KI :: Volume #24

#2328: Is spur-of-the-moment

Xie Daoyun cheeks is ruddy, looked around Pei Mianman and Yun Jianyue complexion secretly, small sound said: This is not quite perhaps good.” 谢道韫脸蛋儿红扑扑的,偷偷看了看一旁的裴绵曼云间月的脸色,小声道:“这恐怕不太好吧。” Having anything is not good.” The Zu An doubts said, „the present situation is too urgent, we cannot waste a wee bit time, tonight do not rest.” “有什么不好的。”祖安疑惑道,“如今形势太紧迫,我们不能浪费一丁点时间,今晚就别睡了。” Sees his look pure brightness, the facial expression is serious, Xie Daoyun only knows oneself thought the branch, quickly complied: Good.” 见他眼神清明,神情郑重,谢道韫这才知道自己想岔了,急忙答应下来:“好。” On other faces also has a happy expression, obviously everyone was just crooked. 其余人脸上也有一丝笑意,显然大家刚刚都想歪了。 Pei Mianman somewhat is tender: Ah Zu, these days you had not slept, this really does not have the issue 裴绵曼却有些怜惜:“阿祖,这些日子你一直都没有睡觉,这样真的没问题么” Although high rank cultivator does not sleep some time and does not have any relations, but the condition always cannot compare the properly rest. 虽然高阶修士一段时间不睡觉并没有什么关系,但状态总比不上好好休息的。 Zu An smiles: Before the road that came back from the medicine field rested a while, might as well.” 祖安笑了笑:“之前从药田回来的路上睡了一会儿,无妨。” Was saying could not bear look at Jiang Luofu, that feeling really very good...... 说着忍不住看了一眼姜罗敷,那感觉真的很好…… Jiang Luofu complexion slightly red, this boy looked that my thigh does do. 姜罗敷不禁脸色微红,这小子看我大腿干什么。 Pei Mianman knows that perhaps the present situation he cannot idle the rest, sighs secretly, no longer persuaded. 裴绵曼知道如今的局势他恐怕闲不下来休息,暗暗叹了一口气,也不再相劝。 Quick respective chapter of Room own, sits in meditation cultivation cultivation, studies the research of various types of medicinal herb ancient books. 很快各自回自己的,打坐修炼修炼,研究各种药材典籍的研究。 Zu An brought Xie Daoyun to return to Room own. 祖安则带着谢道韫回到了自己的 Hears the sound that he closes the door after oneself, the Xie Daoyun heart jumps, although clear(ly) knows that Big Brother Zu no other his intent, oneself tonight studies that «Correlation in space Mystery», but being together of this this solitary one male widow, makes her heartstrings intense. 听到他随手关门的声音,谢道韫不禁心头一跳,虽然明知道祖大哥别无他意,自己今晚来就是学习那《空间变换奥秘》的,但这种孤男寡女的相处,还是让她心弦紧张。 Is afraid the opposite party to have any illegal behavior actually not, but one type inexplicable shy even anticipated. 倒不是害怕对方会有什么不轨行为,而是有一种莫名的羞涩甚至期待。 Although had come for several days, but Zu An or the first time enter the Donal exclusive room, he is thinking looks for a desk to make Xie Daoyun sit down to facilitate to explain, who knows that the big room actually does not have the desk and so on. 虽然已经来了几天了,但祖安还是头一次进多纳尔专属的房间,他原本想着找个书桌让谢道韫坐下好方便讲解,谁知道偌大的房间竟然没有书桌之类的。 Only has a bed, a very big bed. 只有一张床,一张很大的床。 The area of this bed almost occupied most of entire room. 这张床的面积几乎占了整个房间的大半。 Most critically, on this bed is also hanging various types of pink curtains, is sending out one indistinctly lightly fragrantly and sweetly, making the entire room have a ambiguous atmosphere. 更关键的是,这张大床上面还挂着各种粉色的帐幔,隐隐约约散发着一股淡淡地甜香,让整个房间充斥着一种暧-昧的气氛。 