KI :: Volume #24

#2339: Deadline

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Zu An really thorough had doubts, he does not clarify Jiang Luofu this is what meaning. 祖安真的彻底疑惑了,他弄不清楚姜罗敷这到底是什么意思。 Does intentionally with ease, really plays casually 只是故作轻松,还是真的只是随便玩玩 If the former, how could oneself work as the heartless man (Han) 如果是前者,自己又岂能当负心汉 If the latter...... is not right, how Principal Jiang possibly is that person. 如果是后者……不对,姜校长怎么可能是那种人。 For these years, because Jiang Luofu stockings puts on the vanguard to be bold extremely, in addition looks is very beautiful, body that unique makings and charm do not know that attracted many debauched people. 这么多年来,姜罗敷因为丝袜穿得太过前卫大胆,再加上长得十分美艳,身上那独特的气质与魅力不知道吸引了多少狂蜂浪蝶。 Has not listened to have anybody to be close to him truly, on the contrary spread some lechers to make into pig to throw in the gloomy alley actually frequently. 可从来没听过有任何人真正接近过他,相反倒是经常传出一些登徒子被打成猪头扔到了阴暗小巷中。 It can be imagined her not that type in this aspect optional female. 可想而知她绝非那种在这方面随意的女子。 At this time Jiang Luofu divine soul returned to the body, opened the eye slowly, she discovered that on the face burnt very much, actually can only the tranquil train of thought: This matter cannot say with others, especially Xiaoxi.” 这时姜罗敷神魂回到身体中,缓缓睁开了眼睛,她发现脸上烫得很,却只能平静思绪道:“这件事不许和其他人说,特别是小希。” „......” Zu An nods subconsciously, suddenly thought that this is somewhat improper, is wanting to say anything, was actually lifted the hand to stop by the opposite party. “哦……”祖安下意识点了点头,忽然又觉得这样有些不妥,正欲说什么,却被对方抬手制止。 Said is only a beautiful misunderstanding, just the junction under divine soul condition- friendly, I can feel that you do not have the slight evil thought that otherwise I will not consider as finished like this, such being the case, why not we forgot to be good to everyone this matter like this.” The eye pupil of Jiang Luofu restored elegantly beautiful in ordinary day. “都说了只是个美丽的误会,刚刚神魂状态下的交-融,我能感觉到你没有丝毫邪念,不然我也不会就这样算了,既然如此,我们何不把这件事忘了呢这样对大家都好。”姜罗敷的眼眸恢复了平日里的冷艳。 „Is like this unfair to you.” Zu An also pain in the ass, said that at this time very much the opposite party was taken advantage, said that is short of the basic common knowledge to cause. “可是这样对你不公平。”祖安此时也很蛋疼,说起来对方被占了大便宜,说起来还是自己欠缺基本常识导致的。 Was only divine soul is touched several by you, no at the worst. I was somewhat deficient, wants to rest.” Jiang Luofu calmly even somewhat ice-cold. “只是神魂被你触碰了几下而已,没什么大不了的。我有些乏了,想休息了。”姜罗敷语气平静得甚至有些冰冷了。 In the Zu An heart trembles, at this time felt that is also quite strange, was occupies others to be cheap obviously, how to do now looks like her to occupy me to be cheap, moreover got angry does not recognize people that type. 祖安心中一颤,此时感觉也相当古怪,明明是自己占了人家便宜,怎么现在搞得像她占了我便宜,而且翻脸不认人那种。 However he also had such matter clearly, she truly requires the time to live alone calm. 不过他也清楚发生了这样的事情,她确实需要时间独处冷静一下。 Especially just she almost exposed most embarrassed one before oneself...... 特别是刚刚她几乎在自己面前暴露出了最难堪的一幕…… Thinks that here he is not good to urge, then sets out to say goodbye: I first went out, all evil aura of your within the body had been thoroughly eliminated by me, if following you felt that has any improper, told me immediately.” 想到这里他也不好在劝,便起身告辞道:“那我先出去了,你体内的所有邪恶气息都已经被我彻底清除,如果后续你感觉到有任何不妥,就马上跟我说。” Jiang Luofu: „......” 姜罗敷:“……” Thought that had just such matter, behind me also dares to look for you 心想发生了刚刚那样的事情,我后面还敢找你啊 However hesitant moment un. 不过犹豫片刻还是嗯了一声。 Sees her deliberately to turn away from itself, in the facial expression and tone somewhat are indifferent, in the Zu An heart somewhat is also uncomfortable, but thinks that to her injury, oneself does not have the face to explain, can only arch cupping one hand in the other across the chest, went out of the room disconsolately. 见她刻意背对自己,神情和语气中都有些冷漠,祖安心中也有些难受,但想到对她的伤害,自己也没脸解释,只能拱了拱手,惆怅地走出了房间。 After the opposite party leaves, as if sat straight Jiang Luofu not to have the strength, the whole person was directly soft, just like the pupil of winter flying snow at this time actually as if spring- rain is continuous, the mouth low voice twittering said: Disgraced disgraced......” 