KI :: Volume #24

#2340: Let sisters who the person has a headache about

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Went to the treasure house bandits and thieves because of the lord of former evil spirit directly, instead let off them, let Mogard and she had the intense sense of crisis, as if the lord of evil spirit had not paid attention to them completely, the clear time towed for a long time, was even more disadvantageous to one's own side. 因为之前妖魔之主直接冲宝库盗贼而去,反而放过了他们,让莫加德和她都有了强烈的危机感,仿佛妖魔之主已经完全没把他们放在眼里了,清楚时间拖得越久,对己方越发不利。 Therefore must rescue the lord of slaughtering as soon as possible, only then he can contend with the lord of evil spirit. 所以必须尽快救出杀戮之主,只有他才能与妖魔之主抗衡。 Naturally this reasoning does not need to say with Zu An. 当然这个中缘由就没必要和祖安说了。 Three days of time was too tight.” Zu An knits the brows saying that although he has actually been constructing that formation now, but not possible in three days to construct. “三天时间太紧了。”祖安皱眉道,尽管如今他其实已经在建造那阵法了,但也不可能三天内建造起来。 Most five days, if are many, was detected the change by the lord of evil spirit very much easily, that was complete.” The Latin America look is dignified, now underground city all are being controlled momentarily, the lord of slightest sign of trouble evil spirit will a little receive the message slightly, limit that five days have been able to delay. “最多五天,若是再多的话,很容易被妖魔之主察觉到异动,那就全完了。”萨拉美神色凝重,如今地下城一切随时被管控着,稍微有点风吹草动妖魔之主就会收到消息,五天已经是能拖延的极限。 Zu An thought that the lord of evil spirit discovered will not say anything, naturally to avoid her has the suspicion, he complied. 祖安心想妖魔之主就算发现了也不会说什么的,当然为了避免她产生怀疑,他还是答应了下来。 Latin America then nods satisfied, at once discusses the details of some following cooperation with him. 萨拉美这才满意地点了点头,旋即跟他商议一些接下来合作的细节。 In this period she is looking at him suddenly sensitively: I as if detected that you start to speak but hesitate several times, wants to say anything with me 期间她忽然敏感地望着他:“我似乎察觉到好几次你欲言又止,是想和我说些什么吗” Zu An shows a faint smile: Eldest Young Lady considered thoroughly, I am admiring the plan of Eldest Young Lady to be thorough.” 祖安微微一笑:“大小姐多虑了,我是在佩服大小姐的计划周密而已。” Actually he really has to consider that told her the lord of evil spirit to know all, looked that can unite her strength to cope with the lord of evil spirit, after all now the tripartite influence, he with Latin America remarkable weak in the strength that the lord of evil spirit can use. 其实他确实有考虑告诉她妖魔之主已经知道了一切,看能不能联合她的力量来对付妖魔之主,毕竟如今三方势力,他和萨拉美都显着弱于妖魔之主能动用的力量。 However finally he cancelled this thought that first lord of slaughtering has died, moreover can be dies indirectly in his hands, therefore both sides are doomed to get angry ; 不过最终他还是打消了这个念头,一来杀戮之主已死,而且还可以算是间接死在他手里,所以双方注定要翻脸; A more important point is the lord of evil spirit is obviously clear to her plan, she and Mogard was still actually kept in the dark, the two sides strengths fear to expect is disparate. 更重要的一点是妖魔之主明明已经对她的计划一清二楚,她和莫加德却依然被蒙在鼓里,两边的实力恐怕比自己预料的还要悬殊。 Moreover all these showed that her side had been infiltrated the sand mostly, if oneself told her the truth, difficult insurance not to leak, he was instead dangerous. 而且这一切显示她身边多半已经被渗透成沙子了,自己若是告诉她实情,难保不会泄密,那他反而危险了。 Therefore might as well anything did not say, now both sides are also the alliance relationships, similarly can use her strength to cope with the lord of evil spirit, will not were held back by her. 所以还不如什么都不说,如今双方也是同盟关系,同样能利用她的力量对付妖魔之主,还不会被她这边扯后腿。 Feels him to praise sincerely, outside Saraz Meige enjoys: Haha, you are also pretty good, thinks you are only the lascivious lecherous playboy, as it now seems that should be only the appearance that you install intentionally.” 感受到他真诚的夸奖,萨拉美格外受用:“哈哈,你也不赖,原本以为你只是个贪花好色的纨绔,现在看来那应该只是你故意装出来的样子罢了。” Zu An smiles, had not explained. 祖安笑了笑,并没有解释。 Two people exchange to distinguish from now on mutually, Latin America looks at Zu An to depart the back, the smile on face vanishes gradually does not see. 两人交流完过后互相分别,萨拉美望着祖安离去地背影,脸上的笑容渐渐消失不见。 