KI :: Volume #24

#2332: The fine hair is but actually vertical

Thinks in the treasure house will have the treasure of piling up, countless Origin Stone, various elixir and so on, after all this is the lord of so collection evil spirit treasure house. 原本以为宝库中会有堆积如山的宝物,数不尽的元石,各种灵丹妙药之类的,毕竟这是妖魔之主如此珍藏的宝库。 But at this time at present is actually bleak one piece, various types of cabinet racks are actually dense and numerous, but on the cabinet, rack are all empty, only then some corners are depositing some commodities occasionally scattered. 可此时眼前却是萧索一片,各种柜子架子倒是密密麻麻,可柜子、架子上全是空荡荡的,只有偶尔一些角落零零散散存放着些物资。 Perhaps the people absurd feelings, as if the mouse was closed immediately must starve to death here. 众人顿时有一种荒谬的感觉,仿佛老鼠被关在这里恐怕都要被饿死。 Although Zu An knows that now the entire evil spirit world retreats this underground city, resources anything is quite certainly anxious short, but has not thought seriously to this situation. 祖安虽然知道如今整个妖魔世界退守这座地下城,资源什么的一定相当紧张短缺,但万万没想到会严重到这种地步。 However he restrains the mind quickly, said fast: Everyone acts respectively, various formation, medicines as well as cultivation technique ancient book and other useful collects, now on other rubbing.” 不过他很快收敛心神,快速说道:“大家各自行动,将各种阵法、药物以及功法典籍等有用的都收集起来,现在就别拓印了。” What planned is to dive, rubbing related ancient book, but has alarmed the lord of evil spirit now, surely did not have so many time, the direct pack carried off simply. 原本计划的是神不知鬼不觉潜进来,拓印相关的典籍,但如今已经惊动了妖魔之主,肯定没那么多时间了,索性直接打包带走。 various woman also knows the time press, examines dispersing to various places, injured Jiang Luofu is also supporting the help continually. 诸女也知道时间紧迫,纷纷散开到各处查看,连受伤的姜罗敷也强撑着帮忙。 Xie Daoyun hurries to toward Area formation, Ji Xiaoxi examines various types of medicinal herbs ancient books, the remaining people are search in the storehouse other places. 谢道韫阵法赶去,纪小希则去查看各种药草典籍,剩下的人则是搜索库房中其他地方。 Zu An arrived at Area cultivation technique, he wants to seize the chance to have a look at evil spirit world cultivation cultivation technique, if can discover various skills that the lord of evil spirit excels were better. 祖安则来到了功法,他想趁机看看妖魔世界修行功法,要是能发现妖魔之主擅长的各种技能就更好了。 Compared with just the passing through the gate commodity area, the cultivation technique ancient book area collected books actually very richly, jade slip exhibits above the bookshelf piece by piece, is sending out the assorted glimmer, obviously is representing the different element attributes. 比起刚进门的物资区,功法典籍区倒是藏书十分丰富,一片片玉简陈列在书架之上,散发着各色的微光,显然代表着不同元素属性。 Zu An glanced through these jade slip fast, with his present cultivation base and experience, sweeps one then to know this cultivation technique general situation. 祖安快速翻阅了一下那些玉简,以他如今的修为与见识,扫一眼便能知道这功法的大致情况。 In a while he then looks the disappointed color, these cultivation technique many various powerful skills, but is well below him various secret book that before the grade studies. 没过多久他便面露失望之色,这些功法不乏各种威力巨大的技能,但论品级还是远远不及他之前所学的各种秘典 cultivation technique that most critically, in these jade slip records is various evil spirit clans suits cultivation, often very agrees with various bloodlines strengths and body structures of various clans, if human forcefully cultivation of cultivation world, perhaps light, then cultivation deviation, heavy explodes the body to perish. 更关键的是,这些玉简中记载的功法都是妖魔各族才适合修炼的,往往十分契合各族的各种血脉力量以及身体结构,若是修行世界的人类强行修炼,恐怕轻则走火入魔,重则爆体而亡。 He shouted secretly was a pity, only one side can first put these cultivation technique, continued to search to look at other harvests. 他暗呼可惜,只能先将这些功法放到一边,继续搜寻看有没有其他收获。 In a while before he arrives at a wall suddenly, in the wall falls, inside has a small bookshelf, on the bookshelf is suspending jade slip. 