KI :: Volume #25

#2492: Forestalling opponent by a show of strength

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In the Zu An heart moves, these days was constantly together, he will also know 18 big demons is evil spirit world 18 famous expert. 祖安心中一动,这些日子朝夕相处,他也知道十八位大魔将就是妖魔世界十八个着名的强者 Besides they powerful, their each one is controlling a powerful strength and domain. 除了他们自身强大之外,他们各自都控制着一股强大的力量与地盘。 To a certain extent, who obtains the support of these 18 big shot, who is the evil spirit world true king. 某种程度上来说,谁得到这十八位大佬的拥护,谁就是妖魔世界真正的王。 Now lord of side evil spirit unexpectedly ten, lord of side slaughtering, only then demon of one distortion, this contrast was really frigid. 如今妖魔之主身边的竟然有十位之多,杀戮之主身边只有扭曲之魔一个,这对比实在是太惨烈了些。 In addition the furin king such death loyal present being annihilated life and death of does not know, the lord of slaughtering the situation is really less optimistic. 再加上不伦王这样的死忠如今全军覆没生死不知,杀戮之主这边形势实在不容乐观。 Incessantly is he, neighbor other these evil spirit command the complexion somewhat to be ugly, before their each and everyone was confident, but was only one puts in an appearance, their confidence lost 90%. 不止是他,就连附近其他那些妖魔统领脸色都有些难看,之前他们一个个信心满满,但只是一个照面,他们的信心就丢失了90%。 Said these expert that the lord of evil spirit brings, oneself has basically fought with them, but they were limited the strength by the world barrier at that time mostly, now is their heyday. 说起来妖魔之主带来的这些强者,自己基本上都和他们交过手,只不过那时他们多半是被世界屏障限制了实力,如今都是他们的全盛时期。 Before is also thinking the lord of evil spirit was ambushed to fall into the declining tendency by some chance, oneself wanted take action to help him cope with the lord of slaughtering. 之前还想着万一妖魔之主被埋伏陷入颓势,自己要不要出手帮他对付杀戮之主呢。 Looks at now the situation, perhaps how oneself must consider to maintain life a while. 得,看现在情况,自己恐怕要考虑等会儿怎么保命了。 At this time the evil spirit the Lord corners of the mouth rose, that special supple voice resounded: On lord chatted, they turn to me naturally to give loyalty to for the lord on well.” 这时妖魔之主嘴角上扬,那特殊的阴柔嗓音响起:“主上说笑了,他们投靠我自然就是为了更好地为主上效忠。” In the lord of heart slaughtering surges a anger, this fellow was in this situation also there attire! 杀戮之主心中涌起一阵愤怒,这个家伙到了这个地步了还在那里装! Actually before, the opposite party these patted flattery skill to make him very comfortable, will otherwise not trust him like that Mogard and other former subordinates reminded him is not serious, finally then several years, really formed the tail greatly the potential. 其实在以前,对方这些拍马屁功夫让他十分舒服,不然也不会那般信任他,就连莫加德等好些老部下提醒他也不当一回事,结果这才几年,果然形成了尾大不掉之势。 Under he restrains by force the anger, the expression becomes genial: Comes just right, recently I understood the Monster Race imperial tomb secret, happen to lacks the manpower, the brothers came together, in the forehead dragon pool tiger's den we do not fear even.” 他强压下怒火,表情变得和善起来:“来得正好,最近我参透了妖族皇陵的秘密,正好缺人手,众位兄弟一起来了,天庭里就算是龙潭虎穴我们也不怕了。” The lord of attitude evil spirit is still respectful: Does not know the forehead in Lord upper opening where” 妖魔之主态度依然恭敬:“不知主上口中的天庭在何处” Such secret is relating our evil spirit the world's largest secret, cannot reveal to the public.” The lord of slaughtering thinks, to his beckoned, you, and comes, we enter the secret room to speak in detail.” “此等秘密关系着我们妖魔世界最大的秘密,不能公之于众。”杀戮之主想了想,对他招了招手,“你且过来,我们进密室详谈。” On the lord of face evil spirit some meanings move, obviously the secret of forehead attracts to him is very big. 妖魔之主脸上有些意动,显然天庭的秘密对他吸引很大。 However finally got the winning side sanely, his foot stops same place in simply has not moved: Why deceive on lord has I, you have set up the unescapable net in this imperial tomb, perhaps if I must die in the past without doubt.” 