了下去,爬了好几次都没有爬起来,显然暂时已经失去了战斗能力。Butslaughteringin the Lordhandis lingeringonegroup of duskymist, is keepingspreadingtowardhisarmon.
而杀戮之主的手上萦绕着一团灰蒙蒙的雾气,正不停朝他手臂上蔓延。PlaguedemonMonarchafter all is one of the 18topexpert, a bodyacute communicable disease can also it be that is so poisonously goodto deal with.
瘟疫魔君毕竟是十八个顶尖强者之一,身上一身瘟毒又岂是那么好相与的。At this timerecentiron fistvastto subdue|gramssaw thatat presentonebrightly, the opposite partyjuststruckto kill the warpriest, caused heavy losses toplaguedemonMonarch, definitelyis in the instantaneousweakperiod of essence qirotation, in additionin the present the plaguedemonMr.'sacute communicable diseasepoison, isonce in a thousand yearsgood opportunity.
这时最近的铁拳浩克见状眼前一亮,对方刚击杀了战争祭司,重创了瘟疫魔君,肯定正处于元气回转的瞬间虚弱期,再加上如今中了瘟疫魔君的瘟毒,正是千载难逢的好机会。Thereforewields the iron fist that heis proud, the Lordback of the bodyrumbledtowardslaughteringdirectlyin the past.
于是挥动着他引以为傲的铁拳,直接朝杀戮之主后心轰了过去。Has the rapidness of fist, has presentedonegroup of sonic bangsto sayaround the fist,meanwhileis exuding the colorfulray.
出拳之快,已经在拳头周围出现了一团音爆云,同时还泛着五颜六色的光芒。Thatisneighbor the spatial warping, the specialray that essence qi and air frictionhas.
The lord of slaughteringsnort/hum, in the hand a fistrevolution, the air/Qi of abovebluish grayacute communicable diseasepoisonwas compelledoutside the bodydirectly, is hardright the fist of opposite party.
轰!Meanwhilesent out a sad and shrillpitiful yellandclearbone splitsound.
与此同时散发出了一声凄厉的惨叫与清脆的骨裂之声。Sees only the iron fistvastto subdue|gramsviolentto draw backto return, covers the right handheadcold sweatstreamingstraightunder.
只见铁拳浩克暴退而回,捂着右手头上冷汗涔涔直下。Sees onlyhimto become famous for a long timefistto be exhaustedat this timeis drooping, as ifonly then the skin of mostouter layeris linking, insidebonehas broken to pieces.
只见他成名已久的拳头此时已经软塌塌地耷拉着,似乎只有最外层的皮连着,里面的骨头已经碎了。Allevil spiritcomplexionschanged, mustknow that vastto subdue|gramsis well-knownmanyworldby the iron fist, his fistdon'tsaid that is a mountain, is a city can also rumbledirectly the ruins, the lord of result and slaughteringlosesunexpectedlysuchmiserablyto the fist!
Several other originallywithquicklycancel the thought that his corethoughttakes advantage of a mistake, simultaneouslywill strengthenwill retreatin the future.
其他几个原本和他一样心思想捡漏的急忙打消念头,同时坚定往后退去。In the imperial tombdemonslaughteringLord the trusted subordinatemoraleheaded bydistortioninspiresgreatly, coversto killunderhisleadership, makesonegroupwiththesewar that the lord of evil spiritbringshand/subordinate.
皇陵中以扭曲之魔为首的杀戮之主的亲信纷纷士气大振,在他的带领下掩杀出来,与妖魔之主带来的那些手下战作一团。Although the topexpertquantityare smaller, butthesecommandareeliteelite, the commonevil spiritis more powerful , in addition, ahead of timeformation under arrange/clothinimperial tomb, hitswith the army that thesetendemonswill leadunexpectedlyinextricably involved.
The lord of slaughteringhas not continued, butstaresto look atnot far away the lord of evil spirit, hedetected that the lord of evil spiritthoughttake actionseveraltimes, but still had not found the appropriateturning point, thereforedoes not dareto be risky.
杀戮之主并没有继续动,而是直勾勾望着不远处的妖魔之主,他察觉到了妖魔之主好几次都想出手,但一直没有找到合适的契机,所以也不敢再冒险。„Onlorddivine artis really unparalleled, put in an appearanceto striketo kill the warpriestunexpectedly, caused heavy losses toplaguedemonMonarchandiron fistvastto subdue|grams.”Althoughon the lord of mouthevil spiritwas commending, buton the faceactuallycompletelydreads the color.
“主上果然神功盖世,竟然一个照面击杀了战争祭司,又重创了瘟疫魔君和铁拳浩克。”妖魔之主嘴上虽然在称赞,但脸上却尽是忌惮之色。„Snort, the warpriestwhere is so also goodto kill, but alsohides there, wantsto find the opportunityto plot againstme”slaughteringto advocatecoldlyto say.
