KI :: Volume #24

#2333: Said goodbye the good fortune jade small dish

Ah Zu, I see some weapon armor and so on, rank is not low, must carry off Pei Mianman to arrive at side Zu An, finally waited quite a while not to respond, quickly pulled his sleeves, Ah Zu 阿祖,我看到一些兵器盔甲之类,品阶还不低,要不要带走”裴绵曼来到祖安身边,结果等了半天没有反应,急忙扯了扯他的衣袖,“阿祖 „” Zu An recovers finally, this discovered that the clothes of back had been moistened by the cold sweat. “啊”祖安终于回过神来,这才发现后背的衣裳已经被冷汗打湿。 How you Pei Mianman try the temperature of his forehead with the back of the hand, calls out in alarm said, so will be why cool “你怎么了”裴绵曼用手背试了试他额头的温度,惊呼道,“为何会如此凉” various woman of other places heard the sound to catch up, each and everyone worried that is looking at him. 其他各处的诸女听闻到动静纷纷赶了过来,一个个担忧地望着他。 It‘s nothing.” Zu An has not told them just to discover, after all now the time press, cannot explain in a few words, so as to avoid they were worried. “没什么。”祖安并没有告诉她们刚刚的发现,毕竟如今时间紧迫,三言两语解释不清楚,免得她们担心。 Sees him gradually to restore, the people just now felt relieved, then starts to inventory the respective discovery. 见他逐渐恢复过来,众人方才放下心来,接着开始盘点各自的发现。 Ji Xiaoxi said: Just in small- aunt and under help of princess Big Sister, I found many useful ancient books and medicinal herbs.” 纪小希说道:“刚刚在小-姨和郡主姐姐的帮助下,我找到了好多有用的典籍与药材。” Yun Elder Sister also helped me find some useful formation ancient books.” In Xie Daoyun takes several jade slip, on the face has the light happy expression. 云姐姐也帮我找到了一些有用的阵法典籍。”谢道韫手里拿着几块玉简,脸上有淡淡的笑意。 Before comprehended «Correlation in space Mystery», in this treasure house the ancient book of a lot of space correlation has no use to her. 之前领悟了《空间变换奥秘》,这宝库中很多空间相关的典籍对她已经没什么用处了。 Is selective, only then the rune ancient books of these other domains also calculate helpful. 精挑细选下来只有这些其他领域的符文典籍还算有帮助。 Zu An nods: Having the harvest is good, we leave here a bit faster, the lord of evil spirit was about to come back.” 祖安点了点头:“有收获就好,我们快点离开这里,妖魔之主快回来了。” No longer searches Pei Mianman to feel somewhat strangely, the time that they come is not long, should also a little time, how Ah Zu such anxiously. “不再多搜查一下么”裴绵曼觉得有些奇怪,她们进来的时间不算长,应该还有点时间,阿祖怎么这么急着走。 Went back to say again.” Zu An «Resurrecting Secret technique» jade slip put, the preparation arranges again beforehand defense formation, now cannot make the lord of evil spirit realize that he has discovered this secret. “回去再说。”祖安将《复活秘术》玉简放了回去,准备重新将之前的防御阵法布置起来,如今不能让妖魔之主意识到他已经发现了这个秘密。 Well he just «Resurrecting Secret technique» put, suddenly discovered in the wall somewhat to be as if unusual. “咦”他刚将《复活秘术》放回去的时候,忽然发现到墙壁里似乎有些异样。 He puts out a hand to search, essence qi noses, feels behind the wall also to have a hidden compartment immediately, the stone of wall is that special material quality that isolates divine thought, no wonder has not discovered this following space from the beginning. 他伸手一探,元气查探进去,立马感觉到墙壁后面还有个暗格,墙壁的石头都是那种隔绝神念的特殊材质,难怪一开始没有发现这后面的空间。 He tried to find out, opened a hidden compartment quickly, took out a palm big grotesque stone. 他摸索了一番,很快打开了一个暗格,取出了一块手掌大的奇形怪状石头。 Resembles jade non- jade, resembles stone Feishi, by the experience of person on the scene, does not recognize its material quality unexpectedly suddenly. 似玉非玉,似石非石,以在场人的见多识广,竟然一时间认不出其材质。 The entire stone shape seems a face of what animal, but extremely blurs everyone unable to see this is what animal. 整个石头形状仿佛是一种什么动物的脸,只不过太过模糊大家都看不出这是什么动物。 Well, I have seen this thing probably.” Xie Daoyun suddenly light well, could not help receive this rock from the Zu An hand. “咦,我好像见过这东西。”谢道韫忽然轻咦一声,情不自禁从祖安手中接过这块怪石。 You see Zu An to be somewhat surprised, made the younger sister is really learned and accomplished. “你见过”祖安有些惊讶,令儿妹妹果然是博学多才。 