KI :: Volume #25

#2496: Forcing

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Zu An: „” 祖安:“” He saw a play here leisurely and carefree, how is at most curious lord of the historically slaughtering to get out of trouble. 他原本在这里悠悠闲闲看戏,顶多好奇一下历史上杀戮之主到底是如何脱困的。 Who knows that involves in the conclusion unexpectedly. 谁知道竟然又牵扯进了局中。 At this time numerous evil spirit in main hall are also one startled, looks toward the place that the sound conveys, sees only, the entrance place is standing a man and a woman. 此时大殿中的众多妖魔也是一惊,纷纷朝声音传来的地方望去,只见,大门口处站着一男一女。 Sees the appearance of that man, the lord of complexion evil spirit changes, unexpectedly is Mogard 看到那男子的样貌,妖魔之主脸色微变,竟然是莫加德 Must know many years ago Mogard is expert that and he shares the honor, although oneself these years progress by leaps and bounds, but quite dread to that fellow. 要知道很多年前莫加德是和他齐名的高手,自己这些年虽然突飞猛进,但对那家伙还是相当忌惮的。 He did not die in the sea clan 他不是死在海族了么 Why will appear here 为何会出现在这里 Moreover how his appearance sees a little strangely, without the past high-spiritedness, looks that seems somewhat old. 而且他的样子怎么看着有点奇怪,没有以往的意气风发,看着似乎有些苍老。 Who by him this female is 还有他旁边这个女子是谁 Why looked in my look to be full of the hatred 为何望着我的眼神中充满了仇恨 Moreover her appearance looks that seems somewhat familiar, but cannot think where has seen her. 而且她的容貌看着似乎有些熟悉,但又想不起来在哪里见过她。 ...... …… Incessantly is he, in the field other evil spirit have the similar doubts. 不止是他,场中其他妖魔有着同样的疑惑。 Brother don't!” The lord of slaughtering sees Mogard to arrive at the great happiness, simultaneously in the heart somewhat lamented, many years ago Mogard has reminded lord of ambitious harbor evil intentions his evil spirit, but he only thinks at that time the opposite party to struggle for favor, even more becomes estranged to it on the contrary. “莫兄弟!”杀戮之主看到莫加德到来不由大喜,同时心中有些悔恨,很多年前莫加德提醒过他妖魔之主野心勃勃包藏祸心,但当时他只以为对方是为了争宠,反倒对其越发疏远。 Now understands who is truly loyal. 现在才明白谁才是真正忠心的啊。 Before heard him in the sad news that the sea clan was annihilated, thinks he is more unfortunate than fortunate, now sees its is well, especially was gratified. 之前听到他在海族全军覆没的噩耗,原本以为他已经凶多吉少,现在见其平安无事,不由格外欣慰。 Originally is furin king,” the lord of evil spirit just saw him to have a scare, but nosed with divine thought, discovers, only then he as well as a young woman, moreover his aura seems much feebler, cannot help but felt relieved thoroughly, before heard you I is also worried at the matter that the sea clan was annihilated you had an accident, now saw you safely is really good.” “原来是不伦王啊,”妖魔之主刚刚看到他吓了一跳,但用神念查探了一番,发现来的只有他以及一个年轻女子,而且他的气息似乎还衰弱得厉害,不由得彻底放下心来,“之前听到你在海族全军覆没的事我还担心你出事呢,如今见你平安实在是太好了。” „, To be why hypocritical.” Mogard complexion is ugly. “狗贼,何必假惺惺的。”莫加德脸色难看。 Also right, actually at this moment I do not need to install, installed so many years somewhat is also tired,” the lord of vision evil spirit fell on his nearby female body, who this was, how to see somewhat looks familiar “也对,其实事到如今我也没必要装了,装了这么多年也有些烦了,”妖魔之主目光落在他旁边的女子身上,“这位又是谁,怎么看着有些面熟” You look look certainly familiar, because she is......” Mogard is just about to speak, nearby Latin America has prevented him, obviously the matter from later generation is a very useful card in a hand, cannot easily waste. “你看着当然面熟,因为她是……”莫加德正要说话,一旁的萨拉美已经阻止了他,显然来自后世的事情是个很有用的底牌,不能轻易浪费。 She looks to the lord of heart slaughtering excited incomparable, so many years saw the father finally, but she suppressed not to display any exceptionally, then looked everywhere was saying: I know you here, do not come out everyone dead at the worst together.” 