“哼,战争祭司又哪里那么好杀,还躲在那里,是想找机会暗算我么”杀戮之主冷冷地说道。At this timein the main hallraydistortion in a corner, the form of warpriestappearedgradually: „Reallyhides the truth from the discernment on lord.”
The lord of slaughteringcommended: „Canstriketo save the lifeinmefull power, will rank secondworthilyin18bigdemons.”
杀戮之主不禁赞许道:“能在我全力一击下保住性命,不愧在十八位大魔将中排第二。”Afterwardcoped withplaguedemonMonarchandiron fistvastto subdue|gramshisattentionis guarding against the lord of evil spiritto seize the chanceonmostlytake action, only thenmoststartedto attackhimto use the full powerunexpectedly, pressure that thereforetheirthreedemonswill faceactuallyby fardifferent.
The remainingotherdemonswill cast the admiringvisionto the warpriestin abundance, thisfellowvery powerful, imagination is much stronger.
剩下的其他魔将纷纷对战争祭司投去钦佩的目光,这家伙好强,比想象中的还要强得多。Arranges the firstshadowfiendish people to dreadcontinually,thisfellowtooneselfis a threat.
连排第一的暗影魔王都心生忌惮,这家伙对自己是个威胁。„Canbe approved the lordon, the subordinateis honored.”Warpriestenjoys the look that otherdemonswill be worshipping, whilesecretgrieved.
“能得到主上认可,属下倍感荣幸。”战争祭司一边享受着其他魔将崇拜的眼神,一边暗暗心痛。Mustknow that justheused the preciouswarpuppetto save a life, thiswarpuppetis quite precious, has almost with the main bodysamestrength and shape, to a certain extentcancalculate his secondlife.
The keyis not only can be usedto maintain life, but can also be usedto attack, regardless offightswhom, is equivalent totwohimto hit an opposite partyperson, even if the shadowfiendish personcompared withhim, don't tell mecan as strongas2times
关键是不仅可以用来保命,还能用来攻击,不论跟谁打,都相当于两个他打对方一个人,哪怕暗影魔王比他强,难道能强到二倍么Thisishebiggestcard in a hand, will not arrive at the criticalmomentnot to expose.
这是他最大的底牌,不到生死攸关的关头根本不会暴露出来。Has not thoughtis onlyoneputs in an appearance, was ruinedby the lord of slaughtering.
可没想到只是一个照面,便被杀戮之主毁掉了。Hispresentheartin the dropblood, in the surfaceactuallymustpretend the safe/without matterto happen.
他如今心头在滴血,表面上却要装作无事发生。Hedeliberately consideredsecretly,mustseperatelyseek for a card in a handagain.
他暗暗寻思,必须另外再寻找一张底牌。Some time agocheckedspecialSecret Realm, insidepossiblyhadLegendaryto forget the Sichuanwater.
不久前查到了一个特殊秘境,里面可能有传说中的忘川水。Originallyinsidebad risk, hesomewhatcannot make up mindespecially, but can only take risknow.
本来里面格外凶险,他都有些拿不定主意,但现在只能冒险去一趟了。Only will then forget the Sichuanwaterto refine, oneselfhave the qualifications and shadowfiendish personbattle......
The lord of slaughteringsawfearingintent in hiseye, lightsnort/hum the attentionwill then return tolord of bodyevil spirit: „Youdisplayso manyschemes and tricks, is finally difficultto escapewithmefights, must depend on the strengthspeech.”
The lord of evil spiritopposite partythatsurprise attackhad just made the tenbigdemonsscaredclearly, theywill definitely not take the leadnowagain, thereforesaid with a smile: „You were also rather proud, reallythinksownwhole worldwas invincible.”
妖魔之主清楚刚刚对方那一番突袭已经让己方十大魔将胆寒,他们如今肯定不会再打头阵了,于是笑道:“你未免也太自负了,真以为自己天下无敌了么。”Finishes speaking, hisfigurethensuch as the lightningrushes overtoward the opposite partygenerally, the speedwas as good asjustslaughteringunexpectedly the Lordsurprise attack.
话音刚落,他的身形便如闪电一般朝对方冲了过去,速度竟然丝毫不亚于刚刚杀戮之主的突袭。In the entiremain hallfewtalentscansee clearlyhismovement, sees onlyinhiseyesto have the reddesignto keepglitteringto revolve, a viciousair/Qisurges, greenfogfills the air, attackedtowardlord of nearbyopen areaslaughteringdirectly.
The shadowfiendish personandwarpriestsimultaneouslyis startled, howhehitstoward the vacancy
暗影魔王和战争祭司齐齐一怔,他怎么往空处打Weaksideto exposeto give the lord of slaughteringown
岂不是将自己的薄弱侧面暴露给了杀戮之主OnlysomeZu Ancan see clearlywhat's the matter, reallyalmostinstantaneous, the lord of slaughteringhas disappeared in same place, appearsagainhappen to the position of lord of attackevil spirit, as ifhecollectscommon that the opposite partyis attackingto go tounexpectedly.
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