Saw that this Xie Daoyun elegant face was instantaneously red, unflustered Zu An also somewhat was usually awkward at this time: 看到这一幕谢道韫一张俏脸瞬间红了,素来从容不迫的祖安此时也有些尴尬: That...... I do not know that this inside only has the bed, or our going out outside.” “那个……我不知道这里面只有床,要不我们出去外面吧。” Feeling that at this time his really one societies die, no wonder just proposed that makes her arrive at own room in the evening, various woman the expression so will be strange, originally everyone is clear about the arrangement of this room. 此时他真有一种社死的感觉,难怪刚刚提出让她晚上到自己房间,诸女的表情会那么奇怪,原来大家都清楚这房间的布置啊。 This Donal worthily is the playboy who a real demon clan becomes famous, day-by-day dry/does anything. 这个多纳尔不愧是真魔一族出了名的花花公子,一天天的干的什么事啊。 Such big bed, shouted that outside all females rests together can go to sleep. 这么大的床,把外面所有的女子喊进来一起睡都睡得下啊。 Sees his unprecedented helplessness, somewhat anxious Xie Daoyun smiled: Does not use, studies this and other higher abstruse knowledge to need to take undivided attention, most abstained that was disturbed, is here is more peaceful.” 看到他破天荒的手足无措,原本有些紧张的谢道韫不禁抿嘴一笑:“不用了,学习这等高等深奥的知识就需要心无旁骛,最忌讳被人打扰,还是这里安静一些。” In outside public region, is thinking several other sisters will come out to surround momentarily, she is very difficult to calm the mind. 在外面公共区域,想着其他几个姐妹随时会出来围观,她很难静下心来。 Zu An is not an average man, things have gotten to this point naturally cannot continue bashfully: On that- bed.” 祖安也不是常人,事已至此自然不会继续忸怩:“那上-床吧。” The entire room can also sit on the bed on, did not arrive on the bed not to have other places to be possible. 整个房间也就床上能坐,不到床上也没其他地方可去了。 Hears- bed two characters, the Xie Daoyun heart jumps, a young girl heart is also shy is also faintly somewhat is at this time delighted. 听到上-床二字,谢道韫心头一跳,一颗少女心此时又是羞涩又是隐隐有些欢喜。 In her mind even thinks initially the younger brother urged the initiative words, suddenly somewhat hesitates, a while two people with on a bed, oneself want to be driving...... 她脑海中甚至想到了当初弟弟劝自己主动些的话,一时间有些犹豫,等会儿两人同在一张床上,自己要不要主动些…… Aiya, is not good, such is not too concerned about face. 哎呀,不行不行,那样太不要脸了。 At the worst if Big Brother Zu has what movement, I...... I tacitly approved am good. 大不了祖大哥若是有什么动作,我……我默认就好了。 Comes up quickly, this Donal will also very enjoy, this bed designs is comfortable.” Zu An has to sigh with emotion this Donal really to play, on this bed has many small-scale rune mechanisms/organizations, some places can rise, when the sofa sits, even also bringing presses- Moroccan function, as if various previous life foot bath offices are ordinary. “快上来啊,这个多纳尔还挺会享受的,这床设计得还蛮舒服的。”祖安不得不感慨这多纳尔真的会玩,这张床上有很多小型符文机关,一些地方可以升起来当沙发坐,甚至还自带按-摩功能,仿佛前世各种足浴会所一般。 Hears opposite party's greeting, Xie Daoyun somewhat takes off the shoes shyly, sat the tail block cautiously, hid the foot in the skirt swayed diligently. 听到对方的招呼,谢道韫有些羞涩地脱掉鞋子,小心翼翼地坐到了床尾,努力将脚藏在裙摆当中。 Regarding princess who this type receives the strict lady education since childhood, takes off shoes and takes off before the man the clothes similarly actually. 对于她这种从小受到严格大家闺秀教育的千金小姐来说,在男子面前脱鞋和脱衣服其实也差不多。 But Big Brother Zu is careless, as if not clear these...... 只不过祖大哥大大咧咧的,似乎并不清楚这些…… Sees her cramped appearance, Zu An cannot help laughing, to her beckoned: Comes, sits does.” 看到她局促的样子,祖安哑然失笑,冲她招了招手:“过来点啊,坐那么远干什么。” Xie Daoyun nips the red lip, finally moved cautiously. 谢道韫咬了咬红唇,最终还是小心翼翼挪了过去。 