KI :: Volume #24

#2341: He does not know that I know

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„, Big Sister, I said that this fellow does not have the conscience, if he will be all right will not think of us.” Black Jing Tengheng, sneered again and again. “切,姐姐,我就说这家伙没良心吧,他要是没事根本不会想到我们。”黑景藤哼了一声,冷笑连连。 white Jingteng the similar look was indifferent, looks at the Zu An look also to be yi many several points of cold. 白景藤同样神色冷漠,望着祖安的眼神也多了几分冷意。 These days was really dangerous, I many days have not closed the eyes......” Zu An quickly these days bitter experiences roughly saying that this added that I also know that treated coldly two girls, was really sorry.” “这段时间实在是太危险了,我已经好些日子没合过眼了……”祖安急忙将这些日子的遭遇大致说了一遍,这才补充道,“我也知道冷落了两位姑娘,实在是抱歉。” You arrived in the world of evil spirit unexpectedly.” white Jingteng looks surprisedly, no wonder I just woke up to feel many disgusting aura.” “你竟然到了妖魔的世界。”白景藤面露惊讶,“难怪我刚刚醒来感觉到很多让人厌恶的气息。” In the Zu An heart is somewhat affected, must know that she is seriously injured, must come the slow recovery by the long deep sleep, oneself come in she to appear, obviously is she detected that own arrives, joyful under then regains consciousness to meet. 祖安心中有些感动,要知道她身受重伤,必须靠漫长的沉睡来缓慢恢复,自己一进来她就出现,显然是她察觉到自己的到来,欣喜之下便苏醒相见。 Thinks that these days had not come to see them, is really some dregs male. 想到这些日子自己都没来看她们,实在是有些渣男啊。 Also has what end beast, listens to find it fun.” The black Jing Tengxiao face breaks down, was a pity that we currently have the wound in the body, is not a heyday, otherwise comes several end beasts again, share that was also suppressed by us.” “还有什么末日兽,听着就觉得好玩。”黑景藤小脸一垮,“可惜我们现在有伤在身,并非全盛时期,不然再来几头末日兽,也是被我们镇压的份。” Zu An hears one startled, knows that their sisters are fierce, but they are never so expected that fierce. 祖安听得一惊,知道她们姐妹厉害,但没想到她们这么厉害。 Must know that the entire evil spirit world is so powerful, was compelled the hopeless situation by this end beast. 要知道整个妖魔世界如此强大,都被这头末日兽逼到了绝境。 Finally she opens the mouth to suppress several heads 结果她开口就能镇压几头 He changes mind thinks, in that mysterious big grave, as if suppressed specially powerful existence, all these as if could also convince. 他转念一想,那座神秘大墓之中,似乎镇压了很多特别强大的存在,这一切似乎也说得通了。 You are very dangerous white Jingteng, although words not like younger sister so many, but she cared that sympathizes. “那你现在岂不是很危险”白景藤虽然话不像妹妹那么多,但她更关心体贴一些。 Although is somewhat dangerous, but should also be able to deal with, but needs you to help.” Zu An said. “虽然有些危险,但应该还能应付,只是需要你们帮一下忙。”祖安说道。 white Jingteng is just about to open the mouth, black Jing Teng has sneered: Ahem, previous time helps your, harms us to need the multi- deep sleep ten years to restore, previous time you kept on proclaiming must come with our Yin-Yang pair- cultivated/repaired to help us restore, finally was so long does not have the person's shadow. The previous time account has not calculated that this time asks us is not dry/does, otherwise pulled out the spatial body by you sooner or later.” 白景藤正要开口,黑景藤已经冷笑起来:“哼哼,上次帮你一回,害得我们要多沉睡十年才能恢复,上次你口口声声要来和我们阴阳双-修助我们恢复,结果这么久也没人影。上次的账还没算呢,这次又来找我们不干,不然迟早被你掏空身子。” Zu An is somewhat awkward, this matter truly is he does not sincerely. 