不过最终还是理智占据了上风,他的脚停在原地根本没有动:“主上有何必诓我,你已经在这皇陵中设下天罗地网,我若是过去恐怕必死无疑。” The lord of complexion slaughtering sank: Brothers you are what intent 杀戮之主脸色沉了下来:“兄弟你这是何意” The lord of evil spirit laughs at one: On lord, before your set is me, plays remaining, now plays again does not feel somewhat laughably.” 妖魔之主嗤笑一声:“主上,您这一套都是我之前玩剩下的,现在再玩不觉得有些可笑么。” A lord of facial skin twitch slaughtering, he was usually proud, because this time the situation is disadvantageous, he condescends to fall rarely expensively thinks that a repertoire opposite party, who would have guessed that was divulged by the opposite party publicly, at this time on the face somewhat is burning. 杀戮之主脸皮一阵抽动,他素来自负,这次因为局势不利,他难得屈尊降贵想套路一下对方,哪知道被对方公开说破,此时脸上不禁有些火辣辣的。 Ha haha the laughter resounds: Good, by the schemes and tricks, I truly is inferior to you, but don't tell me you really think oneself won this world, eventually only then strongest expert can sit that seat!” 一阵哈哈哈的笑声响起:“不错,论阴谋诡计,我确实不如你,但难道你真以为自己赢定了么这个世界,终究还是只有最强者才能坐上那个位子!” His laughter reverberates in the entire main hall, seriously is unceasingly, cultivation base slightly low cannot bear covered the own heart high, cultivation base similarly feels the vitality surges. 他的笑声在整个大殿回响,当真是声声不绝,修为稍低的都忍不住捂住了自己的心脏,修为高的同样觉得气血翻腾。 Zu An secret sigh, this slaughtering Lord strength really fearsome, but also somewhat pants now. 祖安暗暗感叹,这杀戮之主的实力果然可怖,不过如今也有些气短了。 Obviously is the lord of clear situation slaughtering is ready to be set off, once begins is not then able to recall again, therefore these laughter kept the hand, did not clean up the rebel is so resolute like before, shook the blood fog 1/3 commanding directly. 显然是杀戮之主清楚局势一触即发,一旦动起手来便再也无法挽回,所以这些笑声有所留手,并不像之前清理叛徒那么果决,直接将三分之一的统领震成血雾。 Sure enough, feels in his laughter that terrifying pressure, numerous expert in abundance complexion of lord of side evil spirit changes. 果不其然,感受到他笑声中那恐怖的压力,妖魔之主一方的众多强者纷纷脸色微变。 The lord of evil spirit light snort/hum, that supple meaning diluted the malignant influences in opposite party laughter, everyone vitality then gradually tranquil. 妖魔之主轻哼一声,那声阴柔之意冲淡了对方笑声中的煞气,大家气血这才渐渐平静了下来。 On lord, the time changed, individual brave is not the determining factor, now entire evil spirit world most armies in I control, now the own health/guard are also annihilated, is only left over your loner, has a look at my side to be abundance of capable people again, you have not understood where oneself are defeated the lord of evil spirit to sigh, I learned a few words to give to you in this new world, being popular resulted in whole world!” “主上,时代变了,个人的勇武再也不是决定性因素,如今整个妖魔世界大部分军队都在我控制中,如今你那些亲卫也全军覆没,只剩下你这个孤家寡人,再看看我身边人才济济,你还不明白自己失败在哪里么”妖魔之主叹了一口气,“在这个新世界我学到了一句话送给你,‘得人心者得天下’!” Pah!!” The lord of slaughtering flies into a rage, „you are a dog that I raise, while these years I the concentrating on study secret in the imperial tomb, this gives the opportunity that you deceived both superiors and subordinates.” 我呸!”杀戮之主勃然大怒,“你不过是我养的一条狗而已,趁这些年我在皇陵中潜心研究秘密,这才给了你欺上瞒下的机会。” At once he looks to the lord of side evil spirit does expert: „, The old man self-examined that these years have not treated unjustly you, if you are willing to continue now in any case, the old man guarantees not to go into one's past . Moreover the Lord domain and wealth will apportion everyone the evil spirit, naturally the secret of forehead with will also share, everyone should be clear that the relations of forehead and our evil spirit world will be big.” 