This bed as if also has to press- Moroccan convalescing function, this Donal is also the formation rare talent, but as if many using, in this led a life of comfort on.” Zu An helped her raise a seat back cushion, while convenient and she introduced that these formation functions, these days everyone was tired, happen to convalesced formation with this, while studied «Spatial variation Mystery».” “这床似乎还有按-摩疗养功能,这多纳尔也是个阵法奇才,只不过似乎更多的用在了这享乐上。”祖安帮她升起了一个靠背,也顺带着和她介绍起了这些阵法功能,“这些日子大家都累了,正好一边用这疗养阵法,一边研究《空间变化奥秘》。” Xie Daoyun nods slightly, she somewhat is also curious to these formation, thought after studying, makes some similar coming out. 谢道韫微微颔首,她也对这些阵法有些好奇起来,心想研究一下自己以后也做一些类似的出来。 Well, this is what formation sees a strange formation button, some Xie Daoyun doubts are puzzled, is very unexpectedly ugly by her formation attainments understands that this is anything. “咦,这是什么阵法”看到一个奇怪的阵法按钮,谢道韫有些疑惑不解,以她的阵法造诣竟然很难看得明白这是什么东西。 Curious, her finger selected gently. 好奇之下,她手指轻轻点了一下。 In any case here is Donal's bed, he will definitely not make some dangerous formation here. 反正这里是多纳尔的床,他肯定不会弄一些危险阵法在这里。 Who knows that just selected, she thought suddenly behind transmits a huge thrust force, calls out in alarm one, the whole person toward the forward flight, happen to threw the Zu An bosom unexpected. 谁知道刚点下去,她忽然觉得背后传来一股巨大的推力,惊呼一声,整个人猝不及防往前飞了出去,正好扑到了祖安的怀里。 Two people are dumbfounded. 两人大眼瞪小眼。 Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” Xie Daoyun: „......” 谢道韫:“……” Xie Daoyun raised the head subconsciously, happen to Zu An lowers the head to look to her, look relative, Xie Daoyun was awkward the toe to dig out the three-bedroom apartment on the bed at this time quickly. 谢道韫下意识抬头,正好祖安低头望向她,眼神相对,谢道韫此时尴尬得脚趾快在床上抠出三室一厅了。 Is feeling opposite party that solid chest and warm bosom, the Xie Daoyun face is instantaneously red. 感受着对方那坚实的胸膛和温暖的怀抱,谢道韫脸瞬间就红了。 The instinct of young girl makes her subconsciousness want to set out: I am not intentionally......” 少女的本能让她下意识想起身:“我不是故意……” Who knows that she just setting out half, behind transmits a thrust force again, advanced in her the Zu An bosom. 谁知道她刚起身一半,后面再次传来一阵推力,将她重新推到了祖安怀中。 Xie Daoyun shames and flusters, diligently several times, but always keeps transmitting the thrust force behind, even leads two people to vibrate fiercely there. 谢道韫又羞又慌,努力起来了好几次,可身后总是不停地传来推力,甚至带着两个人一直在那里剧烈抖动起来。 Xie Daoyun: „” 谢道韫:“” Feels the male servants of two people body- grinding, although she heartbeat fiercely, at this time what are more is the sense of shame, was for fear that misunderstood himself so to surrender by the opposite party intentionally. 感觉两人身子的不停厮-磨,她虽然心跳得厉害,但此时更多的是羞耻感,生怕被对方误会自己故意这般投怀送抱。 Feels in her double pupil holds faintly the tears as if to fall momentarily, a Zu An hurried finger ball, wisp of fresh breeze presses down that formation that she just triggered. 感受到她双眸中隐隐噙着的泪光仿佛随时都要掉下来,祖安急忙手指一弹,一缕劲风按下了她刚刚触发的那个法阵 The strength that non-stop pushing behind then gradually dissipates. 那身后不停推的力量这才逐渐消散。 Xie Daoyun sat finally, a person keeps wiping tears there. 谢道韫终于坐了起来,一个人在那里不停地抹着眼泪。 That Donal too scoundrel, designed what at sixes and sevens function.” Zu An also saw his mother at this time from the start was a sentiment- interest bed. “那个多纳尔实在太混账,设计了一些什么乱七八糟的功能。”祖安此时也看出来了这他娘的压根就是一个情-趣床啊。 