她望向杀戮之主心中激动无比,这么多年终于看到父亲了,但她还是强忍着没有表现出任何异常,然后四处望着说道:“我知道你在这里,再不出来大不了大家一起死。” Zu An restores the human form, walked from the hidden place slowly, naturally to avoid giving the later generation to stay behind troublesome, on his face wore a mask. 祖安恢复人形,从暗处缓缓走了出来,当然为了避免给后世留下麻烦,他脸上戴了一个面具。 Other these demons expert in abundance one startled, when here is also hiding a person. 其他那些魔将强者纷纷一惊,这里什么时候还藏着一个人。 The Lord God of color evil spirit is actually not accidental/surprised: Which expert continuously in wants to advocate under the seat of honor also to hide in the hidden place, as it now seems was I considers thoroughly.” 妖魔之主神色倒是不意外:“一直在想主上手下还有哪个强者藏在暗处,现在看来是我多虑了啊。” He has just guarded in secret, to lord of take action slaughtering, has not been was worried the fellow who full power this hides in the hidden place executes the sneak attack suddenly. 他刚刚一直暗中防备,以至于都没有对杀戮之主全力出手,就是担心这个潜藏在暗处的家伙突施偷袭。 Before the opposite party as if are, asks him to cooperate to cope with slaughtering the Lord fellow. 对方似乎就是之前来找他合作对付杀戮之主的家伙。 The lord of slaughtering obviously is also the similar idea, thinks that he is the evil spirit the Lord subordinate, both big top expert detected that his existence, because of all sorts of scruples, had not shouted breaks his existence. 杀戮之主显然也是同样的想法,以为他是妖魔之主的部下,两大顶尖强者都察觉到了他的存在,但因为种种顾忌,都没有喊破他的存在。 Zu An has not responded two demons, but is the complexion is somewhat staring at Latin America ugly/difficult to look at: How you come out, princess 祖安没有搭理两魔,而是脸色有些难看地盯着萨拉美:“你怎么出来的,郡主呢” The opposite party presented here, that side Solon poem had/left what accident/surprise obviously. 对方出现在这里,显然索伦诗那边出了什么意外。 Is worried to affect the history, he has not said the name of Solon poem specially. 担心影响历史,他特意没有说出索伦诗的名字。 That silly woman in my hands,” Latin America happily smiles certainly, why, moreover you only cared that she has not thought other that several you very long have not related “那个傻女人当然在我手中,”萨拉美得意地笑了笑,“而且你为什么只关心她就没有想到另外那几个你已经很久没联系过了么” In Zu An heart one startled, no matter Manman or Ji Xiaoxi they, oneself truly for a long time do not have the message very much. 祖安心中一惊,不管是曼曼还是纪小希她们,自己确实已经很久没有音讯了。 But side Xiaoxi has Jiang Luofu and Yun Yuqing in the same place, the self-preservation should not have the issue. 只不过小希身边有姜罗敷云雨晴在一起,自保应该没问题。 Thinks that here he is slightly calm: You want to cheat me, what a pity I did not have is so easy to be swindled.” 想到这里他稍稍镇定下来:“你想诈我,可惜我没那么容易上当。” Believe it or not, do not wait till will regret on the line in the future.” Latin America has not worried to explain but actually, as if the energy is very full. “信不信由你,不要等到将来后悔就行。”萨拉美倒也没有着急解释,似乎底气很足。 The Zu An brow slightly wrinkle, opposite party stance, don't tell me Manman is missing because of her 祖安眉头微皱,对方这架势,难道曼曼失踪就是因为她 First told me detailed circumstances, I analyzed again must help.” “先告诉我具体情况,我再判断要不要帮忙。” Latin America look one cold: You have not chosen, for no matter your several sweethearts are also good, to let all will conform to...... the future development, you can only help.” 萨拉美神色一冷:“你没有选择,不管是为了你那几个情人也好,还是为了让一切符合……将来的发展也罢,你只能帮忙。” Zu An understood her meaning, historically the lord of slaughtering does not die in the evil spirit in the Lord hand, if avoids the historical disorder, in the future will have what uncertainties, today this aspect he must get out of trouble. 祖安听懂了她的意思,历史上杀戮之主并非死在妖魔之主手中,所以如果避免历史紊乱,未来出现什么变数,今天这种局面他必须要脱困。 But currently looks like, has this ability, only then he. 而目前看来,有这个能力的只有他了。 