祖安有些尴尬,这件事确实是他做得不厚道。 Although...... helped their sisters, but behind, because all sorts of things follow on somebody's heels, he cannot empty. 虽然……帮了她们姐妹一回,但后面因为种种事情接踵而至,他一直空不下来。 At this time white Jingteng opened the mouth: Do not listen to the younger sister to talk nonsense, since now you in the danger, we naturally must help one another.” 这时白景藤开口了:“别听妹妹胡说八道,如今你既然在危险中,我们当然要相助。” Zu An great happiness: many thanks!” 祖安不由大喜:“多谢!” Really Big Sister is with good intention. 果然还是姐姐善解人意。 Black Jing Teng some gnashing teeth, are I comes out to work as the evil person at this time each time, she comes out to install the good person, is really the tea. 黑景藤此时有些牙痒痒,每次都是我出来当恶人,她出来装好人,真是茶得可以。 She is just about to speak to ridicule, suddenly hears Zu An the matter of asking, at present one bright: Well, this fun, you did not say early, I helped!” 她正要出言相讥,忽然听到祖安所求之事,不由眼前一亮:“咦,这个好玩,你不早说,我帮了!” Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” Saw the facial expression that the opposite party that jumps for joy, Zu An somewhat regretted, when the time comes do not put in order what trick to come. 看到对方那雀跃的神情,祖安都有些后悔,到时候别整出什么幺蛾子来啊。 If Jing Toichi did this matter to be good white/in vain personally. 如果只有白景藤一个人做这件事就好了。 Naturally he was also clear that now the two sisters the co-existing same body, was unable to separate. 当然他也清楚如今姐妹俩早已共生同体,根本无法分离出来。 But, has to discuss the detail of plan with them: Thus and such and such......” 无奈之下,只好跟她们商议计划的细节:“如此这般……” Following, Zu An has transmitted formation in place of secret construction a secret on several th. 接下来几日,祖安一直在一处隐秘之地秘密修建传送阵法 On this day is doing bustling, suddenly some people of incoming telegrams, before the lord of faction palace evil spirit , the demon caused to take away Pei Mianman and the others. 这天正干得热火朝天,忽然有人来报,妖魔之主派殿前魔使将裴绵曼等人带走了。 He under quickly hurries back in great surprise, Jiang Luofu has waited there, saw that he quickly welcomed: Ah Zu, before Xiaoxi they by palace , the demon caused to carry off!” 他大惊之下急忙赶了回去,姜罗敷早已等在那里,看到他急忙迎了上来:“阿祖,小希他们都被殿前魔使带走了!” The Zu An vision takes a fast look around, now various females besides Jiang Luofu, have not remained. 祖安目光扫视一圈,如今诸女除了姜罗敷之外,已经一个都不剩了。 His complexion is gloomy, before looking at the remaining that palaces , the demon causes: This what's the matter!” 他面色阴沉,望着剩下那个殿前魔使:“这到底怎么回事!” Before that palace , the demon causes to reply: Few days ago had assassin to go into the palace, this period of time on the lord has been sending us to investigate everywhere, although catches some ganefs, but has not caught the chief instigator. On the lords worried that Saintess safety, then makes us ask Saintess to be a guest to the palace, this will not be injured by counter- thief in secret.” 那殿前魔使答道:“前些日子有刺客闯入宫中,这段时间主上一直在派我们四处排查,虽然已经抓到一些宵小,但始终没有抓到主谋。主上担忧诸位圣女的安危,便让我们请诸位圣女到宫中做客,这样也不会被暗中的反贼所伤。” Zu An thought that I believe your ghost, is disinclined to respond him, urged Jiang Luofu to hide in a real demon clan, oneself quickly pursued. 祖安心想我信你个鬼,懒得搭理他,叮嘱姜罗敷躲在真魔一族中,自己则急忙追了上去。 At this time before that palace , the demon enabled to go to stop: Young master is not hurried, now wants to come Saintess to arrive in the palace, will not have the matter.” 