KI :: Volume #24

#2331: Accident

Zu An leads various woman about to go through in the palace, can always avoid to go all around the palace guard each time ahead of time. 祖安带着诸女在宫殿中左右穿行,每次总能提前避开四处奔走的宫殿侍卫。 Now the lord of evil spirit is not, he can feel relieved that emits divine thought to act as the radarmap. 如今妖魔之主不在,他可以放心地放出神念充当雷达地图。 Naturally this must bring to attack Sky Prison to rescue Mogard thanks to Latin America to attract the attention of palace garrison troops, otherwise they could not find the alternation the crevice. 当然这也要多亏萨拉美带着手下正冲击天牢营救莫加德吸引了宫殿守军的注意,不然他们根本找不到穿插的空隙。 Before arriving at the palace deep place storehouse quickly, the clothes robe that before he looked for one prepared the good palace, demon to cause to bind in body, various woman wears the clothes of palace guard, walked toward the storehouse entrance swaggering. 很快来到了宫殿深处库房前,他找来一件早已准备好的殿前魔使的衣袍裹在身上,诸女则穿上宫殿侍卫的衣裳,大摇大摆朝库房门口走去。 Halts!” The guard in quick storehouse noticed him, was that young leader of head directly the hand according to the weapon, looks at Zu An vigilantly, but before noticing the opposite party palace , after the clothes that the demon caused obviously relaxes. “站住!”很快库房的守卫就注意到了他,为首的那个小头领直接将手按在武器上,警惕地看着祖安,只不过注意到对方殿前魔使的衣服后明显松了一口气。 On lord makes me take one thing.” Zu An said that while observes the position of each guard quietly. “主上让我来取一样东西。”祖安一边说一边悄悄观察各个侍卫的方位。 That young leader inserts in the blade the scabbard, proceeds conveniently one: Please show the official seal on lord.” 那小头领将刀插回刀鞘之中,随手往前一摊:“请出示主上的印信。” Is saying while took out the half official seal from the bosom, obviously prepares to conduct an inquest. 一边说着一边从怀中取出了半截印信,显然准备勘验。 Zu An notices that official seal to just like Tiger Tally to be the same, obviously needs the lord of evil spirit to bestow other half official seal both sides to tally, others can open the storehouse front door. 祖安注意到那印信犹如虎符一般,显然是需要妖魔之主赐下另外半截印信双方吻合,人家才能打开库房大门的。 Misjudged, in information before the Latin America actually does not have this, does not know that conceals or really does not know intentionally. 失算了,萨拉美之前的情报里竟然没有这一条,不知道是故意隐瞒还是真不知道。 various woman worried secretly, Zu An responded quickly, entered in the hand the bosom directly, pretending to take the appearance of official seal. 诸女暗暗担心,祖安反应很快,直接将手伸入怀中,装作要取印信的样子。 That young leader looks subconsciously to him bosom, while this time, Zu An take action, trigged his whole body big hole suddenly quickly directly. 那小头领下意识望向他怀中,趁这个时候,祖安忽然出手,以迅雷不及掩耳之势直接制住了他浑身大穴。 Although this young leader the strength is not weak, but by Zu An present cultivation base, where sneak attacks him to block suddenly 这小头领虽然实力不弱,但以祖安如今的修为,突然偷袭他又哪里挡得住 The blade just pulled out to the half entire body then lost the strength thoroughly, at the same time, various woman also toward nearby these guard take action. 刀刚抽到一半整个身体便彻底失去了力量,与此同时,诸女也同时朝旁边那些侍卫出手 Several females in the cultivation world are almost top expert, for several days simulation training this scene, is being take action has also controlled the aspect. 几女在修行世界几乎都算是顶尖高手,这些天也一直在模拟训练这个场景,同样是一出手就控制了局面。 „Before you are not a palace , the demon causes, who you are that young leader look the panic-stricken color. “你不是殿前魔使,你到底是谁”那小头领面露惊骇之色。 Zu An said solemnly: Who I am unimportant, opens this storehouse door quickly.” 祖安沉声道:“我是谁不重要,快把这库房门打开。” During the speeches essence qi searches into the opposite party within the body, just like myriad thin needles to puncture opposite party body each acupuncture point. 说话间一股元气探入对方体内,犹如万千根细针在刺着对方身上每一处穴道。 The young leader wails immediately again and again: You, even if kills me is still useless, only then two official seal combine, can open this treasure house.” 小头领顿时哀嚎连连:“你就算打死我也没用啊,只有两个印信合二为一,才能打开这个宝库的。” Under the Zu An arrange/cloth sound-insulated formation avoids his pitiful yell passing on, hears word a brow wrinkle. 祖安布下隔音阵法避免他的惨叫传出去,闻言不禁眉头一皱。 Somewhat was then troublesome. 这下有些麻烦了。 