I don't know either, but looks that this always has feeling of the inexplicable being familiar.” Xie Daoyun element is stroking gently this stone gently, the facial expression is especially vacant. “我也不知道,但看着这个总有一种莫名的熟悉之感。”谢道韫素手轻轻摩挲着这块石头,神情格外茫然。 I thought that this design I , in the clan the sacrificial offering ancestor has also seen.” Solon poem taps the head suddenly, said pleasantly surprised. “我想起来了,这个图案我在族中祭祀先祖的时候也见过。”索伦诗忽然一拍脑袋,惊喜地说道。 „The sacrificial offering Demon Race ancestor in the Zu An heart moves, it seems like Demon Race and here evil spirit world also really have not the common relation. “祭祀魔族先祖”祖安心中一动,看来魔族和这里的妖魔世界还真有不一般的联系。 At this moment, that rock sends out a light radiance suddenly, the entire stone trembles slightly lightly. 就在这时,那块怪石忽然发出一丝淡淡的光华,整个石头微微轻颤。 Jiang Luofu well: This situation seemed like nearby anyone or the bloodlines with this had the induction.” 姜罗敷咦了一声:“这种情况似乎是与这附近什么人或者血脉产生了感应。” If Xie Daoyun has become aware, quickly is looking at Solon poem: „Can princess, borrow you drop of blood drop above.” 谢道韫若有所悟,急忙望着索伦诗:“郡主,能不能借你一滴血滴在上面。” Naturally does not have the issue.” Solon poem but actually also free and easy, the nail cut finger, squeezed out several drops of blood to fall on the stone. “自然没问题。”索伦诗倒也洒脱,指甲划破了手指,挤出了几滴鲜血落在了石头上面。 Sees only that several drops of blood to be absorbed by the stone instantaneously, a light blood line spreads in the rock surface, the fuzzy animal face gradually was clear. 只见那几滴血液瞬间被石头吸收,紧接着一股淡淡的血线在怪石表面蔓延开来,原本模糊的动物脸渐渐清晰起来。 Fox in the Zu An heart moves, this fox face is somewhat unusual, there is feeling of the charming seductive. “狐狸”祖安心中一动,这个狐狸脸有些与众不同,有一种妩媚妖艳之感。 He thinks the charming azure mound king monarch sovereign Tushan rain, this stone and Demon Race have the relations, does not know that also has the relation with azure mound Fox Race. 他不禁想到了妩媚的青丘国主涂山雨,这块石头和魔族有关系,不知道和青丘狐族又有没有联系。 His god little while skill, that stone surface cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, then quick fell off suddenly, revealed inside azure jade embryo. 他愣神这会儿功夫,那块石头表面忽然寸寸碎裂,然后很快一块块脱落,露出了里面青色的玉胎来。 At this moment Zu An felt periphery to have a chaotic space to fluctuate suddenly, his complexion changed, quickly shouted: Discards that stone quickly!” 就在这时祖安忽然感受到了周围产生了一阵混乱的空间波动,他不禁脸色一变,急忙喊道:“快将那块石头扔掉!” But, Xie Daoyun had been having doubts late turns the head to look to him, that stone in her hand turned into black hole suddenly. 只不过已经晚了,谢道韫正疑惑地转头望向他,她手中的那块石头忽然变成了一个黑洞。 The almost instantaneous that black hole becomes a people to be small, Xie Daoyun had not responded with enough time, the whole person was then inhaled in the black hole , the entire black hole also vanishes does not see. 几乎瞬间那黑洞就变得一人大小,谢道韫还没来得及反应,整个人便被吸入了黑洞中之中,整个黑洞也同时消失不见。 Hiss, Zu An looks at corner/horn sleeves complexion in hand to be pale, just all these happened too suddenly, bountiful responded by his cultivation base without enough time, held on the sleeves corner/horn of opposite party merely at the final moment, what a pity that mysterious black hole suction is too big, the sleeves cannot withstand so pull. 嘶啦一声,祖安望着手中的一角衣袖脸色铁青,刚刚这一切发生得太突然,饶是以他的修为都来不及反应,仅仅是在最后时刻拉住了对方的衣袖一角,可惜那神秘黑洞吸力实在太大,衣袖根本经不起这般拉扯。 Zu An also calculates that had certainly now to space formation studied, quickly tried to open the space tunnel through formation, a black hole space opened again, his complexion was just ugly, he can feel, behind this space anything did not have, moreover before not, that black hole. 祖安如今也算对空间阵法有一定研究了,急忙试图通过阵法重新打开空间隧道,一个黑洞般的空间再次打开,只不过他的脸色却难看得很,他能感受得到,这片空间后面什么都没有,而且也并非之前那个黑洞。 The space transmission, a wee bit errors, can the thousand li (500 km) of erroneous. 空间传送,一丁点的误差,就会谬之千里。 