这时那殿前魔使前去阻拦:“公子莫慌,现在想来诸位圣女已经到了宫殿里了,不会有事的。” Zu An look ice-cold: Go away!” 祖安神色冰冷:“滚开!” Before that palace , the demon makes the complexion change, which his status to various clan does not compensate to smile cautiously, when had been treated like this impolitely 那殿前魔使脸色一变,他的身份到各族哪个不是小心翼翼赔笑,什么时候被这样无礼对待过 Before the palace Rage Points that + 444 + 444 + 444 the demon causes...... 来自殿前魔使的愤怒值…… He is just about to manifest suddenly, but thinks just before leaving before , under the anger on lord, has to restrain by force the anger, made way the way, does not conflict with him directly. 他正要发作,只不过想到临行前主上的愤怒,只好强压下怒火,让开了去路,不与他正面冲突。 Zu An changes to together the flowing light quickly, rushes to the direction of palace rapidly. 祖安很快化作一道流光,迅速赶往宫殿的方向。 Before the palace , the demon signals with the eyes narrows the eyes, this Donal's strength as if wants fiercely compared with Legendary many. 殿前魔使眼神一眯,这个多纳尔的实力似乎比传说中的要厉害不少啊。 Snort, but how can be the opponent on lord again, this goes, if provoked the lord on, when the time comes looked how you die! 哼,只不过再强又岂会是主上的对手,此去若是将主上惹恼了,到时候看你怎么死! When he in the back cursed, Zu An has rushed to the palace to see right in front of one lord of evil spirit. 他在背后诅咒之时,祖安已经赶到了宫殿中面见了妖魔之主。 The lord of evil spirit is stroking three heads that strange bird that crawls in the under foot, the look said calmly: Your such wind sharp fire singes rushes, behavior what matter 妖魔之主抚摸着匍匐在脚下的怪鸟的三个头,神色平静地说道:“你这么风急火燎地闯进来,所为何事” Zu An is taking a look at him, Yin-Yang bad man old before his time who although the opposite party as if not see the sunlight now year to year, but he actually does not dare to have slightly negligently, by the technique of his present looking air/Qi, can see the thing that the average man cannot see. 祖安打量着他,虽然对方如今仿佛一个常年不见阳光的阴阳不良小老头,但他却不敢有丝毫大意,以他如今的望气之术,能看到常人看不到的东西。 The evil spirit lord around the body to have the dreadful demon air/Qi, is ordinary like the ominous reactionary forces in the ascendant, these demon air/Qi also gathered a fierce ugly face faintly, coldly is staring at him, as if prepared to select the person to bite at any time. 妖魔之主周身有着滔天的魔气,如同黑云压城一般,那些魔气隐隐还汇聚成了一个狰狞的鬼脸,正冷冷地盯着他,仿佛随时准备择人而噬。 Zu An replied: On the many thanks lord cared, but our real demon clan, although declines, protects several females not to have the issue, did not dare on the exhausted lord, so as to avoid on the lord wasted the military, could not catch these true counter- thieves.” 祖安答道:“多谢主上关心,只不过我们真魔一族虽然没落,保护几个女子还是没问题的,就不敢劳烦主上了,免得主上浪费兵力,抓不到那些真正的反贼。” True counter- thief the lord of evil spirit laughs at one, you thought that who can be called the true counter- thief Latin America “真正的反贼”妖魔之主嗤笑一声,“你觉得谁称得上真正的反贼呢萨拉美么” Latin America naturally is calculates that attacked these fellows in treasure house few days ago, obviously is not simple, in palace expert like clouds, they not only successfully come, but also after going well departs, the subordinate is dull-witted, really does not know that now the entire underground city also who has such ability.” “萨拉美自然是算的,还有前些日子袭击宝库的那些家伙,显然是不简单,宫中高手如云,他们不仅成功进来,还得手后离去,属下愚钝,实在不知道如今整个地下城还有谁有这样的能力。” In the Zu An heart sneers secretly, if not the accident of sorts knows the truth, perhaps oneself must be kept in the dark by the lord of evil spirit. 