Xie Daoyun takes that half official seal to arrive at the storehouse entrance, stares among that circular scoop channel saying: Most that he said real, on this door has extremely exquisite rune formation, only when middle eye place puts in the complete official seal, just now can open.” 谢道韫已经拿着那半截印信来到库房门口,盯着正中间那个圆形凹槽说道:“他说的多半是真的,这扇门上有极为精妙的符文阵法,只有当中间这阵眼处放入完整的印信,方才能打开。” Scores Yun Yuqing to ask forcefully. “强行破门呢”云雨晴问道。 Xie Daoyun shakes the head slightly: „It is not good, not to mention this door makes with the special material quality, just like a hill is generally very difficult to break, above rune formation is hiding might huge attack formation, will score to bring the destructive counter-attack forcefully . Moreover the giant sound will attract the guard in palace.” 谢道韫微微摇头:“不行,且不说这扇门是用特殊材质做成,犹如一座小山一般很难打破,上面的符文阵法更是隐藏着威力巨大的攻击阵法,强行破门会带来毁灭性的反击,而且巨大的动静会引来宫殿中的守卫。” That what to do.” Yun Yuqing is anxious, she was clear time not many that they can use, if were blocked outside, it may be said that falls short. “那怎么办。”云雨晴焦急无比,她清楚他们能用的时间没多少,若是被拦在外面,可谓功亏一篑。 Pitifully does not know the other half rune formation, otherwise draws to carve the other half to be good at the scene.” “可惜不知道另一半的符文阵法,不然当场绘刻出另一半就好。” This official seal main is above rune formation, by Zu An and Xie Daoyun present formation attainments, can definitely speculate other half of rune, but requires not the short time, after decoding, it is estimated that the guard in palace has caught up, that trip completely lost the significance. 这印信最主要的就是上面的符文阵法,以祖安谢道韫如今的阵法造诣,完全可以推测出另外一半的符文,只不过需要不短的时间,等破解出来后,估计宫殿的守卫已经赶了过来,那此行就完全失去了意义。 At this moment, Jiang Luofu opens the mouth to say suddenly: Makes me try.” 就在这时,姜罗敷忽然开口道:“让我试试。” Xie Daoyun could not bear sized up her one eyes curiously, although Jiang Luofu was learned, but had not heard before excelled at rune formation, even if excelled again, now how the ratio has possibly resulted in her and Big Brother Zu. 谢道韫忍不住好奇地打量了她一眼,姜罗敷虽然博学,但之前没听说过擅长符文阵法啊,就算再擅长,如今又怎么可能比得过她和祖大哥 The Zu An clear Jiang Luofu temper will not be aimless, then gave her the half official seal in hand. 祖安清楚姜罗敷的性子绝不会无的放矢,便将手中的半块印信递给了她。 After Jiang Luofu received, took out balance magical treasure, before this thing Zu An, has seen, as if the balance in the law is the fair representative, before the Jiang Family critical time, she put out this to fight. 姜罗敷接过之后取出了一个天平法宝,此物祖安之前见过,似乎天平在法律中是公平的代表,之前姜家危急时刻,她拿出这个战斗过。 Sees only Jiang Luofu to place on the side of the balance the half official seal, both hands tie seal, displays magecraft fast, on that day the draw shone the a stream of ray, another side of the balance, presented the empty shadow of other half official seal unexpectedly. 只见姜罗敷将半截印信放在天平一边,紧接着双手结印,快速施展术法,那天平亮起一道道光芒,紧接着天平另一侧,竟然出现了另外半截印信的虚影。 Zu An and Xie Daoyun are startled, that say/way empty shadow rune is lifelike, detected instantaneously by their formation attainments this truly is the other half of defect. 祖安谢道韫吃了一惊,那道虚影的符文活灵活现,以他们的阵法造诣瞬间就察觉到了这确实是缺失的另外一半。 How before you can......” two people, has not listened to her to put down magical treasure also to have this ability on this day. “你怎么会……”两人以前没听过她这天平法宝还有这个能力啊。 Do not waste the time, how long I could not insist.” Jiang Luofu said fast. “别浪费时间了,我坚持不了多久。”姜罗敷快速说道。 Zu An and Xie Daoyun restraining mind, carefully is observing in that empty shadow each trace. 祖安谢道韫收敛心神,仔细观察着那虚影上每一个纹路。 Quick in heart, Zu An put out a jade, refers to the wind like the blade, carved above fast. 很快将之记在心中,紧接着祖安拿出了一块玉石,指风如刀,快速在上面雕刻了起来。 And said that the lord of evil spirit is drinking the blood liquor in a some institute leisurely and carefree, suddenly the look moves, quickly took out the official seal of waist, feels the meaning of above faint giving off heat, the look changes: Who dares to deduce my official seal!” 且说妖魔之主原本正在一个别院悠闲地饮着血酒,忽然神色一动,急忙取出了腰间的印信,感受到上面隐隐发热之意,不由神色一变:“何人敢推演我的印信!” During the speeches the hand according to above the official seal, isolated all directly. 说话间手直接按在了印信之上,隔绝了一切。 