Nearby various woman is also shocked by one at present, cannot think absolutely will really have accident so. 旁边的诸女也被眼前一幕惊呆了,万万想不到竟然会有这般变故。 Ah Zu, which younger sister thanks went to Pei Mianman quickly to ask. 阿祖,谢妹妹到底去哪儿了”裴绵曼急忙问道。 Just that black hole seemed like some type of special space tunnel Jiang Luofu year to year in Academy, the knowledge is quite profound. “刚刚那黑洞似乎是某种特殊的空间隧道”姜罗敷常年在学院中,知识颇为渊博。 Is I am not good, just I should not the blood drop to above.” Solon poem is pale, in the eye is completely the meaning of remorse. “都是我不好,刚刚我不该将血滴到上面去的。”索伦诗脸色苍白,眼中尽是自责之意。 Does not close your matter, was just she makes you drop the blood to come up on own initiative, no one thinks that will have such matter.” Zu An patted her shoulder comfort saying that at the same time deeply frowned to think deeply about anything. “不关你的事,刚刚是她主动让你滴血上去的,谁也不会想到会有这样的事。”祖安拍了拍她的肩头安慰道,一边眉头紧锁思索着什么。 Big Brother Zu, you do not meet correlation in space formation, we help your set up formation together, will thank Big Sister to rescue quickly.” Ji Xiaoxi cried quickly anxiously, must know that Academy Xie Daoyun will usually take care of her from now on very much, both sides have been better very much, now saw that she disappears mystically, how can also not worry. 祖大哥,你不是会空间变换阵法么,我们一起帮你布阵,快将谢姐姐救回来啊。”纪小希都快急哭了,要知道来学院过后谢道韫素来很照顾她,双方一直很要好,如今看到她神秘消失,又如何能不着急。 Zu An shakes the head slightly: Did not have the significance.” 祖安微微摇头:“没意义了。” Is saying while takes out a stone from Glazed Treasure Bead, the hand pinched a while above, in a while had 78 to be similar to just that stone, has the drawing attainments by his skill, must imitate is not difficult, then returned in the hidden compartment, prepare beforehand defense formation, the yellow light screen sealed again above the wall. 一边说着一边从琉璃宝珠中取出一块石头,手在上面捏了一会儿,没过多久就和刚刚那块石头有七八分相似的,以他的功力还有绘画造诣,要模仿出来并不难,接着重新放回到了暗格之中,再布置好之前的防御阵法,黄色的光幕再次封在墙壁之上。 Ah Zu, you have known what situation Jiang Luofu could not bear ask. 阿祖,你是不是已经知道什么情况了”姜罗敷忍不住问道。 Un, she just in the hand that stone should be the good fortune jade small dish fragment, now went to another space and time mostly.” The Zu An look is dignified, before had inquired Chu Chuyan at the sect gate seclusion missing matter, knew the general situation of good fortune jade small dish initially. “嗯,她刚刚手里那块石头应该是造化玉碟碎片,如今多半已经去了另一个时空。”祖安神色凝重,之前询问过楚初颜当初在宗门闭关失踪的事,知道了造化玉碟的大致情况。 That flash Zu An had just felt that familiar strength, therefore was clear how now to have no way to rescue again diligently Xie Daoyun. 刚刚那一瞬间祖安已经感受到了那种熟悉的力量,所以清楚如今再怎么努力也没法将谢道韫救回来。 Is thinking initially the fragment that found one piece the good fortune jade small dish rescues Chuyan, now found the same place with great difficulty, finally actually harms Xie Daoyun to have an accident. 原本当初想着找到一块造化玉碟的碎片去救初颜,如今好不容易找到一块,结果却又害得谢道韫出事。 What is lucky will be this type of good fortune jade small dish will bring to another space and time, temporarily will not have the sorrow of life, later will always have the opportunity to have a reunion. 万幸的是这种造化玉碟只是会将人带到另一个时空,暂时没有性命之忧,以后总有机会能重逢的。 Naturally he was also clear that such opportunity is quite uncertain, after all the innumerable space and times and world, the person is similar to insignificant, where that skillful...... 当然他也清楚这样的机会相当渺茫,毕竟无数时空与世界,人就如同沧海一粟,哪里有那么巧…… Suddenly his look concentrates, a terrifying form appeared in the mind, that was he setting warning formation outside the palace, the lord of evil spirit must return to the palace specially immediately. 忽然他神色一凝,一个恐怖的身影出现在了脑海中,那是他在宫殿外特意设定的示警阵法,妖魔之主马上就要回到宫殿了。 He quickly restrains the mind: A while related in detail again, we leave immediately, the evil spirit lord.” 他急忙收敛心神:“等会儿再细说,我们马上离开,妖魔之主回来了。”
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