没过多久他忽然来到一座墙壁前,墙壁内陷,里面有一个小书架,书架上摆着一枚玉简 Obviously this jade slip is quite uncommon, because before the bookshelf, has a transparent yellow thin film radiance to past. 显然此玉简相当不凡,因为书架前有一层透明的黄色的薄膜光华流转。 Obviously this protects formation together, avoids the bystander contacting inside jade slip. 显然这是一道保护阵法,避免外人接触到里面的玉简 Must know that now in this treasure house the Origin Stone resources to the degree, other these cultivation technique ancient books have not so established the formation protection short, avoids the consumption of Origin Stone, this jade slip is so exceptional, obviously is very important. 要知道如今这宝库里元石资源已经短缺到如此程度,其他那些功法典籍都没有设置阵法保护,避免元石的消耗,这块玉简却如此例外,显然十分重要。 By the Zu An present formation attainments, then saw this formation origin quickly, dances in the air with going forth to battle plate finger fast, a quick a stream of flag inserted the wall in all directions. 祖安如今的阵法造诣,很快便看出了这阵法的来历,拿出阵盘手指快速飞舞,很快一道道阵旗插到了墙壁四处。 That say/way yellow defense thin film changes color gradually, transforms the green quickly, finally formation dissipates does not see. 那道黄色的防御薄膜渐渐变色,很快转变成绿色,最终阵法消散不见。 Zu An relaxes, actually this defends formation is quite profound, if complete opening, perhaps by his energy, was not necessarily able to open. 祖安松了一口气,其实这道防御阵法相当高深,若是完全开启,恐怕以他之能,也未必能打开得了。 To come is because present this underground city resources are short, Origin Stone becomes serious everywhere, to save Origin Stone, therefore only opened this formation most basic defense function. 想来是因为如今这地下城资源欠缺,元石处处吃紧,为了节省元石,所以只开启了本阵法最基本的防御功能。 Naturally even if most basic formation, not most formation masters can easily solve, Zu An studied «Holds Plain Daoist scripture» had profound formation knowledge, before learned/studied Latin America there «Correlation in space Mystery», the formation attainments a level higher, can therefore untie in a short time. 当然哪怕是最基本的阵法,也绝非大多数阵法师能轻易解得开的,祖安原本修习《抱朴真经》就有了很高深的阵法知识,之前又学习了萨拉美那里的《空间变换奥秘》,阵法造诣更上一层楼,所以才能这么短时间内解开。 Zu An takes out that jade slip, sees above to reappear writing of one row of evil spirit- «Resurrecting Secret technique». 祖安将那玉简取出,看到上面浮现出一列妖魔的文字-《复活秘术》。 Sees the name of this secret technique, the Zu An look concentrates, in this world really has the technique of resurrecting 看到这秘术之名,祖安不禁神色一凝,这世上真有复活之术 The body of lord of not dying that evil spirit 那妖魔之主岂不是不死之身 He does not dare to have neglects slightly, quickly consulted. 他不敢有丝毫怠慢,急忙查阅了起来。 Separated a while, he relaxes gradually, originally this not imagines the technique of that infinite resurrecting, but is expensive cultivation technique. 隔了一会儿,他渐渐松了一口气,原来这并非自己想象中的那种无限复活之术,而是一种代价极大的功法 Before various powerful evil spirit invaded later period of the cultivation world, Zu An struck to kill them, each and everyone was not afraid, on the contrary also taunted was saying that they cannot kill, the lord of evil spirit used the secret technique in their body, after they went back, quick resurrecting, will come back to revenge again. 之前各种强大妖魔入侵修行世界后期,祖安击杀他们,一个个并不害怕,相反还嘲讽着说他们是杀不死的,妖魔之主在他们身上施展了秘术,他们回去后很快复活,会再次回来报仇。 Zu An became the lord of nether world hell at that time luckily, holds fast their divine soul directly, making them perish in the avici. 幸好当时祖安成了幽冥地府之主,直接拘住他们的神魂,让他们沉沦在阿鼻地狱之中。 This jade slip carries the secret technique is their body that secret technique. 玉简所载秘术便是他们身上那道秘术。 An interception goal soul and essence and blood, refine with it life connected life-source person occasionally, then invest in a special blood pond occasionally, the blood pond strength of blood essence will be based on that soul jade essence and blood, grows a new body, is exactly the same as goal looks. 