Walks, immediately returns to the palace!” He could not attend to was here free and unrestrained, quickly set out to walk outward. “走,马上回宫!”他也顾不得在这里逍遥自在了,急忙起身往外走去。 But Latin America and his party just flushed enter the palace, now before going back to make the beforehand plan falls short nearby palace , the demon cause to urge. “可是萨拉美一行刚冲进宫,现在回去岂不是让之前的计划功亏一篑”旁边的殿前魔使劝道。 Snort, the thing in treasure house may be much more important than what Latin America, where I must have a look but actually am the petty people dare to covet my treasure house!” During the lord of speeches evil spirit has mounted the backs of three strange bird, shot up to the sky to fly in the palace direction directly. “哼,宝库中的东西可比什么萨拉美重要得多,我倒要看看到底是何方鼠辈敢觊觎我的宝库!”妖魔之主说话间已经登上了三头怪鸟的后背,直接冲天而起往宫殿方向飞了过去。 Before other palaces , the demon enables quickly to follow, but cannot compare the evil spirit by far the Lord speed. 其他殿前魔使急忙跟上,只不过远远比不上妖魔之主的速度。 !” At this time out the palace treasure house, Jiang Luofu puts out a blood suddenly. “噗!”此时宫殿宝库门外,姜罗敷忽然吐出一口鲜血。 Is small- Aunt!” Ji Xiaoxi is startled, quickly pulls out the therapy efficacious medicine to feed in her mouth from the bosom. “小-姨!”纪小希吃了一惊,急忙从怀中掏出疗伤灵药喂到她口中。 But the opposite party still the eyes shut tightly, on the beautiful cheeks appears strange azure aura, Ji Xiaoxi has not supported, the opposite party fell toward the ground directly. 只不过对方依然双眼紧闭,美丽的脸颊上浮现起一股诡异的青气,纪小希一个没扶住,对方直接朝地上摔了下去。 Zu An grasps Jiang Luofu luckily quick of eye and hand, finger noses her pulse, soon detected that a strange strength as if starts to spread in her whole body. 幸好祖安眼疾手快抱住姜罗敷,手指查探她的脉搏,很快察觉到一股诡异的力量似乎在她全身开始蔓延起来。 He quickly displays Taotie Devouring Heavens Secret Art, the palm as if turns into the black hole, the strength absorption of her within the body that strange completely, the Jiang Luofu then spooky revolutions awakes. 他急忙施展饕餮吞天诀,手心仿佛变成黑洞,将她体内那股诡异的力量吸收殆尽,姜罗敷这才幽幽转醒。 She detected that she was hugged by Zu An in the bosom is startled slightly, but said immediately anxiously: Quickly, as if by lord of discovery evil spirit.” 她察觉到自己被祖安抱在怀中不由微微一怔,不过马上焦急说道:“快,似乎被妖魔之主发现了。” Does not need to worry, I had just cut off his tracking down aura, even if hurried back he not to investigate your body.” Zu An somewhat rejoiced, the lord of evil spirit is really fierce, can trace Jiang Luofu unexpectedly baseless, has Taotie Devouring Heavens Secret Art and Kunpeng melt the swallowing ability after oneself, otherwise also really takes that strange aura not to have the means. “不必担忧,我刚刚已经断绝了他的追寻气息,就算赶回来他也探查不到你身上了。”祖安有些庆幸,妖魔之主实在厉害,竟然凭空就能追踪到姜罗敷,多亏自己有饕餮吞天诀与鲲鹏相融后的吞噬能力,不然还真拿那诡异的气息没有办法。 He definitely will just realize that the treasure house has problems.” Jiang Luofu still worried. “只不过他肯定会意识到宝库这边出了问题。”姜罗敷依然担忧。 Therefore looks that now who was quicker.” The Zu An look is dignified, gave nearby Pei Mianman to hold her, oneself arrived at side Xie Daoyun. “所以现在就看谁更快了。”祖安神色凝重,将她交给了一旁的裴绵曼扶着,自己则来到谢道韫身边。 Did well!” These days Xie Daoyun does not have the moment to lose concentration, has been replacing him to carve the work of rune formation. “弄好了!”这段时间谢道韫没有片刻分神,一直在接替他雕刻符文阵法的工作。 Zu An result that half self-made official seal, with the half official seal that before seizes about in the same place, put in the front door middle scoop channel. 祖安结果那半截自制的印信,和之前缴获的半边印信合在一起,放入了大门正中间的凹槽之中。 various woman has been staring at the front door anxiously, on the traces until that two official seal exuded the blue ray, around a scoop channel mark shone in turn, the entire front door opened slowly, this exuded the cheers. 诸女一直紧张地盯着大门,直到那两枚印信上的纹路泛起了蓝色的光芒,紧接着凹槽周围的阵纹依次亮起,整座大门缓缓打开,这才发出了欢呼声。 Nearby guard leader noticed that this eye was about to stare, he has not thought really also had this operation. 一旁的守卫头领看到这一幕眼睛都快瞪了出来,他是万万没想到竟然还有这种操作。 The group entered after the treasure house, present made everyone be shocked directly. 一行人进了宝库过后,眼前的一幕直接让所有人愣住了。
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