待对方离开过后,原本坐得笔直的姜罗敷仿佛没了力气,整个人直接软了下来,原本犹如冬日飞雪的眸子此时却仿佛春-雨绵绵,嘴里小声呢喃道:“丢死人了丢死人了……” Suddenly she turned the body, felt that body some were uncomfortable, raise the head to confirm when the opposite party departed the door closed/pass, this hurried shed stockings, saw inside situation, mature elegantly beautiful cheeks instantaneous was red. 忽然她扭了扭身子,感觉到身上有些不舒服,抬头确认了对方离去时将门关好了,这才急忙将丝袜褪了下来,看到里面的情形,成熟冷艳的脸蛋儿瞬间红了。 Later cannot put on the joined bodies stockings...... 以后再也不能穿连体的丝袜了…… She never has to discover own body unexpectedly by so many- water constitutes. 她从来都没发现自己身子竟然由如此多-水构成。 divine soul- junction......” recalled that the past read the ancient book about this matter various insufficient detail, or the vague analogy and suggestion, Jiang Luofu only felt some gnashing teeth. 神魂相-交……”回想起昔日所看典籍关于这种事各种语焉不详,或者隐晦的比喻以及暗示,姜罗敷只觉得有些牙痒痒 These senior worthy people of former times are really the pits, why does not write out a clear/pain point, just harmed me to lose that big face. 这些前辈先贤真的是坑啊,为什么不写清楚一点,害得我刚刚丢了那么大脸。 Thinks that just both sides divine soul junction- when melts the feeling, Jiang Luofu is caressing the cheek subconsciously, somewhat is suddenly lost. 想到刚刚双方神魂交-融时的感觉,姜罗敷下意识抚着脸蛋,一时间不禁有些出神。 ...... …… And said that Zu An comes out after Room Jiang Luofu, Ji Xiaoxi hears the news to catch up: I am young- aunt how 且说祖安姜罗敷出来后,纪小希闻讯赶了过来:“我小-姨怎么样了” Thinks that just the mistake arising out of chance circumstances and matter of Jiang Luofu, Zu An some do not dare to look straight ahead Xiaoxi that limpid pure look, some unnatural replied: „The evil aura of her within the body had been thoroughly eliminated, but she needs the properly rest, temporarily do not disturb her.” 想到刚刚阴差阳错和姜罗敷发生的事情,祖安有些不敢直视小希那清澈纯真的眼神,有些不自然地答道:“她体内的邪恶气息已经被彻底清除,只不过她需要好好休息,你们还是暂时不要去打扰她了。” Knew that is small- aunt is safe, the Ji Xiaoxi eye smiles immediately is similar to the crescent moon to be common: Big Brother Zu you were too fierce, what difficulty cannot baffle you.” 得知小-姨平安无恙,纪小希眼睛笑得顿时如同月牙儿一般:“祖哥哥你太厉害了,什么困难都难不倒你。” She is skilled in the medical skill, perhaps is in the field the clearest Jiang Luofu situation person, she exhausted various methods to have no way to be young before- the aunt within the body that strange strength eliminates, without thinking was then handled by Zu An quickly. 她精通医术,恐怕是场中最清楚姜罗敷情况的人,她之前用尽各种手段都没法将小-姨体内那股诡异的力量清除,没想到这么快便被祖安搞定了。 Zu An is somewhat afraid, quickly changes the topic: How you to prepare 祖安有些心虚,急忙岔开话题:“你这边准备得怎么样了” I in the medical skill and poisonous of learn/study evil spirit world, although is enormous with the knowledge difference in our world, but the medicine together, changes , but staying the same poisonously, separates probably again for several days, I should be able to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study these.” Ji Xiaoxi mentioned this the small chest, the facial expression was somewhat proud, seems waiting for the praise to be the same. “我在学习妖魔世界的医术与毒经,虽然和我们世界的知识差异极大,但医毒一道,万变不离其宗,大概再隔几天,我应该就能将这些融会贯通。”纪小希说起这个挺了挺小胸脯,神情有些骄傲,似乎在等着夸奖一般。 Xiaoxi is really fierce!” Zu An cannot bear gently- rubs- rubs her head, must know that this was condensed a medical skill and poisonous of the world, she such short time can achieve mastery through a comprehensive study it unexpectedly! 小希真厉害!”祖安忍不住轻轻-揉-了-揉她的脑袋,要知道这可是凝聚了一个世界的医术与毒经,她竟然这么短的时间就能将其融会贯通! Even she is small Divine Physician, but this speed was too exaggerating. 就算她本身就是小神医,但这个速度还是太夸张了些。 Only can explain her to the understanding in medical, poisonous aspect already almost in say/way, only then she studies any related new knowledge like this, will be easy. 只能说明她对医、毒方面的理解已经几近于道,只有这样她学任何相关的新知识,才会手到擒来。 Hears his explanation, Ji Xiaoxi somewhat is vacant: I have not thought so many, is looked these medicinal herbs anything feels naturally kind, as if they told me them to have what effect on own initiative.” 