截取目标一丝分魂与精血,炼制出与之性命相连的本命人偶,然后再将人偶投入一处特殊血池之中,血池中的血精之力会以那一丝分魂玉精血为基础,生长出一具新的身体,与目标长得一模一样。 Extracts divine soul of goal by the secret technique, invests in the new body, the new body then had various abilities and memory of original goal. 紧接着以秘术将目标的神魂提取出来,投入新的身体之中,新身体便具备了原目标的各种能力与记忆 Some degree, this new body is similar to minute/share of original goal- body is common, is nondistinctive with the main body. 某种程度而言,这具新的身体就如同原目标的分-身一般,和本体并无区别。 But main body deep sleep in an evil spirit palace special place, once minute/share- was in other places dead, the soul will act according to establishes the good coordinates direction to return to main body body beforehand, completed the resurrecting ceremony. 而本体则沉睡在妖魔宫殿一处特殊的地方,一旦分-身在其他地方死亡,灵魂会根据事先设定好的坐标指引重新回归到本体身上,也就完成了复活仪式。 Naturally this does not have the shortcoming, divides- body consumed after all divided- soul and essence and blood, after resurrecting, will cause main body essence qi to damage severely, needs to recover for a long time thoroughly. 当然这样并非没有缺点,分-身毕竟消耗了分-魂与精血,复活后会导致本体元气大伤,需要很长时间才能彻底复原。 Naturally compared with dies another world thoroughly, this loss was also nothing. 当然比起彻底死在另外一个世界而言,这点损失也就算不了什么了。 Reason that must so design, is because are too from the beginning many powerful evil spirit to fall from the sky in the cultivation world, but the evil spirit the matter of main office has not completed, remaining evil spirit each and everyone do not would rather go again, after all learns from another's mistakes . Moreover the cultivation world their strength will be weakened the degradation by the world will, if died there is really aggrieved. 之所以要这般设计,也是因为一开始太多强大的妖魔在修行世界陨落,可妖魔之主要办的事又没完成,剩下的妖魔一个个不情愿再去,毕竟前车之鉴,而且修行世界他们的实力会被世界意志削弱降级,若是死在那里实在是太憋屈了。 Therefore the lord of evil spirit then found out this means that knew that can many life, these evil spirit then comply. 于是妖魔之主便想出了这个办法,得知可以多一条命,那些妖魔这才答应下来。 Zu An was deliberately considering this secret technique is very mysterious, prepares to receive to study in the future. 祖安寻思着这秘术十分神奇,准备收起来日后研究。 Suddenly his vision falls to one line of characters of secret technique finally record , the complexion instantaneously changed. 忽然他的目光落到秘术最后记载的一行字过后,脸色瞬间就变了。 In the secret technique records, if that minute/share- after body death, because some special reasons cause divine soul not to return at certain time, that will deposit the main body in palace fast rotten, after all in various Tianwan, there is too powerful existence to be capable of various mysterious coping with the soul, naturally the lord of this risk evil spirit has not told these evil spirit. 秘术上记载,若是那分-身死亡后,因为一些特殊原因导致神魂没有在规定的时间返回,那具存放在宫殿中的本体就会快速腐烂,毕竟诸天万界之中,有太多强大的存在有各种神奇的能力对付灵魂,当然这种风险妖魔之主并没有告诉那些妖魔。 Zu An this time vision fell on main body fast rotten in several characters, the whole body fine hair all set upright. 祖安此时的目光则是落在了“本体会快速腐烂”几个字上,浑身的汗毛全都竖了起来。 Donal's divine soul has dissipated thoroughly in the cultivation world, then his main body now obviously thorough rotten. 多纳尔的神魂已经彻底消散在了修行世界,那么他的本体如今显然已经彻底腐烂。 The lord of evil spirit is clear to all these natures, therefore he knows from the beginning Donal had died thoroughly. 妖魔之主对这一切自然清楚,所以一开始他就知道多纳尔已经彻底死亡。 Moreover from the beginning knows that I am fake! 而且一开始就知道我是假的! But he knew after I arrive at this world, from beginning to end has not revealed the least bit difference unexpectedly! 可他得知我来到这个世界后,从头到尾竟然没有露出半点异样! His whole body cold sweat streaming braves, thought of too many too many possibilities in a flash. 他浑身冷汗涔涔直冒,一瞬间想到了太多太多的可能。
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