祖安心中暗暗冷笑,若非机缘巧合知道真相,自己恐怕还要一直被妖魔之主蒙在鼓里。 Now using the opposite party does not know that I had known, has the article to do. 如今利用对方不知道我已经知道了,还是有文章可做的。 „” Sure enough, hears his words, in the master eye of evil spirit the golden light twinkle, seemed like thought of anything. “哦”果不其然,听到他的话,妖魔之主眼中金光闪烁,似乎是想到了什么。 Zu An is unemotional, in the heart actually relaxes, it seems like that the strategy of source of trouble lead to the east succeeded, now the underground city has this ability besides that mysterious years official historian also who 祖安面无表情,心中却是松了一口气,看来自己祸水东引的计策成功了,如今地下城有这个能力的除了那位神秘的岁月史官还有谁 He was not good to speak frankly oneself to discover the years official historian, can only so suggest, the lord of evil spirit was not luckily stupid. 他不好直说自己发现了岁月史官,只能这般暗示,幸好妖魔之主还不算笨。 Should better let both sides dog-eat-dog. 最好让双方狗咬狗吧。 This matter I have the direction, lives as for that several Saintess in the palace temporarily, I heard have been missing Saintess, the matter that I do not want to be similar happened again one time.” The lord of evil spirit opens the mouth again. “这件事我已经有了方向,至于那几位圣女还是就暂时住在宫中吧,我听闻已经失踪了一个圣女了,我可不想类似的事再发生一次。”妖魔之主再次开口。 The Zu An complexion changes, Xie Daoyun does not see the informer who truly cannot hide the truth from the opposite party suddenly, could not find the law of explanation. 祖安脸色微变,谢道韫忽然不见确实瞒不过对方的眼线,根本找不到解释之法。 He also wants to say anything again, the evil spirit blocks the way principal: Latin America they should make you help do to transmit formation, to the cultivation world, helping her rescue the lord of slaughtering, after coming back, I will be left intact to give back to that several Saintess your, this in view of your one person, all does not command troops goes to battle with, the duty is this operation, you are also no exception 他还想再说什么,妖魔之主打断道:“萨拉美他们应该在让你帮忙做传送阵法吧,到了修行世界,帮她救出杀戮之主,回来后我会将那几个圣女原封不动还给你的,这不是针对你一个人,所有领兵出征、出任务的都是这种操作,你也不会例外” Was saying the lord of evil spirit smiles: Naturally is worried about you to be lonely, I also left behind a maidservant to consider your daily life to you specially, but also calculated to sympathize, ha.” 说着妖魔之主笑了笑:“当然担心你寂寞,我还特意给你留下了一个侍女照顾你的起居,还算体贴吧,哈哈哈。” Zu An is silent, his meaning is very obvious, he cannot trust itself completely, such big matter also needs a group of hostages. 祖安沉默,他的意思已经很明显了,他不能完全信任自己,这么大的事还需要一批人质。 But these Saintess are the best hostage, Ji Xiaoxi, although is the name of maidservant, but oneself before, because she and skin manager had the conflict, definitely also cares very much. 而那些圣女就是最好的人质,纪小希虽然是侍女的名义,但自己之前因为她和皮总管起了冲突,肯定也是很在意的。 Zu An argued strongly based on reason, Pei Mianman that various palace deep place rooms put under house arrest opened the eye suddenly, before arriving at the windows, and several companions exchanged the look: Really such as Ah Zu expects, according to the beforehand plan conduct!” 祖安这边据理力争的时候,宫殿深处各房间软禁的裴绵曼忽然睁开眼睛,来到窗前和几个同伴交流眼神:“果然如阿祖所料,按照之前的计划行事!”
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