听到他的解释,纪小希还有些茫然:“我也没想那么多,就是看那些药草什么的天然觉得亲切,仿佛它们争相主动告诉我他们有什么功效似的。” Zu An hears word even more was startled, thought that this don't tell me is the Legendary what innate medicine immortal sacred body and so on 祖安闻言越发吃惊了,心想这难道传说中的什么先天医仙圣体之类的 Is planning to inquire carefully, suddenly Solon poem runs over: Big Brother Zu, outside has a female to keep the book to make your place to see.” 正打算仔细询问,忽然索伦诗跑了过来:“祖大哥,外面有个女子留书约你老地方见。” Hears this saying, various woman in cave mansion turns the head to look in abundance to Zu An, in the look the meaning of quite a lot carefully examining. 听到这话,洞府中的诸女纷纷转头望向祖安,眼神中颇多审视之意。 Zu An that flash actually somewhat intense feeling, quickly said: Is Latin America wants to see me mostly, you think where.” 祖安那一瞬间竟然有几分紧张之感,急忙说道:“多半是萨拉美想见我,你们想到哪儿去了。” Thinks before him, description about Latin America, various woman covers the mouth smile, even many also talked in whispers mutually, heard indistinctly is teasing anything. 想到他之前关于萨拉美的描述,诸女不禁掩嘴微笑,甚至不少还互相窃窃私语,隐隐约约听到是在打趣什么。 A Zu An heavy line, after having the cave mansion, arrives at beforehand several times the place that met with Latin America, she really crosses the hands behind the back to stand there. 祖安一头黑线,出了洞府后,来到之前几次和萨拉美见面的地方,她果然在那里负手而立。 Looks at the Eldest Young Lady facial expression, should successfully rescue Mogard.” Zu An said with a smile. “看大小姐的神情,应该已经成功救出了莫加德吧。”祖安笑道。 Also must thanks to young master,” Latin America arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, in ratio anticipation that the evil spirit lord must be early many, was lucky mysterious person who that team attacks the palace treasure house, if not they attracted the evil spirit the Lord attention, Our group all had perhaps been grasped.” “还要托公子的福,”萨拉美拱了拱手,“不过妖魔之主回来的比预期中的要早很多,多亏了那队突袭宫殿宝库的神秘人,若非他们吸引了妖魔之主的注意,我们一行恐怕已经全被抓了。” „, Unexpectedly who one team of mysterious people attacked treasure house Eldest Young Lady to be possible the knowledge to be are so all-resourceful Zu An to disguise the curious say/way. “哦,竟然还有一队神秘人去袭击了宝库大小姐可知是谁这般神通广大”祖安假装好奇道。 I think it over, that team of mysterious influences perhaps only then young master you.” Latin America smilingly looks at him. “我思来想去,那队神秘势力恐怕只有公子你了啊。”萨拉美笑眯眯地看着他。 The Zu An complexion changes: I was making the lord of evil spirit leave the palace at that time, where obtained the body to say me again, if had this skill, a real demon clan is also insufficient to become the present appearance desolately.” 祖安脸色一变:“我当时正引妖魔之主离开宫殿,哪里分得开身再说了我要是有这个本事,真魔一族也不至于落寞成如今的样子。” From beginning to end Latin America has been staring at the eye of Zu An, but he experienced so many great storms, the performing skill is impeccable, she really cannot see what flaw. 从始至终萨拉美都一直盯着祖安的眼睛,可他经历了这么多大风大浪,演技早已无可挑剔,她实在看不出什么破绽。 Latin America smiles: You said that indeed really has several points of truth, it seems like it was I wants.” 萨拉美笑了笑:“你说的确实有几分道理,看来是我想多了。” At once puts out storage ring to give him: After this accident, that treasure house was obviously impossible to be close again, I found the way to collect a number of formation materials in other places to you, should enough you construct to transmit formation, does not know when the young master can make 旋即拿出一个储物戒指递给他:“经这次变故,那宝库显然不可能再接近了,我想办法在其他地方给你凑了一批阵法材料,应该足够你重新建造传送阵法了,不知道公子什么时候能造好” Zu An received storage ring, nosing, found slightly inside has all kinds of formation materials, somewhat cannot help but pleasantly surprised, has not thought that also has harvest so: Eldest Young Lady seems anxious 祖安接过储物戒指,稍稍查探,发现里面有各式各样的阵法材料,不由得有些惊喜,万万没想到还有这般收获:“大小姐似乎很急” Naturally worries, now the situation......” Latin America tells only half knows to make an indiscreet remark, changed a statement quickly, delayed to make my father receive on the 1st on the 1st the misery, naturally must save as soon as possible him, three days enough “当然着急,如今形势……”萨拉美说到一半自知失言,很快改口道,“多拖延一日就让我父亲多受一日苦难,当然要尽快将他救回来,三天够不够”
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