Has flash that he to have absent-minded, said that will be the historical impact is deciding the future, but how to seem like the similar influence, to participate in the history now in the future. 有那么一瞬间他有一种恍惚,都说是历史影响决定着未来,但怎么现在看起来似乎是未来同样影响、参与着历史呢。 You is who the lord of complexion evil spirit shakes, when he so had been disregarded. “你们到底是谁”妖魔之主脸色微抖,他什么时候被这般无视过。 Zu An shows a faint smile: We are only the travelers.” 祖安微微一笑:“我们只是过客。” No matter what guest, do not want to walk today!” An lord of look evil spirit, threw toward Zu An to recent embryo mother Mochong and ten thousand revering fully one on the left and other on the right. “不管是什么客,今天都别想走!”妖魔之主一个眼神,离得最近的胎母魔虫和万足尊者一左一右朝祖安扑了过去。 On ten thousand revering each feet is having a head fully, these heads extended the respective hand to attack toward Zu An in abundance in all directions. 万足尊者每个脚上都长着一个脑袋,那些脑袋纷纷伸着各自的手四面八方朝祖安攻了过去。 Every time in opens mouth is spurting the black poisonous mist, is almost the opposite party package is then one of them instantaneously. 每张嘴里喷着黑色的毒雾气,几乎是瞬间便将对方包裹在其中。 The people see that relax secretly, ten thousand fully revering main bodies is a big centipede, these black fog have the violent poisonousness, by so many poison packages, even if will be other these demons, will change to one group of bloody pus. 众人见状暗暗松了一口气,万足尊者本体乃是一只大蜈蚣,那些黑雾有剧毒,被这么多毒物包裹,哪怕是其他那些魔将,也会化作一团脓血。 However the smile on their face stiffened quickly, because that thick poison vanishes at the visible speed suddenly does not see. 不过他们脸上的笑容很快僵住了,因为那浓浓的毒物忽然以肉眼可见的速度消失不见。 That mysterious fellow flushed, then the cold light flashes, ten thousand revering have dozens feet to cut off fully directly. 紧接着那神秘家伙冲了出来,然后寒光一闪,万足尊者有数十条足被直接斩断。 These fall fully on the ground, the above head pain is crying out, changed to the skeleton quickly withered, does not have the sound again. 那些足掉在地上,上面的脑袋痛苦呐喊着,很快干枯化作了骷髅,再也没有声息。 But at this time embryo mother Mochong also attacked, his speed strange quick, changed to four forms to attack toward the opposite party from each direction simultaneously, as if the a stream of red lightning tore the trim space generally. 而此时胎母魔虫也攻了过来,他的速度奇快,化作了四道身影从各个方向同时朝对方攻击,仿佛一道道红色的闪电将整片空间都撕裂了一般。 Although saw pitiful conditions of ten thousand fully revering, but in his heart is unhurried, the own innate talent ability lets him more is protracted battle more has the advantage. 尽管看到了万足尊者的惨状,但他心中丝毫不慌,自己的天赋能力让他越是久战越有优势。 When the time comes his difference- The body are getting more and more, that will be in an impregnable position. 到时候他的分--身越来越多,那就会立于不败之地了。 The opposite party want to exceed him, can only , when most starts the flash same second of time falls his these differences- Body. 对方想要胜过他,只能在最开始的时候一瞬间同时秒掉他这几个分--身。 Slaughters the lord of advocating peace evil spirit perhaps to achieve, but they do not know that must eliminate simultaneously all my differences- The body is good, this fellow looks that the aura is not powerful, he can also in a flash the second I 杀戮之主和妖魔之主也许做得到,但他们并不知道要同时消灭我所有分--身才行,这个家伙看着气息并不算强大,他还能一瞬间秒我 This thought just raised, he then saw big group black fog. 这个念头刚升起,他便看到了一大团黑雾。 That was ten thousand fully revering just full power the poisonous fog of blowout. 那是万足尊者刚刚全力喷出的毒雾。 Almost in a flash, the surroundings space is flooding this type of poisonous fog, his speed is fast, has no way to avoid completely, four minutes/shares- body falls the ground from the space simultaneously, nation- hard! 几乎一瞬间,周围空间都充斥着这种毒雾,他速度再快,也没法完全避开,四道分-身同时从天上掉到地上,邦-硬!
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