body tied up Mogard of bandage to appear side her: Eldest Young Lady, you really believe this boy 身上绑着绷带的莫加德出现在了她身边:“大小姐,你真的相信这小子” Naturally does not believe that he hides deeply, how can also the little darling help us work Latin America to sneer again and again, which also had the least bit just to discuss the really happy appearance. “当然不信,他藏得这么深,又岂会乖乖帮我们做事”萨拉美冷笑连连,哪还有半点刚刚相谈甚欢的样子。 Mogard gave a hand signal quietly: Or he makes formation, we ka......” 莫加德悄悄做了个手势:“要不等他把阵法做出来,我们咔……” Latin America shakes the head slightly: No, temporarily also needs to use him, waited till the cultivation world to say again, when the time comes saw the father, no matter he had anything to plan, was doomed is the floating clouds.” 萨拉美微微摇头:“不,暂时还需要用到他,等到了修行世界再说吧,到时候见到父亲,不管他有什么谋划,都注定是浮云。” On Mogard face also reveals a frantic color: Old master cultivation base is exceedingly high, only Donal naturally cannot turn the rough seas, but lord of these year of strengths evil spirit progress by leaps and bounds......” 莫加德脸上也露出一丝狂热之色:“老主人修为通天,区区一个多纳尔自然翻不出大浪,只不过妖魔之主这些年实力突飞猛进……” Does not need to be worried, the Latin America look is tranquil, „, let alone the lord of evil spirit, is outside that end beast, the father also has the means to cope.” “不必担心,”萨拉美神色平静,“别说妖魔之主,就是外面那头末日兽,父亲也有办法对付。” In Mogard eyes flashes through unusual look: Does not know that the old master has what method to cope, then day beast 莫加德眼中闪过一丝异色:“不知道老主人到底有什么法子对付那末日兽” When the time comes naturally knows.” Latin America had not replied, walks, we should also do the own matter.” “到时候自然就会知道。”萨拉美并没有回答,“走吧,我们也该去做自己的事了。” Yes!” Mogard followed her form to disappear in the distant place. “是!”莫加德跟着她的身影消失在了远处。 ...... …… Zu An returns to after the cave mansion, under the arrange/cloth various types around the cave mansion isolates formation specially again, this calls various woman to meet together. 祖安回到洞府过后,特意将洞府四周再布下各种隔绝阵法,这才召集诸女一起开了个会。 Because is related importantly, even Jiang Luofu also attended. 因为事关重要,连姜罗敷也出席了。 In this period Zu An also looked at her one eyes specially, finally noticed her facial expression to be indifferent, did not look at itself, he is startled slightly will be able help laughing from now on, in it seems like her heart is blaming itself. 期间祖安特意还看了她一眼,结果注意到她神情冷漠,根本不看自己,他微微一怔过后哑然失笑,看来她心中还是在责怪自己啊。 Naturally now he has no time to care about these radically, but the plan and own idea Latin America and everyone said. 当然如今他根本无暇顾及这些了,而是将萨拉美的计划以及自己的想法和大家说了一遍。 Various female each and everyone look solemn , helping his plug up the leaks actively. 诸女一个个都神情肃穆,积极地帮他查漏补缺。 They are the present age peak smart person, each and everyone are experienced, one discussed that makes the plan of Zu An more perfect detailed. 她们都是当世最顶尖的聪明人,一个个见多识广,一番讨论下来让祖安的计划更加完善详实。 Following, the group were busy at the respective duty on several th respectively, Zu An pulls out to return to Room own spatially, he took down pendant on neck, entered in the paradise dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 接下来的几日,一行人各自忙各自的任务,祖安抽了个空回到自己的,他取下脖子上的吊坠,进入了福地洞天中。 Compared with the adverse circumstance of underground city, in the paradise dwelling place of Buddhist immortals the small bridge over the flowing stream, the scenery is especially refined. 比起地下城的恶劣环境,福地洞天里小桥流水,景色格外雅致。 Zu An arrives at the middle log cabin, inside calmly stands erect a jade coffin, Qiu Honglei calmly has been lying down in inside, as if the sleeping beauty is common. 祖安来到正中间的木屋,里面静静矗立着一个玉棺,秋红泪一直静静地躺在里面,仿佛睡美人一般。 Has not thought that separated was so long she still not to regain consciousness...... 没想到隔了这么久她依然没有苏醒…… When Zu An is worrying, out of the door broadcast a sound of pleasant to hear: „The Miss Qiu recent facial expression had changed for the better, how long wants to come unable to be able to wake.” 祖安正担忧之际,门外传来了一个好听的声音:“秋姑娘最近气色已经好转了许多,想来已经要不了多久就能醒过来了。” Zu An then notices in the jade coffin the Qiu Honglei skin color to be ruddy, delicate skin, seemed blown fearfully must extinguish the fire of life by the wind before that type is better palely were more, it seems like oneself are really cares chaotically. 