At this time Xie Daoyun wiped tears suddenly, deeply inspired saying: Big Brother Zu, you start to teach me «Correlation in space Mystery».” 这时谢道韫忽然擦干眼泪,深吸一口气道:“祖大哥,你开始教我《空间变换奥秘》吧。” The Zu An doubts looked at her one eyes, needs to coax her one, her so quickly oneself were never expected that good. 祖安疑惑地看了她一眼,原本还需要多哄她一阵,没想到她这么快就自己好了。 Seemed like sees his puzzled, Xie Daoyun said: Just was I was rude, present crisis, I because how could this minor matter wasted the Big Brother Zu time.” 似乎是看出了他的不解,谢道韫说道:“刚刚是我失态了,如今的危局,我又岂能因为这点小事浪费祖大哥的时间。” The Zu An secret feeling, made the younger sister is really with good intention to look after with great solicitude. 祖安暗暗感慨,令儿妹妹果然是善解人意体贴入微。 Then he also restrains the mind, puts out «Correlation in space Mystery» explains to her. 接下来他也收敛心神,拿出《空间变换奥秘》给她讲解起来。 From the beginning to nearly, feels the Big Brother Zu body aura of firm yang breath, in the Xie Daoyun heart is quite shy, but quick in the wonderful idea by jade slip was attracted: Originally is this......” 一开始离得这么近,感受到祖大哥身上阳刚气息,谢道韫心中还颇为羞涩,不过很快就被玉简中的奇思妙想所吸引:“原来是这样……” She admires to write this «Correlation in space Mystery» author extremely, admires Big Brother Zu to link the so abstract principle to understand unexpectedly quickly, oneself thinks in rune formation together is the talent, may compare with Big Brother Zu, seriously vies like the light and the bright moon glow. 她极为佩服写出这个《空间变换奥秘》的作者,更佩服祖大哥竟然连如此抽象的原理都能这么快理解,自己原本以为在符文阵法一道已算是天才,可和祖大哥比起来,当真如同萤火之光与皓月争辉。 Teaches earnestly, studies tries hard, even can also propose that frequently opinions of some constructive, both sides invest more and more, from the beginning both sides are also maintaining the distance politely, may arrive behind, both sides shoulder rubs the shoulder, the body is also getting more and more near. 一个教得认真,一个学得努力,甚至经常也能提出一些建设性的见解,双方越来越投入,一开始双方还礼貌地保持着距离,可到了后面,双方肩摩着肩,身子也越来越近。 Discussed that on one time jade slip some said formation rune, two people unconscious head was about to gather. 一次讨论玉简上某道阵法符文,两人不知不觉脑袋都快凑到了一起。 Suddenly if two people have a sleep/felt, turn head looks, detected that at this time the opposite party is close, can feel the breath of opposite party clearly. 忽然两人若有所觉,回头对望,发觉此时对方近在咫尺,能清楚地感受到对方的呼吸。 The bonus is Zu An sees beauty, but looks at present the quiet beautiful face, is somewhat out of sorts. 饶是祖安见惯美人儿,但看着眼前清静秀丽的面庞,也不禁有些失神。 Especially her body that type of unique books aura especially is charming outstanding. 特别是她身上那种独特的书卷气息格外出众迷人。 Such near distance looks at each other mutually, at this time Xie Daoyun pink face blushed to infiltrating the blood was the same. 这么近的距离互相对视,此时谢道韫粉脸羞红得跟渗了血一样。 Looks at that long-awaited handsome face, in the mind appears younger brother Xie Xiu to instigate her these words suddenly initially. 看着那朝思暮想的英俊脸庞,脑海中忽然浮现出弟弟谢秀当初怂恿她的那些话。 In her mind a blank, bites the lip suddenly, in the heart surges an unquenchable impulsion, collected to kiss the lip of opposite party on own initiative. 她脑海中忽然一片空白,咬了咬嘴唇,心中涌起一股难以抑制的冲动,主动凑了过去吻上了对方的嘴唇。 A Zu An eye stares the eldest child instantaneously, has not thought that vegetarian communications show reserved she will make this and other bold actions. 祖安一双眼睛瞬间瞪得老大,万万没想到素来文秀内敛的她会做出这等大胆的举动。
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