旋即他望向妖魔之主身边的一干强者:“诸位,老夫自问这些年没亏待过你们,如果你们如今愿意继续反正,老夫保证既往不咎,而且会将妖魔之主的地盘与财富分给大家,当然还有天庭的秘密也与诸位同享,各位应该清楚天庭和我们妖魔世界的关系有多么大。” Hears his words, many expert thoughts on the scene move slightly, was difficult to be inadequate he really to comprehend the secret of forehead 听到他的话,在场不少强者心思微动,难不成他真的已经参悟了天庭的秘密 Must know that the evil spirit world is spreading a legend, said that their origins are related with the forehead, their first ancestors are the lords of forehead. 要知道妖魔世界流传着一个传说,说他们的起源和天庭有关,他们的始祖乃是天庭之主。 Various rumors are publicizing remote ages, the forehead is powerful, if can find the forehead that vanishes, they can stimulate the strength in bloodlines thoroughly, when the time comes compared with the present does not know wants powerful many times. 各种传言都宣扬着上古时期,天庭有多么强大,若是能找到消失的天庭,那他们就能彻底激发血脉中的力量,到时候比现在不知道要强大多少倍。 As if detected that intent of side companion moves, the lord of evil spirit opens the mouth to say at the right moment: Why on lord also to chat, if you really knew the forehead, went to that side to stimulate the strength of your first ancestor bloodlines, our these in addition is not your opponent, how you will confront with us here.” 似乎察觉到身边同伴的意动,妖魔之主适时开口道:“主上又何必说笑,你如果真的知道天庭,早就去那边激发你的始祖血脉之力,我们这些加起来也不会是你的对手,你又岂会在这里跟我们对峙呢。” Hears these words, numerous big evil spirit are suddenly enlighted, originally is this, was almost plotted together to swindle somebody by this native place. 听到这番话,众多大妖魔纷纷恍然大悟,原来是这样,差点被这老家伙骗了。 Plague demon Monarch also said with a smile Yin sadly: Perhaps other fellow dares to surrender to you, but I was just poisonous but actually outside you these pro- health/guard army, I do not dare to surrender, even if you have anything to promise that I do not dare to believe.” 瘟疫魔君也阴恻恻地笑道:“别的家伙也许敢向你投降,不过我刚刚毒倒了你外面那些亲卫军,我可不敢投降,就算你有什么许诺我也不敢信啊。” Some lord of complexion distortions slaughtering: Really is the hand under your fellow!” 杀戮之主脸色有些扭曲:“果然是你这家伙下的手!” If not pro- health/guard army were been poisonous by him but actually, the present situation so will not be dangerous. 若非亲卫军被他毒倒,自己如今的局势不会这么险恶。 The war priest goes forward one step to keep off before the plague demon Monarch body: Plague demon Monarch felt relieved, we naturally are the common onset and retreat, who does not know the old fogy to be obstinate , the short temper, serves as a petty government official in him, when death does not know.” 战争祭司上前一步挡在瘟疫魔君身前:“瘟疫魔君放心,我们自然是共同进退的,谁不知道老家伙刚愎自用,又脾气暴躁,在他手下当差,什么时候死的都不知道。” Numerous expert hears word who some thoughts fluctuated nods in abundance secretly, yes, with the lord of tyrannical personality of slaughtering, turned to him even, how in the future to have the good end. 原本有些心思浮动的众多强者闻言纷纷暗暗点头,是啊,以杀戮之主暴虐的性格,就算投靠了他,将来又岂会有好下场。 Sees with own eyes own to estrange the idea of failure differentiation, the lord of slaughtering startled and anger: Scoundrel, the old man executed you!” 眼见自己的离间分化之计失败,杀戮之主又惊又怒:“混账,老夫毙了你!” Finished speaking he to appear before the war priest body, if four fingers the hook grasped toward the opposite party head generally, the speed other quick surrounding expert responded radically without enough time. 话音刚落他已经出现在了战争祭司身前,四指若钩一般朝对方脑袋抓了过去,速度之快周围其他强者根本来不及反应。 He plans first to execute the war priest, coming to forestall opponent by a show of strength! 他打算先毙掉战争祭司,来个先声夺人! The war priest is prepared early, in the hand presents a pitch-dark banner placed in front instantaneously, the above thick black air/Qi welled up toward the opposite party. 战争祭司早有准备,手中瞬间出现一张黑漆漆的招魂幡,上面浓浓的黑气朝对方涌了过去。 But these make the black air/Qi that countless people evade it less than not stop to the opposite party half a point, that iron claw buckled like the god of death sickle generally on his face. 只不过那些让无数人避之不及的黑气没有阻拦到对方半分,那铁爪如同死神镰刀一般扣在了他的脸上。
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