祖安这才注意到玉棺中秋红泪的肤色红润,吹弹可破,和之前那种仿佛被风一吹就要熄灭生命之火的可怕苍白要好了很多很多,看来自己果然是关心则乱。 He then turns head, looks at present Jing Teng who wears a as if qipao style skirt, has to sigh that this clothes are really good to reveal the stature. 他这才回过头来,看着眼前穿着一身仿佛旗袍样式裙子的景藤,不得不感叹这身衣服真的好显身材。 Not only outlined incisively her beautiful physique, but also appeared especially exceptionally talented. 不仅将她婀娜的身姿勾勒得淋漓尽致,还显得格外天赋异禀 Properly speaking breast exceptionally talented will remind some not good words and expressions unavoidably, but she also has an elegant elegant face, a whole person as if peony in full bloom. 按理说乳此天赋异禀难免会让人联想到一些不太好的词语,可她同时有着一张雍容华贵的俏脸,整个人仿佛一朵盛开的牡丹。 As the matter stands, exceptionally talented instead makes her even more tender and beautiful, will only increase beautiful color to her, but will not bring not the good association. 这样一来,天赋异禀反而让她越发娇艳,只会给她增添丽色,而不会带来不好的联想。 Sees calm and elegance on her face, Zu An recognizes her immediately is Big Sister: Scenery miss is good.” 看到她脸上的从容与典雅,祖安立马认出她是姐姐:“景姑娘好。” The scenery vine said lightly: „The relations among us, you shouted like this somewhat is rather fickle.” 景藤淡淡地说道:“以我们之间的关系,你这样喊未免有些薄情。” Zu An is somewhat awkward: Mainly your body has one type imposingly not to dare to offend the meaning, therefore the subconsciousness is somewhat polite.” 祖安有些尴尬:“主要还是你身上有一种让人凛然不敢冒犯之意,所以下意识有些客气。” You also little offended Jing Tenggang saying that snow- on skin dense lightly pink color. “你冒犯得还少么”景藤刚说完,雪-肤上氤氲了一层淡淡地粉色。 In the Zu An also heart, in the mind appeared two people initially the intimate scene. 祖安也不禁心中一荡,脑海中浮现出两人当初亲密的情景。 „Are you and younger sister are chatting naturally, wants me to call her to come out Jing Teng to say suddenly. “你是不是和妹妹聊着更自然些,要不要我唤她出来”景藤忽然说道。 If a man choose in this case, head and big pig's feet also no difference. 若是一个男人在这种情况下选是的话,脑袋和大猪蹄子也没什么区别了。 He was holding the hand of opposite party in the past: No need, I actually like staying together with you.” 他过去牵着对方的手:“不必,我其实更喜欢和你呆在一起。” On Jing Teng the face shows a self-satisfied smile, the next second her facial expression becomes especially dangerous, breaks free from his hand: Hehe, the man is really not the good thing, face to face at the back of one set is one set.” 景藤脸上露出一丝得意的微笑,下一秒她的神情变得格外危险,一把将他的手甩开:“呵呵,男人果然不是什么好东西,当面一套背面又是一套。” Zu An: „” 祖安:“” Now her on face classical vanishes gracefully does not see, displacing is seductive and danger, obviously was the black Jing Teng personality comes out. 如今她脸上的古典雍容消失不见,取而代之则是妖艳与危险,显然是黑景藤的人格又出来了。 Zu An cannot bear sigh: Your sisters this is playing me intentionally.” 祖安忍不住叹道:“你们姐妹这是故意在玩我啊。” white Jingteng the voice resounds lightly: How this will not know your honeyed words 白景藤的声音淡淡地响起:“不这样又岂会知道你的花言巧语呢” How you can switch over me to be able not to know that momentarily this had not just coordinated you to play intentionally.” Zu An hugs the opposite party in the bosom, bites her ear to whisper the scene that several played past together, the black and white Jing Teng body was instantaneously soft. “你俩能随时切换我又岂会不知刚刚这样还不是故意配合你们游戏的。”祖安一把将对方抱在怀中,咬着她的耳朵低语了几句昔日一同嬉戏的场景,黑白景藤身子瞬间软了。 Yes, they such accompanied him to play initially together, how he can not know this. 是啊,当初她们都一起那样陪他玩过了,他又怎会不知这点。 You ask us to do today, looks at us to laugh at this intentionally is proud tender Big Sister. “那你今天来找我们干什么,故意看我们笑话么”这是傲娇的姐姐 Big Sister you are really insensitive, he definitely is asks us altogether to go to Wushan, is the old rule, plays games to decide that who comes.” This is the cunning and unreasonable warm younger sister. 姐姐你真是不解风情,他肯定是来找我们共赴巫山的啊,还是老规矩,划拳决定谁来。”这是刁蛮热情的妹妹。 „It is not dry/does, you play games each time act shamelessly.” “不干,你每次划拳都耍赖。” That I eat the point to owe at the worst, together.” “那大不了我吃点亏,一起吧。” ...... …… Hears two sisters' dialogue, Zu An: „......” 听到姐妹俩的对话,祖安:“……” Saw with own eyes that the style starts becomes somewhat strange, he quickly explained the purpose in coming: Actually this time has a matter to ask specially your.” 眼见画风开始变得有些奇怪,他急忙道明来意:“其实这次是有一件事特意来拜托你们的。”
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